We all get a little mad sometimes.

Thank you to everyone who has been submitting their work to the new magazine and to those who have been sending good vibes and support! If you don't know what I'm talking about, scroll down to Friday's post and then join the dance party I'm having out of excitement in my room right now.

I have little knowledge of horror movies and haven't seen too many, but I got a bit of an education as to how they work from watching Scream for the first time last night (obviously life-changing). As victim Sidney flippantly replies when asked by a serial killer if she likes scary movies, "What's the point? They're all the same, some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who's always running up the stairs when she should be going out the front door." Of course, the fate of a big-breasted girl is later at stake, and Sidney finds herself running up the stairs at some point.

Even though I was terrified throughout the majority of Scream, it's easier to take in when it satirizes its own genre by having the characters call out the horror movie clichés as they happen. They've seen tons of them, realize they're living in one, and know to abide by the rules -- don't have sex, drink, do drugs, or say "I'll be right back." The line, "But this isn't a movie, it's real life!" is constantly repeated. Which made me of course go, "Little do they know! Chuckle! Hyuk hyuk! HOLY SHIT HE APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE HOLD ME."

Alfred Hitchcock said that blondes make the best victims*, and the murders of two typical horror-type ones in Scream provided wonderful visuals (especially for all the sadists out there, throw ya hands up!) (I am terrible) which reminded me a bit of Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills and Alex Prager's photographs. Sherman's because they depict clichéd female characters in film, and Prager's because she tends to take an angle that is creepily omniscient -- either in its decisive closeness or distance -- on distracted and doe-eyed female subjects placed in dead America. Though I can't say whether or not Prager intended for them to look like film stills, I have always gotten that vibe (and would like to direct you to an actual short film she made which is really rad).

Using the visuals for dressing inspiration would only mean simple vintage, so I'm just intrigued by this specific depiction of women in the horror genre. It's all so technicolor and eerie and too picturesque to end pretty.

*So technically the blondes here aren't the main victims of
Scream, and I'm sorry to bff Sid/Neve/Bonnie that she isn't included here, but she's one of the smarter characters, which isn't what this post is about.
Cindy Sherman: 4, 6. Alex Prager: 2, 5, 7. Scream: 1, 3, 8.


Sky said...

First off; I think your blog is fantastic. I am in awe of the fact that, at 19, you are 6 years younger than me and yet write with style like i could never hope to achieve. Well done on creating a blog that has kept me, and i expect many others, interested for long amounts of time.

On the subject of horror films, if you haven't seen it already, take a look at 'Let the right one in' [the original, swedish, version of the recent American film 'Let me in']. Not only is it a 'horror' film but it is also a beautiful, touching film. Possibly one of my favourite films.

Please take a look a my blog sometime [although i've literally only just started it] iwillalwaysdare.blogspot.com

Best wishes,
Sky =)

Mystery Bruises said...

ahh i love cindy sherman!
great post, love drew barrymore too

julia aka garconniere said...

the way all of these photographs/works put the "male gaze" into question is just so interesting and powerful. i'm glad you're writing about this so more and more people start thinking about these things outside of classrooms, film studies textbooks, and feminist zines.

great post tavi.


this is a fabulous post tavi.


alexis said...

a somewhat different post, but still wonderful!
i'm not sure what movies (horror) you have or have not seen, but i get the feeling you'd like some of the classics. Rosemary's baby, psycho... maybe eerie ones as oppose to gorey & scary too! those are always my favorite.

KARLITO said...

Haha so true! Those photographs speak the thruths!
Oh, and I shall be submitting something reeaal soon. I hope

Sam | ashore said...

Miss Tavi,
I loved the film-crit bend on this last post. Things like this just make me want to lock myself inside and watch and read and analyze and think think think myself into a tizzy.

There are whole books devoted to women in horror movies and the way femininity is portrayed/demonized/ect. (like Carol Clovers - Men, women, and Chainsaws).

I love studies of popular culture. and ... my what a beautiful brain you have.


=0 said...

I don't really have anything to say, but I like this post a lot. Also, I just wanted to get something down before you get another hundred comments.

Unknown said...

Tavi did you see "The Collector" from 1965.
This is probably one of my favourite films because it's really moody. It also has some kind of archetypal behaviour on behalf of his 'victims'. Nonetheless I really thought it was sad and kind of depressing, in a Phantom of the Opera/Frankenstein sort of way, where I can empathize alot with the potentially dangerous character.


Fashion's Religion said...

I am a huge fan of horror movies. That's like all I watch. Great post, I love the pictures. Inspiring post like always.

xoxo Marcus


EmK said...

Ah I've actually never been a fan of horror, and I remember watching "The Birds" with my mother and she was absolutely furious with the ending, still a great post Tavi!

Unknown said...

loved the photos, great inspiration


melina bee said...

I realized I can no longer watch horror, but not b/c of the images, but the soundtracks. It gets my heart racing and gives me the physical symptoms of anxiety/panic attacks. I had to turn ringu off after 20 minutes and there wasn't even any blood, just violins.
but before I got too sensitive, I really loved a psychological thriller called the wickerman. It starts out as you'd think, girl as victim, but trust me, it is not anything out of a cindy sherman photo.

Anonymous said...

Getting ready for the next Scream film? Personally Scream was never the best horror movie I was always partial to ones with a super natural tone like Nightmare on Elm Street (not the new one, which was just wrong wrong wrong) it was classic and Robert Englund played the character with such cynical enjoyment that is was hard not to like that film. Though, both films are Wes Craven masterpieces I will say that I am a little sad about his latest endeavor my Soul To Take as it tried to mix Scream and Nightmare into one movie and failed...oh Wes have we finally fallen from grace?

alex's ☆ castle said...

tehee well somebody's been reading Pop lately.

tavi, maybe someday you should check out j-horror. beautiful horror movies. also very gross, but still so much more interesting than american horror..

p.s. have you seen Rebecca? it's my favorite hitchcock movie and the costumes are amazing. the ending is reallyy good.


MONi said...

I'm not blond but when the birds get too close I always think the same DON'T TOUCH ME BIRDS, DON'T TOUCH ME! That 2nd picture really has something in common with me...

you're welcome to stop by

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

I love Cindy. You have just inspired a blog post.

I love your blog!!!


boyunso said...

nice post as usual, tavi :)


Sydney Fashion Vulture said...

tavi, I'm so glad you like hitchcock too! The Birds is one o my favorites!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Sky, on all counts. Let the Right One In is an unrivaled class act. And while we're discussing my favorite pseudo-horror films, Drag Me to Hell with its blonde heroine is relevant and lots of fun. Also, The Host, not the upcoming adaptation of the Stephanie Meyer novel, but rather the Korean horror film. And if we're discussing Korean films, we may as well connect it back to vampires by mentioning The Thirst, by Chan Wook Park, who, if you give him a chance, will be your new best friend. And like Sky, I've just started a blog. I really have no idea what I'm doing, but my sister is a big fan of yours and I'm starting to see why. Your recent witchy posts really drew me in, which I suppose is the exact nature of witchcraft.

brodie said...

1. Scream = incredible. My summer tradition is to stay inside during Melbourne's annual heatwave, eat icy poles and watch the trilogy on repeat.

2. Off-topic-but-not-really, in the Helen Mirren issue of Bust (which you read, right? You have to!) they did a Tippi/Birds HALLOWEEN COSTUME. Amazing.


justas said...

can you give me your email or write back to me or something because I want to say something to you but don't know how to contact you.

Mei-li said...

think about The birds of hitchcokc and at david linch with the red colour !

Anonymous said...

luv cindy sherman and how she poses for her own photos she is amazing! I just did a post about panicking as styling inspiration I totally agree the creepy vibes are so cool!!

Κάλαθο said...

Beautiful as always!


elenoir said...

I'm not a fan of horror films, that's not my favourite movie genre, but I'm really amazed by you post *_*
I've never thought about some conscious fashion choice in that kind of movie.. I just thought that too blood and too scary character weren't for me.

BUT, watching those movies considering your point of view, make me curious :)

Brilliant post ;)


Anonymous said...

About! It really has the big breast

Alexi Frest said...

I especially love this post - I scarcely watch any kind of movies, horror films are the solitary exceptions.

I may be biased - horror is my genre, I love to play with innermost fears when I write. Once I wrote gothic/mystic romances; by now I turned completely to psychological horror/classic horror story. Horror is a genre for people who think (righteously) that this world is not a safe place.

"Scream" and "I Know What You Did..." were big hits when I was a teen girl, I quite liked both. However, there are better horror films, and horror books are so much better! Even Stephen King movie adaptations are not half as good as they were in their book forms.

As for fashion - when I was a child, Twin Peaks was fashionable, and female magazines did elaborate on the characters' clothes. I would like to see your opinion about those.

Unknown said...

AMAZING pics!!!


Rafael Franco said...

Hello Tavi!

I love horror movies and this pics are awesome. The Birds by Hitchcock is really amazing.

kisses from Brazil*


Finder said...

very nice blog
please visit our blog?
and fallow us...


Clara said...

wow! where do you find all those amzing pictures?? google? ;)

Sofia Ajram said...

I just watched your speech for ideaCity10 because I wanted to hear you talk, and I was so happy to hear your speech was on Sassy, and now to connect that with your previous post... ah! So awesome. Can't wait.


Yajaira said...

I think you post is great!! Good Work!

Yajaira said...

ohh by the way - I used to watch horror films until I saw "Hostel" few years ago.. After that NEVER AGAIN!!
I'm traumatized!

Liz said...

I just watched "Scream" recently as well! If you're interested, I wrote a blog post about feminist horror movies on my blog a couple weeks ago (for Halloween!)


K said...

Carol Clover has a really interesting reading of the "final female" in horror films. I love her book "men women and chainsaws"

Here's the wiki for reference:

Contact said...

you always have such a strong point of view. i admire your ability to express yourself


Anonymous said...

i am so out of the loop when it comes to horror films. the modern day horror films, I think, are actually worse than that of before. special effects, whatevs.

MartaPalczewska said...

I like ur blog and all inspirations!
fantastic :)

Alex Ingram said...

i love this post
tuxandtie.blogspot.com | twitter.com/tuxandtie

cancercowboy said...

start looking forward to the first time you watch Alien or Silence of the Lambs ^__^ and i strongly second the recommendations of Let The Right One In and the Œuvre of Park Chan-wook. i'm not a big fan of supernatural horror or slasher flicks (this genres seem to be at their best when they parody themselves, like in Scream or Evil Dead), but i'd like to add some movies besides the obvious candidates like Sixth Sense, Se7en, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blair Witch and the early gems (Nosferatu, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Freaks, etc.) anyway: The Hunger, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Interview With The Vampire (both have great but somewhat pompous visuals), Don’t Look Now, Videodrome and They Live. throw in some japanese and korean films like Ju-on, A Tale of Two Sisters, Hansel and Gretel, Paranoia Agent or Uzumaki, mix it with european stuff like Martyrs, Tesis, [REC], Inside and Haneke's Funny Games. once you ingested that cocktail you're ready for seriously fucked-up stuff like Visitor Q or A Serbian Film ^_____^
wow, this was some serious namedropping... sorry about that. guess i'm as vain and easily tempted to flaunt as anybody ;)

Unknown said...

lovely post. you have some excellent insight tav :) love the screenshots too!


Anonymous said...

so do we think the director meant for her nipples to show through.ps that skirt is amazing if anyone LIKES THE 60's visit my blog.

she'll bartend your party said...

madonna/whore dichotomy! seeeeeeriously, when you read about it you see it EVERYWHERE. I love your blog btw :)

confederategeneral12 said...

Inspirational horror fashion movies......
Rosemarys baby
Lets scare Jessica to death
The eyes of Laura Mars


Tal said...

I adore your blog! and you are a true inspiration!
also i love these photos the colours are gorgeous.

please follow me on...

Madame Elenoire said...

If you want good horror you must check out almost all Hitchcock films, horror and style in one package. And utter genius, obviously.
But also I think you would love the swedish 'horror' film Let the Right One In, I say its a horror but I saw it more as a love story... anyhow. Late70s early 80s styling in the deep snow. Unfortunately as hollywood seems to do they are re-making it (they'll probably gloss it up and make it sh*t) anyhow, you will fall in love with this film. Watch it. Much better than scream and suchlike.

Tavi said...

Thanks for all the horror recommendations & links!

Alexis: Rosemary's Baby and Psycho are two of my FAVORITES. I agree, I like creepy more than gorey, but I can't quite say why.

Brodie: um, WHAT? I have to find that issue.

Justas: It is in my sidebar-stylerookie@gmail.com.

Alexandraaa: Rebecca is so good! One of my favorite Hitchcocks along with Vertigo and Psycho.

teencreeps said...

You need to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHvSkTDWFfk

Eleanor said...

i love birds.. :) dont know why! but i get scared so easily at modern horror flicks i dont really watch many. saw gave me nightmares for about a month! great post - LOVE your blog! :) http://improcrastinate.blogspot.com

Eleanor said...

i love birds.. :) dont know why! but i get scared so easily at modern horror flicks i dont really watch many. saw gave me nightmares for about a month! great post - LOVE your blog! :) http://improcrastinate.blogspot.com

Eleanor said...

i love birds.. :) dont know why! but i get scared so easily at modern horror flicks i dont really watch many. saw gave me nightmares for about a month! great post - LOVE your blog! :) http://improcrastinate.blogspot.com

CAT said...

Great post and I read the article on you in the Sunday times, very interesting and inspiring!!!!

I took some photos the other day, and I would love for you to take a look!



JEN SPENCE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JEN SPENCE said...

Hi Tavi,

This comment regards the video posted today regarding the video that was posted in nymag regarding your mag idea....

as a former apparel design gal & a current jr high art teacher/anthropology grad student doing her thesis on teen girls, i'd very much like to send you some thoughts, but in a more private manner? however, there is no way that i can do this on here.

if you would be open to that, could you send me a contact email on my alternate work email? jenspence278@gmail.com


Meagan said...

I love love LOVED Scream! when it came out I worked at a video store and was going though a horror movie phase and watched this movie more than once a day everyday for a month.... I had to stop, not because I was sick of it, but because I knew it so well.... was a true shame. the sequels aren't nearly as good... as is the norm for most sequels, but I am still excited and terrified that they are making a new one as we speak!! yay.


Unknown said...

omg i really luve you i m 12 years old please give me some fashion advice i actually made a blog when i was 7 ish but i did it in an apple workshop mi email is carlafuentes76@yahoo.com PLEASE

superawesomeman said...

damn, that broad has got nips of steel.
werk @ her!!

Unknown said...

Love you! And just so you know, I have spoken with Alex Prager (she visited my photo class a couple of weeks ago) and she did intend her photos to be reminiscent of film stills. And the reason that she made her short film "Despair" was to illustrate the "before, during, and after" of her photos that she has been asked about by viewers of her work. Plus she is adorable in person.

Melika said...

Ah, you've made me nostalgic for old horror movies. Fantastic post.



Alice.B said...



Katherine said...

Great post! I am terrifiiieeed of horror movies I think the last one I saw was the ring and couldn't function normally for a couple of days. I'm a big pansy when it comes to horror!


Louise said...

Wow these pictures are really inspired !

I'm fascinated with the whole glamour of horror films !

Please visit my blog www.sugarcoatedstyle.blogspot.com

Otherwise I am just talking to myself

chica arcoiris said...

love the look of drew barrymore !! so kitsch

fairy on acid said...

I love Scream, I have the first DVD <33


New post! Woaaah!


Anonymous said...

Get out of my brain!!! JK. Great post, though.


Tessa G. said...

What do you think of Cindy Sherman's work with Chanel in POP?? I loved it!

Blondes do make good victims, but they make even better femme fetales ;)

Rickety said...

Interesting horror movie observations. When it comes to horror movies though, I'm a wuss. Great pictures too. Cindy Sherman is absolutely incredible!!


chelsey. said...

scream=favorite scary movie ever.

love it.

Jae said...

you are amazing, dahling :D

Carnivorous Seaweed said...

i've also been more into horror movies. i just watched "the birds" (it's not the second one?) by hitchcock. it was so good! and could drew look any cuter in scream?


oh fantastic Cindy Sherman! Thank you for this post and for the choice.

keep in touch


HomogenousHarmony said...

You have absolutely fabulous taste in art and culture at such a young age, don't let any of the media moths tell you someone else is becoming the next 'Tavi' there is only one and only ever will be. I really enjoy reading your blog and it inspires my design work greatly, therefore I love wearing my borders and frontiers t-shirt with pride :)

take a glimpse at my new jewelry site opening next month

id love to see your thoughts


keep it real


the chic addict said...

Hahah, I love these photos. "Scream" is classic.


miss annie said...

So.... I really like your blog(I know almost everyone is saying this to you) and my comments are not really creative and special (that´s because english isn´t my first language) but now I´ll stop excusing myself for everything now :D (mostly I´m not even recognizing it)
ah... and I want to say that each time I need inspiration , I´m visiting your blog ( so it´s really positive ;) )
regards from boring germany ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Gevinson,

My name is Claire Bartholomew, and I am a writer for a student newspaper in Bethesda, Maryland. We're interested in writing a story about your success as a fashion blogger, especially your trip to Fashion Week and your new magazine. Please let me know if it would possible to set up an interview. I apologize for contacting you so informally, but I was not sure how else to get in touch with you. You can contact me at claire.bartholomew14@gmail.com.

Thank you,
Claire Bartholomew

C.H. said...

birds...classic movie. im legit afraid of birds bc of that movie...


Andrés Corella said...

I absolutely love your blog...and your style is fantastic...I do love horror movies...though I think the genre has gone a little downwards..its just to much gore..they´re are no longer using the keeping the nerves on the edge factor its just fear out of disgust...personally I prefer a movie that keeps me about to pop out of my seat and in the verge of screaming anytime...and that plays with my mind those are great cause you actually get in the movie and feel the fear and the emotions along with the characters which, I think, is what a good movie should do.
Please come anytime and visit my blog and leave a comment would be really cool.


The Black Label

Flea For Fashion said...

go cindy sherman!!


Amber said...

Ah such a good reminder! Love all the photos!


Alexi Frest said...

By the way - I did send you my application, alongside with the samples of my writings. I would be overenthusiastic to be in your Sassy project.

French Wings said...

you are amazing!

visit my blog :)


Stephanie said...

Have you ever seen Psycho?

Mae said...

cindy sherman is an amazing artist!!

Mae said...

cindy sherman is an amazing artist!! thank you for posting her.

Unknown said...

great post. i was just doing a media module and hitchcock's the birds was featured.

Ashe said...

Oh girl, if you want some horror education, shoot me an email-- I can give you feminist film theory in the genre, films to watch, all sorts.

But start out with Laura Mulvey at the very least.

The_Dark_Lady_2 said...

Tavi, you have missed the best, sweetest and funniest take on the horror film - Birdemic. The best thing - it is NOT a satire.

Love this post.

JIM Designs said...

Scared is good, no laugh lines. No screaming though :)

saja said...

There are some really wonderful films that combine beauty and creepy quite well. Two newer ones that I absolutely love are
The Woods
The Orphanage.

Sallie Maree said...

You chose one of my favourite Alex Prager pictures (the Birds style one)! Despair is really cool - I saw it at MoMA. Your blog is so clever - I'm too lazy with mine. Wise beyond your years, my friend.

Elise Jordan said...

I just wanted to say you that your blog is amazing and fantatic. You mix easily art, fashion and so many other thing !
I'm from Paris and i have to say that in my class, 9 girls of the 13 know your blog !
hope to see you soon on http://iloveyourjokes.blogspot.com/

TerryAchie90 said...

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