thrifted jacket and shoes. rodarte for target skirt. rodarte tights. ghibli store brooch.
This outfit is a few days old. Wanted to go for some weird, put-together but creepy vibe...I dunno, didn't really work but it was comfy and such. I got this little jacket number at the Salvation Army a couple weeks ago and had in mind the mustard skirt from the Rodarte for Target collection.
SPEAKING OF, who went yesterday? Was it nuts? Whadja get? Super curious.
SPEAKING OF SPEAKING OF, thank you to everyone who entered the contest. 838 entries so I'm not sure when I'll announce the winner but just stay tuned and keep checking your email. I'm really glad and already tired to see there are so many four-paragraph thesis essays on why some people love Rodarte, haha. So I'll get back to yous alls soon.
So back to this outfit, the jacket has elevendy squillion (copyright Sheba) buttons and I fully intend to look as though I am constantly keeling over whenever I wear it, thank you very much.
Oh ps, anyone have a guess as to when it's from? I'm no vintage expert but I am curious.
Oh and the tag is so cute, it says Saks Fifth Avenue (fancy!) and is all old-looking and such.

Skirt is lovely, I am a fan of how half of it has the tulle pleats. I love two-tone schizo stuff and I love tullllleeee. And because of the new law, I am supposed to let you know that I received compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target.
This little brooch guy is one of the spooks from Totoro! Got him in Japan at a tiny store that was ALL Studio Ghibli stuff (we went to the museum too...so nuts, SO amazing, more on that later...)
AHHHHH sooo cute I can't take it. I want a giant Totoro that takes up my whole living room. I loved my Disney princesses when I was a toddler but I loved Totoro more...it was more accessible, if that makes sense? And it made ghosts not scary. I am friends with ghosts, spirits, and orbs. Ella and I did the Ouija board the other night and it was scary as hale but nice to me.
And lastly...

Rodarte tights <3 old man shoes <3
It's been about a year now since Kate and Laura first emailed me...AND THE REST, AS THEY SAY, IS HISTORY. No but really, so weird to think about!! When I'm a batty old woman with furniture stacked up in my yard and lights strung through the trees, these tights they gave me will still be of my most special possessions.
Oh, I watched Heathers last night. So great. When Spring comes I will take a picture in plaids and a monocle and my head sticking out of the ground on a lawn.

thrifted jacket and shoes. rodarte for target skirt. rodarte tights. ghibli store brooch.
This outfit is a few days old. Wanted to go for some weird, put-together but creepy vibe...I dunno, didn't really work but it was comfy and such. I got this little jacket number at the Salvation Army a couple weeks ago and had in mind the mustard skirt from the Rodarte for Target collection.
SPEAKING OF, who went yesterday? Was it nuts? Whadja get? Super curious.
SPEAKING OF SPEAKING OF, thank you to everyone who entered the contest. 838 entries so I'm not sure when I'll announce the winner but just stay tuned and keep checking your email. I'm really glad and already tired to see there are so many four-paragraph thesis essays on why some people love Rodarte, haha. So I'll get back to yous alls soon.

So back to this outfit, the jacket has elevendy squillion (copyright Sheba) buttons and I fully intend to look as though I am constantly keeling over whenever I wear it, thank you very much.
Oh ps, anyone have a guess as to when it's from? I'm no vintage expert but I am curious.
Oh and the tag is so cute, it says Saks Fifth Avenue (fancy!) and is all old-looking and such.

Skirt is lovely, I am a fan of how half of it has the tulle pleats. I love two-tone schizo stuff and I love tullllleeee. And because of the new law, I am supposed to let you know that I received compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target.
This little brooch guy is one of the spooks from Totoro! Got him in Japan at a tiny store that was ALL Studio Ghibli stuff (we went to the museum too...so nuts, SO amazing, more on that later...)
AHHHHH sooo cute I can't take it. I want a giant Totoro that takes up my whole living room. I loved my Disney princesses when I was a toddler but I loved Totoro more...it was more accessible, if that makes sense? And it made ghosts not scary. I am friends with ghosts, spirits, and orbs. Ella and I did the Ouija board the other night and it was scary as hale but nice to me.
And lastly...

Rodarte tights <3 old man shoes <3
It's been about a year now since Kate and Laura first emailed me...AND THE REST, AS THEY SAY, IS HISTORY. No but really, so weird to think about!! When I'm a batty old woman with furniture stacked up in my yard and lights strung through the trees, these tights they gave me will still be of my most special possessions.
Oh, I watched Heathers last night. So great. When Spring comes I will take a picture in plaids and a monocle and my head sticking out of the ground on a lawn.
cool shoes and jacket)
adore your unusual style
waiting for your next post
I went to a museum once and sat in the cat bus from totoro. It was magical.
Nice outfit. I especially love that jacket, even though it has a google of buttons. And the pin! Oh! I've seen all the Studio Ghibli movies! I loved them! I actually watched Kiki's Delivery Service a few nights ago...
i love the jacket, how much did it cost?
I see you are inspired by My Neighbour Totoro, did you know you can get picture books of the films? I have a couple, they're delightful :)
Spirited away provides me with inspiration and many thouqhts, its directed by the same man, if only I could remember his name...?
Anyway, stunning outfit
Your outfit looks awesome. I think it's part Tim Burton(tights,shoes) and part fairytale(jacket,skirt).
what is that brain tumor quote from? did you make it up yourself?
Love the color of the jacket but especially I love that you put the googly-eyed guy on it. I used to collect those guys, long long ago.
That Ghibli broach is so cute ^^
I was watching QI the other day (British show) and apparently when Ouija boards first came out they were marketed as a childrens game and only after Hollywood got it's hand on it did it become what it is today.
Jake x
I got that skirt yesterday. It's awesome. A little short and tight thanks to my body type, but the tulle overlay keeps it from going to skankville. I slept late, so I couldn't get the mustard cardigan. :( I got it in boring black and it's still beautiful, but I'm hoping upon hope that I get picked in your contest.
Hi, Tavi! I love your haircut! I want that pin!! ahahahaha. That mustard colour looks really good on you! I really like it. Those tights are fabulous. I am 15 and I've my blog since August! Please check it out! Follow it and feel free to e-mail me!
oh, and I think your jacket is mid to late sixties. So Sgt Pepper!
Oh I LOVE the Totoro pin! Such Miyazaki awesomeness!
Made it out to Target in the morning yesterday and was able to pick up the mustard tulle lace skirt, the black slip dress and the lace tights. Thanks to my very generous father and an early Christmas present. I loved everything in the line and still covet the floral patterned swimsuit. Hoping it will go on sale here in unfashionable SLC.
Oh, I love the jacket!!! I would wear that all the time. The skirt is cute too!
the jacket is a sweet find, i love mustard and the juxtaposition with the lace skirt is great.
oooh Tavi, i think the jacket it vintage Cord Procession cuz they have a lot of stuff that has that same feel. Not that i saw anything exactly the same there, but.... love the post! (but most importantly the tights!)
Smashing outfit and cute Soot! Japan is so bad for the bank account with all the great shopping there.
I missed the locusts yesterday, went a little later but did get the last sequin ribcage dress and the grey cardigan. No black lace cardigans though.
I thought what was there was very nice. There was still alot at that and another Target store I stopped at later. Which makes me unhappy to see the scalpers on eBay. Most of those things are still in stock on line and in the stores. Hoping too that there is more merchanidise at Target that they can put out.
Who knew it would be so popular?
hell yes, mustard attack!
I adore that tights! You look gorgeous.
It was Rodarte madness yesterday. I went to our local Target, and they didn't have the Ribcage dress. While my darling husband went to the nicest Target employee ever, Monica, to find out where one might find a Ribcage dress, I scooped up 2 long sleeved, i thought they were black, but are actually blue striped shirts, the lace cardigan in gray, the mustard lace and tulle skirt, and my little one, (3 and a half years old) wanted one of the pink with tulle skirts which we'd have belted or turned into a dress...until she saw the cyndi lauper tutus in the kid's dept. So Monica and Anthony arranged it so that a Target 25 miles away which got 4 (four!) Ribcages (one in each size) would hold one for me. I was pleased as punch, and we rolled on over to far away Target to fetch the dress! They had almost the whole collection, (which mine did not) but neither had the socks, and I did so want the socks. I didn't get anything else, because we're supposed to be saving money, and I'd already gone over my just the striped top and dress, I promise, budget.
All in all a successful morning. And we picked up eggs, half and half, a My Little Pony, and some computer memory on sale! I told you I love Target....
and if you ever come to the suburbs of Northern California, I challenge you to a game of croquet.
superbe !!
Yesterday after waiting since september for the rodarte for target collection i went to my local target. i went with my best friend naomi and together not meaning to we managed to pick up every piece from the collection. i was a bit disappointed that my target did not carry the bow belts, lace tights, or the denim jacket with braiding. however i survived. i got the vintage-y lace dress with the leopard printed on it, the mustard colored skirt you wear in this video, a black lace cardigan (my mom wouldn't let me get the mustard saying it wasn't a practical colored cardigan psh i entered the contest tho) a strapless bathing-suit and sort of asymmetrical t-shirt in the same kimono-esque pattern im quite happy
The mustard jacket is great, one of the things that you can wear forever, great for layering, specially when you button up the other layer to it.
Amazing outfit, AND AHH TOTORO SO CUTE. I love the song, it always cheers me up.
AAAAAAAND can you please show a picture of the outfit you wore when you said you were going to dress like the picture from the Vogue shoot? I know, slightly odd request but I'm just really curious as to how it turned out.
Thank you for the very nice regular posting meaning lots more nice blog for me to read. :)
The opening was amazing!!
but unfortunatly I got there a little too late (10 in the morning) to get 1st selection, but not to worry, I walked away with two wonderful items. I got the black lace dress with a bow and a dark blue lace shirt for layering underneath it. I'm really loving how you've been incorporating the rodarte for target collection with your other clothes!
itsblitzlove-The title is from Heathers.
Lexi-lupa-Yes, me too! The Ghibli museum!!
I got the mustard skirt and the navy skirt with black lace and navy tulle. LOVE.
I must say Miss Tavi, the fact that you can realize the difference between the placement of buttoning, makes me smile like the Cheshire cat!! I will be following!
loveeee it!!!i went to target today and got a few rodarte things myself.just the black lace sweater and the black slip dress.loveeddd everything thoughh
love the mustard yellow coat! so cool.
The buttoning is awesome!!!
So, my friend Sophie and I went to Rodarte yesterday... was awesome! I got the dress with the bows on the sleeves in mustard, the mustard sweater you and I both love, the jean jacket (which I am just marveling in), and two of those low-neck printed shirts (the flowery one and the one with the baby carriages and lions... I like to muse the lion ate the baby!).
I love, love, loved it... pity most of it didn't fit me (I am super small)!
I did venture to Target yesterday and arrived as they were putting the collection out. Most of it wasn't suited to me, but I fell in love with the sheer lace tee in navy. It's so pretty and delicate.
Ohmygod just realized Studio Ghibli did that Spirited Away movie.
That scared the pants off of me!!! :-o
I adore your style. So cool.
Why cant we have a target in London?
Merry Christmas
hey Me and my best friend Maddy went yesterday it was AMAZAZING! We both got the slip dress She got mustard i got the tan-ish nude-ish color! its a beautiful dress. Also i grapped the mustard cardigan but me and maddy swapped so i ended up wit the nude one... i regret i think i'd rather get the mustard back. But yeah she got the jean dress and stuff too.
I find that mustard outfit to be perfection. The soot pin is a perfect touch as well.
New Zealand does not have the pleasure of a Target so we can but drool over blogs to see what everyone else is indulging in.
The mustard is a fave colour of mine in the spectrum...so obvy love this look. The Rodarte tights kick buttocks and so do the old man shoes!!! I have a few pairs of old dude shoes and think they look awesome!
I love this, it is brilliant! It has a really good retro/vintage vibe. As my gran would say it suits you, but just for irony she'd pronounce it 'sweets'. Great post!
OMG I went today, because I was sick yesterday, and I snagged the LAST black lace cardigan. The yellow ocher, tan, and even the white cardigans were sold out. I really wanted the pale blue dress, but there was only a size 13 left. I couldn't find any tights, and I might get a navy blue or ocher skirt if I go back.
I went to Target on Saturday and got the beautiful light blue dress. Lace, and tulle, and light blue, with the perfect neckline! I missed the contest but I do love that mustard lace too.
I don't know why, but you visiting the Ghibli museum > meeting Rei > meeting Mulleavy sisters > getting Comme > getting Rodarte > existing.
I'll make sure to arrange handing-down my Totoro collection to you when I die. I even possess wall-scrolls from like 10 years old. Nerd since birth.
we share te same love for Rodarte!
and their dress fits amazing on u
xoxo from Spain
tavi, i think we are meant to be best friends or something. your blog blows ever thirteen year old out of the water. i adore your style and vocabulary. keep all the cool stuff coming.
Ahhhh... ...girl... ...I don't envy you, over 800 entries, hope you have some nimbe minds helping you!
I would time the jacket to sixties. Great find, I especially like the collar detail.
hey girrrl
just thought i'd let you know you kinda sorta got mentioned in wall street journal...apparently you are Rodarte's 14-year old muse?
and i like your stocking-tights-fishnets??
um... ...nimble...
Hello :D
I like very much your holding. I am amazed by your big inspiration, it is remarkable and magnificent I like very much!!
In the pleasure to discover again your dresses on your blog.
Friendly :)
I love the jacket and tights!!!
XX Happy Christmas!
i really like your glasses!
Eeee, that outfit actually made me think of Miyazaki before I saw the video! The black pin reminded me of the sootballs in Spirited Away.
DUDE i went to see the rodarte collection yesterday and i was even more blown away! i didn't realize how many fine details there were in the clothes! ZOMG, AND i saw the mustard cardigan and it looks even more awesome in real life; the flower-y stitching!! i vant!
and i learned all my japanese from my neighbor totoro songs. e.g.: watashiwa genki!
oh i love that jacket, it's gorgeous
I went to my local Target today and was happy to see that there was still a few things left for me to try on. I ended up scoring the oh-so-lovely bow shoulder dress. I can't waaaaitttt to wear it out. I also saw the mustard cardigan and am crossing my fingers and toes that I'll win it from you!
you look so adorable tavi!
i think the only reason people like disney anymore is that its a ghost of their childhood. pixar please! :)
I have finals (Still! D:<) so I can't go but once I am done I will definitely go to Target. I plan on getting the black bow dress at least.
ah, the museum sounds so amazing! please post many pictures :'D
Such a cute jacket, love the tights.
That yellow looks great on you!
mustard just may be YOUR color.
love the 2nd pic!
I love Totoro!!! Love that you wore a spirit on your jacket, which is so chic. Mixing childhood stuff with outfits makes it that more original.
Just to say :
I 'm still have joy reading yours !
Kisses !
LET ME JUST TELL YOU. I went to three Targets just to collect every piece that I wanted. (Including one store in which way too many girls were milling about the collection and I had to do numerous evil eyes and fast snatches.) But I got them. And I'm soooo happy.
I love totoro. I remember watching the video over and over again and the scene when they're waiting for the bus for some reason it used to crack me up so badly. I hated the part when mei tried to find them again but they weren't there...yeah she didn't need them anymore and stuff but it was like waking up from an awesome dream and realizing it wasn't real. Yah.
I watched Heathers last week (for the first time), so I immediately recognize the quotation! Waiting for the picture with your head sticking out of the lawn (creepy...but I'm curious to see how you'll realize it).
i went to target last week in search of candy canes and they were already unpacking rodarte stuff! i got the yellow skirt and i'm wearing it today too, although you look infinitely cooler!
Dude. A Heathers themed photoshoot would be tops.
Bonjour style rookie,
Ever thought about dressing up a sailing boat?
Dare you! :-)
love the color of that jacket. verrrry nice. and i'm sorry, but "awww" at your cutesly lil pin. so cuuuute. *patting you on the head* (sorry, i couldn't help myself).
I simply LOVE the jacket,i wish i could find the words to discribe the feeling i get when i see it..its probably something like : Oeeh!!
having one of this
but oh well,'its gorgeous' will do ;)
Went to Target yesterday right away... fortunately there aren't too many people clued in on the whole "Rodarte for Target OH MY GOOOOD!" thing yet so I got the skirt you're wearing (which I am also wearing LOL :)) and the Swiss dot blue dress, which I plan to put a Katy-Perry-esque vintagey spin on.
Yay! Good shopping day.
This makes me happy.
I almost bought that skirt yesterday...now I wish I had, it looks so cute on you.
those tights are awesome!
tasty. I've adored your outfits lately, Tavi.
hahah heathers. what a roar. i honestly didnt understand it when i first watched it. but now i can say that i really enjoy heathers. hahaha
I love Totoro!!
After I saw that movie, I made spooks, too!! [But in different colors.. haha]
your blog is BREATH- TAKING!! LOVE IT!!
Wow, you're just so cool. Just read about your blog in the norwegian version of ELLE, and you've got the style and fashionable look I dream of. Amazing, no other word for it:) From now on, I love your blog! And, I'm also a bit unsocial so I guess that's one thing we have in common. Cool that you can laughe about it. And did I mention that I love your blog?:)
Wow, I really love the coat!
I was looking in our closet last night and found a coat that was my grandmother's in the 40's.. it's black with black buttons and the bottom looks kind of like a dress... hmmm not sure if this coat would be from the 40's as well as I'm terrible at knowing that sort of thing...
absolutely love the jacket: the mustard colour and the cut and the buttons...everything!
Oh--- and I would have gone but I don't have hardly any money at this point... and since I don't have a job yet ( I'm 13) I have a hard time spending like more than $20... I'm reeeeally cheap haha. (:
adooorable! sadly i was unable to go to target yesterday (damn snowstorm), but i'm definitely planning on going over vacation (lucky you, i have school until wednesday... ugh stupidity)
cute outfit! love the homage to totoro.. i went to target yesterday, but a lot of stuff was sold out, including the sweaters you're giving away, which i really wanted to see. :(
I wish we had Target in Sweden. I really want to somehow get my hands on some of the items. Alas, I'll probably be over-paying on Ebay for things, haha. :)
I'm curious as well if the stores were mental. Tell me, tell me!
Ollie Crafoord
AHHHH! I am so jealous of those tights. Will someone kill me if I say that they have been my favorite part of their collection for a while now? But anyway, I went to target yesterday, and I think there are some "medium-mobsters" or something, since they had nothing in my size that was actually affordable by my small wallet. And this is considering the fact that we had a huge snowstorm yesterday??? Rodarte lovers are everywhere, I guess! But my friend and I litterally took everything they had in the store, and brought it to the fitting room, and while we kept coming out and showing the outfits to eachother and gushing, this lady across from us comes out of the dressing room with a handful of Rodarte stuff andgoes, "OH! you're here for this too! I just had to dig my car out of the snow this morning, just for this." BET MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!!
sorry, that was really long. I ended up with just the lace-print t-shirt, unfortunately. I had just enough to get the cardigan, but no more mediums:[
This outfit is sick. Ha 838! That is so much to sort through. Again, sorry to have in any way contributed to that (not surprising amount though). I am concerned that I have missed my opportunity to snag any pieces from the collection which would be unfortunate.
Noice outfit! I bought that skirt as well; I'm still trying to decide what to wear with it.
Hi - I thought Saks Fifth ave shops where all over the states? I noticed it last time I was in new york, it's sort of fancy bourgeois shop that has loads of other brands too (did I misunderstand your question?).. Anyhooo verrry luvely jacket!!
Oh oh and the skirt that you've been wearing a few times som time ago, sort of ethnic boho, that ones from vietnam, I can tell for sure, I was just there, I'm in mine today.. but maybe you knew that already.
Must tribute to you from icy Copenhagen!!!
What a really nice mustard Jacket ! love the pockets...i no it's kind of weird just to like the pockets...lol
kisses from France
AH! My heart burst into unicorns and rainbows when I saw your brooch! I haven't actually seen Totoro but there are the same little black looking guys in Spirited Away and they are called soot spirits. Oh how they make my heart smile.
Love your blog.
Tavi, I know that you have a lot of fans, but if you could write back I would appreciate it. For a long time I have admired those Rodarte tights and have wondered how they keep their shape. Do they come attached to a lining? It looks like there are ordinary white tights under the knitted part.
hah, for some reason the combination of that jacket and the brooch makes me think of captain kirk on star trek. it's the mustard + the shape of it, i guess. the rest of the outfit is great, as always. i think, one day, you should just do a major inventory of your whole closet and post it. that'd be so innerestin' to me...WHOA comma overload.
AMEN to the miyazaki stuff. but i still have a soft spot for good old racist walt disney and his princesses.
I am MAD jealous of your brooch/pin!! I love love love Totoro. And all the Studio Ghibli stuff. I am soo jealous that you went to the museum!! That's so cool!
Oh Tavi! I have not seen those tights yet. I am shopping around at various Targets as they all dont carry everything from Rodarte. But I am super stoked on those leggings..Oh yeah, I put you on my blog when you did a little hang time with the Rodarte girls.
I love anything mustard, I must find more mustard items for my wardrobe.
"I want a giant Totoro that takes up my whole living room"
OH MY GOD, TAVI. I don't even know if you read all your comments, but I HAVE TO TELL YOU.
I love love love Totoro too, and for my 16th birthday my friend MADE ME A GIANT TOTORO. He's probably the same size I am. He sits in my corner smiles.
aaargh i love that jacket, esp. the wonky buttoning...also jealous that you're on break already, i think my town's school system hates children.
oh and i went on a rodarte for target expedition through snow and wind and got the blue dress and black cardigan. SO happy. me and my friend semi-accidentally both wore the cardigan today.
ps. I LOVE TOTORO once when i mentioned it to someone and they said "oh i love totoro!" we both simultaneously started singing the theme song...
Totoro, Totoro/Totoro, Totoro/You only see him when you're very young/A magical adventure for you...
haha sorry for the essay
I went today (couldn't spare a free second yesterday) and was sad to see that they were out of the blue dress. Snagged a navy skirt, though! Will have lots of fun wearing it.
Totoro is the best movie. I want a tiny little white Totoro to follow me everywhere!
I went to Target today and wanted EVERYTHING Rodarte, but I didn't get anything because I'm not sure if my family is going to get me Rodarte things for Christmas. I'm not worried about stuff selling out though. People up here in Alaska don't even know what Rodarte is.
i love heathers
oh my gosh i love your tights :D:D
and your dress as well girl :D
The only thing I bought from the Rodarte x Target collection is the same exact skirt you're wearing. I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!
OH! I also bought the blue lace top. Unfortunately they were all out of every single dress. I am so sad.
I've never been to that museum in spite of being in Japan.
if you love Totoro, you should watch Panda Kopanda.Totoro was modeled on it.
I just discovered Style Rookie and have been reading it for the past hour. I now feel like my eyeballs are going to bleed - in a good way.
Although your blog makes me feel terribly, terribly unproductive and midly inadequate (kidding - sort of), i love what you're doing. I'm telling all my fashion friendly people about it...so we can pass the time at our desk jobs reading your blog. Keep it up, lady!
Miss Tulle Tulle, you! I see your photos here, smile girl .. SMILE! :3
I understand that this is your face of style. Does that make any sense .. ?
WELL. I just wanted to say that I looooooove the jacket you're wearing. I think that color of Mustard is actually starting to grow on me. I like it, hehe.
It's a shame. As much as I love My Neighbor Totoro, I didn't even mention anything about it in my first comment. Oh such a shame on me ..
I'm a fan of totoro,
and of the way you roll up the sleeves :)
nice color in this dead of winter.
What a gorgeous jacket. I love all the different ways you played around with buttoning it up. It's perfect with the Rodarte for Target yellow skirt. I also happen to love that mustard yellow color.
Ah how depressing at the beautiful items that skirt as to die for... AH but target in AUSTRALIA dosnt have the collection :-(
Might give me an excuse for an overseas trip though !! xox
I just adore that pin you have, I grew up watching Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service, two of the best films known to man! Not to mention you are insanely lucky for finding such a gorgeous jacket at salvation army!
I went to target in the afternoon and they hadn't put the collection out yet so i prompty went over to the sales people and asked for them to put it out, they made me wait ten minutes but I got first dibs on everything! I ADORE the fabric of the leopard print dress, I had no idea it was a dense lacy type fabric until I saw it in person, and i was pleasantly surprised.
jacket looks its from the 60s (style and fabric) + I lo e it.
Yesterday I woke up at 545 to get to a Target by 8 in the morning. Luckily I didn't have to trip anyone because I was the first person in! Yes, I waited outside from 7:30 until they opened even though no one was there! I tried on everything, the people at the fitting rooms thought I was ridiculous but whatever! I was really upset because they didn't have the waist bow belts OR the nude lace cardigan (!)(?)(!)... ( Do you know if only certain stores got certain merchandise or if every Target got the same things)... but it was okay because i ended up getting the tights,cardigan in black,gray long knit sweater, the lace/tan dress, the gray leopard zip up, the striped l/s shirt,the blue swiss dot dress, and the beautiful long sleeve leopard dress! I was so happy with the line! Everything was hot,hot,hot!!
Love your little guy there very cute.
Rodarte for Target was a hit even in my town where sperry's and Hollister Co jeans reign supreme...or scene kids we are a bipolarly trendy region I suppose. But anyways I picked up the floral lace halter dress (my faaavorite,swoon), the lace and tulle dress in the beigey color, an the white cardigan online and went in stores to find the leopard bow dress and the sweater in grey as they were already sold out online!
It wasn't too crazy in my Target but every time I put something away in a 1 or xs they got snatched up immediately. All in all I am thrilled with my purchases and can't wait until my online orders get here! I'm already in love with my grey cardigan, I'm glad I got it in both colors ;)!
Oh well anyways I hope you are enjoying the holiday season, you and the sisters did a great job on this line!
ooh, love all of the mustard going on here.
and the tights of course!
i got two things from the collection, the long sleeve leopard dress :). and the light blue dress, which I am going to be wearing to my winter formal at school, i'll be the coolest kid around!!
keep up the great work tavi!!
hi tavi:) your so awesome..i wish i had your queer eye for fashion when i was your age :) haha..keep it up :)
ahh the pin! amazing
Aww cute outfit! I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to read all your blogs!
Totoro is sooo cute, I like to watch it before I take my naps. It's calming~ I usually watch it in Japanese though ^^; I love subs.
I'd becareful with that Ouiji thing..it's more than just a game. =/
Anyway...I hope you enjoy the Holidays! Merry Christmas!!
I would say that the jacket is from the 1980s. It seems to have a little bit of that 80s Westwood/McLaren piratey feel - but for the more well-to-do lady :-)
ahh adore this entire outfit. and pretty much the entire post.
not really i just thought that might make this comment worth-reading-able.
i must go to the Ghilibi museum,, and i really wish there were more brilliant things like that to thrift out here in australia.
keep up the blog,,-ahemsoicanstalkyouahem-
regarding the date of the jacket: it looks late 80's, but it could also be late 60's-early 70's. from the label i could say for sure!
GHIBLI ROCKS. Didn't you just wanna live in the museum?
The Target I went to was pretty crazy, but all the girls were really nice to each other, shrieking and clapping and generally FREEKING OUT at 8 am. I also have to say big ups to the dressing room attendants who kept a hawk-eye on my pile while I was trying on other things.
I'm going to say early sixties. It probably had a matching skirt. That's a fabulous material! Good find!
p.s. Love your blog! Ah!
So sorry I missed your contest! Am a big fan of yours from Montreal! Did not make it out to the collection but my parents went to our cottage in NY where there's a Target and I've hinted so many times to pick me up some clothes from the collection for Christmas! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...love the animal print dress along with the textured tights. Haven't seen them online, perhaps they've sold out. But Racked reported that the tights and belts were not at a NJ Target location so could it be the same for the rest? Have a great winter break!
I did go yesterday! I was the only one at my local Target squealing and jumping up and down (which is sad, because it's RODARTE for chrissakes! Everyone should be swooning). I made no purchases, but will undoubtedly return and do so. Wrote more thoroughly about it here:
Tavi, thank you for maintaining such an inspirational blog. It's really wonderful glimpsing your take on fashion and your refreshing and reassuring personality.
i lurve your coat man its cool and yay to the fact that the not so mainstream runway you has returned -man you hate me now - yh i love ur jacket it really brightens up the gloom clouds of winter
I've been staring at the Rodarte's Target collection for so long on my computer monitor, that of course I had to be in my nearest store on the twenthieth!!!
I'm mexican, living in Monterrey so it takes me two and half hours to get near the border, which is Laredo, Texas. Laredo is such a small city (no offense Laredians) with such a let's call it "different" style that I was so mortified if they will really have the collection on time! I even had a nightmare the night before jajaja I'm such a fashion freak. Anyway, we rushed to Target and spotted that lovely baby blue tulle dress right away. Unfortunately, I did't quite get that much luck because there were just the M and L size left and I have the body of a twelve year mexican kid. Twelve years old girls in the States are far more womanized than me, believe me. Anyway, I still got the black halter dress, the mustard cardigan, an ADORABLE raincoat, a pink blouse with a ribbon and later on I did regret buying the leopard dress in size 3 (which was the only one left) when I was at ROSS and found some Betsey Johnson discontinued plaid tights but neeeeh I will still wear it. I mean YOUR leopard dress wasn't that tight either jojo.
Lovin' your blog, and really happy for you getting new HUGE friends and thrilling projects.
Have fun on the holidays, Tavi!
And post some pictures, please.
Kari Estrada
Hey Tavi,
Recently discovered your candy store of a blog - love it. I see you like Totoro - check out this blog of a friend of a friend - he's 14 and just starting a project where he makes 101 Totoros out of different materials.
I think his blog is cute so as a return gift to my friend who sent me the link, I sent her to your blog.
Keep being you and strangling the heck outta of it all.
I couldn't find ANYTHING from Rodarte at my local Target! That totally messed up my afternoon...
My favorite creatures from Studio Ghibli are the little things that carry coal. SO CUTE
I love your tights :) I shopped Rodarte for Target this past weekend and got the leopard dress and tights, but there were no yellow cardigans left! I was so sad!
Man, Tavi, I gotta tell you that Nebraska targets were not on top of their stuff! I was there, faithful and obedient, on Sunday--to no avail! It took me until today to be able to get anything, even then there was no mustard colored dress.
HOWEVER, I did get the blue swiss dot dress and mustard knee highs. Beautiful.
that jacket is what dreams are made of. I will have to make one myself
great look in mostardo (obvs french for mustard?)
Fashion detective on the scene! RE the maker of the jacket- first off is it wool? It looks like a double knit wool jersey- IF it is- then there was a pretty good design house called Butte Knits (heh heh) that made beautifully tailored and detailed double knit wool pieces. I have a few that I super love- and their texture and the detailing look similar. Also they would've been sold at pricier places such as Saks Fifth Avenue.
check this out
right? i know.
oh my goodness. that jacket was at a THRIFT STORE?!?! wow.
i know what i'm doing todayyyyy
I love your jacket :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
omg totoro!!!
check out our desperate collection!
Gee Tavi, my mum bought a bunch of magazines today and there was a article about YOU in one of these.. in a german magazine.. for housewives :D
that was super cool.
you have a great style!
great style :D
I went:
I got the leopard zip up sweater adorable!
I got the like black dress with the bows
I got the mustard see through sweater
and the kimono top waiting for the belts to actually
come into stock!
You look great in that skirt I couldnt pull it off when I tried it on!
I went:
I got the leopard zip up sweater adorable!
I got the like black dress with the bows
I got the mustard see through sweater
and the kimono top waiting for the belts to actually
come into stock!
You look great in that skirt I couldnt pull it off when I tried it on!
I went:
I got the leopard zip up sweater adorable!
I got the like black dress with the bows
I got the mustard see through sweater
and the kimono top waiting for the belts to actually
come into stock!
You look great in that skirt I couldnt pull it off when I tried it on!
hahaha. love heathers and can't wait for the picture. so apt.
Badass outfit. Do tell about the Ghibli museum.
PS: A monocle would be good, I think. A fun eyewear blog: http://www.eye-wear-glasses.com/
i love that movie!
The different jacket styles are great,and I think I´ll make my hair like yours, soon!
I loooovvvee the jacket. I wish our Target stores here in Australia had Rodarte... sigh.... Love your blog, Tavi!
Sending you hugs!
The jacket is from the 60's. It looks like its in really nice shape....rad find!
your pin! it's makurokurokurosuke! I watched 'Totoro' over and over and over again. never tired of it. ^_^
all my friends grew up with totoro, and i saw it for the first time last year. it was amazing, i love your brooch and want it soo bad.
You'll probably never see this #160something comment, but I will write it anyway. I really like your blog. You are fortunate to have parents who appreciate your creativity. Many parents just freak when a child is unique. Anyway, keep doing what you are doing...you are good at it. I will follow your blog as long as it is there.
By the way, the jacket is probably very late 60's/very early 70's. Polyester double-knits are indestructable; that's probably why the jacket is in such great shape. I used to make pantsuits for my mother & grandmother out of the stuff. My grandmother made me a quilt out of the scraps. My modern grandmother made me a polyester double-knit quilt! Will it ever be considered a museum quality antique?
Smiles, Debbie
wooo !! you are really interesting, i have seen you in the other countries,you can imagine how famous you are
Tavi, you rock. Ode to you here: http://whatwouldjillywear.wordpress.com/2010/01/08/01-07-10/
Keep up the wise-beyond-your-years work.
Lots of love!
that jacket of yours is so awesome!!
i love it
judging by the material, color, collar, and black piping on the pockets, im guessing the 1960's.
i don´t really understand why some people had admire u kid, i was weird looking like u when i was 13, i´m 23 now, i understand you, that thing "oh i need to show then that i'm different than those stupids kids i hate at school" or thinking u´re smart as an adult...it pretty common, you will understand these words in the future, enjoy ur fast fame, and as a stylist i can say you may have some good ideas for compose your look, but not mature or smart enough, you will find what u really want or like later, now go have fun.
i love that film, heathers, Winona Ryder is just brilliant in it. You have a cute style and i would love to see a photo of someone else's head sticking out of the ground! Haha
Youngoldlion x
wow, believe it or not, i was utterly surprise YOU would be, nonetheless, a Ghibli fan. Well, judging from your kind of 'hardcore' style of things. Miyazaki is love much?
Spirited Away beats all odds! :)
wow, believe it or not, i was utterly surprise YOU would be, nonetheless, a Ghibli fan. Well, judging from your kind of 'hardcore' style of things. Miyazaki is love much?
Spirited Away beats all odds! :)
I love those stockings!
I LOVE Mizayaki filoms, yeah Totoro is so cute
I have that pin!!!
The little guys is so cute on it I got mine in Japan!
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