2010...wait what?!

I write you from THE PAST. Meaning, this is a scheduled pre-family trip post. So what's happened? Has anyone else died?!
What a weird year. And I can't believe it's already a whole decade into the 2000's? I am not prepared for this! I enjoy the easiness in knowing if someone was born in the 60's, they are now in their 40's; 50's then 50's, and so on! But now everyone is old! You're old! I'm old! I hate it! Go away!
Anyway, my 2009 resolutions were:
  1. Read more. Okay, I actually did start to read way more.
  2. Learn how to sew. Nope.
  3. Get better at replying to emails (heh..heh..) Let's see...1400 unread...hm, yeah, NO.
  4. Practice guitar more often. Actually yes.
  5. Keep a journal of everything. Actually yes! Though I haven't written in my diary for a month now, and didn't even start keeping it until September. Hm.
  6. Stop procrastinating. Um.
  7. Stop procrastinating. Not really.
  8. Stop procrastinating. SHUT UP I GET IT OKAY.
So few of these actually stuck, and the ones that did I didn't even remember being resolutions until now.
And I'm not going to reflect on 2009 because you DON'T LOOK BACK, MAN.
No but really, I don't have much to say! It was weird and exciting and definitely a milestone year. Bat Mitzvah, first Fashion Week, Pop, Tokyo, the beginning of what is-so far-my favorite year of middle school.. most of all I'm really happy because of all the awesome friends I have been incredibly lucky to meet. And I'm lucky because I have awesome readers who email me with links to cool shoes and Youtube videos.
Any more reflecting and I'll have my brain in knots. This year was a good kind of weird and thank you for enjoying it with me.

Happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year...=] Yup, Im 2 out of those 1400 emails. :p.
Lovee it. =]

Vivien_5115 said...

Hehehe, good to know someone ele is having trouble keeping their new year resolutions too!! Cheers, have a good year! :)

Chelsea said...

May 2010 bring you even more adventures than 2009!

Olive Tee said...

happy new year

Emilie said...

Ha mine were fairly similar, made zero progress with procrastination though. True though, when you stop to think about YOUR 2009? Kind of mind-blowing. Congratulations. Hope 2010 is awesome too?

emily said...

haha, most people don't even look back at their old resolutions... at least you got some, though, right? ;)

emily said...

haha, most people don't even look back at their old resolutions... at least you got some, though, right? ;)

Steffanie's Style said...

happy new year! 2010!! woot woot!!

become a follower of our blog, we are 3 aussie teens who need more followers :D


check it out ^^^^^^^^


Christina Yang said...

Hey Tavi! Happy New Year from L.A... I am in love with your fun spunk, you're so inspiring! Let's all hope that 2010 will be 10 times better than last year. ;)

mardijane said...

Does anyone ever keep their new years resolutions??

Because I don't think that's normal....


Alyssa said...

Maybe it's weird, but I love reading what other people's New Years Resolutions are! Thanks for sharing yours and your interesting way of writing. :)

Lucy in the Sky said...

Really interesting video you posted...also, I literally chuckled while reading your responses to your 2009 resolutions haha. have a great year, Tavi!

J said...

Happy New Year!!! :D

Heather said...

i'm like this too. i can't believe its been a whole decade into the 2000's. you know how we've been reflecting on all the horrible 90s trends in the 2000's? well that's what it's going to be like for us.... except we wont only be 4, so we'll actually understand it all. :P

İçimden Geldiği Gibi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chwalisz. said...

Happy New Year, Tavi.

Uh, I promise myself that I learn how to sew every weekend, but nothing has gone out from it. I hold thumbs, that your resolutions will be granted.

i.am.bonnie.yes.that.is.all said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! May 2010 be way better!!

Anonymous said...

happy new year! :)

Selina said...

Happy New Year Tavi!Hope 2010 is better than 2009,well if the 2010 is better than the 2009 for you,you're very lucky
In my country,we saw you on the news!

Well,I'm sorry for my bad english,I'm from Spain,so!

Gypsy said...

you've had such a crazy year girlie! but i'm soo happy for you, and seeing you with all of this success just makes me fill up with joy, because you deserve it!

anyways, happy new years to you as well... here's to keeping our resolutions this time! (since i can never manage to salvage mine either! woops!)



Chiffon Dreams said...

Happy new year!!

please check out my blogs:


Marlena said...

Happy New Year !

Unknown said...

happy new year!
and,, please, your email ckeck!!! please~

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
İçimden Geldiği Gibi said...

☆☆░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░▓▓░░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░♫░░☆☆ ☆☆░░░♫░░▓▓░░▓░░♥░░▓░▓▓▓░░░▓░░♥░░░▓░░░♥░☆☆ ☆☆░♫░♥░░▓▓░░▓░♫░♫░▓░░░▓░░░▓░░♫░░▓░░░♫░☆☆ ☆☆░♫░░▓▓░░░░▓░░░░░▓░░░▓░░░▓░░░♫░▓░♫░░░☆☆ ☆☆░░░▓▓░░░♥░▓░♫░♥░▓░░░▓░░░▓░♫░░░▓░░░♥░☆☆ ☆☆░░▓▓░♫░♫░░▓░░░♫░▓░░░▓░░░▓░░♫░░▓░░♫░░☆☆ ☆☆░░▓▓░░░░♥░▓░░░░░▓░░░▓░░░▓░░░░░▓░░░░░☆☆ ☆☆░░▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓░░░▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░☆☆

Happy New Year :))

Nadia said...

you can't stop procrastinating!
It's a way of life!
Happy New Year!

Sheik-Chan said...

Happy New Years, Tavi~!!!!

I need to procrastinate less too. Ughhhhh T-T But I never make it my resolution....because it probably will never happen.


Cloud P. said...

happy new year (szczęśliwego nowego rokuin polish)

although this year i'll be an adult, i belive i'm not ageing cos i still feel 5 years younger ;)

Theresa Marx said...

Happy New Year sweetie!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I've been reading this blog for a little while now, and I was wondering - did you post a Bat Mitzvah-outfit?
Keep it awesome.
-Stine K.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAA Happy New Year's gorgeous :)

Unknown said...

happy new year too you to !

Mila said...

Happy New Year! Yep, I should probably start my homework sometimeee...


Paola and Denisha said...

Happy new years, Tavi <33
Reply to my email, darnet !
Just keeeding.

Hannah said...

happy new yeear!!!!!
have a brills 2010!

Bailey Faye said...

I said the exact same thing about there already being a whole decade in the 2000's o_O

And this year I'm turning 18! YOUTALKABOUTOLD!! But that's not 'til November...so...I still have time to be a kid! *gulp*

I hope you have an action-packed year! Hehe :]

Baro Lucas said...

I love it.
Happy new year 2010


hannah banananan said...

happy new year!!!
to the learn how to so one (new years resolution) i taught my self but there some very nice klutz books out there haha i love klutz it gets my creative juices flowing!!

mistersquid said...

Get better at replying to emails (heh..heh..) Let's see...1400 unread...hm, yeah, NO.

Style Rookie, I love you!!!!

Hannah said...

happy 2010

please check out my blog everyone....


Natasha said...

Keeping resolutions is not easy at all, hahaha. Actually, I forgot what were mine, then I don't know if I made it, hahaha. Happy 2010! (:

Catherine said...

Happy New year Tavi!

I feeled honored that you actaully posted the contents of my email...

and don't worry. Those goals you have will eventually be met if you really believe in them. Hope that doesn't sound lame.

Emily said...

Happy new year, Tavi! You've definitely had an amazing year, and I'm so glad that you've been able to share it with readers. I already know that 2010 will be an even better year for you!!

Anonymous said...

happy new year and i hope one day you will read the two emails i sent you and one will look at my blog .But well done for achievings so much and its been fun hearing all about it

sefei said...

wow how did you manage the seats for fashion week? I read about you in an article in the NEW YORK TIMES!

Anonymous said...

happy new year tavi!

ReyBeltane said...

journals are amazing! it always makes you feel better when you write things down. your memory improves, and somehow once all your problems are written down, they totally don't seem that bad. I've been keeping one since I was ten. I have 43 of them now and if you need any help with starting/keeping one maybe I could give you some tips!

happy new year!

Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

HOW DO I KNOW THAT ?....IT'S MY SECRET................

fashion mademoiselle said...

Hi Tavi!,

Im Fashion Mademoiselle!
I love your outfits! You are so cool!
I have a blog too!
You could visit my site at:


Fashion Mademoiselle!

Liz OT said...

Not sure that the procrastination one ever happens. For anyone.

Happy New Year!

simonesays said...

Weirdly enough, if my stalking memories are correct, Brittany Murphy died when you were on your trip. Anyways, I think you did better on your resolutions, seeing as you can actually remember them. Congratualtions.
Have a great decade ♥

Cora said...

Happy 2010 :) ...I actually love your blog, and it's so inspiring. Hope this year is even better than 2009 <3

Cora xx

P.S. dw, I procrastinate all the time, geeze i'm even doing it now haha x

bobb said...

Happy New Year Tavi! Quite a year for you and may 2010 be even better:).

firefly said...

I made resolutions too, but I forgot them. Yeah. Happy New Year! I'm actually wearing a decent outfit today.

Sonia said...

Aww you had an AWESOMEEE 2009.
And at least you kept some of your resolutions too.

Hahaha mine never got past January 4th last year...
but not eating chocolate is so hard to do!!!



brightlightsbigcity said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! loved hearing about your new years resolutions-procrastinating has been my number one for many a year.. i'll get to fixing that.. eventually... but first i need to clean my room!!


Happy NY!



Happy New Year Tavi!

Dian Prad said...

Happy New Year Tav,
Another Great year for all bloggers too :)

good luck with your new year's resolutions.


dian prad

Unknown said...

SOO cool. Wish i could be as big as a success as you! just inspiring.

Kristen said...

I think you're neat. Resolu on that!

Laura Gerencser said...

Great post!! As always you mad me laugh!:)

Anonymous said...

hey there!
i sent you an email... please read!

Marta said...

Happy new year Tavi!


joy said...

Happy New Year Tavi!


Kate said...

Happy New Year! Are you going to put up any of your Tokyo pictures? I'm going to Tokyo in June so I'd love to see your pictures.

Erin said...

Happy New Year! I'm starting my own fashion blog (Yes, you inspired me, Tavi, and I need some people to read it,so if anyone has a chance, then go tho http://www. Style-Savvy.blogspot.com. Thanks!

Dani-Elle said...

Love your resolutions...sounds so much like mine.

You are an inspiration and you are so much younger than me...be proud of all that you are doing.

Love the blog.

Dani-Elle from

Anonymous said...

I'd teach you how to sew, but, heh, I don't *really* know you :P
Anywho Happy New Year!

mebeGRSJ said...

Happy New Year Tavi!
I"m kind of new to your blog, and I absolutly love it!
Anyway, please check out my blog!



WendyB said...

You're SUPER old! ;-)

Sam Harvey said...

Hi Tavi-
I am a girl architect who knows how to sew. Just finished my MAN BAG Peace out! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/

savoir-faire said...

i love your blog it intrests me and helps me know what others like. fashion is lovely



Sasha Fay said...

Happy New Year!

Can't wait to see what the year brings for ya!


Susan said...

love your list :)
keep up the great work!
happy new year, xoxo

Siouxsie said...

You are awesome.

Thrashin' Threads said...

Happy new year!

keira antoia rose said...

I have procrastinated thinking up New Years Resolutions...I am so determined to work hard on them!

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Roxana C said...

Happy New Year to you too! You have a wonderful blog and your awfully smart! A great combination for an avid reader!

check out my blog whenever you can, i would appreciate your honest opinion about it.


J Boo said...

Your year beats mine any day!

Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

happy new year!

very funny words :))

i've drawn you a couple of weeks ago, hope you like it!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Tavi! Kisses from Poland :)



maryam said...

hey hey you had a whole article dedicated to you in a singapore newspaper. pretty awesome.

proletkult said...

love your way of writing!
and your sources of inspiration...

kephsy said...

tavi it was an awkward year
but i loved it! so colourfull
(yes im british)
you will do fine
--extremly tall 13 yr old Alice

Maximus A. said...

hey umm how do u join

fashionfletcher said...



Moda przemija, styl pozostaje. said...

Hay Tavi!
I invite to me ;)

Jake Leftley-Gynn said...

I really hope your 2010 is as good, if not better than, your 2009!
You've got such a great blog! Emily x

E. said...

earlier today i was genrally flicking through my LOOK magazine and came to a page which said "TOP 10 TO WATCH IN 2010" and you were on there and was described as the 'blog-tastic star' i thought omg wow! pretty amazing to be fair. Then i read the paragraph about you and i was gobsmacked to have seen you have been on the front row of fashion shows oh my! Anway you inspired me to make a blog and you also made me think its good to be different and have your own style.. So thankyou love the blog by the way, happy new year!
check out my blog if you want or comment me back would be good :) thanks xxxxxx

Taylor Barrett said...

love it.


may it bring you all good things.

Pat Sloan said...

I will send you my Learn to Sew book... I PROMISE you can do it!!!

email me where to send it to

Sewing is YOU...
Pat Sloan

Anonymous said...

Losing weight and not procrastinating are the 2 worst resolutions they're bound to get broken! :)

Mine are up too, check it out!




love it. thats sure a lot of emails! soon ill be receiving the same amount! good luck with your blog!


Ellie said...

I love your resolutions. . .I would have 4 stop procrastinatings if it was my list. . .LOL

Daniel Reeves said...

you should really learn how to sew.

(i)ToniMae said...

Have a happy new year, you should really take a day out to answer those emails :]


jessica said...

Happy new year tavi. I wrote about you on my blog :]

Stine M.H said...



Unknown said...

hey Tavi, I put you my links !
happy new year with lots of joy :)

Anne♥ said...

Good :Dhttp://juicycoutureandlife.blogspot.com/

Alexandra said...

Happy New Year! First off I have to say that I saw you in Harpars Baazar and you looked AMAZING! Second it is good to know that I am not the only one who has the resolution to stop procrastinating! It is mine every year and I have yet to stop, but maybe this year will be different!

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Happy new YEAR to you too.
Thanks for sharing this video with us.
Your blog is amazing and it will always be.
Come visit mine :)
-The Trendy Fashionista


Danzy said...

Hey Tavi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have actually just stopped making new year esolutions. I never do em, so ... whats the point???
I feel bad ... I started my new year beiing mad at one of my best friends ... but its not like I told him or anything so its all cool.
Youre so awesome ... you got me back into that whole, fun two-year-old-dress-up phase, and oh my word I have fun!!!!!!
Just wishing you luck for 2010 ... and everyone else, I guess ... mines gonna be pretty bad ... my country is going to be over-run with gigantic old hooligans (a.k.a soccer fans) and just thinking about it makes me want to shoot myself ...
Come visit my blog :):):):):)
Hope you had an amazing festive season!!!!!

Elana said...

my new year resolution is to keep up a blog please read!
i recently browsed through the spring runway edition of Harpers Bazar magazine. such beautiful collections a good way to start the year
especially lanvin, my favorite
have a good year!
dont forget to read again

Elana said...

silly me wrong link for my blog its www.somewhatstylish-elana.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

my thoughts.

Bianca said...

happy new year to you too tavi!

Lizzy, Chris, Brianna, and Taylor said...

Wow, dude you are so weird in an awesome way. I don't like blogs but this is hilarious!

Cranberry Beret said...

Happy New Year. Past post is giving me the chills!x

Cranberry Beret said...

Happy New Year. Past post is giving me the chills!x

emily said...

it totally does not feel like 2010,
its going to be really wierd to write it at school.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Here's hoping 2010 is even better than 2009!


Hal E. Liebling said...

happy new year!! i just discovered your blog, i love it. following you! many blessings to you in '10. xo


Hal E. Liebling said...

happy new year!! i just discovered your blog, i love it. following you! many blessings to you in '10. xo


Trina said...

Never look back unless it's good memories.

Paz Martínez said...

Thanks for your blog! I have just discovered...sorry for my english I´m from Spain, visit my blog of vintage and romantic handmade jewellery...Happy new year 2010!!


Savanna Bonsignore said...

Thats actually pretty good progress with the resolutions. I don't think I really accomplished any of mine from last year!


zebraluverr said...

I love marc jacobs too. It's weird cuz i can see a bag by him out of the the corner of my eye and no it's him. (without looking at that square thing that says marc jacobs. Cuz that's cheating.)

I've kept my resolution so far btw! It was not to cause drama, and it's been five days, which i belive is a record.

Anyways I love ur blog and happy new year(:

kanishk said...

good to know someone ele is having trouble keeping their new year resolutions too!!

see through lingerie

Mara said...

Happy New Year Tavi.

I love you like a million bubbles bursting in my mouth.

You re-enliven my youthful self who is so crushed by her corporate lawyerly job sitting where she cannot determine whether everything is grey or whether everything is taupe.

Thank you!

Emma said...

Excellent Blog, love it :)

I see that a lot of your writing relates to films, and as you obviously lovelovelove fashion I thought you might wanna have a look at my new blog:


It's cosists solely of my favourite fashion finds in film. Let me know what you think!


mary said...

hey, you actually have one more resolution andits to stop lying- cos a year ago in this post(31/12/2008) was to stop lying cos you said you werent going to post one :) lmaoo i♥your blog btw:')

mary said...

hey, you actually have one more resolution andits to stop lying- cos a year ago in this post(31/12/2008) was to stop lying cos you said you werent going to post one :) lmaoo i♥your blog btw:')

mary said...

hey, you actually have one more resolution andits to stop lying- cos a year ago in this post(31/12/2008) was to stop lying cos you said you werent going to post one :) lmaoo i♥your blog btw:')

mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.