I had Bjork and Gwen on the mind yesterday morning. (Better quality of Venus here but the embedding is disabled, grumble grumble.)
Bindis, braids, t-shirts, semi-sportiness, something slightly off kilter. Also, how lifechanging are both of these songs and videos?
Thrifted Gap tee, mesh marshmallow (meshmallow?) Comme des Garcons skirt from last year's Barney's Warehouse Sale, and Jil Sander sandals (Jil Sandals?) for the sportiness, and a tiny sweater (hand-me-downed) just seemed necessary. The bindi came from a set I got for Jul (this kind) a few years ago. Unfortunately I had to wear boots instead of sandals to school. That's funny, weather! I don't remember granting you permission to shed your dandruff all over my beloved fall leaves! It was pretty perfect for the first night of Hanukkah, however.

My friends told me the patch is from Girl Scouts but I wouldn't remember because I was a horrible Brownie and really lazy and would just ask my parents to buy a couple boxes of Thin Mints and then feel disappointed in myself when the other girls proudly accepted their CD holder wall-hangings and I was stuck with a dopey stuffed animal. I still have that stuffed animal. And probably the Thin Mints, somewhere, too.
Seriously though -- Brownie patch on a sweater!! Why didn't I think of that? I need to find my sash and rip off all those bowling patches. That was the other thing I did as a Brownie.
The ladies at Pamflet (which I've written about before here) had a bit on the Just a Girl video in the new issue which I happily received in the mail in the other day. More favorites bits of mine are on boys not crying, nuns and nuns in culture, vanity, indie boys-to-men, and, yeah, a spread on fashion bloggers, and I'm in it, but I genuinely like the issue! Nuns and vanity! Looks like it's going to be their last issue for a while but they'll keep fighting the good fight online. Still, I recommend a print issue. It's barely $3 and you can buy it on their site.
Thrifted Gap tee, mesh marshmallow (meshmallow?) Comme des Garcons skirt from last year's Barney's Warehouse Sale, and Jil Sander sandals (Jil Sandals?) for the sportiness, and a tiny sweater (hand-me-downed) just seemed necessary. The bindi came from a set I got for Jul (this kind) a few years ago. Unfortunately I had to wear boots instead of sandals to school. That's funny, weather! I don't remember granting you permission to shed your dandruff all over my beloved fall leaves! It was pretty perfect for the first night of Hanukkah, however.

My friends told me the patch is from Girl Scouts but I wouldn't remember because I was a horrible Brownie and really lazy and would just ask my parents to buy a couple boxes of Thin Mints and then feel disappointed in myself when the other girls proudly accepted their CD holder wall-hangings and I was stuck with a dopey stuffed animal. I still have that stuffed animal. And probably the Thin Mints, somewhere, too.
Seriously though -- Brownie patch on a sweater!! Why didn't I think of that? I need to find my sash and rip off all those bowling patches. That was the other thing I did as a Brownie.

The ladies at Pamflet (which I've written about before here) had a bit on the Just a Girl video in the new issue which I happily received in the mail in the other day. More favorites bits of mine are on boys not crying, nuns and nuns in culture, vanity, indie boys-to-men, and, yeah, a spread on fashion bloggers, and I'm in it, but I genuinely like the issue! Nuns and vanity! Looks like it's going to be their last issue for a while but they'll keep fighting the good fight online. Still, I recommend a print issue. It's barely $3 and you can buy it on their site.
The girl scout patch on your sweater is adorable!
I love the skirt, it's so different. Sorry the silly weather made you change your shoes.
My Heart Blogged
I was a girl scout too...I just remember telling them I wanted to be a fashion designer and the lady going, "fashion designers don't get paid much, unless you're REALLY famous." That's when my dreams were crushed.
I've gotten some comments that I look unusually like you. hmm?
Very cute outfit!
love the bjork track
Jil Sandal? IM DYING!
I love the patch!
i've been getting back into no doubt recently also!
love the braids and girl scout patch, very nice :)
My sister has sewed some of her old Girl Guide badges to cover labels on some of the clothes she has bought my boys. The one with the firefighter helmet and elk head were especially coveted.
Loving the milkmaid braids, by the way!
While I so appreciate the '90s vibe, I do think your expression/entire appearance in your picture is really reminiscent of Sylvia Plath. She had virtually the same haricut for a while... Sigh.
OMGeeee if you're mood boards started developing a Bell Jar/Ariel theme I would be endlessly delighted.
Ok this may seem stupid but I need to ask,how is it possible for you to wear sandals in this terrible terrible coooold? you're feet are going to freeze, I worrie... ok that's it good night.
Brownie patches! *dances with glee* I think my brownie patches would go best at the top of some over-the-knee chunky socks. But which badge? First-aid, or orienteering, maybe? Story-telling, or knot-tying?
Sarah xx
I was a brownie :) Was too lazy to go onto Guides. Love the Skirt, very different but super stylish. You've inspired me to listen to No Doubt now, classic music taste. x
Love the bindi. Love the I'm Just A Girl (makes me think of Girl Power Book). Love the Holy Child Zine.
Hi Tavi,
Funny thing, me too I got inspired today and posted something accordingly. And guess what, it's still again related to CDG (yeah again, lol!).
I find the little sweater über cute on you! Great outfit!
like that skirt, so different!
ooh i have a CD of No Doubt!
I just love this whole post really.
you look totally crazy
i love it
you look totally crazy
i love it
Loving the Gwen-esque Bindi, sweater is completely CDG Fall 09. And "Just a Girl" is the best song ever, I swear. And thanks for the compliment on my zine!
I JUST did a Gwen-inspired-rhinestoned-face look last Friday and posted about it, we are eerily on the same wave length.
I wore a shirt I made thats white and gray with gold buttons along with some paper glasses I cut out last night when I was supposed to be doing math with a strip of lace wrapped around my head. The lace part was inspired by lady gaga. I was sorta sad that more people didn't comment on them. I guess they are used to the way I dress now. I need to dress crazier!
After seeing those videos I want to put spots on my eyebrows like Bajork and put a stick-on jewel on my forhead that I won at Chucky cheeses. I just made it sond like I won my forehead at Chucky cheeses didn't I? I meant that I won the sticky gems there. The gem would be like Gwen.
The Comme marshmallow skirt! You're a less fluffy marshmallow girl. Barney's + sale?! Mindblown!
I like your stuffing-words-together.
I wish I had your weather-tolerance. I leave my home wearing three layers and I'm still freezing, and it's California.
I always wanted to be a Girl Scout, but I eventually came to terms with the fact that I never go through with everything I sign up for...
Anyway, I love the skirt, and the braids, and pretty much everything here. :) Funny, I have a teacher who loves Bjork. Great post, once again, Tavi!
i've just gotten into wearing my old brownie stuff too he he urs looks much better quality, brownies in australia are a bit dodgy but i was thinking of sewing my badges onto something else.
cdg skirt is totally the bomb love the pillowcase/quilt looking vibe. i've just put up a post with some of steven meisel "wild is the wind" shoot pics and ur skirt totally reminds me of that. He ties bits of random quilt/pillowcases onto the models with bits of rope and shreds of fabric. I reckon u would like that shoot heaps. u should look at the whole thing (not that u probably have time). all smeared dirt on their faces etc.
sorry for such a loooooong comment ha ha
x x x x x x
wow, you just brought back memories of me rocking my brownie sweater in high school. as soon as I saw that patch a million memories came flooding back! and I loved that Venus as a Boy video so much that I painted my room that exact hue of blue. awww, memoriiiiies
I too was a lack luster brownie! I love the videos you included in your post, brings back some good memories!
No Doubt was my childhood obsession.
Love the Girl Scout patch, Tavi!
Wow! Your style is evolving all the time! :-)) I love the whole look - a creative combination indeed! Different shapes, textures, proportions, silhouettes, but all tied together through your clever use of colour! It's like you start off looking at your face, then move your eye down till you finish at the yellow band on your sandals :-)
P.S Meshmallow, Jil Sandals :-)))
Oh, and your hair looks amazing!! :-)
If you have those thin mints send them my way I would still take them :P ... Thin mints are the best thing about the scouts. Seriously
love the gwen inspired look on you!!
The braids man, THE BRAIDS! I think their fantastic. Too bad my hair wont allow for such a thing. :/
And No Doubt will always give you automatic 10 points for being dope.
your hair!! and the pamphlet thing sounds great
yess tavi this is my favorite kind of hi tech!! short bangs, bindi, tight tee, long skirt and flat sandals, bjork & gwen references...i totally get all of this!
I love "Venus as a boy", it's one of my favourites from Bjork.
Your look is so 90s (reminds me when I was your age more or less... nostalgy...) but yet really contemporary, I like it!
You managed to make the exact mix of the two songs (and artists' looks)
- The Red Dot -
Hi Tavi! We love your blog u are really a one of a kind person : ) have a look on our blog about two swedish girls living their life on an island in the medeterrnean called Mallorca, spain. :)
I really enjoy the synthesis of ideas, and those "Jil Sandals" are great for everything going on. It's a downer that the "dandruff" is being a downer, but at least the whole thing together is perfect for giving it the finger.
so glad headband braids are hip again. I've decided big, fat, loose ones are going to be my staple summ, summa summatimez hair
adore gwenny gwen gwen.
love your blog.
please check out mine:
I love BJORK. She's amazing! I like Gwen too, especially No Doubt from 90's.
Great inspirations!!!!
kisses from BRAZIL*
Hey I'm Icelandic and here Bjork is just like one of the family, we don't stare at her in the streets like the tourists and yeah that song's amazing. You'd like her house, i went there once to a party, it's all black by the see but when you go it's like some magic land of colors
I love your new haircut^^
these vids bring back memories... haven't listened to Björk in a while. your outfit is a sight for sore eyes again ^__^ the braids look terrific. btw, i think its rather a tilak than a bindi, since i guess you ain't married yet ^___^
on the subject of girl scouts:
cool hairstyle, really
luv your bangles
I am old enough to remember bindis on white girls from the first time around. Please don't bring it back. It's - at best - cultural appropriation.
Hahah indie boys to men. I don't think I've ever encountered any indie men.
Love your glower while bedecked in girlscout badges and the happiest sports sandals ever created.
Haha but don't let all the crazy fashion people get to you! You have a very cute smile, and Daria's face is just drawn that way.
ohmygod! my hairstyle! (but you rock it alot better *glare*)and if im sick of my braids i opt for miss bjork's ponytails!
great post again, i salute you x
btw did you know you have the excact same hair as Sylvia Plath??
Tragic Kingdom was the first album I ever bought. Spice World was the second. And the third... Jagged Little Pill. If you haven't already gone through your Alanis phase, I'm sure it will come soon. (I was 7 when I bought these albums so Bjork came a bit later for me, but yes, she is fucking amazing)
all of these albums changed my life, and still hold such an amazing place in my heart (and in my karaoke go-to list).
cheers to girls rockin' it!
Girl power !!
I saw NO DOUBT two summers ago! It was my first concert and Gwen Stafani is amaaazzziinnnggg!!!
Awesome patch btw!
Keep doing it!
this is cute! love the skirt, interestingly wonderful ^_^
Oh My God you are my 16 year old selfs hero... seriously
I love the touch of the bindi!
I did the eyebrow dots and forehead jewel thing for school today. A teacher asked if I was doing An indian style but I told him it was Gwen and Bjork. Someone else said that in india the jewel would mean I'm married so I said "I'm not in india."
Since we're on the topic of gwen your hair reminds me of her hair in the luxurious video when she's laying in a pile of candy. You should try weaving a ribbon into your braids and maybe some flowers too.
I love the girl scout patch idea!
While I'm at it, I could probably steal my brother's old patches too...shh! :p
I love love love the skirt I saw you at school wearing it and its so different and unique. Where do you find your clothes?
90's music rocks
I adore the seconffd song! wow! Thanks for posting it!
Just A Girl was a big hit when I was as old as you, Tavi, even younger. I loved it and loved Gwen.
I like your short fringe!
You look like a younger version of another blogger I follow!
You are an incredibly cool 13 year old :) I'm glad I discovered you today.
You don't have fear to take the risk!! great girl
I'm totally in love with "Venus as a boy", while i had never heard "Just a girl" before, so thank you!
Anyway if you don't mind i reblogged a picture from your last post, if you do mind, just tell me! ;)
Hi, I just found out about the latest issue of Lula with Rodarte, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Sofia Coppola, you and all :) I was wondering how I can find it. I'm gonna be in Vegas in a week and a half so I'm hoping to find it on borders or something, but I looked it up on amazon to see if I could order it online and only found a subscription thingie, where it said that I'd get 2 issues and the first one would come in 6 months (so I'd miss this issue). Do you know how I can order this one?
Thanks for the help!
love your skirt, the shape is so intersting.
Hello Tavi, you're just fantastic. I think your so original, i adore you..
Continue that! <3 Kiss
...'last of the' riffing on morrisey... interesting. I wonder if he was riffing on something earlier.
Speaking of earlier, fun seeing Twiggy on your page.
And the brownie patch, to my eye, suddenly looks like shiva dancing. That's probably horribly wicked, isn't it? Ha.
I like thad white dress) very interesting) and the hair style like in Ukrainian minister Julija Temoshenko) Very cool)
Love Gwen Stefani. I think her starting days are fascinating, such natural charisma!
ok your look is so great... need more like you... man... awesome..
I have the exact same sweater in brown http://teaandshoppingwithalice.blogspot.com/2010/09/oh-1800s.html (the pictures are crappy sorry).
This is one of my favorite of your outfits and one of my favorite music videos all rolled into one.
Best work you have done, this online website is cool with great facts. Zemits Sonosilk
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