"steve's been possessed!"

Fall witch vibes are in full effect. There is something very delightful about biking to school in a long dark skirt and various cosmic layers. I wore this outfit in particular on opening night for the school play I was in, though I'd like to start being less lazy and not need a special event to wear giant gold Abba platforms.

I built the outfit around the shoes and socks (paired because we listened to Abba in the dressing room) (and by "dressing room" I mean nasty school basement with cockroaches) and the Risto Bimbiloski space skirt just kinda had to be matched with the ridiculousness of the Abba situation, but to make it moodier/earthier and less cheesy I added the flannel dress that used to be my mom's and this vintage feather hairpiece. Then I just wanted weird brooches and jewelry that an old lady who lives on the side of the road or in an almost-fallen apart house might collect.
From left: Gara Danielle ring (FTC disclosure: sent to me by the brand), Zak Kitnick brooch from Two Bridges Trading, thrifted sun brooch, flower brooch used to be my grandma's, and Neivz ring.

This bracelet is Ann Taylor Loft -- weird, right? They've been getting less "Modern Mom!" lately. And the bottom is a closeup of the Risto skirt (FTC disclosure: sent to me by Risto.)
I found these socks in our basement and Beso.com asked if I'd review these shoes in exchange for Abba vibes forever.
Brand: D&G
Pros: Look stellar with socks; fulfill my 70's and Lady Miss Kier needs. My feet are surprisingly comfy in them.
Cons: My feet are unsurprisingly uncomfy once I take them off. They also wear pretty easily -- I've worn them twice and scuffing has already gotten the better of parts of the now-dented wood and now-brown straps. If these were delicate glass slippers I would blame myself for clunking around, but you're supposed to be able to dance in these kinds of shoes!

But enough about me and my Abba dancing*! How are you? In other words --

*Which, come to think of it, I have previously showcased here!
I hesitated in posting that link since this blog is read by about everyone I know from school, as well as my teachers, as well as my parents' friends, as well as everyone I know in real life. But I fully stand by and support 8th grade me's Abba passion. Plus I'm reciting the lyrics to Ciara's "Work" tomorrow for a class talent show and we all know I have no dignity anyways.


Erica Love said...

the hat is FABULOUS. and i'm seriously loving the cool little witchy brooches and rings. mystical, eccentric, and just plain AWESOME. great post!


GVMS Musical Team said...

First of all .. I MISS 90S COMMERCIALS.

And second, what play were you in?! Detailz, plz.

(P.S. Its Sara Nev on my other account)

Tavi said...

Whaddup, Sara! The show is called The Sparrow, it was first produced at the House Theater here in Chicago a few years ago and has done a bit of traveling in these parts since. It's about a girl named Emily Book returning to her hometown for the first time in 10 years since a bus accident killed everyone else in her 2nd grade class. Now a senior, everyone in her town begins to embrace her noncomformity once they learn she has super powers. But, when they think a little more, they realize her powers mean that the bus accident may not have been an accident...DUN DUN DUN.

That was probably way more than you had in mind when you asked but I love and really miss (we closed on Saturday) the show.

Malicious Mallory said...

Way to go, 8th grade Tavi! :p
What play were you in?? I'm in the middle of the Taming of the Shrew right now, Commedia del Arte version.

Malicious Mallory said...

Oh that sounds legit! Who did you play?

thwany said...

nice bracelet

thwany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doni Brown said...

Love the look! your a great stylist!


Tavi said...

Mallory -- I was lucky enough to play Emily! Twas good fun. Here's a trailer for House's original:

dreamstyle said...

favorite outfit so far.

Rachael said...

I cant even find those shoes on Beso.com.

Who makes them? What are they called?

Suzannah said...

Thats a great outfit! Love all the little things you collect!


Where do you get stuff like that?

Christina Catherine said...

Get there! I was such a theater nerd in HS. I later realized I didn't really want to be an actor, but I'm glad I did it when I had the chance.

khdz said...

haha... that's an amazing commercial. too bad their beer is gross.

cool broaches you have found, though. don't hide your inner little old lady, she's awesome :P

Paulina said...

This IS LOVE! Fall is just the best <3

WendyB said...

Great minds think alike about Lady Miss Kier! http://wendybrandes.com/blog/2010/10/foot-fetish-fluevog-mcqueen-ferragamo/

infinitezest said...

this outfit is wonderful. and I love the D&G shoes!

Ella said...

This outfit is so killer. Love the commercial. WASSUP!

Sarah said...

this is brilliant, like everything you do. but i especially love the first two photos.

Anonymous said...

Finally some cosmic skirts. I feel a trend coming up that hasn't been announced everywhere yet. I love it.

.......... said...

your abba dancing is the best. THE BEST!

Zaia said...

awsome commercial, love it" also, just seen the movie ghost world from the 2000's, remided me very much of you and your style! xx

Kaiami said...

Cosmic GORGEOUSNESS oh gosh. I'd like me some cosmic print.

I am dying to get some gold shoes like yours. I really want to get the Vivienne Westwood pair, the rocking horse sandals with the wings on the side. They're so goddess-like!

Deano SC said...

Your hair is epic!

Deano SC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

my mother has been raving about grey gardens. with your added endorsement i will have to watch it now.

Kate Rose said...

NOICE. The print peaking out of the sea of smoggy plaid is a mucho cool effect+AWESOME $HOES$S
how did you wear the outfit if you're in the play? changed into it after wards?

Psychedelicsister said...

My word those shoes are fabulous!

Clarice said...

Ooooh, I love it!

Sewon said...

I love the hat and your brooch collection!

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

Neivz ring. i like that that sounds like niiice ring in my head only slightly german. also abba forevs.


Move said...

great outfits, I really love ur hat, do you make it by urself ? :)



I love your outfit!


Unknown said...

I enjoy reading your posts!, love the way you write (:, nice outfit, love the stelar skirt!, looks like my blog lol


Bonnie Friday said...

Those platforms are to die for!



Offbeat Follies said...

Just caught got up on those fancy ABBA moves you have. Damn I love ABBA. I think "Lay All Your Love On Me" and "SOS" are my favorites.
I'm glad I kept stuff from grandma (now deceased) wardrobe. I was recently given some of her old hats...the kind with real feathers & fur. I should showcase them on my blog one day...
Lookin' good, Tavi, as usual.

Dee O. said...

those rings are absolutely gorgeous!! and those SHOES!!



love you blog!))

Tess said...


Miss Molly said...

oh wow.. the shoes, those accessories! i am inlove!!! you are amazing!



KARLITO said...

Ding-dong the witch is BITCHIN'. Love the layers and that lovely little angreh face your giving the camera.

Unknown said...

your blog is amazing, i love this post :) love the musical notes-ish socks :))

check out my blog too!



zoomslow said...

This outfit, the headpiece, your hair and the pose, all kinda remind me of Helena Bonham Carter –perfectly appropriate for the opening night of a theatrical production, me thinks.

Speaking of theatre – I’m currently trying to get my head around “Macbeth”… And I was very excited to discover that the line, “Is this a dagger I see before me…” comes from here.

And in keeping with your witchy vibes, the drawing in “The Play – In Pictures” section, depicts the dagger in a state of levitation!!!

And those ‘giant gold Abba platforms’ – is there really anything better?

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

It is ALWAYS a good time to wear gold platform Abba shoes. I still regret getting rid of my silver glitter platforms 10 years ago, sob!


Anonymous said...

AAh.. That Bracelet and your shoes, They're great! omg
love it!


Anonymous said...

Love how you've styled this outfit with socks and sandals x

zoomslow said...

PS. I remember this kind of scary-dude character from Seinfeld, once replying to Jerry's "How are you?" with... "Good enough!" :-)

But I'm well, Tavi! Thank you for asking :-)

Amélie said...

- I Love Your Socks <3

Nancie said...

awesome shoes and jewlrey! http://www.fashionablenotebook.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...


Love love love the rings!!!

Is fantastic! <3

Ivânia Diamond*

Nolita said...

I love the golden platforms.

--Nolita Vintage--

lollie said...

definately have to check out that play, sounds awesome and i havent heard of it.


starting project for foundation fashion, would be great to hear from any of you.
so far ive got colourful/headache-inducing.. thanks!



Anonymous said...

I think brooches are very good. I just don't get why they are always old fashionable.
I also love all the other stuff.

agent 0017/shay said...

loveee your outfit. especially the galaxy skirt underneath....its so mystical! :D

Adriana Parrilla said...

Love the rings Miss Tavi!!!


Unknown said...

Lovely outfit and clothes"!"" You have a lot of style!


Dave Schlabowske said...

Very cool look for Fall. But include the bicycle in the photos next time and be one of the youngest (and perhaps most fashion forward) to join the Cyclechic movement.

and of course the original:

accessoryqueen! said...

I love the rings and brooches!

Dainty Librarian said...

Love that skirt!


hannbokhi said...

This outfit is perfect. So pretty dress.

boyunso said...

you look amazing as usuall!!!!

Anonymous said...

love the socks!and i love abba of course!

Public Mentor said...

Interesting combination of clothes, shirts and shoes... Nice jewel...


Lola BC said...

You're actually an awesome dancer

Chloe Tweeny said...

"..and we all know i have no dignity anyways" --hysterical! you always crack me up. love the outfit, definitely feeling the "witch vibes"

Anonymous said...

LOVE this! amazing

xoxo Rach

狄安 said...


Anonymous said...

i just like the fact that you have all these oppertunities to review collect and have all this merchandise
and you put it to goood use.

i love the way you dont take fashion seriously (hear me out) in a way that allows you to express yourself in a pandemoniom of style thats crafted with power and art. rather than other fashionista's who must have the new this and that to fit there new this and that because they will be wearing this and that soon because this they already did wear that.

id love to love you more

p.s i dont really know why i put kiss's

Anonymous said...

Lady Miss Kier is my idol, next to Bootsy

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

Love the Bracelet!!!
And the print of the skirt under your flannel skirt!

KATia Grifols said...

Nice photos and combinations! I like the shoes :)
Nice to meet your blog :)


Anna of The Analog House said...

Totally in love with the skirt!

Anna of Green Gable

Anne-Fleur said...

Don't know why, but this reminded me of you: http://www.dezyne.de/thirtythr33/blog/upload/illu_lala_01.JPG

niNe*Moreira said...

nice...i'm miss all the past...i don't know why, but seems best for me!!!

anyway, i'v add u, ok?



melina bee said...

I love how you mix prints, esp this time. that dress is so perfect, I would love a plaid, 50s style day dress like that. also swooning over all the photorealistic and gallactic prints I see these days.
speaking of Abba, have you ever seen Muriel's Wedding? I didn't like Abba until that movie and now like them.

Violet said...

nice accessories esepcailly the rind and kick as platforms

Vi from Cali

John and Jane Doe said...

impeccable choice of fabrics.

Anonymous said...

Loving the accessories. Especially the Neivz ring.

Ellen at The Raven and the Cellar Door

Anonymous said...

the skirt and the shoes are lush !

Rafael Franco said...

Hi Tavi

It's amazing! I love the dress and the socks.

kisses from Brazil*


lolzzz said...

"various cosmic layers?" oh, how delightful!

Giuppy d'Aura said...

great accessorize darlin'

Giuppy d'Aura said...

great accessorize darlin'

Anonymous said...

I love the Neivz ring!


Anonymous said...

super fluffy-puff.


love the music notes+cosmic stars.

xo http://www.KETCHUPCOVEREDFACES.blogspot.com

Alison said...

The Abba video is too funny and cute! Have you ever seen the David Bowie music video (or short movie plus music video) for Blue Jean? Your outfit looks similar to his in it's looseness, and at one point just about halfway through you do a dance move with your armssimilar to one of his.

You should check it out if you haven't

kimiko said...

oh! Tavi, i think that you are really beuty ^^
and i think that the accesories are really perfect, and oh my god, the shoes are perfect!!!
without any doubt that this outfit are one of the best ^^
and the hat?? ^^i really love it!!!

i would like to invite you to visit my blog, but it is in spanish, but i promised that i´ll write something on english ^^

you really inspired me :) thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

The video of you dancing to an abba song is, interesting. I lika abba songs.


Sister Shirley said...

I'm waiting for you to bust out your Kate Bush/Wuthering Heights witchy look.

Offbeat Follies said...

PS: Ever seen "Murial's Wedding" ? That flick totally encouraged my ABBA groove :D

Unknown said...

ABBA is some amazingly catchy, beautifully arranged stuff! Love that space skirt with the gold platforms. And I'm really jealous of those gold platforms, for the record. At least I can rest easy knowing you wear them well :P


Dooshi said...

I really like this set! The skirt is adorable and the shoes are weird and awesome at the same time! :)

I have to say that I'm new in this blogs world and I joined after I red your blog. Your really inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I love those platforms! The platform itself is so interesting! The feather headdress is gorgeous too xxx


Alexi Frest said...

I love your outdoor pictures. They look a bit "Blairwitch Project" like and they are very natural. They also remind me of a great outdoor photo about the teen horror star Neve Campbell.
Your hair is awesome here.

boyunso said...

i love this one!!! indeed!!

wow, amazing :)


Laura said...

You take the important detail photos. I love your whole take on outfits: inspirations!
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The gold wedges are fantastic! and love love love the socks! so cute!

Miss Neira

Anne Drager's Blog on Art, Fashion and everything in between :) said...

Love love love the ensemble! The jewelry is FANTASTIC!

Nanna said...


I am more than double your age, but I think you are really cool. I admire that you do things your way and that you take political stand in questions where others keep their mouth shut.

Keep up the good work!

JIM Designs said...

Love how you clustered the pins and your hair looks magnificent!

Anonymous said...

I love ABBA and your platforms!

Anonymous said...

I love ABBA and your platforms!

Ezra said...

you accessorize so nicely

jessi dery said...

Totally agree about Ann Taylor! Lookin good lately...

Flea For Fashion said...

now my hair are just like yours! ahahahha


Erica said...

Du er fabelaktig! <3

Anonymous said...

Love the new hair!


Maria Victória said...

I'm brazilian, loved your blog, is very creative d:

Unknown said...

love the unusual print mixing. you're very good at that. and with layering.


Rachel Ann said...

I am OBSESSED with that black and white picture. fantastic.

-Rachel Ann


Maya said...

Quite frankly, this outfit is perfect!

haha now I associate that advert when Ross from friends flounders when dregging it up again! I love it, was so funny and huge at the time.

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit. Can you put a link in for "our basement"? I would like to order those socks online.

Lucy in the Sky said...

good for you for being unashamed. :) It's gotta be a little unnerving to know that everyone from school reads your blog...I don't tell anyone about my blog because I'm afraid I'll be judged by people who know me T__T. sighz. i'm working on having no shame, tho.

and I love your bracelet! just shows that labels/designers don't always stick to a certain aesthetic and every label has at least one piece you'd wear :)

MELISSA Z. said...

amazing pics and great post! love your wedges!


Josemi. said...

great post! the pics are amazing, as you! :)


Sarah said...

That. sock. shoe. combo.
Mein Gott.

It's ace!! How on earth can I get my musician hands on some musical note socks??
Sarah xx


1087870919 said...

I love that black ring, I really want one but cannot find one any where. I love your blog


Anna said...

Wonderful colours! Both the leaves and your outfit!


Nikka said...

pls follow me!-->http://nikkagaddi.blogspot.com/

i really appreciate if you go to that page ! ily all!

Montana said...

Look how grown up you are! Watching you is like witnessing the Dakota Fanning of blogging world. Cute.

Montana x

Anonymous said...

ur really awesome girl ! I'm from south korea ur really famous in south korea I love ur blog ur really great bloger I'm a big fan of you nice clothes:)

Unknown said...

Dark and beautifull.
Nice pics.
I have red smoke in my Utopia. You are invited to see it :)

myers said...

Your dance moves put me to shame. SO GOOD.

Anonymous said...

oh, my god 1) yeah that ATL bracelet is amazing and 2) you'll dance to ABBA but only recite baby girl C? is it performance art? I'm intrigued.

Ella Davidson said...

I love your blog~!I'm only ten but i also have a style blog.Could you give me some tips?I'll send you the blog if you email me at ellaleedavidson@me.com.

Angelica Ng said...

Great mood you've created! Loving the navy.


cancercowboy said...

the outfit is pretty damn cool again, but the shoes... well, wedges simply ain't my cup of tea, even these "lets-pretend-we-ain't-some". but your Cylon sunglasses are ^__^ and i don't know about your dignity, but you sure as hell have guts.


whoa! those shoes, and bracelt and skirt are so so amazizng!

Aesha said...

Ho, Tavi I'm French and I love you're style, I'm jealousy !