i won't grow up

Rachel Antonoff can do the "cute" thing like no other, and her Spring 2011 collection was inspired by Peter Pan, specifically the notion of not growing up. It was perfect slumber party dreamvibes and made me really just want to crawl into one of the forts and fall asleep reading a Babysitters Club book while wearing a bow-printed jumper.

This model had the best job.

The shoes were SO good! Variations of penny loafers and saddle shoes for when I take over student council and try to make Penny Loafer and Saddle Shoe Day some kind of school holiday. Everything would look so pretty and we wouldn't have to do gym.

Crazy good Meghan Farrell jewelry!

And see, I feel like all of these clothes could easily be too cute, but the pastel thing knows when to shut off so that a dress like the one on the right above isn't too flouncy or Lolita-esque.

I stayed talking with Rachel about Hayley Mills and the political implications of Peter Pan until the slumber party had to come to an end. Is there anything more depressing than watching Wendy's house demolish in a few minutes' time? My dad and I headed out, and I bitterly noted about the place we stopped in for lunch that they were not offering s'mores.


Emily said...

So, so great...and this reminded me of how badly I want a ouija board.

Erin said...

I love the shoes, especially in the third picture. They remind me of the saddle shoes I had when I was a kid.

Cassandra Watsham said...

Just lovely. Peter Pan has always been a story close to my heart, and a great inspiration for such carefree fashion. What a great atmosphere!

matthew roland said...

Such wonderful shoes. Especially the pair with that lovely little pattern.


Anonymous said...

I have a complete urge to go fly off into the night in a semi-sheer and super-short cream nighty/scandalous day dress right now.
And penny loafers, of course, and messy hair...

Ali's Adventures said...


omgcutestuff xD i love the shoes -- there SHOULD be a holiday for them *sigh*....

and the dresses are mature, yet still peter pan. Preeetttyyy sure you could wear them down the street!

I love on the sheet one model is writing on -- 'DON'T feed the models!' -- haha, saying something?

There's a saying in my dad's family (we're all very immature and loads of fun xD) 'We suffer from peter pan syndrome'.

PS any update on the 'for this age and era' sassy?

Ali's Adventures said...

PPS mika has it right!

Anonymous said...

I love the white dress and the last dress.
sounds like a fun party. Boo for no s'mores.

lourdes @

Jamie said...

I wore navy and white saddle shoes for years as part of my school uniform. I wish I still had a pair...


just divine! love the shoes

great blog,

Annina of www.cinchedatthewaist.com

Alisha said...

Love all the shoes!xox


Hazel from Hazel Loves Design said...

Love the shoes, love the concept, it is just truly fabulous!!

:) Hazel
Hazel Loves Design

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The shoes with little bows at the front are my favourite - such a cute twist on the traditional saddle. Lovely pics.

Penny Dreadful Vintage

Anonymous said...

Oh I love all of these photos. The outfits are lovely, but the whole set up is the best. I love that notion of everlasting childhood.

Isobel said...

i love the frilly socks, v. cute. i have a pair from target (haha), pronounced tar-jai, of course!

i really need to get me a ouiji bord, pretty sure my house is haunted! i am very jealous of all the things you get to do! You get to hang out in a sheet fort all day (with beautiful spring clothes) as a job!

rosie xxx


Miriam said...

gah such a great idéa!!X

Anonymous said...

I love this! Everything looks so whimsical x

KARLITO said...

Oh my, I'm loving everything there is to see. The concept is wonderful and the execution is just as grand and great.

reeree said...

What a cute concept!

I love ALL the shoes here.


FH said...

Love all your shoes !!
Have a nice day


Unknown said...

Seems like this day didn's have to end - treasure these moments!!!!

All my best!!!!


Laura said...

Love love love love LOVE the shoes especially. And I just love all of the photo's as well..


thwany said...

i want those shoes.

nnnnnn said...

You really hate gym class, don't you :))

WeruniaB said...

I love the horse t-shirt!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm loving the mood of these pictures. I'm not sure if it's nostalgia, or whimsy, but I like it xxx


Shivam kinra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
favio said...

Childhood Fantasties
Madeline sits so politely in the 5th photo, probably waiting for a s'more herself.

Penny Loafer/Saddle Shoe Day Sounds like a Tart of an idea

Bring in the shoes, the pretty and the no gym

Shivam kinra said...

hey , jst love ur clicks,do open my website

www.wix.com/kinrashivam/photography or

María Chantal Rodríguez Nilsson said...

great post, as usual^^

i sometimes feel like a never want to grow up

lovely clothes!

ahah i remember when I used to play secret houses with blankets^^

diary said...

dont wanna grow up


Maggie said...

I'm with you in one opinion!I thinck too much about the future!I don't wanna grow up!

LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag


Kisses from Germany!

Anonymous said...

soooooo cozy! i love the sheet graffiti and the red peter pan collar dress. Its all making me want to graffiti my tshirts with texta

Peacock's Hat said...

This is so amazing. I have a desperate urge to build a den now. Unfortunately, I have an essay to write. The joys of student life.

StyleNonsense said...

I Looove The Black & White Brogues.

Natalia said...

I love all these photos!

agata said...

all the pics are just amazing, i love the dresses and the shoes! so amazing pieces.

Maow said...

I ADORED the Babysitters Club books U.U Would have read them all if they weren't so damn many and didn't have too many other things to read already. Plus in Italy they came with NAIL ART DECALS!! Hysterical.

David Iannini said...

Editorial perfeito, estou te sehuindo no twitter também! abraço

agent 0017/shay said...

love love love ;)
brings back so many memories of clubhouses, babysitter club books(!!) and saddle shoes

kelsea said...

great collection, definitely makes me nostalgic though :(

Cara said...

Haha funny how it says "NO feeding the models" on the sheet.

Anonymous said...

i think i like the set up and the "show" more than the collection, but still, sooo much fun, THIS is what fashion should be.

Dainty Librarian said...

Everything about this is fantastic!

Yajaira said...

love the shoes!! LOVE

Anonymous said...

I guess they are going for the "junior" demographic. Where as the photoshoot is original and charming. It also really projects itself to a certain type of girl. Which, is probably why I'm a little creeped out by it. Over all though I must say I love how MAC get's free press like no other. No wonder there brand is so well known they end up in shoots for everything including this one.

Unknown said...

Love the "no feeding the models" sign!!

Catherine said...

I really like the school girl air :) reminds me of summer, too.

khdz said...

gah. Lolita. creepy book.
after reading the book, that word seems incongruous when assigned to anything cutesy.

but more importantly, where can I get those saddle shoes?

Marina said...

great inspiration!!!

xx Marina

Anonymous said...

definatley gonna have one of those when i turn 18 xx

alexis said...

i adore this whole look and vibe.
the shoes are spectacular

fairy on acid said...


This so reminds me of the kind of parties I love. Amazing and teenager'y.


Make sure to visit and follow!

MartaPalczewska said...

wow! amazing pic! :)

Pretty Provocative said...

I remember having one of those...


Deano SC said...

Thats real good! haha


The shoes are fabulous!


Anonymous said...

I believe that every person has to be a little peter pan, from its birth to its death :) .. everything can be so magic in this life... <3

Check my new blog, and follow it if u like it :)


Smack, Debby

style meerkat said...

Cool ! I love your blog :)


; D

Lyndranette said...

luv it! they are so cute but in a very calm way. great post.


Nicole said...

omigosh. lusting over them as we speak. seriously.

please, please, pretty please check and comment? lol sorry http://www.polyvore.com/found_hottest_indie_boy_sam...likes/set?id=25264979

Nicole said...

omigosh. lusting over them as we speak. seriously.

please, please, pretty please check and comment? lol sorry http://www.polyvore.com/found_hottest_indie_boy_sam...likes/set?id=25264979

Audrey said...

The shoes are perfectly lovely. Sadly, I do have to admit that I wouldn't buy them because I had a pair of Sam Edleman shoes in grey that are much like them. I'm glad that you brought up the Lolita-esque point. It does happen to look like a Pirate Lolita outfit to me.

P. said...

Peter Pan <3 Wendy. I miss my childhood so much.

Zztefii said...

hola! soy de Perú espero me puedas seguir de la misma manera que yo lo hago haber si te das un tiempo gracias!!http://teficrush.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I like everything about this collection... the best from childhood.

MONi said...

When I was younger I loved Peter Pan! he was my hero… wish I wouldn't have to grow up… the shoes are cute!

WendyB said...

Wendy's house should never be demolished!

Anonymous said...

Oh my bunnyslippers I'm totally going to go buy some saddle shoes and wear them with little lacy socks. Or at least I'll keep my thrift store eyes open.

Chloé said...

Beautiful. Everything. Including the school holiday.

Am I the only person who sees a distinction between grown ups and adults? Grownups being bad and adults being good?


Anonymous said...

I love the idea for the Peter Pan theme. That was my favorite fairy tale growing up :) I also love that the world is rediscovering the awesomeness of saddle shoes

Brittney said...

Tavi, don't ever "grow up". I tried doing that once and it was the biggest waste of life thus far. Children are the ones with endless imaginations. It takes a while to regain that creativity once you've kept it dormant for a while. Keep it up. You're an inspiration. :)

Andrea said...

It would be cool if that kind of house existed in every city so you can go there every time you got mad and bored by the world of "grown-ups":)

cleabe said...

amazing(: i love everything there, a really good idea.


:) check it!

CAT said...

Haha I love the 'Cullen' scribble on the wall, that it soo funny!

I love this post, very cute and relative to 'not growing up'.



Rafael Franco said...

Hi Tavi!

I love all the shoes. It's AMAZING!!! Great photos.

kisses from Brazil*


jkim said...

aww... candlestick s'mores-- how i miss thee!

Anonymous said...

omg, i super loved! it's magic *o* i want those shoes, i think i'm goin' to make one hahah awesome Tavi!

besitos, @_alissita

my blog http://pinupsneon.blogspot.com/

antonia said...

great post!!
amazing shoes!!!!

greetings from Poland :)


Alexi Frest said...

Growing up is not fun, believe me - I loved "The Baby-sitters Club", great books they were.
Why do you not write about Harry Potter inspired fashion; it is just as intriguing as Peter Pan.

Angeles Almuna said...

Beautiful post! Great pictures...but I'm already an adult....but I feel sometimes that I have never grow up....thank you for this post, I love who I am......I became unique and with something to do in this fabulous life!
Kisses Lady Tavi.....please never change!


Ms.Fashionista said...

So cute! Love the dolls.



Andrés Corella said...

I love the shoes in the third picture they are lovely!...and the pics are amazing so playful and childish ...got to love the peter pan-esque vibe..never growing up?...well that sounds just great!...Please visit my blog one of these days and drop me a line ;)


Greetings from Panama
Andy from The Black Label

The Holly Rivers Show said...

clothes that make you feel like a big kid are my forte!..come look



cancercowboy said...

nice mood, but almost a bit too mild for my personal taste. and i don't think its mainly the shoes that create this "lil girl"-feeling but rather the socks (and the obvious lack of, ehm, curves on the part of the models) and the conspicuous 50s borrowing in general.
all in all i like it; its a trig facet of our focus on youth.

Redischic said...

Beautiful post!
visit my blog!!
Elle : www.redischic.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful!very inspiring and very jealous you got to see it ;)

I wish more teenagers in my area would be inspired and create events like this that would last in your memories, than be going out all the time, spending all their money to get drunk at the typical nightclub and not remember anything.Which is ok once in a while of course but we could do better!

luckily I've found some lovely people who do think the same way..I think maybe a slumber party in my house is in order!thanks for sharing your experience!

John and Jane Doe said...

Beautiful theme

Casie Jean said...

Peter Pan is my favorite. An old man I work with used to call me Wendy by mistake, and it always made me secretly happy. this lookbook is amazing, I adore everything about it x.x.x
Casie Jean

Unknown said...

I really adore some of the outfits but i think they can use some simple garnet earrings like these:


Any thoughts?

Siiri said...

Those shoes are so cute! and that dress in the last picture :)

Check out my blog :)

Maggie said...

LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag


Anonymous said...

Is this for lookbook. It is too cute, natural, touchable, accessible! Love everything in the shots.

Anonymous said...

The Ouija board is very cool - have to try it one day! Great post

Ellen at The Raven and the Cellar Door

Lo said...

I love everything about this

JMGF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JMGF said...

The "dont feed the models" sign is gross and irresponsible.

August Casati said...

Haute Post - Hauter Blog! It's the season to go shopping and dolls I have some amazing finds! Check it out:




Donna Karan Dietrich Python Coat

Young Pleasant Nightmare said...

Love the ouija board; this post is perfect!


Clarice said...

How do you know that the pastel tones slow down the "Lolita feel"? Is it common knowledge? Am I ignorant for not making the association immediately?

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic! I love it!!!!

Siblings said...

pretty! i love them!

Sophie said...

AHHHH love the shoes

Please check out my blog and follow me


nkurily said...

love the colours. esssppecially the one of the girl's feet on the tramp. beautiful shades of purple hues.

Contact said...

that looks like so much fun!! penny loafers are making such a comeback, ive worn mine to death


BethInTheCity said...

What an adorable shoot!

Chick and Freak said...

nice !!! i adore you



i want to be 5 years old all over....

jessielovesthis said...

Brilliant- the ouija board adds a nice spooky vibe.


MF said...

that's my necklace :) I made it! Love Rachel so dearly, and I loved this entire presentation too. Such an honor to have been a part of it!!!

bob said...

Oh wow, just everything about this is awesome ...cept the oijia board...those creep me out..
I love the clothes and the saddle shoes and the fort.
I love it!!

Saou said...

I love the sweet world where you're living in. Everything is soo kawai and gorgeous.

Love your blog,

Unknown said...

All those black and white shoes are great.
I really like the pictures (:


Anonymous said...

Love the photo shoot!!