
Now I've been combining my aesthetic catalogs with my diary, because it was too hard to carry around a million (or two) books at once and then it's like double the nostalgia and I'll feel really accomplished and complete when I look back and have these cohesive memories and maybe it'll be interesting how the aesthetics end up aligning with whatever diary stuff I am writing about at the time. Wooooo.

Spencer gave me this journal for my Bat Mitzvah. The guys on it are the Young Rascals, because I got that book Five Hundred 45s but I never look at it so I cut out all the album art I want to hang on my walls or use for collaging. The hearts and back are from old wrapping paper from my pal Edward of Meadham Kirchhoff, and the words are from the Young Rascals, too.
I don't have much to write because this one doesn't have a narrative or concept or anything the way some others I've talked about recently have, just a bunch of images and colors that make sense together in my brain:
This is the inside of the back cover of the journal, I forget what 45 it's from.
Album art for Q and Not U, and teacups at Disneyland.
Elizabeth and Laia's feet.

Mary Blair is probably the most important here. She worked at Disney through the '40s-'70s, developing characters and coloring movies like Peter Pan, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Fantasia, and Dumbo. She wore differently tinted glasses every day because she enjoyed the colors, and her nickname at the office was Marijuana Blair. She also designed It's a Small World at Disneyland, which is SUPER IMPORTANT:
I just like Disneyland because it feels frozen in time. Everything is so specific to how it originally was, so even the Churro carts are pretty...
I loved these pictures Spencer's mom let us post on Rookie of her trip there and to Universal Studios in the late '60s and early '70s. When I went a few months ago the trash can in the photo below, on the left, had the same design. See what I mean? I'd just like to force everyone who goes into dressing like Little Bo Peep and then it will finally be the creepy pastel churro utopia I've always dreamed of.

And a letter her friend wrote her while she was there, with matching colors:

Rodarte's Spring 2012 collection was inspired by the rich glowy coloring in old Disney movies, so there must've been a lot of Mary Blair in that inspiration, too. Which then got them to Vincent van Gogh, who used similar colors. The whole thing is a VISUAL DELIGHT.

My French teacher's room, which I was weird and took pictures of during study hall, matches all this.

Kelly O'Connor's collages of It's a Small World, old Disney, and Willy Wonka. The blue and orange diamond one perfectly matches the Churros cart from Disneyland above!

Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, and the poster font

Munchkinland from The Wizard of Oz

Suzy's entire essence, Frances McDormand's '60s printed dresses, and the font from Moonrise Kingdom

My red saddle shoes, a gift from Rachel Antonoff, and this vintage dress of mine mentioned on the notebook page as "my dress I wore to make churros with Emily & Siobhan." CHURROS ARE SO GOOD YOU GUYS.

Mad Men

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Old NBC peacock

Colors and prints and shoe/sock situation and slightly prim deal going on with Creatures of the Wind Spring 2012

Colors and shapes in these photos Petra sent me for inspiration

Flight attendant uniforms of the '70s

And here's the snippet from my interview with Daniel Clowes that I wrote about on that notebook page way up above:
What was influential to you growing up, visually?
Just the whole world. As a kid I loved the look of the early ’60s, kind of the pre-hippie era, just the haircuts and clothes and the way women dressed, it was really appealing. And then all of a sudden people started wearing, like, filthy clothes and messy hair and stuff. That seemed really hideous and horrible to me. It definitely relates to what was going on in my life at the time because, as with many kids who grew up then, my family was just disintegrating while all that stuff came in, so it represented this chaos that was entering my life. But I still have an affection for that pre-1968 look, that kind of saturated Technicolor look. That seems like the real world to me, or like the way things should be.


Melissa said...

that letter. i died. so presh.

Lia said...

im loving the vintage disney land pics!!!

Glass of Fashion

Sophie Frances said...

spencer's mom's diary is really beautiful. the way she writes really is a throwback and such. Oh and btw, that notebook is groovy. i had a notebook with Iguassu and mermaids on it when i was in 4th grade

Sophie Frances said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meredith said...

dudes on the dc metro is q and not u / hot and informed.

Tavi said...


meagan said...

um you really, really need to see that dentist's office in wicker park. it feels like you're looking through time into a 70s diorama.

hanna said...

I've always been so amazed by the 'its a small world after all' ride at disneyland! so colorful and sparkly. even when the song annoyingly gets stuck in your head after just one ride.

Mitchie said...

very unique

Unknown said...

I loved this post! I remember reading about Mary Blair in Lula. I am just full of inspiration right now!! Thanks for sharing two of my favorites - Disney and Willy Wonka.

The Awkward Indie Girl

Alison Corinne said...

I adore this blog, and I think it's so great that you actually make your collages and diaries on paper! It's more personal, and concrete. I'm just lazy, so I do everything on Microsoft Publisher...

wounded_duck said...

this is the most delicious piece of eye candy ive ever seen

Lydia Armstrong said...

Hi this is genius.

lizz said...

this stuff is amazing eye candy :)

Leira Zetroc said...

"CHURROS ARE SO GOOD YOU GUYS." HA you're hilarious, Tavi ;)

And I totally relate with feeling disgusted by today's clothes and style and how people just seem to have a total lack of intrest in dressing up even on regular days. It's just jeans, t shirts, and sneakers.

I also reaallly love that metaphor that you use when comparing a decline of style with a disintegration of your family and life in general. That's very interesting to consider.

The 60s does seem so nostalgic and ideal, doesn't it? To me, that "saturated Technicolor look" represents 60s culture sort of creepy, but in a good dreamy sort of way.

Katie said...

All of this is freaking SPLENDID.
so aesthetically pleasing that i want to die.
That nut/squirrel dish thing on your french teacher's desk - my mom bought the same one from goodwill!

Joanna said...

I would just like to say that the reds, oranges and pinks, and then blues and yellows that Minna Gilligan uses as the colour in the background of her collages and illustrations for Rookie are really Technicolour to me. I also like National Geographic from like the 70s and 80s because the colours are really deep and rich.

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

These are seriously some of the most inspiring images I've seen together in a long time! Totally love each & every one!

Claire said...

There's something about this whole 70's disney thing that is really visually attractive in a sort of creepy and nostalgic way, which I can't really describe all that well right now, but it's such a great thing! Also, willy wonka is maybe one of my biggest style icons, so that's awesome.

Lindsey Cook said...

I love Mary Blair! It's a Small World, however creepy, is my favorite if only for the totally retro art direction of it. The colors really are amazing. Something about the warmth of old cartoons and movies, and everything seems so much crisper, too.

Also, I really dig the Disney collages!

Anonymous said...

These pictures remind me of the childhood. About bright, but the colors muffled by time, about the cleverest, but strange at times parents, about the world from below upwards, about sweets and infinite bustle.

Taylor Barrett said...

are you a genius. or what?

because these images blow my mind.

Dani said...

Ok now I super regret not writing a piece for Rookie this month, because I was going to write about my Obsession for Disneyland. NEXT TIME I guess.

I seriously love that you know who Mary Blair is, you never cease to amaze me Tavi.

I have a ton of Disneyland pictures on my blog~~~

Tavi said...

thanks guys!

sedgwick, i love those colors, too. i had a really great art teacher in the 8th grade who let me take a bunch of natgeos from the 70s. the ones i've brought myself to tear up are hanging on my walls!

dani, it's not too late!

zoomslow said...

Hi Tavi :-)

Thanks for reminding me about the joy and wonder of Disney imagery! I'm lucky to still have a little collection of Disney stories called "Walt Disney's Golden Friends". I've just gotten it out now to have another look.

I remember my Dad once telling me that Mary Jane is another way of saying "Marijuana". I haven't looked at shoes or Spiderman's girlfriend in the same way since!

P.S Have you ever seen Audrey Hepburn's "Funny Face"? I think the colours in it are very similar to the colours you have here.

Sophie said...

These picture are the DEFINITION of eye candy. It is so neat to see all the stuff you link together to form a vibe!

Unknown said...

so nice

Julia said...

Cool blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Sarah said...

I love all of the photos! Looking at the ones of Disneyland and the movie poster for Willie Wonka made me feel extremely nostalgic. I feel like a kid again! I love your blog; it's one of those blogs that you could just look at for hours on end, scrolling through the pages and staring at everything in awe. Everything is so dreamy and pretty! xxx

Anonymous said...

I just loved reading that letter 'going steady' - all of it, totally reminds me of the postcards me and my friends used to send to each other. This was such a great look at Disney and especially seeing the inspirations from Mary Blair. Such a great post, as always.

Elisa said...

YES, Tavi, so good. I have this nostalgic attachment to the colors and the vibe as a whole, so thank you. I love having my Nonna's old scarves and jewelry from that era, and I have a couple of LIFE books that I picked up from a rummage sale dating back to that time, too. I really should collage with them.

Basia said...

hey you probably don't have time form me but i've got blog and i really wanted you to see it ;p you're my inspiration and im your fan, im watching your blog from couple of years, im from Poland. You're kind of star form me ;D even sometimes im thinking what would Tavi wear ? :) so for end (you probably won't see or comment but it's always good to try) this is my blog Basia and sorry for mistaches ;D

Joelle Owusu said...

Love the colours! :)

Stella said...

Love,Love,LOVE this Post!

Cess said...

Hello, Tavi
I feel special being one of the first 50 to comment on a post! Maybe you will get o see this comment, before all the hoards of other (probably much cooler) people comment. I just wanted to say That your inspiration/really rad posts are... tubular(?)I don't know how to describe them... just awesome! Anyways so yeah... If you do happen to find the time, it would be cool if you could look at my blog (but that is NOT why I wrote this comment I wrote it because I wanted to say you are cool)

Iris said...

Someone who can appreciate Mary Blair ohmygodthankyou. She's one of my heroes and her work is just so visually stunning.

Tiki said...

I love your site, always fun to look at! It's so colorful and I absolutely LOVE vintage! All the things you post are always worth while to take a look at. I would love it if you took a look at my blog:

hannah said...

colour me happy! Im definitely incorporating colours into my winter wardrobe! x

Tessa G. said...

I LOVED this! Great collection of photos! What a splash.


Great work, little lady!





kkklll said...

what a collection of perfectness this is!!!

siiri said...

Also, combining the aesthetic catalog w/ the diary makes it more like Enid's diary in Ghost World. I tried that once but it was difficult 'cause I could never draw the things I wanted and also it was a lot of work. But I really like the idea of kind of having a material place to put/record your mind in. Since that seems to be something we're loosing little by little with our world becoming more media -focused (although I guess a book is a medium, but you know what I mean). I love it how you commit yourself to your obsessions (may sound insulting, but once again, you know what I mean). I feel a lot of people (including myself) are sort of afraid to go in too deeply into their dreams or the things they're fascinated by, yet never being able to leave that realm either. And why should we?

Javier said...

Very cool blog, i love your photos, if u can, visit:
See ya!

Anna Saarinen said...

I just love also this post so much!It's so great how you really seem to think all pictures as inspiratioons!! It was interesting to read about Mary Blair, have to take a better look at her drawings... All the pictures are so great, I love the colours of the spring collections, the pictures of the flight attendants... Oh, EVERYTHING is just so great!<3

Aduaa from

Jenny said...

I have a bunch of Disney vinyl records bought from the Salvation Army with Mary Blair's cover art! (the reason why I bought them). I didn't know about her, thanks for identifying the artist.

This post makes me want to re-watch every single song in the Willy Wonka movie.

Like someone else said above, I must commend you for really committing yourself to your "obsessions", the things you find delightful.

Last but not least. I FRIGGIN' LOVE CHURROS.

Unknown said...

This is such a lovely post! I love all of your pics<3

take a peak at my blog please ! <3

Unknown said...

Love love. And that letter. Omg. I wish I was a teenager in the 60s. I just generally want it to be acceptable to say "go steady". I might bring that back.

Drea xo

Anonymous said...

i'm lovin the 70s vibes, and all these colours!

Anonymous said...

It's really awesome to see Kelly O'Connor's work here!

Stylishly me by Taryn said...

Your'e mind has always fascinaed me!!! The way it jumps from an old soul born in the 1920's to a young women barely able to drink?
Either way I love your posts!!

Please check out my blog too!

Unknown said...

I just love your saddle shoes!!!!!!!!!!
Please take a look at my blog

Smell fashion said...

super. visit my blog

mtthg said...

The churros at Disneyland are incredible. As is so much of the other food there... next time you go, check out the corn dog truck and the pineapple whip hut.

Rachel Fleminger Hudson said...

Killer! argh you certainly do know how to blog! I wish I grew up in the swinging sixties...

Love from Rachel, 14, London

Emmy & Roo said...

I just want to say I so love your blog. I am doing a fine art degree and anything bright and colourful catches my eye! I also keep a diary, looking at yours I am pondering about whether or not to put images in aswell-yours certaintly looks very beautiful and illustrative!

@lea said...

sweeeeet pics! my english is really worse, but i hope i can tell you what i wanna say: i don't looove these colours sooo much, but some ideas are great. some pics are just: INSPIARTION!


Anonymous said...

Ahh, j'adore les photos, j'adore le blog, tout est mignon !!

Inventing Colors said...

You´re the best, Tavi!

SK said...

Then old leter was just so cool


Anonymous said...

Love the disney land pictures! I am so jealous of you being at NYFW. To be at any FW is a big dream of mine!

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited to see Moonrise Kingdom, and I immediatly emailed my friend in New Jersey when I saw the trailer. She emailed me back, saying that the boy who plays Sam goes to her school (Newark Achademy). He is in the 6th grade, and she showed me his yearbook photo!

Yasmin said...

Mary Blair is brilliant! Such a lovely blog post; captivating and fascinating as always. Xxx

Aïcha said...

DEAR GOD TAVI. this is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

such beautiful colours and photos, the willy wonka couldours and images are the most inspiring the candy and dreamy-ness of it all is so cute. I think the great Gatsby is also pretty inpiring in the images of the party scene!

ken more said...

hi tavi! i found a really cool fashion editorial from the sixties that was shot on location in disneyland - really suiting to this post. you can peep it at

big love x

Jamshaid Ayaz said...

I went to Doll House to get my dress and they promised they would get it in. I was so upset when they didn’t come through for me so I went Sassy Boutique. They were able to get my dress within three 3 days. They had wonderful customer service and nothing was a problem for them. I really appreciated the effort they made to make my night memorable. i will never go to dollhouse again.

Unknown said...

your so creative its unbelieveable!

can you look at my blog which was inspired by yours !you have made me addicted to fashion its mental

May Jordans said...

I love Mary Blair she's just the best !

Unknown said...


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