Proenza Schouler.
McQueen FW10.
And my favorites...
Rodarte! I mean, there is an assload of different kinds of fabrics in the original looks, and to find them in mini-form is nuts. Plus I think the Rodarte looks themselves are the most fit for dolls. Which dolls are your favorites?

No clue what this pose is.
Andrew was excited to talk about his dolls and each one seemed to have a story. He'd found the materials everywhere -- stuff he'd already collected, things found at fabric stores, at dollar stores. And that's the best part, that these aren't the exact runway looks, but more personal, which really is the way both dolls and clothes should be.

No clue what this pose is.
Andrew was excited to talk about his dolls and each one seemed to have a story. He'd found the materials everywhere -- stuff he'd already collected, things found at fabric stores, at dollar stores. And that's the best part, that these aren't the exact runway looks, but more personal, which really is the way both dolls and clothes should be.
Awesome dolls, I wish I had one of those :D
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Just magic.
And omg I got the first comment! How cool...
Wondefully inspiring.
Un abrazo from Spain.
I love those dolls!At a guess is that the McQueen is fall 2009? But that's a guess...
Love the Pro. one.
The Cothes Press
P.S. Nice pose by the way. ;)
Wonderful. I really love it.
Amazing work and amazing dolls!
Love them!
my favourite is the McQueen SS07 one!
those dolls are are a kind of scare however!
That is just awesome, those dolls are really cool, great idea.
Thanks for the post.
Really awesome dolls :)
Those are awesome!! Love them! Such works of art!
wow they are frickin amazing.i wish i could've seen them for real.i'd love if you could visit my blog.x
Such a cool idea with the dolls.
They are so cute and wonderful.
I want the Alexander McQueen doll with the rainbow-coloured dress.
Your outfit is great,too.
Love the shirt combined with the skirt.
more wonderful than real model.
so cute!!!
these are so cool!
Wow. Love these photos x
Those dolls are so amazing and brilliant; the painted faces were just all the more AMAZING, drawn to fit the look, model etc... loved this post :)
the dolls are awesome!! And I wouldn't have thought that this aren't the originally runway looks… is this Andrew the one who made the dolls or was it someone else? And who is he?
this dolls look so amazing :)
and you look great too :)
I like every McQueen's.
McQueen SSo7 is best.
These dolls are genius - I love them!
Don't worry it takes me weeks to unpack too ;)
Oh ! I love that post!
The Rodarte Dolls Are Looovely.
Adorei a foto com Martin Margiela!
Fantastic dolls !!!
See you !!
love the mqueen and rodarte... ♥♥♥
Cool dolls!
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
OMG those dolls are so perfect! I mean the details.. Love the MCQueens ones and Rodarte. My favorite designers:D
wooow love it!!
Amazing dolls! I want them!! The details, the fabrics... It;s all so perfect. I like the McQueen one sthe best.
for the first time since i turned 10 i now officially want to play with dolls again. epic. just epic.
these dolls are really great idea. :)
hahaha how endearing and adorable
Amazing dolls
These are lovely. The McQueen and Rodarte ones are particularly stunning. Love them!
I love the fact that he's made them from saved fabrics found around his home.
They remind me of these Arabic dolls my mother has, I think its the similarity in the painted faces. my new blog, zapraszam polki alby oglądały i komentowały mój blog!Na razie mam tylko 1 post, ale już za nie długa wiele innych
Oh they are lovely!I want the one with Alexander McQueen colorful dress,so cute!
wow these dolls are great!!! having my own doll collection at home i appreciate them very much :) this has inspired me to start sewing some of my own dolls right now! (homework can wait)
This is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
I love Balenciaga's and Rodarte's. Great dolls!
those are amazing, wish i could be there
you look awesome btw (:
For a second I thought the girl in the background was one of your hairclips, Tavi! I may have just inspired myself ...
so amazing. cant even explain how cool and breathtaking those dolls are. BEAUTIFUL.
Awesome dolls and trust me, I am the same way about unpacking! x
i think this is a lovely venture between fashion and art, and something else that's the artists own contribution. lovely, and beautiful craftsmanship on his part.
i really love the mcqueen SS07 one, because i thought a beautiful amalgamation of natural/unnatural beauty, the natural vs manmade, and this just adds another dimension to that already existing bit of paradox.
radtastic and ethereal too.
I Love Lanvin!
LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland!
dolls are scary
Sorry, perhaps this comes from my profession, but they do remind me of certain love dolls... (phew... my grammar...)
I love your Blog!
It's awesome!
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These are absolutely incredible. My favorite is the Alexander McQueen dress with all of the colors in it. I am so so impressed!
The McQueen, is that from the the demented clown collection? (whatever that was called...)
the image from - Erin O'Connor!
Wow! I have no words to express how I have enjoyed these pics! I´m unable to choose one. I love all of them!
Anyone? Bueller? Haha I need to watch that film again. I agree with you about the Rodarte dolls actually, I think they're the best because of the effort and detail which clearly went into making them.
Wow! very nice!
Eef en Lot.
Jim and I love the McQueen SS07, it's exactly the inspiration I've been looking for for my school art project. Have to say, one of the best things in all these photos is your lovely starry skirt!
iLove McQueen SS03, it's so free and feminine. They are all fabulous. Nice touch with the "Bueller" tie in on Aleexander McQueen <3 u, Tavi!
Interesting styles!
all the dolls looks so ethereal. you can tell hours of work went into it, brilliant!
Hello Dasein!
Very great photos indeed. I prefer the blue/green Proenza Schouler doll and McQueens last doll, the one in black.
And you have such a cute outfit.
/Madeleine from Sweden
These dolls are awsome! I really like the Alexander McQueen one, the one you cannot find. It's the fall/winter 2001 :)
Amazing!:) Very original! Love Marc Jacobs and the Alexander McQueen one!:)
Checkout my blog:
xoxo Anastasija from Serbia
Very cute!! I prefer Lanvin and McQueen dolls.
You're soo cute! Lanvin was fersher my favorite dolls. What a fun place to be! Happy early Thanksgiving Tavi!
very cool! I heard you sang karaoke with Karlie Kloss, if you have pictures of that I'd love to see them!
good god i am dying over these dolls.
absolutely incredible and gorgeous!
Those dolls are ridiculously amazing. Though the Givenchy doll's eyes are a bit piercing. *_*
wow, they are really amazing.
so creative
lily x
Amazing! I love the facial expressions...he's such a good artist.
love these! I really like how the faces are flat with the features painted on them. Looks really ephemeral.
Definately rodarte is awesome and really fitting for the dolls they look like snow princesses!! but my favourite is mcqueen fall'01 (the clown one with the cool hair) I remember this collection because it was so creepy and cool and the models were on a merry-go-round. I think this doll is awesomely creepy and he's done the clown hair and makeup so well, exactly like the collection... I want it for the end of my bed!!!!!!!!!
yum yum yum all the dolls are sooooo good! is he selling them after??
these dolls are brilliant, thank you
love the dolls <3 i love their eyes mostly, they have so much feeling..haha nice pose ;)
wish I could have gone after all lol
wow these are amazing dolls
wow these are amazing dolls
Reminds me of Greer Lankton
oooh and your wearing the dino shoes!!! i want those sooo bad lol
I love the dolls; my favorite part of them are their expressions.
The clown like Mcqueen doll is fall 2001. I love his kouklitas(Koukilitas is what he calls his dolls). I'm 12 and I know this stuff, crazy
This blog is so Alive!
I just visited and I will follow right after I write this!
And I so like you are not in facebook.Me either!Hate it!
If ever you feel like it come by my bloghouse for some tea and daydreaming..
Vintage sunglasses giveaway started just now!come check!
Be happy!
Rodarte for sure! I agree, their look fits best for the dolls. I just love how magical looking they are! It makes me want to fly off into doll/fairy world or something. heh :)
i've been following you for a year now, you're by far my favorite blog missy!
Thank you for posting these. I love them all.
These are INCREDIBLE! If I ever have a child, guess what they'll play with.
I'm creeped out and intriqued by the dolls...ahh confusion. On the other hand I love you for taking this long it only proves that there is someone else out there that is as bad as me when it comes to unpacking.
oooh those dolls are so cute^^
in love with the rodarte ones!!!
I like the dolls, each of them is individual and at everyone the history, only the great master could make the creations soul, these dolls look as live and their dresses overturn consciousness the beauty and style!!! Bravo)))
Looove the dolls.
I totally remember the 2001 show for McQueen with the clowns. Pretty sure this particular model was dragging a skeleton behind her.
omg!! i want one of this dolls
love them!!
McQueen fall '01. Erin O'Conner wears it.
Wow I love the eyes on these dolls, and the clothing is so intricate looking!
One of the Mcqueen modles was definatly dragging a skeletin. I remember it well.
does anyone - or maybe even you, Tavi - know how much these dolls cost to buy? I went onto the website, however I couldn't find any prices... thanks :)
AWESOME!!! never seen anything like that!
awesome as always.
i love seeing mcQueen's designs, the richness of the colors and textures and patterns.
thank you for sharing tavi:)
So... the dolls are all white. This struck me at first. Then I realised the models were white in a great majority, too.
Does anyone else find this abnormal?
Спасибо за хорошее настроение!
С наилучшими пожеланиями из России =)
so funny!!
these dolls are amazing! how very inspiring! i especially love the Proenza Schouler ones!
Oh I love the dolls....totally awesome! I agree the Rodarte doll clothes are very "doll-y" I also like the McQueen though..the rainbow one and the elaborate florals were fun too!
i love your blog,i am watching you every day! your posts are perfect and really inspire me,the contents are just amazing!
i will be happy if you check my blog,and follow!
thanks for your time my dear!
Wow! I love it!
Rodarte would be my favourite.
I love it!
Maravilhoso !! I love it !
these dools are awesome!!
linda casa das bonecas
Pro is larrvley. And unpacking is one of my pet hates so mutual feeling there!
these dolls are rad |
Hehe. Cool !
Your blog is amazing.
Visit me !
I'm new. just with love with thi post and all the pics in it <3 ...its alll just totally amazing .... muak
Thanks for posting these photos...I loved them.
Beautiful creations, so original and quirky !! love it :)
hah the dolls are awesome!
Great post. Love your style. Love your blog.
The Craft- x
i love the pictures
and i am new on blogspot, so please follow if you like :)
Hi Tavi congratulations on your great success and love their FotS texts very well prepared!
these dolls are so major <3 you look super adorable here!
I absolutely love those dolls..!!
Tavi, one of your biggest strengths is that you make fashion fun!! You are one of those very rare fashion people that doesn’t take themselves too seriously – or is trying to act too cool for school. These dolls are amazing - they are so nice to look at! Thank you so much for sharing this :-))
Well, I like the Ruben & Isabel Toledo dolls, even though I’m not sure who these people are. I love the 1st McQueen doll -gothic – with the face, hair and frills! + the colourful McQueen, with the full head of hair. And I so agree with you about the Rodarte dolls – amazing detail (textures & fabric), and the garments just look so good on the dolls. My favourites also!
POSE: The fingers on the face suggest a kind of thoughtfulness. Whilst the strong stance and hand on the hip suggest a kind of confidence = thoughtful confidence = Thonfidence!?!?! :-))))
Coolest dolls ever!!!!
Check this out:
Have a great day!
amazingpost, congrats! <3
I love givenchy dolls ;)
I wouldn't be able to choose one... So I'll choose 3. The Rodarte dolls, The marc Jacobs Doll and the McQueen SSo3.
Awsome dolls. They are like creepy and sad, but at the same time gorgeous. Love them!
XO, Natu from Argentina!
Wow look at the details : o
this dolls are amazing !
i want them all!!!! nice post!
The rodarte are my favorite as well.
I submitted a manifesto to your new magazine inspired by Kathleen Hanna's Riot Grrrl manifesto. It's a super quick read and I put it up on my blog :) I hope you will get a chance to check it out.
Really cool you had the chance to witness that real life!
WOW i love this post
and the dolls are AMAZING!!!
love it!!
Most awesome dolls ever ^_^
Most awesome dolls ever ^_^
Lovee the mini dolls! Saw you in Teen Vogue, Tavi!!
I loved the dolls as well, especially the Rodarte inspired ones. By the way it was lovely meeting you at FNO!;)
Tavie,the dolls are so perfects*_* i realy liked the print of your skirt. xo @giulidia
Beautiful. Yet horribly disturbing.
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super cute dollieeees! I thought they were giant lifesizers until I got to the bottom. The magic of photographs!
oh, and p.s. I think I like the Ruben and Isabel Toledo the best. What characters!
I love, I love, I LOVE This dolls !!!! The McQueen's doll is my favourite !!
Interesting concept, but I can't decide if it's an unique concept, or just symbolism.
this blew me away a little bit. bravo to andrew!
How creative of him! ♥
I love this site keep it up
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I want one.
I love the pose. Those type of random feeling guided ones are the best.
taviiiiiii for presidente!!!!
heck, these dolls are awesome! really hard to pick a favorite.
and is it a bad thing that i think some of the clothes seem to exude more personality when worn by the fabric buddies? ^___^
are they available for sale?
Those dolls are so fun and awesome!!
hilarious idea!
ohhh tavi the rodarte ones are absolutely darling! they are my definite favourite, so beautifully crafted xxx
Wow these are amazing!! My favourite is the Alexander McQueen rainbow dress and the Isabel Toledo doll.
Amazing post!
awww i love them alll! very clever!
Guauuu! Those are amazings! I want the Lanvin Doll :) So cute jj KKisses
visit n follow :]
those dolls are scary, but i do like the balenciaga!
What an amazingly creative idea, and so fun to see! Thanks for sharing!
the idea is amazing, who doesnt love clothes on dolls?
Hi Tavi, these dolls are great, but mine are more beautiful, not to mention that they are infinitely more original! kiss!
it was Alexander McQueen FW2001, my dear.
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