thrift shirt and skirt. gap sweatshirt.
Pictures I took back when my hair was blonde and there was snow outside and I wasn't all lazy and in a style rut like now. Any ideas as to what a story to them could be? I haven't the slightest idea.


Gabi said...

hey! i love this!


Gabi said...

I also love you style tavi! You are a huge inspiration to me! i'm only a year younger than u-7th grade 13 yrs old...... I just want you to know that!

P.S: im ur biggest fan i follow u until u love me.... papa - paparazzi

<3 http://froot-punch.blogspot.com/

my style is nothing said...

It's a great picture of you, I like the most so far.. you look so adorable in that pic.

Chloe Michele said...

How very thoughtful of you.

But really, I'm liking this. You're one groovy kid.


Juliette said...

Lovely outfit!
I've been in a bit of a style rut myself lately. But don't worry, spring will come like a breath of fresh air.


Gabi said...

you are on my blog!


Gabi said...

you are on my blog!


Gun Street Girl said...

You look so gorgeous in the first photo.

Jill Girl said...

When I think of a story, all that comes to mind is Emily Dickinson... and blankness... but Emily Dickinson.


Beautiful photos. You look serious and thoughtful. I love them. xo


Jen Hsieh said...

just had to let you know that these shots are fantastic.

holly said...

Once apon a time there was this girl and one day she lost all her inspiration. She realized only then was she complete.

Anonymous said...

This is such an amazing post, love the photos. Especially how the bed sheets lead up to you in the bottom one and the window! YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL IN THE TOP PHOTO!

blukats said...

This is a really sweet set! I like the grainy effect you added and the lighting. And what a nice outfit, makes me want to go thrifting.

Yes, you do look deep in thought and contemplation. There are so many stories that could go with this. Something from Ibsen or perhaps some teen angst or on a lighter note, what your next blog or outfit will be?

Lorena said...

I'm not sure about a story really but the last photo made me think about someone visiting a family member who is on their deathbed...sounds so gloomy and I'm not really sure why that came to mind considering the cheery yellow sweater and soft colors.


Rebecca Jane said...

I really like the fuzzy quality of these, great photos!

erika sorocco said...

Personally, the slightly vintage aesthetic of these photographs, and the print of your top make me think of Sofia Coppola's "The Virgin Suicides." There's a very dreamy, ethereal like quality to both your outfit, and the lighting in these pictures. Love. :)

Criteriamour said...

Ugh, I know. It's so weird transitioning from winter to spring.

Kingston said...

An old lady remembering her Rodarte AW2010 past....

Efren Avila said...

The aesthetic is very raw, and real. I adore the first image, the story is hard to put in words since this is such a visual and ethereal post. A good title for this post could possibly be "Dreamer."

♥ MADISON thing


Steve said...

Mourning the death of hip-hop?

Livy Magee said...

I think that this "story" could be a little girl (you) visiting your family but suddenly something bad has happened so you just sit there silently and expressionless.

xeroxahippo said...

I saw an older woman on the bus wearing glasses that are similar to yours. i love the use of what people consider "granny" items in your looks.

Jaime Moreno said...

Tavi this photos are amazing they semm like scenes from a movie, I could feel you disturbance and preocupation, I felt in love with this pic!

Raúl Valdivia said...

maybe you put these ones together after watching The Virgin Suicides for the 10th time? that would explain the hazy and aloof atmosphere, but on the clothes.. maybe you should do something crazy and spontaneous and uncommon, though I have no idea what something like that would be to you I'm sure it could help, it has helped me before

Irene said...

I think its lovely. The story is: you like a boy and youre waiting for him to come so you can hang out in a field where you'll pick daiseys and he'll throw grass at you. He texts you to tell you he has to go to his grandma's house. You are distraught.

Am I right?


Anonymous said...

love the way your hair looks!
but still loving it blue;)
take care tavi(:

SO. said...

you should just make your own film. itll be frrreaaaking awesome!

Anonymous said...

the noise in the picture made it look like you were in an 80s film or something . hahahaha !

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Love it. I miss your little vignettes.

Unknown said...

This is cool. I'm sorry you're in a so-called style rut, darling.

The grainy photo works really well with the floral print and cardi. I feel like I'm looking at some 1930/40s girl, waiting for some boy to come home.

But, you're too young to wait for boys, but you play the role very well. ;)

Maybe you could just grab a few things out of your closet and just....experiment? Just do whatever, and take a few photos, and maybe that'll help get the creative juices flowing.



Tay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zoomslow said...

I like the first one the mostest. Um, you look like a writer sitting at your typewriter by the window - trying to summon up some inspiration. Yes, yes, a young poet of considerable genius - a young Sylvia Plath perhaps? Haha, I know that you're not such a fan of writing poetry, so perhaps it's that play of your's that you're working on? I hope so!!! ;-))

Tay said...


rhonda volmer
Nicolette Grant

WendyB said...

Very pretty! How's the blue holding up?

zoomslow said...

Oh, I forgot about your style rut :-( Well, I'm not sure what the weather is like there at the moment, but perhaps you could play on something seasonal? Really ramp it up - exaggerate the looks normally associated with such a season :-) Hope this is of some help...

laia. said...

oh dude, so epic.

Marlena said...

I love this! <3

Marianna said...

Hi, I recently discovered your blog (and rediscovered fashion and art in general) and I LOVE it. I have no idea what I like in terms of style and visual art but I definitely like your emphasis on fantasy/storytelling/1960s pop culture.

As to the story. You're Irish. And you've just arrived in a small Midwestern town to stay with your very Catholic aunt and uncle. You're joining them on the pretense of looking at American colleges—but you're actually there because you want to get away from your cheating drug fiend ex-girlfriend and your fighting parents. You uncover a deep dark family secret concerning a half-cousin who is either disowned or dead. That's what you're doing in the first picture. But I don't know what happens after that.

50two said...

You're actually quite a good photographer!

Anonymous said...

You look like you're at least 18 in the first photo :) And these photos look like screencaps from some indie movie, lol :)

Sarah Mae said...

could the girl be waiting for inspiration? just like you're doing? haha possiblyyy....

Anonymous said...

SEE! There are tears upon her face-
Tears newly shed, and scarcely dried:
Close, in an agonized embrace,
She clasps the infant at her side.
Peace dwells in those soft-lidded eyes,
Those parted lips that faintly smile-
Peace, the foretaste of Paradise,
In heart too young for care or guile.
No peace that mother's features wear;
But quivering lip, and knotted brow,
And broken mutterings, all declare
The fearful dream that haunts her now,
The storm-wind, rushing through the sky,
Wails from the depths of cloudy space;
Shrill, piercing as the seaman's cry
When death and he are face to face.
Familiar tones are in the gale:

They ring upon her startled ear:
And quick and low she pants the tale
That tells of agony and fear:
"Still that phantom-ship is nigh-
With a vexed and life-like motion,
All beneath an angry sky,
Rocking on an angry ocean.
"Round the straining mast and shrouds
Throng the spirits of the storm:
Darkly seen through driving clouds,
Bends each gaunt and ghastly form.
"See! The good ship yields at last!
Dumbly yields, and fights no more;
Driving, in the frantic blast,
Headlong on the fatal shore.
"Hark! I hear her battered side,

With a low and sullen shock,
Dashed, amid the foaming tide,
Full upon a sunken rock.
"His face shines out against the sky,
Like a ghost, so cold and white;
With a dead despairing eye
Gazing through the gathered night.
"Is he watching, through the dark,
Where a mocking ghostly hand
Points a faint and feeble spark
Glimmering from the distant land?
"Sees he, in this hour of dread,
Hearth and home and wife and child?
Loved ones who, in summers fled,
Clung to him and wept and smiled?
"Reeling sinks the fated bark

To her tomb beneath the wave:
Must he perish in the dark-
Not a hand stretched out to save?
"See the spirits, how they crowd!
Watching death with eyes that burn!
Waves rush in-" she shrieks aloud,
Ere her waking sense return.
The storm is gone: the skies are clear:
Hush'd is that bitter cry of pain:
The only sound, that meets her ear,
The heaving of the sullen main.
Though heaviness endure the night,
Yet joy shall come with break of day:
She shudders with a strange delight-
The fearful dream is pass'd away.
She wakes: the gray dawn streaks the dark:

With early song the copses ring:
Far off she hears the watch-dog bark
A joyful bark of welcoming!

Lewis Carroll

Miguel E. Acosta said...

Tavi, you look so much older! ;p
You are so creative hun. I'm loving your imagery.


Check out the blog:

Sarah Nicole said...

Gosh, Tavi. How old are you again? 13? How did you get so darn stylish and artsy? I started reading Vogue when I was 8 years old and sketching then too, but I only had a brief few years in high school where I was stylish and I mostly wore vintage clothes. I am so impressed, and I am sorry that people have turned your blog into their way to advertise themselves. I don't mean that I'm sorry to see it, I mean I'm sorry that you started this blog for you and because of how popular you got it turned into something you maybe didn't want (just judging that from you have said about it). I understand it must be so amazing to be getting all the press and get to go to shows and have free Prada sent to you, but I get what you meant in a couple posts back, sometimes it's harder to let yourself be yourself when others want you to be someone else. Your story is so fun and I am excited for your future. Even if we don't get to see how your future pans out, I think you have an amazing life ahead of you! : ) Sorry, I have a baby who likes to keep me from sleeping more than two hours at a time and sometimes I'm not very articulate! I hope you get what I mean, if you read this!

Sewon said...

I love that last photo! Keep up your updates, Tavi. I've been traveling and feeling like I've been in a style rut, too.

Sheik-Chan said...

Story? A misunderstood writer who lives alone,has a cat and loves her solitude?

xD I don't know...

Why do so many people add their blog in their comment? Shouldn't it just be about comments...if you wanted to read their blog I'm sure you'd just click on their nickname right? lol. :3

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

These pictures seem quite religios, especially the last one. really like them though!

Arushi Khosla said...

Damn you, Tavi, I can never get my pictures to look even close to this artsy while in a "style rut". EH.

Shelley Noble said...

Yeah, I've got a story for these... It's called "Gorgeous!"

Dusk said...

The first thing that came to mind was 'The Diary of a Young Girl' by Anne Frank.

UshiSato said...





C said...

Well, I'm not really sure what the theme of this set is, but I really like how the tones and colors work out. They are beautiful!

By the way, I saw your photoshoot on madame FIGARO Japan. The photos were really nice! I like how you dress yourself in Comme des Garcons.

ochamilk said...

They all seem very Cindy Sherman circa late 70s. Excellent.
But the last image feels less connected to the first two. I know they are all the same day same outfit, but the lighting is so drastically different that it evokes a completely different story.
Anyway, they are lovely!

UshiSato said...




UshiSato said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

J'aime vraiment ce que tu as fait de tes photos !
Et ta coiffure !
Bravo !
Hiiiiiiiiiii...( ^^ )
I really like what you did with your pics !
And i like your hair too !
Bravo !

Poppy-isabelle said...

Hi jeune fille
Je suis française et je viens faire un petit tour sur ton blog devenu très connu,ma chère Tavi.Ton blog est très bien fait et très bien écrit,mais trop pompeu pour moi qui suis une inconditionnelle de la mode qui doit être portée par tous,et pas seulement par une petite poignée.Je pense que plus tard tu pourras devenir une grande rédactrice de mode.Tes sujets sont bien rédigés,pertinents qq fois,et de très belles photos.Je te souhaite bonne chance,beaucoup de succès avec ton blog.Bye,bye

Anonymous said...

Love your skirt and the shirt!
for some reason, when i first looked at the photo, it reminds of someone who is like sick in bed and you come to visit them....those could be some ideas for your story writing! ;D


chattypatra said...

You look so much like Michelle Williams in these pictures; just lovely. I may not be as stylish as you, but I do appreciate fashion, creativity and individuality. Sometimes, when I'm sad, I come to your blog and it always makes me feel better. God bless you. I wish you great joy.

admiralsmallhat said...

Granny, waiting for the wolf.

Ms. Wedgie said...

Love the colours...very English rose.

I think your story should be Jane Austen with a modern twist...you could even go as far as basing the story on 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' (awful book but I still loved it).


epeaa said...

tavi these are beautiful


lovely lace shirt..and lovely photos.But you like an old woman.. i love your new hair Tav !


Ross said...

A pensive mother, awaits here son/daughter's arrival home, hoping, praying for their safe arrival. I don't quite know if that's what you were looking for, but the long (?) skirt, and the textile's pattern remind me of the woman during Vietnam.

U-NI-TY said...

Nice pictures, weird atmosphere, between the virgin suicide and something else...

Carlos said...

Beautiful pictures Tavi! So soft and calming!

Jane Ann Applegate said...

Andrew Wyeth, where's the dog?

Unknown said...

Nice pictures!

chwalisz. said...

Your hair are blonde again? I like these pictures, so poetic.

ADJ said...

the first image is fantastically beautiful!


julia aka garconniere said...

i second calivintage's motion that you look like you could be on big love!

the noise/grain in the first two photos is really beautiful, and i love the composition.

Izzen said...

Looks like some beautiful young thing contemplating an affair with an older man, haha. Love it.


Marta Castellanos said...

I can´t see it very well but It looks a great thrifted look. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Well... I love the first photo but not the clothes. It's you that makes the third photo look cool.

Unknown said...

The pictures are so beautiful and nostalgic, truly. And the looks is just so awesome...


yui said...

ok story......
girl sneaks into neighbors apartment and plays house...tries on some glasses, rolls around on the bed, feels a bit guilty

Kristian said...

It reminds me some how of Audrey Hepburn in The Nun. Really like it though.
Or perhaps a religious girl who became pregnant and is now attempting to pray her way out of it.
All good stories. I love the lighting.
Get out of your style rut, girl!

fashionfamous said...

I love the photos!!

¡Besitos fashionistas!

Rule of Fashion said...


checkout my shopping blog

AnAzevedo said...

great photos!

Katie said...

Great series of pictures! I just look at them and think of Girl Interrupted or perhaps someone's great aunt waiting for everyone to visit her at the new nursing home never realizing that she gave her family the wrong address.
I have a lot of time on my hands for I too am in a style (and everything else) rut.

Emily said...

Awesome outfit. I'm thinking the story could revolve around someone waiting for something... I'm just not sure what :)


Festy said...

Love the pics!!!:)

G. said...



Diane said...

You look so much older in the first picture. I'm actually curious about how you will look when you'll be older :P


Anonymous said...

This story remind me on "Angele in the sky" you look so peaceful and lovely but in other way so strong so women!!!!!!!Love your blog if you have time visit my blog !

devin leiva said...

love the photos
the last picture is really amazing how u belnd in with ur porcelain skin
love it

זבל said...

Rosmary's baby!

daisychain said...

very 70's film styleee =)
-my teacher says I remind her of you some reason, I think its the crazy photos?!?

The Scientist said...

Nicee! Finally a outfit again! :)

Eline said...

How long have you been in a style rut? Whenever I'm in one I dress intentionally ugly, not even ugly in an haute way but way over-the-top&what-the-hell-was-i-thinking-ugly. You should try it! It's fun.

Ad' said...

Hey Tavi,
you're so unbelievable, with your little size, your grey hair, your age, your style...
You're amazing, "continue comme ça!"

Fleur said...

Beautiful :)
DOn't know why but ... on the third you look like scarlett johansson in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona !
Fleur <3

Life As I Show It said...

Finally an outfit post.
My favorite part of your blog.

Collar, Stand + Tie said...

T is for Tavi tied taut by her sweatshirt. ;-)

iliketweet said...

Tavi, you are a delight. Your outfits are sublime.



Salla said...

Suuuuper cute!

Domcia13 said...

Hey. Beautiful blog. You have great style. I am Polish. Write on my e-mail. doma48@buziaczek.pl

Anonymous said...

best photos of you yet! you look so adorable and pretty. amaazing, you should re live your lookbook account!

Nycteris said...

This might sound sort of weird, but I'd say you look like a thoughtful, poetic mother who is praying for a child to come.

Reddest Roar said...

That last shot has a very Edward Gorey-like quality...or maybe it reminds me more of the Virgin Suicides...

Anonymous said...

funeral, that's what it's all about
nice to see some "tavis" again.

Catherine said...

I'm not prejudicing or anything, but:

mormon mother in utah sitting at home after her children were abducted.

it looks like the pics. . .

Everything Pretty said...

You looked like one of those ladies from the religions Mormons...

BTW, my blog is giving away some pretty coin purses, please feel free to participate.

Georgie said...

Love it! It looks like it could be the cover photo for Henry James' Portrait of a Lady - or is that just me? It kind of fits with the mood and the theme of the novel - I'm very envious of your mad photography skills, though :)

Georgie said...

Actually, scratch that - it's totally Elizabeth Proctor from the Crucible!

Miss Tami Lee said...

Tres grandma chic

Anonymous said...

yay for a outfit post ive been missing seeing what clothes you get up in.and please dont go back too soo many runway posts i cant bear to count

Trendy and Fashion said...

I like your photos!

djuliwood said...

Beautiful pictures, especially the trashy 'filter'. To me this is a story about a good girl, that has done something bad and has been sent away to place where nothing bad could be done. I see both regret and indifference/apathy and really like the ambiguous atmosphere.

Check out my photo-blog at djuliwood.tumblr.com :-)

Anonymous said...

You're trying to figure out what shoes to wear in the first one, getting impatient and tapping your foot in the second (it is implied, my dear), and in the last one you're praying for guidance.


Unknown said...

...how about "little love" instead of big love. It has that prairie-chic vibe....

something that has to do with modesty/traditional values/western americana....

Kate said...

wow there's already a million comments… but I just wanted to say that the way you're sitting next to a bed like that makes me think that the person in the bed just died. Also something about it reminds me of Lars and the Real Girl.

inesL.A said...

hi tavi im from spain i like your style !!

Angsthase said...

It looks like a funeral on a farm in the nineties. Enjoy that idea. Adios, lady.

Anonymous said...

i literally thought this was a model in the first pic and was all like ohhh how pretty! these photos are lovely :)

xx come visit!

LARDMAN said...

Love these! They look like film stills... and Emily Dickinson. By the way, LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Keep up the good work.

Muriel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
firefly said...

Yay! I like the yellow sweater and the "soft" quality of photos. For the story, maybe something about a grandma who's house gets snowed in and she's thinking, and then outside she sees a lot of weird stuff like flying cows and huge balloons outside, and then after reading an editorial realizes she fell asleep? I don't know. Your pictures make me feel like eating banana flavored food now.


Shina Park said...

the story:
a child who hears the walls speak
a child who is stuck, confined in a house
a child who waits for a silent knight to come galloping to save them.


Anonymous said...

You kind of look like a 60s housewife or an Amish girl...
I'm in a style rut too :(

lolzzz said...

The first picture reminds me of-- wait for it-- depression medication commercials! Yay! http://i.ehow.com/images/a02/0j/kh/deal-depression-naturally-200X200.jpg

The second one makes me think of the tied-sweater style of Fay in What About Bob, except not quite as cheery as she was. Pale colors and black lace=not a happy 90s mom.

The third photo makes me think of oatmeal people. Angela from the Office (except a very sad Angela, not an annoyed/mean Angela) and Harold Crick from Stranger Than Fiction. Oatmeal people who sit at home in their oatmeal colored rooms with oatmeal blankets and do things like ?pray? http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20080226/293.kinsey.wilson.office.022608.jpg

Erin said...

Wow. I like your hair <so much better when it's blond. You look so much older in these pictures, but in a really good way. Not the odd gray hair way.

Why did you dye your hair, Tavi? Why?


Sammi said...

Looking adorable as always.

A(squared) + M said...

Love these pictures!
You look so pensive and the outfit is so cute.

No joke, I wish I looked like this when I was 13 years old. I'm sure you probably get that a lot, but honestly, your style inspires me and I am 17. Usually I associate middle school with abercrombie, but you give me hope that girls can look stylish and unique when everyone wants to fit in and wear the same thing.

Little Miss Violet said...

TAVI TAVI TAVI!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited because...
Please check it out. It's called bubble fairy. I forget the URL... oops.

PS these pics look like their from a magazine. Gorgeous.

Casey Hoff said...

wow these are beautiful <3

ZoeLissy said...

I just want to let you know, that because of you I got a blogger and started to write as much as I possibly could about my daily life. I'm an aspiring designer, so clothes are my life. Seeing your blogger has inspired me in so many ways. You have no idea how much I adore you, and hope that one dai I could actually meet you.

Annabelle said...

You look like someone from that show big love. You know, with the poofs and all? I like it. Except I wish my hair was long and braid-able like theirs are.

Shawn said...

too cute! U rock!


Shawn said...

too cute! u rock!


MelanieCJohnson said...

Yo slut

I am 23 and from Canada. Lets be friends. I am pretty cool too.

Beef Beef said...

my story idea: i'm not sure why, but i'm getting "nun" from this picture. but, like, pre-nun. pre-convent jitters maybe.

HumanAdult said...

Thumbs up. Always loved your photo posts.

jess said...

These are fantastic shots. nice!

Po pea. said...

you're incredible.

Brianna said...

I agree with Erin from Style Savvy
I liked your hair when it was blonde and not grey
you look much younger when your hair was blonde
But i love your blog, so it doesn't matter what your hair color is......

HumanAdult said...

Im with Tavi on the hair thing. Why not color your hair grey, coz you want to, when you can. I mean, imagine if suddenly you have the itch to go electric blue but you're the head of some department in a bank or something. Definitely not happening there.

Do it while you can and have pics to look back and smile at. I wish I did.

Hector said...

I really like this blog and your style tavi!
a hug from spain!

catty said...

STUNNING photos. I'm pretty sure you're a ghost.

Stefanie said...

I absolutely L-O-V-E these pictures! There going on my BLOG!!!(don'tworry, you'll be linked) :P

xo, stefanie

Frockspotter said...

Tavi, you look so serious! Kind of like a ghost in good clothing!
Love the colors!

www.frockspot.com :)

cancercowboy said...

you look like the young David Bowie in the first pic.

Trend Setter said...

please follow thenewfashionicon.blogspot.com and dont be a stranger

Jade said...

I love your style! :)

Unknown said...

love the grain photos, the`re so pretty.


Anonymous said...

These are beautiful photos! I love the whole prep-style sweater and whatnot.

Sarah from The Etiquette Cult

Derya said...

you are so amazing and you have different style.I love your style and you writes. :)
and Hi my Derya

Derya said...

you are so amazing and you have different style.I love your style and you writes. :)
and Hi my Derya

Devery said...

These make me think of stills from _Untitled Sofia Coppola Project_ and also of Emily Dickinson. they are beautiful.

hope you are well xoxoxoxoox

meagan said...

this is so dreamy...


Michi said...

hey fellows
i just started my own fashion blog

why dont u take a look at it



Ambre said...

Upon deciding to return to the Amish, following Rumspringa, young Ella contemplates her brief sojourn with modernity, and wonders how she will leave all she cannot forget.

xoLauraox09 said...

Love your glasses and outfit :)

Lies said...

You're the good kind of Stepford wife,Tavi.

Lies said...

You're the good kind of Stepford wife,Tavi.

Ann. said...


Masha said...

really pretty pictures. A little wise girl at the last picture))



Anonymous said...

you look so beautiful

Devery said...

Okay you know what is nuts? I look at these again and I think of Marisa Coulter from _The Golden Compass_. Like, when she was younger.


Esme said...

In the first picture you look strangely like David Bowie in The Man Who Fell To Earth, but obviously much prettier.
(and in his human form, not the terrifying alien one.)

Anonymous said...

What cool pictures of you! i love that yellow gap sweatshirt!

Little Miss Violet said...

I've got something. I was trying to explain Rodarte to my Mom, and I told her it's what a zombie ballerina would look like... INSPIRATION OVERLOAD!! Yes. Now I want to look like a zombie ballerina everyday. Also watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer helped me.

Shirin said...

great photos, you are so in character! or something.. I love them anyways.


Julie Ling said...

your hair looks so pretty here!

Giada Rose said...

You are a brooding artist alone in a country house, waiting for inspiration.


I hear alot of ppl talking about this new blog .. http://www.la-nouvellemode.blogspot.com/ | run by some 14 year old guy. I guess Tavi is getting some competition?

Anonymous said...

you've seen the ghost of CoCo Chanel perhaps?

felicity said...

something very big love about these, the washed out colours add to this i think.

millions of cells said...

Russian girl secluded in her house while her husband is out at the great war! : ) More precisely, World War II!

Or... an indoor exploration of the house where you found a new polaroid camera and scanner and *GASP* COMPUTER !

Caddy said...

That first shot makes you look older, it reminds me of Gwenyth Paltrow or Grace Kelly

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DS said...

love the style Rookie

hydrahead said...

a bit "misery" by steven king to me.. scary..

Nosideup said...

There's a Miranda July story in No one belongs here more than you about a teenage girl who has a black cloud/shadow/thingie as a lover.
Reminded me of it.

agent 0017/shay said...

kind of old ladyish, strict, proper, plain.......it almost reminds me of a vacation home, which is wierd.....love the blurryness of the pictures. they make it look hazy, like a memory.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of england in the best way possible.

Maxim said...

Love the way in which the first and second picture seem to fit to each other (apart from your arms), like you took a picture of your head and shoulders and then moved the camera down to take a picture of your torso while you were in the same pose. Although your shoulder are twisted.
I just like accidence.
(Sorry for my crappy English)


Emma said...


Visual Culture said...

yeah !

Anonymous said...

I really like the overexposure and grain you're using in some of your photos. It seeps into my brain without me noticing and makes me thing things are dreamier than they really are. Which is pretty damn dreamy.

Anonymous said...

how did you become so young and fabulous! its insanely unfair!
please give me recommendation:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures look like shots from a film. I love how the jumper is over your shoulders, kind of like a posh harvard child?
For some reason, i straight away though of war. You were waiting for someone to come back from war. I suppose it doesnt make sense.

StrangeAsAnjles said...

I love this little set. It's very Sisterwife-Sevigny [it's a word, trust.]

Julie said...

Tavi - love the pics -- the graininess gives them such texture and depth -- very American Gothic-esque to me.

Camila said...

Tavi, i loove your clothes and your styles! I'm a big fan of yours

My trendy blog said...

Your blog is really amazing !
And your style and your photos !
I love it !
Sorry for my bad english but I'm french and I'm your " biggest french fan " . ;) ♥

Jinnyd said...

A story? Even though there are tons of comments about it... I think a story that would fit nicely would be one about a person waiting for someone.

Or waiting anxiously for something.

JO said...

Hey Tavi i'm Josephine.
Those pictures are quite funny you know! i love woody allen a lot and there, you remind me the atmosphere in a woody allen movie and it's also weird because you have a certain ressemblances with scarlett johansson... !!!!
im sorry if my english is not correct ( i'm french )
and i m glad of what's happening to you in the fashion world!! ^^

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