We have a lot to catch up on. I guess I've put off writing this because there is SO MUCH.

It was always in the back of our minds that we* would do a yearly print edition of Rookie, and by the time May rolled around, we realized that we should probably get on that if we wanted to publish it in time for our September anniversary. After a call with Drawn & Quarterly (and years of admiring basically everything they publish), it was clear that they were the perfect publisher for magazine? of online content, edited by a minor. IT IS SO AMAZING THAT THEY BELIEVED IN US. I cannot think of better hands to have been in.

In early June, I spent the summer days I had at home living out the PG version of Dazed and Confused and working on the book. In late June, the Rookie Road Trip kicked off in New York. We went record shopping and banner-making in Philadelphia, got ice cream in Columbus, played arcade games in Ann Arbor, made zines and saw Girls Rock! Chicago in Chicago (and my WORLDS COLLIDED through a viewing of Superbad with my school friends and Rookie staffers), went vintage shopping in Iowa City, saw Moonrise Kingdom and crafted at Urban Outfitters in Omaha, raced go-karts in Boulder, made banners in a sculpture park in Salt Lake City, I was sick in Boise, made crowns in Seattle, got Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland, got ice cream in Eureka, got ice cream in San Francisco, hung out at the Henry Miller Library in Big Sur, and created an installation in Los Angeles, where we held a week of events.

These diaries on Rookie and tidbits on the Rookie tumblr might begin to give you an idea of how amazing it all was.

I realized recently that most of my memories are of things that never happened -- I rarely get nostalgic for actual events, just for book illustrations or scenes from movies or fantasies or unmet expectations. This summer created the kind of moments that I always thought would've only existed in my memory as fantasies. But they were real life! And they were shared with people who really wanted to be there! It's all too much for me to wrap my brain around, frankly. Last summer was when I really started transforming my room into my own world, and it became the school year's setting for feeling really happy and really sad and everything in between. Last summer I also started working on Rookie, and it became the school year's setting for a bunch of us for dealing with feeling really happy and really sad and everything in between. The installation in LA, Strange Magic, was basically a mutant teenage bedroom/gigantic shrine, with photography from The Ardorous curated by Petra on the walls, and teen bedroom arrangements by both of us everywhere else. The whole thing -- creating it, dismantling it, and all the events -- was heinously and overwhelmingly emotional in a way only silly teenagers crave and thrive off of. I'd shipped a huge box of stuff from my own room to the space for us to use, and we asked girls who came to our meet-ups to bring souvenirs from their own sanctuaries as well, and it was such a perfect manifestation of everything that's shaped how I see things these past few years that I feel like there's nothing else I can do to honor them all. Like it's time for me to get really into sports and black clothes and never watch The Virgin Suicides again. We ended up shipping home FIVE BOXES of everything accumulated, and I think I just need to put it all in a time capsule. Then I will simply lie on a mattress on my floor with nothing on my walls but a Pulp Fiction poster as a reminder to just be Mia Wallace. Then my parents will suspect I have turned to drugs, and then I will probably once again go back to all that Strange Magic stuff eventually. You can see photos of the installation here, and photos of our last event -- a prom -- here.

Rookie Yearbook One is officially out, available on Rookie, Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and at various independent book and zine stores. Because it's a more unique situation than if I had just written a book, this is how it worked: I send the moodboards/theme/musings about the theme to our contributors for every month of the website, Anaheed and I choose from our contributors' resulting pitches, Anaheed and Phoebe edit everything and I put together the photo albums, I sometimes have a couple notes on written pieces. For Yearbook, Anaheed and I narrowed down the pieces from the site that would go in, I gave initial direction and feedback on how every spread should look, every photo story edit, every title font, every border, every illustration placement, I scanned my doodles and fabrics and handwriting for decoration, etc. Sonja decorated most spreads with her beautiful collage and illustration, and Tracy from D&Q designed it. I knew we couldn't just transfer all this content you can get for free online in a simple, minimalist layout, plus I get too excited about the look of each monthly theme, so this book was obsessively art directed with lots of love. I don't think I've slept since Rookie started last September, and I couldn't be happier. Not sarcasm!

Then I went on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to talk about it, and to teach him how to bitchface (and got to wear a lovely dress by my pal Rachel Antonoff, which had me feelin' like I could lead a ladies lunch seminar on DRESSING FOR CONFIDENCE):

I am also on the August/September cover of one of my favorite magazines, Bust, which you can get here. Support them! They rule! Anaheed did the interview, and Laia styled the shoot, and I just think often about how grateful I am that my favorite people are also the people I work with.

I suppose that's it for now? Life is very strange and very funny and I am very, very, very lucky that I get to do something I love and that you pay even a smidgen of attention to it, so thank you, times a lot, times a bunch.

*We = me, my dad (our unofficial business advisor), managing editor Lauren, and editorial director Anaheed.


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Justina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justina said...

BITCHFACING. We should put out a PSA. Meeting you in SF was so amazing, and I can't wait for the next year of Rookie :)


thwany said...

Go you!

Anonymous said...

Great Post
Best Reagards from

Yasmin said...

Congrats Tavi! I'm hoping to get the book soon.... when I have money (it could be a while!)
Your Jimmy Fallon interview was amazing, you should have a bitchfacing masterclass.

Sophie said...

the Rookie Yearbook is beautiful! just from holding it you can sense all the love and care put into it. thank you so much for creating this wonderful community online, and thanks to the road trip, offline too!

Ambar Navarro said...

So glad to see you back on style rookie! I love the Jimmy Fallon interview, and the LA rookie meetup was probably the best thing that happened to me all summer.

Anonymous said...

Oh my good grief, you have had a whirlwind. Congratulations, superstar! You deserve it all. I may or may not have waited outside my front door and stalked the mailman to see if he had my Rookie Yearbook. I mean, HELL-O, it's a massive accumulation of everything good life has to offer. Who WOULDN'T chase the mailman down for that? Oy.

Also, your Jimmy Fallon bit! Dat bitchfacing, so quality.


cardboardcities said...

if you've achieved all this in a year, i can't imagine what fantastic things you'll do next year and the ones following!

jessielovesthis said...

SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!I've ordered the Yearbook,should be here near the end of next week!

(There should be a post on Rookie with everyone and their yearbook!)

AVY said...

Does sound like a good life.


A Minor Obsession said...

You crack me up :)

moira said...

congratulations! i couldnt think of a better person it could happen to (you put my lazy unproductive teen years to shame haha) xx

Catherine said...

Congrats Tavi!

SWK said...

Congrats Tavi!! You deserve it and so glad to see you going father with your blogging career. Loved the video!

Nadia said...

oh Tavi, you are so young yet have achieved so much more than so many other peers your age. I could only dream of doing the wonders you do when I was that age. congrats dear! you are an inspiration!

allthebigtrees said...

Congratulations! x

Carina Michele said...

Jimmy Fallon is such a good sport. This is all so happy news. I really enjoyed my pre-ordered copy of the yearbook. I'm excited to see what's next for your future endeavors :)

Unknown said...

wow! Good job!
Wish you all the best;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Tavi, I'm so happy for you! I love Rookie and am so glad that you have been able to travel the country AND bring out a book, because you are truly worthy of it. I cannot wait to get the book. It's gonna be one of my favourite items EVER soon. I can't view the bitchfacing video because I don't live in the US! That's like the worst crisis in my life now.


Eryn said...

It was so much fun making flower crowns in Seattle and I can't wait to get my copy of the yearbook.


Eryn said...

It was so much fun making flower crowns in Seattle and I can't wait to get my copy of the yearbook.


Rosalie said...

Finally a new post!!! I'm still waiting for my copy of the Rookie Yearbook. You have already reached so much in your life. You are a great inspiration for so many girls (which include myself) and I'm sure you will do much more amazing stuff - I think it's clear to us all you are a brilliant girl. :-)

Lots of Love

DSTONE Magazine said...

Great post! We were missing your posts. Glad you're back :D

Willow said...

This is kind of weird, but I also saw Moonrise Kingdom in Omaha around the same time you were there.

Unknown said...

I love it when you post! ( " I love it when you call, I love it when you call, I love it when you call but you never call at all" It's a song btw)
I ordered the year book this morning!!:O Yay! Yes so basically the fact that you posted just made my weekend!

Taylor said...

I am so excited for my Rookie yearbook to arrive in the post and still can hardly fathom that a 15/16 year old was behind it all... it's crazy and incredible and brilliant. Well well well done!
Taylor xox

^^I'd love it if anyone who see's this comment would check my blog out? (shameless plugging...)

Leanne said...

Next summer you should do a Canadian Rookie Roadtrip, haha. I would be there for sure, and I can imagine that you have a huge Canadian audience. Congrats on everything, you're such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...


Maren said...

Yay! I just got the yearbook today as a birthday present, and I LOVE IT TAVI IT IS AMAZING. I've been wearing the crown all day. I love your hair in the video!

SWfashion said...

Please check out my blog if you get a moment- British Style Bloggers' Blog of the Month :)

Sarah Dee said...

You're so inspirational!

xx Macie said...

sounds like an exhilirating whirlwind! thanks for sharing it with us.

amen fashion xo.

Hazel said...

u rule

Tutti Jackson said...

Congrats Tavi! So proud of you.

Elisa said...

my weekend has been all about bitchfacing -- i even got the fam involved.

Kirsten said...

I just wanted to say that you are an absolute inspiration to me, and many others I am sure. Keep up your fantastic work!


Jenny Sangster said...

Wow, congrats!!

Izumi said...

I got the Yearbook and can I just say, it bursts with prettiness and love and I was overwhelmed and I could have teared up!
Congratulations on Rookie being a huge succes <3

A Rookie Apostle

Olive Tee said...

I have currently been obsessing over the art direction in the yearbook, so I am glad you mentioned this!!! It is beautiful, you did an amazing job!

Domenic said...

Congratulations. I am waiting for mine in the mail- I live in Australia.

Juliet said...

Wow! you're so lucky. Congratulations!!!

Meg Davies said...

Yay to the Rookie yearbook! Yay to posting! Yay to being on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!
I need to find s hobby. BUT SERIOUSLY this post made me so happy

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Great ! I can't wait to get this book :)

beargrillz said...

Tavi you are amazing!


Sasha said...


Laura Elizabeth said...

This is so awesome, congratz ^^

/LauraElizabeth (。・ω・。) @
♥ Black Velvet Hearts ♥

Tabea said...

I can wait to get this book. I believe, that it's made with love, when you say.


r.a.j.e. said...

Congratulaions, can't wait to get my hands on a copy!
You continue to impress and inspire us Tavi!
R x

THE ARTIST said...

Hey Tavi,

I was excited to see when I logged on to my blogger account, that you finally posted on your blog. And reading your post really made me see how busy you really are. And read about the many wonderful projects you have been up to. When I read the editor's note back in July about the ROOKIE Yearbook One magazine coming out in September. I was screaming and jumping with joy : D

So excited for you Tavi : )
I also wanted to say how much I enjoy going to the meet up/event for ROOKIE at McNally Jackson Bookstore.
I couldn't really stay for that long ( long train ride to get back home alone : 0) I really enjoy hearing the readings and the many people that showed up to support.

But maybe one day when u come visit New York again for maybe a future event for a 2nd ROOKIE MAG. ( it would be awesome) I'll be sure to attend the whole event: D

Feel free to visit my blog:

Unknown said...

lovely mint dress

Unknown said...

you've been having the best summer! i pre-ordered the rookie yearbook and have been enjoying it bit by bit ever since. i'm also in that issue of bust, i was very stoked and honored to be in the same magazine as you! <3

Little Tree Vintage said...

how amazing for you! that clip was insane, you're absolutely adorable.

Emma said...

Haha seeing that you updated your blog made my day! You go, Tavi! It's so great to see real girls out there directing their own lives and creating something meaningful that brings joy to so many other people! You go, Tavi!


teresa said...

I'm very very happy for you Tavi and I just really admire you A LOT. Keep it up! And I just can't wait to receive my copy of Rookie Yearbook. :-)

geceucankunduz said...

what kind of site is this hulu thing? it won't let me watch the video because i'm not in united states... it is so offensive.

Julija Vera said...

OMG, you're so cool!

Love from germany xx

Unknown said...


I'm your fun. I'm live in Japan, and I can't understand English well, but ROOKIE and your blog is so much fun to me, cause your photos don't have words and beautiful.

You're amazing!!!

Jana said...

Oh no I can't watch this video since I'm not living in the USA:(

Nobre Sandra said...

Congratulations hun, you deserve it ;)

Eva said...

Oh LORD! This is probably the best thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I've literally watched it so many times. I loved meeting you on the road trip <3 It was so surreal and awesome! The road trip meet up was probably the highlight of my entire existence! I'd never been surrounded by so many awesome people who I felt understood me and related to my interests and angsty teen life!

xx eva

Average said...

This is really awesome! I love when bloggers I follow go on talk shows. It's like a little more insite behind the words. Totally love Rookie and I'm stoked that it's getting some of the attention it deserves! Can't wait to see where life takes you next!

Good luck!

Henrietta said...

Tavi I am so proud of you. I can't believe you've made it this far. Agh! Yearboook one= ordered!

Unknown said...

Wish u all the best,,,, nice read it

VV said...

cool cool

Tavi said...

Thanks, guys!

hmm said...

tavi, seriously, even though i probably sound like a 2nd grade valentines e-card, you're rad, and definitely an inspiration! way to do more in 16 years than people do in 30 (or 40, or 50...) keep bein' awesome :)

OLIVIA said...

Tavi! It was awesome meeting you at Mcnally Jackson. I am that 12-year-old girl who asked the question about being a feminist. I could hardly believe I had enough courage to talk to you, I was so awestruck! I was smiling all week afterwards. You've accomplished so much, and you're going to accomplish so much more. And you are incredibly, amazingly, awesomely fantastic. I know this something people would usually say about Eleanor Roosevelt, but I hope to accomplish half as much as you. YOU GO, GURL. LOVE YA BUNCHES, Olivia.

OLIVIA said...

Okay, I don't know why it says Norah. . .

Camilla Combs said...

all i wanna say is...HOLY're amazing and i'm so proud. AMMMAAZZZINNNGGG.

Emily said...

YOU ARE POSTING AGAIN. This is excuse enough to celebrate and the fact that the yearbooks being published? GRAB ME SOME TULLE (and chiffon)I NEED A NEW DRESS. I would also like to add that I have been having serious Tavi outfit withdrawal and you should post one STAT. Thanks again for the letter by the way, it means alot.
PS; as you already know Rookie is the best thing on the planet other than polos.
PPS: I live in England but Rookie basically makes me full wholly American rather than just the half that I really am. I am rambling.

Anonymous said...

Inspirational story!

Visit my blog for great read, images, competitions and offers... 

Lois xxx

Indie In The Caribbean said...

Where can i watch the interview, i missed it live nd since im not from the US i cant see it here :(

Channah said...

You looked sososo amazing on Jimmy Fallon. Loved the dress!

(For the ones who can't watch the video, you can actually watch it on Jimmy Fallon's website, here:

Nina said...

Rookie Yearbook available in Berlin!

nuraa said...

Wow youe magazine ,,,,,,i wanna see it now

katherine said...

you are so beautiful and amazing. i have been waiting for this post so long but worth it <3

Cashmeremafia said...

good job pretty
;) kisses

cancercowboy said...

nice to see that you haven't given up on this vehicle altogether ^__^
and your career... well, it seems to have switched from cubic to exponential growth ^___^
good luck!

Larryl Lison said...

Everything showing in this post which we say good collection.

maya.autumn said...

woo I've ordered the yearbook on amazon - should be coming soon and i am ecstatic. ECSTATIC! cannot wait.

James said...

Wow... I like this post, please feel free to visit my blog also... thanks

Comment By: The Rookie Blogger

Kartunista said...

Amazing accomplishments! Wishing you the best Tavi!

Amateur Cartoons -

New Girl in Town said...

congrats tavi! just ordered the book.

visit my blog

Charlie said...


thimblescratch said...

Yay! You're PUBLISHED! And the video with Jimmy Fallon is awesome. You're glowing and radiant and funny and just... YOU. I literally LOL'ed about the Bjork thing while watching at work. Now I've got the happies and hope to make it last through the day. I can't wait to see what you create next. From the ether!

EE saekiYan said...

wow, congratulations!! nice ROOKIE★

Icah Banjarmasin said...

Nice article really I like it.

Unknown said...

I saw Rookie in the print at a bookstore right here in Sydney and had 50 shades of excitement all at once. I have the biggest girl crush on you, and seeing you on Jimmy Fallon raised the bar to another level x

Denisa said...

Nice artcle. Congratulation.

ellydallas said...

Tavi, you're wearing the hair clip I gave you and that makes my heart happy. #^.^#

Emma said...

Although I've been reading your blog for a few years now I never posted but I wanted to let you know I've ordered your yearbook :) You've grown, shown to the world you weren't a hoax (lol) but still you're true to your self and make things happen. Please continue growing into a beautiful strond-minded not conceited woman.
I'm a 30 year-old French girl, a mother, and I kind of feel you're the teenager I should have had the balls to be ;)

Ola said...

Interesting blog.
Please also visit my blog:

Allison H said...

Next time you should totally come to dallas we don't have enough kids that are so creative and like writing in such.... seriously

Allison H said...

Hi my name is Ally I'm12 years old and I absolutely love fashion even at the tender age of five I would dream of going to places like fashion week, and I have been reading your blog since I was 7. I was inspired by you to start a fashion blog in august: And was wondering if you had any tips to get people to read what you write after all you do get more than 10,000 hits a day. But so far the only views on my blog are the 300 from me going in and out of viewing my blog after editing or its from family members. Is that even normal? By the way i love your blog and wish you would post more because you're so fantabulous.

Yours Truly,

Jessie said...

SOOOO COOL! You are the most talented young women I ever known!

Jessie xx

Anonymous said...

Seriously can't wait to pick up Rookie! Is that weird fro a 25 year old haha, oh wells.

Emily said...

Just so you know the letter you sent me made me so incredibly happy am afirmative that you are just the epitome of perfection. In a non creepy way ofc...

. said...

Your installations KILL ME. They're perfect.
You were on Jimmy Fallon though... I'm pretty sure this means you can be a diva now. Get a private jet and ask for only x-coloured jellybeans next time you travel ;D

The Lovelorn

Unknown said...

In this blog of yours, I found so many interesting themes and even if I did not yet responded to none, you to know that I read them with great interest. Success.

Anonymous said...

hey i just started a new blog. take a look at it if you want. :)

. said...

I have to say- I started an art/culture/writing/design/opinion litmag in college and your yearbook is everything I kind of wanted it to turn into. Congrats on your success at such a young age!

Jeeda said...

your blog is so inspiring...

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely wonderful! Such an inspiration, and congrats on all of your success!

Faith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sheraz Butt said...

Thanks NYC.

Sheraz Butt said...

Beautiful Website i like your styles.

Please visit our website

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! U'r lucky but expecially u've got talent!

O. said...


Unknown said...

i love your blog!

hkperfumes72 said...

so lovely blog i love it so preety blog .
Parfum pas cher

Nina said...


I think I'll dip in my savings...

The Style Asian said...

I want it!
Have you guys ever seen 3D eyes makeup. For me it's verrrrrry roockie.
I watched it on
yesterday and I love it so muuuuuuch.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! You remind me of me two years ago in high school!!! :D

alexostyle said...

love you ! you are my biggest inspiration so far <3


Anonymous said...

Just saw your full page ad in the coveted inside front cover of this month's The Believer.

It was the first thing I noticed and I said "Whoa look at this, Tavi is here now, that is rather interesting."

So congrats.

It's very strange that The Believer so very often contains information about things that I already find cool.

cristi ( said...

Wow! So nice.

Hi! I'm an editor @


Wah, I miss your posts :c

☆ BunniBonBon ☆

Alexica said...

Lovely! Hope you don't mind I wrote an article about you.

Vanessa Gate said...

sounds like an amazing summer! Such an inspiration :)

check out my beauty giveaway -

nicole said...

Wow, I love this blog! So glad I saw it on Wear to Click

Anonymous said...

Bravo such a great blog
swarovski handbags

Unknown said...

안녕하세요. 저는 한국 사람이구요. 당신을 정말 존경해요. 어떻게 말로 표현하지 못할만큼 존경해요. 내가 당신의 글을 읽고 완벽히 해석하지 못하는 것처럼 당신도 나의 댓글을 해석하지 못할걸 알지만 영어로 이상하게 적는것보단 이게 나을것이라고 생각해요. 난 당신처럼 뛰어난 감각과 천재성 혹은 도전정신을 가지고 있지 않아서 이런 길로 가는것을 포기하려했어요. 그러나 난 당신을 보고 당신은 천재뿐아니라 노력이 있어서 이만큼의 성과를 이루었다고 생각해요. 그래서 난 당신이 노력한만큼 오히려 더 많이 노력하려고해요. 내가 당신보다 고작 한살적지만 당신만큼 올라가거나 아니 못올라가겠지요. 그렇지만 내가 성공하려면 우리의 나이차이만큼의 일년이 아니라 십몇년 혹은 몇십년이 걸릴지 몰라요. 그렇지만 난 당신을 꼭 만나고싶어요. 그것이 지금이 아니라도 내가 성공한 후에라도. 우리 꼭 만나요.

Unknown said...

Hi~!! I'm korean and i'm wrong english. I think you're so great!!! When i'm famous,i would like to meet you.

Unknown said...

Hi~!! I'm korean and i'm wrong english. I think you're so great!!! When i'm famous,i would like to meet you.

Anonymous said...

tavi you are gorgeous! loving rookie! it brings out good vibes :D click on my name and read my blog? :))

Unknown said...

gorgeous, tavi :) love your effort and how you enjoy your life so much
excited for next year's rookie now xx

Fashion Blogger + Photographer said...

I reaaly admire You, Tavi!
I know You since I saw in Elle.

Anonymous said...

OMG, This is the first time I read your blog & I LOVE it
Congratulation, sweetheart!


alexostyle said...

Woah, I miss you <33

Melia Halim said...

I love your Rookie Magz!
In fact, I knew it before heard about you. And I have to say, it's great!

House of Spring said...

Nice post xx

Salomé Giulia said...

you're so lucky !
I wanna be like you....

DSTONE Magazine said...

Great post! Love your blog!

Mónica Villar said...

Loving your style!!! Your blog is really amazing :)

You are unique!!

Keep posting pretty

A chic kiss ;)

paola said...



R A R E I L L U S I O N S C L O T H I N G said...

2 months is too long!!! I am so glad of your success though-

Unknown said...

Hey Tavi, you're adorable as always. Keep doing what you're doing :) <3

R A R E I L L U S I O N S C L O T H I N G said...

I just saw you on project runway! I am so happy for you, you are so amazing and absolutely deserve everything plus more to come.

Unknown said...


Swedishsavor said...

Read my blogg to!


I'm so happy for you ^^

xo L

fran said...

you're amazing baby


pop-up blogspot said...

I LOVE THE ROOKIE YEARBOOK it is like a guide to my life... Good job juys!

Unknown said...

Great article. Congratulations Tavi, i am so happy for you..:)
Fashion Online

Perdus Rose said...

I saw you in newspaper few years ago, you had short hair and you looked amazing. You still do. Since I've made blog I had to come here and tell you that I am impressed by your style. It fascinates me that someone so young can have such a defined style.

Unknown said...

Gosto do seu blog

Unknown said...

Gosto do seu blog

alexostyle said...

miss your posts :o
love you


meduza w analogu said...

OMG Tavi, thats so cool, and if you are happy, so am i.
I realy like Rookie mag, and read it very often, but unfortunetly i live in Poland so i will not probably get this paper edition, but that is okay. :p
So good luck rookie style.

Unknownsisters said...

We love you Tavi!!

kisses from Spain

Anonymous said...

Girl, you and all your projects are the best, much love from New England

mo said...

I like your blog!


Karin Takiguchi said...

Rookie Yearbook One買いました!とてもかわいい本ですね。

Amy ♥ said...

You have such a lovely personality! I am so completely behind everything you do. :)x

Anonymous said...

sometimes we made our real life just fantasy. Celebrity Photos

Anonymous said...

That interview is the most fabulous thing ever. Also, your outfit in that interview? I can't even. So adorable.

PILU$) said...

I am a new reader!I have fall in love with your blog!Hahaha is a way of saying!I am from Argentina and i notice youre blog because in a magazine they write some pages about you,your blogs and some of your trips as a blogger,they also talk about ypu and school and about your type of life.YOU ARE MY IDOL TAVI.

Alonso said...

Adoro entrar en tu blog ya que siempre encuentro cosas muy interesantes que valen la pena ver y leer.Besos decessione del quinto

Lizz Aubrey said...

TAVI - at the risk of sounding condescending, I am SO proud of you! You were SO funny on Fallon, and I feel like you're living the dream. I hope you feel like all your hard work is paying off. :)
Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, check out my blog if you want to discover some cool, new music:

Unknown said...

I wish I had that book two years ago in high school! Good job!!!

Check out my blog, its an eye opener

Unknown said...

I was walking through Urban Outfitters shopping for some new skinnies and I saw your book by the checkout line. I had to stop and just hold it. It made me realize how much I miss your blog. However, I hope that you're doing well with other things and I hope that you will return and write more posts for us. :)


Maija said...

hey Tavi! I CANT WAIT TO GET THAT BOOK! I hope you don't mind I used a picture of you on my blog, i can take it down if you like x

Unknown said...

I like your blog!

Jasmin said...

Why is your blog so amazing ?

Anonymous said...

you haven't blogged for what seems like decades... i miss you so much, gurl! all i can say is, thank gawd for rookie and the yearbook ^-^

Unknown said...

Hey Everyone,

I am not commenting to advertise my blog, I am merely commenting well…to make my blog known. But before anything I’d like to say I adore this blog to pieces, I read it every morning, and I love it! An inspiration! I have just started my blog, it is a mixture of Tavi Gevinsons (Style Rookie) and Rumi Neely (Fashiontoast)! My blog is called streetadore.

It will mean the world to me if you commented and gave me some feedback to improve my blog!

Simone Simmons

mint ♡ said...

Oh Tavi, you're so talented, hilarious, & adorable.

Molly Mercurio said...

Hi guyss, basically I have a blog where I edit your photos for you, for free. I've done some before+afters on people with bad acne, just to show you what I can do!


Unknown said...

I believe in being yourself.. Enhancing what you have.. I believe everyone of us is blessed with something great.. and being in fashion is just enhancing that something .. making it noticeable and presentable.. And that’s why I say.. Do not follow the fashion… LET THE FASHION FOLLOW YOU….
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Molly Mercurio said...

Please follow my Tumblr!


CLAUDINE said...

great article! I love Rookie so much !
Please check my french blog :


Shaishalala said...

Unknown said...

Great post dear!

Molly Mercurio said...

I have a blog where I rant about life and stuff (sometimes fashion)
Please check it out ;-)

Molly Mercurio said...

I have a blog where I rant about life and stuff (sometimes fashion)
Please check it out ;-)

iPam said...

Check out my blog.

Katya said...


Nebris said...

Vivian Brown (January 25, 1927 – January 9, 2013)

I had this crazy idea that you and Cat Marnell could go to SF and help Marian out in her last days.

Unknown said...

WOW! Adore! Loved your blog for years!

MRCarbel said...

Looks like you fancy graphics. then take a look at this all well

cs0jk said...

My Rookie Yearbook just arrived! It's amazing

Unknown said...

I saw the year book at Urban Outfitters! So cool!!!

check me out! I FOLLOW BACK :)

Blooming said...

I just came across this blog. It's so cool!

Breathe Me

Naktsmeita said...

Thanks to Colbert's report, Ive found youre blog . its amazing!

S. K. said...

This blog is ingenious!!


Sara said...


susanna said...

respect what you're doing, your blog is inspiring.

would be awesome if you check out my tumlrpage:

may I can inspire you ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Tavi..:)
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Unknown said...

Wow,I got the yearbook off amazon last week and it is amazing! You rock I just started my own blog <3 :D

haruka said...

I really want this book.I'm gona buy this on!

MomEnDoter said...

Wow, at the age of 16 you are already a super blogger and a super star. Good luck. Wish I have a blogger friend like you on my inspirational Christian quotes blog.

oliwia said...

Tavi, you definately rule! You have awesome style, love it! And yearbook is the best book EVER!


oliwia said...

Tavi, you definately rule! You have awesome style, love it! And yearbook is the best book EVER!


Unknown said...

Love the face you made! So funny!

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