it's electric

For some reason, a 90's, cold, neon, electric mood is suddenly very appealing and fresh-feeling.

photo sources one, two, and three


AFitz said...


idk if you read my novel of follow up comments after you left my blog, but here's a cool semi-relevant but very short Sady Doyle piece I found

Melanie Wagner said...

Little Trouble Girl is my absolute favorite! 2 Kims, 1 song!

AFitz said...

(ps: That is pretend bitter. I am not really bitter).

laia. said...

a million, billion times around.

AFitz said...

I am just having a party in your comments tonight.
And everybody is invited!
Except Anne Slowey.

Unknown said...

how i love the fun and youthful colors!


WendyB said...

When has neon NOT been good? I've hankered for it for...well, for a long time. When I wore it. A long time ago.

n / a said...

Oh the 90's. How I wish we were in that time frame. :3

Andie said...

i seriously have no words for that video, its so cool that im stuck on only saying its "cool"
and neon=love
(wow, i should really expand my vocabulary, yeah?)

Unknown said...

All I need is some neon smiley face slap wrist bands and I'll be happy.

Meg Webb said...


Higgeldy-Piggeldy said...

I actually cannot stand Sonic Youth and especially Kim Gordon but I am so glad I checked it out! I had no idea Kim Deal provided the backing vocals, it was such a nice surprise (seeing her and listening to a non-shitty Sonic Youth song), so thanks for making my night!

Chiffon Dreams said...

LOve seeing flashes of neon color in the wintertime.

check out my blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Tavi,

Im so jealous of you. HaHa your fab. I hope that maybe, one day what ever you are doing we could start a label together:) think about it seriously. I live in Australia you live in America imagine, with my edgy Australian taste and your totally different and original americanesqueness Taviness, maybe we could make something revoulutionary. I know you are so busy but maybe, just maybe you will write in a post about what you think. I will check everyday until you say yes or no. Just think Tavi, wouldn't it be amazing to have an Austramerican revoulutianry label. I decided to write this here because, if you every look at this you'll just see. By the way my name is Tara. Tara Rose Connors. and i hope that maybe you will give this some thought.


P.s. BTW i like scrambeled eggs and im a bit of a short ass gnome myself:) oh and i know this is the first time you have ever heard of me but I was probably one of the first people to read the I'm the new kid on the block:) haha

I'm a lover from the start oh yeah that's right ive read since the long haired days hahahahahaha:) Please Please Please PLease Please Please Please Please PLease Please Consider it.

Tavi said...

Anonymous-Thank you for the kind words and I really appreciate the offer but I think it's a no.

Anonymous said...

I know I agree I was reading another blog and they were talking about the fact that a 90's feel is coming back to us fashion wise hmmmm. I was born in the 90's but can't remember a thing about it perhaps it'll be a fashion learning experience for me. You never know we may see 90's anarchy on the catwalks don't take my word for it as I am notorious for making bad predictions; hence the reason I am not posting it on my blog.

Love your blog,
Dolly Daydream

Removalists Melbourne said...

Yeah I totally agree with you, this color looks very appealing. I think I might want one.

Removalists Melbourne said...

Yeah I totally agree with you, this color looks very appealing. I think I might want one.

Wedding registry said...

Stunning color very sexy, strong and fresh I love it.

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

Kind freaks me out, but kinda love it... bringing back the neon nineties, well we have all just been doing nineties grunge.
Where do you get the time to source all these videos and images???

zoomslow said...

Yeah, the 2nd image is awesome, but it's a shame the outfit isn't a bit more interesting. Um, colour, somewhere, anywhere? It's a clean look, but...

Anonymous said...

doesn't seem like you reply to your email..very dissapointing. even the one and only Sartorialist replies... who's getting a bit big-headed?

Sailor Jamee said...

dear anonymous,

if you got as many e-mails as i am sure tavi gets, you probably wouldn't respond to them all either. unless you enjoy being chained to a computer chair.

dear tavi,

proenza schouler was so damn good last season.

Bruna H. S. Osman said...

Tavi, I love your blog and your photos...
Kisses from BRASIL!!!
I want to invite you to my blog:

Ollie Crafoord said...

Anonymous is creepy. :/

Emily said...

Proenza was amaaazing! I agree -- so inspiring.

To Anonymous: I emailed Tavi over the summer to invite her to blog for the Huffington Post and it took a while for her to respond. She has stated multiple times that she's horrible at responding to emails, so calm down. She's in 8th grade, living a (relatively) normal life. Let her do her own thing (which she does fantastically).


Sonia said...

Anonymous... chill out a bit love!

Dont particularly like th 90s, its not been 20 years yet and theyre bringing it back already??

Nicee posts though :)

Kymm said...

Anonymous: Try leaving the house every now and then. Get some sunshine, fresh air, and a bit of a life.

Tavi: Thanks so much for sharing that music video. It is sublime.

Maria José said...

I love the electric colours! are very funny!

Maria José said...

I love the electric colours! are very funny!

jennifer said...

OMG. I cant belive this. this other night i felt the same damn thing. it wont let me go. (I WANT THE 90'S BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! beverly hillssssss!!!) i sat up all night googl'ing 90's. please post stuff about ths, oh and tavi. I LOVE YOU! (crazzy person) but seriously, <3

Dewi Utari said...

I love colors!!!!!

Tavi,,,click and find some edgy stuff...


FashionBlogNews said...

The Proenza Schouler dress is gorgeous!

Follow FashionBlogNews on Twitter and never again miss any update of style rookie and many other fashion blogs!

Tavi said...

Anonymous-Right now I have 1400 unread emails. It's not a matter of being big-headed, just needing to have time off the computer. I try and get to what I can.

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I'm still on the fence about the neon but I'm sure I'll start loving it once I get used to it.

I loved the Gucci ads in that era, circa early 90s.

Nadia said...

That's because we all want to be happy and free and coloured and crazy and much more I don't know, but I want to be it.

Cool blog


Wild Keiki said...

Perhaps it is to juxtapose the cold, muted palette out of doors during this time of year! I don't mind it, I was just thinking of neon green a few days ago, myself...


Anonymous said...

watched that video.


troubled child, like myself, its scarinq the shit out of me.

Perhaps i'm just touchy, maybe I've been abducted before, who knows?

I mean it looks like a alien. Creeepy.


Jimi Phobe said...

i saw you on a bloq, i can't remember if it were Jak & Jil or otherwise.

And saw you in Teen Vogue, but I think you could have added some NEON to it. A shoelace round the waist perhaps? Or a wristband round the ankle?


Barbora said...

Waw. I'm really impressed. Cute, stylish and so young!I do want to ask you though: are all those clothes yours?:)

Visit & Follow:
"fashionably tasteful.have a bite"

Mila said...

I especially love the first dress. That whole collection was so amazing!

Abbey said...

The neons are oddly appealing to me right now - well, maybe not so odd considering it's been in the -40s and -50c (Celsius) the last few weeks, and it's nice to be reminded of colour and that this frozen wasteland won't last forever. The other week I ordered a pile of super bright makeup samples.

Thank you for getting my frozen brain thinking about what to do with my redonkulous brights when then arrive.

Anonymous said...

Tavi! your style is amazing!!

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...


Still trés joli !


Mr. Jerry Seguin said...

i've always wanted to design my apt after the little trouble girl music good. PS did you get to see the CDG trading museum while in TOKYO? XO JS

Hannah M. said...

That blue dress is gorgeous! The electric feel is really nice. It's a nice contrast to all the wintery-ness right now, without being too spring or summer.

Miguel said...

hey that video its so cool!
really love this blog

Anonymous said...

you know what i always wonder,
what you would look like if you were only allowed to wear black and white

Kara said...

lol..hmm,but do we REALLY want to go around dressed as a 80's-90's poster child? nuh..o. but the gucci guy model is pretty smokin'

Rachel Morgan said...

Hey, nothing wrong with a bit of electric blue. And if I stare at that dress for a while my eyes go funny and that's always nice...

Not as nice as SONIC YOUTH!!!
For some reason that song always reminds me of 'Girl, Interrupted'. O! Ms. Murphy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey love your blog
Just started one check it out? (it's only one post right now :D)

Unknown said...

AHHHHH NEON!!!! It's my love. I really lied the patterns in that gucci add too:] so yay!

P.s. you are maybe the most amazing person in the world.

Meg said...

Great song choice, and it's interesting to see the new decade welcomed with these styles.

The Trendy Fashionista said...

The first dress is just lovely
-The Trendy Fashionista

well y'see... said...

I like sonic youth very much, albeit they do make a part of me want to throw myself in dank ponds and wallow in the sludge that they comprise.
postpunk/grunge laaav?

Unknown said...

Our three dots resort '09 collection is inspired by nautical neons:

Albert Paris said...

This is one of my favorite Sonic Youth songs, but I've never actually seen the video.

Bhanson said...

heyy. Im thirteen and I love fashion. I really admire your style and i think its cool that your already soo well n e ways I really want to get more involved with the whole fashion world and i really dont know wat to do. so i mean if you wanna check out my blog i just made and im still working on it but it would be really helpful to have your oppinion.

A Former Flower Child said...

hi tavi....your blog is fun and creative....i would like it all the better if you didn't use fowl language....God bless you...are you going to be a clothing looks like you may be gifted in that,katy

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