Soooo Friday night was a party for the new Prada book, held at the store in LA. Allow me to call to your attention a few EPIC anecdotes of epic.
Honeycomb walls:

A page of the book. Christy Turlington in Prada. SO perfect 90's minimalism.
And these stairs that sprout out of the sidewalk:

Are these paparazzi holding up cameras or are they people in really cool headpieces?
Unfortunately cameras, one of which got this picture of Dasha's beautiful outfit and my "oh hi I found out I was going to this 3 minutes ago" one. Really glad I decided to pack these Miu Miu shoes that Sheba handed down to me at last minute. Actually I was feelin' kinda Weetzie Bat while putting this together, knowwhatimasayin? This dress that totally reminds me of Joni Mitchell's drawings in the Ladies of the Canyon liner notes, the surfnskate Proenza print, the hairbow I got on Olvera Street.. and reading that book totally made me want to move to LA and raise a witch baby and always wear feathered headpieces.
And on a somewhat unrelated note, with words like "feelin'," you take off the g to make it sound more breezy and cool and effortless, right? But then you have to add an apostrophe to make it grammatically correct, but all of a sudden it becomes lame and trying-too-hard and something that might be heard said by an elderly Bar Mitzvah attendee that dances with his fingers pointed up to the ceiling and arms moving up and down, or by an aunt that also uses words such as "funky" and "hip," and who wears earrings not unlike those of Ms. Frizzle.
These are the thoughts that trouble me.
Oh right, outfit. Vintage dress underneath, gift. Proenza Schouler top. Thrifted purse via Salvation Army. Tsumori Chisato socks. Miu Miu shoes. Hairbow from Olvera Street market in LA. Watch from this one year at summer camp where I found it under a chair and no one claimed it so I took it.
And Shala looked fantastic as per usual.
On the ground outside the store were these holes filled with books and mannequins wearing the (amazing) Fall line.

I wouldn't have minded falling in and spending the entire night and next day looking at all the books, but turns out they were simply BOXES.

People people blah blah, see if you can spot a peak of somebody's tighty whiteys (classy!)...
It was fun. But the very best part of the night was without a doubt meeting Miss Miuccia Prada herself. She was wearing a turban, and a dress from Spring 2010 that had that creepy snowy-looking beach print I really loved, and though we exchanged very few words, her presence was quickly and quietly overwhelming. She's one of those people of which you are in complete awe upon seeing, because you go through in your mind everything that they've created, and sort of think "All of this came from this one person's ideas..." and it's hard to fathom that anyone can be that amazing.
Honeycomb walls:

A page of the book. Christy Turlington in Prada. SO perfect 90's minimalism.

And these stairs that sprout out of the sidewalk:

Are these paparazzi holding up cameras or are they people in really cool headpieces?
Unfortunately cameras, one of which got this picture of Dasha's beautiful outfit and my "oh hi I found out I was going to this 3 minutes ago" one. Really glad I decided to pack these Miu Miu shoes that Sheba handed down to me at last minute. Actually I was feelin' kinda Weetzie Bat while putting this together, knowwhatimasayin? This dress that totally reminds me of Joni Mitchell's drawings in the Ladies of the Canyon liner notes, the surfnskate Proenza print, the hairbow I got on Olvera Street.. and reading that book totally made me want to move to LA and raise a witch baby and always wear feathered headpieces.
And on a somewhat unrelated note, with words like "feelin'," you take off the g to make it sound more breezy and cool and effortless, right? But then you have to add an apostrophe to make it grammatically correct, but all of a sudden it becomes lame and trying-too-hard and something that might be heard said by an elderly Bar Mitzvah attendee that dances with his fingers pointed up to the ceiling and arms moving up and down, or by an aunt that also uses words such as "funky" and "hip," and who wears earrings not unlike those of Ms. Frizzle.
These are the thoughts that trouble me.

Oh right, outfit. Vintage dress underneath, gift. Proenza Schouler top. Thrifted purse via Salvation Army. Tsumori Chisato socks. Miu Miu shoes. Hairbow from Olvera Street market in LA. Watch from this one year at summer camp where I found it under a chair and no one claimed it so I took it.
And Shala looked fantastic as per usual.

On the ground outside the store were these holes filled with books and mannequins wearing the (amazing) Fall line.

I wouldn't have minded falling in and spending the entire night and next day looking at all the books, but turns out they were simply BOXES.

People people blah blah, see if you can spot a peak of somebody's tighty whiteys (classy!)...

It was fun. But the very best part of the night was without a doubt meeting Miss Miuccia Prada herself. She was wearing a turban, and a dress from Spring 2010 that had that creepy snowy-looking beach print I really loved, and though we exchanged very few words, her presence was quickly and quietly overwhelming. She's one of those people of which you are in complete awe upon seeing, because you go through in your mind everything that they've created, and sort of think "All of this came from this one person's ideas..." and it's hard to fathom that anyone can be that amazing.
well i watched Bridget Jones: the edge of reason this weekend, which I think is just as - if not more fun - than a party for some obscure designer. and i read real books (no that's a lie. all my books are boxes too. I'm such a phony).
This looked like so much fun. I love your crazy outfit. After all your somber-ish (but still awesome) halloween costumes this is a big enough "POP OF COLOUR!!" to make Seventeen magazine proud (im sorry I'll stop comparing your style to seventeen mag, you are cooler I swear).
Tavi, what are your thoughts on Lady Gaga? Did you like her performance?
Great socks.
It seems as though this was truly a night to remember for you! Hope you are having a great time :).
Dude, where did you score those Miu Miu shoes?
You're better at wearing high heels than me. I guess its good that you're upping your pain tolerance as a young'un. At 19, I am far too decrepit to start wearing heels on a regular basis.
Anna, I always crack up at your comments.
Isabel - My friend Sheba scored them for $13 ages ago from some Feline's Basment or TJ Maxx or something saleswoman that didn't know what she was doing!
Lauren- Oh geez, I don't know, it's stressing me out. I'll have to post on it eventch.
you look ggggrrrreat
it is the socks that make it more than great, that elevate it to multiple-letters-for-emphasis status.
do you live in la? thats amaaaazing. i cant believe you met prada herself. ahh!! insanity! thats freaking awesome! i met someone amazing too this weekend. i met spike jonze ahhhH!! anyway, im jealous nonetheless.
Dearest Tavz,
My name is Rose and I live in L.A. I sooooo wanted to run into you this weekend and tell you how much I love your blog! You are tooooo great for words. I have told all my friends and their daughters about your blog. I hope to one day meet you. You are an inspiration on so many levels!!!
Dear Miss Tavi McTaverson.
First of all- your outfit was fab- and very cute. If I was imaginarily stylin'(tee) you, I would've added a belt perhaps?
I really love reading your thoughts. You are kinda genius.
I know glamazon fur wearing goddesses must be intimidating to be photographed with- I WOULD BE- but then again, I am not invited to Prada book parties.
From hear on out- Thou shalt open up your body language to say "I am AWESOMEOSITY INCARNATE and worthy of photographing and existing next to fur wearing glamazons" There. I said it. Because you are beautiful.
I want your life.
oh tavi! you are such a lady in that photo.
what more can you do when your 18? amazing you!
I Am Denise Katipunera
Thanks guys!
SO-That I am TOTALLY jealous of.
rose-I was just in LA for the weekend.
Francesca Lia Block is an absolute genius. Did you read Wasteland?
Lucky, lucky, lucky! This looks amazing. Those honeycomb walls are crazZzZzy!
hey!! i read about you in teen vogue and im in love with your blog and it inspired me to make my own
:) tell me what you think!
p.s. i only have two post buts thats because i just started today :)
I need honeycomb walls in my house. like yesterday.
whooooo! those box books sure do save an awful lot of paper. good on them!
Holy crap you met her ZOMMMGGGG
...and I need this book I am buying it ASAP
that last paragraph about miuccia gave me goosebumps! i think i would have fainted- she is my hero.
You got to go!
Help Is Needed
I can totally see the bar Mitzvah dancing jew in that word feelin'. hehe the ' is his hand going high up in the air...and with a "humph" he jumps blasting a large smile from ear to ear!! His had comes down again and feelin-g rather tired from the festivities he takes a break and has a seat in the hole in the wall with lots of books on boxes!
you are amazing!!!
love your ideas!!!
snazzy socks! beautiful honey comb walls. . .
omg weetzie bat is my hero. i am so happy you referanced her that made my day haha (: god i want to be in la wearing feathered headpieces and dresses with poetry written on them in glitterrr she is so cool. and you are so cool so it makes sense you would be like her chillin at a cool party in la with a totally amazing outfit.
So were you invited to this..? Or did you go all the way to LA just to see the new store? D:
I was only 4 hours away from Le Tavi!!! Aww, I just want to hug you. You're too cute! XD
Ahh...yes, I'm sorry if I come off a bit creepy. ^_______^
So funny, you finders keepers'ed the watch !!
I love it!
You are soo lucky :)))
It must feel extra-especially amazing to be able to do all these things at your age, when it would be amazing enough to do it past 20....
The honeycomb wall freaks me out because I have a phobia of lots of holes! But looks like fun
looks amazing :)
theres some photos from here on the cobrasnake, youre in a couple. you lucky old thing you!
I agree with Isabel: you pulled off thoses heels like a pro!! I gave up my heels when I got married (because my hubby is a smidge shorter than me), and I don't want to tower over him night and day.
I just randomly stumbled upon your blog the other day, and I must say you are quite beautiful and intriguing.
Thanks for that!
This Prada book is going to be fantastic...I can feel it. :)
I'm already clearing a spot on the shelf for it.
Oh - by the way! Love the story behind your watch! Ha - now that's one for the grandkids...not to mention that you met Prada..they'll like that too...
your outfit is just perfect!
great photos ^^!
I absolutely LOVE Dark angels. I'm actually re-reading it right now. I can't believe you've read Francesca Lia Block. Amazing, no? Yeah, she made me want to move to LA as well.
Lucky you on meeting the absolutely wonderful Ms. Prada.
you appear in the most famous blog of spain:
you're fantastic!!!
also, I have done a blog, I hope my blog becomes very famous like your blog.
pd: my english is not perfect.. haha
great post! love the prada party recap.
not only do you have a great eye for fashion, but you are a great writer as well
That looked crazyfun. Thanks for sharing!
haha! you are a total badass. And probably the only person i would have wanted to hang out with at that par-tay. You look better than the all black fur lady. I would have started crying if I had to pose in a photo with her.
haha! you are a total badass. And probably the only person i would have wanted to hang out with at that par-tay. You look better than the all black fur lady. I would have started crying if I had to pose in a photo with her.
Lucky you! And I'm sure Mrs. Prada loved your style!! :-)
--CHIC news from Paris--
--sample sales--
--press sales--
-- etc. --
Hi Tavi , I made a drawing of you -
tavi, i've said it before:
yourelivingthedream. soo envious, but you totally deserve it.
ps. i completely love how everyone else is wearing black and white while you obvi strayed from it.
Nice! That's so awesome that you got to go! (I love the honeycomb wall).
thats just amazing and you look great. I love the honeycombe wall too.
Tavi! did gaga look out of control? argh i wanna see her i envy you! how bout miuccia? was she look fabulous? lol
Hi Tavi,
just want to say I really enjoy and love your blog! Your style reminds me of myself when I was your age, I too used to experiment with clothes, outfits and styles. I love reading your thoughts as well; you're a good writer, and a tru inspiration! Keep it up :-)
Scapa from Oslo, Norway
Best thing of your saga is that you found a watch and it really turned out as an usable item. I can't even find a dime.
wow tavi,you've become famous!
Spot the Tavi!
I love your Proenza Schouler top.
im so happy that you are in teen vogue!!! have been following your blog and it is my favorite!you always fill me with inspiration- continue what you do best! =)
get ya!
shouldnt you be at school? instead of partying on rodeo drive?
i bet the book is fantastic. hope you got your copy for free!
you could also use it to practice for model walk and then you can apply to ANTP and give J Alexander a big snap!
you got it girl!
So cool you got to meet Miuccia— faint! My first pair of really expensive shoes was a pair of suede Prada slingbacks. I love them to death.
I've mentioned the Prada book to my boyfriend so many times he's made me swear not to buy it for myself.
Love your socks and shoes combo— great colors!
What a great outfit...I especially dig the sock and shoe combo.
Those aren't tighty's the t-shirt the dude is wearing under his sweater. Which actually IS classy. So, yeah...
I don't understand the PS t-shirt phenom thing. It's a freaking T-SHIRT. With long sleeves, but still. What gives? I would have loved to have seen the rest of the vintage dress you had on under the shirt. Or maybe see the shirt with a pair of skinny jeans. But to be honest, it doesn't look much different from shirts anyone can get from Target, Vic's Secret, or maybe even the Gap these days, you know?
I'm fashiontarded, it seems. ::crosses eyes::
i love the walls and your socks are so cute!
HEYY TAVI. Not that you will, my dear, but check out the blog.
Lovin the socks by the by. :D
Just got the teen vogue Issue and saw you were featured. It's such a retty picture of you
Good day!
love your outfit. you're a true fashionista, can't believe you're only 13!
It looks like it was a ton of fun! Your outfit is GORGEOUSS!!
Wow!!! Meeting Miuccia! That's AWESOME. And if you can throw that outfit together in 3 minutes . . . oy. I am in awe.
I can't believe you got snapped by MARK THE COBRASNAKE!!!!!
I'm so jealous
I saw you on the Vogue blog today! Yay!
I most say I saw Kristen Stewart in a Proenza Schouler top, but being a style rookie fan, I was all "nah ah! no one wears it as well as you!"
I most say I saw Kristen Stewart in a Proenza Schouler top, but being a style rookie fan, I was all "nah ah! no one wears it as well as you!"
you are so lucky, I am fan of Muccia Prada, always ahead of fashion.
did u get a book?
I can't wait to get mine
oh darling, you met miuccia prada!? you are so lucky :) and you look adorable as usual by the way <3
I'd say your more an embodiment of Cherokee, Weetzie's first child. You know the one who started the band "The Goat Guys"?
Love the Proenza Shirt!
Weetzie Bat is amazing, have you read the whole Dangerous Angels collection? Also, read Echo if you haven't.
I knew Your Fashion Blog in Japanese magazine!(I live in Japan and I can't speak English well・・・SORRY!)
You are so cute and chick!
I can't believe you are 13 years old・・
and,I want to link your blog!
haha they couldn't find some real books??
That looked so fun!OMGoogle I wish I couldve gone, but if I had I would have fainted at Miuccia's feet!(If the moving stairs and honeycomb walls didnt get me first!)
Hey love I know you have like a billion comments here but my blog got featured in Australian Cleo magazine and it's like mega blog love issue and there's a wee little write up in there about you too... Want me to send you a copy? My email is if you send me your address I'll pop a copy in the post. I was in an obscure American mag a little while ago and had a reader send me a copy so I would love to pass the favour on!
Hey Tavi!
I just discovered your blog in the past week, and I've already gone back and read it from the beginning! Your writing style is effortlessly entertaining and you don't seem to realize just how beautiful and unique(in a good way :) you are, which makes you even more amazing! I'm looking forward to reading your future posts!
My Secret Angel Lover Man would approve :) side note...maybe I am just old and out of it but I have never encountered anyone else who read those! Love Francesca Lia Block.
You are so cool.
And you wholeheartedly deserve all of this fashion godliness.
I feel like your outfit needed a belt and the purse needed the strap tucked in--ya' know, so you wouldn't be wearin' it across your body like a junior high-er. Well done, though. I couldn't hang with these folks.
Love your outfit. The Proenza shirt is fabo. ME WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you tavi, in a friendly way, not a stalkerish way haha... :D
ahmazing. I live much closer to LA than you do, yet I never make it down there. Hope you enjoyed our Cali weather!
Hola Tavi, hace tiempo que ¨leo tu blog y me gustaría saber ¿qué opinas del estilo de la cante mexicana, Natalia Lafourcade? Te dejo link de sus fotos:
You look amazing and unique! I love to see that Prada book and sometimes sport are not for everyone, just take a nice walk, dance at home and enjoy yourself!
The London one was less glitzy but it was fun. I forgot to take many pictures though...
holy cow weetzie bat reference! yesss
I really like your post¡¡¡¡
that's so awesome that you met Miuccia Prada!
Ok, did you seriously just reference Dangerous Angels AND Joni Mitchell in the same paragraph. If I didn't love you before, I seriously do now! jeez ;)
PS: Hope you had fun in LA. I am currently an actual "lady of the canyon" - I live right about Jim Morrison's old house. Pretty groovy, huh? ;)
Tavi, you are so lucky- you get em girl!
The world is sooooo your oyster. You are the talking point in college atm- it's great (:
Oh my word!!! Why doesnt South Africa have cool people like you?????
Tavi, you are by far the most amazing person Ive ever heard about!!!!
I feel so inspired!!!!
I get the feeling Im starting to sound like a really cheesy stalker, so im gonna stop writing now
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