changes around here...

After my blog's 3rd birthday yesterday, I think it's time for it to experience some real change. When I started Style Rookie, I was, well, a style rookie. But now, after three years, and lots of growth, I think it's time to change the name of this blog: Style Pro.

Style Pro.

Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Style. Pro. It's like I'm a pro at having style. We all know this is a difficult task that requires incessant typing on the matter, constant photo editing and Tumbling, intellectual analysis and lots of trial and error. But after all that hard work, I really feel that I am A Style Pro.

Now it's time for a new header. Because I can be a Pro who still values the opinions of her followers because of like, humbleishness and stuff, let's take a vote. Tell me which one you prefer in the comments! I will be going with the header you guys vote on that I like the most, like a democracy.






Lemme know which is your fave!
Style Pro.


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LaurenAHHH said...

Justin Bieber hands down, screams STYLE PROFESSIONAL.

bec said...

Oh Darn... we can only choose one? I do have to say I like the simplicity of OPTION A. But you can never pass up the Biebs. Option B deffs. haha
Happy Birthday for yesterday.

bec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

I am disappointed by the lack of comic sans love in these options!

But - if I had to choose: Option C is the header of my heart.

Daniel said...

Of all the options I still prefer your original logo...

cottonaggrandize said...

option D! the coolest (unique) representation of yourself!

Carys said...

A very tough call... But I think Option C does it for me.

Kaysens nye klæder said...

No that's a joke! Isn't it? Keep the "style rookie"!

Sascha said...

hmmm does this post have something to do with today's date? ;-)

Sans titre said...

Funny glitter
So cute
La Bise

MCH from Paris

Boris said...


Anonymous said...

do you love justin bieber?.)))

Daily Sass said...

ooooooooooooh gotta go with the biebs

but you should actually compress all three into a .gif file

now THAT would be the header

oh and I hope this is no april fools trick

Jade Rat said...

option A ftw! Sexy wink, haha. No, I'm dead serious.. ._.

Shutter.and.Sway. said...

A or B

kgal1298 said...

LOL happy APRIL FOOLS to you too.

Grace Deal said...


you look like a gremlin who has captured bieber and stolen HIS SOUL to make him serenade you through da night.

spammo76 said...

Just to make sure. This is a joke, right?

steph said...

i really like your sense of humor :D (I hope, it was a joke!?)

nicolette said...

can't believe people think this is a joke... they're obviously not style pros!!!


Chloe Tweeny said...

i'd definitely go with option B. it just exudes class

. said...

right? right?...
please tell me thats what it is.

WendyB said...

Hilarious. Too hard to choose from so many delightful headers.

Unknown said...

option b.
or a
i can't decide.

Suzy said...

Bieberlicious i would say!


Arnold Lozano said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessie said...

option B :D

Allie said...

I would like to see a full photo with you rockin' a serious fashion look. I'm not sure a closeup of your face with blinky things shows off your true fashion sense enough. And you are very, very talented at that. You want to really shine with your own style :)

Unknown said...

these pictures are totally cute, and you are a PRO!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

hgh said...

I vote C, embrace the narcissism of blogging by telling everyone I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THIS WEBSITE.
I'd like to see sparkles rain down from the top of the page as well.

Alys said...

Very funny ;) Though if it did come down to it, I'd go for the first one.

Ravenal said...

I have to go with Option A. But I have some doubts on the title Style Pro.. I liked the freshness of Style Rookie. Your blog's vibe says it's not too mainstream. Like an indie vibe. May I suggest, "Style Street"?

Sadie said...


Anonymous said...


slara3 said...

My god you're hilarious.

Richard Kilroy said...

April Fools fo'sho, but that floating dog had me in STITCHES!

Annoying question that I know you get asked LOADS, but how do I go about sending you a copy of my fashion illustration fanzine?

Check a preview out of it here:

Melissa said...

B or C, most def!

Federico.Selma. said...

april first hum ;)

although I love option a!


Allison said...

I think the only reasonable thing to do is to stack them all on top of each other to the point that all we can see is glitter and Justin Biebs? Beibs?

.... You don't even have to thank me.

Alice, Boudica, Lakshmibai, Joan . . . said...

I have to roll with Mini-Beibs . . April Fools or not, that is priceless

sortedrage said...

I like option B best - it is the best image of you and the most fun one... :D

Anonymous said...

best fucking april fools prank ever.

<3, a fan

sarah said...

The Biebz and Sparklez?!?

Clearly, no contest.

Laura said...

haha best april fool ive seen today.
that just really made my day :D

Kaiami said...

I choose B. ;D

Caddy said...

April fool! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow. Well April the 1st, being the first day of April and all, is the PERFECT date to spruce up your blog, I am SO WITH YOU.

The Justin one is my favourite. It's just... so sparkly. And has JUSTIN IN IT. In your HAND.

x Michelle

Hanna said...


Nabila Larasati Pranoto said...

option B all the way!
nothing screams SEXY and PRO more than the biebs and excessive glitter haha very classy indeed

Anonymous said...

I love the old Style Rookie that is your best, that is the name that is very know by people, and with that name you can be still Pro.

It hard for me to vote, because I love your blog just like this !

irina said...

good job, tavi! i thought you were out of your mind for a bit there. but then remembered that today is 1st of April, that you are neither lame nor stupid and that you're a kidder, kid. so yes, good one. :)

Svenja said...

i really like the wink on option a, but b is also tempting and c is cute, too... i think i'll go with a though :D

RA said...

A or D, but A is my first choice :>

Unknown said...

A. But I love Justin Bieber. lol.

~Carmen. said...

I like A, oh please no B x)
C is also cool!
D too, but the words are touching your face ;p
And E is okay :)
I like the new name!

laia. said...

the arrow pointing to you saying THATS ME is killing me. lets figure out how to do it in real life.

Frockspotter said...

B. Fo' sho'.

haha, how do you come up with these things?! happy april 1st!

makeascene said...

i'm liking option c (:

Anonymous said...

wow, your birthday was yesterday? my other favorite blogger's was too. weird.
a very merry un-birthday to you!

and thanks for the giggles.

Unknown said...

Please tell me this is an April Fool prank :P :P :P

eyejong said...

Oh my goshhh ~ I can't choose only one :P..
Option A plz. No Justin Bieber. Happy April Fool's Day.

Yajaira said...

great options
but i don't like "style PRO"
sounds arrogant. is never good to consider your know everything!
because really we never do.. life is a constant learning experience..
and you never know too much! or are a PRO.
love you!!
love your blog!!

Claire said...

Personally I think that option B is like so totally fab. I mean sparky letters AND hustings beiber?!?! What more could a girl want? :P
(ps: I totally didn't realize that it was April fools day until I read this :D)

Claire said...

Omg, iPod auto correct just changed Justin To hustings in my above comment. Haha.

The Fancy Teacup said...

Haha, I pretty much love option A and option D.
much love.

Anonymous said...

definitely the one with the arrow

Anonymous said...

OMGZ. Best April Fool's ever.
But...going along with the joke:

chwalisz. said...


Alessandra Mazzini said...

hahahaha you killed me hahaha

Flora said...


Gale said...

For a moment I forgot what day it was . . . I vote for which ever one will work with gmail motion.

Tala said...

Can I choose two??
I like C and E!!!But I really must choose then C.
Style like a Pro!!

P.S. Can't believe it has been already 3 years!!!

Anne M Bray said...


Anonymous said...

I have to say I too hope this is an April fools but if not I choose B & C.

Evangelina said...

option c deffo. however. option e has got selena gomez on so it's a tough call.

Irène said...

haha, thanks for making me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

Toally digging A and D, but I wouldn't want you to change the name. It takes away the humility, though for somebody who discovers she's sitting next to Anna Wintour in the front row, I guess it's pretty suited! Congratulations on three years, I'm sorry I wasn't there right from the start!

Laura said...

The one with the glitter all over your face is just SO you.

Anonymous said...

option C

Vivian said...

I say... Happy All Fools Day!!!!

P.S. btw, you are a StylePro indeed, but a Rookie is always a Cookie! :D

Gabriela said...

Option C!! Good Luck for U!!

alexis said...

Hahahha, oh man are those glitter-y texts hilarious.
Well, i gotta say keep it simple with the first, and i hope there's some underlying sarcasm in this, otherwise, yikes.

Anonymous said...

Is this an April fool. If it's not I think Style rookie is very original but if you really want to change the blog's name you should go for the first header.

By the way, do you really like Justin Bieber?

MsMolly said...

Oh for sure Option B. And then you must make a version of Badger Mushroom Snake that goes BIEBER BIEBER BIEBER BIEBER BIEBER BIEBER BIEBER GLITTER GLITTER PSYYYYYYYCH!

Mikimidori said...

OMG!! when i was reading, i was saying "this has to be a joke" XD....hope so, i'm from mexico i don't know this was for april fool until i saw the other coments lol

Mirka said...

that's joke. april fool, right?
but option a is cute!

rae ng said...

out of c and d.. i would say try to mix them together!

Unknown said...

I like 'em all, but I think I like the candy bars the best!!! (awwwww, smart girl, what is that reference?)

alex said...

Option A, how can anyone resist that face?

Trisha said...

Option C!! You look just sassy enough.

CARRIE said...

Option B is killing me in the best way possible. Please don't let this be an April Fools, you Style Pro, you. BRING ON THE BEIBS!

Ann Marie M. said...

At first, I thought you lost your fabulous mind! Option B, simply the best! haha

Erica said...

option d because real professionals know the importance of puppy picture use when editing (write that down)

- Erica : )

Valerie Friedrich said...

Bieber Fever all the way! XO Valerie

thwany said...

hmmm doesn't really seem like you. i say it's an april fool's joke.

abigail said...


Anonymous said...


Ania B said...

my first thoughts: that's a joke right... after thought: APRIL 1st. Good One :)

Anonymous said...

C. Because how else am I supposed to know that it's you?

Anonymous said...

I say put them all out there! These must be seen! ;)

Elinor said...

i think it should option C it would be liked by a wider amount of people if you made the one with Beiber ugh i know i would personaly stop reading your blog. you should choose option C it frames your face better to.

Madeline Quaint said...

"It's me!" and a stack of money! This is soooo youuuu, Tavi!
Also, tiny teen stars??? I want a mini version of that wizard girl too. Will you open like an Etsy or something and sell them? Puh-leaze!

:D :D :D

Jana said...

haha i would choose Opinion d :D you are so funny :D april, april.. :)

Hanna said...

Next year you can be "style pro 2.0"

Alisa said...

oh no!
Happy April Fool's Tavi ;)

Baylee said...

I think you are the only blog-writer that can actually make me laugh out loud.

Unknown said...

PLEASE use the one with the money, honey!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm Samara, nice to meet you. I live in Brazil. Your blog is amazing! Congratulations! I go in option D. The best will win.

Kisses and butterflies

Anonymous said...

I've got to say option B really shows your classy yet ghetto fabulicious side. Well done Style Pro.

Helena H said...

i just got really scared. thank god its april fools

Randi said...


Amandine said...

I'm really lucky that I remembered today's date because I was about to make a really big fool of myself.

Option A all the way! (for it's simplicity mostly)

microrganisms said...


Luiza said...

that's april first right?!? please tell me you're joking...

Sparky said...

I think you should use all five and don't forget about when it comes to the Biebs, more is better. More Biebs, more glitter, sparkle and shine. More hearts, definitely. Maybe more bows and bunnies, too.

Unknown said...

Either Option B or D for sure... but E is growing on me...
In any case I think we need moar glitterz ;D

Anonymous said...


Isabelle said...

the lack of futura is disgrungling.
but i like the one with justin bieber....
haha. im just kidding.
i agree that you are a style pro, but i think you can think of a better noun than pro. just a thought

anaflesh said...

i think you should go for all of the options. one for each day of the week. (wait, how many days does a week have?) to prove all the very smart people who think this was a joke wrong. and i like the name too. very professional

Clare said...

Bieber. not even a question y'all. /someone suggested raining glitter from the top of the page? OH HAYLE YEAH PLZ

Tiffany said...

Option A--definitely a classic.

Mimi said...

All of them are just so great I cant decide... how about combining all of them, i mean you cant have enough jb or glitter in your header ;) happy april fools :D

Megan Hattie said...

big lolz for you! you got me!

--Megan//The Martian Tide

Ashley Doll said...

Idk...I just like the *sound* of Style Rookie. It rolls of the tongue. Not to say that you aren't a PRO!

love buzz said...

i like the april fools one most! xxx

Pedro said...

its funny that actually some people are arguing what header is better hahahahha

Lydia Armstrong said...

The one with the giant arrow pointing to your face, lest we be confused about who the real Pro is.

chelsea jade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chelsea jade said...

fringe-clutch hat.

Anonymous said...

STYLE PRO! Awesome, your are a Pro! :D
I'd say option C.
Keep your Pro-ness up! :)

Ro Furkim said...

Option A. Simply you!!!

Nana said...

Option C is wonderful

Becca WIllow Moss said...

..april fools?

Ro Furkim said...

Oh, April Fools Day... Thanks God!

Sophie Frances said...

Okay so like I really like love like the option a ( cause like you look totes magotes hawt!!) also it like makes justin beiber look even haawwterr! LIKE OMG! I also like option D. Mostly because it shows your risque and naughty side! totally gurl! I think you shoul have like done a spray tan (wayyy hawter you don't want to look pasty)
april fools day forver gurl
p.s I think its hilar that people think this is ligit

Isabela Boechat said...

jesus. this trick has almost led me to a stroke. be aware that you might kill a reader with this post. i really thought the world was over and got WAY more worried than when by best friend told me earlier that she was pregnant (i must say i also believed it) lol

Matrix Music Teacher said...

B, definitely B.

Ro Furkim said...

You, Tavi. Don't f... me! (Haha) I'm an old old lady. Tired neurons...

Unknown said...

#1 & #2

Jenny said...

Tavi I think I love you

dinsquared said...

Option C. Fer sure. LOVE the pointy arrow.

witches said...

are you actually serious?
don't use any of those.

witches said...

OH I GET IT! you little minx. happy april fools' for yesterday, charmer.

Lily said...


Brittney said...

xcuse me but u can not call urself a style pro u dnt even have stylish clothes, ok. if u luv cuture were is ur juciy cuture idthink u kno style.
bbut i viite for opiton d bc tht cap looks lik lv && tht is very stlish. anna winter wers lv ik.

Devery said...




jazz fututa sum hic said...

that's my favourite part of blingee - beiber Everywhere!

brodie said...

Option C is totally the best. It shows your anGeL!c side, as well as your TuFf b!tCh side. Obvz they're the two most important components of being a style pro.

PS It's April 2nd in Australia so this doesn't count. xo

Dahlia said...

OPTION C ! Oh please choose option C !

Tessa G. said...


I hope people that voted are joking.

Raynielle said...

bbbbbbbb yea thats a good time

Unknown said...

I don't think any of them are that great. They don't scream 'mature girl who has style'. They scream more 'I'm just a little girl this blog isn't very professional'. Something less girly?


chloé said...

bahahhahahaha ! definately option B !!


p.s. tell me your not changing it for real.i like it as it is.

LL said...

This is my favorite post ever of yours.... besides that one where you got a pimple and had to go to the school dance.

Anonymous said...

Happy April Fool's Day to you, too!

Unknown said...

Option A, but change the font to curlz mt for old times sakes. On a totally unrelated topic, why is it that trolling seems cooler today?

itsarandomstuff said...

i still love Style rookie, you'r follower's from the start know you as style rookie. But. i like your idea though my advice keep it simple and pro. glitters and blinking style are not so pro... ^^ , i hate JB by the way.

french toast said...

This is epic hahaa. You do have a pro sense of style ;).

fashionfauxxpas said...

OPTION C or the bieber one hahahaha

Unknown said...

love how some people don't get your jokes ^^

you look beautiful, love, love your hair :)

Unknown said...

Im truely horrified with this latest post Tavi...
3 years ago when you began this blog, you were an ambitious girl with a unique eye for mis-matched petterns.
It seems, after some time in the idustry, the taffita and sparkles have gone to your head...
Give it a shake and come back!

Mitchie said...


Misha Lulu said...

Option B. You look so cute on the photo!
I like style Rookie name more though....

ronel1217 said...

you too cute here babe..:)

Must Visit

Style 101 said...

I don't feel like any of these scream Tavi, from a personal stand point.

Alexi Frest said...

OPTION D, that is my favourite. By the way, I use Blingee, too.

PZ said...

Option B, defo. You look like a sassy witch with a Justin Beiber voodoo doll...who's coming out with a new Disney Channel Original Movie. Hayyy gurl.

zoomslow said...

Thanks for taking the democratic approach to this. “…going with the header you guys vote on THAT I LIKE THE MOST…” is surely the fairest way to go :-))

Well, I do like Option A, with the big wink, flashing ‘I <3 U’, glittering kisses, and curly font. Certainly very romantic!

But then I also like Option B. With all of the sparkles, it’s like you’re in possession of magical powers. And to make your crush on JB easier, you’ve been a bit mischievous and simply made him smaller? :-/

So for me it’s really out of those two. But now I see that some people are suggesting this is all a bit of a joke? Perhaps that big wink at the start is hinting at something other than my initial interpretation? :-)

Re. The previous post… ‘The Like’ seem pretty cool! I’ll have to look them up. And I too like those tights.

Anonymous said...


Gabriela R. said...

aprils fool! GREAT JOKE

Nicole said...

I can't pick up on sarcasm well, so I'm praying you're joking.

Isabelle said...

you go style pro.

MELISSA Z. said...

amazing effects, wow! <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PLEASE DO NOT PUT THE BIEBER. I don't think Courtney Love would approve. haha

Phoebelou said...

happy april fools day to you too, STYLE ROOKIE. i enjoy the first one meself

Bijou said...



K said...

oh no. i don't like this idea. i love style rookie and NONE of these headers is good. D is okay, but, really tavi, don't do this!!

mademoiselle créative said...

Is this a joke?! Because it is the first april?

Rachel Diercie said...

Really Tavi? Style Pro? I don't think it's better than Style Rookie :(
But, oh well, it is your blog not mine :)
Happy Birthday for Style Rookie! (sorry, I'm a little late)

Anonymous said...

oh its a tough choice- gotta be the second one! ;)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your blog! I think I still prefer your original header :)

Tanja S. said...

I really hope you keep the Style Rookie !

sophie said...

I'm an advocate for 'b'.
(also I apreciate the 'b'ieber pun, i like to think it was intentional)

hooray for glitter!

ursie said...

Haha nice try Tavi! Happy April's Fool!

nicola said...

I do hope this is an April Fool's prank! Cos all the headers look god-awful and so is the name!

nicola said...

If you want to change your header I recommend you use the picture you posted on the 27/3/11 at this link

It would really suit.

Catherine said...


yomo said...

I like it.

Pauline said...

C!! :D :D

lola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lola said...

option D...I love it it's cool and amazing...really like it...and btw would you visite my blog..??

lola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Don Reynolds said...

I'll have to go with A. You look a bit snarky in it. I like that. :}

olivia said...

Heehee. Best prank ever. I gotta say, it's a close tie between the Biebs (B) and the insipid puppy (D). Their faces both look so similar, somehow. ;)

G said...

the first picture!!

Marylyn Jean said...


Anonymous said...

option A, definitely. it looks the most "pro"fessional in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

option A, anyway

Anonymous said...

The best April Fools jokes take a while to sink in. This is a good one.

Would it be possible to have the puppy and Justin Beiber in the same photo? I would vote for that.

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