Anyway, what with everyone being all "THE END OF A DECADE-LET US LOOK BACK" and stuff I realized I should never be uninspired because there are years of that I have never seen! Duh.
I am a very very lucky recipient of the new Prada book (which I will write about later this week-I spent like 2 hours today taking pictures from books and magazines I suddenly felt like writing about, so patience, child) and probably my favorite part is the ad campaign archive. Looking through the whole book page by page gave me an adrenaline rush but this one really stuck out at me:
It's less contrasty/white in real life, sharper and browner. I messed up when editing this photo but whatevs, you get the jist.
So then I took a trip to and looked at the Spring 2000 collection. I must say, it is definitely one of my top three favorite Prada collections ever (I think the others are lace and fairytale? Actually that's too hard. Let's not talk about this.)

One of the things Miuccia Prada does best is take something thought of to be ugly or tacky or the antithesis of luxurious and totally reverse its reputation. She did it with nylon, wool shorts, rubber wellingtons, and much more, and here she did it a billion times over. WHEN HAVE BROWN, MAROON, OR TURTLENECKS (turtlenecks! CLINGY turtlenecks!) EVER LOOKED THIS GOOD? And yes, caps are TOTALLY necessary.

It makes the awkward sloppy disheveled office girl cool in every way. Somehow. And we haven't even gotten to the best part yet.
I can't even really say why they're so good, anything I try to word feels cheesy and lame? Somebody please try to read my mind/heart and put into words why I love them so much. I plan on finding one of these skirts and wearing it oversized, bag lady style, to piss everyone off.
More ads (thank you Laia for emailing me these!)

Aaaaaaand I need sleep.
And I also need to buy the January issue of W because Alex White is a genius.
Aaaaaand that was random and I still need sleep.
Hey Tavi I love your blog and all of your inspirations :)
I love me some Prada! Great post Tavi. xoxo
so jealous!
i want that prada book like nothing else!
What a great assessment of Prada-- I never thought about it, but you are so right on about what Prada does best. And those lip and lipstick skirts--saucier than saucy!
(PS-I read your Darfur article and it was wonderfully thoughtful & articulate. I'm so excited to read more of your writing!)
I just bought the January issue of W and loved it, go get it when you can!
I'm like "what does she have on her skirt...ohhhhhhhhh!"
I think a rather loose pair of pants with those prints would also be awesome. Good luck with your search!
Are those lips on those skirts? I love lips.
Yeah it sucks to go back to school :'(! Yeah, but I get what your saying how Prada makes the blah, unfashionable, office wear look chic, and wearable. Transforming them into aesthetics that make you go wow!
That's what it's all about, most of it anyways!
god night before break. i feel ya.
love the white skirt.
on the bright side, you get to debut those new outfits you dreamed up over break at school! and yet..
Welcome back! I've missed your bank robbery ways ;-)
AH! I love love love love love love love love love this post! :) Thanks so much for sharing!
Kate Bush <3
those ads are great
Oh..hello Tavi, I'm Verena from Indonesia. I try for make a blog like you, but always fail. I don't know, why ???
Mmmm...Good Nigth, have a nice dream !!!
I never actually realised that about prada revamping the ugly things, well I must sya they do their job:)
I love that skirt too, its so different!
My favourite is definately the ad with the male model grabbing the female model's arm. It should be a really aggressive stance but the models look so relaxed!
Maybe he's trying to steal her bag...
Hee Tavi!
First, i love your blog!, and second i've got a question for you: Where did you get the prada book. I'm wondering because i've read about it on the internet, but i couldn't find were i could buy it... So, can you maybe answer my question?
xxx Joëlla
I want the Prada book soooo bad! You are AMAZING and my inspiration for my blog:
Love your work! Keep it up!
Peace and Love
Prada-book, wow that's awesome! It is a special feeling holding a book and reading fashion, i mean it's not like reading wich other magazine. Im so jealous of you Tav. X
tavehh why are you so rad!?!
i have to say:
those translucent chiffon cream dresses in that collection, the ones that are sort of like mini flapper dresses, are excellent. and i adore them. i want to eat them up i love them so!
and you, good sir, have good taste in prada.
I find your love of this collection surprising, as much of what you capslock over is infitinely more "out there." However, as a long time turtleneck lover I am feeling what went down back when I myself was but a young one...
I know exactly what you mean, she always takes something that should be ugly and makes it absolutely beautiful. It should be grannified but is ace. ..and wearable.
All these seems to be so old !! From the 80 's ....And i don't like at all this brown touch ...
...Just my taste ! ^^
Kiss !
i like :)
check out my blog people!
hey Tavi.
I am a Danish girl who think you have a nice blog.
so I've made a link on my blog to your blog.
hope it's okay?
Have a nice day.
Annesofie Anholm
I've been searching your blog for months, since I was told there was a girl of 14 who had a blog and was very famous, and I really love to know because right now to me you're a fashion icon :) I love you!
hi tavi, am helen from Indonesia (do u where is?) I love your Blog.. give me an inspiration
Those prints are the best. Thanks for sharing!
I love those "Lipstick" skirts. The one store in KC that carries prada regularly sends its overstock and stuff it doesn't sell to goodwill so my friend has one in orange.
Hmmm... Must have book... I like this late 60's/early 70's look, so brown and yet pretty T,T
The color palette is so Mary Tyler Moore Show, I love it.
One of the Prada skirts shows up on Charlotte in an episode of Sex and the City. It looks downright transgressive on her.
regarding the weird feeling about the patterns, I guess its the way its one foot on the baby-girl side (I used to have a strawberry pattern skirt when I was young) and one foot on the adult side... because of the motif and the skirt shape... don't know really
ps: keep up the good work! ;)
u already have the prada book! lucky bitch1 good for u! wow!
u already have the prada book! lucky bitch1 good for u! wow!
Evening Tavi :)
You've inspired me alot, in the past week, yes week. I've gotton in to blogging. I have always always been interested in fashion and always had a love for it, but i don't think i've ever had the confidence to wear what i really want to, but slowly thats changing... in a week!! You should be proud of yourself! haha
I'm applying for Universities next year and decided a blog would be an awesome way to get me into the throws of design and interpreting it, and might give me something extra in my portfolio, blahdyblahblah, and i wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart (LOL cheese) for inspiring me, you may not know it, but you and your blog has worked wonders for me. I now know exactly where i want to go from here and all i can think about is fashion and writing this blog! Really i should be concentrating on actual coursework for Textiles and Art, but hey ho.
So again, thank you GINORMOUS amounts for inspiring me and getting me on my way!
Much love
Tavi, don't work too hard, dear.
hi tavi!
lovely browns. i love the model with the blonde bob! i still can't stand turtle necks. have you taken a peek at VIEW TEXTILE JOURNAL. another fine read.
one of my favorite prada collections was the spring 2007 ready to wear line. i love the rich colors and interesting cuts and shapes of the clothes. my favorite piece was a colorful a-line tank dress with a bold print.
read my blog!
I love me some Prada :) TURTLENECKS AND ALL! What is that print lips? MMMMMMM.
Prada showed some really great, wearable looks. And I love that lipstick skirt!
prada's never really hit my nail (wierd phrase) but well you just couldnt not love those skirts especialy the lip ones .I recently embelished some tights with lips -this was before reading this post v. starnge keep up the hard work and be yourself!
God, i want that prada book too!
Hell yes. <3
Love it!! It is so true that anything ugly can be transformed by Prada. I don't want to go back to school:( oh wellllll...
I must say this new collection is quite divine but I'm not in love with it as much as other designers current collections (probably because my extravagant nature and mythicalobsession lean off the ordinary-office-brown-look and onto the tracks puffy skirts and bright or absent colours in other collections )
aww I hate that feeling on the last day of the holidays :'(
I live in New Zealand and here its summer so we get our summer break now-its quiet strange as I used to live in england and I'm still getting used to it.
Hope your first day at school was a good one!
Turtlenecks have never looked better ! Honestly I've always hated them because I'm at a loss to whether accessorize or not. Also, I live in LA and it is too terribly hot to even consider turtlenecks during most times of the year.
And isn't it funny how back then, that was the runway look, I mean look at the heels and stuff. And nowadays, its so different. That's like baby stuff. Like Nina Ricci heels, and those awesome bows and headbands. It just goes to show how much fashion has evovled.
I am thinking "how does the all-knowing Tavi not know about this collection?;" But then I realized you were a toddler when this debuted! My, I feel old!
I was just getting into fashion when this collection came out; in my eyes it has always epitomized Prada. Everytime a new fashion week rolls around I look at Prada hoping it will compare to this!
If I am not mistaken, the lipstick print inspiring a few really bad knock offs!
i remain unconvinced about the appeal of brown turtlenecks, even if they are prada. I think that if a turtleneck is a must-have, it needs just a little splash of colour, or black/white (either or). but i must say the prints do take my fancy, also i love that lateritious jacket and the beige trenchcoat ;D that book looks pricey, was it?
kaku x
Lovelovelovelove, AUGH.
Love the lip print :)
Henry-If blogging was work, I wouldn't do it.
Ross-That is AMAZING, so jealous
Leah Sullivan-That is so, really, very nice to hear, you are way too of luck to you and have fun <3
Paolo and Denisha-It's interesting you say that! But there are designers now that still show looks as wearable as these. And at the time this collection showed, and even before, people like Olivier Theyskens and McQueen were showing more extravagant pieces; Prada's aesthetic just leans in a more wearable direction.
Becky-I think it epitomizes Prada too, totally.
I really hope I didn't ruin this skirt for you! BTW, something special coming in the post mysterious, I know ;)
Hello Tavi, I called Baro Lucas, and your blog is very beautiful.
I follow !
I love it.
I love Fashion, Glamour, etc.
I have the lip slingbacks from this collection and forever more will probably be known as the girl with the lip shoes...I used to have recurring dreams about this collection, is that sad? hopefully not, because those shoes are still pretty awesome!
I love your blog
Everytime I see your blog header I want to yell "CARPETBAGGER!" at the lady...
Anywho, neat post! I love looking at ad campaigns. I ought to get myself one of those books....
My Japanese miniatures finally came! If you care to look, I just posted them on my blog:
I hope you also had a good first-day-back-at-school-from-winter-break :]
hey,!! i live right near a prada store but never gone in becuase it very intimadating but i always gaze at the pretty thing and spiral arcitecture in side!! i love the preppy femanimity of the dresses there very kool!! i also really like the advertisings my dad make adds so i always drawn to the little details my self. i love the tabluex look of the fotos like a still life so kool!!!!
To be honest, turtlenecks HAVE never looked better! But "best turtleneck ever" is still nothing to brag about.
Now the prints, they are great because they're simple and understated, yet infec... no that sounds lame too.
I would wear the heck out of those skirts.
she puts the craziest prints on her clothes but THEY ALL WORK... AMAZINGLY.
My favorite Prada print, possibly EVER (the caps! they're catching!) was the shaft of wheat/colorblocked coat from ...1999? Be still my heart. Someday, it will be mine. (Le sigh.)
God I love old fashion discoveries. Tavi, I'm not excpecting you to read these- but I've been commissioned to make a dress for a fundraising fashion show in Seattle and I'm hoping for your input on a design!! If you've got the time- slash even read this, please contact meeeeeee. gracias chica.
Eh, this collection is too bland for my taste. I feel like everything is very JC Penney
my friend turned me on to your blog today. love it!
lol. you're so funny. miuccia can make a salty tooth ostrich look divine..
It is not often that we encounter young girls as cultured and likable as this. Bravo.
I love your blog! it's so cute.
I am totally the dishevelled office girl in a turtle neck right now. Booo! Saldy not prada but uniqlo. Whatevs, I love your blog. Good luck with your studies. X
Actually when I first saw these ads when they came out, the word that everybody threw around was the "an affair at the office".
The star here is of course the Prada woman. They're quietly sexy in a Prada kind of way - all covered up but with pronounced bust line, or showing cleavage with the cardigan, the sexy shoes, short shorts covered in a long jacket - the kind of girl that Daria Werbowy portrayed in that Prada film, I forgot what its called. (if you havent seen it, you HAVE TO!)
She is also smart and sensual with a strong head on her shoulders. Even the guys in the ads are the extension of the Prada Women's personality. In both pictures, they are shown communicating, having some sort of intense discussion, showing that they are intellectual equals.
Most interestingly, when u put all the pictures together like you did, the picture with the purple handbag is the sensual counterpart of this "affair" story. She's dressed but with her top button unhooked and seemingly about to leave the room. He is in a sleeveless (without Jacket) therefore not fully dressed, holding gently to her asking her to stay. She's in charge.
I dont know whether these make sense to you but these ads were very defined moments back then of WHO is this smart, sensual, take charge, Prada Woman.
i think you may like.....
Fashion images that involve natural gestures help remind us that clothes are made for wearing, and boots are made for walking (the Nancy version, and most certainly not yours, Jessica Simpson).
Very inspiring ads!
Charlotte wore the lipstick skirt in SATC. Love me some prada.
MM x
quite stunning really, understated beauty is the best
Brilliant as always! Keep up the great work Tavi- you are an idol to all
Matty xXxXxx
i looooove your blog!!! lahahooove those shoes that deserve a nobel prize!! love your wording of loving lasagne and orange. love your style. love that you are yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hats off and tavi on to you!!
Tiny loved your blog and how you it [and wear] fashion issue. Therefore I decided to speak briefly, about you and your blog site where I am a columnist. I hope you do not bother and you like the way I described in brief statements.
Then go to the column Talking Fashion by Ana Paula Gomes, Cool Site Area:
I have a blog about fashion tbem: after a passadinha there.
oooooo prints *homer simpson voice*
really. i want tho. NOW.
Your blog is great Tavi! I'm just starting mine and I don't know how to do much yet but if you want to check it out the URL is
Keep it up because it looks good! Any tips on starting a blog?
Great post. I'm the same age as you and I'm from the UK. I've jjst started an art project and I've decided to include you in it :) I'm doing a study on Fashion & Scott Schuman (aka The Sartorialist). Check out my blog. xx
I've been inspired by you, Tavi! Can you please check out my blog? I need some constructive criticism!
loves it!
for fashion junkies and music fanatics check out:
woaah , amazing
woaah , amazing
i love this entry. it is thoughtful and critical and well written. i love these ads too. designers who contrast what is typically ugly with something gorgeous is a genius. thanks for the post!
we heart your blog :D
please follow our blog, we are 3 aussie teens who need some more followers.
xx. S/E/H
adore the clean-ness and brown-ness and realness-ness of the ads
those prints are what I'd like to be wearing the day the apocalypse will come. I will feel surprised and open wide my mouth in a big O.
I always FORGET about that LIP PRINT. Remember that short-lived show about that all-male boarding school where the chick Shane from the L-Word pretended to be a dude and went there, but ended up hooking up with the hottie from Lost? She bought a pair of the lip-print shoes for her date with him. They are burned in my memory.
Hey Tavi I only discovered your blog a couple of days ago and I have to admit that you are really good and fresh in your posts! In fact you even covinced me to sart a blog :
I started it today so there's not a lot but you can step by if you want.
I almost forgot what I wanted to ask you : are there models and photographers credits in the campaign archive of the Prada book ?
I love this post, Tavi!
Thanks for sharing this. All of the clothes are FABULOUS. ;)
-The Trendy Fashionista
I lovvvee going through magazines, and looking through the ad campaigns. They're like the persona of the collection. Personality,and the look.
Sometimes I just feel like decorating my walls with all these incredible ads. And the right models, plus great photo composition can make any piece of clothing look extremely cool. just Love it.
Fabulous post and great story, you inspire to me.
Kisses Lady Tavi
such a great KB song. one of my favs!
I just watched that sex and the city where Charlotte wears that lipstick skirt. It crazy how current that collection still looks?!
Did you get the January W in the end? Im in the UK so my friend scanned and sent me the Alex White good time and safe to say it was a very good time.
PRADAPRADAPRADA(L). i love the sort of browny dull tshirts with the white skirts. and look, people wear that nowadays. its the cycle :LL x
PRADAPRADAPRADA(L). i love the sort of browny dull tshirts with the white skirts. and look, people wear that nowadays. its the cycle :LL x
that is proably Prada BEFORE the inspirations gone crazy. you can even call it Prada now, but stripped of all the glitz and glam.
brown is beautiful. nicely contrasted with the prints, though im not sure how elligible that is to be worn off the ramp.
Old Prada was so amazing and completely different then it is today
such a great KB song. one of my favs!
see through lingerie
Fab. Love it.
I bought those brown/mustard/navy heels new from an eBay discounter in 2006 for $80, and I could never pinpoint which season they were from. Spring 2000 ftw. You're right, the campaign is beautiful.
I used to wear those shoes to class with brown ribbed tights and sometimes a green leather trench coat. Later, when I got back into modeling, I wore them for castings, because they were my only appropriately high heels. I remember the first time I met Russell Marsh I wore them, partly in some kind of desperate hope that he might recognise the footwear — and therefore recognise me as a girl whose engagement with the Prada brand was authentic, rapturous, well-informed. He didn't.
I should take them out for a spin again.
hey tavi! what is your opinion on Diane von Furstenberg collection from Fall 2000? love to hear it...
hey tavi! what is your opinion on Diane von Furstenberg collection from Fall 2000? love to hear it...
those skirts are amazing! i really wish those models wore bras though...
you can even call it Prada now, but stripped of all the glitz and glam.
cooking video
Oh, I love the pictures. ♥
Wow! I love the skirts too. My favorite outfit is the one with a brown sweater, white skirt and polka-dot halter top underneath...It's so creative, I would have never thought to put those things together like that!
Brow, Maroon and turtlenecks look so good because they're worn by models.
Try putting one of this outfits on an average everyday looking woman and wait for the result..... which would be. BORING.
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