you know something?

There is very little better than playing the revolving door game where you run around really fast and then jump up on the tiny ledge and fly for a few seconds. Wearing a coat and outliney toe shoes from one of your favorite CdG collections. While waiting for the bus to the planetarium. Which you're going to with your friends you really like. And you have pretty polaroids to document it all and you don't have to take crappy pictures of the polaroids because maybe a few of your friends have scanners so it's like no big deal.
I miss you, weekend! Come again soon!


matthew roland said...

This is great. And I love the things you chose from CdG.
So much.

Katy said...

One word: fantastic.

Megan said...

you're adorable, the video reminds me that your still a kid :) ...a stylish one I might add!

keelysays said...

Haha. Looks like fun! your so tiny!

Pretentious b said...

agreed, rotating doors freak me out :S I saw this video of a guy who got smashed between 2 panes of glass and lets just say I'm a weee bit paranoid.

christa elyce said...

did you get told off? or was the old woman just waiting for you to finish the game?

either way it looks so fun!
awesome polaroid.

Ross said...

I still can't believe you have that coat! I've been saving up for that for the last three months! And
I'm still nowhere close to being able to pay for it! And here you are, flashing it in my face.

Unknown said...

you're so adorable tavi. it looks like you have a heck of a time rotating.

Anonymous said...

hahaha too good. revolving doors scare me and fascinate me at the same time!

Squill said...

Haha, that looks like so much fun. Whenever my friends and I try to do that some crabby old lady comes and yells at us.

Kaya said...


I recently began reading your blog after hearing much about it.

You are fantastically confident and charismatic.

I hope you continually challenge yourself and grow as an individual.

I'd also like to share something positive with you that I came accross a year back and I feel such initiatives are grreatly needed in the world we live in so I'd like to pass it on to you too.

It is Queen Rania's youtube channel, do check it out it's very to the point and informative. And if you liked it do let me know :)

I wish you all the very best!

Lots of love from London,

Dylana Suarez said...

You are lovely in plaid!

Sheik-Chan said...

Awww....I always get nervous going through doors like that. xD! I do want to do it some day though...and possibly get sick D:.

This makes me want to watch the movie, Elf! >.>

JBalloon said...

I love the video!

Ana Becker said...

Hello Tavi,

I dreamed with you on last night!


(from Brazil)

Paola and Denisha said...

Tavi , you cute little squirrel, you =3 .
Your style + attitude is the best thing since stringed cheese from Scandinavia. Fasho. I've gotten stuck in there before. Not by choice. Crappola;

valentina said...


Ashley said...

marvelous video

WendyB said...

A friend of mine once got stuck in a revolving door with Mary Tyler Moore. Just throwing that out there.

annie cat said...

best post EVAR

Mila said...

Ha ha that looks like so much fun!! I wanna try! I love the coat btw

Anonymous said...

LOL! looks like it was fun after all :)

n / a said...

Awesome video! I love the polaroid you have posted, too. Your coat is very dainty! If I just had the outstanding taste that you do ..

Peanut Leigh said...

so cute, your posts always make me laugh!

rose said...

Greetings from rainy L.A. Tavi!!
Ah, you take me back. My guy best friends and I practically lived at the beach during our preteen and teenage years. We have all those great times captured in videos. It is wonderful to have a reminder such fun times! I am very fortunate to still have the same friends in my life; they are the loves of my life. I still get to hang out with them every weekend. And yes we still behave like we are 13 years old!
Just as important when I watch the videos I get to see what I was wearing in the 90s!
Ditto on the weekend!

firefly said...

I never got a chance to try that, no fair! :)

zoomslow said...

There's nothing better than a good polaroid picture - very Andy Warhol. So, Andy, should Tavi get herself a scanner? - "Ah, yes." Should she sell some of her new CdG to fund it? - "Ah, no."

christie! said...

YES, revolving doors ARE the best. Well, and escalators, of course. (One must never walk/run on them unless running/walking the opposite way.)

Anyway, not sure where you're from, but go to Chicago, there are millions of revolving doors.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous as always darling
love it, great inspiration
thanks for sharing

check out my blog @

Robyn said...

Those coats are to die for Tavi! I might have to make myself some of those outlined toe-shoes too~
Revolving doors are pretty fun, but they seem to be getting rarer and rarer these days!


Anonymous said...

I love your shoes!! And that was a really neat video. You are SO artzy and I LOVE it :)

Unknown said...

Cute outfit...nothin but net.

Anonymous said...

i love doing that too! :) you're great.

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

love your cape.

Soren Lorensen said...

I want to play


M said...

amazing coat tavi, i love!

Leah said...

I love that it's black and white, you make me feel like reading you is just an instant classic.

josh t franco said...

I'm running out to find a revolving door. Never tried this! Inspiring in sooo many ways, Ms. Tavi.

When are you coming to Texas? I think cowboy boots need you. :)

faye said...

fun times fun times

ZO said...


Marine said...

adorable video ^^

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Nice coat. You look awesome :)
Interesting post.
-The Trendy Fashionista

Emma said...

Tavi, you've managed to hoard some polaroid film! It is TRAGIC that they've discontinued it. Glad you're making the most out of what you've got left!

Maria José said...

really funny the video, I play this too! hahahah

Anonymous said...


Red Lipstick said...

so funny! I've never played that game!

Dastardly said...

I accidentily watched your video clip to this song by Django Reinhardt and I swear to god it just made my day!!!

Keep up the good work, the world needs little packages of inspiration like you.

Also I am too tall to play this game :)

Lucka ;-) said...

So it is good business as dispel boredom. Although our city is the door but it certainly is fun.

Tam said...

great great great coat. also have you seen the cdg barbie?

rivka said...

Do people stop you on the street and ask you about all your new lovely clothes? I bet they do! Who is twirling the door for you...that person knows how to let kids have fun!

Cold Toes said...

noice noice
i made a dress for daul
come see it on my blog

Stuffs and things said...

Ohhh Tavi, you look so cute in that jacket! We are almost at the weekend, i'm counting the days too! ;)

Life At Victoria House said...

Love this post :)
I used to do this all the time when I was your age!!
Just blogged about you :) <3

Matilda Delaporte said...

when I'm older and a little bit wiser, I may fit a revolving door into my habitat!

as long as Lord Island doesn't mind! As for Mr. Latimer...(read mon blog to find out more)

LOVE THIS xxxxxx

faithful follower- Matty

Rino said...

Tu es incroyable comme petite fille... ! :)

Tam said...


not sure if you buy from ebay but it's comme!

Eleanor said...

I am so jealous of your coat! I would give (almost) anything for any one item of CdG, especially the fall 09 collection *swoon*

golden gate jumper said...

CdG... you lucky kid.

Grazi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grazi said...

Own how cute you are!(woa,it sounds weird so forgot please)
I'd prefer to play a race car in a shopping cart,you know how?You run with the cart and then you put your feets in the cart and then you through the corridor until someone starts to complain.It's so fun :D
(sorry my terrible english,some things I put in google translate because I speak portuguese and blablabla)
Lots of love from Brazil you lucky kid 8D
ps:I have 15 so I should not call you a child,sorry I'm terrible sometimes

Anonymous said...

Haha! Revolving doors are amazing. :D

Jen Hsieh said...

you're fabulous.

Anonymous said...

i totally know what you mean with that game! haha one time i was doing it in a hotel on a field trip with some friends....the teachers didnt like it so much haha. (: glad you had fun!

al said...


kasey said...

You are so adorable. Love it.

Moshtari said...

Here are some collages of you

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

it's so funny. i did it once in a hotel, but the guard scolded me.

i think i'll do it again, but in other hotel! haha


Angeles Almuna said...

It looks so fun and you are unique tiny fashion lady!
Kisses Lady Tavi!

chwalisz. said...

I never try that, but it looks really cool. That video is great!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Tavi you look nice, I saw your blog at a Brazilian megazine called Capricho, I love fashion too, so I came here and I saw your wonderful blog, congratulation! visit my blog see you there

JULIA said...

i want to know a bit more about that boy... looks stylin'! where'd you find him,?

Six Six Sick said...


zeeta said...

this guy has your jacket :D

valdovaldo said...

Hello girl!
yesterday I bought 2 t shirts from CdG ... I love the Yayoi Kusama one ... luv u

Colleen said...

Aw, it's so fun to see you looking so stylish and yet still acting your age and goofing around!

Anonymous said...

Aweeesome. oh Tavi keep up the good work, you will be seriously fashion famous one day, love the polaroid :) x

Rose said...

so cute, love the video. amelia x

K said...

your blog is hell impressive!