Yesterday was my birthday (15! I can already feel my back giving out!) so I wanted to dress like a Birthday Party Girl. My sister tells me that when I was little I said I wanted to be a "Birthday Party Girl" when I would grow up, which I guess means it's your occupation to have your birthday every day, probably because I wanted cake and presents every day. (I also think this is the definition because I remember feeling like I had to replan my life when I saw the Jimmy Neutron episode where it's his birthday every day and it ends up being not fun or something.) Now that I am 15 and can claim to totally get what Taylor Swift was talking about in that song where she talked about being 15, I think I'm finally grown up and can take on this job of Birthday Party Girl.

(Grinning devilishly and fifteenishly at Ella as she took this picture.)

Like any professional Birthday Party Girl, I wore a special crown to school. Ed of Meadham Kirchhoff gave it to me as part of a mutual mixtapes/barrettes/stickers/ribbons exchange. It might be my favorite thing. Wearing it yesterday was such a good decision that I think I'm going to start wearing it all the time, and hopefully the fact that it's a crown and not something like douchey sunglasses well keep me from seeming like an obnoxious person who thinks they're in a Wes Anderson movie but actually just looks like a dumbass for making turtlenecks their "thing." ("Yeah, I went through a phase where I wore a fedora for, like, a year." -Dude from school at auditions for a play.)

And since I've been going through it for the first time, and in honor of the marathon Ella and I had last night in honor of my birthday, and because the fall vibes/back to school vibes on that show are so good, I tried to get a bit of Twin Peaks in there, too. This shirt is the top cut off a dress I had when I was little, the perfect white picket fence shoes were sent to me by Rachel Antonoff, and the Laura Palmer pin I bought from Bookhouse Creations on Etsy. Worn above with a skirt from American Apparel and my mom's socks. I think this "Birthday Party Girl" thing is working out to be a pretty good gig.
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»Happy birthday!!!! I wish I had a crown for my birthday last Sunday. That would've made me feel instantly cool.
Happy birthday! I remember that episode of Jimmy Neutron, crashed my dreams of becoming a Birthday Party Girl every day ahah. :)
Congratz!!! you look beautiful :D
happy birthday, dear.
the birthday-girl-look (especially the crown of course) suits you perfectly.
Happy Birfday!!! You totally have an Audrey Horne outfit going on. :)
Happy Birthday! I love the crown. :)
well, tavi, you just seem to get cuter. happy birthday.
Happy birthday!!
I know how you feel. When I turned 15 I physically felt old. at 19 my body feels ancient. Plus my love for cute clothes on cute girlies makes me feel like an old man.
Glass of Fashion
Happy birthday too you, growing up, you're ready for it! :) You look lovely in the first photograph, love that you are smiley. Gorgeous outfit too.
happy bday Tavi! BeAutiful Crown!
Happy Birthday!
I remember the time I read about a 13 year old girl who had her own fashion blog and was well known in the fashion scene! That's you! You can be really proud of yourself and what you have achieved! It's great to see such a young person growing such an enourmous interest! I really love how you stand out from the crowd and don't give a damn!
I wish you all the best and all the greatest luck for your future!
You don't look one minute over 14.
I love the shoes!
La Petite Marmoset
I remember you once warning on your tumblr, something like, "It's just a fashion blog, it won't change your life." That's so not true! Thanks, and Happy Birthday, Birthday Party Girl :-)))
that tiara is pipecleaner goodness. happy birthday. xoxo
happy birthday tavi!
Happy birthday love!
Happy Birthday Tavi!
Happy birthday! You write so well :)
happy birthday tavi! <3 and gahhh, that crown is awesome. :)
Happy birthday!!
Hey tavi!
wishing you a fantastic birthday!
Happy birthday!
Fifteen was such a great year for me!
I love the Twin Peaks pin!
Happy birthday! You look super cute :P
Happy 15 candles Birthday Party Girl! Yes you should wear your crown as often as possible, especially on days you're feeling crappy - it's beautiful and will always make you smile:). Holy fek, you've found some Twin Peaks jewellery? I'm going there now! Er I guess I can say things like crappy and fek now you're 15 - kidding!!! xo
Happy Birthday! :)
Those shoes are absolutely amazing. I want them! Rachel Antonoff is so good.
Birthday Girl, you look so grown-up! Love your crown!
You are such a doll with the crown and peaked collar! Happy birthday, hun!
much love.
Tavi, happy birthday. hope you had a good 15...mine was seven years ago, but had a good one myself. You have changed so much in that picture of you wearing that crown and I bet rocking up to school with it would've made a lot of heads go girl friend! *hugs*
Happy birthday Tavi. Those shoes are gangsta. Love.
hey happy birthday tavi^^
hope you enjoyed your day!! really love the crown.
The crown and your whole outfit is adorable. ! I hope you had a lovely birthday. :)
[guitar riff] You say it's your birthday!
[guitar riff] It's my birthday too, yeah!
[guitar riff] You say it's your birthday!
[guitar riff] We're gonna have a good time!
[guitar riff] I'm glad it's your birthday!
[guitar riff] Happy birthday to you!
[wild applause]
Everybody oughta get an air guitar Beatles serenade for their birthday. That's my philosophy.
so perfect i feel like CRYING beautiful metallic pipe cleaner tears of joy over this outfit. it's twin peaksy and birthday girl-esque (you know whatimean)
15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg, such a big year.
You are such an adorable birthday party girl. (: I definitely looove the shoes.
Deer. Lady
Have a great new year so !
( fulls of Gifts at all points of view ! )
not only did you want to be a birthday party girl, but a pancake. you should have dressed up like a pancake.
You look so adorable and happy birthday! I would still like to be a Birthday Party Girl and I'm 20! Haha
Happy Birthday Tavi!!!
I think you'd make a great birthday-party-girl. =]
Happy birthday! You are so cuteeee <3
love the pink collared top! i cant beleive youre only 15!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
You're 15 already? STOP IT.
Happy birthday! You look so adorable. And I think I may have to DIY a pipe cleaner crown for myself...
stop this growing now, young lady!!!
haha but seriously i loved your bit about taylor swift. you are such an entertaining writer.
Birthday outfits are special well done on yours.
I love, love the tiara, please pass on my purchasing desire :-)
Thanks guys! Rivkah, that is my next project.
Happy birthday!!!
As a fellow 15 year old and fashion loving blah blah blah... i just wanted to say happy birthday!
also this post made me a bit excited because I dressed up as a birthday party girl on my sisters birthday recently. (if you care its on my blog) but anyway, yes it made me fell excited to see that I am not the only one who did this! anywho, I was wondering if I could write something about you on my blog. obviously I would link to your blog and credit you ect. ect. ect.
Wow! I totally just blabbed on a bit but yeah, happy birthday!
Birthday Party Girl, how cute! I'm diggin' them kicks. Reminds me of the penny loafers I used to wear as a kid because I liked the sound they would make when I ran around.
Happy Burrday! :)
Happy Birthday =)
Happy Birthday, Tavi, dear! SO fun watching you grow up! Yay.
I hope your birthday was everything you wanted and more!!
oh wow happy birthday :) U get prettier each day! x
Congratulations and happy birthday! Birthdays are always fun (even at an old age like mine) - and fifteen is an adorable time. Now you are a big girl. I count myself as an adult since the age of fifteen.
happy belated birthday. birthdays are the best aren't they? it's a day to feel extra-special.
I love your outfit. so glad that you channeled twin peaks/audrey horne vibes-she was/is after all wonderfully dressed with a sophisticated schoolgirl with a mix of the woodsy northwest and the 1950's look.
that laura palmer pin is beyond perfect. and I love the collar on that top! the crown is so sweet and childlike in the best of ways.
anyways hope your birthday was swell
Is it weird that I didn't even NOTICE at first that you were wearing a crown? For some
reason it registered as "headband".
On most people...twinkly crown.
On you...headband
I think that's a good sign... 15 is looking UP...
Tavi, your the Best! Happy 15th Birthday! May you have the Best Birthday ever! Love the Crown! Gotta find my own Tiara now.
Happy Birthday ! :)
Happy birthday, Tavi :)
15!? This is not possible. I remember when I was fifteen: a burbling bag of hormones, I would spend my time listening to Fall Out Boy and thinking over how complete my life would be if I had a boyfriend. You seem so mature for your age! Regardless, enjoy being in your mid-teens, it's a lot of fun :)
Happy Birthday gorgeous!!!
Happy birthday... All the best .D
Happy birthday, now you can start your new job as birthday girl!!! Very nice pictures- that cake made my mouth water the minute i saw it! Very nice outfit :D
Your blogger friend,
From (My blog)>
Happy birthday :) Have a nice time :)
Happy birthday! Cute outfit b-day outfit btw : ).
OMG, Happy Birthday! and I loved your comment about Taylor, hilarious! x
Happy birthday!
Happy b-day! I wish you everything best and maybe an boyfriend!
hugs and kisses by Mani.
happy birthday !!!
awesome outfit !
Yay for April birthdays!! Hope it's fantastic x
I love the fact you are on first name terms/bric-a-brac exchange with Meadham Kirchhoff designer... *sigh, you are so lucky
x x Michelle
Happy Birthday.
:) x x x x
Happy Birthday !
I adore your shoes :)
Hope you had a nice birthday Tavi!I love your outfit-Meadham Kirchoff is one of my favourites,to.
Happy Birthday dear one!! I trust you had a great day :D
You look beautiful Tavi!! Happy 15th birthday, I remember when i was 15 it goes sooo fast enjoy!!
Happy Birthday! :D
My back did quite literally give out when I was fifteen (okay, it started at fourteen), but that was because I had scoliosis - curvature of the spine - and not some kind of consequence of suddenly growing old!
Hope you had a very happy birthday, and I like the 'party' inspired outfit.
happy birthday! (:
Jeez, 15 already? Time sure does fly.
Congratz :D
Happy Birthday ! ;D
You look really beautiful !
You're older than me just seven months :]
once I read about you in a newspaper article and since then you're my role model
I hope you have a nice day!!
xx from Spain
Happy birthday!
Wonderful Birthday crown!!
and an impressive looking cake.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday you big grown up!
tavi, I am SO jealous of your rachel antonoff loafers!! they are absolutely perfect. You are so lucky to have them.
Hope you had a great birthday! xxx love
love this shoes!
Happy b-day send you sixteen candells next year
Happy birthday :) i hope you had a nice day. btw. you are looking really like a birthday girl :D
Fifteen already? Ok. Happy Birthday! And have a very great year until sixteen. Very very very very...
happy happy day. loooove the loafs. you look adorable as well.
best wishes! being 15 is cool, as i can remember ;)
Happy Birthday)
Š” Š“Š½ŠµŠ¼ ŃŠ¾Š¶Š“ŠµŠ½ŠøŃ))
Laura Palmer was celebrating her own birthday everyday.
happy birthday tavi. best wishes for everything.
Happy belated birthday! You look absolutely gorgeous. I love your blog!
Happy birthday! Cheers to an awesome blogger who continues to inspire me with each post.
Happy Birthday, Tavi!
congrats!! in spain we say 15 is the year of "la niƱa bonita" which means the gorgeous girl or next year we will see you in my sweet sixteen in the mtv?? haha hope not! xoxo
We turn 15 together Tavi! Happy Birtday to the both of us!
happy birthday, tavi! keep on keepin' on, and all that.
Wow you look so grown up (obviously :P) compared to when I first started reading your blog!
Makes me feel old :P
Happy B-day!
cake looks yummy :)
Fall RTW lowdown
Happy Birthday!
My birthday is in 6 days and I wish I get a giant chocolate cake just like yours.
I'll wait for you on my blog!
happy birthday tavi. Have a lot of inspiration &good ideas :)
Aaaah! ParabƩns amore! 8)
Linda como sempre S2
Happy birthday, Tavi!
happy birthday!! :)
Happy birthday, Tavi! Wish you all the best :)
Thank you for posting such beautiful and funny chronics.
Wonderful outfit. Love the pin and your shoes :)
And I wish you a happy belated birthday :)
happy birthday! I want the Laura Palmer´s pin too!!
happy birthday tavi, i think the crown suits you great. also im jealous cause ive tried on that skirt 329 times and it never looked good, and here you are just making it look fab.
Happy happy birthday!
You look a bit like Karlie Kloss in that second photo.
Hey! My name is Rachel Fischer-Schulz.. I love your blog! What a fancy crown!!!!! Sooo adorable....
I am an aspiring designer and I know this is pretty out there, but I could really use some support. I entered a nationwide contest for Wrangler to design the next big jean and made it to the top 5. From here on out the contest is solely based on votes..Please, please, please support me on by telling everyone you know to vote for me! Thank you a milllllion.
You make me feel young. And i'm 13/going to be 14 soon.
But anyway happy birthday:D
my question is:
have you ever had a boyfriend, a real one?
and have you ever had your heart broken?
how are you this self-aware and cool at 15? when you're my age, a new word will have to be invented for you because awesome won't cover it.
P.S. you share a birthday with my husby. :D
our birthday is two days apart chere...I only wish I was sent those picket fence shoes from Rachel Antonoff-very lucky m'dear...and I pass you on many birthday wishes (not all of them, but many ;)).
I found your blog and
I think it's very interesting!
Happy birthday (^O^)
Happy birthday, doll. Hope it was more fun than Jimmy Neutron's!
Ho, happy B ! You look beautiful in you from year to year hƩhƩ xoxo
Belated Happy Birthday! and since it was on the 21th and i live in Europe, enjoy this, that, the one over here, these lil cuties or maybe those beauties, just in case you haven't already. well, maybe ^____^
best of luck!
Happy birthday Tavi!! Right now I am so jealous of that crown. Urg
Congrats! You are looking great!
Wish I had the feeling that I was grown up when it was my 15th birthday... ;)
I LOVE the crown ^_^
& happy birthday xx
I loved the shoes and the sweater!
I love your shoes! Also happy birthday ;D
Happy belated Birthday! Super cute skirt.
If I ever grow up, I'm going to be a Birthday Party Girl for sure. Brilliant idea.
Have a happy one!
Happy Belated Birthday! I love the Birthday Party Girl outfit-it's divine. I hope you have a wonderful year full of new opportunities. oh and never lose your wonderful sense of humor!
damn, that a prat i am...
short version, just the music
longer version, photos pick up a somewhat Twin Peaks-y colouring.
and remember: whatever you do, don't do heroin ^____^
Sappy Anniversary!
hey, happy birthday! i kind of am in love with your blog. just thought i'd say so. i turned fifteen last november, so we're the same age now. except i'm definitely not as cool as you:) your writing is so inspiring! and hilarious! and very adult-like. i love it. and i have been reading your blog for ever, but i finally got a blog and now am following you:) if you want you can check it out:
i just started it so there aren't very many posts.
anyways, just thought i'd say Happy Birthday to you since being a fifteen year old birthday party girl is pretty cool.
Happy Birthday, Tavi!
You look awesome in your birthday girl outfit, suitably grown-up yet still whimsical / yourself.
Congrats, and to many more! You remain, as ever, adorable.
my birthday was yesterday too! and so was william shakesomething.
Happy Birthday! I love that outfit too, its so cute :)
Happy birthday!
I'm an avid follower of your blog/tumblr and I'm so happy that you exist!
I love how funny and intelligent you are but also, how you have a refined taste in everything. This is the first time I wished I was friends with someone 10 years younger than me :)
shine on!
love from Istanbul,
Those shoes are adorable. Look out, I'm not above snatching them and running off into the night. :)
Happy belated birthday! I want a crown for my 15th :L
Happy belated birthday! I want a crown for my 15th :L
happy birthday!
check out my blog:
That shoes! Omg that shoes are nothing but gorgeous.
Feliz CumpleaƱos!!! 15!!!! Maravilla, me gustaria por un instante volver a mis 15...
Happy birthday Tavi! I love your birthday crown :) And the shoes in that outfit are so neat! I love the plaid skirt :)
happy b-day from prague!;)
Happy birthday for yesterday!! I think I'm in love with your crown and white picket fence shoes!!
happy be-lated burpday and loving da crown.
Happy Birthday from Oregon, Tavi! My birthday is next month, and I think it is a great idea to find a crown to wear and some white picket shoes and have a big fluffy pink cake with candles and be Queen of the birthday Girls. And oh BTW, I'll be 61 years old.
Happy birthday! big 15 (:
Crowns and tiaras should be worn every day! Happy birthday : D.
Happy birthday! I love the birthday outfit.
You've inspired me..I'm going to make myself a crown.
you've inspired me...I'm going to make myself a tiara...
Happy bday!
happy birthday, a little late :)
I wanted to ask you if you are going to write about your magazine soon ?
happy birthday!
love the birthday girl outfit, especially the top
i love this blog tavi!!
Hell yeah you totally rock! (love the taylor swift-part, hahah).
Happy Birthday! It was my birthday on sunady 24th. I love having a spring birthday. I didn't have a crown, but I did have 5 cakes and two trays of homebaked Hot Cross Buns. My friends really should have coordinated their picnic food but I didn't complain. It was probably the best picnic ever.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stay as cute as you are!!!
happy birthday!
Yay, you are also a fellow Taurean. Happy fifteenth!!!
A belated Happy Birthday. You have a super cool blog, I'm a big fan, please follow my new one if it interests you at all x
Yummy cake :).
i dont know if you remember me but i used to run the blog silver wings (i was the dreamy confused girl). anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you look too cool for school as usual.
Happy Birthday Tavi! I love your blog- it's so cute and you are so quirky.
happy 15th birthday the 15th year will be a good year!
It's my birthday today! Yay April babies.
Hmmm, now I've got to go and create a birthday girl outfit of my own.
Pretty sure it's going to involve flannel and denim and some sort of army green. All of my favourite things!
Happy birthday lady.
Happy birthday Tavi! Have a great one! And your outfit is geius!
Happy Birthday Tavi!! :)
oh I hope you had a LOVELY
Happy Birthday! :D
Happy Birthday, I am also have an April birthday, I got given a top-hat.
I love your photo and your style and you blog I love all !!!!I'M YOUR FOLLOWER <3
I hope you will follow me
with love
Happy belated bithday! My bithday was also last week! :)
You're getting SO OLD!!!!! ;)
Looks Amazing, Tavi. Happy Birthday.
Love, Charlotte.
happy birthday!!! and your style is greta here. I wondering how people in your school saw the way that you're dress. and your teacher? hah))) with crown at school!!! such a great idea))))
and you look older in your picture.... older than before, lie a 15th girl...)))
Happy birthday! Love the crown, skirt and shoe combo.
You look like a ginger-locked Nancy Drew. Happy Fifteen!
Happy birthday :D
Happieee birrdaaayy Tavi!!! Where are your glasses! I loved you with glasses because you make it look so cool :) ( and I wear them too )
Hope you have a rocking year ahead!
u look great!!!!
happy bday :)
Happy birthday ;)
Happy Birthday Tavi!
happy birthday :) the crown was a good idea; maybe I can get one for my birthday..^^
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