current inspiration?

"Her fondness for transformation began at an early age and has developed into something closely resembling a multiple personality disorder. She's Sybil with a better sense of humor, Eve without the crying jags. "And who are we today?" my mother used to ask, leading to Amy's "Who don't you want me to be?"
At the age of ten Amy was caught taking a fistful of twenties from an unguarded till at the grocery store. I was with her and marveled at my sister's deftness and complete lack of fear. When the manager was called, she calmly explained that she wasn't stealing, she was simply pretending to be a thief. "And thieves steal," she said. "So that's what I was doing." It all made perfect sense to her.
She failed first grade by pretending to be stupid, but the setback didn't seem to bother her. For Amy school was devoted solely to the study of her teachers. She meticulously charted the repetition of their shoes and earrings and was quick to pinpoint their mannerisms. After school, alone in her simulated classroom, she would talk like them, dress like them, and assign herself homework she would never complete.
She became a Girl Scout only to become her Girl Scout leader. For Christmases and birthdays she requested wigs and makeup, hospital gowns and uniforms..."

-David Sedaris on his sister Amy, Me Talk Pretty One Day
Ah, the character-a-day thing. I've been trying to get into this again recently but every day is boring and lazy, the only thing I have to keep my spirits up being the fact that I'm wearing tights! And not pants! Envelope-pushing!

Anyway, the character thing, yes, love it, shall try that again.


Anonymous said...

Amy Sedaris fascinates me. You should read Wigfield.

Ah, yes... channeling characters... tomorrow I am going to be a foppish dandy. With a side of showgirl.

Lorena said...

That is really interesting, I haven't heard of her before. Must look her up and learn more. I love the idea of dressing up to become a character, it makes me think about being really young and just letting your imagination run wild...something that a lot of people stop doing after a certain age. What is especially intriguing about Amy Sedaris based on that excerpt is that it seems like everything was an experiment to her or she was actually some kind of sociopath? I'd love to know what she was actually thinking.

KT said...

Hey! just wanted to let you know that there's an award waiting for you at my place. =D

Meg said...

Absolutely obsessed with David Sedaris, and his sister Amy is fantastic! Thanks for posting this!

n / a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SweetPea said...

Umm... I love you for posting this. David Sedaris made me want to be a writer and 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' is one of the best collections of short stories ever. Thank you so much Style Rookie.

Eat Your Makeup

n / a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n / a said...

Oh great! Now I know I'm a boring person with absolutely nothing to do. You should totally be like my guide on "life" or."things to keep an interest in" .. not to sound weird or anything You involve yourself with the most interesting things, things my mind is nowhere near .. until now. Plus, me being not too far my 13th birthday it's kind of sad how I seem to be (compared to you). BUT, ANYWHO. I've never heard of David Sedaris (have to look him), and now .. It looks like I'll be having a few books added to my list "to read" .. lol?

SO. said...

i read the book without knowing who his sister really was. but man, shes fascinating...

WendyB said...

I love his description of her.

Sandy Joe said...

Since you love 'Freaks & Geeks" you should check out "Strangers With Candy"- some of Amy Sedaris's finest work.

Sheik-Chan said...

Hehe. I like the create characters!

I'm wearing tights with no pants today too!! I am wearing a plaid skirt though--it's just a bit on the short side, thus the tights. (>_>); It's also quite chilly here...even though it doesn't snow. It's horrible. ;__;

Annali Ward said...

Wow, Tavi, I saw you in Teen Vogue! Lucky you!

amelia said...

there's a good part after that about her requesting to be made up as completely beaten up at a photo shoot when everyone else is stunningly beautiful. then she leaves it on for the rest of the day.

Unknown said...

Lovely text!
as your blog


Liza said...

Hey Tavi! Congratulations on being in TeenVogue!

Liza said...

Hey Tavi! Congratulations on being in TeenVogue!

minna said...

Hii, just had to post a comment and tell you just how much I like your blog.. It's so different, and you've just got to be the coolest 13 year old ever! :)

Barima said...

Pleasingly thoughtful post

I think the character-a-day concept is best executed if you have a base character to build upon. I'm not talking about one's core personality but about the archetypes one most admires. I aim to be a gentleman, therefore my outfits are all about exploring various dapper and aristocratic clothing modes. Generally, it comes down to the Swinging 60s and the Swaggering 70s with a touch of the Thrifty African

If one has a gift for all sorts of characters, then more power


Barima said...

And to add: it's precisely that exploration of gentleman archetypes that's made Junya Watanabe CdG MAN my favourite label of the past few years. Simply ideal


Unknown said...

Hi Tavi!
I know that you are probably quite bias now...but what do you think of the Comme des Garcons "Jingle Flowers"-campaign för christmas? Where Rei Kawakubo makes a dress for BARBIE? I think it's so STUPID I think I'm gonna DIE! =(

Anonymous said...

you're so lucky! you deserve it :)

norawoah said...

what a fabulous inspiration. Go with it!

Elements of Style said...

I want to be in the Sedaris family.

you should watch Amy's show "Strangers With Candy." It is completely crazy and hilarious.

Heini said...

Tavi, you featured on this month´s Finnish Elle! Ok, it was a total two sentence long, but still. I know, you must have been in various mags and stuff, but just thought you´d like to know this :)

I went like this: The faces of the month ... Child genius, Tavi Gevinsonin, 13, charmed the fashion crowd. At first, it was suspected that the analytic blogger would be a professional with years of experience.

And then there was your blog´s address, and a nice picture of you with Yohji Yamamoto :)

Anonymous said...

Amy Sedaris is amazing. I have her book on entertaining "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence" on my top shelf. It's a must.

VintageLover said...

Are 'Sybil' and 'Eve' referances to the casestudies of women reported to have multiple personality disorder?
I am being rather slow here,

ZEPETIT said...

You look great in the photos above!


demilo said...

YES! if you haven't yet, you must watch strangers with candy if you want the adult personification of amy's childhood "character studies." the show is freakish and hilarious. i continue to quote SWC lines when no one around me will ever get them. but that's ok cuz i still laugh.

Clara said...

heey tavi have you seen the Comme Des Garçons Barbie?

Mila said...

I LOVE that you posted this! Makes me want to go and read that book right now. Amy is so ccol and funny!

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Thanks for posting this. I love the description. You have an awesome blog :)
-The Trendy Fashionista

Skyler Man said...

"She wasn't stealing, she was pretending to be a thief"..Brilliant! I love Amy Sedaris, I got her cookbook on a whim and while I'm not sure how many of the retro recipes I actually want to make and eat, the writing and photo's are amazing;it's a prized possession.

Becky said...

Amy Sedaris is so great! I remember the first time I saw her; it was on late night with Conan O'Brien. You should totally you tube it!...the squirrel bong is hilarious.

Squill said...

Mmmm... I was considering taking on the same challenge myself. Today I was an Aqua Highwaywoman, whatever that may be. Good luck! I can't wait to see who you decide to be tomorrow.

emilian said...

dear tavi, i found your blog today. i am happy to know you. i ll follow your steps. i try from weeks to do my own fashion personal wishing blog( i heve one blogspot, but only for my texts for radio - i do some interwiews for cultural radio in bucharest/romania.), but i don t now how to do that. i need to guide me, if you please. hope to read this post. emilian
please use my yahoo adress


Kerensa said...

Love David Sedaris! Love Amy Sedaris. Watch Strangers with Candy if you haven't already, it shows how true this essay is about Amy.

zoomslow said...

hmmm...i dunno, all sounds a little creepy to me :-)) but no, it's pretty cool. thanks for quoting (is that how you spell it?) this great example of fashion writing - more please, if it's not too much trouble, thanks! :-) actually, I believe there are some references to those amzingly pleated Mariano Fortuny gowns in Proust's "Remembrance Of Things Past" - if you could please read it (if you haven't already!) and put those quotes up for me, that'd be great ;-))

firefly said...

Lol, I don't have any tights or skirts/dresses, I only have pants! It's so fun to pretend to be characters, no? Today after lunch I was being "dumped" and so got to slouch in class. It was fun, and I got my work done anyway, but the teachers were a bit displeased.

firefly said...

Lol, I don't have any tights or skirts/dresses, I only have pants! It's so fun to pretend to be characters, no? Today after lunch I was being "dumped" and so got to slouch in class. It was fun, and I got my work done anyway, but the teachers were a bit displeased.

Anastasia Howe Bukowski said...

Sedaris is simply my all time favourite - I'm sure you must enjoy his essays set in Chicago. It's about the right season to crack open Holidays On Ice...

khdz said...

i've always wondered about David Sedaris... the cover of his latest book with the smoking skull has always intrigued me, but i've never peeked inside.
now he's on my to-read list for sure.

Colleen said...

Ah yes, I love the whole Sedaris clan. I'm not sure what book it is in, but have you ever read the story where Amy wears a fat suit home for the holidays and everyone thinks she's gained 70 pounds? Comic gold. What an amazing, creative person.

P.S. Maybe as part of your character of the day, you shouldn't wear a fat suit. I'm just saying.

DinaFelícia said...

I read about you in polish Elle, and I thought 'may actually be a genius of fashion'... but it not enchanted me. Clothes imposed one on the second ... nothing extraordinary. There is no genius in that. It's just my opinion. :)
But if the designers are like you Who am I to judge it?

Vancouverista said...

amazing amy sedaris tv show everyone needs to watch (she's so good at the character you won't even recognize her) Strangers With Candy
Stephen Colbert is in it too
SOOOO good

zoomslow said...

Bluefemme said...

I loooved it! You are super cute and stylish.Love what you are doing.

Elliot - BW said...

Ah you actually just made my life somewhat... You like David Sedaris too! There appears to be no end to your charm.

On another note, my mother's friend has a daughter, of about 4, who pretends to be someone else daily. I forget her name but my mother would be greeted at the door by the girl and upon enquiring "Are you [her name] today?" The girl would often reply, "No, today I am Clara/Samantha/Precious/Fiona etc. etc." Most amusing, and worrying for the daughter of a clinical psychologist. Disassociative Personality Disorder anyone?

Suzie Homewrecker said...

I read somewhere that Amy has an obsession with making herself look as ugly as possible — I think Jerri Blank proves that. And that's reason enough for her to be the coolest woman ever to me.

Anonymous said...

you are big chit!'^^

Anonymous said...

okay yes i know very old post. but i'm new to your blog and blogging in general and happened to come across this one while reading random old ones of yours and freaked out. david sedaris is basically my favorite author ever and can always make me laugh out loud. keep up the good work (:

Unknown said...

This is great and really informative.. I'll keep following your web and your article, thanks for sharing :)