We'll come back to New York later because Christopher Kane's collection spoke to me like no other. Like really, really resonated. So intensely, in fact, that I found myself up at 2 AM digging out from under my bed the remnants of an early 2000's bedroom. It was like I'd been possessed by the mesmerizing colors and movement of the Tropical Tie Dye Fruit Roll-Ups that ran along the skin of Kane's models like veins; by the many glistening reflections of each Lizzie McGuire-inspired sequin. It was then that I knew I had found my own truth to Lizzie's greatest moment: this collection is, in fact, what dreams are made of. (As a sidenote: how TRIPPY is that whole double-Hilary thing? It's like Black Swan. It is exactly like Black Swan.)

It started with these different forms of afghan patterns that I didn't love because a lot of it looks very easily thriftable, in fact, I have thrifted a lot of similar afghan stuff (except for that intriguing crocheted leather stuff that was burdened with an awkward color scheme.) I wish that it'd gone more in the direction of the first look which is one of the more adass outfits a person can wear.

BUT THEN! THEN we get to lava lamp MAGIC and it's all too hypnotizing for me to care about the olive green leather that was previously showcased. Do you see the Fruit Roll-Up resemblance? I know it can probably most definitely be considered tacky, but that's why it's so great! These lava lamp streaks know they're supposed to be fun and aren't trying to be anything else, that's why they're squiggly! And it's balanced out with some slick black shapes, for the sophisticated woman.
But that I am not! So the final looks were my favorites:

Back when I shared a room with my sister I earned some major cred among friends because my room had all the hippest stuff that the middle-schoolers were giving away at their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. This included a lime green inflatable armchair with a frog on it, a fake lava lamp full of glitter, and a lot of smiley face memorabilia. But my favorites were the bead curtains, copied almost EXACTLY above. I have a lot of love for these borderline ugly (in a good way! Always in a good way!) technicolor frocks that accurately represent both how our bedroom looked as well as sounded (regardless of being too young to get to see Josie and the Pussycats, I knew every song.)

Bask in the glory! And please note the collars. I hope they're sold on their own like Miu Miu did that one time.

1) Befriend a nice but hopelessly unhip Jewish family. Wish them a good Shabbos every Friday; attend a Sukkot party if invited. Enter their home with the right kind of Challah. Ask if they prefer Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm. Mention that a friend of yours has David Axelrod over for Passover every year, and sure, you'd be happy to get them in touch.
2) Make sure that the family contains a kid with an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This is key. You should also make sure that the parents are out of touch with both their kid and with what the kidz are into these days.
3) Since you've been Honorary Jew for a few months now, you will be invited to the kid's Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Attend, tear up at the parents' blessing, make small talk with the distant relatives, and be generally polite and tactful -- until the DJ CONTESTS, that is! Whatever your skill may be -- limbo, hula hoop, dance, or catch-the-money-in-the-suffocating-lawsuit-body-bag-not-unlike-that-scene-from-Matilda (we had this game at mine) -- be ready to show off! You'll look stupider than you have in your entire life, but you must throw these insecurities out the window. Remember what you have that the 12 year olds don't -- your body odor is more controlled, you don't have to worry about going to school on Monday to be reminded of your actions (I KNOW WHAT YOU DID AT JONAH'S BAR MITZVAH: movie event of the year), and you don't plan on ever seeing this family again! They're hopelessly unhip, remember? And because of this, they chose prizes for their kid's Bar/Bat Mitzvah that would've been cool when my big sister was BM-hopping, but are now hopelessly dated. Until Christopher Kane's Fall 2011 collection, that is! So when you go to claim your prize after beating a middle-schooler in musical chairs, pride yourself in the Kane-esque lava lamp pencil case purse that, essentially, really only cost you some small talk and a macaroon canister.
And now, reasonably but not completely related moodboard:

Grace Miceli, Rose McGowan and Thora Birch,Versace Spring 2004 ads, sea kay on flickr, Rose in Jawbreaker, Christy Turlington in unknown designer, Jawbreaker, Craig Masson and Andrew McMinn's home, Ghost World, Kate Moss by unknown photographer, Grace Miceli again, and late 90s Comme des Garcons. As always with unknowns, email me if you have an answer!
Cropping Rose's ice pop partner: essential "You're too young!" etc. etc.
The transparent lava lamp combos are so good. The clear stuff is like a combo of bubble wrap and that thick floor-covering stuff tacky offices put down to stop wheely chairs damaging their polyester carpet.
Slow clap for Kane.
Unfortunately I grew up surrounded by Mexicans so the idea of a Bar and Bat Mitzvahs were practically unknown. BUT they did have quinceanera's which are just the same things except big poofy dresses are involved.
I'd really love me a lava lamp inspired bow tie. hnnng
HAHA, I knew someone would catch that crop. 1) the guy is ugly, and 2) irrelevant to the screencap's context here. Look at the bead curtains! The lips phone! Oooh, pretty colors! And yeah, I was expecting the YOU'RE TOO YOUNG stuff too.
Also: wheely chair connection is dead on.
loooovoe the clutch christopher kane ;)
wounderful article, love your blog!)))
Wow, that Gaga-like Versace model looks magnificent - even if I have a strong dislike against Donatella for her fur policy.
A shame that most brands are nasty in an eco-friendly or animal friendly sense. Even high-street ones, although they COULD afford the other methods.
Well, I stick to Stella McCartney (as for cosmetics, Lush).
Really, why do you not write about animal friendly designers? There are many out there. And you have an audience for that.
This collection is amazing. I love your blog Tavi!
Ohh, I feel like you would have made a spectacular ~cAnDy KiD~ Tavi!
The world would be a better place if we had more fruit roll-up inspired clothing.
I really love the photo by sea kay. The nails, the denim, the backpack. Mmm... perfect.
Those clutches are to die for! I wonder if there's a DIY version out there somewhere. Keep up the good work!
Hi Mina, not to dismiss those issues, but I would like to be more educated before writing publicly on them. I'd also like to keep this blog from becoming a "write about this! You have the audience!" request-taker. I like writing my blog because it's not my job to write about anything and I don't have any obligations. This isn't to say I don't think more serious issues deserve attention, but I'm just not the right person for that job since I don't have the background and it's more required in that case than in writing about Christopher Kane dresses.
ahhhh i really want to squeeze everything!! i totally had a trapper keeper thing made out of that same plastic with the technicolor liquid inside...i wish i still did. makes me wonder what ever became of my inflatable furniture and beaded curtains. now that i'm an "adult" it would be awesome to replace my existing furniture with said artifacts. i do still have a badass lavalamp!
I love the set of black dresses. It's a little more subtle, but completely wearable. You would actually stand out these types pieces. Life is more fun that way.
My Heart Blogged
i love christopher kane so much, because not only are all his collections gorgeous but they are not too serious. i can imagine he is one of those people you don't hesitate to approach! i do like the crochet outfits however but probably most adore the finale dresses!
that versace campaign should be available as a wallpaper.
Christopher kane = avoid sharp objects
but its great!!
I had a yellow smiley-face bead curtain in grade 8. True story.
awww Mr Kane is so wonderfully talented...also love the little Ghost World reference.
I'm off down to the schools supplies shop for a pencil case, the wool shop for a crochet needle and the the craft shop for some flourescent paints! http://irishheart.com
I love the lava stuff, though the collars are definitely the nicest details! I once found a postcard made like that and had it stuck on my bedroom wall for ages but it all fell to the bottom and didn't look so good after a while. In London we have Fruit Winders, which are kind of the equivalent but less psychedelic. The Versace campaigns are relevant, but so hideous, I don't get how they produce such awful and tacky prints! Wish I'd got to see the Christopher Kane show at LFW!! (and no, I've never been to a Bar Mitzvah!)
Lovely article, your blog is so great !
Loving all of these funky colours. Very spring-like, and I've been waiting for it to come for ages!
Loving all of these funky colours. Very spring-like, and I've been waiting for it to come for ages!
I love the colours :)
“These lava lamp streaks know they're supposed to be fun and aren't trying to be anything else…”
Exactly! They aren’t ironic, or thoughtful, or referencing something else, or the product of some philosophy, they’re just lava lamp streaks! You see them and think, wow, that’s fun, colourful, refreshing. And if they’re really doing their job, you’ll think, “Hmmm, fun, colourful, refreshing… That’s how I’d like to feel! I think I’ll buy a piece from this collection!”
Many a time I’ve been rescued from the whole over-analysing thing by recalling the beautiful simplicity of Andy Warhol’s summation of the Pop Art movement…
“Pop Art is about liking things.”
Fair enough :-))
the christopher kane show was pretty incredible. it was very beautiful. i can understand why it spoke to you because it was so different and mesmerizing.
love this post so much.))*
those clutches remind me of fake seas I made in plastic baggies. Add some blue food coloring, sparkles, and foam fish!
Also how cool would it be if he had put glitter in those fruit loopys!?
yeah!! Christopher Kane's collection is always very nice and artistic and unique!
for example, like the lines or cuttings in the clothes are beautiful! and this time, i think he made the mood of mystique...
anyways, he's great and you're great:)
your moodboard is sups cool. kind of like a mix of (get ready for sups snobby fashion person voice to commence) my homeboys kane, jeremy scott, and henry holland
my favorite vibes! You nailed the early-2000s third grade thing on the head.
loved the versace that season too
anyways loving those magical clothes :) favorites of mine too
swatch international giveaway:
lol at the smily face nails
Third picture from below: I know the film,Ghostworld is really cool!
I completely agree about the first looks. When I was going through the collection, I was thinking, "WTF are you doing, Christopher Kane? I know you're better than this!" And then I saw the lava lamp dresses, and I knew he was just messing around with us at the beginning. Those dresses are so tight. The lava strips also remind me of this marker board I had when I was younger. It was all black, and when I'd write on it with a certain pen, the colors would be all crazy, like his lava-lamp strips. I don't remember what it was called...
LOL ask if they prefer Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I totally agree with you Tavi. If I have something recongnizable in my own life, I am mre likely to enjoy the collections that I see before me. But I am not so lucky when there is nothing I can relate the clothes to. I can relate them to things that mean good to me. Why not clothing. Christopher Kane did an amazing job defining you, and you liked it. What an awesome collection. Personally I really enjoyed it! Cool post!
-Fashion Nerd
Actually, it looks more like liquid timers from the 90s. It was a staple at the dentist's waiting room, very effective to hypnotize children and keep them from running towards the door.
We also had accessories just like those clutches in the 90s, and big chunky clear plastic rings with smileys that were filled with water.
I'm such a fan of Christopher Kane. And I find you and your blog more and more awesome.
Ghost World and Jawbreaker are amazing movies!! Love the images used!
Your sister was Bowel-Movement-hopping? Terrifying.
jawbreaker is awesome! as the collection...i think that clutch can definitely be DIY'ed
Love the collection as well as the purses! Holy hell those are awesome, although unpractical because I lug so much crap around with me.
Those Versace Ads! Those bring me straight back to high school and made an appearance in my favourite Vogue issue ever. I always pondered over why that model looks uber transsexual. Ha, how funny to see it again.
and I'm definitely feeling lava lamp and fruit roll ups but also with a bit of mermaid/colored bacon.
Rose McGowan! Awesome!
Also, I loved Christopher Kane's collection.
luv u :)
This is my first time on your blog and I love it! It's refreshing to see high quality writing! I'll continue to follow:)
This is my first time on your blog and I love it! It's refreshing to see high quality writing! I'll continue to follow:)
Glitter/tacky/alien/teen bedroom vibez? YES. Just YES.
p.s. Christopher Kane's collection is definitely Fruit Roll-Up inspired.
Amazing pictures, althought the first one does look very similar to the carpet in my kitchen... just saying!
wonderful article!
Love your blog !!
great post. I can see why you like the details and collars. kane is clearly a one with the vision.
UGH I LOVE CHRISTOPHER KANE SO MUCH.I would love it if the collars were sold separately,as I never got to get one of the Miu Miu ones :(
Your posts are always so fantastic and colourful! Love them :)
The Flower Girl
I like these pieces they are whimsical and bright and everything I love about fashion.
I'm eating fruit roll-ups now! Now if only i could transform them into a bag before they are all gone....
I always find that British designers are the most fun, not dismissing any creations of that made by other designers of different nationality, I guess it might be the humour...
Love this collection, and also the blog!
you crazy...but sooo cool...still can´t believe you´re so young with so much spirit and genius thoughts in your mind! chapeau! ;)
Oh yes Christopher Kane, you've done it again. Brilliance, futuristic yet a nod to the past.
I really like the lava lamp dresses! And the outfits in the first picture all remind me of a vintage store I was recently in, where they were selling long sweaters made out of old afghans! They were pretty crazy awesome :) I also can't get over how amazing the rainbow bathroom picture is! Who doesn't love rainbow rooms?
First--these look exactly like fruit roll ups! Second is that I HAVE THE LIZZIE MIGUIRE MOVIE SOUNDTRACK from first grade and--GET THIS--I WAS LISTENING TO IT THE OTHER DAY, AND SINGING THAT EXACT SONG. Truly, this is what dreams are made of.
On top of the wicked cool connections, I really love these fashions. I feel inspired to go buy a shitload of fruit roll ups and tack them onto an my old clear shower curtain. And yes, I have a bunch of that Bar/Bat Mitzvah crap at home too! And I have a mini lava lamp! And during the early 2000's, my uber cool older cousin had one of those beaded curtain things over her door! Fond memories of a more fashionable era.
Clara - I have always referred to my own Bat Mitzvah as my Bowel Movement.
Haha! That made me laugh. I'm just about to scavenge my basement for rejected Bar Mitzvah prizes!
haha!this made me laugh so much i cried a little!i'm going hunting for my old school pencil cases!
adore your blog tavi!
Laura Bella
also, i totally agree, the double Hilary thing is sooo trippy!
Laura Bella
If you can't find a hopelessly unhip jewish family you could make your own bag out of a fruit rollup.
I got a lizzy McGuire valentines computergame from McDonalds and now I need to go find it.
the color factor in this post is making my brain go happily insane. GO COLOR
It's been 10 years since the movie Ghost World came out and I'm not longer a teenager, but I'd still die to have Enid Coleslaw's bedroom.
The clutches are amazing!
Michelle's Style File
I totally agree tavi! About how fun the collection is and stuff but mainly about the lizzie McGuire movie! When she has dark hair and is like Lizzies alter ego! I'd take Lizzie and Gordo in Rome over Natalie Portman any day ;) xoxo Abby
The versace ads are very cute!
gushers, as in the once-popular, now-forgotten fruit gushers? if yes, amazing; if no, it's really too bad.
thanks for the post, looking forward to more on nyfw touched by your usual oh-so-odd but absolutely-right-on perspective.
Hahah i love your tips for how to get a chris kane purse, hilarious! And I thought the same thing when I looked through the pics on Style.com, it actually reminded me of you because I know how you have those leggings with an old school blanket print!
La Petite Marmoset
Yes, yes, YES. The clear plastic clutches! Are they filled with sparkly liquid??? And, aww, I've always wanted a bead curtain.
ooh ALIENS! you sure are trendy and oh so very 90s!! i wonder how you could have possibly found such a unique and original muse.... wow!!!! i definitely havent seen this idea run into the ground a million times within the past year!
i'm pretty sure you would love the afgans my grandma long before i was born. they are brightly colored with funky shades of green, orange, pink, brown, etc. she used to make them out of leftover yarn, so they came out funky looking and huge. i loved them. my mom used to put them over my covers in the wintertime. they were heavy enough to make you feel really warm and tucked in. also, i love bedroom beads!!! i used to have a disco ball set in my doorway. and finally, i love the mood board- especially the versace ad.
pretty sure you should just buy the vintage zodiac hand painted boho platform boots up on etsy at the moment. i'd link you to them but then it'd look like i'm selling them. which i'm not.
you may or may not jizz a rainbow onto your keyboard on seeing them.
taviii! this post reminded me in THE BEST way of the "interior design" portions of old delia's (err, dELiA*s, pardon me) catalogues. i SO wanted a blow-up plastic chair.
also, a fuzzy "boyfriend" pillow. AND beaded curtains.
super images. no favorites because they are all fab. yeah! cheers.
Kane. I love you.
No joke, that man is a GENIUS
I want one of those clutches, now.
Kira Lilly fashion blog
great post ! I love it :D
great post ! I love it :D
great post ! I love it :D
Right on the money. Fabulous images; my creative inspiration should be sustained for DAYS! I love this blog.
I love Christopher Kane's peek-a-boo tummies!
You are one of my favourite bloggers! Keep up the good work!
This is my favorite post! It is soooo funny! The lava lamp and fruit roll-up references to Kane's Fall collection! Hahaha! I did not see that, until you said it. Could he have been inspired by the colors of the sunrise/sunset on the ocean?...or a candy store?
Whaaa, i love it! That picture of that room is so cute! (L)
So I have this backpack that resembles Kane's bags, the flap has water (or a liquid of some sort) and dye in it...also glitter, so when you walk it all mixes together, are Kane's bags, collars, etc water filled? Is that what gives them the lava lamp effect? I've never seen anything like my backpack apart from the shop I bought it at.
that iridescent quicksilver nothingness, soft and elegantly fluttering and flattering the figure (well, if there was any to speak of ^__^): quite nice. and these little vividly coloured pouches on the edgings (probably filled with toxic waste and the tears of a thousand orphans ^__^) really are something.
oh, and your last paragraph made me first literally lol and then damn the fact that the only jew i know in person is an atheistic single child at odds with his family... no luck with taking the shortcut to hipness... again ^_____^
Smiley face nails. AH, the nostalgia! :)
xx - http://www.fashionchalet.net/
The clutches are amazing! They kind of don't even look..... real. Love the collection!
tavi, you're hilarious. regarding the plastic lava lamp clutches, you could take the bar/bat mitzvah approach.. OR you could just go to the local dollar store.. because i'm pretty sure i've seen those pencil bags for 99 cents in the back-of-the-store sale bins..
ANYWAY, finally a real Christopher Kane post. i've always thought you + blogging about christopher kane would be a match made in heaven ~
love the pictures! :)
pretty cool collections^^
brilliant pictures!
love the way you express yourself hahaha lava lamp pencil case purse^^
talking about aliens... making alien felt broaches is quite cool!
These are AMAZING!!
yes Christopher triumphs yet again!
WOW, just wow. Those clutches are phenom-nom-nominal! I could eat them they're so good, but I won't, because the price would literally melt my face off (literally? ok, hopefully not, but I guess we'll never know...)
I adored Kane's resort collection (I've been lusting after anything galaxy print ever since, but I could probably build a spaceship for the price of one of those dresses (and by 'build' I mean small plastic bin + bath full of pepsi + like a zillion mentos = ALMIGHTY KA-BLOOM! and stuff...) Though I don't think I'd end up in space, maybe a space in a psych-ward though... aha, sorry for ranting, TTFN Tavi :)
Ah lava lamps - takes me back to being a kid and owning multiple neon items / clothes
Also, my pencil case when I was 11 looked exactly like the clutches :P
Loving the playfulness of this collection.
i love this post
Can't stop looking at your blog, and realize how wonderful you are.
Benoit, from France.
Can't stop looking at your blog, and realize how wonderful you are.
Benoit, from France.
Interesting article. I love the concept Alien + acid colour. I invite you to my Utopia blog: in "Madrid fashion week" and my last works about ..."China Power!"...
I love this blog to see my invite is also a fashion
I love the way you write articles! And the images... just... WOW! I wish I knew the author of the last pic... But I don't. I'm a big fan of yours. I've been following your blog a long time. You got talent!
personally, i always love christopher kane's collections right off the bat. this one took me a bit longer to warm up to but as always, he doesn't disappoint in the least and this is what i'll be wearing NOW.
p.s. maybe you'll like this song!
Wow! I love these collections. What great colors!!
British flag toilet paper ♥
Best ever mood board--I'm harboring some major "Jawbreaker" love.
I think it's really neat the way you are so wrapped up in what you are doing that you find yourself popping up at 2am seemingly unable to wait until morning because what's on your mind just can't wait that long. I can't relate to the fashion stuff like you do, but I can relate to the I can't wait to get this done method(Madness).
ughhh. i feel for your mood board.<3
Christy Turlington wears Thierry Mugler
omigosh the clutch was definitely a blast from the past for me. i immediately thought of those crazy plastic patches that were full of jelly. i had a heart shaped one on pink mini dress that i wore when i played baby spice in our schools airband.
you blog is awesome and so are you of course (that goes without saying). in fact it has inspired me to start my own blog!
i love how you dress in a way that you want to and you dont care what other people think.
when i was younger i wore an outfit that i thought was really cool and i was told it was horrible by someone. at the end of the day i ripped off the clothes and hid them at the top of my cupboard. looking back i wish that i had acted like you do and not let t ffect me like that especially as it was my best ever outfit!!!
if you can please check out my blog
oh, tavi. your "honorary jew" commentary made me laugh my tuchus off! you're like butter. my family is (very loosely) jewish, too. i'm happy to see another girl my age has the same sense of humor as me.
That first afghan sweater thing is crazy awesome!
i am a big fan of this post.
I totally get the references you're talking about. I mean these dress would have been a 7 year old me dream come true! But then again they are also the current me dream come true. :)
LOOVE the bags!
ahaha, wow, that step by step tutorial to how to befriend a nice Jewish family just made my evening.
You. are. funny.
And boy, am I jealous that you were in NY... but at least I get to live vicariously through you.:)
Alien Nation moodboard= pure awesome!
we hate you!
Every time I see this collection I can't stop imagining how amazingly glamourous and alluring it must be to watch the "lava lamp" liquid moving around in the dress corresponding to how the woman in it walks. It's like Gaga's self bleeding leotard, but not really...
It's always changing and never looks the same twice.
I remember I always wanted a blow up chair and those beaded curtains.the tacky of the 90's is calling me!! and in reference to the collection,sometimes utterly tacky is totally the way to go
If you want to indulge in extreme 90's fashion my dear.
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