But I want it to be a surprise, too, so for now, I will just say things like: we will update three times a day -- after school, dinner, and before bed. Each month is a differently themed issue, and September is "Beginnings." (GET IT? I know you do. You're a smart one.) Working on a back-to-school theme has made me almost enthusiastic about being back at school. (Almost.) (This is a lie. I don't know why I pretend to dread school. I love my women's history class, OK?) Many awesome people have been very nice and written/made things for us, such as: Joss Whedon, Winnie Holzman, Patton Oswalt, Zooey Deschanel, Shannon Woodward, Anna Faris, Kid Sister, Supercute!, Paul Feig, Dan Savage, JD Samson, Jack Black, Alia Shawkat, Fred Armisen, and Miranda July. You should look at what they did on my website because they are FAMOUS and MAGICAL! (They're also talented and funny and thoughtful and you might like what they've done in the past so you might like this, too.)
Lastly, if I had to give an award to Best Staff Of A Website Called Rookie, I would give it to ours. And there are a lot of websites called Rookie! So let me remind you of our URL once more: rookiemag.com. We also have a baby Twitter.
I don't have anything visual of it for showing off right now, but I do have a video of me lip-synching to "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift I made for Hello Giggles.
Lastly, I'd like to encourage you to vote for my pal and all-around wonderful lady Isabel for the Who Inspires U? contest. I've been reading her blog for years and watching her style and ideas about feminism evolve has made me feel like a teary-eyed Bubbe at a Bat Mitzvah. Think of this contest as her Torah Portion. She'd like to start a feminist fashion magazine (which I know will be just awesome) and the winners' prize of $10,000 would help, a lot. Watch her video at the link and vote for Isabel! (And then think about how extremely unpowerful Bat Mitzvah and Torah Portion metaphors are in writing.)
In case you only hear things a third time: RookieMag.com. Monday. (And so my plan to pry everyone away from the outside world on Labor Day and make them sit in front of their computer in protest of the 1882 Central Labor Union has been put into effect!)
I can't wait to see the website, it sounds really interesting :)
Such a cute video as well, I adore the black lipstick, I'm not daring enough to try it out.....yet ;)
I like ur glasses! you shoul move to sweden, everyone hip here is wearing glasses
you're very good at lip syncing! I voted for Isabel too, and I shall do every day! I want an alt fashion maagzine.
Wow great news! I'm excited to know the mag.The video is quite funny
I can't wait too see how it turns out! :) love your blog
That website will probably be a ray of sunshine for me when I go back to school! I love reading your writing, but always feel bad about reading a blog when I should be studying, but a website, well that's different...
Any way I can't wait <3
That website will probably be a ray of sunshine for me when I go back to school! I love reading your writing, but always feel bad about reading a blog when I should be studying, but a website, well that's different...
Any way I can't wait <3
Super duper excited! Great bg image, where did you get it?
your amazing ughhhhhh <3
You know what... I LOVE U SO MUCH... i have never seen a girl like you!!
Sorry for my poor english i am from switzerland... i will impove it!!
i am always waiting for your next post. You are just amazing and very clever!
So... you made my day!!
As I watched this it felt like you were singing this to/for a woman.
And that you really meant it.
Without being too creepy freaky deaky (dutch), I love you
So proud and happy for you on the launch of RookieMag! And you look so decadently beautiful in the video, you are such a doll.
♥, Jamie
This sounds so amazing, congratulations and I wish you all the best in this! I wish we would have had oppotunities and channels like these when I was a teenager. I know this will be helpful, encouraging and maybe even really fun thing for young girls&boys. :>
xx indie by heart
you're cute, but this is sooo molly soda.
Sounds an interesting website and an awesome idea!! :D
love it! x
Very excited for the magazine,like very excited.
That's so exciting! I can't wait to read it.
Funny. I too find myself reaching for a glass of milk whenever t. swift makes the room bump. Despite this bizarre and mind-numbing coincidence, I have been able to muster enough emotional tokens to be decidedly excited for the new Site. Karma!
this website sounds exciting! can't wait for it to go up! the list of collaborators is great too. and I've been voting for Isabel every day :)
Wonderful Mazel Tov, I will tell my daughter !
Three cheers for Rookie! Congratulations on your new project. I constantly direct teens I work with to your site.
come to my bloog
Can't wait to see the site! Even though I'm no longer a teenage girl (Cries).
Keep up being awesome.
Oh and I happened upon this, although the article is about something else, they certainly mention you! http://cocorocha.visibli.com/share/oStp6Y
I've voted!
Haha, i love your video. You're looking so cute in the end! ;D
And i'll definitely check the website! Wow... zooey deschanel!
I'm waiting for it!! :)
Tavi, i love you.
This sounds AMAZING.
Also, that video is the best thing on the internet right now. No joke. It's that great.
Eek! I can't wait! It's going to be perfect. <3
Looking forward to read it! Btw I love how you just are you! Peace
wow cant waittt !!
Gorgeous look and really cute video ! Tavi, you're too cool <3
Oh, Tavi, you're SO CUTE.
Unfortunately I am no longer a teenage girl, but I am still very excited about Rookie :D Best of luck with it all.
Lauren xx
tavi you are rad.
wow i can't wait for the website :) :)
please take a look at my blog!
melissa xx
count me in amongst your 32-year -old "elder" readers!
I really like the goth girl shirt!
omg omg omg did u read lady gagas collumn in Vmag she wrote about you read it. wow you deserv it so much and it is such a magical thing
That video is creepy. And hilarious. Congrats on the site, can't wait til Monday!
i love the idea for rookie magazine. i have been reading your blog and gushing over your cuteness for a few year now. mad love for you.
check out the new alt magazine my friends and i are launching, not to be a spam queen, but just because i seriously think you will love it.
inconnu magazine! alt culture, fashion, and humor!
xo love u tav,
finally! i cannot WAIT to read this.
loved it
(GOT IT! You're right. Thank you very much.) ;-))
P.S (glasses) <3
PPS. 4:03 <3
Oh my god, when I saw Miranda July's name I could not focus anymore on the entry. I tried several time to read the end of it but I'm just too excited about what I'll find on September 5th now...
Stupid excited about this.
yay you!
I'm very excited to see you take this next step with Rookie. I'm sure it'll become incredibly successful.
Whilst I am not fond of Taylor Swift (I prefer Miley & Vanessa from that gang), but I love the dark lipstick! Mine at the age of fifteen was deep blue with iridescent green glitter.
love your blog dear :D
I'll definitely will following you if you follow me :D
fyi, we are searching for reseller in every country,if you got an offline shop or online shop
and you interested to be our reseller please lemme know ^^
Decimal Shoes
After reading your post I now bursting with anticipation, just like a birthday or before September 1.
By the way, with the funeral of the summer you, Tavy.
Yes, we are specially dressed in formal dress only to mourn the days are warm all year round.
great idea tavi, can't wait to see the website xo
Que blog lindo!Amei!
Pena não ter como seguir...
Fique com Deus!
i love milk drinking, black lipstick wearing goth!
why are you so cool jw
im not even a girl but im excited for it! plus it looks visually really beautiful.
You have amazing style :D
Wow, I just love your blog! (And your black lace top!) You remind me of myself because I always love to dress out there and crazy, and a lot of people just don't get it.
soooo excited! can't wait to see...and i'm in my 30s!
you're so cute tavi :D
Wooo, vivement ce website !
you got me when you said joss whedon
Look forward to see the website!
Check out my family's new blogg, featuring my best friend Alma<3
Elvira, 11
WoW you look so cute:)
I can't understand your post content because i am a korean
but you are so excithing:)
맨처음에는 Tavi,you 가 부르는 줄 알고 착각햇지만 이노래를 알아서 나의 잘못된 귀의 탓을 하고 재미잇게 들엇어요!
i like your lipstick color:)
the video killed it! you're just amazing and your blog too
I am the most excitingest for you and for the site! Can't wait to check it out and subscribe to the mag (paper mag is still happening, yes?)!
All the best,
Well done! Love that black lipstick!
London Last Night
Nice post ! I really like your idea on the new blog. Teenage girls have go through a lot. And I was one of the girls with glasses... Still have them but growing up you learn to take pride of them.
Oh my gosh!
I'm so excited for the new website!
I love the part in this post where you said, "If i had to give and award to Best Staff Of A Website Called Rookie, I would give it to ours." Which sounds to me like you are really proud of the work and time you have spent putting this site together with people who understand your ideas and help you to achive them, (I hope I am right.) You have probably heard this heeps of times but, you really have inspired me to do what I want to be doing (blogging) and there is nothing you want more, I am sure, for RookieMag to be a success. Which I am definite it will be! Thankyou for inspiring me and many other people.
Lydia xx
Tavi! We're all wondering...what's up with that Tide commercial?? Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I think it's a bit snarky, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...I guess.
Love the video, you can acting, do you like to be an actress? I think you can have a future.
I found this photo from Anna Wintour and I think she is like you hahaha:
Dear Tavi:
My mind is exploding with awesome.
So much. ahsfksdgl,gmn
you are so cool
I love that you are starting a website
I got pumped with zooey deschanel co-founded hello giggles
and now you are opening this super cool website
my dreams have come true
you are too cool for words
can we be friends
Sincerely, Kathryn.
ACKKK! I voted for Isabel, she's awesome! Psyched for the magazine too, of course :D
if your website is as lame as your blog then i'm YAWNING already..........bitch
Very cool, can't wait to read Rookie!
In case anyone's interested, I'm giving away a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 bag in Monogram Multicolore on my blog. Details here, if anyone wants to enter: http://www.beautynotbull.com/2011/09/giveaway-monogram.html.
Laura @ www.beautynotbull.com
haha you cutie
I love your blog! its so inspirational....
Thge video is really cool and i love the black lipstick, its really awesome , btw your amazing at lip syncing.
i cant wait for the RookieMag website on moday!
this is my blog that i've just started http://beinguniquehasperks.blogspot.com/
thank youi so much for making your new website! Im sure it will be lalalawonderful! Your video is so cute (can you call someone older than you cute?...)!
Please check out my blog!
I really do look forward to this Tavi! I love your blog! xo
The website sounds really great and I was wandering if you wanted anyone to have like a weekly or monthly post to answer questions or write about a specific topic? Just asking! If so I would be willing to help! xx
wellwellwell, this is great news! hope its ok when an old fart like myself lurks about that site. witty video, the snuffle/sniff at the end really sums it up (for me) ^__^
I likey this post. Loving the black lipstick and the milk and the sniff in the vid, it kinda made me think of the song in a different way (haha) because y'know I thought the song was about the average girl but you're specialllll :D
SHould be interesting. Young people have a lot to say- and wear. I personally recommend Veja Màte jewelry. It's simply awesome!!!
Like your style!! ;)
FINALLY caught up with your latest post!
I decided to start through from the beginningof your blog and work my way up :)
RookieMag sounds great! I'll be sure to check it out and have a look see :)
I'm sure you've heard this A LOT from previous comments, but you look a lot like Daria in the video (despite having your hair tied up) xD
best of luck with your new project :)
My caricature work in my blog, if you can be interested:
This is probably private (someone's facebook video), but in the off-chance you can see it, I'm the one that knows all the lyrics:
(you belong w/ me mouthing-the-words vid)
Exciiiiited for Rookie...
cool...looks a little likje out of control...scary ;P
How to get to something!?
Sehr lustig irgentwie, aber auch interessant spannend. tortzdem strange...
Just wanted to let you know I voted for Isabel. There needs to be more openly feminist girls out there! A lot of people are really frightened by that term and alienated because of it. A feminist fashion magazine is totally something I would buy and support. Hope she wins!
I love your video,its so funny and cute but so true xx
Tavi dear: it's been a long time I don't visit this blog. I'm happy to know that you're still brilliant and funny. You inspired a book of mine: 'the curse of the Queen of Rock 'n Roll." It's a horror sci fi thriller, that I classify as the first literary opera-rock ever. Unfortunatly it's in portuguese. I'm planning to do an English version so I can show you if you get interested. I love this dark layout of yours and these glasses fit you perfectly. love, Mathilda.
Yay rookie Yay
posted a link on my lil blog.
So stupid impressed with rookie mag, you really are the best teen ever. Also I know you are a big 'my so called life' fan but have you seen any 'Square Pegs'?
Join my blog:>
you are so beautiful!
and you are such an inspiration to me too!
Amazing video ! I didn't exept you to do somethings as fun and unfashion as this ! Sorry for my bad english (I'm French)
xoxo from http://paris-when-it-sizzles.blogspot.com/
since I'm a total blonde right now and can't figure out how to post a comment on your "girl hate" post on rookiemag, I just want to say thank you for having a site like that, and especially for that topic..it's been years since I was a teenager but there are certain things that a girl cannot get away from and it's "girl hate" but it's so great to find advice on how to deal with it. I just wish that site was around when I was in high school!
Hey I just started using a site called pinterest and it seemed like something you would like. So, I thought I'd pass it on.
oh my gosh tavi, I just love you so fricken much. You are like, the butter to my toast. I LOVED that video you posted, too <3. Fabdiggity girl.
Love so much your blog tavi!! Your are amazing! Your style is amazing and your blog too, you are so creative, it's the first time i put a comment on your blog but i know you since a long time and it's always a pleasure to read you! you are so inspiring and unique! You have your idea of fashion and you play with it, so i love this video: so funny!!
bisous, lizzie ♥
monkey gifts for girls,http://www.liztoys.com/you-laugh-monkey-toys/ca-52.html
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However there's an outrageously sensible motivation to require her out on the city, either to an eating place for a dazzling supper, or to a club for move and fun, or to another social setting. That is as a consequence of after you go out with an excellent young lady on your arm; you'll be SEEN therewith lovely young lady on your arm.
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Remember that time I wrote about that thing and then I was really quiet about it for a while because I had a tiny doubt in the back of my mind that it was too good to actually happen? Turns out my distrust in the world has only made the fact that it IS happening only better! I am talking about the website I am starting for teenage girls. It is called Rookie, it is at RookieMag.com, it goes up Monday, September 5th, and I am going to talk about it a lot on here and feel not a hint of yuckiness because I care about it and I care about everyone who has worked on it and I want people to see it.
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