I am not normally one for red carpet dressing (other than the CFDA gala) and last night we didn't even get Tilda or Cate, AND the co-hosting was awkward, AND Twilight is not a horror movie, and Zac Efron STILL HIGHLY RESEMBLES A NEOPET, but Carey Mulligan filled the Prada void that would have been otherwise occupied by Tilda with this dress that looks very pretty and normal at first...

But then when you look at a closer picture, you see this, and if you happen to be looking at the closer picture while it's really late and night and you just ate/drank your weight in sugary products, your reaction is 3x the excitement, or, UDISGHDSLUGWHUIWGSD

Tiny kitchen utensils! For tiny murderers! Chick is basically wearing a Clue gameboard, AND IT IS FANTASTIC.
And Robert Downey Jr. looked awesome.

I would like to think that he and Michelle Obama play kickball together in their matching Lanvin sneakers. WELL DONE, SHERLOCK, WELL DONE.
That's about it. Again, don't really care for red carpet-type stuff BUT throw some tiny knives and bow ties into the mix and I am intrigued. Oh, and TOM FORD. Throw Tom Ford into the mix and I am also intrigued, and also maybe sitting two inches away from the screen, never mind that it is in the corner of the room hanging from a ceiling. I use my floating powers when necessary, okay? Lastly, I love you all more than rainbows.
I had been complaining how black swallows up everything and doesn't show details...I was right...I had no idea what Carey's dress was hiding!
I love that first dress! xo
Agreed, Carey Mulligan's looked so simple! The close up is amazing.
My mouth dropped 97694 feet when I seen the teeny little scissors. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Wow, I would have never noticed those tiny details on the dress! That makes it a thousand times more cooler now.
"Tiny kitchen utensils! For tiny murderers!" yesssss,
Best line ever. I think it's fascinating that you think of tiny murderers in relation to tiny kitchen utensils.
the closer you get to the dress the more oohs and ahhs come out of your mouth, lol. brilliant!
that was the best moment of the night, "i love you more than rainbows"
I really adore Carey Mulligan... ^^
All in all, this year's red carpet was just a big blaaah!! I wish tilda were there X___x nywei... I'm a big fan of yours... keep up the awesome job
Oh wow! You're such a mind reader! Carey Mulligan was certainly my favourite. I thought she looked super pretty in that dress before I knew about all that awesome utensily detail! So thanks for 3x the excitement :-) And <3 2 u 2 little dude :-)
I dreamed about Carey's dress last night, and I didn't even watch the Oscars. What an awesome dress.
I love that dress! so cute :D
Did you see the awesome lady that one best costume design? She had a pink pixie cut and wore a flapper dress with a black sequined hat to one side with jade-colored bangles all up and down her forearms. She rocked!
Those details are AMAZING! I never would have noticed it, I was wondering what the details were.
Sarah from The Etiquette Cult
I thought I heard someone say
"I love you more than rainbows"
I wasn't sure though and thought it just sounded like
"i love you more than rainbows"
then i thought i was clever for making that up because there was no way someone would ever say that..... but i stand corrected. he DID say that and I love him.
I'm steeling it though
more than rainbows? wooooooaaaaahhh
i missed tilda so much too! and also noticed that Twilight was in the horror movie montage...so lame. As was Edward Scissorhands, which is obviously the best movie ever, but is it really under Horror?
I also missed this. I want this dress, it is the most amazingly awesome thing ever.
oh wow
her dress is wicked
I think Carey Mulligan's dress is the best,too.
But I didn't notice that the dress has tini kitchen utensils!!
So loooovely!
I love that Carey's dress looks fairly normal from far away, but it totally makes you do a double take and go, "wait, WHAT is that?!" Love it! So amazing!
hahaha, I love you more than rainbows... when he said it, all of my friends in the room looked at each other and went "did he just? really? nooooo... ewwwww..."
I've been a long time reader but this is the first time I've been compelled to comment...Because I was watching the Oscars alone there was no one for me to turn to and say...WTF! Twilight is SO NOT a horror movie?!....but you just filled that void. lol Thank you.
What neopet does Zac Efron look like?! Inquiring minds need to know!
"Twilight is not a horror movie" THANK YOU!
Oh, and I'm in love with Carey Mulligan.
That dress is hilariously awesome.
I love Carey M's extensive Prada collection. It suits her so well. Haaaa mini murder weapons are amazing on dresses, no?!
And the "I love you more than rainbows" haha i didn't know whether to be "awwwww!" or "whaaaaat?"
Oh my GOD THAT IS THE BEST FUCKING DRESS OF MY LIFE. I can't even handle how amazing it is. I want to get married in that dress.
'I love you more than rainbows...' That really made my day *__*
oh my god, i've never seen a close up of carey's dress. i love it about 109283470132 times more now!
love CM and her blonde hair. she's very delicate, it's kind of hard to look away.
lets dress in black and kidnap that prada wonder. holy dear, its beyond my thoughts right now.
that dress is like AMAZING!!!
im soooo Hamaze!!!(with capital "H")...i lurv that utensils there!!!!
im soooo Hamaze!!!(with capital "H")...i lurv that utensils there!!!!
im soooo Hamaze!!!(with capital "H")...i lurv that utensils there!!!!
Doesn't Zac Efron play that transgender character on The L Word?
Bowties are always a win/win situation.
And why are they trying to pass off Twilight as a horror movie? Why?
"Zac Efron STILL HIGHLY RESEMBLES A NEOPET" ah ah ah love your sense of humour Tavi
a parisian reader
Love Carey's dress! It was one of my favourites!
GASP. that dress is too awesome!
I really hadn't noticed the detailing on Carey's dress so thanks a lot for sharing. Now I love it!
Carey looked amazing! But all of the post-Oscar television shows ripped her apart! That dress was incredible, though
Dude thanks for posting those close ups, I would have never known the awesomeness of that dress if you hadn't done that! :)
i watched the awards for the first time in a while. Spill.com did a live review and it made it worth it to watch, you should check out their site.
That mulligan girl's Prada is pretty snazzy. You can tell from the full body shot that the dress has oddly shaped rhinestones and sequins, but until i saw this this morning, I had no idea they were little charm thing (I think i see a fork and knife, and a few gears?). weird. awesome but weird.
"AND Twilight is not a horror movie"
and that's what SHE said. as in, my sister...
What was up with the horror movie tribute. I agree. Twilight can not fall under that category.
Thanks so much for posting the close up on that dress, I saw it in a lot of reviews on other blogs, but I didn't notice the details, it's so much fun!
Downey really did look smashing! I thought It was a bit like what Johnny Depp tries to pull on the red carpet, except executed perfectly. Though admittedly I didn't recognize him at first glance!
In Class, En Vogue
I think Carey looked stunning and that dress, is just, unexplainable...
I WILL MARRY RDJ ONE DAY i will.... i promise...
The prada dress had me two inches from the screen as well! It was amazing and kept me from barfing at all the other frou-frou dresses.
I loved Carey's dress, too. I thought it was a great little nod toward the usual embroidery standbys. They took something seemingly mundane (and not 'beautiful') and made it adorn the dress in such a magnificent way. Truly artistic.
Agree! Carey Mulligan was superb in this fabulous original Prada dress , one of my favorite that night!All the details are incredible, stunning and unique.
Love your blog Lady Tavi!
Have a nice day!
I may have to do a little DIY after seeing that ah-mazing dress.
...and they most usually show the photo of this dress where it's not possible to see these AMAZING details. I thought it was pretty dress without even seeing this close-up but now I am in love with it, totally. I think it's brilliant and it brings some humour to this dead-serious red carpet which is always a good thing! :)
You know what else is not a horror movie? Young Frankenstein is not a horror movie.
That montage reminded me of the time they had those blair witch kids on the oscars. Hey kids! You're invited to our party too! Cmon, we need your demographic to sell ads!
Where if they really want to attract the cool kids, they should pay homage to the Mayles brothers and Harold and Maude and Tom Courtenay.
I LOVE RDJ, I am so glad he got his act together.
I've NEVER EVER seen the Oscars & have no desire. I cant think of one person I know who watches it.:/ ..
ah Carey, flying the flag for Britain in Prada. Never been so patriotic.
omg tavi you are simply wonderful to have noticed the tiny details on carey's dress. if it hadn't been for you, i wouldn't have noticed at all! thank you!
That dress is beautiful. I also loved the dress she wore to the BAFTAS!
What a good idea from robert D. Jr!
Really awesome you're right!
A little touch of blue and everything's more fun =D
I liked the dress without details, but MAN is that awesome!!!
I love Carey Mulligan and her absolutely divine dress.
I fell in love with Carey Mulligan's dress before I even saw the details. Look at all the people staring at her behind! Love it all the more now though :)
Tilda wasn't there? I'm sure I saw a picture of her, but maybe from an old one?
Did you know that rainbows at night time are called MOON BOWS?! I love you more than moon bows.
And more than that dress, but only just.
Did you know that rainbows at night time are called MOON BOWS?! I love you more than moon bows.
And more than that dress, but only just.
Did you know that rainbows at night time are called MOON BOWS?! I love you more than moon bows.
And more than that dress, but only just.
la première robe est tout simplement magnifique
i admire you so much! i was 13 myself when i started blogging, and a year later (now 14), have nearly 500 followers, and i just want to thank you. you inspired me. so thank you tavi, i hope for you the best :) emma xoxo
obsessed with that prada dress
love it. you should turn your blog into a book. i'd buy two copies. a lot of other people would too. you are quite the inspiration girlie.
Loved Carey's dress, and was surprised yesterday when nearly everyone around me at FIDM complained about how awkward and awful they thought it was. Not too surprised, though, because most of my classmates just want to copy what's in Vogue. Which is fine, except that would be copying and many of them have no original thoughts.
Wow, I hadn't noticed Carey's dress was so, what's the word. I can't think of it, but the detail is really fantastic.
Robert Downey did look so great and he seems so happy which is excellent! He can carry off just about anything. Don't forget Sandra Bullock as her dress was pretty amazing as well!
Tavi! Can I come to your house next year and watch the Oscars with you? Because you totally got the things MY MOM does not... like how Twilight is not a horror movie... and how "I love you more than rainbows, baby!"
SO with you on the twilight not being a horror film. it agitated me :(
ahh i am absolutley IN LOVE with Carey Mulligan's dress! thanks for the close up!
love you all more than rainbows.
Fav quote of the day!
1) I agree, he completely does look like a neopet! Never thought my hours on neopets would be good in REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS!
2) Love love love that tiny murderer dress
3) Love you all more than rainbows, very nice! Original and cute. :)
Carey Mulligan's dress was a standout for me too. :)
OOOOOOOOH, Carey Mulligan!!! Why is she just SO awesome. And when I found out that the already AMAZAZING dress she wore had tiny kitchen utensils on it, my heart smiled. A LOT. Robert Downey Jr. is just always awesome. Double awesome.
'I love you guys more than rainbows.' i see what you did there. your cool, Tavi. =]
OOOOOOOOH, Carey Mulligan!!! Why is she just SO awesome. And when I found out that the already AMAZAZING dress she wore had tiny kitchen utensils on it, my heart smiled. A LOT. Robert Downey Jr. is just always awesome. Double awesome.
'I love you guys more than rainbows.' i see what you did there. your cool, Tavi. =]
Robert Downey Jr. was definately killing it, but did anyone see the director of Precious, Lee Daniel's, rocking Boateng? Now he was smokin!
that dress! gasssp
ahh! i love how you word everything! love!
I know this is really random but Carey's dress reminds me of an old Stephen King movie called Cat's Eye that Drew Barrymore was in as a child. It had this little gnome that was tormenting her and fighting off her cat with this tiny sword. It's well before your time but if you ever get a chance to see it, you should.
I also love that there are nuts & bolts on the dress. I've always wanted to do something like that.
i'm so delighted you posted that close-up tavi
i liked the shape of the dress and the shoes when i saw it on other sites, but no others showed these culinary delights...
we love you just as much, little bo peep
love that dress
Thank you so much for this close up! made my morning :D
Um.... You can make ur own...
Sticks some forks to your dress.
This innovative comment brought to you by the shameless self promoters at
HA ! this first dress is killing me !! <3
your blog makes me SMILE LIKE CRAZY!!! Thanks for turning my awful awkward uncomfortable day into a gigglefest. i really do love this blog more than rainbows.
AAH :) Love your blog, your clothes, your life... SO JELLY!
My friend Emma and I love fashion blogs so we decided to start our own. We'd love it if you checked ours out we're trying to get started.. P.s. We also DIEDD over Mias dress. coolest thing ever? i think so ;)
love love love....
can't think of anything intelligent or fashion-y to say other than that, sorry to be such a terrible critic. BUT EVERYONE CAN BE.
ciao, love =]
I just those were sequins! Oh, goodness, Miuccia is a genius and Carey has a great sense of style. Bravo to both! I also loves SJP in Chanel Haute Couture and Diane Kruger, also. It is good to see something different than the old Armani Privé, Atelier Versace, etc. Little antique-y forks, knifes, etc...now that is just amazing! Well done!
Oh my...you're so right! I was surprised by Kristen Stewart's dress...she is always dressed up like a junkie addict but apparently she hit the nail this time!
I love Carey, and I love Tilda, therefore I love you!
In my twitter I have write about Carey that she is the best dressed women for this year!! What do you think ?
I agree! Carey's dress was amazing. I thought RDJ looked quirky and adorable too. And yes, Tom Ford looked incredible in his tux. I also loved SJP's Chanel haute couture dress.
"I love you all more than rainbows"
That was great. :D
you are hilarious!
OMG LOL how did you even notice that??? Her dress is insane and I thought it was just fancy girlie glittery sequiny things but holy shit it's tiny kitchen utensils!! and for tiny murderers hahaha i swear girl, you are totally bonkers :) i love it.
My gosh! I totally missed that they were little utensils... I was just thinking that's some pretty heavy hardware to have on a dress.
I love that black dress!
How does Zac Efron resemble a neopet?
Robert Downey Jnr is so wonderful.
Blue bowties are the business.
Lovely choice of red carpet photos! They DO look awesome <3
carey's dress is awesome!!
i invite you to visit my blog i am a starting designer and journalist so there are some photos of my first collection. u are welcome!)
take care)
Aleksandra ( Moscow, Russia)
ah carey mulligan's was my favorite!
i LOVE carey mulligan. an education = my favourite movie of '09. good on her for getting an oscar nom for her first big moovie!
Mahoosive kudos on this post for managing to sneak in a neopet reference. Win :)
UDISGHDSLUGWHUIWGSD was the EXACT words I said when I saw that....
Although I did think it was kind of cute !......in a UDISGHDSLUGWHUIWGSD kind of way .....
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have been looking all over for a closeup of that damn dress.
Hot dress.
Carey Mulligan's Prada dress is cute - and the embellishment is funny, but that's the problem - this is no Oscar material.
Fine for the kids choice awards are some other red carpet of that category.
But for the Academy Awards a little bit more class please!
So awesome! I THOUGHT that those beads looked a little weird from far away....
this pretty much brings it to a new level. What a perfect Oscars dress!!
I'm all for quirky but this is too cutesy for me also.
...this young lady looks a bit like you Miss Tavi. We always aesthetically gravitate to our (physical) counterparts. Tis why I adore Rosario Dawson.
[cue sfx: crickets chirp]
amazing. I can't believe I missed this detail!
dress is wonderful and I am surprised that so few people are turning attention to her, the blog is great, you have an interesting perspective on fashion.
Feel free to me ....
I LOVED carry's dress and i think it is so fantastic that its little pieces of silverware she looks like some fantastic magnet who stood too close to a doll house!!
love the hair as well, dark roots look really sexy on her because she does have a cheap look at all.
lady d. for IMPROPER OPERA
I found her dress to be the most interesting and gorgeous one! This year, I felt like everyone wore a similar dress :(
I had not noticed the detailing on Carey's dress before. Interesting. I like it.
Chicago Blogger Meet Up on April 10. Love to see you there!
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Good eye! I sat through the entire excruciating Oscars show and never once noticed the detail on her dress. Absolutely love it.
when u grow older you'll start looking at these fashions with other eyes. when ur young(and there's no judgement here only a constatation of a fact) you tend not to understand thus be dazzled by fashion as hierarchy there comes a moment when unatainable beauty, beauty with no substance especially zeitgeist substance, becomes endearing
What a saucy lady.... wearing utensils to the Oscars.
Who thinks they should give out an Oscar for whoever shows up best dressed? Isn't that why people watch it anyways...
A neopets reference? Beautiful, thank you for that.
And, compared with some of the atrocities that other celebrities drag onto the red carpet, I think Carey's kitchen utensils were definitely classy.
I agree about Robert Downey Jr. - he looks fantastic, and what a gorgeous wifey he has!
I totally did NOT pick up on the kitchen utensils thing - how cool is THAT??
Speaking of rainbows, I'm pretty sure the 3rd image down is you: http://www.andreazevedoart.blogspot.com/
I like the spring colors, and you'd be suprised at what you may find on the Red Carpet. =)
agree agree agree all the way. zac efron is such a neopet. tho i do liek twilight, i totally agree, y was it with horror movies? love carey's dress, didnt notice that when i saw it...
wow, fucking crazy the dress with litels objects
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