Things I Learned in High School: Day One

The best way to tell someone to stop bullying is to be really cool, like, "Hey bro, what's up with that?" Rapping helps to get in touch with the kidz.

I wondered why a middle aged man (who was wearing sunglasses that were eerily similar to a pair I had at age four that had in the corner of one lens a tiny photo of Taz, actually) was throwing things at our grade as we sat in the bleachers. LEARNING STATUS: Answer never found.

Some boys reach a certain age in which they are convinced they invented anarchy, poor hygiene, and Kurt Cobain.

...And I have reached the age in which I am too often under the incorrect impression that I am wise enough to make that kind of observation.

If you, as a short person, want to get anywhere in the halls, you must push and shove. PUSH AND SHOVE.

It's great when you don't want to see someone, and they don't want to see you, so you can ignore one another in the halls on a mutual basis.

Ella and I greatly resemble Jane and Daria at lunch.

High school is fun, so far.

(No photos today, as I am currently barren of a camera. But I hate a post without visuals, so do enjoy the theme song of possibly the greatest television show about high school ever. Then get into an angry Internet debate in the comments about what is actually the greatest show, then watch me get all, "Guys, this Internet Fight of yours is so high school!" and I shall revel in how I can now say that and have a sliver of an idea of what I'm talking about.)


Savvy said...

I think you will love high school! :)

Anonymous said...

freaks and geeks IS the best high school show ever made, hands down. best of luck in high school tavi. not to give you high expectations, but it's infinitely better than middle school.

Anonymous said...

Freaks and Geeks is an amazing show.
I hope you love high school! :)

& Oh So Fancy

Dori the Giant said...

High school is a breeze.

I'm starting college really soon, now that I am nervous about.

Dahlia said...

That show marked me forever! Bill Haverchuck was my favorite.

Emilie said...

Okay. In a moment of absolute honesty. I have never seen this show. However, I am literally going to go watch as much as possible right now until I fall asleep. I appreciate the introduction to something I am already confident I am going to love. Also, congratulations on making it through Day 1 successfully. I am sure you'll be fine. I mean. I haven't had the cliched high school experience in any way. I don't know what your school is like but I bet you'll enjoy the next four years. Until you have college apps. And with that cheerful sentiment I'm going to end this.

Tara said...

high school. for me it's been much better than middle school was actually. there's still silly drama but it's not nearly as silly as it was back in say, the 7th or
8th grade. there's indeed lots of pushing and shoving
freaks and geeks is so fantastic.
and I love the theme song and intro lots. especially james franco's moment.
I love it so much!
good luck in high school!

PZ said...

I'm glad high school is going well for you! Just thank your lucky stars that you actually know some people. I had to transfer twice in my high school years (and they aren't even over yet.) High school really isn't how they portray it on TV or movies. At least for me. I think if you really try hard you can see the high school archetypes and the cliche cliques, but I rarely see any instances of bullying or typically high school-y stuff. Anyway...whatever. My comments are always way too long. I made tiramisi cake today! It was gorgeous. The end.

P.S. Nick Andopolis is my favoritefavoritefavorite stoner in the history of stoners. He's so sweet! I want to marry Jason Segel. Also, Freaks and Geeks really showed me just how weird and awesome James Franco is. If you haven't read this you should.


PZ said...

Haha, tiramisi. Tiramisu.

...this is getting creepy.


Unknown said...

i totally agree. i am a short person too, and i'll be attenting for the first time the 7th of september an american school, so thanks for the tip :p
and yes, males, today apparetly have reached a level of maturity that nobody can explain.
have a good year ;)

Unknown said...

good luck on high school, you will love it (:

WendyB said...

WTF? *I* invented Kurt Cobain. I did it while Al Gore was inventing the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Its sad the show only lasted 1 season. Its epic though.

fledgling said...

oh high school *sigh*
have fun kiddo!

college is 1039574 times better...
do well so you have schools asking for you, instead of you asking for them.


Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Were you Daria? I was always Daria. I admired Jane but I had a crush on Trent and that just wouldn't work, you know, with the whole brother sister thing.

Sandra Azwan said...

let them eat cake!


High school can be a real drag.

the 90s will never die said...

High school, like the era of the French Revolution, is both the best time and the worst time ever. I hope you come to love it :)

This post somehow made me wish I was in 9th grade again. Weird!

Nolita said...

Let me think about it, high school was a pain in the ass but what comes after it is worth every second.

--Nolita Vintage--

Adrienne said...

I'm starting High School tomorrow!!! AHHHHH!!! :]

Ally S said...

High school was so overrated to me...I don't remember a lot from it only b/c I didn't like the majority of the people I went to school with, and dealing with family issues.

And yes Freaks & Gees is the greatest show about high school :)

fabiola talavera said...

''Some boys reach a certain age in which they are convinced they invented anarchy, poor hygiene, and Kurt Cobain.'' HAHAH that is so true, im not in high school yet but soon I will be...freaks and geeks is the best.

Steve said...

You will meet people who think they invented poor hygiene your entire life (and you may even be convinced that they did!).

Also, when walking through crowds (I got a masters degree in crowds when I lived in Hong Kong), it can be satisfying to imagine you have a long pole with which to poke the one person who is clogging traffic.

"coy" colleen said...

glory days, tavi. glory days!

Ella said...

James Franco is HOTTT. And I'm freakishly nervous for high school. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Freaks and Geeks is not only the best show about high school but the best show of all time.. In my opinion. Enjoy high school, Tavi! It can either be an amazing part of your life or the worst (not to scare you or anything...), so make sure it is the former. :) But even if it ends up to be the worst, at least it's all uphill from there!

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

anouk said...

Some boys reach a certain age in which they are convinced they invented anarchy, poor hygiene, and Kurt Cobain.(tavi gevinson)

the best quote ever!!!

Paige said...

just started watching freaks and geeks, and i am kicking myself for not getting on this shit sooner. the best tv shows are always the ones that get cancelled

zoomslow said...

“Things I learned in High School” –I’m impressed! Not a single mention about anything academic. You’ve sussed out what High School’s all about very quickly! :-)

Voldy ♥ said...

That was very amusing, I especially like points 3 and 4. That you have seen that indeed you are not wise enough to make that kind of observation makes you wise enough to do so. If it hadn't been for point 4, I would have probably thought "What a stuck-up girl, SHE probably thinks she invented it", but point 4 make me smile. You are very mature to be able to make fun of yourself.
High school is fun, enjoy it.
I've never seen that show but it looks good. From which year is it? I recognized many people! James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jason Segel!

Stephanie said...

you are so cute! You're going to love high school... how could someone as cool as you not?!

Siru said...

I loved that show! Thought OC did good as well!

juliet xxx

Jenni said...

Freaks and Geeks <3

emma-kate said...

just to let you know tall people have to push and stove as well.

and is freaks and geeks an american show? i've never heard of it but it looks really good...

Aova's Wardrobe said...

you will enjoy high school.. its the best times of your life!! trust me!!

treasure it while you can and good luck!!


Sanam said...

aha,great post :) and good luck Tavi,im sure high school wont be too bad though.I've found its a breeze over the past 3 years i have been in highschool,its been great.New friends,new experiences,im sure you'll love it :)

StopAndStareStyle = my super-duper fashion & style blog :D COMMENT,FOLLOW,READ & ENJOY! :D

walrus said...

oh my dear tavi... how lucky you are that you are not forced into 8 hours of child abuse on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
all i had was a feminist attitude, non-holister clothes and curly hair and they had to take me out so people would stop kicking me in the knees and threatening my family.
no lie.
have a wonderful High School Career:D

harmony said...

Freaks and geeks is amazing (I was for sure Lindsay- so awkward and unsure about which rules to break- if any). However, the show was truly made possible by "My So-Called Life" - another 13 episode wonder- which in my heart is the most awesome portrait of high school...ever. They're basically the same show just one is set in 1980 and the other 1993-95.
p.s. I love how both of these are up on youtube. rock.

harmony said...

Freaks and geeks is amazing (I was for sure Lindsay- so awkward and unsure about which rules to break- if any). However, the show was truly made possible by "My So-Called Life" - another 13 episode wonder- which in my heart is the most awesome portrait of high school...ever. They're basically the same show just one is set in 1980 and the other 1993-95.
p.s. I love how both of these are up on youtube. rock.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting secondary school in a week so I'll know exactly how you feel and Freaks and Geeks is the best show about American high school EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I liken myself Sam Weir and Neal Schweiber

Explendid said...

I didn't know the show, but the video is really fun!!! Sure you'll enjoy high school


Unknown said...

All the ages have its good and bad part.
The best thing is to remember the good.
You'll enjoy high scholl.
Regards from Madrid.

This comment has been removed by the author.
ólöf said...

I LOVE FREAKS AND GEEKS! (OH yes it deserves Caps Lock). Oh and how I LOVE Daniel Desario..huuuuge crush.

I LOVELOVELOVE Freaks and Geeks, why did they ever stop?! I have watched this serie so many times and I cannot believe they didn't think to make another one..whyyyy

but glad you're enjoying high school:) it's nice;)


i feel really symphasisys of you got in high school.
i go to high school too.
but i'm little surprised that you think high school life is funny(i know it's just so far).
but im really glad that you have fun.and i want you to keep that untill you graduate high school.
i crush on fashion but i dont really have a time to do blog due to high school(i'm korean high school kid so that is the reason that why i dont really have a time to do it cuz we can go home at 10:00 in the night)
Anyway you are my favorite fashion blogger and i just wanna see you in the future after i achieve my dream job:)
it's very fun

Sleepingviolet said...

Freaks and Geeks, best show ever wish they had more than one season :)

Paulina said...

Oooohhh, sounds like a lot of fun, Tavi!! I am also so EXCITED to start high school. It's going to be my first time in a new school here in America since I came from a rather small-ish school in the Philippines.So fun fun fun!!!

Chloe Tweeny said...

What, so you're telling me that real life in highschool is nothing like highschool musical?! No spontanious singing or dancing in the hallways? So disappointing!

a cat named cat said...

High school can give you some of the most wonderful and some of the most vile memories of your life :) Enjoy it, I am

thwany said...

the next four years are going to zoom by!

HumanAdult said...

the best show about high school for me is My So Called Life!

Unknown said...

Having spent my formative years at a good old-fashioned British boarding school (AKA large, cold prison in the middle of bloody nowhere) I am really intrigues by American high-school. To be completely honest it sounds like exactly what an ignorant Brit it to be. But to be honest as I am going largely of what I have learnt on The O.C, 16 and pregnant and Saved by the Bell, my pre-conceived notions are probably utter crap and I'm very much looking forward to learning through your blog a little bit about what the REAL high-school experience is like. Well written and witty as always. X

Geneva Hopson said...

Though I am sure you are quite bombarded with high school related advice, and probably don't want to read too much more of it, I am going to leave mine just in case. It gets better. You'll find great people to be friends with, but it might take some time. And just all the while keep your eye on college, because it is a million times better in every way. And trust me, the people will get better. I hated the first bit of high school, until I opened my eyes and noticed some very wonderful people, that in my sophomore year of college I am still great friends with. It wont be that bad I promise!

Julie said...

Glad you're enjoying high school!

Totally agree about the being small thing, i'm 5ft and about the same as the new first years at high school (i'm scottish, most 1st years are 11 or 12) and they push and shove soo much! one actually accidently slapped me in the face today in the corridor. wanker.

Sootjeelina said...

You're about everything.
I'm also kinda' short, so pushing and shoving is ALL I DO. And being bored, time after time.

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Evangeline said...

That's High School for you. What a blast. It's an adventure thats for sure, but I'm sure you'll make an awesome time of it!

Ashley P.L. said...

OH MY!!! The theme song is by Joan Jett!!! YYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!...ok freak out over...

Jaime said...

My teacher let us watch freaks and geeks every morning in 7th grade.
It was actually the best thing of my life.
But hope high schools fun! I start high school on the 13th, kinda nervous!

Shakkablakka said...

Never seen that show, but it seems great, good actors and all! And wauw James Franco, O. MY. GOD. never knew he could be this interesting!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

you are going to have the best time! enjoying high school is easy if you can joke around, do you own thing, and don't really pay much mind to fitting in (what is fitting in?)

and there is no one who does that better than you.

Anonymous said...

Best. Show. Ever. Also possibly best opening ever? The Janis Joplin song is an A+. Sam is the cutest thing, he makes me squeal with delight whenever I see his face. Also, did you know he's on bones now? It's so weird to see him not as a little geek. <3

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to watch an episode of freaks and geeks, but right now i'm too into my so-called life to watch anything else about high school. also, i'm only in middle school and something tells me that your rules will apply to me.

Unknown said...

Tavi, have you seen the cancelled 90s high school drama, "My So Called Life"? I think you'd like it.

graciela. said...

The Wonder Years scared the crap out of me way back when. I was scared I'd get my head dunked into the toilet on the first day of high school. Overall, they weren't bad years but man do I remember everyone being full of shit. Myself included.

Rachel Clark said...

You will be good for all those highschool kids:)

Amelie said...

High school was about the worst time of my life. Granted, I lived in a small town where everyone was a farmer or a jock (yes, I am generalizing here), so I had a hard time connecting with people. I hope you have friends around who really understand you. If you do, you'll have a great time.

I've been reading your blog for a while, and you're quite interesting. You're witty, funny (the two are different), and intelligent. I like you.

Montse F said...

You have an incredible blog, I praise without words! I follow you.
I invite you to see my blog, for months I opened it.
He forgives my "inglés"

Tavi said...

Thanks for all the those who asked, I love My So Called Life!

Anonymous said...

you will also soon learn that seniors are generally whiny and obnoxious, think they know everything, and constantly complain about how they want to leave school. oh, and they think they're really, REALLY cool.

...i'm a senior this year, for the record :D
this is just what i've observed over the years. let's hope i don't follow that same path!

the chic addict said...

Good luck, Tavi. I wish I had your confidence and sense of self when I was in high school. Also your blog.

xox jessica

Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi! Love your site and fashion sense. Also love Daria and she is a muse for some of my guitar picks I make, I made an etsy and people with style like you are an inspiration, maybe you'd like my stuff.. I'd gladly send you a Daria&Trent pick free :)

Fraîche said...

We don't even get a picture or description of what you wore on your first day of high school?! Actually, I'm glad I can't remember what I wore...

kbl said...
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bobb said...

Ah Freaks and Geeks. When it first aired I remember thinking that is was so good its bound not to last long.. and it didn't.

Dana said...

These facts are all very very accurate. I just graduated high school, but I pushed and shoved EVERY DAY.

Anna said...

No no no you are not just going into high school. U R 2 KEWL 4 SKOOL.

Olivia said...

the comment of the middle aged man throwing things at your grade made me laugh so hard. IDENTICAL experience for all the 9th graders at my school. i look over and see my brother just like -_-

and agreed with anna that you are far 2 kewl.

Krista Gibbard said...

I'll have to pass this on to my brother, who will be attending High School for the first time soon.

As a graduate who's now passing on to Art School, I'm starting to feel like we're caught in a cycle of moving from one pond to the next. As soon as we think we're big fish, we turn into small fry again.

Shoushan Arabian said...

i teach high school and i wish i had more kids like you! the sense of creativity and imagination in young adults your age is severely lacking...aaaand it's scary.

enjoying your posts. :)

Shoushan Arabian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
givemeruffles said...

My So-Called Life! My So-Called Life!

I still want to be BFF's with Ricky.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the wannabe kurt cobains.

cancercowboy said...

haven't seen Freaks & Geeks. i'm too damn old. though the people who were responsible for its time slot in german tv clearly had my generation in mind cause it aired past 2.00 a.m., in the middle of the week. and the cafeteria as melee training ground is the same in german universities when feeding time has come. for some sick reason i picture you literally swimming through hordes of unwashed people.
and "And I have reached the age in which I am too often under the incorrect impression that I am wise enough to make that kind of observation." again makes me think that you're smarter than you should be. thats meant to be a compliment ^___^
good luck in school and anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

you make me laugh some times

HumanAdult said...

and uh, the red hair is kinda, Angela Chase no? :)

derek said...

welcome to high school tavi!! hehe

Nina said...

Love Freaks n geeks! And i started wathing because of James Franco... :D

bec said...

I decided to watch the series, and it is great. So awesome.
Love the blog, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Is it weird that I feel like I'm watching you grow up? It's cute. And creepy.

MartaPalczewska said...

I like it!

Bridget said...

Freaks and Geeks and Daria, two great references. Loved the photo shoot you styled.

Angeles Almuna said...

Again and again love your collages, your sense of art and fashion are so to read and just look what your are doing on your journals...great...and I love this series, just fabulous!

storyzoo said...

Oh how I love freaks and geeks!

hope505 said...

"...Some boys reach a certain age in which they are convinced they invented anarchy, poor hygiene, and Kurt Cobain..."

I'm actually thankful for this b/c the ones that do not pass this crucial phase often grow up to be square, boring men. I'm speaking to you from the future.

Malicious Mallory said...

Aha! I hope you're having fun in school.
My high school is nothing at all like that. Lately however we have been having to push and shove a bit in the halls - they've let in a lot more people than we have space for. We're literally tripping over freshmen at lunch time! Haha :p

Natallie said...

Freaks and Geeks is my favorite show! I love your blog!

Unknown said...

Thanks you for the Daria reference. It made my day!

Anonymous said...

Being short, I greatly sympathized with the push and shove bit. That's all I did in high school when I had to get somewhere. Now I walked quickly and dodge. ha!

Asteria said...

i have completely forgotten about this show!!!omg!

Jess said...

Love. <---quirky Miami vintage

Anonymous said...

My best friend and I were notoriously otherwise known as Daria and Jane throughout high school - me being the bespectacled brunette with a monotone voice and misanthropic tendencies, and her the combat-boot-wearing artist.


good luck in high school and cool video, it was so funny :D

Lola Labanda said...

I've startes high school as well and I love it! I'm sure you'll do the same! just be your fabulous Tavi self!

Noumia's papers said...

Love it ! Jame Franco, a geek <3


marz_barzxo said...

I'm going to gr. 11 verrh soon. And really, it's no big deal :P

Mel said...

Enjoy high school and the experiences it has to offer.

But the ONE big advice I have for you, dear Tavi and your high school readers, is to relax about prom.
It is not a big deal. And you know what? Go with your girlfriends and ditch the silly date thing.

Anonymous said...

I knew that kid in the video looked familiar. He's in the tv show Bones. Wow he looks young. Maybe because he is. lol

Emone said...

Is it okay for me to say I like Glee...?
I don't want to have to fight off random Franco fans with McQueen shoes.
I'm scared.

Julie Ling said...

oh high school, we are all mean to the minor niners. it's a rule. once you are in grade 10, then bully down those niners haha

it's just to show that there is a major diff between your middle school tra-la-la days, and really grow the eff up now. :D

this comes from a graduate. don't worry honey, you'll be pro in no time <3

xxo. f ashioncont a gious

Unknown said...

I have to agree with one thing!

Some how at my school we have a hint of more ignorance, the kids can't seem to walk on the right side of the hallway like normally people. O_o
I'm afraid to see how these kids drive (sadly have experienced some awful teen drives)

Not to mention the bathrooms, why do so many girls have to be in there at the very same moment you're about to pee your pants? hahaha

Unknown said...

I am glad you love high school, I hated high school and teenagers therefore I also felt like Daria sometimes lol! Now off to college!

Anonymous said...

The posts about your ordinary life are by fair the most insightful in this blog.

Do continue with your observations and please don't kid yourself; you are a wise soul on the making.

Mille said...

HAHAAAAAAA TAVI you are crazy

Amelie said...

1. Push and shove is right, I'm a sophomore and I still have to essentially kick people out of my way.
2. Love, love, love the blog. I just read your article in New Yorker, it was brilliant.
3. Obviously Freaks and Geeks is the best.
4. Check out my blog if you get the chance
Petite Amelie

Mathew said...

its funny how alike we are but so different.
same age, basically the same dream and passion, i always challenge my classmates, im not a feminist but i stand everyday proud for the gay community once my teacher had to teach a class about relationships between a girl and a boy i yelled at her that it is really wrong and there are other relationships that are perfectly normal. my classmates are pretty stupid and they have no goals at all, they get mad when i tell them not to use gay as a curse and make fun of my love for scarfs and pretty socks. really they mock me for sewing things they don't understand, ohh how i love my sewing machine... My favorite tv show is freaks and geeks and i guess i still have my Bat mitzvah outfit somewhere... how i cried in my Bat mitzvah its crazy!

you know, its really weird, i know you are not going to have enough time to read my comment or to ever reply, but its ok... I understand
and after all as talented as you are (and you are!) we are still just two fashion loving people..
so if you get the time or anything to write me...
i'll be happy to hear from you thuogh youre probably very buisy , it fine :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree Freaks and Geeks is one of the greatest and it's a tragedy there was only one season.

Fatih1903 said...

Thank you very much.Nice blog
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Unknown said...

To create such a truly amazing article, I read your blog every day and give me for that announcement here this article is too great and very entertaining thanks.
togel singapura