RIP summer

Today was a good last day of summer. I finished rereading The Virgin Suicides (summer ritual), watched The Virgin Suicides (summer ritual), then went thrifting and found the perfect Virgin Suicides dress. I would be really, really concerned if I didn't know me! Seriously though, it probably informs my ~aesthetic sensibilities~ more than anything else, and I have a lot of nostalgia for it (like summer, it already comes yellowing and foggy, so that helps). The short explanation is that it's really, really pretty and eerie. The medium explanation is that it's easy to get obsessed with a story about obsession and to glorify a story about glorification. For a long explanation, I think I best explained it here, especially in relation to the way I've been decorating my room. Still, I'm too afraid of actually thinking about it, because I would hate for something that's been so personal to me to become anything less than that, for my reasons for liking it to be based on positive critique instead of all the ways I've insisted it speaks to me specifically. Because I'm really deep and profound and wounded and I understand this book and movie better than ANYONE and you don't get it and could never fully appreciate it the way I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the dress I bought.
I don't know if it belonged to a very small bride or a very big Christian baby, but it was $6 and it's beautiful.

I literally Wikipedia'd "Christening ceremony" to figure out what religion to put there just now. Maybe I do need school after all. OR MAYBE IT'S CUZ I'M JEWISH OKAY? Ugh whatever check out this bitchin' little Virgin Mary thingy I bought
1970 Barbie trunk, Virgin Mary, painted candle holder, rainbow candle, and a butterfly box.

I haven't posted this shelf yet.
Flowers, confetti, barrettes, doilies, candy jewelry, tiny boxes, shells, baby teeth, letters, nail decorations, stickers. I count this zine and this record among my prized possessions. (Ebay.)

I'll miss you, summer! Come again soon. And I do mean soon, because today I saved a Hello Kitty band aid I'd left on the bathtub ledge because it was from June, and I don't think that's very healthy.

(You guys know I've been talking about Summer from Diva Starz this whole time right?)


Sanam said...

amazing photos, that dress you bought is gorgeous Tavi, it totally reminds me of the one Courtney Love wore to an ELLE event a while ago :)


miss.(A) said...

I used to have a kickass talking version of Summer and even 10 years on I can pretty much remember exactly how she talked. Oh the days of the DivaStarz. And shoes that had Y and N buttons. Wow, feeling the creative urge to make some now.

lizz said...

my sister had summer. i had the blond one. with all the pink.

Eline said...

the first photo is amazing! And i love that butterfly box. :)

SWK said...

You got that dress for $6??!! Wow, what a steal deal. And as far as the Hello Kitty band aid goes, you're too cute....Yes, summer is ending. It went by too fast!! *nnoo!!*

Ai-Lin said...

I know you won't like this comment tavi, but you look absolutely stunning in that second photo (:
and yes, your blog is so beautiful and nostalgic and i absolutely adore it

lots of love

augustalolita said...

beautiful photos!! i love your dress <3

Larissa Blintz said...


Anonymous said...

you look like ScarJo on the 2d picture

The Clothes Press said...

I love the dress! The vibes in your room are wicked. I love the kind of ethereal feeling of it all... And how everything has that kind of sun-bleached, dusty look about it. It looks amazingly nostalgic, too... Full of innocence. Oh, and did I mention how PWETTYFULL it all is?

Ellen said...

We are saying hello to summer here in Australia although when I go back to Berlin I'll be saying goodbye...Autumn is always beautiful!

Joy said...

Nooooo I refuse to let summer end! It's still going...until Labor day! You look like a child bride here (awesome and creepy at the same time).

Anonymous said...

The dress is so gorgeous and I can only see a bit of the bag in the background of the 2nd photo but it looks pretty, from what I can see : ) xx

Hayley Govorko said...

Such a lovely post! I love the second photo of you, it is somewhat haunting but so beautiful and serene at the same time. I love it.

I have never read/watched the Virgin Suicides but I would love too!

Laura M. Glez said...

Hello Tavi

I found your blog yesterday. I am from Spanish and my english aren't very good, but I understood your texts, stories and feeling. I don't know if I am mistaken but I believe that you are a soul solitary (that don't mean that you haven't got friends) but I am sure that you need to be a lot time alone for reflecting with yourself. You are a very sensitive and creative soul, and, maybe misunderstood person for the majority. But you are being a good work of self-knowledge in this blog to base in the fashion. I hope that you find soon your identity. By the way I love your blog and photos.

Ah! and beware with the ouija.

Mihaela said...

rookiee. i love your dress.

my blog♥mfashionfreak

The Fancy Teacup said...

That dress is a wondrous find. And summer will roll around sooner you think, and then you can switch out that Hello Kitty band aid for a different one.

♥, Jamie

Anonymous said...

Hey Tavi
I love your blog and your photos. You are very creative.

Theo said...

I finally watched the virgin suicides so I can ~sort of~ understand what you're talking about now. I love the candy bracelet on your shelf.

Aneta said...

What is this card in the first two photos of the Virgin Suicides shelf? Is it a drawing of some Queen Virgin Mary? It's great.

Adriana said...

We are all post-romantics things.

soon it will be all laces and ornaments everywhere

Anonymous said...

Your blog is awesome! (: I wanna be like you when I'll be old xD (that's weird, 'cause I'm older than you :P)
Whatever, kisses from Argentina :D

Level Up! said...

flashback - i definetly owned a diva star. but i had tia insted of summer :) ah memories

Anonymous said...

I only half-watched The Virgin Suicides and I never really put thought of re-watching it or maybe I do. Your thrifted dress undoubtedly and perfectly match your whole fashion Tavi aura-ness and I L-O-V-E it. I admire your diligent hard work in refurnishing and decorating your lovely room. Unlike you, I cleaned and rearrange my closet and not my room. It's a good thing what you did, though and I strongly encourage youths to be diligently putting effort and hard work cleaning, refurnishing and decorating their room and not totally messing it or leaving it messy. Nice room and dress, tavi.

Fashion Speed,

Claire said...

Really really love the movie, and I seriously need to find the book!
These photos are incredibly beautiful. Really. SO INSPIRING.

lilitschku said...

oh so pretty!

Orphin Lasz said...

Beautiful post! I really like your nostalgia-filled summer aesthetics.. I'm feeling the same way about summer ending ; n ;

Also, you look really pretty, Miss! That new dress of yours is trully beautiful, gives you a subtle ethereal halo.. Again, beautiful, beautiful post.
; u ;)/

~ Orphin's Domains ~

Me said...

Tavi you in the long white dress = exquisite, simple and stunning but with so much depth in your expression.

I don't know why a certain film popped into my head whilst reading this post especially because you've been inspired by the aesthetics very specific book/film but have you ever watched Zefferelli's Romeo & Juliet? Some of the imagery in it just seems to fit with the vibes in the post (see the link below for a pic) it's a stunning film check it out if you can.

Anonymous said...

Tavi, I totally love your new shrine/ totally makes me want to redo the top of my dresser and get rid of the thirteen rubber ducks I have and do something totally wistful and fairytalesque (so not a word!).

SK said...

I love that dress, i live in London but the thrift shops in America seem to be so much more unique than the ones here.

Shevah said...

Hauntingly beautiful photos.
In love with them.

Anonymous said...

i love the whole pastel color coordination. the dress makes me think of marchesa's recent collection.

Hulttiomartta said...

And that dress is gorgeus....

melina bee said...

hrm, even though you referenced the Virgin Suicides, your shelf sorta reminds me of the Marie Antoinette movie. If you enjoyed that book, maybe you would like Eugenides other novel, Middlesex? It is one my favorites

Kaiami said...

Diva Starz, now that brings back memories. I don't remember them looking like that. I used to have the talking dog, Budster? Something like that. It wouldn't shut up.

Selesnya said...

That shrinetastic shelf...GORGEOUS. I have a shrine in my room but it's religious-oriented (except for the Nicolas Cage votive candle, I guess) and now I'm totally inspired to sprinkle sequins around it.

Julia said...

I'm going to have to watch the virgin suicides now.

Maddie said...

oh my godddd I had a diva starz doll and you just made me remember. that dress is gorgeous. I have one of those seashell boxes too and I love it.

cancercowboy said...

heck, those were 6 well-invested dollars. looks somewhat ravishing ^___^
quick question: that VS record, is it the Air soundtrack or something else?
splendid description. "I don't know if it belonged to a very small bride or a very big Christian baby...
made me lol. enjoy school and soon-to-be fall.

zoomslow said...

Hi :-)) You look really lovely in that dress. And does it sound stupid if I say I also like the little box that's leaning up against Kirstin Dunst's face, because it has 'Tavi' written on it? Well, so be it!!!

Professor Batty said...

It isn't just you and TVS:

Tavi said...

thanks guys!

melina bee -- i have middlesex but it's so big and intimidating i haven't tackled it yet.

me -- I've been meaning to! It looks gorgeous.

aneta -- something i made this summer, pipe cleaners and pastel pencils on a brown paper bag

lamarin said...

<3 !

The Eye Behind the Detail said...

Beautiful photos. You really create a whole atmosphere that I do associate with the Virgin Suicides (the movie) via your photographs. Beautiful dress, too.

Salmah Iman Siddiqi said...

Trust me Tavi I totally feel your pain. I have an obsession over something too (its not virgin suicides trust me, that's yours and I'm not gonna debate who likes more here you obviously won). I find it special and iridescent to me; nothing compares. I share your summer ritual but trust me your way above me on obsession. I need to read up more. Lol, byez and great post Tavi. Love your blog (I know everyone says that).


Rosie said...

your dress is beautiful

ume said...

dress is wonderful..
White suits you.I want to become a girl whom white suits, too.

My name is Giacobba said...

Summer is my favorite diva star! and this is a beautiful post!!! love the dress and the shelf


Oww Tavi, you're make me shiver, the creepy-but-cool, ghostly-but-serene scene is brilliant. It's like the combo of ghost-girl on Ghost Ship, and Samara-The Ring, with a Virgin Suicide colour pallete, lovely:D

The whole pale paradise was making me sleepy/comfy though, it's a feast-to-the-eyes fashion. As for VS, it's innocent/angst potrait of reality, and oh yeah it's real.


Anonymous said...

very beatiful dress

MeOhMy! said...

That is one bitchin' Virgin Mary. Awesome, as always.
pps- totally saw a vid of you giving a lecture on brands/teenagerdom on ye olde youtube the other day! You are so clever prettyladyface!


Anonymous said...

Which one's Summer and how did you meet?

Anonymous said...

such an amazing dress - looks beautiful, i love the look. Bex X


This is such a lovely dress, and even better that it was an inexpensive score- looks incredible!

Fly said...

your posts are alwais great.
cheers from sunny and hot Italy.

Danielle V. said...

Gorgeous dress. I actually just watched The Virgin Suicides last night with my boyfriend... I absolutely love that movie. I've yet to read the book, which really bothers me. I did just read Middlesex, though, so maybe I should finally pick up a copy.


melissa ♥ said...

that is such a sweet dress :)
please visit by blog, hey fashion
melissa xxx

CARRIE said...

I just really, really love the idea of a gigantic Christian baby. You'd need an Olympic size pool to christen that one. It would be epic.

Harriet said...

Tavi you are a true vision in that dress. I know you like to shun conventional beauty ideals and all that but you do look beautiful. :)


Lydia Armstrong said...

That pic of you standing in front of your crown wall is gorgeous. Love love love. Also, you're too cool for school. Or too school for cool?

Sunnyizzy said...

GOD. Thrift stores in my area are so damn expensive. They were selling giant stuffed animals at $100+ apiece. I don't thrift as much because TARGET is CHEAPER. The wedding dresses were all above $60.
THAT'S IT. I'm moving into wherever you live.

Sara Reverberi said...

Love your dress, your style and your pictures. Seems I like your blog!

Krystyna Jack said...

Oh I love yr shrine, it is so pretty. But good god HOW do you keep all those little things DUST-FREE?? You must've made it specifically for these pictures, haha.

Confessions from the Hairdresser said...

I don't want to cramp the festive youthful atmosphere by saying something lame that will tragically confirm my adult-ness, but I can't believe how tall you've gotten!

Commence groan.

Matrix Music Teacher said...

Just when I was feeling all sad about the end of summer vacation, you posted this pretty bunch of pics and something to read that made me laugh...okay, out loud. Thanks.

alex's ☆ castle said...

How are you adding that.. nostalgic effect to your photos? or are you using a 35mm..?

laughed my ass off at the end girl. i had maybe two or three divastarz (but those bitches got nothin' on Betty Spaghetti!!)

Rachel said...

daaang, that dress is AMAZING. I love all the posts about your room. It's amazing to see so much stuff you love and how you use objects to tell a story. rad.

Rachel said...

daaang, that dress is AMAZING. I love all the posts about your room. It's amazing to see so much stuff you love and how you use objects to tell a story. rad.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Amazing buys. I'm looking forward to my cash injection tomorrow so I can go treasure hunting myself.

About the shell box. Yes. Kitsch as heck. My nana used to have loads and now every time I see them my heart fills up with postmodern approval.

Hannah said...

Lovin' it all, killer dress.

I'm just as hooked on the Virgin Suicides as you, girl. I saw it for the first time on VHS when I was 12 or 13, my best friend and I would watch it at our sleepovers and we were so obsessed with it, which was bizarre because our classmates were all out watching Save the Last Dance and dressing like white rappers but whatever, whatever, I digress

Naturally over the years the book & the film have become a part of my identity, personality-wise and my aesthetic and all that but it can be a cause for worry. Once my sister told me that Cecilia reminds her of me when I was little, which I can't decide if that's a good thing or a scary thing!

Nico said...

gahhhh i so forgot about those little tooth shaped box things that you put your lil teeths into!! also, i have those nail stickers, i love them so much i bought 3 packs and havent touched them.

Julia said...


Flor said...

How many followers do u have?

Made In Fashion said...

that dress is so pretty! i love white for summer.. shame its over so soon

Made in Fashion

Katarzyna Zuzanna said...

beautiful dress! xx

Paula said...

I also love the Virgin Suicides, a beautiful film and such a sad story yet realistic! Kirsten Dunst was amazing in it, I never forget how much I love her hair in that film.

Love your dress, a great buy!

Charlie Cocobutter Bean said...

Buahahahaha @ very big Christian baby !!

Anonymous said...

Watching Virgin Suicides is an end-of-summer ritual for me, too (if not a daily ritual~ gah, I love it too much!). Beautiful outfit, and your bedroom looks like some sort of reflection of your mind... I love iTT.

Daniel said...

Tavi I made this patches that you're totally going to love! Like a patch with Courtney Love ! Would love to give you one!

Awesome post btw

Echo said...

I really love your hair and your blog–you're amazing!

Alexi Frest said...

Summer still lasts! And it will, until 21th September or so. It is summer heat here, 35-40 Celsius degrees.

Rose Patterson said...

Love your blog Tavi!! Check out mine,

Frock Star xxx

Anonymous said...

I loved those DIVASTARZ when I was younger, you go Tavi!

하얀 아이 said...

lovely!! >_<

minnja said...

These photos are so amazing!


Unknown said...

i love the dress and you are SO beautiful!!!

Caro Jiménez said...

Hola te escribo desde Chile! hermosas tus fotos! encontré tu blog por medio de un articulo que salió en un periódico de mi país.
Me gusta mucho tu estilo, lo que escribes, se nota que eres una genio en la moda, espero que sigas así!, yo estudio diseño de modas y ver tus fotos inspiran a cualquiera!
Saludos.. Carolina Jiménez.

Coralie said...

Nice inspiration !

If you like french fashion, you should check out my blog, and maybe follow it if you like it and wanna be the first to know when I post ;)


hannaH said...

Beautiful, as usual. I really wanna see Virgin suicides. I love Kirsten Dunst's teeth, they are what make her! Anyway Rest In Peace summerrr, it's been a dissapointing always.

Scarlett B said...

That dress is so cool Tavi, and at a great price too!
It's sad knowing summer is nearly over!:(

Anonymous said...

Rip summer....Its time for Christmas gift list !
Stéphane de Paris.

Clairedontcare said...

I am also having summer nostlagia. 8 more days ahhhhhhhh. I love love love this dress. It is beauitful and amazing and you look so cute. Your room is really cool.

notanymore said...

Tavi, I think you look pretty amazing in that dress. The grainy overexposed quality of the photo is nice. should wear that for Halloween and walk around the neighborhood moaning about the man who jilted you at the altar.

Katheyn Volikos said...

love it!

check out my new post!

Yannick said...

tavi i love ur blog

Miss Nightingale said...

Wow ! The Virgin Suicides it's my second favourite movie. It`s so amazing and your blog too. If you want read my little thoughts click here:

Fancy Things said...

i love the pure dress
big Christian baby lol!

Invisible Eavie said...

That dress is so beautiful! It is etherial and amazing and generally fantastic. Great find!

Jennifer said...

Oh Tavi, the more I read your blog the more I think we're kindred spirits, although the 5 year age difference throws that off just a little bit.

Cess said...

Wow! Id die for that dress! I love your shelf with all the pictures and flowers...
Please check out my blog!

Scandinavophile said...

Classic Bratz dolls haha. Very beautiful and ethereal images, loving the long dress of yours! It is indeed cold now, Summer has gone. x Scandinavophile

hannah said...

the opposite is happening down under in Sydney Australia.. tomorrow is the first day of spring! we are saying goodbye and au revior to winter and hello bonjour to a long hot summer!!! so check ouy my blog ( for your daily summer fix as you make your way through the chilly months of winter my friends!! x x x

I Love Melita said...

love the wall!! i have myself some necklaces on it... yours is very fresh!! muuuas

tina said...

you look GORGEOUS in that dress lovely!!

jessielovesthis said...

I really want to read The Virgin Suicides now-looks like I'll be checking out libraries/bookshops to get a copy!Your dress is also fabulous,very ghostly.

Katheyn Volikos said...


Check out my new post!
katheryn :*

lottie said...

this post inspired me to read the book and it's one of my favourite reads ever, it's so addictive i understand your obsession!

Leopard Girl said...

I love the dress you found!! very Cecilia from Virgin Suicides.

Six Six Sick said...

If you love the Virgin Suicides looks, I suggest you check eBay for Gunne Sax back-to-the-land inspired dresses from the 70's (once you get to the 80's the Gunne Sax dresses get really scary). They've got my favorite Virgin Suicide style dresses, and I'm pretty sure they used some of them for costuming the movie.

Ieva Kurash said...

Amazing! I talk about your white maxi dress!!!


zimmawoman said...

beautiful post... really dreamy and pretty. you are looking more and more like michelle williams

ALIX said...

amazing dress, tavi! I've been following your blog for a few years now, never commenting on anything, but i have to say i really admire your strenght and everyday cheerful way of speaking.
You are very creative, Tavi, keep up the good work!
(i've actually never seen Virgin suicide(shame on me) and you really made me feel like watching it!)
looking forward to seeing the mag!
go and check out my photo blog, if you want ;p

skflrez said...

I start reading "The Virgin Suicides" and it's absolutly amazing! I haven't seen the movie yet and I always imagine Cecilia like you... (obviously it's because of your adorable bride dress photos...)


Grumpy but sweet said...

i thought you would enjoy this link, but think you are already naturally talented in taking self portraits...

jennamariia said...

that dress is the most beautiful! and i love all those pretty little things in your room though i personally hate little "crap" that i dont NEED (probably bec ive moved 4 times during the last 3 years and im moving again in the end of this month and ive noticed ive had less and less stuff every time). and uuuum i need to admit i havent seen virgin suicides but its on my list.

if you havent seen the movie Flowers in the Attic, then i think you should watch it ASAP ;)

@lea said...

ich liiieebe vintage! soo schön präsentiert natürlich noch mehr! allerdings seeehr gruselig! so geisthaft presents....

visit my blog...

besucht mich auf meinem blog stil.werk, da gibts mehr von mir!!!

The Jewellery Channel said...

Simply such an amazing blog..

brightlightsbigcity said...


s said...

OMG you're such an amazing person..

Lucy in the Sky said...

"Because I'm really deep and profound and wounded and I understand this book and movie better than ANYONE and you don't get it and could never fully appreciate it the way I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

LOL!!!!!! I haven't read your blog in over a year but I still love it. You may look and dress a bit differently but you're still Tavi. :)

A Norwegian said...

Thanks for a great post. You look beautiful, and I would love to have your room, because I´m a fan of Virgin Suicides too! Missed seeing a unicorn in there though.

Grac!a said...

Whoa... I can't believe I missed this. Beautiful source of inspiration!

Unknown said...

Totally am obsessed with "Virgin Suicides" as well. And, as a fellow Jewess I have had to hold off from buying a Virgin Mary....But on the bright side, VS was filmed in my neighborhood so I get to drive by the house they filmed in almost everyday (ok, I purposefully take that route but who wouldn't?)

Anonymous said...

wow you look so beautiful in that dress really.and because I'm crazy obsessed with creative walls and shelfs ect i fricking love your wall.if you have a great loving for creative walls as I do heres a great book

if you like it I'd love if you'd pop on my blog and tell me xx

A&A's Fashion Blog said...

The pictures are great! I don't see a lot of women like that in Switzerland ( where I live).

Hazardous Area said...

Love this movie!!

Shelly said...

Cute post! Wow, I saw that film ages ago and your post brought me fond memories. Being 25 now makes me wonder where I was when I was your age. Keep up the awesome work. Just one question. How do you make the photos look a bit antique? Is it the lighting or the camera? Sirida! (it means "everythings ok") Ciao!

Shifty Gold said...

Undergroundgeneration said...

Have you read the newest Jeffrey Eugenides? 'The Marriage Plot', about 80's post college kids. My favourite book of late! Protagonist likes to wear tennis outfits...

brooke said...

that dress is beautiful!

Ruth Rumack said...

What an amazing dress!
Crazy you found that for $6!

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