My regret with my talk was that it was so off the cuff -- I wish I'd spent more time figuring out what I wanted to say, because some people said it seemed like I wanted to take over Sassy or take it away from its creators (what? Aiiieee!) and I'm not sure if everything I said about feminism threaded together the way it did in my head. (Um, this is probably all lost on anyone who wasn't there, but oh well.) The thing with feminism is that it's important to me, and I really want to write about it and be a part of the discussion and learn things, but I don't have a set of principles I'm sure of, and sometimes find myself being contradictory, and it's confusing. So, you know, working that out.
Anyway, one major highlight of the trip was hanging out at the Worn (which I previously wrote about here, as one of my favorite magazines) offices and then doing some walking around with Anna and Isabel. Hard at work with the Wornettes:

Fancy button-making! Know who gets those buttons? OH, SORRY, NOT YOU. Unless you subscribe to Worn, that is! And so, SUBSCRIBE. BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME. MORE AWESOME THAN YOU. (I know it's hard to say no to such charm and charisma. This is why I should never go into advertising.) (Oh, did I mention I reviewed a book for Issue 10? Well, I did. So, yeah.)

There were these really disturbing singing bear things and they harmonize together and are cute and creepy, simultaneously.

Then Anna, Isabel and I went to Kensington Market. I think this place was called Exile? We didn't spend too much time there, though Anna was taking a good long, serious think about this dress thingy:

Anna is very Annie Hall.

Isabel is very Desperately Seeking Susan on top and then Doc Martens on bottom.
Also, what the hell? I can never find jeans as good as these two's!
For a while I've been meaning to make a post about my favorite bloggers, which will take a long time, so I'll do these now. Anna is hilarious and witty and responsible for introducing me to wonderful things and is also a highjacker of my thoughts because I'll be thinking about something and then go to her blog and she will have articulated everything so PERFECTLY. Isabel is really good at executing teen angst into outfits which have so much CHARACTER and I know I can always go to her blog when I feel uninspired and lazy and she has, like Anna, turned me on to the greatest movies and music and whatnot through her blog. Yay, the internet, etc.

Hand-me-down top, skirt by Risto Bimbiloski (same guy responsible for those nebula shorts!!), Hayden-Harnett bag, Happy Socks from, American Apparel shoes. (FTC disclosure: the skirt, bag, and shoes were sent to me by the companies.)
We walked the streets of Toronto a bit more and the next day I hung out with Anna at the conference and then we went back to the hotel my parents and I stayed with and ordered pizza and watched Daria. One of these days I'll move to Toronto so we can do this all the time.
Aye-yie-yie!? Who knew Ideacity was going to be so good?
Gosh, it would have been great if you had done your own talk at the Gladstone hotel or something - of course, if you had wanted that.
I absolutely love Isabel's outfit. If you want some awesome 90s fashion inspiration, check out the movie The Craft. SO good/bad.
OH HAI, BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Seriously, NYC needs to happen! Tell Papa Steve!
don't feel bad about where you stand on feminism. while there are general things we all agree on, "feminism" can mean different things for different folks. and, as with most groups, there are many schisms that exist within the feminist movement (there are even feminists who are pro-life - gasp! is that even possible??? :-P ). so, while it's hard to align oneself exactly with any particular set of standards, as long as we agree on some basic ideas (which most of us do), it's all good. in any case, as with most things, you'll grow into your own, as you said, set of principles. until then...
Isabel is so cute!
That skirt is friggin adorable (I mean that in the least "Adult" talking to little kid way as possible)
oh my goodness, i applied for an internship there for this summer... could have met you!
Love your skirt! And Isabels boots!!
Daisy Dayz Home
love the skirt.
Madeleine Louise
Love your friend's lace tank top.
So much girl power concentrated into a single rad moment in space, I'm surprised you guys didn't spontaneously combust or something. I LOVE the nebula skirt.
I catch myself envying you because you know soo many people who share the same interests as you and you probably have lovely and long discussions and GAH I'm jealous of that. (In a totally cool way though :) ) People here in LA are hard to find that are worth while. Bleh!
I love Isabel's lace body suit! And Tavi, you look amazing as always, love the skirt!!
You are amazing! After reading about you for some time, I finally started subscribing to your blog a few months ago and love love love your thoughts. I think you're a great young woman and such a positive role model. (I also thoroughly enjoy your blog because you remind me of myself at your age, but dare I say, even more articulate, and exponentially more sartorially gifted!)
Anyway, my response to this specific post: defining feminism is hard. I still haven't figured it out. The best thing I've heard, though, is, instead of treating feminism like a static idea, use it as a tool/paradigm through which to view the world and construct it as you think it should be.
I ramble. You go, girl!
Love your skirt! And Isabels outfit is awesome!
oh exile. there are so many better places in kensington than exile.
oh exile. there are so many better places in kensington than exile.
So glad you came to visit us at the office! You should really visit more often. There are always plenty of Wornette couches just calling your name if you ever feel like sleeping over and experiencing Tim Hortons again. Or, you know, NOT Tim Hortons... But, like, those creepy toys or something.
Hope to see you again in the near future!
Ya know you could create a magazine in the spirit of Sassy, yet call it something else.
Cute toe pointing in the last photo!
And, hahaha, the height range in the creepy singing toy photograph is amazing.
I'm so glad Canada made a good impression on you. Couldn't you have just hopped over to Winnipeg while you were visiting this fine country?? Must we try and meet in a foreign country again??
As I already commented on Isabel's blog, this looks like it was a great day and I wish I coould have been there. I'll be in Toronto next month so hopefully Isabel will take care of me as well as she did you! Can't wait to meet her and YOU missy I must meet soon too!!
It's so funny that you wrote about feminism tonight Tavi. As this evening I have been working on a paper about how feminism is being reinvigorated by technology, social media, and girls like yourself. You are even being cited in my paper! So just know that you are a bigger part of the feminist story than you may realize.
Thanks for the trip report! It's awesome, but not as awesome as me of course :-) I like all of the outfits, but I especially like your shoes! They're like something out of a Charles Dickens novel, which ain't a bad thing young Oliver Twist. And I'm sure you're being extra hard on yourself. I bet your talk was amazing! :-))
Hey Tavi,
Do yourself a favour, and I don't mean this in an older, sarcastic, patronizing tone promise...
I was reading your latest blog entry, and I instantly thought of a text you MUST read (that all women should read for that matter) it's called The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf anyone interested in feminism and/or fashion should read this text.
For fashion lovers don't worry this text doesn't denounce fashion, more so the way the industry uses the media to promote certain ideals...Along with a myriad of other modern ideals of beauty present in current society.
I am love with this book and keep it next to my fashion mags to remind me not to take everything so literally.
I really hope you find the wisdom I did between it's pages... Pass it on to your friends.
Love your blog, forget the haters and just keep on doing what you love.
Y'all are like the daughters I never had.
You're so lucky! ... and brilliant!
Isabel has style.Nice one...
Naiiiiice skirt. I can never pronounce the designers name.
Isabels shoes.
Did you see natalie tran at ideacity!!!
WHAT. So not only does the Worn offices have fabulous Star Wars pez but also really creepy singing plushies? That's it, I am moving in.
Also, I really love how strongly you're getting into feminism. I really feel like you're introducing a whole bunch of people who would've maybe never even stumbled across feminism (feminism that is not stereotyped I mean, like most people think it's just about hating men? sigh) to a magical world of self-confidence and self-worth and it is just beyond cool. Hooray!
Also, really want some nebula clothes. Or maybe a quasar shirt. Or a dress with the whole milky way on it.
I love the skirt you're wearing. *_* And I also like Isabel her outfit. You all look adorable.
That skirt is so coooool!
I love your style..
please get in:
I'd love to hang out with a magazine staff for a day! I liked that you did outfit posts too.
A very original group. Isabel's outfit: cool and very interesting. I remember the 90's very well, it was my adolescence in Spain: grounge style, intelectual, people wore very original clothes... I like that you like the 90's.
Congratulations for your ideas Tavi.
my blog:
i'm so jealous, you don't even understand... i've basically been wanting to go to toronto ever since... forever, really? damn, it'll happen some day!
I looove the skirt <3<3<3
amazing nebula skirt!!
wow I love Isabel´s outfit!And i think you shoes are very cool!
I love my wardrobe
Lovely photos!
It's makes me happy.
Lol,your very creative with your titles :D <3 your blog :D
Aww you were in Toronto! :D
watching you on tv hun! looking good!
Looks like fun!
I love your outfit - the socks are super cute :)
And Isabel's is really nice too, although it's a little bit skin-bearing...
sounds fun! love your blonde colour/hair-cut Tavi!
so fun! i really enjoy the risto skirt. awesome :)
I agree - it is so hard to really sort your opinions on feminism into neat little categories to talk to people about! I've had a tough time with it as well.
I love all of your outfits, I love Isabel's blog as well as yours and it looks like it's time to check out Anna's.
Oh, by the way, this person really looks like you:
(hopefully the link works - i'm talking about the blond girl in the heart sunglasses)
It's so great meeting Internet friends in real life! Or I guess I should say IRL. Who knows. Anyways, excited for all of you guys!
Wornnnnn. I've sort of been lurking their blog for the past while, haha. I am so curious to see what the magazine is like though!
I love all of your outfits~ 90's inspiration is nice, but I am also really loving yours/Isabel's shoes.
By the by, did you get to drop by a store called Courage, My Love on Kensington Market? It's a neat vintage store with lots of nice dresses and charms and hats and what looked like little Dia de los Muertos statues and stuff. If you're ever in the city again, you should check it out! It's one of my favourite spots downtown. : D
You were great at ideaCity! I loved that session.
Love Isabel's shoes.
( Tavi, can you look at my bogs ' or tavi fans!! '?)
( did a alexander mcqueen and miu-miu post! )
So glad you enjoyed toronto! And jealous that you got to hang out at Worn - it is one of my fave ever magazines
please tell me you went to smokes poutinerie or poutini's while you were there!!!
ideacity sounds absolutely awesome. I adore shopping in kensington and I'm happy you enjoyed your time in Toronto it really is a wonderful city :)
Dear Tavi,
You make me proud to be an (older) feminist. You're an inspiration. And your feelings about feminisms - that someone is misinterpreting your passion and engagement as moving in on their/Sassy's turf is something great speakers/leaders always experience (especially among groups of all women, in my experience) - and finding yourself grappling with principles and contradictions, let's hope that we all are always grappling because that means we're not complacent or obstinate. Thank you for being such an awesome young feminist woman.
Hi wonderful gal! Can I share a recent discussion I had with my daughter (age 10) which maybe somehow relates to feminism? There was a song about a "booty pow pow" or something which I took to be a compliment to a woman's butt. I said every time you hear a man reducing a woman to her body parts, think of a woman wanting a man because he's rich. It's stripping us of our complex humanity and objectifying us. Fashion, sexiness, beauty - these are wonderful POWERFUL things. Honestly, fashion is POWER. There's nothing wrong with any of it just like there's nothing inherently wrong with money. But you can not reduce a person to parts - ever. It is never okay to do that.
um, im sorry, but who's parents would let their daughter out in a black strapless bra and SEE THROUGH shirt?
parenting fail. or kid fail maybe for doing the next best thing to posting a neon sign on her front saying "i have breasts, please look at them".
cha. very femminist. my ass that is.
i like isabel's look
I think a black bra and white see-through shirt is very chic and very sexy!!!
Hi, are sooo cuuute!!
I love your outfit.
Esp your skirt is amazing.
Hi, are sooo cuuute!!
I love your outfit.
Esp your skirt is amazing.
walrus - isabel is 20 and lives on her own. she is an adult woman who can dress herself (and does a damn good job, if i do say so myself).
My brand of feminism does not involve policing women's bodies, including the clothes they choose to wear and how much skin they choose to show.
would you say kathleen hanna is not a feminist?
I really like Isabel's outfit! I think it looks cool!
Sounds like fun! I think I'm totally loving the space shorts/skirts now.♥
Enjoyed reading your post and, being a Torontonian, I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit ! There are definitely a number of other cool vintage stores to check out in Kensington, Queen West, hopefully you do make it back.
Ahhh that skirt is awesome, the cut is just perfect.
fyi I had never heard of Sassy before reading your articles on it. I'm not sure what kind of train logic takes you from what you basically said which was "here's what Sassy was and it was awesome" to that you are trying to take it over but it's certainly a very faulty one. If it's because you're writing more about feminist issues now, I'm sure the Sassy team would be the first to say that they don't own and didn't invent feminism (which isn't to say they weren't important it's just that there isn't some sort of teen feminism Sassy copyright)
What a fun skirt, it reminds me of a my little pony - but in a good way -
Glad to know you liked my drawing. You're such an inspiration. And btw, I love Daria, I can't stop watching it on streaming.
WHERE IS TAVI that lovely girl who put together annusual and quirky outfits from thrift shops??? I do miss her. It does not inspire me all the rest of staff. there are already too many people writting and doing the same. please, please come back
sacramento from Spain
I love sooooo much that skirt! ♥
absolutely love your skirt! x
whoa, better watch out for Walrus. it likes clothes from the sixties and eighties but hates fashion (so y'know, i'm guessing it likes jumpsuits and trainers from that era). check out its blog. its comment about isabel's outfit makes more sense.
Holy happiness! I love the nebula, mega-foxy!
I'm the same age as you, (14 right?) and you're my hero! Just thought you should know :)
The Freak WIth the Thing on Her Head
P.S. You should read my mom's blog, I post on it sometimes
I spy the Alexander Wang plait in the first photo! Great blog, I am now following you.
I'm still quite new to this whole thing, and would love some more followers: Non-Stop-Fashion
me encantan!
tu falda y tus calcetines! =)
oh wow.i just found out that i am an IT.
I better check to make sure i am human, and not a pokemon...
The pattern on your skirt is fantastic and I love the lace top your friend is rocking!
Do you read all of your comments?
Do you read all of your comments?
Hi little girl, i love u.... kisses from mexico
Hey girl! Fellow blogger from Toronto; next time you're in town, I can give you a helluva good list of places you need to visit. Good grabs!
If you look good, you feel good. It’s so simple but true. From sports teams to supermodels, it’s commonly accepted that looking great boosts your confidence and makes you feel better.
At, the experts with the insight on smart fashion can help you feel better by looking better. Their extensive style guides can dress the most unique body type, and provide flattering ways for anyone to look great.
I just gave them information about my body, and let them take it from there. I received tips that made me look slimmer, sexier, and more fashionable. I am no technology guru, but this program was easy to use, and well worth my time.
Give a try and go from looking and feeling good to looking and feeling great!
have you seen this ?!
very cute & fun hommage ...
WOW YOU HAVE MORE iDEALISM THAN MOST ADULTS IN MY COUNTRY. i wanna move to toe-ronto. Not like cheesy Brie-tain where they have Anglo Socks-On.
looks like fun!!
Given American Apparel's hiring practices and policies I am a bit surprised you would choose to wear/endorse their wares.
I love your skirt! It reminds me of the sky (that'll probably be ground-breaking)
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Love your creppy blue bear!
i know you've got some new gigs but are ever going to start updating your own blog, you know, the one that made you famous, again?
did you see this? he talks about you...
so sad
You look like an old lady. You are such an amateur blogger. Your clothes are so ugly I can't believe you call them designer. And if they are designer, you must just have terrible taste. Luvs,
Tavee (that's pronounced TAY-VEE by the way)
her outfit is so NOT 90' a child of the 90's im pretty sure no one wore see thru lace
Hi Tavi, your blog is up for the One Blog Award! The instructions to accept are all here:
Congratulations! Your blog is an inspiration, as always. Oh and great coverage of Toe-ronto too!
wow, so many comments. Got exhausted just reading them.
Anyways, it was great hearing you talk at Ideacity, and a pleasure to briefly meet you. Too bad I have loong since thrown out my sassy-mags, but my doc martens still stay with me -looks like they are coming back anyways.
Hi Tavi! I'm really glad you enjoyed your time in Toronto! Next time you visit I hope to bump into you. I remember you writing about rapping of Iggy Pop? Um, free NXNE show in TO on June 19?! I'm not sure if you were here for that but whoa.
- the clothing project
Coolest shorts in. the. world.
xx Vanessa
wow nice skirt.
i live in australia and when i went to toronto to visit my uncle he took me to kengsington...zomg that place was amzing! he took me there 5 days in a row and i felt so lucky!!
I live in Chicago and the owner of the hair salon where I have my hair cut wore a black bra with a white lace top in about 1994. Thank you.
i love your posts! *-*
this is my (little) italian blog:
Bye :)
guys who follow me, i'll follow you ;)
you're right, we most likely would need to hear your speech to find out what gave rise to these misunderstandings.
its always a good thing to write down the main or most important thoughts beforehand. so you can put them in the best order for presentation and work on the verbalisations. boring but useful.
and the thing about being self-contradictory: i'm more than twice your age and i still catch myself doing that. grant yourself some space and time.
"Parenting fail"? Thanks for the most hilarious insult ever, Walrus. My parents taught me better than to insult people over the internet. It's a good thing I'm a legal adult who can wear whatever I want.
I'm sorry you ordered pizza. Our pizza in Toronto is so very very terrible. Please order Chinese or Thai on your next visit. We do those much better.
really coool
love this post
Oh my. If you think it is hard to figure out your feminist principles at your age-just wait. I am 25 and still figuring these things out after a good 10+ years of contemplation. Jeez that makes me sound so old but it's so true. I am so happy there are kids today who care about feminism. I am really not trying to sound condescending-this genuinely makes me very happy. Wait until you are in your 20s and start encountering actual real life sexists (something I somehow didn't encounter until recently?) boy oh boy are they fun.
I really like Isabels outfit, simple but lovely
please DO move to toronto. this city needs more people who care about feminism. (and fashion.)
I used to like your blog. You were so created and your cloths were so... nice (?). Then you has started be fameous, and you lost our pretty style:(.
i'm so sorry, but it's true....
if you wanna know more about my opinion about you please write back ( )...
ps: sorry 4 mistakes, but i'm from poland, and i speak english not so well
hey, please check out my blog at
! thank you so much x
We locals call it Tuh-ranna. You can shorten that to T'ranna. But Toe, that is one I never heard! (No, that's not poor grammar, that is more Canadian speak).
TORONTO! oh yeah!
Great adventure outfits
oh my god! i am so jelous of your skirt!!
Love the nebula!
Love this picture of you. It's been a whole since I read your blog, but anyway I like the new hair cut.
love the shoes! only way I can or even find shoes like that is online joe madden. I saw some really cool quilted white versions. hmm. I would love to hear your view on metallic flats and quilted white flats, but I guess you're more into high-class. people like me go to madonnas daughters blog.
Toronto is amazing. I can understand that you were inspired :P
last time i was at exile, which wasn't too long ago, that dress thingy was still there :)
my blog:
adorable! That's my doctor's office you're standing n front of
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