no, ella. no.

Thursday night I was stalking the beautifulness that is Patti Boyd and George Harrison and came across this photo that Patti took herself:I remember seeing it in the November issue of RUSSH and Patti (there is an interview with her!!) saying George (CLEARLY I AM ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH BOTH OF THEM, CLEARLY) was tired of waiting for the timer or something.

When I try to articulate my thoughts about photography or anything I don't know that much about I end up sounding stupid but I DO know that I was like ~*OUTFIT*~ after I saw the picture for a second time that night (and set it as my wallpaper, and twitter background, and so on) and pulled all my whites, dark blues, and reds and sock that has a bit of green in it and tried to mix the right ones together:
Hat, gift from folks at Monsoon Accesorize. Rodarte for Target denim jacket. White cut out dress...Loehmann's? Idk the brand. Oh and it's the one I wore for my Bat Mitzvah. Socks by Hue. Vintage red dress. Vintage Doc Martens, gift from Spencer's mom.
I tried to add in a little bit of the Beatles hippie style and Patti's penchant for printed schoolgirl socks as well. Ella said I looked like a grandma on Valentine's Day. I'LL TAKE IT.

And I wanted to take a picture in front of vines but the lighting was FUNKY and they ended up looking like this (and yeah, I said funky):
So that's that. And because to FTC regulations I am supposed to tell you that I received compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target.

I've never seen the movie but the outfit reminded me of this still from Blue Velvet, which was either in my head because I had googled it before, or because I am sometimes psychic and dream up things that happen the next day or already exist (this is true):Well that's that. Last night Ella and I watched Psycho. The shower scene didn't scare me until I had to go to the bathroom later that night. And I don't know why I always start cracking up during the really intense parts, like when that one chick goes in the fruit cellar. Also, Anthony Perkins looks like Lazaro Hernandez, kind of:Sorry I cut off your head, Jack McCollough! Or maybe Anthony Perkins did it! Or maybe Anthony Perkins' mother did it! Dun dun dunnnnn


Isabel said...

Oh Tavi, you never cease to amaze me!

Isabel said...

Sweet, I got the first comment! (I am way tooo excited about this.)

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

And according to my taste it would be perfect too with socks which have the same colour of your jacket...Blue !

It'a real pleasure to discover each time your creativity !

I put some NEW FASHION DRAWINGS ON MY BLOG....Welcome , welcome !

Kiss !

Mila said...

OMG, that outfit that your wearing may be one of my favorite of yours EVER! Love your epic blue hair with it.


Rowan said...

wow, i really love those vintage doc martens, they're amazing! really, really nice way to incorporate the hippie style into your outfit with the dress!

Jenna said...

the blue hair looks great with it! love the way the pink/orange dress works with the shoes.

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Ms. Tavi,

You've got to be the most delightful, fetish and adventurous youngest blogger, I've seen in a while....I'm adding you to the "Dazzle Girl"!. I think I'll be giving you an award on next Friday as well. You can check out my blog to view the award. Hope your weekend is fun and spunky.

Anonymous said...

your collaberation with target! damn, wish i lived in america!!

awesome outfit btw :)

ScolioStyle said...

the docs are amazing. but please chuck the hideous headpiece!

XX Noa

Diane said...

Nice take on the outfit, I can see where you're going with it...But I would have left the socks out of it. That's just me :)



Love the outfit. Looks cute on you! xo

Anonymous said...

Oh My God Tavi! You are a genius, really !
I love your imagination and your style, of course! Your pics are very beautiful too.
I think and I am sure I am right, You are a new queen of the style

I am admiring !!

Clara ♥

Lucy in the Sky said...

Pattie and George were such a beautiful and cute couple. She took a lot of pictures of George that were on display at a gallery here in La Jolla and she was even there for a little meet and greet rawwwwwr but I wasn't at school in La Jolla at the time!!!!! I'm glad you like that picture. I'm pretty obsessed with Beatles pics. :D

Chrissy said...

blue velvet is a masterpiece, I highly recommend it. do make a point of watching it some time!

Catalinafashion said...

Ehhh, I do understand you as happened exactly the same to me ( the scene in the shower), but, even though it scared me I watched it three times more, I just loved it.

Also want to recomend these ones to you: 'North by north west', is the best example of a mistaken identity film. 'Real Window' who thinks he sees a murder from his rear window whilt off work with a broken leg. 'Vertigo' a great film. All of them by Hitchcock which is by far the best example of thrillers of that era.

Let me know what you think!

Cat x

Marine said...

I love your outfit, especially your doc martens !

Amber said...

wauw love the hair decoratian!
and your hair!!
xoxo amber

Soren Lorensen said...


outfit WIN

brightlightsbigcity said...

AHH GEORGE! I love the outfit inspired by the colors of that pic-awesome doc martensss


June said...

wonderful tonight is such a great read

Natalie said...

The red dress is fabulous. I think it could've leaned on the drapery-looking side, but as usual you pulled it off beautifully. I think that's the great thing about a lot of your clothes is that they are almost too much, but you manage to pull them make just enough to make them look great.

And that picture of George and Patti is utterly gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

gah, we watched psycho in my english class, funniest thing ever!

Initials.CC said...

ahha Tavi you're so funny :)



chalkyundertaste said...

Love the outfit! I have a top that is similar to your red dress, and I had NO IDEA what to wear it with. Until now.

P.S. Anthony Perkins <3333

fledgling said...

great red frock!

maxwell conrad

E said...

great shoes you got there!


chelsea said...

you should read her biography! it's called wonderful tonight, i read it. she's had a pretty interesting life, dating a beatle and eric clapton and all..

Tavi said...

Thanks guys! <3

Catalina fashion-My favorites are, in order: Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window, The Birds, Dial M for Murder, Shadow of a Doubt. Those are the only Hitchcock ones I've seen. Many more to go!

lapin lazuli said...

you HAVE to watch blue velvet. now.

Melissa said...

I love this outfit, it's great on you. Red is a great color for the winter, too!


Anonymous said...

Your inspirations are definitely outstanding. AND blue velvet rocks :)

So does your blog, of course :)

Bianca said...

i admire that you can wear something so basic and make it look super different and chic!

kate said...

You are so talented at writing, i love your blog, it is one of the main reasons i come on the computor, you probably wont 'check out' my blog but pleassee coullldd yooouu ?? :D thanks !

i would apreciate if you commented and stuff :)


kelli said...

tavi, you're a piss!


Unknown said...

This is a outfit that references well. I like it!

I was gonna do photos in front of the vines that have overtaken our block wall-until Big R decided to trim it, as in obliterate it with hedges clippers. Now I have a wall of dead, brown twigs and a mound of sickly looking leaves! Doosh!

J said...

you're amazing. and this outfit is awesome.

LORRAINE. said...

Wow, love your shoes!

dani d. said...

i've gotta say... though i get excited EVERY time you post about anything, i'm the slightest bit moreso when it's one of your fab outfits!

ADJ said...

i love love love the red. and the layered look is perfection.

Anonymous said...

i love the phsyco humor such a loll

Alex T said...

I love the accessories tavi.
check out-

Catherine said...

Amazing outfit! Totally love it :D

It looks to me like the dark ivy fooled the camera into thinking it was darker than it was, so it overdid it on the flash resulting in the overexposure. There are quite a few things to do depending on how fancypants your camera and your lighting kit is (you can make some cool lighting effects with cheap household stuff too). Or you could advertise online/at your local uni and watch the aspiring photographers line up in return for the publicity :D

firefly said...

I love the colors. It reminds me of Valentine's Day, and quaint cottage homes.

UshiSato said...

love lots!!!! those shuuuuuuzzzzzeeeesssss... ilove it soooo much!!!!

marz_barzxo said...

Love the docs and the dress! Perfect for the upcoming holiday ;P

marz_barzxo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

amazing! red looks so good on you! and i'm just letting you know that (i'm pretty sure) someone made a fake twitter account for you? it just doesn't sound like your writing... just letting you know :)


Apple said...

Hi Tavi! I <3 your outfit! I have to agree with Ella though, it's very "valentines day".

I want to say that I'm not very fashion forward, but I LOVE your blog, and on your recommendation I checked out Rodarte for Target. Let me say, normally I would NEVER wear anything lacy OR mustard yellow, but because you like the lacy yellow cardigan so much, I tried it on. I was VERY surprised to find that I LOVED it! Here is the final outfit I decided to buy that day from Target:

SO, kudos to you, you got a frugal asian girl to buy $60 worth of Rodarte from Target and NOT feel guilty about it! I love the clothes and I have you to thank for it :)

SO THANKS and I <3 your blog... it encourages me to buy more things with PRINTS

Cupcakes are fashion ! said...

Tavi your blog is really cool i admire your style a lot :D
Hope you'll have time to come visit my blog about fashion too :)


Katy said...

Love the outfit and the inspiration!

Katy said...

Love the outfit and the inspiration!

DWR said...

It's been years since I first saw Psycho, and I still have paranoid "Am I going to get killed in my shower?" moments.

Also, you should watch Blue Velvet and basically all other David Lynch directed projects. If nothing else, you're going to love the intense imagery and use of color.

The man is a genius.

fabiola talavera said...

funky outfit tavi, lol, those dr martens are so cool, i want ones so bad but the price tag isnt anything I can afford. love youu

follow please

srodkowympaznokciem said...

what you think about polish folk?

Landice Anderson said...

People tell me I look like a grandma all the time. By now I consider it a compliment. Also, I see you mentioned "Dial M for Murder" which is one of my very favorite films. Do you like other Barbara Stanwyck films?

Alani Catleya said...


I really want like, alllll of your clothes!

Anonymous said...

this was worth waiting for!
great post.
i know you her that all the time but i just cant help myself:
head over heels with you!

Steffanie's Style said...

I love the red flowers!!
check out our fashion blog, we are 3 aussie teens who need more followers, so please become one!!

ctrl-s said...

I used to have that very still from Blue Velvet as my computer desktop. I've always loved it. Rock.

Anonymous said...

this outfit is super duper fun and i can totally see the inspiration!

come visit me!!

Lexi-Lupa said...


I think what Catalinafashion meant was REAR Window. The film is amazing.One of my favorite Hitchcock's. Ever. I love it almost as much as the scene with the dead guy who has his eyes eaten in "The Birds"

Ha! Classic.

Domino said...

seriously I would marry those shoes...awkward pause... but I love the photo as well. You always have the most unique fashion sense. Who's style inspires yours most?

For Your Consideration,

notanymore said...

That outfit is very snazzy.

Anonymous said...

Hah, "Blue Velvet" and "Psycho" are awesome films!

I love your recreation of the Patti Boyd outfit!

Melissa said...

That hat is perfection

Maddie said...

I love that outfit!!

Kylie said...

Everytime i see the word funky I SWEAR I think of Ghost World. Hand gesture included.


zoomslow said...

I've been listening to Eric Clapton's (or 'Derek and The Dominoes' if you believe what the album cover says) song "Layla". Apparently it's inspired by Patti. Some very nimble finger pickin' on that there track!

Turnip said...

love the outfit!!!

WendyB said...

I like how you captured so much of the warmth of the original picture even in winter. Nicely done. And words can't describe how gorgeous Patti is in that picture.

Hal E. Liebling said...

i love patti boyd. that hat rules! great job.

Anonymous said...

amazing hat. i really want to see more people wearing hats out to dinner and such. what do you think?

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I would never usually consider ware a jean jacket, just because it's not really my style, but it looks so cute in your photo that I think I would. I know I sound completely batty, but then again I am completely batty, and proud of it. but anywho, I love your blog, and thought I'd tell you that.

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...


This comment has been removed by the author.
yasmine said...

Your in a belgian newspaper called de morgen(=the morning)! congratulations! Did you allready see it ?
If you want to, I could scan it in for you. Just send me an email and I'll take care of it.


Hey Tavi, i love your style and was just wondering how did you make your blog so famous? I would love it if you coould check out my blog and tell me what you think:



Sancho Penser said...

Tavi, don't let your unique approach of drawing references be spoiled by an old guy like Lynch who is only replicating himself constantly.
You are to young for Blue Velvet and shizzzzzzzzzz! Protect your creativity, these movies take more than they give.

chwalisz. said...

I like the way that this hat looks with your blue hair. And that Martens are great!

Sarah said...

I love it. I have stuff I wish I could give you agh! Have you seen any David Lynch films yet? I know you'll dig them. BV is one of my faves and the shot that you posted is all part of the opening montage that's sort of starkly beautiful, deadly contrived, and deeply disturbed Middle America!!??? I adore his work. His art is really cool too.

Caroline Amelia said...

Nice outfit tavi ! x

Caroline Amelia said...

Nice outfit tavi ! x

SophieGrace said...

I love your hair. Its wonderful!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

LOL. i like the way your mind works. Your outfit has a great play of color. Liking the plain denim rubbing against that hot shot of color, and the layering! you inspired me to layer a mini dress over a skirt, but i came out looking like a homeless lady- in silk, but homeless none-the-less. And Anthony Hopkins = Lazaro H? ha, ha. Both are pretty handsome, one albeit a little more creepy. cheers!

Fleur said...

Salut je m'appelle Fleur et je suis fan de mode comme beaucoup d'autre personne ainsi que toi et j'ai entendue parlƩ de toi dans les magasines de mode , j'ai vu que tu as assistƩ Ơ plusieurs dƩfilƩs c'est donc comme sa que je suis tombƩ sur ton blog et je voulait te dire que je trouve que tu as un style d'enfer ! :D
Tu as vraiment un don pour la mode tu c'est mƩlangƩ les style et tu est vraiment une tres bonne crƩatrice ! Voila je voulais juste te complimentƩ j'espere que tu vas rƩeussir Ơ me lire vu que je suis franƧaise! Allez Bye

Daphne van Houten said...

You're freakin' funny. Stop blogging, and get on stage.

-> fashion, lifestyle and new talent

Daphne van Houten said...

You're freakin' funny. Stop blogging, and get on stage.

-> fashion, lifestyle and new talent

Cassie said...

That red dress is gorgeous, so pretty. I wish something like that would turn up in a vintage store near me!

The Avocado Suite said...
How does tavi find the money for her clothes??

The Trendy Fashionista said...

I love your dress! Nice hair accesory. Have a wonderful weekend

-The Trendy Fashionista

Alban Giudicelli said...

Hey ! You're sublime TAVI.

But is it me or your hair is turning grey ??
Perhaps it's the photo ?


Good outfit BTW.

God Bless U,

Alban Giudicelli said...

Hey ! You're sublime TAVI.

But is it me or your hair is turning grey ??
Perhaps it's the photo ?


Good outfit BTW.

God Bless U,

iliketweet said...

LOVE the hair! I'm so craving a blue rinse right now, good call.

Loves x

Ella said...

i like people called ella ;)

destroy what bores you said...

you should watch Blue Velvet - that and every other film or project David Lynch has worked on.

My So Called Life said...

Hey Tavi

love the outfit

check out my blog @

Anonymous said...

can i just ask, who won the rodarte competition?

Gabi said...

there is an award 4 u at my blog!

Cassie said...

Just read your new post, but guess that you have disabled comments?

I'd say bad press about you is just jealousy. No need to tell you, you have experienced some A-MA-ZING opportunities,and I for one am CRAZY jealous, but hey, you have a really unique, witty writing style that's rare to find in someone your age.

Keep blogging - it makes for good reading and you're clearly on the right track!

Cassie @

Anonymous said...

from my point of view it's absolutely vulgar!!!
being ugly is in fashion, isn't it?
what is the mess around this 13-year-old freak gnome???

Nycteris said...

Woah!!!! I love how the blue hair color has faded, it looks almost silver (which is kind of glorious!)!!!
I love you and your blog no matter how other people might criticize you! <3
Fun + Fashion Forever,
-J :-)


Hey Tavi, i love your style and was just wondering how did you make your blog so famous? I would love it if you coould check out my blog and tell me what you think:



Amanda said...

I just saw you on the urban outfitters blog. Yippee! :D

//Pernille said...

Loving the colour combos.. and especially the red hair thing with your new hair dye.. looks real great T!

Take care..

BTW great of you to write the above post.. I support you! ( and would be happy to sit right behind you with or without a hat:-) )

anouk said...

Well Tavi, you are one of my favorite Blogs ever and because of that I give you the "Haute Mess Award" with a lot of love!
All you have to do is tell us 7 things about you, tell us who gave you this award and give this award to 7 other bloggers!
Have fun

Eliani said...

I like your sense of humor :) ...

Anna said...

have you read patti's autobiography? it's really sweet, i devoured the whole thing in a short plane ride.

Tavi said...

eleanor-Would you answer if someone asked you how you get your money?

letmefuck-I'd like to know what the big deal is too!

vickileestyle-The winners have been emailed but won't be announced on the blog. I will let everyone know that they should've gotten an email, though.

daniela kate morosini said...

um this comment is for the post above..but it won't let me. i think it's really great you're so eloquently and elegantly expressing your point of view. good for you. people will always point fingers and it's easier to point at you because you're young, and because, well, people are silly of other who seem to juggle it all. and i think this about Sarah Mower's comments? chin up, tiger, you can do it!

Emily said...

the post above this really made me upset. not because i disagree (i really really don't), but because you bring up a truly excellent point. people can say whatever they want about anyone (hey, free speech, right?), but they should really get the facts (for their own good and for the benefit of whoever they write about). half the time people write shit (by shit i mean bitchy mean things, not "stuff") about you because they're jealous. and the other half of the time it's because they're intrigued by you. you're incredibly talented, tavi. don't let any of this get to you. keep on being you - you do it fabulously!


thwany said...

i enjoy your blog immensely

Emily said...

oh, and tavi. you should check this post out ( you have the support of the entire blogging community.
we love you.


Mort said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, just bought that issue of RUSSH. I liked the patch-y Marni pants in the editorial with whats-her-face.

dani d. said...

i don't think it's fair to get after Tavi like that (re: Mort). to accuse her of PLACING herself in an adults world and needing to grow up herself is simply insanity. i've been following Style Rookie for a while now and from the beginning she's been damn clear that her intent was to spread her love of clothing, art, music and, like she states, "fun". i think it's necessary to remind yourself that this girl is 13. i only wish that i could say that i had an ounce of the guts and creativity that she has when i was her age, let alone now. as an aspiring designer, i think it's pretty fucking unreal that i can safely state that she is my number one source of inspiration - i am almost ten years her senior. i come to this blog when i need a reminder as to why i'm in this in the first place. she may get a little defensive at times, but ask yourself, when you were 13, would you have had the courage to step into your middle school rocking blue hair, a neon shirt and an oversized leather jacket? imagine what her peers must say about her? Tavi, if i have any advice for you, it would be to just keep on doing what you're doing. if you're able to deflect the criticisms you get from the kids at school, i have faith you can do the same with these "grown-up" haters. just simply ignore it, and your true fans will continue to seek inspiration from you.

Brenna said...

Hey, Tavi! I love your spirit and your openness on this blog...

Oh, you used the phrase "diarrhea of the pen", or somesuch, in your Bloggers vs. Editors post (that we can't comment on). It made me laugh... I believe there's actually a word for that - "logorrhea", meaning "the excessive flow of words". =P

Keep on writing!


pura diletante said...

Tavi, please forget the critics and continue to do your thing and you´re amazing at it!
Greetings from Portugal, ConstanƧa.

Fabiola "Fab" said...

what a lovely dress and boots!!! love love love the hat! I'm hat kinda girl!

Unknown said...

That headband thing is beautiful and I love the colour of your hair now. I am dying my eyebrows blue. BWAHAHA:)

elikonthereindeer said...

Hey Tavi! I don't know if you go through your comments, but I thought you would like this editorial. :D

brodie said...

HAHAHAHAHHA as soon as i saw the word "funky" i knew you couldn't go on without mentioning melorah. hahahahaha

oh, and the outfit's great too.
george was always my favourite beatle.

Savannah Burton said...

Tavi, I know I am probably like the millionth loser who has said this, but thank you. Thank you for never ceasing to inspire me. You have taught me how to really express myself, and that I might look stupid to some people, but that outfits are not meant to impress people they are meant to impress yourself. My style has not changed since discovering you, rather it has blossomed. hugs and kisses -your 13 year old friend,

Eri said...

Tavi, you interesting girly, I also dream about things that have not yet happened - and then they do. Or go places in my dreams I've never seen - and then lo and behold, they turn up in my everyday travels. Weird huh? And I enjoy your blog. Go you crazy thing! x

Anonymous said...

Through random researching and reading fashion blogs I came across yours...and was so inspired I had to write an entry about you. Nice work, keep it up. If only I knew what I was doing at your age.

ctrl-s said...

They see you rollin', they hatin'. Don't let it worry you.

Anonymous said...

i think people love to hate ya, i know i'm jealous of you because i wasn't as put-together as you are (as far as style and taste and eloquence)

you're an inspiration for all :)

Margot said...

jaime beaucoup ton style ! C'est tu commentje t'est dƩcouvert ? Et bien j'ai lu un article surtoi dans Le VOGUE franƧais numƩro 904 ! Et tu me fascine vraiment !

Ps : j'aime beaucoup la veste en jeans ;)

Anonymous said...

I am in love with those boots.

Kool said...

you're the koolest!!

Laura y Lola said...

It´s first time I comment on your blog, but I follow it and I read it always that you upload something, love your style! I saw you at Elle Spain lol

Lea's Suitcase said...

where is the "TEAM TAVI" shirt already?? I want one!

childofphotography said...

childofphotography said...

VictoriaZoe said...

i love how you are very original with your sense of style. please check out my blog at:

its nothing like yours but it would be so cool if you left a comment or something. you are awesome!

Shaishalala said...

Tavi, Tavi, Tavi.... you are such an inspiration. Loveee your doc martens.. Will you please ask Spencer's mom where she bought it? Thank you. :)


ami said...

I know you already get about a million comments daily in support of what you do, and you don't seem like the sort of girl who needs validation, but I just wanted to say that your blog is the most refreshingly un-pretentious fashion-related thing on the internet right now, and always so inspiring.
At the risk of sounding condescending, you really remind me of myself at your age, except more conceptual and effective.

Anonymous said...

Saw this picture and thought of you:

Jessy Mercedes said...

hi! i've read about you in the polish (that's were i live) ELLE MAGAZINE, GLAMOUR MAGAZINE-u r everywhere! ;>
i think you're a very special person, that's a gift that you can play with the fashion and u have so much ideas!
Good luck in ur career!
xo Jessica Mercedes
my english is sooo bad - i'm sorry.

Sammy said...

Wow, I've only just heard about you but I'm impressed! At your age I wasn't even smart enough to defend myself against peers, let alone editors of big magazines. Anyway, good for you, you're handling it rather well. I have two friends (twin sisters) who remind me exactly of you.. I'll show them this site :)

I love that photo of Pattie and George, I'm a huge Beatles/George fan so I have a copy of that photo haha. And Blue Velvet - amazing start, but I've never really warmed up to David Lynch films.

Regina said...

Tavi, I can see why you just didn't let anyone comment the post above, but still as a fashion - and fun - lover, I would like to say that you are very inspiring.

ctrl-s said...

If it needs repeating: Haters gonna hate. Seriously, other people's jealousy / bitterness / whatever -- don't ever let it get in your way. Trust whomever you find trustworthy and keep doing what you want to do. xo

Brunildo said...

you're a genius

zoomslow said...

No, Tavi's not a genius - she just has the Freaks and Geeks boxset ;-) Well said! Life's 2 short - always aim for fun (which I know you do, and which is why I admire you so much). And I am concerned for your health and future - honestly! :-) And that last little paragraph about hats and New York is lovely <33

zoomslow said...

P.S I like the very refined adjustment to the cuff on your last outfit picture :-))

The College Kids said...

Love the shoes!

Meredith said...

I'm a middle school teacher, and can I just say how impressed I am with the quality of your writing, the spirit with which you write, and just you in general. I love reading/viewing your blog. Don't let the haters get to you (it already seems like you have that part sorted). Go Tavi!

AMIT said...

Love the pics.

lingerie today

Amela. said...

Love your outfit and specially the sneakers!

With love,

AnAzevedo said...

The "dogs" bark and the caravan passes through... and you go inside the caravan "smiling" at the "dogs"... blue hair flying by the window...
Don't let the bastards grind you down... Tavi, you are great!!!

PS: Love the red dress!

1acolo said...

it's like romanian or russian traditional clothes :) that red thing

Duck said...

Smart to disable the comments above :)


Rosie said...


eresmuyborde said...

love your booooooooooootss TAVII!!!!!!

Em Sauer said...

Eleanor Brigitte said...

I thought you were just a spammer when you commented my blog! I'm glad I accepted your comment. Your creativity and individuality shines through, I'm definitely following you =) Could you please help my blog get some exposure? I literally only have about 6 followers, and that's just friends being nice! Thanks.

kimvee said...

I love your style & blog so much! Hope you are having a lovely week!
. :)

Anonymous said...

Your docs are sick. And the vintage ones are the best since they've already been broken in.

I have Pattie Boyd's book and that's where I read about the background behind that photo. Gorgeous couple, aren't they?

octoberose said...

This is actually a comment about your most recent post, not this one, though I do love the dress in this post.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that people are trying to speak for you- it's a shit situation. Especially when you can clearly speak pretty well for yourself! I think it's fantastic that you've been given all these opportunities, and I hope you continue to make the most of them. And, to reassure you that the fun of your blog hasn't been lost: your fearless fashion sense reminded me that clothing is about experimenting and having a good time, which was something I had forgotten during the stress of college. Since I started reading your blog, I've been pushing myself to get out of bed on time and use that extra ten minutes to put on something interesting instead of my default t-shirt and jeans, and I've started my own blog to help me stay focused.

So, in a nutshell if you didn't feel like reading that ramble, thank you for being inspiring, and please don't let journalists (or anybody!) get you down.

Cosmopolitan said...

Sooooooooo SWeet!!

theceelist said...

U tell'em Tavi f the hattazzzzzzzzz..

Mario Dodovski said...

Hey, are you going to NY fashion week tomorrow?

LDF said...

I stand by my preference for George Harrison...I mean if I had to bang one of the Beatles.
My boyfriend insists that I would pick Ringo. Not true! George looks smokin' in that photo.

MusikChik said...

Listen but i bet im gonna be totally hated for it but i dont wanna hear it so im gonna tell you what i have to say anyways!
Middle/High School is a jungle anyways why would you want to add to the fire?
Why do you really want gray and blue hair anyways?
I dont like your style, not because its not like mine, i actually admire that part, i dont like that you are an imitation of a more mature style rather than making more of you own thing!!
really you are not giving anyone any advice on fashion!! you are just showing your imitation of what the latest high priced "trend" is. maybe some like that but i don't so, see ya

Nancy said...

i just love your big pink bow. it is so spectacular.

Puck Litaay said...

I love the way your blogs are always fresh, and not the same old *** we see everywhere.

Again you amazed me, and again I think this is an amazing blog. You make me want to try harder to embrace my own sense of style.

DakotaRose said...

Tavi your a pure inspiration :)

LOwe said...

j aime les chaussures de tavi

Weston said...

Don't let the critics teach you the cloth, as they say in bullfighting circles.

aimee said...

This red rose theme totally reminds me of this skirt in a picture from a Vogue I was reading the other day...

the skirt from my magazine is 4th from the right. Dude I love it so much but it's like 2000$...

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes!!! <3
They are just so adorable!!!

mariam said...

love the shoes.

coco-june said...

george harrison is a BABE

Kash said...

oh my goodness your outfit is so lovely! (and so are you)


It really is a great picture of George and Pattie. Haven't seen a better one - yet.
Nice pics.
Nice blog.
Nice girl.

sydney said...

i'm so jealous of you shoes!!!!

Izumihiiiflower said...

wow; i love this outfit!

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