do I say this, really? BASICALLY I came home one day and there was a package with a card from the creative director of Prada, Fabio, saying that he and Mrs. Prada saw that I really liked (or was being really creepy/in love with) the Spring 2000 collection and liked my blog (THIS LIL OLD THING? Shucks) and WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? The lip print skirts from that collection? I mean..crazy. When did all this happen again? I am not going to get used to it.

t-shirt from Isabel. american apparel sheer button-down. repetto shoes, gift. rodarte for target tights, and due to FTC regulations I am supposed to let you know that I received compensation and pieces from the rodarte for target collection for my collaboration with target. prada lip skirt. wren black skirt underneath.
Despite my expression I was DYING inside, as I was the WHOLE DAY. I normally wouldn't wear such godly pieces of godliness to school amongst all those MERE MORTALS! With their AXE and their OLD SPICE! But alas, I am a mortal as well; one with greasy fingers and a runny nose, even. Still, I could not resist, and really wanted to break out the grey one this morning.
I don't think there was really any inspiration, I think I wanted to wear the skirt as a kind of babydoll dress and then add semi-gothteenager stuff, like the lace and the sheer button-down, to make it more creepy and less girly, more moody teenager, make it not look like something Charlotte would've worn on Sex and the City. The navy shoes just looked right. And I sort of like the idea of trying to cover a gray t-shirt with a nice button-down and fancy girly lips.
Also, I look like a penguin.

I enjoy how it looks like I'm taking off a wig. Speaking of this hair of mine, it's pretty much grey now! And it's lots of fun, because people can't figure out if I'm 80 or 13. Sometimes I don't know either, as most of the time I just like to bicker about the state of our world and wear hats, in various locations, including school, park benches, and my home.
Had to fasten the skirt to stay up using a baby pin. Putting a hole through the glorious fabric was painful but ended up not really affecting the skirt, THANKFULLY. And it sort of adds to the babydoll dress thing, in a weird way.

t-shirt from Isabel. american apparel sheer button-down. repetto shoes, gift. rodarte for target tights, and due to FTC regulations I am supposed to let you know that I received compensation and pieces from the rodarte for target collection for my collaboration with target. prada lip skirt. wren black skirt underneath.
Despite my expression I was DYING inside, as I was the WHOLE DAY. I normally wouldn't wear such godly pieces of godliness to school amongst all those MERE MORTALS! With their AXE and their OLD SPICE! But alas, I am a mortal as well; one with greasy fingers and a runny nose, even. Still, I could not resist, and really wanted to break out the grey one this morning.
I don't think there was really any inspiration, I think I wanted to wear the skirt as a kind of babydoll dress and then add semi-gothteenager stuff, like the lace and the sheer button-down, to make it more creepy and less girly, more moody teenager, make it not look like something Charlotte would've worn on Sex and the City. The navy shoes just looked right. And I sort of like the idea of trying to cover a gray t-shirt with a nice button-down and fancy girly lips.
Also, I look like a penguin.

I enjoy how it looks like I'm taking off a wig. Speaking of this hair of mine, it's pretty much grey now! And it's lots of fun, because people can't figure out if I'm 80 or 13. Sometimes I don't know either, as most of the time I just like to bicker about the state of our world and wear hats, in various locations, including school, park benches, and my home.
Had to fasten the skirt to stay up using a baby pin. Putting a hole through the glorious fabric was painful but ended up not really affecting the skirt, THANKFULLY. And it sort of adds to the babydoll dress thing, in a weird way.

And a better picture of the print. Notice how the lips practically GLOW. Do your lips practically GLOW? And those pleeeeeaats. No.words.

The shoes are too big for me but I put them on for the picture. I do and don't want to grow. If I do, I'll fit more into these shoes and other clothes, but I'll also outgrow some of my current favorite pieces. DECISIONS, DECISIONS. Um, not that I have a choice. But! Anyway:

I was also lucky enough to receive the skirt with red lips, which I plan to somehow incorporate into a creepy nurse/Richard Prince outfit.
Oh, life. Oh, people! You are very good to me, and I am lucky. One day I will be saying to my grandchildren, "You know, I once had a blog, which is like those hologram things you kids have now, but it was on a big cubic device. And some people kinda got a kick out of it, and I sometimes got things like skirts from Prada." And they'll be like "LOL OK TIME FOR BED, BUBBE."
1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»I love the dress and that your hair is gorgeous! Definitely not 80!
Love the skirt as a dress. The lips are perfect! xo
I absolutely adored those skirts, you're so lucky! Someday I aspire to be you...only much taller.
If you ever read your devoted fans' comments, please try to stop by my blog sometime.
amazing. amazing. so funny that people think you're 80. :)
CUTE! The greyish blue hair just enhances the outfit :-)
Also, it looks like those shoes are a few sizes too big - are you actually able to walk in them? I'd be falling on my ass in the snow :-P
i am SOOOO jealous!!! I have been trying to find the Prada lips skirt FOREVER!!! I am obsessed with the same collection, i love the sheer dress and skirt with the clock pieces sewn on. I'm so dying right now that they sent you TWO lips skirts!!
Im super jealous!!!!hahahaha...I lurv what you did for the're such Hamzing Tavi...(with capital H!)
By the way for your hair....said my hello to them!lol
Im super jealous!!!!hahahaha...I lurv what you did for the're such Hamzing Tavi...(with capital H!)
By the way for your hair....said my hello to them!lol
Hahaha Tavi, you make my day. I wish I was as cool as you when I was 13... heck, I wish I was as cool as you right now :) Live it up girl, even though your grandkids probably won't care enough to appreciate the awesomeness of your teenage life!
Oh, my God. Oh my GOD. Tavi- you-
I don't even-
You are so lucky. You are... my mind is just blown right now. I can't even imagine being 13 (Two year difference, but pff) and GETTING PACKAGES FROM PRADA AND WORKING WITH RODARTE AND... just doing all the things you do. It's crazy. It's amazing. It's beautiful. I can't imagine anyone better to recieve things and appreciate things like this but you.
First time commenter! Long time reader.
ohh gosh, you look wonderful, what a lovely surprise for you!
What an honor, I am completely envious. One word LUCKY!!!
You should scan the letter, and put it up!!
♥ MADISON thing
something special
Very creative using the skirt as a dress. You rocked it!! ad You write magnificently!
Love the skirt as a dress. I got what you were going for without the explanation.
Looks awesome.
I've loving the glossy colour of your shoes! Its a lovey shade. You totally have a lot more style than I do. :)
you know what i want? those ss10 prada crystal shoes with the turquoise heels. oh my god. i want them SO hard.
so if you could manage to get your hands on those and send them on over to me that would be great. thaaaaanksss.
Hooray for Richard Prince and his (not so creepy) nurses. And you, little lady, are such a gem!
Love it, I remember loving those when they came out and back then people didn't even have the courtesy to do high street rip offs, for shame ;) You are very lucky and you equally deserve all the success x
Fabulous...I love lip prints!
I love that lil ponytail you've got going on! This outfit is freakin' marvelous. But obviously that is because you are wearing the Tin-Tin shirt I sent you, nothing to do with the Prada skirt (LOL).
PS - Did you ever get around to making the scrapbook?
Isabel, check your DMs!
Okay so it was so strange when I looked at the first photo because I didn't even realize it was you. You looked older? yeah, older. But I was glad to see that your writting style hadn't changed;)
LOL girl you are hilarious!! I love reading your writing, makes coming to your blog worth every single second! :) Yes, you ARE very lucky to receive that skirt!!!! I mean, c'mon..... it's PRADA!!! I would be psyched receiving anything Prada, even if it's just a Prada safety pin LOL. Anyway, I love the Babydoll silhouette and the moody teenager vibe you have going on.. oh, and I love you hair!!! 13 or 80, who cares??? lol.
Take care miss lady!
great outfit. love that skirt and the "moody teenager" combo. perfecto.
You're gorgeous and actually deserve all the attention you're getting.
In the future, children do not laugh out loud. Their expression of amusement shall be far more advanced.
hahahaha you will be the best bubbe, other than my own of course
I am so jealous! i would pay ANYTHING to have a hold of any one of those skirts! :'(
yo tav you look kinda tall in these pics.
ah tavi that is so cool...
God God God. How, oh wonderful Tavi, are you so funny? Haha YOUR GRANDCHILDREN BETTA BE GRATEFUL YOU THEY GMAMA! :)
Love it!
teri at
I love using skirts as dresses :)
ok jokes done you can delete that comment and this one.
It is necessary for me to say how jealous I am of you? I'm bitter.
I love you!!! x
Seriously love this on you and how you've put it together, and to be honest you look like you could be in late HS or early college in this.
very it!
wow, ive been reading your blog for just under a year now and suddenly you dont look so child-like. TAVI IS GROWING UP! haahaaa love youuuuuu
Hi Tavi
You are pretty awesome :)
I adore your self confidence and unique style. Well done on this blog.
Best wishes from Australia,
i think your grandchildren would be the coolest people on the planet (only, of course, if you marry johnny bravo)
i love your hair color, it doesnt seem to me like your and old lady at all! i think you kinda look more futuristic... idk it looks fantastic
I cannot think of anyone more deserving that you (yes you bubbe) to have received those prada skirts is what your grandchildren will say ♥
omfg, Tavi. The last line cracked me up too much. I have totally been wondering about you growing for a while. I thought it was just me being creepy. Which isn't to say that I'm not, but I feel less creeper knowing you put thought into it too.
Waaaawwwwww coo Tavi..I'm jealouse of your life :) I wish I could be you in my 13rd years are inspirations.
wow. just wow.
hahaha lol at the cubicle comment...prob same :/
Dress ia really nice
I am just loving the way you are wearing the skirt as a tube. Genius Tavi!
That's pretty awesome! I, too, love the pleats and the print is too great.
amazingly Tavi!;-)
You are truly lucky (or just hard working...I guess a little of both), but I think you deserve such "little" treats for writing this amazing blog.
There's an article about you in Norwegian ELLE now btw :)
And you make me want to dye my hair blue/grey too...but that will soon happen anyway so I might not need to use
If someone from Prada sent me something , i would die instantly . Even if it were from the lowest ranked person that works in Prada . Hahaha ! That Lip Print skirt is reaaal nice , you pull it off perfectly .
I looooove it!
OMG you are so lucky!!!! I am dead jealous now == the skirt is just so sweet!!!
the skirt is so pretty!
you're so lucky!
:)) Funny comment at the end. Enjoy your skirts!
I think you can avoid growing.
"Whenever you go out shooting you'll never know who you run into!
While shooting in a new neighborhood I met Silver, an assistant to Rei Meowakubo throughout the eighties and who helped design some of her most famous deconstructed pieces."
Oh wow, you're so lucky! I would kill for that skirt.
I love the way you have styled what could have been a 'twee' skirt with some harder edged sheer and patterned black pieces. LOVE IT!
Embrace being shorter while you can, I was almost 6ft by the time I was 15!! No clothes fitted me!!
Love your look, your hair + prada skirt = beautiful combination. Lucky you. And thank you to put a smile unto my face this morning (France) for always putting that "+" of humour. Live long little gran'ma
finally some tavi-selfportraits again! just gorgeous!
Fuck, you're lucky.
What perks, can you send them round to me when your finished
Sleekit x
Oh my god. No words. Well, just one. Jealousy. You're really so lucky - I'm 14, only a year older than you, but am in no way heralded as a young fashion genius. It could be just because I'm incredibly lame, though. Either way, appreciate what you've got, you have no idea how many girls wish they could be in your position!
How lovely! I'm so happy for you, that's such a great surprise, and in the mail on top of that! getting mail is pretty much the greatest thing other than Prada skirts. They chose I good print for you. I enjoy how the hair is fading!
Christina Barrera
Amazing ! The skirt is fantastic!
Funny style, congrat'!!!
lovee your blog , x
You are all kinds of fabulous! What a wry and wicked sense of humour you have! We need to redefine aTAVIsm... :)
Please please never fade away.
The Dusk Zone
create outfit...very innovative.
this is a great look! love the lip skirt.
Me gustan tus zapatos! Tienes cierto parecido a Andy Warhol en la segunda foto...
Wow what an honour!
It is funny when they send you womens clothes though which are clearly not going to fit you!
But yove made it work as a dress!
totally love the black and white o you!
x amber
Well, that's actually pretty amazing, and now you can talk to Miuiccia about the dog print, and this.
I don't know if anyone else has said this, but have you thought of wearing those shoes with chunky socks? It would stop them slipping around on your feet, and plus it would look cute :)
It would be a shame not to wear them other wise.
Okay, so I really love that. One of my favorite things I've seen on your blog.
Also, I'm totally jealous! And find it very rad that your grandkids will call you Bubbe.
love the ponytail
xx helen
Oh my goodness! I can't even imagine, that's so exciting. Congratulations on the new additions to your wardrobe. I love how you wore the skirt.
That outfit looks the most fabby of all with your hair!
You are beautiful,i love your hair!!
I wanna dye my hair just like you
klara from hungary =)
I love your whole outfit. I want people to wonder if I'm 86!!!
Tavster (I say this as if I am BFF with you),
This post actually made me laugh a bunch of times. My friend Georgia, is looking over my shoulder as I write this and she is freaking out because she thinks I know you but I keep telling her I don't and she doesn't believe me. I WISH I KNEW YOU. In any event, you are supppeeerrrrr lucky these designer send you stuff! Never in my wildest dreams would I ever foresee this happening to me! Also, I decided to comment because for school I had to do this assignment on a book I read that was primarily based on the future. One of the options was to write a blog post commenting on what the world would be like in 2085. Ironically, just like you I said they were holograms! HA! I guess it is just one of those things that only I find funny, especially now that I write it out it is not funny to someone else at all.
Anywayyyy, if you would ever have a spare moment, if you checked out my blog I would be screaming as if I was the one who got the prada skirt!
You're too cool.
I think these are my favorite photos of you!! Love it...the hair and the shoes :)
richard prince's creepy nurses! make it happen!!!
I love that you appreciate what you have in the here and now. Glad I found your blog, you are a talented writer, funny and insightful.
I love that you appreciate what you have in the here and now. Glad I found your blog, you are a talented writer, funny and insightful too and with a great collection of photographs and self portraits.
I am in love with your hair color...
I am in love with your hair color...
Tavi, you make laugh a lot... your posts are unbelievable for a person your age.
Love the skirt :-)
Gift packages from Prada! WHOA!!!!
I love the way you styled this one especially the first picture. The outfit looks great with your hair.
Ya know, I kinda love your grey/blue hair! I think it's a unique and beautiful color for it to fade to.
And on the the subject of Prada sending you the goods? I am one jealous girl :)
This may me one of my favorite outfits you've posted.
I wish I looked like a penguin!
L x
That's a great idea to hike the skirt up and make it into a dress. I want to do that!
Very very cool to come home and recieve a package from Prada.
I like the way this tee looks with your Prada skirt. Usual things like phones, bikes or parts of the body look grotesque on clothes from great designers.
I think I prefer growing, because I can buy new clothes and alter old ones.
(By the way, your hair rocks!)
Ummm- WOW! I love how your modeling this amazing moment outside your garage. Go you! I think if I had ever gotten something like that in the mail when I was a kid I would have just crapped my pants!
you are delightful, tavi!
This skirt wouldn't be half as cool if it was worn the 'traditional' way. So - way to go, this is one awesome outfit :)
Finally...Snowphotos! That is the thing I have missed most with all your incessant globetrotting.
i just love you.
ah i love the gray!
tavi your grey hair is beautiful! i wish i could pull something like that off x
Tavi! I love more the shoes, and more the dress!
A big kiss blue hair :)
Wow, your life just keeps on getting more and more surreal! Um, Prada on the doorstep?!?! The last thing that arrived on my doorstep was a box of contact lenses, le sigh, I am so boring and poor and old!
One of my fave outfits of yours!! Love the tights!!
You are looking absolutely gorgeous in this outfit. Most of the time I have to get used to the way you dress up, but this makes you look all grown up and hot !! And the hair, very modelesque !!!
I am in love with your skirt! I love the ensemble!!! =p
wahhhH I love it, <3
It's always fun when people get confused by your hair. I once had very pink hair and people thought it was a wig. On vacation I tried some cheap wigs and people looked really weird when hot pink came out from under a brown wig xD
all I have to say is cool beans.
Oh my, you're so lucky! I really would like to do something different with my hair but I'm so un-imaginative, hmm.
Wow, you lucky girl! I love how you've styled it. It looks great with the sheer top underneath it.
And your hair is looking wonderful! I love the grey colour it's gone now. It really suits your skin tone.
Clare x
Love the lips on the skirt!
Wow, that's so amazing to have Prada sent to you from Miuccia herself! I think your hair looks great the way it's fading. I met you super breifly at the IFB conference. It was great to meet you and hear you and everyone else on the panel. I hope I didn't come off like a crazy person, telling you I've been a reading your blog for two years!!
I just want the shoes!
Aww I really like this outfit!
And I enjoy short ponytails so HOW VERY ATTRACTIVE OF YOU.
You are amazing. Your style is so creative and that hair of yours is growing on me every day. :D
Congrats on the new acquisition!
holy cow, this is fab!! bet you love this one, too?
mere mortals...i see.
!!!! lucky!!!! seriously, I'd love any designer to send me anything (well, maybe not a toothpick...) You are really lucky!
On another note, could you, um, kinda, give me permission to use you as my inspiration. I design clothes (on my blog) and I'd love to make a mini collection based on your clothes (I'd draw child models XD not my stick figures)
Comment here, i'm watching follow up comments. And I don't mind you saying no :)
ah, my last comment made me sound like I see you as really small/young. I just meant that my stick thin models aren't realistic and what you wear would probably look strange on them :S
I can't believe you're just 13. What you've been doing is making me jealous 'cause I wished to get involved in fashion since I's as young as you but It's too late now. Oh! I forgot introducing myself. I'm from Bangkok, Thailand. Second time visit your blog. So far I love it and adore your genius. Good job!!!
It´s so beautiful!
i love the skirt-as-dress concept. it looks kickass on you
Tavi, you crack me up every time I read! I really admire your personality!
wow you're really lucky to receive all that gifts))) skirt is really lovely))
Lucky lucky LUCKY! You're so talented with your blog, Tavi!! ( my fashion blog)
hey tavi! i use to read your blog alot but i have been really busy lately and havnt been able to get around to my daily blog reading but i just wanted to say your a huge inspiration!
hey tavi! i use to read your blog alot but i have been really busy lately and havnt been able to get around to my daily blog reading but i just wanted to say your a huge inspiration!
Hey, I'm in the camp that believes that you don't have to reveal your sartorial sources. Fuck 'em! It's nobody's business. In fact, blogging is becoming so business...everybody is trying to be Tavi!!!!!
I really like the dress.. it's so gorgeous! it's very different to normal dresses, and very original.I want more trends of the lips!
I love everything about this outfit. I love how you use pieces in such unique ways. And I am in love with your navy shoes
Tavi, you are awesome. Great post, great outfit. I was thoroughly entertained :)
Wow. That is beyond cool.
And so are you btw. You're, what, 13? And you write like a professional author. Haha no wait you don't, you write like... Oh I don't know, you write like a grown-up anyway, a grown-up with A LOT of humor. I DO get a kick out of your posts. :)
Wow!! Thats pretty cool - freebies from Ms Prada!! the color ur hair!!
jealousy? yes.
your hair is amazing!
Your hair looks beautiful, and the last paragraph is brilliant.
Wow!!! I so wish I was in your shoes right now. love the skirt.
Just discovered you. AMAZING! Oh, your blog is pretty great too.
Tavi - you're gorgeous. Love the hair, love the outfit - those shoes!
Wonderful. You make my day (and it was a good day anyway!).
Take good care,
Tavi - you're gorgeous. Love the hair, love the outfit - those shoes!
Wonderful. You make my day (and it was a good day anyway!).
Take good care,
...if you pin it from the inside, the safety-pin won't show...
* ; )
and YOU are one lucky chick!!! What a cool surprise to get that package!
You are sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo SO lucky :]
I love the outfit you made with it!
wOWWWwwwww. NO WORDS. Well maybe one. I would be peeing my pants if i received such a gift ;)
FABULOUS. Love how u mixed these.
xo, Kim
luv the outfit. . .r they coming out with more rodarte stuff? I got this relly coo skirt, shirt, and rain coat. . .LOVE THEM!
luv the outfit. . .r they coming out with more rodarte stuff? I got this relly coo skirt, shirt, and rain coat. . .LOVE THEM!
this is my favourite post this year, i love everything about what you are wearing and saying :)
thanks taviii
I love this! -why do I find myself refering to the whole grandmama thing (rocking chair scenario with the grandkiddlings)ahhhhh? One minute blogging seems so of the late, the next: reality. For Tavi, this is not a problem, !keep rocking el mundo chica!
Im so jelous, those skirts are amazing! I think they would also look really cool if you wore the black lip one in skirt form with your vintage plaid dr.Martens or something.
I've been reading your bloggeroo since the almost-beginning, Tavi, and I must say...
You've grown a lot since the beginning. Seeing your style evolve and grow — not just with your clothes or outfits, but also YOU! — is almost like having a distant relative or younger cousin that you just stare at in awe for all of the wonderful things she is accomplishing on her own and can't help but feel REALLY proud of her. Maybe I sound like a crazy person now, but you know what ... oops and too bad? Ha! You've decided to bring the world along with you on your ride into the fashion world, and I'm pretty sure there are more people who feel like this too. So I'm not the ONLY crazy person, right? T_T
In any case. Congratulations to you and all you do. Keep it up.
And I LOVE your hair at this mini-length, and the color. Keep it like this. =P
"Time for bed, bubbe..."
Damn, you are fun to read.
hi, would love to know what you used on your hair for that gorgeous shade. a blue toner or dye?
thanks so much.
hi, would love to know what you used on your hair for that gorgeous shade. a blue toner or dye?
thanks so much.
I want your colour of hair. It's kinda perfect. I'm 13 also and it cracks me up about how your classmates and teachers react to how you dress. It's sometimes reminds me of some of the reactions I get. My favourite part of the outfit is either the tights or duh, the skirt/dress. Btw I live in Canada and its always too cold to wear skirts in the winter, so consider yourself lucky:) That is all.
P.S. I love the pin.
Ok I don't think its the gray hair, but you seem taller? No you are just growing up in front of the world! Haha.
Anyway, you know you've made it when you get personally invited to a Prada Show. You are such an inspiration.
Keep up the hard work!
Love the hair TAVI! I think it just add's to your personality. oh and BTW the dress/skirt is a total WIN:) Good job
I love how you wore the skirt as a dress! It's so cute!! And your hair looks adorable in this post (I'm still loving the blue color)!! Visit/followmy blog when you get the chance!!
I can't believe you did that to your hair! Looking like your 80 should be left until you ARE 80!
Tavi! I thought of you today after reading this post! I was shopping in SoHo and randomly stopped into the Philosophy Di Alberta Ferretti store and guess what their new line is? huge LIPS! I'll be posting them on my blog later this week but if you're too impatient check out the site it made me laugh to think of the co-inky-dink.
Much love,
Keep being exactly who you are,
i love the outfit :)
cute skirt!!
OMG you have no idea how jealous I am that you have correspondance with Miuccia Prada and Rei Kawakubo. P.S., I just read your interview in POP. I lovedddd it!!!!
I think I would die if I met Miuccia Prada.
I don't know what would happen if I met Rei Kawakubo. Just the thought makes it hard for me to breath.
oh tavi- that little bit at the end made me laugh. also, that skirt is AMAZING and your hair looks AMAZING and i kind of want to be you. thank you for your time.
The skirt is beautiful and I really like how you've styled it as a dress. What an amazing gift!
beautiful skirt and I love the hair such a statement ;)
Ah, j'adore my dear.
This outfit is perfection.
Looking back on your older posts, you have grown into such a gorgeous and stylish young lady. (Gah, I sound like I'm some 40 year old housewife reminiscing over my baby girl's path through life, when I'm only a few years older than you :p)
Well I ramble too much and this is lovely.
Forget the hair color. All of a sudden you look all grown up!In such a good way! I know you are not rushing it, and that is brilliant. I have no doubt you will keep it real!
Kudos! (could've added Kiddo but how gross would that have been. Yeah forget about it)Blessed be!
And the writing. Oh the writing!!Gaw! I'm in awe! Thanks for the insight and inspiration.
Wow... call me immature for my age (I'm a gay 27-year old guy), but I want to dislike you. However, you are like my fave anti-hero. I wish I were as creative as you at that age. Bravo darling! Keep at it.
Grey hair...ponytail...Karl Lagerfeld? ;-)
Loving your hair at the moment - really suits you!
Please check out my new blog:
And if you like it click follow please :)
xo's's not like i love it so much that it could get me feel envious or i can't lie. I FREAKIN' LOVE this look! not just because it's Prada though. I mean really, this is like my favourite look of yours, dear.
OOOOH! Lucky you!!! Gifts from Prada! The look is fab. And those Repettos are something you'll really want to grow into. Trust me I have a few pairs and would not be without them.
Hey Tavi. I'm from Singapore (which is nowhere in China's geography,thanks) and your blog is lovely. Btw, I think you look like the grumpy old lady who lives down the street and wears smelly kooky clothes. But cuter I suppose.
Tavi I LOVE THE HAIR. MY used to have gray hair and then she tried to die it silver with henna dye (the best) but it turned kinda purple which LOOKED FANTASTIC and i think you should head in that direction if you feel like shaking things up. I always prefer the crazy 80 year olds anyway.
Improper Opera
i dont know which detail is my fav so cannot decide :) fab !!
I was going to say how lucky you are but I don't think it's luck you've been passionate and true about fashion because you love it and probably never expected all this - so hard work paid off ☺☺ Your hair is looking a little Andy Warhol - I think it's great that you aren't able to be put into a box!
what's your next hair color???!
how exciting! and i love how you wore the skirt here, it looks perfect!
You are the coolest person I know. Or don't know, rather. But the coolness remains.
awesome skirt/hair!! i would do the park bench thing too, just sayin...
I love this post! Your enthusiasm and excitement are contagious. Congrats on the Prada skirt, I love that you got it from "Prada and the Missus", so cute!
I feel like this post more than any other I've read is truly inspiring. Right on, Bubbe!
After that little ponytail your wearing in that picture, I am seriously considering cutting my hair like yours. But I'm not going to dye it blue-gray, because I am not that brave.
Ciao bella!
So cool Tavi sooo freakin cool!:)
BTW..the pen reminds me when my mom use to pin my brother's diaper...she used the exact same one!:)
*sits at computer being jealous*
I love your shoes :)
you are so cool. i love the bubbe ending.
Hi Tavi,
This is a complete non sequitur, but your profile photo reminds me of Feral Childe's Fall/Winter 2010 collection:
Do you know these designers? I think you would like them.
Here's some earlier stuff from when they were straight from art school.
More great photos on Kylah's photostream on Flickr
These days, Feral Childe is more classic, but still with wacky-intelligent, surprising details.
Full disclosure: I know the designers, but I'm not trying to push them arbitrarily; I really think you would like them!
SUPERR KISS KISSS!!! ★★♥♥★★♥♥★★
Love the hair. May try it someday myself. Right now want to keep the red.
wow, i am a green eyed monster
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