real time

The best part of Fashion Week so far was definitely tonight, which had little to do with Fashion Week at all. ~Courtesy~ of Soho House, I had dinner with Elizabeth, Laia, Jane, Deanne, and Zana, where we talked about things like Neopets and Tamagotchis. Riveting! I guess they each planted the seeds of our fashion blogging passions. I'd be lying if I said the Neopets paintbrushes were never a seriously important part of my life.

So very classy, we are! Everyone was so on their style game, I managed to snap pictures of Jane's eyelashed Octopus jangle and Laia's witchy beige vibes, featuring Zana's rad harness.

My outfit today was put together with "Army Dreamers" by Kate Bush stuck in my head, more about the way it sounds than what it means. I guess now is a good time to post this mix:

  1. Army Dreamers -- Kate Bush
  2. Silver -- The Pixies
  3. Devil Got My Woman -- Skip James
  4. Whole Lotta Yoko -- Yoko Ono and Ivry Gitlis with the Dirty Mac
  5. Dead Man's Bones -- Dead Man's Bones
  6. Softer, Softest -- Hole
  7. Gold Dust Woman -- Fleetwood Mac
  8. Speak For Me -- Cat Power
  9. Colleen -- Joanna Newsom
  10. Season of the Witch -- Hole
  11. Walk About -- The Slits

Drug store barrettes to correspond with the pink doodly flowers on my shoes.

Duskin dress, vintage crinoline and jacket, Totoro spook brooch from Studio Ghibli in Tokyo. Deborah Lippman was at Barneys on Fashion's Night Out and gave me this mesmerizing nail polish called Across the Universe. The sparkly in the polish goes with the sparkly in the dress and in the tights, which I used to try to balance out the dustiness of the jacket and crinoline. Clearly this is all a very complicated process, filled with maths and stuff.

Tights were a gift from the Rodarte sisters and I bought the Miu Miu clogs at Bergdorf Goodman. Seriously getting into witch vibes, and for once I'm acting like the characters I try to project through my outfit. But that's all for another time.

Thanks for the lovely night, dudes! Real talk with awesome people is just what you need during the middle of Fashion Week.


Lactose Intoler-Art said...

I love it! So great that the blogging community now has somewhat "famous" fashion bloggers because of people who were really true to themselves and good at what they do. So cool! I've really been enjoying your blog.

Also, did you get my email? When I was in Tokyo, one of the shop staff from "BOY" said they saw my art featured on your blog. Was just wondering where the post was so I could reference it. If he got confused, sorry about that!

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Great. Great. Great! It's all about the details really. Life is in the details.

Claire Geist said...

Darling!! The fact that you have combined a Spook from Totoro AND Miu Miu makes you even moreso my hero

Ross said...

I'm not a total fan of the clog trend, but nix that and I love your outfit with all my heart.

Marina said...

great outfit!!!
I love the clog!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice look!! I love the small details like ur brooh, nail color and hem of skirt. They are so cute and cool with your clog.

nabs said...

Those tights and that crinoline look so good together!



KARLITO said...

How awesome. You all do look really good. Kind of like fashionable superheros out grubbin.

sarah said...

again and again i admire your layering skills.
(girl, you got them)

FashionHippieLoves said...

your clogs are great!


Unknown said...


And it looks you definitely pull off the clog - your bob is cutes too.

SophieGrace said...

Love your clogs


Anonymous said...

I love everyone's outfits x

Public Mentor said...

Daring outfits... I like the girl in the red:)


Nolita said...

Clogging community!

--Nolita Vintage--

MELISSA Z. said...

Your tights are totally insane and I love them so much! Great look!

♥♪荣慧♥☑ said...

Nice to meet you.
I'm Elie from Malaysia.
I found out your blog from magazine.
I like it so much.
You fashion was so unique.
Hope we can be friend.
Waiting your reply.

mariska said...

i'm dying for ur clogs!!


Dale Berning said...

tavi looking like a doodled starry night - i love it! and i also love that i opened my browser this dreary morning to find you on the front of, with the red and white check docs and the miu miu collar. that was a happy sight … mes félicitations!

Anonymous said...

Cute hair!

Much love,

claudia beetlestone said...

I.LOVE.NEOPETS. I still play it like religiously. We should talk... :). I also very much enjoy the spook brooch, I admit, I'm jealous. I really like your outfit in general too! I wish I was your next door neighbour because honestly I think we would be really good dfriends. When my blog gets famous we'll meet up! Haha.

Isabel said...

Gahhh, your outfit, Elizabeth's shoes, KATE BUSH?! This is entirely to good.

Unknown said...

Love the socks and the miu miu clogs.. I lvoe your style!!

Shakkablakka said...

Nice tights!! I love rodarte...

Metka: Matka said...

you all have great clothing ideas
nice tights

Banaszi said...

oh girl, I love you and your style!

Pink said...

really love your clogs and tights!!! fabulous

check out my fashion blog at

please follow me via blog lovin or google THANKS

Francesca Robertson said...

those tights are so crazy! love them!! and the clogs are phenomenal. very jealous!

F <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

Rafael Franco said...


How are you today?

So, I love your tights and your friend's octopus necklace.

(sorry about the bad english rs I'm just learning LOL)

Kisses from Brazil

WendyB said...

A blog is a lot like a Neopet with its need for attention!

Diana said...

Awesome outfit. Your tights are to die for. I love them!


Loving the shoe shots!

High Fashion Whore said...

I love your tights. They are so gorgeous, I'm going to need to find a pair like that myself. Like little cobwebs allllll over your skin.

You guys look really sweet and friendly together in the first photo.

- nesha

Casey said...

If you're into Witchy music you should look up Broadcast and the Focus group--their music is soooo cool and their music videos even cooler.

RominaRains said...

You´re great!!!
I love your outfits!!!
my aunt was too at the fashoin week, because of him brad "LM" (Luciano Moresco)
P.S. sorry for my bad english xD, but I`m from Italy.

María Chantal Rodríguez Nilsson said...

ooooh tavi that black hairball with eyes looks so cute^^

really nice clothes and shoes girls!

Anonymous said...

I love Laia's outfit! Yours too. You have so many internet friends... I'm vaiiiiry jealous.

Lucy said...

adoro tus zapatos.

laia. said...

kate bush! witchy vibes!
true love 4evz

Freja Wewer said...

I have visited your blog before and I find it very inspiring!
Take a look at my blog and leave a comment (:
- And if you like, please follow me back!

/ /

Missy said...

Where did the little octopus charm come from? it is sooooo cute.


Viki said...

your tights are incredible! haha
who wouldn't wanted to be there? :)


MrJeffery said...

ahh! everyone looks so great. hope you had a fun time!

Unknown said...

You girls all look lovely! I love your clogs, they're gorgeous! :)

Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella

Chloe Tweeny said...

you all look so fucking epic and awesome, it hurts my eyes

From_Mel said...


check me out!

natalia said...

You guys are a POSSE. I love it.

Isquisofrenia said...

man, those tights are the shit!!
i wnat a pair too!!

Unknown said...

such cute clogs! looks like you had such a great time!

Angelic said...

All of your outfits make me so envious. But your Rodarte tights stole my heat the moment I saw them.

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

i love your tights and Miu Miu's!


JIM Designs said...

I find that socks make me slip around with clogs, but I like your idea!

Vie said...

I love your amazing looks.
I am from Brazil, and I have a blog too.

Kisses :)

melly said...

I wish I knew you personally, except that I am probably too old to be your friend, but my daughter is 12 and it would be fun to have you teach her a thing or two about style : )

Spotted you here, you're just everywhere you lucky little thing!

Agnes said...

Great Outfit, I love your tights :) I saw some of these pictures on Sea of Shoes too, you all looked so cool !

Sabrina ♥ Chérie said...

Lovely Outfits! ^_^

Stacey Diana Clark said...

I haven't been bye your blog in awhile!
You and your style are evolving!! you all look so lovely!

Izabell said...

Wow. Very unique.

Grace Escudero - The Afeminada said...

I love the combination of the tights (those must have been tricky to put on) and the Miu Miu clogs.

Daniel Feng said...

OMG tha is sooo cute !!!

I've always LOVED those Miu Miu flowery clogs !! :DDDD

Violet said...

you all look great!

Vi from Cali

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

I love those tights!


Hippie Bar said...

You guys have some serious shoe action going on.

Brenty said...

Glad to see your having fun at NY Fashion. I really love those platform clogs, it adds a nice touch to your look.


Belinda Holland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Belinda Holland said...

I love that you're referencing Kate Bush. Happy day for me.

Rachel Clark said...

Dear fashion blog gods,
Marry me?

amazeballs, amazeballs!


E N T R O P I F I C U S said...

Studio Ghibli is incredible - I loved the locked windows stuffed full of the spooks.

Virgínia Fonseca said...

Hi, Tavi... Very good!
look at my blog


Virgínia Fonseca said...

Hi, Tavi... Very good!
look at my blog


derek said...

TOTORO!!!!!!!! love <3 <3 <3 <3

x said...

Love how the clogs/Rodarte tights looks together

isabelle said...

LOVE the pom pom broche!
always the original cookie

funandthrifty said...

Love how you girls are all hanging out as fellow bloggers! Can't wait for the rest of NYC fashion week! Maybe I'll see some of you around! TIBI tomorrow!

Bub said...

You are my idol Tavi! I love your hair colour, it suits you very well and I love your outfit, great pictures!

zoomslow said...

Gr8 photos, thank you! Everyone looks awesome :-)

I really like the proportions and wide variety of textures in your outfit. And your hair's looking really good :-)

"...for once I'm acting like the characters I try to project through my outfit."

I'm really interested in your thoughts on this. I've had a bit of a look at the notion of 'performance' in fashion - but I still have a long way to go!

P.S Hopefully I can make it to NYFW some time in the future. It always sounds so amazing!

Yasemin said...

I love your style, but at the same time I hate it. I don't understand

kate maggie said...

Love all of these! Looks like so much fun, your shoes and dress are fabulous!! Ah..cant get over it. x

yyyy said...

I love all the items! :D

Anonymous said...

as lovely as always :)

Taamra said...

WOW those are some hiiiigh heels girl! I love your granny-chic look

Unknown said...

I lvoe your style and this photo is amazing!!
visit my blog if you want...

Sweetdie said...

I love the tights and well, the look is great!!

Paulina said...

Beautiful as always, Tavi!!! <3
Love everyone's look!

tough girl said...

Wow, you all top bloggers gathered, eye catchy! Love the Miu Miu clogs with the amazing stockings. By the way, Totoro is defintely my childhood favorite!

Oh! Nena said...

Lovely work.
We´ll love to give you as a gift one of our pieces!
Hugs from Venezuela.
Check our work:

maggeygrace said...

Tavi...I adore you. I just read an article about you and I don't think I've ever seen someone as sure of themselves as you are- and that's a beautiful thing to see. I love that even as a "famous" blogger, you are still you and you gained all your success for purely being you.

Keep it up girlll.

You inspire me.

Luisa said...

Awesone outfit, awesome everything. :)

dirtbike said...

<3 the soot sprite!!!

Anonymous said...

You're hanging out with Gwen Stefani today?! you.rock.solid.hard.

Alisa said...

the outfit totally resembles the mood of the song.
i must admit i LOVED all or pretty much all of that music. thanks a lot for sharing!
i got inspired, dressed up as a witch too and scared my boyfriend. but hey... as long as i'm happy!

Anonymous said...

Your outifit is very chic! P.S.: your tights were to die for! they have a very nice print.

Anonymous said...

Like sugar and Coke- Addictive.

Lela London said...

Tavi, you genius. Adore the Miu Mius.


Anonymous said...

Awesomeness. But also, you're in the New Yorker! Looking forward to reading the article, which I haven't done yet because I am drowning in textbook while the magazine sits on my table and tortures me.

Half Alison said...

your playlist is my favorite right now.

Miss Molly said...

great shots Tavi! you look cool!


Ashley said...

the clogs are so cute! looks like you ladies had fun.

Georgia said...

Great shots.. looks like lots of fun.
I intern with Australian Magazine RUSSH.
and one day hope to be sitting at New york fashion week.

Anonymous said...

Fashion week blogger-style seems magical. For a half-crazed breakdown of the runways visit:

Freja Wewer said...

I've visited your blog before, i like it and i find it very inspiring!
Take a look at my blog - And follow me too if you want!



Yevgeniya Yelkina said...

sick! xoxoxox

ólöf said...

oh lucky girl..I love the Rodarte tights:) I love your put-together-in-one-dress as well:) sweeet

Annnnn said...

It's Stevie Nicks all over again. Gypsy witches, girl!

X said...

Great outfit!

Unknown said...

Love the clogs. I saw some gorgeous flower print ones from Stuart Weitzman last Spring. Congrats on your success Tavi!

Unknown said...

Awesome shoes, love the clogs! :)

Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella

Beauty Box said...

I recognize that lil' "brooch" — it's the black fluff ball from Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro! Kawaii!

Sam Harvey said...

yes, to the spook brooch! this just catapulted me into a fabulous mood!

kimiko said...

im jealouse.
i love your look :D
and i have to tell you...
you inspire me :D
and i wish to you good days!

kimiko said...

im jealouse.
i love your look :D
and i have to tell you...
you inspire me :D
and i wish to you good days!

thwany said...

there's nothing better than good conversation

KOKOKOI said...

♥your outfit is so nice!
♥ Really love the schoes.
♥I enjoy your blog.

♥ Caramelle

Cynthia said...

love the shot of everyone's awesome shoes!

GLAS said...

just read your profile in the New Yorker - you are so cute! rodarte tights are amazing also...


kimberleigh rose said...

I will just never get over the Rodarte tights... NEVER. They are like an act of genius in themselves.

Unknown said...

Those tights are amazeballsusa. Love the barrettes too!

electric fringe

Unknown said...

That clog is sic. Must get!

Anonymous said...

love your style. your clongs are a turn on ;p

Christina said...

Real talk is just what the doctor ordered amid fashion week! Always refreshing. Hope you enjoyed. xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, those tights are cool in a spooky, Halloween-like way. :D x

Anna Brambilla personal shopper, stylist said...

Love your shoes! Have fun in NYC!

Anonymous said...

I love "Army Dreamers"! Fits your outfit too. The Rodarte tights=complete love. Also, your new drugstore barrette obsession is absolutely rad. Barrettes are like my vitamin.


you ladies look fantabulouss!! looks effortless, but i know now it took quite a bit of effort with all the "maths and stuff" :)

Jan said...

OMG I love those Miu Miu clogs!
Haha that 'Oprah-story', awesome ^^
Love your blog,
gonna follow you!

Tiffany's Small World said...

love your tights and shoes!looks like fun!


Aladdin Sane said...

you can also buy those tights from topshop! they are £8 in england.

Anonymous said...

your outfits are amazingly your shoes, thinking twice to wear those shoes attending my brothers wedding.

Surita Manoa said...

loving the eyelashed-octopus!

Abby said...

love your fashion sense!

Abby said...

love your fashion sense!

Laysa in the sky with diamonds. said...

I like what you're wearing <3

Alison Scarpulla said...

if you're into the witchy thing you should seriously check out my photo work!!!

Julie Ling said...

I am raving over the outfit that you wore !

yea, I'm too lazy to post, but not lazy enough to browse and comment my favourite blogs? sounds just about right :D


Unknown said...

Great outfit of yours - the Rodarte-tights and the layering of the skirts are just fabulous!

Hannah Jean said...

And I thought I was the only one who thought out my outfits for hours.

t j said...

re: NYer article: Here's to your gifts--
to a true, enduring,fashion or style firefly;
A fine mind, that lesser lights envy, if only we 2, 3 times your age were so sly + incisive...what warms our shrunken hearts is that you too seek out + spin art from the magazines (How i cringed when my relative tore down + threw away my teenage scream wall of collage + beloved ID mags!) + to your family, who obviously know how to nurture a young lion.

Ok, enough fawning, for now...
fondly, Tess Jr.

luiza - said...

Loved your nail poilsh. What's the color?

Anonymous said...

i LOVE your tights tavi- and your clogs are gorgeous ;)

G.A.N said...

Tavi, you are so known worldwide that now in Brazil, this one passing a soap opera with a character inspired in you!

cancercowboy said...

"all for one, one for all", i hope. and damn nice tights.

ValeriaU said...

Oh god simply love the shoes, and the leg wear is delicious!

adrie minoliti said...

everything is amazing

RavenMcCoy said...

Love the pink barrettes but even more, love LOVE the witchy mix. I haven't heard that Hole cover of "Gold Dust Woman" since I left my cassette of "The Crow - City of Angels" soundtrack on the bus when I was 13 (I'm a crotchety, old 27 now). Thanks for the nostalgia. :)

Maartje & Lauren said...

Oh, I wish I was you

Lucy Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy Lou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey would You like to see my artwork, it would be an honour for me, I think You may like it

I'm from Poland and we heard about You even in eastern Europe!;]You are very tallented!

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