back to school

These would be more appropriate for fall, but as long as Fashion Week is half a year ahead, I can be a few months behind, right? Primary colors, school team t-shirts, Letterman jackets, and angst: Unknown source, Caroline Trentini by Venetia Scott for AnOther, LIFE Magazine photo archive, CdG ad, Stephen Malkmus in a snappy tie, Meryl Streep and her cheekbones, Bikini Kill, Ugly Girls by Daniel Clowes, Ed Ruscha, Freaks and Geeks, and Sleater-Kinney.


Mitchie said...

YAY first comment!!!

Mitchie said...

school is scary

Mitchie said...

Its winter break!
We aren't suppossed to be thinking about school anyways!

Artemis said...

School can be scary :) Just hang in there

15 year old blogger, fashion-lover, and dreamer:

50two said...

jeepers meryl streep is lovely

Efren Avila said...

Brashly familiar, and occidental, school...

Lovely Holidays Tavi!

Sewon said...

I really like the pom-pom squad sweatshirt and the mustard yellow + blue combo.

meagan said...

um, whatever sweater/dress/tunic thing that janet weiss is wearing is BRILLIANT.

Tanya Dempsey said...

"Meryl Streep and her cheekbones" Right?!

November Grey

Anonymous said...

not that I want to get anywhere near back to school vibes, but you nailed it anyways.

Sarah Dee said...

That pom pom squad sweater rocks!!!

<3 Sarah

Kacrates said...

ha meryl is gorgeous. for real.

boyunso said...

school can be seriously scary.
but the winter vacation came, so don't have to think about it!! :D
SO happy!!
and merry christmas :D

favio said...

i'd ask enid to marry me : (

i like the off-put facial expression of the girl on the left to the girl on the right.

beautiful post tavi

Alexi Frest said...

Meryl looks awesome as ever - she is quite a looker now, and she was so delicately beautiful in her thirties. She is so great - she should have won another Oscar for years, a shame that younger cuties (much, much less talented than her) fish it away from her.

The Clothes Press said...

Haha, nice. Meryl Streep looks gorgeous there...

Luca said...

I love it!
At high school they wear baseball jackets, right?
Maybe you like to join my giveaway?

Start dreaming on

nikol said...

I say just wear whatever. It doesn't matter if you're a few months behind. 90% of the population doesn't even notice.
maynee I want a letterman/70's cheer shirt baaad!
nice job as always !

Yvette said...

meryl streep looks so pretty in her schoolpicture! Thank you for sharing!


Melika said...

Gosh Tavi, we must share a soul or something because we have similar taste in practically everything. Incredible post love. xx


Anonymous said...

that comme ad!

Jade Andersen said...

i love this post .. especially the picture of the girl in the 'Pom Pom Squad' jumper! :)

Merry Christmas Tavi!


Pom said...

I always love your "pêle-mêle" inspirative posts. This one is really punchy and all. Really love the ambiance.
Enjoy your holydays dear Tavi.

Anonymous said...

I need that Pom Pom Squad jumper x

Richard Kilroy said...

When I see Meryl looking that young, all I can think of is the potion scene from Death Becomes Her:

such addictive watching.

Gina Ray Works said...

the past DOES suck.. Meryl Streep is awesome...L-O-V-E Freaks and Geeks..Jud is genius..watching Undeclared right it

Anonymous said...

oh to be at an american high

Unknown said...

Love this post! It remids me of my school years... I was in hell and in heaven at the same time.

cancercowboy said...

ah, Daniel Clowes. my view on potatoes has changed since i met Tina from "Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron" ^___^ have yet to find a piece of Eightball that isn't at least amusing.

cancercowboy said...

oh, and Merry Christmas/God Jul!

Bliss said...

Oh wow, I absolutely love this. The prep meets grunge thing is really interesting. :]

Happy holidays, Tavi!

Ali said...

love the uniform the cheerleaders are wearing, so simple but cute

Barb said...

Ahh, Stephen Malkmus <3 <3

Fashion's Religion said...

I'm feeling so inspired after this post. I loved the High School Satanic worship picture.

Nesha said...

I remember being in school. Thank god that's over. The only good thing about it was the learning and the library.


Joey Becerra said...

wow this collage has such a great subversive undertone...i love the way your mind works tavi!

Anonymous said...

Totally brill.
By the way, happy Festivus yesterday... !

M.Weston said...

J'adore Meryl Streep !


bowtieboy said...

merry xmas tavi ! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I like the two cheer leader pics. Merry christmas!

Allie said...

God, I love EVERYTHING about this post. Genius, I tell ya.

Renee said...

I could stare at that Meryl picture for ages and still be enamoured....
I love the feeling of this post a lot :)
Merry Christmas!

Matthew Landry said...

i love daniel clowes
i peeked at my presents and santa got my a couple of his graphic novels.
anyways this is gr8

"coy" colleen said...

o.m.g. meryl looks stunning in her hs picture!!

Anonymous said... please follow

thwany said...

wow, meryl---always so beautiful.

HumanAdult said...

Ms Streep looked mighty hot.

JIM Designs said...

The cheerleader with her skirt up has a very real body. I like that...

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I loved high school and I still love Sleater Kinney. Have you thought about starting a feminist club at your HS? I did awhile back and called it "the young femmes."

mascarah said...

The ad with "the past sucks" panel is from a comic I recognize by Megan Kelso. If you haven't seen her stuff, check it out. She did an amazing series of comics called "girlhero" in the early 90s, and she has a couple of collections as well. My favorite book is called Queen of the Black Black.

Linda Lu said...

Holy crap, that's Meryl Streep! The photo of her eerily resembles Uma Thurman.

Fruitbat said...

WOW this is my high school years (1993-1997) encapsulated in a single blog post.

By the way, I love your blog. I *especially* love that your blog led me to Kathleen Hanna's. You are a rad lady.

Miss Auditore said...

Meryl <3
I love Meryl and your style !
You are spectacular !

Anonymous said...

I like the mix of preppy and grunge. And I LOVE Freaks and Geeks! That show is completely hilarious :)

Villedela said...

Omg I miss Freaks and Geeks!

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Darren Demers said...

These would be more appropriate for fall, but as long as Fashion Week is half a year ahead, I can be a few months behind, right? Primary colors, school team t-shirts, Letterman jackets, and angst: Unknown source, Caroline Trentini by Venetia Scott for AnOther, LIFE Magazine photo archive, CdG ad, Stephen Malkmus in a snappy tie, Meryl Streep and her cheekbones, Bikini Kill, Ugly Girls by Daniel Clowes, Ed Ruscha, Freaks and Geeks, and Sleater-Kinney.
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