bob noise

When in New York a few days ago I met up with my favorite people Elizabeth and Laia. We were going to go to the Tim Burton exhibit but a bunch of assholes got there first so we went to Miu Miu instead. So TAKE THAT, I guess.
Reunited and it feels so good! Especially when there's a be-daisied dress behind you!
OK, the most important things of which to take note: Elizabeth's crazy secretary-in-a-Far-Side-comic Alexander Wang sunglasses and Miu Miu bag complete with shiny brooches..
And Laia's Radarte tee and Prada fairytale shoes which NOM NOM NOM NOM.IMG_3322
I wonder if Tommy Ton ever feels tempted to gnaw the shoe heel of his subjects when shooting them up close? Or is that kind of creepy? Really, you think so? Well what I meant by "gnaw" was actually..when I said "heel" I was really saying...yeah, no way to recover, I'm just creepy.
Which is okay! Because I bought this, and it is rather creepy, so creepy that I would in fact get in Lots Of Trouble if I wore it to school. No it's not a super short skirt, or a plane, or a bird, or a John Wesley print of a bird; it's:
Untitled 3
"packaging porn," in brandon's words-he is right.

Shit, I'm not even gonna try to be cool about this, I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. Favorite Miu Miu collection, favorite print, so very important. I can't wait to wear it to job interviews and day care centers and other places where you're supposed to set a good example and leave a good impression! I feel a little silly for not noticing the logo when I bought it -- I like the idea of leaving some people wondering where the hell you get a collar with naked people on it, and the logo answers it and looks like it's there to kind of justify the weirdness, but WHATEVER I HAVE
Untitled 2
Soft tee, Miu Miu collar, Prada skirt, American Apparel tights, Comme des Garcons shoes. Supposed to let you know I was sent Soft tee + AA tights for the blog because of FTC regulations, yada yada yada.

Colors, prints, etc.When I wear these tights to school everyone thinks I drew math and punctuation symbols on myself. I pinned the skirt so it draped and got a little off-kilter. Lastly, it is really nice to feel sweet spring greens between your red leather printed toes.IMG_3507


Ross said...

I like this outfit so much, not even joking. I still need to find a pair of those shoes, and then I'll have all the power of the earth! Comme powers activate!!!!

Ross said...

....and I think you could get away with that collar.....wait your still in middle school. Maybe not. But it's worth a shot.

Erin said...

This is such a cool collar! I admire your style so much! Great job! I'm about to make a sandwich, now.


In-tree-gue said...

the miu miu in miami had a red and white swallow collar which i desperately wanted and i called a week later and someone had purchased it. Who in south florida buys miu miu sparrow collars?!
the point is, my obsessive reading of your blog and tumblr(not creepy or anything)has resulted in a freakish yearning within me for a sparrow or naked people collar and i have called every single miu miu in the us so as to give me some false hope that i will actually be getting one soon. The good news is, i might actually get one i'd just have to get around to going to miami so i can order whichever collar i want.

woah rambling

the outfit is amazing and perfectly dishevelled school girl with awkward sexual references and this isn't helping!

Anonymous said...

this was so entertaining to read. i'm so jealous you can afford all these designers! i would kill for a miu miu naked lady collar!

For every Lady Goodman. said...

love love love

Jem said...

that shirt is just sick... in a totally fab way of course!

Lightning Heart said...

that outfit rulessssssssssss and i love your friend elizabeth's bag *drooool*

Misanthropic Pulp said...

Love that Miu Miu shirt...and adore the shoes...I remember seeing them a while back on your blog and thinking damn these are right on awesome.

love the blog.

Claire said...

I love it all!!
The collar is perfect.
The skirt is perfect.
The shoes are perfect.
Haha, I have an adjective block.

Sam Harvey said...

All the way here in the desert with rattle snakes and prairie dogs I can feel the joy of standing in front of Mui Mui with friends. Thanks you for all your dedication!

fashionfletcher said...

I love those red shoes and tights! I love your style! Please check out my blog!

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

You look like a piece of POP art and I love it!

Shelley Noble said...

Awe. Some. No joke. That outfit is da crazy.

laia. said...



Love that collar!

Tomma said...

"As if the logo was there to justify the weirdness" I loved that sentence! And of course you're a very lucky girl and so on.
And I love that Prada-shoe-sock combination!

Poppy-Rosy said...

Yes lets make a sandwich!
but I love the collar wish we had a miu miu in the country.

Nana said...

OMG fucking awesome!
and that last line was hilarious.

Cherie said...

Aww. I feel your pain. My school would murder me if I wore that beautiful beautiful collar. THE MAN IS BRINGING US DOWN, TAVI. REBEL AGAINST THE MAN.

M. said...

I am so so so soooooooooo jealous of that Miu Miu collar, well really anything that you have that's Miu Miu I'm jealous of. I really love the way you styled it, looks great.

lovelove, M.

Isabelle said...

omfg, the tights. you are SO FRICKIN CREATIVE, TAV

Anonymous said...

YAY LET'S MAKE A SANDWICH! Oh TAVI, how you make me laugh and brighten up my day even though it's ridiculously sunny today anyway but that's not even close to the point because what I'm saying is that YOU ARE FUNNY.

Johnna Escobedo said...

LOVING the Miu Miu collar.

* said...

i love this post, i love the color, the shoes, the AA tights are amaze, you are too original and fantastically wonderful for words! i so enjoy reading your blog, your diction is so lovely.


laura chijaukai said...

oh those shoes! ♥♥ (the last ones)

lady gaga rocks ;)


david said...

that collar with naked lady on it. ugh amazing. love it all.

Sammi said...

The Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA was amazing! I think I might have been one of the assholes, sorry.

Briana said...

Love the Mui Mui shirt, even if it isn't "school appropriate."

Mom Fashion World said...

wow, i adore that Prada skirt so much!

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Miu miu collar is awesome!!
and your outfit is parfect<3

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

I have pretty much everything envy here. I can't decide whose shoes I want more. Probably yours because I suck at heels, but a girl can dream.

Isabel said...

Hell yeah! I'm so glad you got a piece of the miu miu pie. The outfit is great and I looove Laia's tee.


It's my favourite Miu Miu collection too!

Hal E. Liebling said...

tavi, the collar and those tights are spectacular. great purchase! xo

Stephanie Fereiro said...

They banned the brand FCUK when I was in high school because "everyone knows what they're TRYING to say." Ha, okay, yeah, a swear word? Pshhht. Really though, the principle made an announcement over the P.A. system. I think you should wear the collar, and maybe they'll make an announcement saying, "clothing with naked people printed on it has been banned." Then you'll get the satisfaction of making all your classmates in Abercrombie realize you've done it again. Keep it up, lady, you're awesome.

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

Oh Tav, you are spectacular! I love the prada/miu outfit ;) xoxo

Maia said...

i love this post!! you are very inspiring tavi!

ELM said...

Hmmm... haha I remember in 7th grade I had this sweet t-shirt with a pin-up mermaid on it much to the disappointment of many a meanmuggin' teacher. Eventually the principal made me turn it inside out and then never wear it to school again. Fascist.

Just Me said...

Love the collar Tavi, and im looking for one, even though im a boy lol!


alya said...

You are so bizarre. And I love it.

xoLauraox09 said...

I love your tights and Miu Miu collar! Oh and you can't forget about Laia's fairytale shoes! What I wouldn't do for them <3

firefly said...

lolz. It looks like you had fun! Now I want a cat or sparrow collar...your outfit is so perfect for spring! It's all raining here though.

moniquemallo said...

I just wish the miu miu collar didn't have miu miu written on it!!! Would be a lot cooler I think...

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

A ++ for the high heels and your panty hose !

Riot Nrrd said...

I am very jealous of Laia's shoes.

Anna said...

Great photos! I wanna go to New York too! Envy!


thesil said...

Adore your miumiu clothes!

MELISSA Z. said...

Awesome stuffs! So cool and stylish!

Sheik-Chan said...

I want those awesome Prada fairytale shoeeeesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

You guys looked great...and you're lucky you can afford to travel. ;]

Love the photos but some of them are not showing up on my screen...

iliketweet said...

That Miu Miu collar is a-maz-ing. Love it.

tweet tweet tweet


Anonymous said...

where can i find one online?

how much was it?

i need it

Julia said...

Great shirt, love the outfit!

Nazneen Zainal Abidin said...

adorable shoes!

Xx Nazneen

Mr.Winston said...

your friends said the three magic words, Wang, Prada and Rodarte.

Mr.Winston said...

and so did you with miu miu.

Hannah said...

i love that collar! so cool!


Przystań Moda said...

your boots are sooo funny :)
I want that!

Chloe Tweeny said...

CUTE collar! and the shoes!! THE SHOES! there's nothing else to say

Tay said...

beautiful post! enjoy the muimui collar responsibly ;)

my yumblog

chwalisz. said...

You're right, I think teachers don't like naked ladies, even on pretty collars. Laia's heels and Elizabeth's sunnies are fab. Why my friends must wear grey tees and jeans? Unfair.

Baro Lucas said...


rachel said...

Those Prada shoes!!!
And that's sooo cool that you got the naked lady collar! Score!
That outfit is also one of my favorites ever :)

Stray From The Mode said...

wow, you guys are 13/ 14, and you have rodart clothes and prada clothes and arghh so jealous!! :p
also, lovin the collar :p

Style and Fashion said...

I love miu miu and Elizabeth's bag is super cool!

Please check out:


mademoiselle créative said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Love it ! Funny and stylish ^_^

Vítězslav said...

Could you please tell me how much the Miu Miu collar was? Thank you!

Kylie said...

Almost as tall as Elizabeth I see! Haha, I love it. It's so cool getting to see you ~grow up~ in front of us... well for me it is, you're like the little sister I never had! I also see you got those puncuation tights... lookin mighty fine! I'm still planning on getting those next time I hit up AA. If this school year will EVER END maybe I could actually go shopping. How's school going for you? You must be getting pretty excitied to go to high school? Or no...?


MumbleLoudly said...

this is the first time ive commented on your blog, and i have read the whole thing and have been following u for about a year. you are such a fun, creative person and i admire you a lot. i wish i was doing what u are doing when i was 13, but alas, i think i was shaving my barbies heads and playing kick the can. keep being awesome, and thanks for inspiring me:


Unknown said...

Tavi, I'm in love with your blog and I'm also especially in love with your prada skirt check out my blog at

Unknown said...

Elizabeth's Linda Farrow x Alexander Wang sunglasses are amazing.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cancercowboy said...

shit, the disadvantage of commenting late: one's running out of synonyms to properly describe the awesomeness of you and your clothes... congrats on the collar and the skirt, way cool stuff. have you tried them with a red or white shirt? no, you ain't too pale for that ^_^
and them tights > any kind of tattoos, cause you can simply put them in a drawer when you're tired of the look.
Have a good time!

taylz said...

ok so those tights are the closest thing to god i've ever seen. since i'm on the subject of the crazy tights...i had this vision of a pair of black tights with bold faced curse words scattered up and down the legs. i have absolutely no idea how to make this happen but im sure that someway, somehow, i will come across my dream.
i even tweeted lady gaga in a desperate attempt to have my dream made into reality via her haus (aka mignons)...who else would wear X-rated hosiery? Anyway, she did not heed my request as far as i can tell :(

Hard Liquor, Soft Holes said...

awwwww...why didn't we get to hang out?? hope you had a good time!

Unknown said...

You + Elizabeth + Laia + your awesomeness = best post evarr. I am so frust that there isn't a purveyor of Miu Miu collars in my town.

Anonymous said...

This is like the coolest little friendgroup ever I sort of want to just stick my head in there hahaha

XX Noa

Alli XT said...

This is a rad outfit. Now I'm going to make a sandwich!

Franca said...

Nice outfits again!
Love the Miu Miu Shirt!!!

zoomslow said...

So pleased you now own a piece of Miu Miu Spring 2010!

anthe said...

I read this yesterday and tonight I actually dreamed about that collar.
I'm so jealous!
love the outfit, btw!

Anonymous said...

makes me say eh nah nah nah!

Shawn said...

Love Love LOVE the prada heel paired with those funky socks and Comme des Garcons shoes! Soo cool!

bowtieboy said...

Miuccia Prada per sempre

Anonymous said...

I think you're very pretty and cute as a blonde! And I think you have an angelic face without your glasses.

Anonymous said...

love the kisses..

Rebecca Jane said...

This may be the perfect outfit. I can tell you that if I were hiring, and you wore that collar, you'd get the job on the spot.

ivy said...

I love, love, love that outfit Tavi. So cute!

Mitchie said...

Hey, thats pretty cool.
Your first designer purchase for retail price!!
Is that how things are gonna be from now on?

Anonymous said...

Great shirt, you should be very proud and wear it everywhere!

edenly jewellery blog

Alizée Gaie said...

chemisier Miu Miu ? chere madame !
j'aime les talons de ton amie !
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.

Let them eat cake said...

hello,first time leave a comment

wear the same coller today!!

best wishes

Casey Hoff said...

Why can't I have your closet?

Izzen said...

I love Miu Miu so much right now.

Christina Catherine said...

You just called like, a million people assholes : /

TheShoeGirl said...

Good Idea with the simple tee to match the collar. I shoulda thunk of it. I'm gonna copy. Seems like it should be a no brainer but I really didn't think of it.


Eri said...

Heehee, you are such a cute girl. Are ALL 13 year olds these days like you? I like to think so. This may mean my own kids (who are not yet born, or even conceived)could be Alexander Solzhenitsyn by the time they're your age (but without the prison sentence and governmental abuse). Keep exploring Tavi girl. x

Carson Chloe said...

Tavi, Love your blog, such an inspiration. Miu Miu outfit is amazing as well as the rest of your posts. Keep it up!

ólöf said...

funny..before I read the whole thing I looked at those shoes from Prada and thought: OM NOM NOM..and said it;) they are..AMAZING

and congrats on the collar..AMAZING as well..naked people all the way..oh and I've said it before..I LOVE the Comme des Garçons them..

I want my shoes to have leather printed toes

Unknown said...

The Tights!!! Im Geoulus as Such.
I need the Tights & The shoes if i have them my Life would be Complete.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I'm so jealous I've wanted a Miu Miu collar for months! :(

Anne♥ said...

LOVE LOVE this bag !! ♥

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Cate Adriana B. said...

lovely tavi
Bloggers here in the Netherlands loveee your blog! serious!
nice booties

Ami said...

Ah i'm in love with that Prada bag. I love that Miu Miu collar also. Gah!-Who knew that "packaging porn" themed collars could look so cute! <3

Anonymous said...

Hi random people and Tavi (:
Enter my wonderful world

Lots of love
India Seth

Anonymous said...

Hi random people and Tavi (:
Enter my wonderful world

Lots of love
India Seth

Visual Culture said...

supper !!!
from Poland

SHIORI said...

I love your outfit so much! Your style is amazing! I love miumiu toooooo! xxx

~Cullen said...

dont swear little girl

kjperl said...

I love your love of print! I also love seeing other desingers w/ other designers product...a mutual appreciation of good work!

Unknown said...

i love it i love it i love it

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I want that collar in my life! It's beautiful :)
And I LOVE Elizabeth's Alexander Wang sunglasses.
Fell in love with them when Lady Gaga rocked them :)
Your whole outfit is amazing, but I'd die for that skirt :)
If I was a girl. haha.


Rachèle said...

DIY! Miu Miu collar...

gracie said...

Tavi you better do good in school or keep up with your "job" pretty well, because when you hit 18 mommy and daddy won't be fueling your closet.
nice clothes though

Gianna Paniagua said...

Sounds like a good day in New York. Love love LOVE the new collar :)

agata said...

LOVE your collar! and the prada skirt, i fell in love when i first saw it on your blog.
why are you sooo gorgeous?

Tyvee said...

I find Prada shoes like...awful, though its from prada, it doesnt mean it has to be fashion!

Unknown said...

you looks like a white hair grandmother at 14 ages

su said...

hihi, can u tell me where can i buy the "collar" online????
hong kong store is all sold out, and only have bird print.

Lise B said...

American apparel's tights?

chancho said...

Tavs - the women on the shirt collar seem to be Myrtle from the cover of my favourite book, The Great Gatsby. If you look in Daisy's eyes on the cover, you see Myrtle's naked twisted body. PLEASE check it out! If this is true, MIU MIU IS EVEN COOLER THAN I THOUGHT!!!!
Waa waa waa exciting!

Andrea said...

Funny I find this picture of your shoes. Not so long ago I posted the same kind of picture on my own blog with my Tori Burch and cherry blossoms. Ideas are in the air and several people catch them at the same time I guess.

Izumihiiiflower said...

omg the shoes!
you are really rich! isn't it?

mwaha the shoes with toes! it's so funny, i had the same idea!

danvers said...

love the collar, my mum's ex boyfriend has this amazing 1940s tiepin with a woman exposing her breasts on it
if anyone questions it he acts offended and tells them it's his mother


Your shoes ares so funny ! And beautiful of course !
Sorry i don't speak english verry well , i from Paris . I'm 14 years old , like you and what you do is awesome , i love your style and : BAVO ( In french ;) )

Overanalyzer: said...

i adore your style, your writing, and your sweetness. but i have to ask - how in the heck do you afford these things? i am 29 and gainfully employed and can't imagine being able to buy that stuff. it's a serious question!