beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice

Oops! I haven't been posting! I have been thinking about posting, as I have literally a billion posts I want to write right now, which is odd because this resulted in me not posting at ALL! Anyway, I also went to New York for a sec for the EPIC Women's Awards, which will render a post of its own because it was such an inspiring night.

My dad and I went to the MOMA for the Tim Burton exhibit, which was sold out the first day and on the second day we lined up 45 minutes before the museum even opened and still couldn't make it into the room of blacklight and mouths and morbid illustrations until noon. Why do all you people have to like Tim Burton? The nerve! I felt like I did in 6th grade when I found out that the Beatles were actually pretty popular and mainstream and not as indie as I thought, making me therefore less unique and WHAT NOT FAIR I'M SUPPOSED TO BE INDIE-ER THAN ALL OF YOU! And now Tim Burton makes multi-million dollar-engrossing films? Lots of people love him? I should have figured this out if he has his own exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art? WHAT?

After I felt silly and obnoxious for only just having reached that conclusion, we walked around the modern wing and saw the Marina Ambramovic performance. I was really tempted to go and start gossiping like a lady at a beauty parlor about the upcoming graduation dance (ignore the fact that most beauty parlor ladies don't attend middle school dances, unless they're chaperoning moms, in which case, why are you so obsessed with the drama among kids at your son's school?) but a part of me knew I would flake and fail, just like many elementary school attempts to pull a funny face for school photos. It was usually a cross-eyed, tongue-curled combination, but my pity for the sweaty, obviously tortured photographer and self-consciousness always got the better of me, and my facial features uncoiled and went back into place just as the flash went off. So I guess in recent years, I at some point I wanted to be the class clown, and then I wanted to be indie, and then I just wanted to write a blog and read other blogs and look at archives on and read i-D and everything got quite nice.

I wore my Edward Scissorhands-esque Rodarte jacket gifted by the Mulleavy sisters in honor of the Burton exhibit and yes, my dad did make me pose next to the costume, arms out, hands in claw form, for a dorky photo.

But first, Jackson Pollock!

How perfectly the jacket and thrifted navy shorts and vintage floral Docs and hair that is in an in-between stage and a mixture of gray, white, yellow, green, and blue match this painting!


khdz said...

you totally match the painting. sweet :)

chwalisz. said...

You look like a part of this painting wearing this jacket. I want to see this Marina performance, sounds intriguing.


What a smashing jacket... you lucky girl, I haven't been back to the city for 3 years now and am suffering serious withdrawal. Have a fabulous time.

Unknown said...

Lol I love it :)
I hope the exhibition would continue in Paris, but I don't think it will, so I'll just enjoy your photos instead !

Lightning Heart said...

ahhhhhhh i love marina abramovic, that would have been amazing to see!
and your jacket works perfectly hahah nice!

zoomslow said...

I see you're looking at that part of the painting where the elongated black blob is broken up by splatters of white and grey on it's left hand side!!! That's my favourite part of this painting too <3 But seriously, these photos are amazing. Jackson Pollock was amazing. What ground breaking work this is! And how thrilled I am to see you standing in front of it (and up very close at that!). Yay, Tavi :-)

MARTINAK said...

Jackson Pollock is the best painter. I love it. Y outfit is lovely...

MARTINAK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lorena said...

I feel like Jackson Pollock's art gets too much praise for what it is (though I can appreciate it aesthetically) but I'm glad it exists for moments like this!

Poppy-Rosy said...

Jackson Pollock isn't just splatters of paint its done in the most perfect way.

Poppy-Rosy said...

iliketweet said...

Stupid everyone jumping on the Burton bandwagon, how rude!

That jacket is perfect for Pollock, love his work.

tweet tweet tweet


Anonymous said...

Tis is the right jacket for this art work of Pollock! Did you wear it because you know this work before of just it was a accident? Love you L'Armoire

Jenna said...

What a beautiful piece of work! Oh, and I just adore your jacket!

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

Hello Super Tavi !
Really nice jacket, and hair !

Have a great new day !

Jean-Pierre MATTEI

Cora said...

Its camouflage, i do LOVE this outfit.

Cora. x

Michele said...

Wow, really really love the painting, and the way you really match with it! That's what I call coordinatin!! xx

Style and Fashion said...

Loving the quirky look!

Please check out:


Anonymous said...

loooove that jacket

Anonymous said...

every bit of you complements the painting! and lovely shorts by the way, but LOVE your jacket and Docs even better :)

Maria said...

Did you puke, Tavi? (joke)
Nice jacket btw

Anonymous said...

wow your'e actually staring intently at paint splatters!

Anonymous said...

So jealous, Tavi! The Tim Burton exhibit would be amazing!! I love the way you match the painting.

Sarah from The Etiquette Cult

Baro Lucas said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing you are not looking at me right now, Tavi.
Do you remember the evil judge's cartoon from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"? That is how I look right now. I am so INSANELY jealous. *deep sigh* Okay, I am a little bit better now.
Now I guess I should say something sickeningly sweet to make up for my bad behavior (see above paragraph). So..............I really like your floral Docs. And I guess I should probably ask you what your favorite Tim Burton masterpiece is. Because I like Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd.

Coco said...

Wow! I LOVE this Outfit! You are great :D
Have a nice day,
Lovely Greats

Pippa said...

matchy-matchy in the best way possible:)

Anonymous said...

Those doc Martens are lushh :)
Way to go Tavi <3

Jay said...

Amazing painting!! And very cool that your outfit matched =)

Mari Woolf said...

I thought you were part of an artistic installation. Cool idea actually, to have a painting and a viewer statue that matches it, no?
You changed your hair, didn't you? Want to see it from the front!

Mirka said...

that first photo is sooo awesome, i love it sooo much ♥♥♥

M ####

Isabel said...

Consider my mind BLOWN.

Jessie said...

Aww your outfit is soo great. I love your hair too :)

Anonymous said...

I love the city! Wow you really do fit right in with that Pollock painting. I would love to see the front of that the furry scarf part of the jacket itself? I am a great fan of your Docs as well.

Jesue Valle said...

tavi, it's New York - everyone is "indie". You'd have to be mainstream to be considered a minority or unique.

I have to say I am quite jealous that you were able to attend the exhibition, hope you had fun.

Oh and I love the painting/jacket photograph, really beautiful.

Katie said...

I love this and even though you are more becoming a part of the picture vs. standing out you really remind me of Olivia from the children's book series. I don't know if you remember that but...yeah.

Alta Moda - Aine said...

I love Jackson Pollock!

my favorite...

You look really good too!


Izzen said...

Ahh, amazing. Beautiful painting, and you match it equally beautifully!

Iole said...

incredible and lovely match! well done!!!

Gen said...

Wonderful, chamaleonic! The second pic woul make a great postcard! ´That´s genuine camouflage !

Maia said...

tavi i am actually going insane. you were literally about 4 blocks from my house. and i probably stood in that exact same place while looking at the art. tell me when you are coming to new york again so i can stalk you?? i love you more than anything and you are a huge inspiration!! if only i could meet you.

heres the link to my blog you will never look at

i love you more than ice cream, please visit??

AFitz said...

I can't believe you went to the moma exhibit without me!!!!!!!!!

...even though it would've been really hard to go with me since I never actually cam to new york.

these pictures are great, i can't wait to see the edward scissorhands ones.

Ross said...

That's really pretty. I know that's sounds stupid, but it's like..... pretty. Like your melding into the painting.

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

omgg you can totally play hide and seek with that jacket and that painting !!

Steve said...

"I at some point I wanted to be the class clown, and then I wanted to be indie, and then I just wanted to write a blog and read other blogs and look at archives on and read i-D and everything got quite nice."

Hey, you have an origin story! Just like superheroes.

Steve said...

"I at some point I wanted to be the class clown, and then I wanted to be indie, and then I just wanted to write a blog and read other blogs and look at archives on and read i-D and everything got quite nice."

Hey, you have an origin story! Just like superheroes.

Dani said...

Your so lucky you got to see the exhibit! I went a few months ago and it was sold out!

Mi Armario En Ruinas said...

Wonderful pictures, wonderful post!
a very good idea, love your blog

mirae. said...

I've been to MoMA as well and saw that painting, expect what I was wearing was not even close to matching that art :(

anyways, that's so weird? did you know about the art before you went there? because you're outfit (the jacket, really) matches so well with the art. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!

Shelley Noble said...

Funny confessions in the post I can relate to. AND absolutely GENIUS photos! Genius.

Emma said...

Hi Tavi,
Another amazing post! You're sooo Indie, don't worry! Perhaps you could say you started the whole Tim Burton movement. That Rodarte jakcet (fall 2009 ?)is amazing, and the whole outfit goes so well with the art. Can't wait to hear about the Womens' Awards, too! I saw that you tweeted about the movie "Yes, Madam, Sir"...she is so inspiring! Anyways, that's all for now! Have a great day, and can't wait to hear all about everything, soon!

flore.allinatumble said...

awesome photo. tavi, you are so amazing.


That jacket totally matches the painting! x

J said...

Just so you know, I'm insanely jealous of you right now.

I love Tim Burton. :P
At least I wasn't one of the ones that hindered your experience! said...

Cecil Beaton / Jackson Pollock / Vogue 1951

Amber said...

so cool!
x amber

Theanne said...

Amazing. I don't know why, but the painting reminds me of twisted cherry blossom trees.
Do you see it? hmm?

Maybe I'm just insane. I've been bombarded with images of cherry blossoms all week.

firefly said...

That is just so cool. :)

Chloe Tweeny said...

the jacket looks epic! totally blends in with the painting. also, your hair looks great

Lies said...

Ah great, Jackson Pollock. I think I have only witnessed a painting of him once. Pretty fucking rad; To be honest, I jumped on the Tim Burton bandwagon way too late. Haven't even seen Edward Scissorhands :')

Anonymous said...

TIM BURTON= TAKES ME TO A DIFFERENT PLANET. I think alot of people think they know things about Tim Burton or some of his most inspirational yet awkward work. Its allways a wonderfull pleasure to hear a fresh point of view.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, most things would fit perfectly there, that's just this extra-quality about Pollack's works :)

And Tim Burton? He's a legend. ALthough I preffered when he was doing stuff like "Sleepy Hollow" than this most recent Alice...

Lyndranette said...

awesome outfit as always! wish i could go to that museum.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WendyB said...

I might have to do another "matching the art" post in honor of you. I've had a long obsession with that:

Anonymous said...

matching muchly!!!

rachel said...

That outfit was like, art and fashion fate lol!
i know what you mean about wanting to be more indie than every one!!! The blog thing has definitely gone well though :p

rachel said...

That outfit was like, art and fashion fate lol!
i know what you mean about wanting to be more indie than every one!!! The blog thing has definitely gone well though :p

ratua said...

I love your jacket! and it does matched with the painting though

httP:// said...

This reminds me of a photo Cecil Beaton took in 1951. The model is standing gracefully contemplating by the painting. The velvety frock she wears has the same color relationship to the painting that you have established. The photo is called Fashion Study with painting by Jackson Pollock, look it up it might inspire you further.
P.S. I liked your feature in Pop magazine.

victoria.clow said...

OOOOO! I just love how the outfit matches. Wonder if that was intentional?

Nikita said...

Tavi! I love this outfit.


UshiSato said...

fabulous ANITA DAHLING...lurv it...
you blend in that wall...

Margaret said...

Gosh that first picture makes me dizzy :) xx

hollybrick said...

"It was usually a cross-eyed, tongue-curled combination, but my pity for the sweaty, obviously tortured photographer and self-consciousness always got the better of me, and my facial features uncoiled and went back into place just as the flash went off."

I think you are becoming a finer and finer writer every day.

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

lovely painting!

Niki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fleur d'air said...

I really love your jacket!!!

that.screams.jillian said...

ah beautiful pictures!
amazing blog! :D

Anne said...

It looks like you could just dive into the painting, I love that.

M rétro said...

Love ♥

Stocked Potatoes said...

I was recently at MoMA to see the Ambramovic Retrospective and I thought I saw you in the museum, but I figured that it would be pretty far-fetched for you to be there as well.
Well this is just funny.

Brianna said...

Haha that's so cool how you blend in with the painting!

Emily said...

love it!!! and what's this i see about you having a publicist?!

Miss Hulk said...

Lovely photo.
I'd like to see the Tim Burton display also. Liking Tim Burton is only unique for me when I'm with my homeschool friends who either aren't alowed to watch his moveis, have never heard of them, or think that they are rather sinful.

ourbittle said...

Your jacket and Pollack's painting are such a perfect pair! I actually just posted about Pollack too: (

love reading your thoughts!

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

Great Jacket. But I do absolutely love Pollocks work. Never had a chance to see any so big. saw some in Paries but not this size! How can someone make splashes of paint so interesting??? genius

Denisse Cucalón said...

You wont be able to see it in this picture, but there's a red dot in that painting!. I dare you to find it next time you visit MoMA : )

Anonymous said...

wow, I love love love these photos! Floral docs...I can't pull them off, although I plan on purchasing a pair of floral tights from American Apparel very soon! Rodarte, Moma, awards ceremonies... how wonderful!

OooKellyNicky said...

Really nice photo, the wood floors and paintin pull everything together. Your fading into the painting which is cool.

La Stylin Girrffe!

kettx said...

why won't anyone tell you that things like tim burton and jackson pollock aren't original or even marginally "indie"? there's nothing obscure about either. your attempt at being pretentious is failing horribly, maybe you should do your research a little more so you don't come off as sounding like a 13-year-old that's trying way too hard. what next, lamenting the fact that people know warhol or ingmar bergman?
regardless, the photos in front of the painting are okay, i like the jacket.

cancercowboy said...

blending in and standing out... nicely done. quite cool, Ma'am.

and for who you wanna be: you're young. you barely scratched the surface (or cracked the shell ^___^) of whoever you will be able to become. don't you worry.

Masha said...

wow! I like so much this consistency!

Venus said...

Awesome photo :)

gem twin said...

maybe the best shot I ever saw on a blog--thank you!

Francesco Artibani said...

Love the movie.

Martini said...

love it <33

Angela Kusen said...

i lov it !!!

Anonymous said...

really great photos here! Love the camouflage thing!

edenly jewellery blog

Anonymous said...

really great photos here! Love the camouflage thing!

edenly jewellery blog

Konstantin Siegel said...

what a beautyfull painting...i love it!

ólöf said...

hahaha..lovely how your jacket fits right in..I was thinking if you were gonna write about that

Anonymous said...

Wanted to go to that exhibit. Great pics by the way.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I'm jumping on the Burton bandwagon seing I have the Vincent Price figure from Edward Scissorhands. He was fav part of the movie by the way.

Arsy said...

Hi Tavi,

My name is Arsy. I'm new at this blogging thing. I may have posted since last year, but I never know how to make other people see my blog. Then I remembered what you say about being new at this and commenting on other people's blog. So I did that. I wanna say thank you, because your blog is one of my inspiration. I love your style, I love you photos, and I love your writing style, and I think your blog really describe who you are as a person. Anyways, I hope we can be friends....

Thanks a bunch,

Arsy Medina

Anonymous said...

Hi random people and Tavi (:
Enter my wonderful world

Lots of love
India Seth

LyssaQueen said...

How cute you are Tavi, I a fan of your blog now. Woohoo, love fashion!

Rachel said...

Your jacket fits in perfectly! I love the art!

Jennie Moore said...

This is actually AMAZING! love it..

Check out my blog:

cyber_dude said...

I LOVEEEEEE that rodarte jacket! i love rodarte so much. I actually was lucky enough to own one from SS 09, just 1 season before yours!! And about jackson pollock's painting, I know about it but never knew how ENORMOUS it was. The live-in-person experience must be totally different from photograph.

Hanna said...


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