Today in school we played dodgeball. Or, rather, I played dodgeball, and everyone else played kickball. But then they were all "NOO COME ON YOU CAN'T BE THAT BAD" and I was like "HAHAH THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK" and then they made me kick it and I ran to the wrong base. Actually, I didn't even run to a base, I just ran to this random mat that I thought was a base, but was just IN THE WAY, and POINTLESS, kind of like the interpretive dancing at the Oscars. But you know what would've made this experiment far less painful? IF I HAD BEEN WEARING THIS:
Along with paying a visit to the 60's (my favorite era, which is probably some kind of twist of FATE) (see what I did there? Bob Dylan song? 60's?) (Oh wait, that song is actually 70's. Anyway.) Miu Miu was almost cartoonish with its giant bows, poppy colors, scallops, exaggerated pocket piping, and shoe skirts that added an extra clunky stomping factor to the overall effect.

And there were LOTS of embellishments with metallic bows and flowers, kind of as if the wearer was a little girl going through her grandma's jewelry box (from when grand mam mam had her 60's heydey) and sort of decorating herself with brooches.
It started out with the bright colors and cartoon-ish lace (which I will now refer to as the little sister of Prada's) but towards the end got to a place that was darker, a different kind of romantic, slightly stark..

The silhouettes, colors, and fabrics became more sophisticated, and the playful, wiry flower brooches were replaced by some in full bloom.

There were parts I didn't care for or that wouldn't have really improved today's game of kickball, (which is now the new standard for everything: would it improve my pitiful, athletically-challenged middle school experiences? WOULD IT?) such as the low cut-overall situations and skirts-over-pants (maybe because I was too reminded of my 3rd grade days when I decided I was really edgy and //alt for wearing a skirt over a pair of jeans. THE MEMORIES, MAKE THEM STOPPPPPP). They didn't feel out of place in the collection but my sentiments for them were those of Enid's here:
The spring collection will always be my favorite, and that kind of magic can't happen twice. But over all, it was cute and fun and Miu Miu. And it still would've made that really awful game of kickball much, much better.

There were parts I didn't care for or that wouldn't have really improved today's game of kickball, (which is now the new standard for everything: would it improve my pitiful, athletically-challenged middle school experiences? WOULD IT?) such as the low cut-overall situations and skirts-over-pants (maybe because I was too reminded of my 3rd grade days when I decided I was really edgy and //alt for wearing a skirt over a pair of jeans. THE MEMORIES, MAKE THEM STOPPPPPP). They didn't feel out of place in the collection but my sentiments for them were those of Enid's here:
The spring collection will always be my favorite, and that kind of magic can't happen twice. But over all, it was cute and fun and Miu Miu. And it still would've made that really awful game of kickball much, much better.
Funny, I have a purple top just like that, and a black skirt too. Got the top a few years ago at Target, think the skirt was a gift.
It's nice but I've seen a lot of this elsewhere. Including the black furry skirts. I guess this means we can start crafting?
I hated P.E. in general... It was the most dreaded thing of all in school. I was happy once I got to high school cause I could choose between band and P.E. I of course chose band for the first two years then I didn't have to choose either and I went into Art and Drama yaaay~ :] Well..I was in Art all 4 years...
..Always been an art geek (e___e);
What do you get when a cat tries to imitate a cow? "miu miu" :-)) That's gold, Jerry!! Gold!! Love the black, high-necked bodice one with the floral decoration. Gothic + Girly = perfection.
I did a post on this yesterday! Miu Miu was absolutely adorable. The darker pieces are just so classy, and the colourful pieces are so fun. It's the best of both worlds, really. Also, Ghost World was on TV tonight, it was my second time watching it and I still don't get it. I try!!
Sarah from The Etiquette Cult
Oh come now, dresses/skirts over jeans are so 90's and therefore cannot be bad.
In fact I was going to sport that very getup today until I realised that I couldn't find shoes to match with my heart socks/jeans so I ditched the jeans altogether.
I think I made the right choice. For today...
one of the skirts looks like a mutant chloe skirt from a couple of seasons ago!! i love it!!
Don't you think this girl who played Enid look like Jane from Daria?
God. Now I'm stuck in. Oh my.
I need that Orange dress. Gorgeous.
Oh, yeah. I did the skirt-over-pants thing too.
With long, stringy, greasy dark hair.
Studded bracelets.
and mens' tanks.
WOW, I miss the '90s.
Going to go listen to 10,000 maniacs and reminisce...
memories of middle school sports flooding back to me and i'm trying not to panic. the gold dress is my favorite and would gladly have been wearing during my kickball days instead of our hideous red basketball shorts that made all the girls look like lesbians.
I hated Phy Ed! Love the dress!
Ghost world is so applicable to your situation Miss Tavi! Love you rblog as always and the first bit made me laugh really really really really really hard. I totally identify with that. ;P Cheers, Smog
i love all the flowers and cartoony look. SUUUPER CUTE! When I had P.E. in middle school, all the girls opted out of sports and all congregated in a smaller room connected to the gym and did dance videos and taebo. haha. Then, in highschool (gosh i feel so old. im only 19!) I used to think I was the best volleyball player ever. I wasnt. I was TERRIBLE. And I tried to dive and spike the ball. I made everyone volley it to me so i could die and land on my face 237 times and miss the ball. EPIC FAIL times 98723450923752905.
Your kickball story is hilarious.
Kan ikke du lage en videoblogg hvor du snakker norsk!?? would've been EPIC
Kan ikke du lage en videoblogg hvor du snakker norsk!?? would've been EPIC
tavi, girl, you're gonna be so big one day! you are very witty and you have a great sense of humour. yep. whiz kid. respect-yo! ;)
Dodgeball-hmm if you wear a good kind of sport wear next time maybe you will win . The sport wear are made for different that this ones. MIU MIU
I think that was inspirited form the 70s .Do you readied in Vogue about this " Well Played" about combination of spot wear an elegance .
A Louis Vuitton pointelle skirt that adds a winning shot of colors SARI GUERON cardigan and Christian Dior shoes !!! cool
Really nice collection !
Thank you .
Well they say pain is the best teacher.... But none the less middle school is a ridiculous place. I really hope you have more fun in high school, and I hope that you meet someone like Bill in high school because that would be beautiful :D lol Plus the Miu Miu stuff rocked, thanks!
love mariacarla's skirt there.
The brooches are AMAZING!
I loved the colours in this collection, the bows were cute and the black outfits were major win! :)
And, yeah, I know how you feel about playing dodgeball/kickball, I hated certain games on P.E. too :)
You poor thing!
Well we can't be good at all things.. ;)
FAB photos by the way!
Simone/fashionmanifest (Denmark)
Man, I am SO glad we don't have any of that dodgeball marlarky in the UK!
Sarah Betty
I thought it started off with the black coloured looks, then went to brights? this is just off the video on their website haha =]
I like this collection, I love the colors she chose and the cuts and the little floral details!!
Hello I like your blog and it was to know if you would indeed like to make party of my members!
You to just man has to click the link thank you for making a tour!
prada fall 2008.. it was kinda just reworked.Maybe from some of the looks that never made it to the runway. still good though..
I read your witty commentary and see you in pictures with the worlds top stylists and forget that you are still in middle school and have to suffer through, maybe what is the worst age known to man: 13. So I love that you were able to talk about kickball and relate it to fashion. (kickball was one of the few "sports" I was good at).
I have to acknowledge the makeup of this show. So good
Eighth grade for me was only three years ago but I remember the P.E. (torture) all too well. They shouldn't force things that can't be forced. :)
Pretty! Love the makeup and the detailings!
GORGEOUS. I love the whole entire collection!
Amazing collection! First off, like you said, nothing will beat the spring collection. So amazing, naked ladies, and YOUR dog, on the clothes! I liked this collction, it seemed kind of like these little girls were growing into big girls, and they could barely fit into the clothes they had on. Or, it felt like they were trying to hold onto their little girlyness but also playing with Grandma's big, out-there costume jewelry. Great post! I know what you mean about P.E. I managed to get out of this year, with this semi-intense swim team thing. Gone are the days of dodgeball and sweaty boys...until next year in highschool. Anyway, back to the collection: I agree with you on the pants. Did you think that some of the shapes/overall looks were a little to repetitive?
Great post, as always! It's Friday...enjoy your weekend!
Ha ha...we need video of you running to a random mat!
I love ghost world! I remember watching it when I was like 11 (lol 9 years ago)
A very restrained and saleable collection for Miu Miu.
the nude neck bow looks awfully like an embellished neck brace. DIY alert! haha.
superbe !!
I swear all of the designers have gone retro. Chanel (jumpsuits and tweed) and Hermes with those Avengers/1960s/Film Noir getups. Gotta say, I love it.
I did loved the collection though I didn't thought it was breath taking. But anyway, let me tell you: I went all the was through school, high school and college without having any sport related talent and I'm alive,'s not hat bad...:P
edg•e™ to the max
I began reading your blog just days ago.. and I just have to say that I am so intrigued by you.. There is just something that tells me: Wow! This is something extra. SOMEONE extra.
So, I just wanted to say that your kinda awesome and that you're fans in Sweden (me and well.. whoelse from here who might enjoy your blog) are rooting for you! or something like that :) see I'm not as good with words as you are girl ^^
Have a pleasant day will you? Hugs from me. Linnéa
Dodgeball sounds like an excuse to abuse others. Glad I never played it, I HATED pe, especially running X(
I like the colour palette of black, orange and light lilac but I'm not really sure about the silhouettes, meh.
Yess! The 60s are my favorite era too. At least to wear. Strictly for visuals I'd say the 20s. Aka the mother of the 60s.
Daymmmmm those are some sexay frocks!
I love ghost world - yet to read the comic though! I hope its so bad it's good. ;)
There are many similarities between the two of us: 13-years old, suburbs of Chicago, and we both played kickball in PE today, and failed miserably...but then again, we are indeed quite different.
Yeah, this was an amazing collection.
p.s loved it, as per usual.
wow, wonderful post :) There are many fashion blogger, but there's only one blog that I really adore, it's you :)your blog is really inspiring to me :)
Nice blog about fashion. I like it so much I added you to my blogroll
You're so cute I love you you're my hero
love it.
Halloween colors! Very poofy and pretty.
I always fail at dodge ball, I have accepted it as a fact of life and learned to move on =)
I love the flowers, I thought the dark pieces were nicest!
hm.. i don't like this collection and i don't know why. i think it's a little too boring for my taste but the makeup is intresting!
Haii Tavi :)
Did you see the Lady G's Telephone music video? It will be quite awesome if you will review it (and it will be quite cool if you say bad stuff too if you find any because people never say bad things and it's interesting because I couldn't think of any)
Mui Mui is amazing! haha the kickball part made me giggle. :)
Chupamela putaaaaa
I love purple!!! It´s the star of my wardrove!
the Miu miu collection was indeed very nice and thank you for showing us the details you can't always sit in all the pictures
what do they have against dodgeball love that game .
I'm kind of horrible at PE, too. We're in our basketball unit, and I've gotten hit in the head/face with the basketball 4 TIMES!!! Something must be WRONG here! Plus the horrible uniforms... Ick.
SO playful and dark with a twist of sophistication !!
weeeee ! I'm melting !!
ME <3 bold colors !
I love P.E in school! I'm not good at sports, I just laugh and have fun.
I love the flowers on the shirts! And the bright colours. And the eye make-up.
u got some freakin stuff on your blog
a like it pretty cool
i just started bloggin a few weeks ago
u really should take a look at it
Eh... PE. It was only last year I had to do it and I am so happy I quit. Who needs PE when the gym is just near by? Plus my teacher always hated me because I never did anything but instead just went off into some other land thinking about something I saw in Vogue or Harpers the night before.
Great post, I can so relate.
You're a wonderful girl! I say you : "Bravo!"
I'm french and I like so much your work!
I can see that Miu Miu has successfully attempted the retro look. The colors are quite fun to be honest. Still like the cats and sweetness in the Spring collection more though.
For me, school sports will always suck and fashion always rock. The end.
I'm glad you survived gym class. I know it sucks and the fact that there is a gym class and no fashion class at school sucks even more. But, nice stuff on the photo's!
Hey Tavi! GREAT POST!!!!!!! love it
What's up?
I just did a post about you, i'd be honored if you could check it out:
I hate purple...but THAT purple is f amazing!!!!
Haha, talking about "paying a visit to the 60's", I live in Belgium and I'm paying a visit to 6 hours ago, for the moment it's 10.20 p.m., and I'm ready tot go to bed and read a chapter in my book, but you live there in far far Chicago where it is 4.20 p.m., I would be on my way from school to my home.
Time is very weird, I guess, so is my English writing.
ahah. yeah, I'm sure running in that gorgeous skirt and in heels would make it easier to play kickball ;)
This silhouettes are PERFECTION. I love the colors.
Marine / another fucking fashionista
Yeah, I don't think it's better than last season either, but it's pretty amazing anyways.
Never played kick ball before... But I'd much rather play it in Miu Miu than our horrible school sport uniform.
And you have a domain thingy! Um obviously you knew that.
Anywayyy likey this posty :)
Ah, gym class.
Sigh, I actually kind of miss it because it's fun. And you can shut your brain off for a bit :P.
Ahh Miu Miu! Love their collection. I love the metallic flowers on the outfits! And it's nice to see some colour in the F/W collection :).
Thanks for posting! I agree, some Miu Miu pieces could make bad kickball situations become wonderful. Haha!
I loved this collection as well, and I think the use of strong colour mixed with beautiful pastels made it really memorable. Also the bows, high collars, and hem line were interesting. I'm not sure exactly why you are talking about kickball, but sure. I know many, many people question your sense of style, and I would probably one of them if I did not hold your eye for fashion in the utmost regard. Honestly, the attention you pay to detailing is incredible and I think as you get older it will become more apparent how impressive this really is. At 13, of course, you undoubtedly take such things for granted! I only wish I had become involved in fashion at such a young age. Although I suppose 19 is still young in some respects...
Prada = Sebastian
Miu Miu = Flounder
oh it couldnt get worst that what happened to me one day, playing kickball, it was my turn, the ball came to me, my leg went up, but the ball kept running its initial course.
miu miu was ok, maybe too symetrical and perfectly made. im not a big fan of the colors, I prefer to wear all black
Haha so bad it's good. That's kind of like how in Will&Grace, Jack got so gay he went fullcircle and ended up a lesbian because he couldn't possibly be straight.
Elements of this collection were good, but in general I'd give it a waaah-waaah. And the soundtrack was so bad it was hilarious, only not quite.
wow, that just looks amazing!
I love the colours.
Good luck with PE!
OMGOMGOMG the music video for Lady Gaga & Beyonces Telephone is the most awesomest thing evaahH!!!
just had to let it out and share the joy here since you love her so much :D
love those outfits, and I love 60 and 70 era! a different kind of elegance.
I love Miu Miu clothing, though I am more of a Prada fan when it comes to their bags.
By the way please vote for me at United Colors of Benetton! 1 day left!
Hi Tavi! Last month I read polish version of Glamour and I saw you! Of course I cliked on your blogspot and I liked it! You inspired me to write MY blog. So, today I wrote my first post.
You are really cute person. Good look Tavi!
P.S. Sorry for my basic english :)
Hey Tavi!
I hope by "the interpretive dancing at the Oscars" you don't mean the LXD Performance, because they're great and they did a great job at the Oscars.
Fashion will forever be more interesting than physical education.
inspiring blog!
I love Ghost World!
Sarah from The Etiquette Cult
Hey guys, come on this blog in Portuguese.
Is very nice.
oi. tavi <3 My (half) norwegian midget. (sorry). No insult. I swear, us norwegians are arrogant unconsciously.
I share similar kickball nightmares, never want to re-visit that sport ever again. Ghost World is one of my all-time favorite indie films. The music, the fashion and the intentions are all so true.
well.. im too bad playing kickball hahaha
take care! Love your style and all your pics, and i love this collection.
im following you!
Love your blog Tavi!
I changed my blog URL
it is now
Same blog, different URL!
I remember those awful days of gym class. Don't worry--some day soon you won't have to endure that trauma for even a minute.
Keep up the great posts!
Wow, such beautiful detailing in these dresses!
wow one of the my favorite blog . goodluck girl
oh I love the colorful eyeshadows and the flowery coat! and I also love how you ramble on in your own thoughts and connect fashion to middle school experiences:P
Tavi, where have all your comments gone? I'm so confused! Have they all been deleted from posts? Good work, I love how much research goes into your blog. You just know everything. I mean everything. I've got an interview at St Martins next week and I'm shitting it. Applying for a fashion communications course. As you're a youngen, which is even more embarassing as you are a better writer than me and have a far better chance at getting onto the course at your age than I do now, I'm not sure whether you know about what they look for in portfolios, but I'm just wondering whether you have any ideas for layouts? I do photography so it will mainly include my work but I will have to add a fashion element, too. Thanks! AND OF COURSE, I love love love your blog.
Tavi, where have all your comments gone? I'm so confused! Have they all been deleted from posts? Good work, I love how much research goes into your blog. You just know everything. I mean everything. I've got an interview at St Martins next week and I'm shitting it. Applying for a fashion communications course. As you're a youngen, which is even more embarassing as you are a better writer than me and have a far better chance at getting onto the course at your age than I do now, I'm not sure whether you know about what they look for in portfolios, but I'm just wondering whether you have any ideas for layouts? I do photography so it will mainly include my work but I will have to add a fashion element, too. Thanks! AND OF COURSE, I love love love your blog.
I hear alot of ppl talking about this new blog .. | run by some 14 year old guy. I guess Tavi is getting some competition?
so much love for ghost world.
j'aime les plumes !
thanks for the Ghost World movie recommendation, i never seen it before , but cool stuff, steve buscemi is the man
Twist of Fate was written in the 70s. Albeit early 70s. (listening to the Q podcast with yr interview now. Hadn't heard of you before but I like yer blog)
Oh, gym class can be one of the circles of hell, or heck at least.
The dresses are indeed pretty, but I am bummed out that the trend to ignore the fact girls have breasts has gone so far as to give the impression the heads of the models are on backwards and we are, in fact looking at the back of the dress. Seriously. sigh.
First of all, LOVE you. You are so dead on with your witty insight its scary. I became an instant fan!
As for Miu Miu, I used to love, then I just kinda didn't get it for a while....I have to say that I am impressed with their collection. Especially the monochromatic endpieces...the coat is simply fabulous. I definitely was born in the wrong era-60's/70's would have been divine. Thanks for being you Tavi!
ps, don't worry about kickball, what a dreadful game anyways! :)
genial, you are very aswame. i'd like to be like you
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