He consistently delivered collections of extravagant creativity, the type of stuff where you just look at it and try to absorb it and you can't believe a person made this. Being lucky enough to gaze at a glimpse into such an artist's vision, and knowing that you can't even imagine everything that was put into making it, and suddenly feeling so happy and joyful about humanity, and life, because, Jesus,
a person made this..is incredibly uplifting. Very rarely are we blessed with a talent so strong and unparalleled and a passion so pure and driven.
It's taken me an hour to write these few sentences, and it seems like all I've been able to do since hearing the news is cry. But now it's time to go back in the style.com archives, in my magazines, to every photo I've collaged and tacked on my wall, and appreciate everything he poured his life into.
So thank you, Alexander McQueen. Rest in peace.
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»this is beyond. a true loss. life it rents us.
I´m so sad! I can´t believe. Alexander was a genious!!! Rest in peace!
I feel so sorry that he felt this was his only option.
May he eternally rest among the angels.
this is a true loss for the fashion world... we will all miss you dearly. thank you for all your great fashions throughout the years... i'll never forget your last fashion show.
he was a true hero.
kurt cobain of fashion.
I am still so shocked. What a truly amazing and empowering man. Very well written: I couldn't have said it better.
Hear, hear!
you took the words right out of my mouth.
maxwell conrad
I'm speechless and shocked. When I first heard about him, I started to cry.
Why do the most talented people have to die? I'm so indescribably sad.
Rest in peace, Alexander!
- B
what an influential artist. he will be missed.
i found out via style.com at school today and i was devastated.
but as we know, only the good die young.
a great visionary is lost. this is tragic. His work was amazing. A true creative genius.
But as McQueen said about the loss of his own mother, "Life must go on." And so it will. He has a legacy, and so, a part of him will always live on in each and every designer he has influenced.
so sad... he was so young!
so sad.
I will probably never know what it's like to have everything (fame, fortune, friends) and still want to die ... and I hope I never will. Regardless of Alexander McQueen's inner demons, the man made intriguing couture and when I think of British chutzpah, I think of McQueen. Elegant yet hard-edged and provocative, his designs were distinctly, surreally British.
such an honest post.
he will be missed. -____-
rest in peace.
True. Rest in peace McQueen.
Noooooooooooooooooo.. .__.
preach, girl, preach.
I heard about it this morning from a random facebook update from this random scene kid I don't know.
Almost cried.
To make it worse, they were playing the music video for Bad Romance on the TV.
You recoginzed his talents, he was truly amazing.
I kept hoping to wake up and it have all been an odd creepy dream. but its not, and I'am made sad.
"So thank you, Alexander McQueen. Rest in peace." Yes.
When I read the news about him,I couldn't believe.I was in another world.The only thing that I did was cry.
Rest in peace Alexander,and very thank you.
Oh my God. This is the worst news ever. Now I want to cry. Alexander McQueen was by far one of the most talented designers of his generation. RIP :(
I was crying this morning and now you have me crying again. so tragic.
Very well said, Tavi. I cried, too. He has no idea how much he will be missed!
So tragic, so sad. Well said, Tavi. RIP McQueen.
Your words are so true and so well-put. You said everything I didn't know how to say. Perfect. RIP McQueen
Such a sad day.
He gave so much beauty to the world, and he will be missed.
I was in shock. It's really just setting in now. He was such an amazing artist and will be dearly missed.
There will never be another. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bCShCcD3N0&feature=PlayList&p=0D3B6D90440B5AF4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=19 Here is a post of his Givenchy collection, fall/winter 1999 and when he astonished the world of fashion with his visionary dress created on the runway. A legend, that will be truly missed forever. Rest in Peace.
your words are perfect, thank you.
So sad. I mourn for the collections that never will be, and yet, as you said, I am so grateful to have seen what I did. A person made those clothes indeed.
Such a shame, we will miss him!
You couldn't have said it better Tavi!
i cried when i found out. it's so tragic. i agree with you 100%. he was a true genius and i hope, for fashion's sake, that his name lives on
God, it's so tragic. So soon after he produced one of the most acclaimed collections of the season.
What a loss.
I think you said beautifully what we all feel. Such a loss. I just hope that the work he's left behind keeps inspiring others to reach as far. I know it will.
the terrible thing is after knowing about his death i had no one to turn to, no one around my world who would know and appreciate what a genious he was. movie stars with not a quarter of his talent die and the whole planet seems to stop for a split of second. its a shame that i feel i cant be fair whit his greatness cause i cant share my feelings... and being silent about something is nearly the same as if that thing didnt exist. a genius, a man who created pieces that should be shown in museums, should be forever remembered and talked about. not just those interested in fashion should mourn: every sensible man or woman should. R.I.P
Those few sentences are more eloquent and true than anything I can even come to think of. It seems like all I can do is read articles and think and express my online emotions via emotions. He learned the rules and then he turned them on their heads...now he's gone and I know that the fashion world will never forget him. RIP
I began to cry when I found out. It's so difficult to grasp the death of such a young talent. He has definately left a mark on this world, and my friends and I miss him greatly. I do wish I had a chance to meet him. =(
McQueen is a hero for many of us...
Indeed today is a very sad day...
No one will be able to replace him... Hopefully we will learn from his life...
Thank you Mcqueen
Really well said, Tavi. Very moving. May he rest in peace.
Beautifully worded. I could not have said it better myself.
He was truly a sole to admire for his impeccable talent and creativity, and his bravery in delving into the fashion world in a way that few others dared.
Alexander McQueen,
Rest in peace.
One of the first shows I ever saw was his spring this year. It was brilliant and what really made me love fashion. I can't belive he is dead already. It's like falling in love and suddenly hearing on the radio that your lover suddenly died. I rarely cry but I think I might now.
Goodbye McQueen. You were amazing.
I cried. Not going to hide it.
At first i sat there, just staring at my screen, MCQUEEN DEAD AT 40. Those words hurt me. How could someone so amazing die.... I then immersed myself in style.com archives. I looked at every single collection available. (And only now is the sadness of the event hitting me.)
RIP Alexander Mcqueen. This crazy world will miss you.
well put tavi.
You couldn't have said it better. Reading that almost made me cry, and while I loved McQueen usually I don't cry when people that I do not know die (of course there are exceptions).
When I see his designs/creations I think "My god, I wonder what goes on in the mind of this person, this is intense and amazing."
:'( nooooo! He cannot possibly be dead. :'( oh dear.
Hello, Tavi! I'm Jessica (: this is my first time visiting your blog, even though I've been seeing you everywhere lately! I have to say, even though I'm a nobody in the blogging/fashion world, you certainly are. I love your style, your writing technique, your hair, and your personality. ♥
Lovely tribute, Tavi.
I could hardly believe when my best friend told me as I left class early this morning. It completely devastated me. His work was such pure and wonder-inspiring beauty. My favorite designer from my first tiny steps into fashion, I am sure I would have broken into tears had this awful news not been delivered by my best friend.
What you have said is very beautiful.
Alexander McQueen, may you rest in peace. We will never forget what you have given us.
2010 has been one blow after another so far. Howard Zinn and JD Salinger were very old, but Alexander was in his prime. It will take decades for another talent like him to develop.
Thak you so much for this beautiful eulogy, Tavi, I think it will be the only thing that gives me any sort of closure. I guess the only thing left to say is "don't get any ideas Galliano!"
Unbelievably sad news. He was an amazingly talented designer who left much much too soon! I went back through his archived runway collections and was so inspired, did a post with images of his work as far back as Spring 2005.
RIP Alexander McQueen
We were talking about this at lunch, and this was said: "You know who's gonna have the best commentary? Tavi."
tribute was paid to his genius. he will be very missed.
Just can't believe it.What a Truly shocking news to wake up to!his designs were like living Arts that walks on the runway…:(
RIP Lee McQueen
I'm so sad.I heard the news yesterday midnight.
His imaginative designs moved me any time.
RIP McQeen...
Mcqueen was a genius and as you said, his creations were just so ebulliant. They stood as a hallmark of human accomplishment and no one will ever be like him. His collections early/mid 2000s were magical and had this overwhelming creativity that just makes you wonder what this man has the we don't. He was the only one of his kind and he surpassed his time in everything he did. His presentations were unrivaled and i think it's best to just look at his work and remember him through his accomplishments, because he sure accomplished a lot. Rip Alexander MCqueen, he was one our generations geniuses
and as selfish as a reason as this may be, i'm really sad that we won't be seeing his a/w 10 collection
Heartbreaking news. I cried when I first read the news online.
Your eloquence on the subject is much appreciated. I hope you don't mind, but I felt that you expressed the sentiment so well that I linked this entry in my own blog.
Hopefully this will inspire others to design more creatively in his honor.
Well said. In fact, you've said it better than most. I read another comment somewhere else today about this tragedy. The person wrote that she would miss the "anticipation of what would come next" from Mr. McQueen. So true.
my heart just stopped
When first hearing about it, I felt like someone just punched me in the chest...beautiful words Tavi
I can't believe this. Thanks, Tavi, for letting the world hear about this.
This is a great tribute to him. He really did some amazing things that we should be thankful for.
Thank you Alexander. May you rest in peace.
rarely do we come along someone who not only designs clothing but designs raw, emotional, beautiful art. rest in peace. all i could do was cry as well.
i have a post about his passing.
Great tribute Tavi. R.I.P. Alex!
Thoughtful and said well Tavi.
i'm still in shock and it's all been said already, but what an incredible mark he's left on the industry. we're truly minus one of the most visionary and uncomprimised designers of our generation.
God this is sad, you said it best. Rest in peace Alexander McQueen.
my heart has now lost a piece of a true genius.
Rest in peace, Alexander McQueen. Those shoes were, are, and always will be SICK, in the best possible way. Tavi, take care.
Alexander McQueen is one of the designers that made me fall in love with fashion. I cannot imagine fashion weeks without him. When I heard the news, this morning, via twitter, I started crying really hard. The walk to school and the day at school was really tough. I started to cry during math. I was so touched by him because he changed the way I look at fashion, and, I am sure, how many other people looked at fashion. At least, his final collection was so amazing. But, it would be wonderful to see more from him. Your post is so heart felt. No one can replace him. Noe what? Like you said, he will be remembered in the numorous good reviews of his shows, and the editorials that gulped up his works of art. May he rest in peace and know that everyone here, loves him and will smile and say wow to all of his creations, for years to come.
He was one of the most creative designers on this planet. RIP :[
You're incredibly eloquent. This made me start crying all over. He will be missed.
RIP Alex :(
Thank u for the words, Tavi.
Love you Alexander
Such a shame that someone so brilliant, so talented, is with us no longer. RIP McQ xx
Quite simply devastating!
He will be sadly missed and never forgotten.
Still can't believe it. So sad.
i am sad beyond words! this quote by lee mcqueen helped me with all my creative stuff since i first read it.
-I use things that people want to hide in their heads. War, religion, sex: things we all think about but don’t bring them to the forefront. But I do and I force them to watch it-
Holy crap.
Everybody, let's stop dying until next year!
Anyway, maybe he thought he was "done" with his life, something like that.
Oh God....It's so so sad !!
I knew it thanks to a french sit, and soon as soon as i read it ... After the huge shock, tears tears tears .......
you said it well, Tavi...
RIP Alexander McQueen, I posted something related this morning...
I still can't believe it...
it was so terribly shocking and ssssooooooooooo sssaaadddd.....
May you Rest In Peace darling Mcqueen...
Lovely Tavi. Thank you.
I only posted this last week
Long live the King
Sleekit x
I was so shocked when I Was about to leave my agnecy last night and just scanned one of those newsletter mails and was happy to read st about Mr. McQueen..And then the first sentence was "He was found dead in his appartment!" SHOCK!
He was one of my favourites, even my blog layout was/is one of his collection..
R.I.P Alexander McQueen!
Damn , that's so sad! :(
I was shocked!
Thank u for the words, Tavi.
Love you Alexander
Very well written Tavi.
I liked him soooooooooooo much!!
We will all remember his talent and his killer heels
R.I.P Alexander
Dear Tavi,
Thanks so much for this extremely well written tribute and may he rest in peace.
Oh my god no.
Thankyou for your post and one moment of silence please.
I'm just a lil' interior designer in LA. This news hit me harder than I thought it would. It's terrible to see someone who had so much vision disappear. Sadness is a strange thing but so is hope--uhhhmmm now I'm the bizarre one..obviously. The heart hurts but the head moves forward. -and yes I was listening to 'don't stop believing' by journey when I wrote this.
So sad... RIP
I can't believe it! A true loss...
Really nice tribute.
RIP Alexander.
I'm wearing a special outfit in memory of him. And some black. I'll probably wear my own BIG BOW. But mine is attached to a headband. It only comes up like, an inch.
He is my Star forever.
The first thing I did upon hearing the news was to look at the style.com archives. We can pay memory to him by even further appreciating his genius...
When I first heard about this, I thought it was some kind of awful, macabre joke. I wish it wasn't true, really. He was only 40 years old.
McQueen is Dead. Long live McQueen.
Agree with you.....it's so difficult to write something about him, my heart is broken and I hope now he is in peace.....
Kisses Lady Tavi
Wow. They are the most inspiring words I have heard about him and all I needed. I loved him, he was so amazing. He was the reason I started following fashion. I just loved him and I've been crying ever since I found out. He was such a huge influence on my life, and I really miss him.
Everyone has a favourite celebrity, and he was mine, if he would call himself a celebrity.
My friends are making it worse too, they don't understand my love of fashion. When I told them I didn't do my homework because I found out Alexander McQueen died, the first thing they said was 'who?'
Then my friend asked me was he gay.
I mean, really.
OH nonon he's dead I love him c'etait un des meilleur créteur le meilleur c'était celui qui me tenait le plus au coeur avec rei
PLease If you don't understand go to google traduction and that's my blog
I'm still in shock.
your words are so right! everything he did was magical in a sense that will probably never be done again! He will surely be missed by all of us!
i was so sad this morning when i read what had happened .. your text is good, very good.
I hope that death has managed to perfect what little imperfections he found too unbearable to live with.
P.S. Love you loads McQueen.
it's so saddening that such an amazing designer is gone, it's so sad that we never get to look forward to what his new collections and everything in them anymore.
Это просто ужасно...
Его Колекции были шедврами всегда восхищалась им....
I was too shocked for words when I found this out on thursday and going to lcf and being in the computer room you can imagine everyone..the news spread like wild fire and i imediately had to text everyone i new to tell them this tragic news...he was an inpiration to so many young fashion hopefuls through his work...its such a shame and a terrible loss to the fashion world !!!
x x x
I just can't believe it! This is all wrong.....LORD!;-(
I just can't believe it! This is all wrong.....LORD!;-(
Wow. I just looked at the Alexander McQueen website- I can't believe this. For me, this is like Einstein dying. What a genius that man was! Rest in Peace, Lee McQueen.
so sad, I can't believe...
I can't belive. It can't be true.
Alexander McQueen was a GENIOUS! I can't stop crying. He didn't deserved it. Did you saw he's latest creation.
It can't be true, it just can't!
xo xo,
The man was a creative genius.. He was an extraordinarily talented artist. There was more to his clothes than any than other designers. So so sad that he was so troubled. I thank him for his creations and will cherish any little pieces of his collections that I own. I will hold onto them so tight!
Exceptional artist, his designs, so originally, and utterly amazing
Rest in peace. xx
Una verdadera lástima Tavi.Yo todavía no me lo puedo creer.bS
Beautifully put.
oh, wow...how long have i fallen off the face of the earth? terrible loss...
I cried. Saddest thing ever, more upsetting than Michael Jackson.
When i read the news paper and read this y almost cry , my throat swallon. Mr MQueen is not only one of the gratest designers , he also acomplish a whole carrer in fshion, créating perfect collections full of him, he makes this world a beautifull place, and for that,
thank you MQueen.
i am in severe depression.
sincerely the fashionista from thesilentswagger.blogspot.com
i figured this out last night i was really sad it was a lousy end to a good night. Though i really respect Mr. McQueen i couldn't help but yell when i heard this "Alexander, you ding bat! Didn't you know i was going to work for you?!"
I´m so sad! I can´t believe.
think sometimes the most deeply artistic and intellectual of us may be so continually and profoundly conflicted with this world, that it becomes impossible to reconcile it with who and what we are and believe. Maybe because artists are so closely connected to the Divine, the Universe, God, (whatever one chooses to name it) That it conflicts so deeply, so strongly, that we lose the desire to fight it all... Just a thought. RIP McQ!
So beyond whatever feeling involving sadness.
That was beautiful. He will be missed.
utterly heartbreaking.
a tragic loss
that was said very nicely...i am crying all the time since i heard about his death...he will always be my favorite desinger... thank you and rest in peace alexander mcQueen,
we all know that the best die young
i can't stop crying, he was the highlight of every season.
P.S his real name is Lee Alexander McQueen btw. Alexander McQueen was his business.
i was devastated when i heard the news .. my heart goes out to his family ; that's just tragic . :{
so tragic. fashion has lost its brightest star
Hello Tavi, I read about you in a local paper...out on the western coast, so I perused your blog.
I was glad to read this sentence of yours in one of your recent posts. "While I often feel that it's very possible that sincerity will one day be nonexistent, it's still here..."
Your tender eulogy for A. McQueen made me feel for a person hitherto unknown to me. Sincerity is indeed still here. Take good care of yourself...
p.s. I think you should learn to sew, you'd have great fun.
with best wishes, Jeannette
Alexander why did you leave us ?
Tavi: Comment very beautiful, simple but full of truth and feeling. Alexander was and is a great artist, we will miss him greatly.
Beautiful words Tavi.
He was so creative and completely original.
No doubt about the fact that he will be greatly missed.
RIP McQueen.
it is, indeed a great loss.
i will miss his vision
Just found this news out now via twitter. :( beyond awful news. Who will EVER compare to that man? no one, that's who.
Thank you for your post, it completely sums up how I felt about him and his work.
The world are lose, a creative, sweet, lovely, beautiful person.. Rest in Peace, Alexander!!
I lvoe him, respect from me, Danielle...
I saw you online at Alexander Wang show, you looked fantastic!
I would really appreciate it if you could check my McQueen tribute outfits:
Thanks and have a nice day :)
tavi! i just finished watching the live stream of the alexander wang show and i saw you sitting front row! you were like, 2 or 3 seats down from nina garcia, right?
I cried too. He was a big inspiration to me and I feel horrible that he has passed on.
i no same maddds its sky FYI, umm i loved him ahmazingggggg!!! I loved this rainbow dress he did for spring fashion week in 2008!!! I have a photo and love ittttt!!!!!!!!!
This may not be the most appropriate post to attach my comment (although maybe it is, because it reminds us all that there is love and we must love...and we must continue loving even those who have passed away to a better place)...
dear tavi, is this photo taken by yourself? if yes you can be happy (excuse me if that sounds misplaced!), he is looking so friendly open mind warm lovely little bit curious towards the camera and towards the person who took that picture. if once souls touched each other, they are not lost even if there bodys will be separeted by death. if even you didn`t take the picture but you met him i`m shure you were touched by each other.
cry about his death but imagine you`ve still a liaison with him, you`re not lost and so he isn`t! (please excuse my bad english), juju
so so sad :-(
You're so right; he was head and shoulders above the designers of his generation. But we must be thankful that his work wll inspire millions, and that maybe more designers as great as Alexander will break into the fashion industry because of him.
i know....it's so sad.... :'(......
I know I'm just another person, who admires you ( you, Tavi) but I really think that we've got something in common
thank you Tavi for that great post. what a tragedy his death is. ditto on your last line.
I'm really sad, it's a huge loss he was one of the best in this world, poor gaga.
Probably the most original designer ever?
May he rest in peace.
Hey TAVI i really like your BLOG ;) check out mine elsi-doesitmakessense-idontcare.blogspot.com
love <3 ELSI
What a terrible loss. By the way, I assume you heard about the shooting at my school, just wanted to let you know that I am fine.
Hearing that McQueen died was probably the saddest thing that could ever happen in the fashion world. His creations had to be one of the most historical ones because how intricate they were, and also how much love and passion that he put into each and every piece he designed. He truly was one of the worlds most well known, inspiring, and amazing designers out there. He may be gone from our earth, but he will never be gone in our hearts. We miss you dearly McQueen, rest in peace.
such a great loss for the creative world isn't it?
It was never time for someone like him to go.
He had so much to give, he is one strong pillar in the industry.
It's gonna be crippled for a long while.
We'll miss him so much!
I too cried, I can't believe he is not anymore
Lost potential is a terrible thing in a world where we find ourselves so lacking in creative inspiration on an everyday basis. Sadly, this is precisely the situation in which we find ourselve. Sometimes, there is little we can do but mourn.
Hi Tavi,
I work for the french magazine Madame Figaro. I'm trying to reach you in vain...ca you contact me on my email pfrey@lefigaro.fr
February 3rd at 11:46:
"i'm letting my followers know the my mother passed away yesterday if it she had not me nor would you RIP mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
11:47 the same day:
"but life must go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
January 28th at 10:01 a.m. (before his mother's passing):
"Hells Angels + Prolific Demons......"
February 1st, 10:46 a.m.:
"from heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. beauty can come from the most strangest of places even the most disgusting places"
February 1st, 10:52 a.m.:
"why people ignore the ugly things in life but within this they are missing the beauty that lies under the rotten fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!"
February 3rd, 2:21 p.m.:
"la reine Margot"
February 7th, 12:38 p.m.:
"sunday evening been a fucking awful week but my friends have been great but now I have to some how pull myself together and finish with the"
February 7th, 12:40 p.m.:
"HELLS ANGLES & PROLIFIC DEAMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
God Bless U,
Prince Alban
A great loss. x
i really love your blog so i gave you the sunshine award (www.olympias-blog.blogspot.com
RIP Mr. McQueen. His designs and ideas opened an entire wave of inspiration to many aspiring young people.
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
how come you dont make posts as often lately (past 2 months)?
Beautiful tribute. You have said it all tavi...
Love from Calypso
it's horrible that i came to ur blog looking for something fun to read and i find out Alexander McQueen died. sadness. Rest in peace.
I agree with you completely. He was such a talented person that really did leave a lot of us thinking "Jesus, a person made this...". With every collection I was left with a feeling of happiness for the future and longing to see what he'd do next. I can only hope that the fashion designers of our time continue in his foot steps by creating something truly amazing and inspiring.
Tavi! I love your style and the way you say what you think about fashion! Also what you say about Hayao Miyazaki and his movies, not everyone appreciates him, its good to know I'm not the only one (: Mexico says hi!
I am really saddened to hear news about this, I couldn't get over it until now. I discovered 6 months ago along with his unique and genius work and I find out only last week that he passed on for no reason why...
I'm really depressed...the fashion word lost a IMO the most pioneered designers in history... :<
i love you tavi <3
PS. so sad :(
Michael Jackson said it best : "gone too soon.." - Such talent, such loss.
We will all miss his passion and his talent. A few words I wrote too in a different language (greek).
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