Today our grade went to the high school we'll be starting at next year. I'm really excited for it actually; there are a lot of electives and one teacher lets you have hot chocolate. Part of the building is really depressing-looking but it made me feel like I was in a Wes Anderson movie, only it smelled worse (like puberty.) I also tried to get to know the lockers a bit so that if I get shoved into them next year and the years after I'll be able to have a pleasant conversation with them while my bruise heals.
Untitled 2
C WUT I DID THERE? How it looks like a SMILEY face in the middle? With nostrils in the style of Francine Alice Frensky? (I am actually very proud of this.)
The outer top is my mom's and the printed polo underneath is my dad's (vintage Pierre Cardin via GOODWILL, whutttt.) And a random orange scarf and random tights and Jeffrey Campbell shoes from
A fairly simple outfit that I shall expand upon when I don't wake up with 20 minutes to get ready, but I GUESS I SHOULD GET USED TO IT WHAT WITH THIS ROCKNROLL LIFESTYLE I'M LEADING. This weekend I'm going to LA with my dad for the Museum of Contemporary Art anniversary thingymajig which should be very exciting. After NYFW, I've trained myself to not act like a weirdo/jerk when there is a foot between a personal hero and myself. EXAMPLE:
Certain Idol Who Shall Remain Nameless: Hi, I'm [nice, homely, not including their famous last name; very I'm-so-glad-we're-friends nickname I imagine their sleepaway camp buddies called them many years ago]. What's your name?
Me:I've also tried to become better at dancing for these types of parties. I think I've almost nailed this:And this:Plus, I will be able to take these moves to the graduation dance at the end of this year.


mro said...

nice outfit! really love it and great smiley face too! I hope you don't get pushed into any lockers next year....good luck with the hot cocoa :)

danxi said...

yes you will. i'm pretty sure 90% of high schoolers dance like that. or dance equally stupid.

cool outfit:)

My name is Erin. said...

I think you are wise beyond your years, Tavi. Or I'm slow for mine. Either way, I like your style and your writing.

chloe said...

yess this outfit is so cute. Good luck in high school next year, it isn't as rough as all the tv shows & movies make it out to be.

p.s. In relation to previous posts, Freaks & Geeks is quite possibly one of the best shows ever. I think I've seen the whole series 4 times through....:D

annie cat said...

i see what you did there.

that was a perfectly symmetric smile too! have you considered advanced placement? i think you will become bored with HS already...

Malicious Mallory said...

I didn't realize you were so young!

I love this scarf.
And your cute dance videos :p

Unknown said...

i love this outfit. it is like a composition.

Anonymous said...

even thought i run hardcore blogzine i always check out your blog for some reason. I just really like what you post up and the creative pictures

Anonymous said...

I love the clothes. I really do.
It's very creative and artistic. Something I dont see much 'round over here anymore. :3

Emily Cato said...

I love that outfit, it's probably on the list of my favorites. :-)

Those dance moves are hott, haha.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you takes risks with your clothing! Not many girls in highschool (let alone middle school) do, and I'm so tired of uggs and northfaces, so kudos for having amazing style!!

Anonymous said...

Working on not looking like a total imbecile in front of my idols is definitely on my to-do list. During fashion's night out my friends and I ran into Grace Coddington randomly and I didn't know what to do with myself...being blase is not my strong point.

Isabel said...

Haha, there's no way you're getting shoved into lockers. You're going to rule that school, girl.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Hi, Tavi. I just found your blog via "Mayhem & Moxie." I think you are so cute, and I adore your shoes in that first pick. Good luck in high school! I KNOW it's so cliché, but if you are yourself, you'll feel so much better in 10 years. ;)

Anonymous said...

your kingdom for those outfits.

violetville said...

Haha, hilarious, this post is making me laugh so hard! oh gosh, okay, i really needed that (weird day!) - thanks!

also: "only it smelled worse (like puberty)" is an incredible phrase.

Qi said...

Oh gosh, I'm in 8th grade but I have to go to the high school in the mornings for math, and even after 3 months, I still get lost on the way to the class, since I'm usually too busy noticing how everyone seems to tower over me

Love the outfit!!
The orange scarf was a great touch to the gray-scaled outfit, and the dance moves are almost even better

Breanne said...

i really love the shows those clips are from...
anyway! how did you think of layering those pieces? creatively done. love it.
good luck at high school girly (:


Love your outfit. Kids are mean and they shouldn't shove other kids into lockers!

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing!
I wore my dad's shirt today too. Got a little criticism, but I think it's fun! :)
Love, love, love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh just realised you quoted an Arthur character.
I love that show!
I'm a bit old to watch as my brothers say (and most of my lame-o friends) but hey, gotta love that ardvark!

Juliette said...

Yeah, high school pretty much sucks. At least for me it does, even though I haven't gotten pushed into any lockers.

Love the outfit, by the way.
Your blog rocks.

Katy said...

Amazing outfit!! Seriously. And I HIGHLY doubt you will be pushed into any lockers; you are far too cool for that. And high school doesn't suck that much if you can figure out/convince yourself that the work actually matters.

Sheik-Chan said...

I love the outfit and wow, you put it together from your parent's wardrobe. That's pretty creative. XD!!

I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much....I'm reading all the blogs a bit late. -Tired Sheik, is tired-

(e__e) Lovely posts though...I'm going to go comment on the one with your adorable outfit. Wow, that's a pretty vague sentence considering you have so many cute outfit posts.

human highway said...

i think this outfit is my favorite so far and the office dance makes me really happy :) you're going to have an amazing weekend in LA!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tavi:

Kalena and I wish we were as cool as you when we were thirteen. Heck, we wish we were as cool as you are now.

We're seniors and will be graduating high school in June. Seriously, high school is about a thousand times better than middle school. You'll like it; there are a lot more people who will share more of your interests.

Good luck in fashion and your career, whatever it may be.


(always)alanna said...

i am so jealous of your cuteness tavi. if only i had been like that when i was in middle school, then i might have a fraction of the amazingness you have
goodluck girl!

Quinn said...

High school is a great way to meet really unique people! You and your parents both share a great sense of style!

Lloyd & The Tubsters said...

If that is what you look like when you're low on time then kudos- I love the outfit.

kelli said...

ha! i have ZERO fashion sense but your blog cracks me up!!!

blukats said...

Have fun in LA, the weather's pretty decent right now. People are actually wearing clothes.

Sounds like quite a party. I look forward to seeing you show Lady Gaga how to dress =)

Tavi said...

thaaaaaanks guys <3

Emmy-Ha! Same dude. When I met G.Codds I was such an idiot.

Nana said...

Yep, those dance moves will really take you places. Very funny!

alex*at*aufdemaur said...

very cute! i love the shoes!!! and the little splash of color from the scarf :D
Definitely get those dance moves down. You will be a dancing queen if you do lol

Anonymous said...

prettyface! I'm jealous ;)
I love your blog, you're so special!

Unknown said...

Aww,good luck with high school. Be your awesomely cool self:)
Love your scarf7shoes!

Jenna said...

I'd like to dance like that. That Colbert move is priceless, PRICELESS I SAY!

Kylie said...

I really want to know how you can throw on some t-shirts and still look so fly. Seriously, I think I need you as my layering tutor! My outfits suck lately! Could you do a post on how you construct an outfit, step by step (oooo baby)? Just a thought :)

Soak up plenty of that LA sun and have an awesome time!!

ps- Your school is smart for setting up that little field trip. When I went into grade nine they just flung us in and left us to be eaten alive by the crazy grade twelves! I didn't even know WHAT was going on at all untill about 3 weeks in... no lie


Robyn said...

Oh you're going into high school next year! That's exciting!
I have a tip for you, in case your high school is anything like mine:
Do not stop in the middle of the hallways.
Senior students will dispise that sort of behavior!

And your..your mom's shirt has such a cool print on it!


ikko brand said...

i really love and enjoy your blog! you have great sense of fashion. i respect it so much:)

Michael said...

I die every time I read your blog. I literally laughed out loud while reading this entry. I cannot understand how you're only going into high school. I'm sure you can't either.

Shelley Noble said...

Great pattern mixing, great Frensky-style face photo art thing!

And very funny text! "I also tried to get to know the lockers a bit so that if I get shoved into them next year and the years after I'll be able to have a pleasant conversation with them while my bruise heals."

You rock.

Soren Lorensen said...

that face monster is pretty neat

fboogabooga said...

Hi Tavi,
Sometimes I wonder whether you are really a little girl or whether some skimmer has put you up to keep your blog. You're so alert and make such informed references, kid, you are great, but please, enjoy your childhood. hugs!

Carmen said...

I loved the clips made me laugh, I have no doubt that you'll have the best moves next year.

Your outfit is so cute.


Stjarna said...

ahahahahahaahaha!! gorgeous!!

EMMA said...

you're amazing! loving this look.

WendyB said...

You're going to KILL on the dance floor.

ME and Blue said...

Thanks for making me laugh! Great post! M.E.

Shelley said...

ah yes, i know what its like in those lockers, not very pleasant at all. BUT... if i had hot chocolate in my classes it would have totally made up for it :)

Samantha Nandez said...

Ahhh high school I loved, but I also didn't go to a big school....good luck! Should be fun

chwalisz. said...

Great outfit. High school? Wooo. In my country people go to HS when they're sixteen.

Kate said...

Hilarious. Your parents must be so pumped about you. You are like the kid jackpot.

ghersionmyjersey said...

won't you be my daughter?
although technically, i think it's physically impossible for you to actually be my daughter but that doesn't really matter. we could be like those best friend mother/daughter teams that hang out together on friday nights eating bagel bites and playing slamwhich! you know, bite size pizzas on wholesome little bagels.

talia&lilyrose said...

Oh my god Tavi , you are just so funny ( I love people who are funny !!) and so stylish , I mean these outfits are just wonderful and ...
your shoes are great .
talia the little funny girl

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

i hope you understand how perfect this post is. In every way.Haha. I'm listening to the Wild Things sound track, and all your videos are dancing in time to the music. Awesome.



Anonymous said...

I met my best friend / soulmate in highschool and it was through a mutual love of CLOTHING. She was the other girl that dressed in vintage that I was secretly jealous and in awe of. Luckily we had a class together finally and that was that.

Let's call me Sammi :) said...

Hi, im from Sweden and my name is Ina.
and i loved your style,girl!


// ina :)

cr said...

HURRAY for Wes Anderson!
+ I think this is your best picture!

Tah tah'

Chloe Tweeny said...

the last 3 animations nearly made me fall down from my chair! priceless!

Rosalind said...

Havn't commented on your blog for a while, but I've been enjoying all the posts..
Glad the day at high school went well- and you're so lucky that you get to choose what to wear every day. I have to save my creative outfits for after school and weekends.
And talking of outfits, I love the one here! The layering of different patterns looks really interesting, and those shoes are pretty amazing..
Like the dash of colour with the orange scarf too. (Dash of colour? Ooops, I feel like I'm spouting something from a fashion magazine.. hehe. I just wanted to get the point across)

BoodleWoodleBug :] said...

Hey there :)

L O V E D the blog !

It made me laugh, so thank you ! :)

I bet you wont get pushed into lockers because if they're anything like ours they're too small to jam anyone in there but you never know ! But like someone else said; you wont because you're going to rock the school ! :)


Clair said...

Hi there! *^.^*
I'm from Sweden (so plz forgive my bad english):/

Reeeeally good blog (or what you call it in english-speaking countries, i just went on something americanized kind of "blogg", what we call it here) and keep you own style! It's great, and you show a big part of yourself!

Hope i posted this now it was a loooot of things a had to accept before i could write this, LOL.

Go, girl!
//Klara :)(but you could call me clair, it's what everybody else does)

Clair said...

Btw, even if you don't understand a word of what i write, check out my blog. tee hee :) ('s kinda obvious, huh?)

English Rose ♥ said...

love the shoes - and don't worry only 1% of the world population doesn't dance like those photos lol you are so not alone!

Meghan said...

gray. YAY!

simonesays said...

The videos at the end confirm it, you are my hero.
PS: Not going to lie, getting my first locker totally made me be like 'FACK I AM SO GOING TO BE PUSHED IN HERE BY THE END OF THE YEAR' and I wasn't. So yay.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your outfit!

Do people seriously shove others in lockers? I thought that was just something that happened in John Hughes' movies...

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine you dancing like THAT...haha the designs together too!

zoomslow said...

Love the outfit – nice interplay of fluid and rigid shapes. And I like how you’ve carried the geometry of the shirt’s print into the background, and also into your very tricky split image. Did you cut the sleeves off your mom’s top, or was it already sleeveless?

faye said...

oh how you make me LOl' ;")

a.sparkling said...

hello tavi
i adore you with your style, because you have a style and it is rare!! i would like so much to do a photo session with you!!! come to paris!!!! you can stay at my home:)

JustPassingBy said...

dearest tavi.

outfit is amazing as per usual ;)
you are my addiction have been since i can remember.

high school
you'll kick ass there and you will make getting stuffed in to a locker amazingly fashionable.

you will be top of the class with your dancing :)

i dance like that all the time and im 16.


Anonymous said...

high school ain't so bad! loveeee the outfit and your sense of humor!

fabiola talavera said...

tavi, i think you have a great sense of style for your age, haha anyway your almost the same age as I, im 14. hey you should visit my blog ive just started

Anonymous said...

hahah that's great)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, you have an amazing sense of style! Oh my. <3

Sarah said...

I'm pretty sure high schoolers don't do the whole locker thing anymore, so that's a plus. Hopefully they will just all be jealous of the clothes:) You're going to love it and do just fine!

Mila said...

I love the outfit!! I want to learn to dance like that!!! hmm. I'll have to work on it.

Sangster said...

Very well written. Locker abuse died in the 80s, you should be safe! Enjoy, high school was some of my fave times.

Angeles Almuna said...

Beautiful dress!!!!!! I want something like this!!!!!

Betty Blue said...

Hey, the outfit looks great. Loving those dance moves. :)

Megan V said...

First of all - LOVE that outfit - and couldn't believe that you'd conjured it up out of your mom AND dad's wardrobe! GIRL!!!!!

Love those moves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lena said...

I'm in love with the outfit:)
Just found out about you through norwegian ELLE and I find your blog really facinating. You certainly know alot about fashion...I feels like such a noob :D
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that I will keep reading your blog..foreva and eva...hehe.

AlixDarling said...

High school can be oh-so-fun, and oh-so-depressing, simultaneously. Take advantage of all the opportunities offered, dont skip too many classes, dont change for anyone, and keep looking rad!

Tiffany said...

I'm applying to High School this year. Everyone that attended Middle School with you has to go to the same high school?!?!?