big sister / little sister

Prada Fall 2008 / Miu Miu Fall 2010.


brightlightsbigcity said...

that's so awesome that you noticed the similarity. yay for Miuccia Prada!

abrupt said...

kind of cute

zoomslow said...

Not a fan of either :-/ I don't think the shapes are very sypathetic to the body. The clothes seem stiff and awkward. And the lace only seems to reinforce the surface nature of the designs.

bravegrrl said...

great post and i love the miu miu!


WendyB said...

She likes that orange-y color!

Mitchie said...

orange lace. Ahhh the relief, not the usual black lace.
love the pop!

Crystal said...

Well played, Tavi. Well played.


So similar. Great find Tavi. xo

Hannah said...

damn straight... i was thinking mad-men vs twiggy

Editor said...

Looking at the pictures my Dr. Evil pinky was activated. Hmmm. It's nice to see a theme revisited that way.

Also, I just got long skirt that I'm planning on hiking up into a belted sundress- I saw you do that with the prada lipstick skirt and thought it was a great idea :)

Melissa said...


dani d. said...

glad to be a little sis! i would die for that dress and collar.

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

MIUCCIA!!! win.

Anonymous said...

oh wow.

Steffanie's Style said...

love both the brands, love it when designers bring out defusion lines!
check out our fashion blog,recent post: Stle Icon- Whitney Port

Anonymous said...

Lately I prefer Miu Miu to Prada (espacially because the latest Prada knitted collection) - and to notice this similarity - that's kind of briliant, Tavi :)

On the other hand - this might be slightly disturbing, is Miuccia Prada ripping off her own ideas? :)

Erin said...

I'm not a fan. It's kinda grandma-on-cocaine-ish to me.

Ross said...

eh, what is fashion but a continued recycling program? A good one, but recycled still.

Caddy said...

As always Prada makes something like fabrice that reminds you of old lace curtains or tablecloth look cool and current!!

Anonymous said...

Love this prada collection! a little different from the miu miu one but i like it!

Tavi said...

Misery and Ross-My thinking wasn't that she ripped off her own ideas, just a reinterpretation..Miu Miu is supposed to be the little sister of Prada so I just enjoyed this similarity that depicted that very well.

theceelist said...

Miu Miu is all so amazing!!!

Brianna said...

I didn't really like the Prada .... kind of like a bunch doilies all sewn together. But in some ways it is kind of cute!
Visit my fashion blog

Anonymous said...

Good job, my mom made me notice the same thing after viewing the fashion show! I like this connection, it almost look like a little game by Miuccia that people had to solve..and you made it! ahah :)

Lily said...

s0oOoo true ;]

mar said...


Diane said...

haha!Yes! Yes! Yes! Great point!!


Masha said...

hahah that's fun)))

Anonymous said...

You are so amazing and attentive to notice these similarities! I prefer the MiuMiu one.

Emily said...

You have such an incredible eye. How on earth did you put those two together?!


Anonymous said...

ha ha precisely!!!!!!

ITF Style Reporter Sarah Schneider said...

Thats so ironic that Miu Miu's mother company could have the same idea as they did. Maybe it was fate. Or maybe a designer was reviewing past looks.

Unknown said...

HAHA. So similar!

Unknown said...

that remains one of my favorite prada collections EVER!

Stef said...

Or very stylish mother and very cool daughter.

Eloise said...

I must own at least something miu miu before i die


Andie said...

Tavi the more and more I read your posts the more I can't stop! Miu Miu and Prada<3

Izzen said...

Haha, cute. Colours are sexy.

tublogaporter said...


Anonymous said...

I definitely see where you're coming from.

ochamilk said...

makes me wish i had a sister

Anonymous said... first i thought they were all from the same collection!

tobes said...

onw word wow!! the skills in that collection!
xo Tobes

VANESSA said...

Hi Tavi, we are trying to contact you for an interview with our Peruvian magazines Asia Sur and [Bash]( Please let us know when you are available. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I see the similarities, rather hard not to notice them but I am surprised the superiority of the Prada, is a paradox

I invite you to ...

Lady Danger said...

i always thought of mui mui as prada's little sister, but i have a feeling the little sister is growing into her own. it will be interesting to see mui mui grow

lady danger for IMPROPER OPERA

Cecilia said...

i can't look at your blog. if i do, i just become jealous. so i stay clear away from it. but then i come back to your blog. i would be a lot like you if i had the guts. smiles from far off puerto rico...

i have two blogs:

& my brand new one:

just saying..:)

Shawn said...

Big sister needs to give little sister a time out for this...

Anonymous said...

BIG sister no way !! In fashion you must to be unique!!

Sakuradream said...

how keeoooot :3


I think so!

Anonymous said...

That's crazy! I never even realized.

Sarah from The Etiquette Cult

Anonymous said...

we'll i definitely prefer the miumiu version since i thought this prada collection was far too grannylike. eventhough that's probably what was supposed to have been "edgy" or "special" about it... i kinda didn't like it.