Today I tried to dress like a field trip to the planetarium, and my yearbook smile above is supposed to align with the back-to-school nature of the outfit. It's ironic that once we're finally out of school I dress like I kinda wanna be back in. (Secret: I do. I like high school. I dunno.)

Skirt sent to me by Risto Bimbiloski and migh-T longsleeve. Donuts and outer space! What more could you want?
Bracelets from childhood/friends, girl scout patch from troopmoore on ebay.

You can't really see my nail polish in the picture but I tried to layer this neon Manic Panic that I got at Opening Ceremony and Deborah Lippman's "Across the Universe" which she gave me at Barney's Fashion's Night Out. It ended up looking a little like vomit. Cool vomit, though.

Skirt sent to me by Risto Bimbiloski and migh-T longsleeve. Donuts and outer space! What more could you want?
Bracelets from childhood/friends, girl scout patch from troopmoore on ebay.

You can't really see my nail polish in the picture but I tried to layer this neon Manic Panic that I got at Opening Ceremony and Deborah Lippman's "Across the Universe" which she gave me at Barney's Fashion's Night Out. It ended up looking a little like vomit. Cool vomit, though.
Wow tavi love the acid look really reminds me of electric things and wicked glitter. I liked the details on the dress you wore and I love those girl scout patches (totally to-die-for). Love Risto and you.
You are one unique girl, totally a good thing!
<3 Sarah
This is definitely one of my favourite outfits out of your recent ones, in fact maybe one of my favourite out of all of your outfits (that's probably not the best english but this is just a blog comment so I'll excuse myself)
Cosmic vibes as you would say!
I wish I could say I enjoy high school too but unfortunately some people take pleasure in making it a living hell for me :/
Random question but have you ever seen 'Pulp Fiction'? I just finished watching it and was ~blown away~
Sorry for the essay
-marimoon from mtv
Nice g-scouts patch! Imma need to find my old ones...not that I have too many...School picture day smile! I love it! I really like your whole planetarium field trip theme, it reminds me of a South Park episode where they went to the planetarium...except they were fourth graders and they were wearing jeans and sweatshirts. Anyway, nice outfit, (I like school too, shhhh, dont tell)
that smile is priceless.
that smile is priceless.
Cuteee post!!
lovely pics!
Donuts and outer space! - It's all I need. But if you wanted to give me those bracelets, I probably wouldn't say no.
Funny, your year book smile is incredibly similar to my old 'getting test back from teacher' face!
Aw, the girl scout patch made me really nostalgic for 1995 and thin mints.
x M.
You, my lovely Tavi, could be the reincarnation of Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, a.k.a. the COOLEST TEACHER EVER.
You inspired me, with a previous post, to buy some Girl Scout patches to ironically add to my clothing and I must have bought roughly 32 trillion off eBay.
That said, I love that Manic Panic nail polish. And this outfit. Awesome as usual. I'm thinking it's about time to go from "style rookie" to "style apprentice."
obligatory blog link
You inspired me, with a previous post, to buy some Girl Scout patches to ironically add to my clothing and I must have bought roughly 32 trillion off eBay.
That said, I love that Manic Panic nail polish. And this outfit. Awesome as usual. I'm thinking it's about time to go from "style rookie" to "style apprentice."
obligatory blog link
comical cosmos
I believe that is a Cassandra Laing drawing.
I have that purpley-blue dragonfly barrette!! My mom used to put them in my hair when I was little, & I still wear them...I have pink plastic bows, too :)
I would love to see a close up of your nails! ^^
Love the outfit -- totally just in time for... THE LUNAR ECLIPSE?! Hello! Knew it.
Also, it's awesome to hear that you actually like high school and don't hate it like every other teenager in America. YAY EDUCATION!
Great smile!
This post makes me want to eat some blue raspberry Jello. NOM
Now I really want to dye my hair powder blue.
I met the Manic Panic gals last year and was all starstruck!
hahaha your face! I've been trying to look for a good confetti nail polish, i tried opi but there aren't enough little confetti pieces for it to be intense!
check out my blog!
this outfit is fantastic
and so washing machine
I wish I had had the nerve to do things like dye my hair so very space-mermaid-green before I had to do things like graduate school and jobs.
That said, I liked high school too. I mean, some of it was stupid, but most of the time I was happy as a clam.
how awesome is the blue hair and the orange fish perfect colour contrast
I love the nail polish!
My Heart Blogged
i really like this post!
I was going to say the first person looked like Bjork And then I keept reading, And it was!
"Cool vomit, though."
loving the scout patch! damn your cool! love your work :)
wow,great post.I love your skirt and your shirt,very,i like your face expression.
When isn't vomit cool?
these pictures are so much fun, loved this mix of prints
Yellow nail polish was pleasant :) Lovely
I want to ask you a question, Tavi:a you in what go to school?:) in such unusual attire?:)) you courageous.
By the way, I invite in the blog :)
Lipman makes some good polish for sure. Love the cosmic skirt...haha got to love trends at least when they are new.
thanks for this post! I couldn't decide what to wear and this gave me perfect inspiration!!
We, readers, could do a review/fanfic pastiching Douglas Adams for that outfit.
too cool. especially the fish barrette.
super rad layering of nail polishes!
Aw, your nails look cool, Tavi! (from what I can see). And that goldfish clip. I love that goldfish clip. It's beautiful.
Love it so much! I'm totally into space at the moment. Especially with the Christopher Kane resort collection...Love the turquoise hair with goldfish too. SO COOL!
oh wow!
i think i need that shocking yellow "claw color"
i need the goldfish hair clip
you should try space nails :)
Your "cosmic" skirt is awesome and those nailpolishes are so cool!
This outfit is so funny!
I hope you would like to join my giveaway.
Start dreaming on
Kitch and mad ! I love it
that is exactly the right expression for that photo!
(mad colour combinations, by the way)
omg, donuts and outer-space!!
colors are so great! and the donut Tshirt is sooooo cute :)))
i love the cool vomit nails <3
skirt is amazing and ingenious idea to mix donuts with outer space!! "vomit. cool vomit though" best quote ever haa! gorgeous outfit.
Nice skirt, of course :)
I love you !!!
haha, cool outfit. And I think your nail polish looks cool too, so far I can see it though.
those clips are really cute!
As always very quirky. I love it.
That skirt is adorable!
♥ Fashion Goodies
The girl from the blue hair is MaryMoon, she's from Brazil and she has the wickest color in her hair, always. She also loves to change. Look for pictures, you're gonna like it.
You have a nice look! Is so colorful.
The first photographies are amazing.
the outfit is definetely planetarium.. you look good!
What do you think fits into a black tulle skirt? It would be great if you answer, because I really need help!
Hugs from Wictoria ♥
J'adore la broche en forme de poisson XD, c'est une vraie photo la fille aux cheveux bleus ? où c'est trafiqué à l'ordi ??
Sinon j'adore ta jupe avec les petites lumières qui scintillent !
Love the sonic youth t's !
Loe your blog and your style !
Oh, Tavi. All your pictures this post look like my dorm room at the University of Wisconsin, Madison circa 1991. I saw Sonic Youth on their Washing Machine tour, I want to say at the Riviera- but I can't remember. Love you!
Great outfit.
I love all your patches and this shirt is beautiful :)
you are so inspring!
Thanks :)
Great outfit.
I love all your patches and this shirt is beautiful :)
you are so inspring!
Thanks :)
Great outfit.
I love all your patches and this shirt is beautiful :)
you are so inspring!
Thanks :)
Love the nail polish glitter thingie! Awesomness indeed.
New post about the latest collections+trends <33
Don't forget to follow and comment! I'll make sure to follow you back
love your shirt, your skirt, your facial expression. Funny how my mood tends to lighten about 100 degrees whenever I discover a new Tavi-post!
nice outfit ! love your blog ;)
donuts and outer space, haha! that is just insane. truly, what more could one want?
also, i never would've though girl scout patches could be so cool :)
kisses from the philippines!
Dude you have such a unique perspective
I have no idea how you come across all of these references
funny stuff...
Loved the moodboard!
I love thhose aughties vives!! have you seen bachelorette? one of my fav vids.
Im of yhose that submited artwork! I´ve updated my illustrations, If you are curious come. =)
In the 70's my mom decorated our Xmas tree in blue and green :)
I've been commenting on your blog for sometime now because I truly love it. Would you mind visiting mine? Any tips are welcome. I have a different style and I know you must get this request a lot, but I thought I'd ask. Happy holidays. Jill
so Cute!!!!
by @unChCh
lol yes she COULD be Mrs. Frizzle! Magic School Bus flashbacks all the way!!
Does the nail polish, glow in the dark? looks pretty rad!
how did the year book photo turn out then?
beautiful skirt !
^ . ^
head-over-heels in love with this outfit! love the space vibes
I've been so into the universe lately, obsessed with Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking and black holes and moon dust and all of that
space and donuts! too cute. and I adore that girl scout patch. you're making me want to scavenge for some on ebay or something.
your yearbook smile is perfect. it reminds me of the intro to Freaks and Geeks especially Bill Haverchuck's somewhat off but extremely charming yearbook smile
I also really want your skirt. it's impeccable and elegant and psychedelic
My number one.
_ cat [art+music blog]
me gusta mucho el conjunto, saludos!
Loving the 'Varnish
So glad you're posting photos of Ari's hair.
hey girlie, i'm really flattered you put me on your blog-zilla! and i'm double-y flattered that you properly credited me (who is marimoon? not me, people) email me sometime and we'll be penpals? xxoxo ari(ana)
that. hair. is. so. awesome!
Im diggin the Sonic Youth Tees and the acid trip might be one of the coolest concepts ive seen in awhile
Kudos to you my friend
i have a blue glitter polish just like that one, and on top of a black polish it looks pretty stellar. in the most literal sense.
Great post! So loving the pic with the goldfish clip and the green/blue hair xxx
I want to listen to Sonic Youth with you plzthx.
Also follow me:
the outfit reminds of ms frizzle rom magic school bus. I used to love watching it when a few years back I was a kid :) i used want to live in ms frizzle's closet.
Love the nail varnish and well..all of it, please tell me about mine:
I hope you like it, i have only just started so its not as good as yours :) x
sonic youth! yay!!! your outfist is sooo great, like always
I think it's cool that you are like you are. xoxo
love it ^^
i LOVE this tavi, you look AWESOME.
luuuuuve your approach on fashion, HONESTLY AMAZING
Very nice post!!!
Lov the accessories!
When you have some time, visit my blog ;D
my friend signed that kids shirt in the washing machine/sonic youth pic!!
Thalia Zedek, from the band Come (it says 'T.Z.- come') she does solo stuff now though
you should check her out if you never have..
also I used to work at a pizza place with her in cambridge, MA, I know her pretty well if ya ever want to come see one of her shows, her music is its own category : )
this is kind of a hybrid comment in that it is in response to both THIS post and also your riot grrrl post (which is NECESSARY and amazing!)
Love your hair!
I love Sonic Youth and Bjork.
My boyfriend always says I have too acid music tastes but for me the more acid the better.
And your skirt is acid.
Therefore I totally love it.
-The Red Dot-
so cute !!!
i love this look!!! i also love your very short fringe :D xx
i love stars and space so glittery and dreamy..
you are so freakishly lovable, chica. lovable.
I love that outfit. The fish hairclip is so amazing! So rad!
xxx gurl
AHHAHAHA your face is too good, galaxy girl.
I see a little bit of the magic school bus in there, too. Cool magic school bus though.
your facial expression = priceless ^________^
outfit is awesome again. don't you think its about time that you disappoint us, at least once in a while, to keep the balance? nah, just kiddin ;)
kind of a colorful x-mas.... I like that....:)
you such a cute girl *_*
i love youre pics...awesome
You look like a space girl and i love the gold fish..!!!
Love the skirt! Happy New Year
The silhouette!
Varnishes and clips are wonderful!
Believe that many people appreciate you.
You are wonderful!
Wow, I just discovered this blog via Teen Vogue. In the magazine they briefly mentioned you, and I was intrigued, so I googled and was amazed! I love this!
I must say, you totally remind me of myself (not trying to be creepy). At the same age, I started a blog about a video game I love, and today I'm one of the top bloggers for that game, and a podcaster too!
By the way, I have that lizard watch!
Awesome clothes. I love your skirt, and the theme. Jealous.
where did you find the green hair girl picture? she's from braziliam MTV, did you know that? please reply me on twitter @mahlolokinha i like your style, by the way =) xoxo
I love your hair, this planetarium look is cool!
Goody barrettes are very cute.
Love your style, you stay true to you and love that you don't follow trends blindly.
i freaking looooove that goldfish clip in your blue hair!!! X~)
hi! i´m 30 and i still wearing those Goody barrettes. i love them.
Your outfit reminds me of Ms Frizzle from The Magic SchoolBus!! Awww thanks for taking me back. I don't know if you're familiar with it, being that i'm thirty, haha...but you seem to like a lot of the same stuff I did when i was teenaged, so maybe. Anyways, I design a sweater line, and count you in my inspirations. So thanks for having the time that I dont have to put such a dope blog together!
Mau cari yang terpercaya silakan mampir kesini gan ? Pusat Jual Obat Aborsi Terpercaya / Obat Telat Bulan / Obat Penggugur Kandungan. Good Doctor Company memberikan Cara Menggugurkan kandungan dengan aman dan dipercaya oleh ratusan pelanggan, BUKTIKAN !!!
Atau mau lihat Jual Obat Aborsi Terpercaya atau cukup dengan Obat Aborsi ampuh
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