I've developed a terrible habit from my post titles of using very confusing and personal inside jokes for everything I write, including schoolwork. I had to write a story and the majority of the dialogue was inside jokes with Karl. I, of course, crack up while reading them out loud to the class while my peers stared on as if I was TOTALLY CRAZY! Can you imagine anyone thinking that?!! Ahem, ANYWAY.
Sometimes this is a good thing, however. The person that sits next to me in writing asked for a Japanese name and made me assure that Yohji Yamamoto wasn't an existing person and that I had made it up. So now there's a story about Yohji Yamamoto being a ninja that beats up accountants. I always knew it was his destiny!

This outfit...print mixing? Vintage dress and skirt, gift, vintage belt, random socks, Comme des Garcons shirt, DIY'd headpiece constructed from a patch from an old H&M bag I had, a hairbow from the Mexican market on Olvera Street in LA, and a lace doily from Norway. Diverse!

But the shooooozzz! I was whining about how I can never find the white Pierre Hardy x Gaps in my size (or pretty much any size) and Camille was all awesome n stuff and we did a swap. These are seriously one of my pairs of dream shoes (Others include Westwood rockinghorses, Proenza AW09 sweater booties, McQueen armadillos, Rodarte nuts and bolts..) but this pair is probably the only one that was more in my reach and therefore necessary to own. They look perfect with everything, and are SHOCKINGLY comfortable (they're tall but it's mostly platform.) They're slightly big and I have to wear thick socks with them but I am still ~growing and ~changing, as the adults I see every day are sure to make a reminder of.

Lastlyyyy, my November/December issue of RUSSH came today which made me so happy and only made a 6 hour Freaks and Geeks marathon with Sophie even better (it's like we go to OUR school for 6 hours then go to basically the same one but with better people for another 6!)
(screenshot taken from russh's site)
As always I am obsessed with their We love... feature. It is always always inspiring and, like the whole magazine, is just very nice to look at (and sometimes hug.) I also like that Russh pays attention to models in a way that other magazines don't, because as opposed to justifying their obession with so-and-so with "She's pretty!" they have fashion stories where the model has personality and character and isn't just supposed to look hot. I loved the model interview this issue with Daul Kim because she had rather interesting answers.
I need to find a Borders that has the September issue. The Badlands editorial was MINDBLOWING and I am even more of an idiot than already for having left it in a hotel.
I start each week as bitter as Daria mixed with Enid Coleslaw, then become Lindsay Weir and sort of switch between trying and not, then by the weekend I'm Millie and happy and wearing sweaters with sheep on them. Soooooo:

This outfit...print mixing? Vintage dress and skirt, gift, vintage belt, random socks, Comme des Garcons shirt, DIY'd headpiece constructed from a patch from an old H&M bag I had, a hairbow from the Mexican market on Olvera Street in LA, and a lace doily from Norway. Diverse!

But the shooooozzz! I was whining about how I can never find the white Pierre Hardy x Gaps in my size (or pretty much any size) and Camille was all awesome n stuff and we did a swap. These are seriously one of my pairs of dream shoes (Others include Westwood rockinghorses, Proenza AW09 sweater booties, McQueen armadillos, Rodarte nuts and bolts..) but this pair is probably the only one that was more in my reach and therefore necessary to own. They look perfect with everything, and are SHOCKINGLY comfortable (they're tall but it's mostly platform.) They're slightly big and I have to wear thick socks with them but I am still ~growing and ~changing, as the adults I see every day are sure to make a reminder of.

Lastlyyyy, my November/December issue of RUSSH came today which made me so happy and only made a 6 hour Freaks and Geeks marathon with Sophie even better (it's like we go to OUR school for 6 hours then go to basically the same one but with better people for another 6!)

As always I am obsessed with their We love... feature. It is always always inspiring and, like the whole magazine, is just very nice to look at (and sometimes hug.) I also like that Russh pays attention to models in a way that other magazines don't, because as opposed to justifying their obession with so-and-so with "She's pretty!" they have fashion stories where the model has personality and character and isn't just supposed to look hot. I loved the model interview this issue with Daul Kim because she had rather interesting answers.
I need to find a Borders that has the September issue. The Badlands editorial was MINDBLOWING and I am even more of an idiot than already for having left it in a hotel.
I start each week as bitter as Daria mixed with Enid Coleslaw, then become Lindsay Weir and sort of switch between trying and not, then by the weekend I'm Millie and happy and wearing sweaters with sheep on them. Soooooo:
Short family trip this weekend. When you see me on Monday I'll be in my Doc Martens and complaining about every person on the face of the planet.
i feel like this is one the best outfits youve posted...uh, ever! I'm seriously inspired.
those shoes are brilliant,
I mean I know that you know that already but I thought I'd re-state it
oh, this is a very good outfit.
huzza tavi!
ooh wonderful outfit!
and that video is one of my highlights of my freaks and geeks lovin' days, hahah yay!
This outfit would not be as perfect without the shoes, that was really nice of Camille to exchange with you! I really like how all of the colors balance out and compliment each other, and the awesome headpiece as usual.
woah so awesome like! love the colour combos and all that shiz, reminds me of something, i cant get it though.... uhmm.... whats on your mouth in the first pic? sorry just curious, ive been staring at it for like THE LONGEST TIME and im just like "ermmm okay theres like this shiz on her mouth, thats cool like...WHAT IS IT?"
ermmm yeah....
i am blown away by the mixing of prints; so inspiring. thank you for sharing xo
That is one amazing outfit...it's like Aranzi Aronzo made a Tavi-Fun-Doll.
that's a wonderful outfit, & freaks & geeks is amazing! i'm in the uk and keep trying to find it online to watch..
Yeah, Freaks and Geeks is just great. Espacially the episode with the math contest.
This outfit is wonderbaar !
Sorry, I meant wonderful.
I like your mind. Refreshing may be the correct word.
As an Australian, i too am obsessed with RUSSH!
You blog is another obsession of mine, i check it everyday on my internet rounds!
So thankyou!
Keep up the amazing, inspiring, great work!!
and.... NICE shoes! x
I agree with your observations about Russh - allowing the models to respond to questions gives them a personality and depth that they don't often get to show. Pretty girls are people too.
The September/October issue was excellent. If you can't find a replacement, I'd be happy to swap my copy with you - I've never done a swap before but it sounds cool.
I have that Russh issue! I totally agree about the Badlands editorial- I really like the shot where the models are running through that field... I think it's a field. Some sort of corn field? Anyway, you're amazing and so are those shoes. :)
xx Carys
Gahhh, this is an adorable outfit! Looove the pattern mixing. At first I thought it was a dress because it just goes so well together!
ur clever. nice use of prints, motifs and other tribal elements. :)
style savvy
Absolutely fab outfit. I love so enjoy your writings. Thanks for sharing yourself with us.
nice blog!!!!!!!
please visit me back !!!!!
Culture of Indonesia
no one can mix prints like you do, tavi! i love it!!!
nice picture...http://galih130889.blogspot.com
Beautiful, Tavi!
Yes, yes! The socks/shoes/freaksandgeeks is so good!
Russh is wonderful! But they don't sell it at Borders, only at Barnes and Noble.
Love those shoes -- I maybe love them even better with the socks.
Tavi, dear, your outfit is so amazing. I really adore the shoes and with the socks they look all the better. But, boy, do they look high! My mum would never let me wear those, espesh since I'm already a "giant." I'm not really. Just kind of tall.
I also love your skirt and shirt. I be so jealous.
check out my blog-ins:
your look are great¡¡¡¡ iLOVE IT¡¡
I'm jealous that you get Russh mag! I can't afford the subscription! It seems like a great mag. I love Stevie Dance. Very talented editor.
Vogue, go away! You're better! I love this dress and socks.
these freaks & geeks gifs/videos that you keep posting makes my day. last night i had a dream that i was lindsay weir. cleary i've been watching it too much
I love the dress. I actually had a vintage dress from Sweden that was sort of similar & that I think you would've loved. It was sort of Sound of Music meets Cyndi Lauper. Anyway, never heard of Russh. Borders huh? BRB.
Loving all the vaguely ethnic mixing going on here! I totally have those shoes - bought them off Laia! They make me feel tall for the first time in my life... also, I should not be allowed to own white suede shoes - I will inevitably spill wine or ketchup on them.
Freaks and Geeks is the best coming of age show ever. Do you know the Byrds version of "Jesus is Just Alright"?
The shoes are too fab for words. Love the vintage skirt too. :)
A lace doily from Norway? Does this mean you've been to my country? When? Why? What did you think of Norwegians?
Your outfits are getting even better and better, if that's possible.
I love Russh so much, but don't know if I agree about the model thing - ultimately because at the end of the day, models *are* hired for a certain ~look~ they have and while I appreciate Russh trying to give another dimension to them, sometimes it falls flat - like in issue 29 when they did "15 Things We Love About Riley Keough" and it was like "she makes pasta with her best friend!" and "she has long shiny hair" and it was like FIND MORE INTERESTING THINGS TO TALK ABOUT, RUSSH. But idk, i find i love russh because with all the model worship you find everywhere else, they still have fabulous features on designers and stuff that are often overlooked in other magazines. And I love their collages - this month's looks so interesting. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Stranger than Paradise are both excellent movies (although I've told you about the first one so many times). I can't wait for this issue even though we are like, two issues behind here. Stupid Canada.
Ok this is a super long comment. Thanks for being inspirational as per usual, tavz.
Your high-heeled shoes ar very beautiful. I love it!
Nice blogg Tavi!
/Cheers from Sweden
great outfit tavi =)
kseriously, I think this is my favourite outfit of yours ever.
freaks and geeks is life.
more people definitely need to watch it, therefore would understand my buzzarre inside jokes with myself aswell. :) great post. Love the chunky white sandals w/ socks.
i have to thank you for this post, becuase as soon as i saw the shoe and sock thing i had a momentous revelation. i just need to work out my pants idea and then i'm all set. i know this makes no sence but to me this was a stroke of genius.
Lovely Lovely outfit!
I can totally picture you when you will be older!
Super cool!
I love that you know who Daria is and you like Freaks and Geeks... Gives me hope for the future generations.
Shoes and socks.. Love it! I like the clash of colours here and the layering. I'd say it's a little missoni-ish?
And those shoes are gorgeous. I usually have a bit of an antipathy towards wite shoes, but this pair has a great retro look. I could imagine someone wearing them in the sixties!
Have a great time on the trip.
You look so very fab in this outfit... I really like it!
You look so very fab in this outfit... I really like it!
The shoes make you look a bit like a geisha they have that stiff elegance to them, really cool!
Your style is apsalutely amazing. And i bet you've heard this a million times but i can't believe your 13! x
LOVE the shoes!!
They rock!!
The Hunter,
really awesome outfit! i love the pierre hardy x gap platforms <33
School for 6 hours? That's so short! (No offense - it might sound like I assume you're stupid or something which we all know you're most certainly not). I love this outfit, and when I saw your shoes I was all like, "Wow! I have those too!":
(scroll down)
Wow! The second image where you’re wearing your glasses and a red jacket, is like a painting! From the composition, to the outfit, to your pose, it just displays a great balance of control and freedom.
My blog titles are confusing too but I don't care... I'm not aiming to make tons of money from my blog anyway. =0
fantastic print mixing and AMAZING shoes...gosh, so good. also freaks and geeks is the best show ever, too bad it got canceled after one season, that was seriously lame.
I adore that headpiece. Just ADORE it.
Aww I have those shoes! I love them!
this outfit is amazing. bold. balanced. incredible mix of pattern.
This outfit is like Peter Jenson, meets little dutch girl, meets granny chic. IT'S ALL GOOD. If I didn't promise myself to never buy anything from the Gap,trustmegurl I'd be ALL over those beauties.
Check me rockin the space girl tee on my blog, just got it in the mail 2 days ago and it is SO boss. I feel so cool wearing it... my brother asked me if I made it! I wish
ps- Borrowed my friend's freeks and geeks dvds a few months ago and tbh I couldn't really get into it. Once you get hooked on the Mighty Boosh and Flight of the Concords, you don't really go back
i luve your outfit.
look to my blog.
These outfits are perfects ! I don't like the the shoes ( because I dont like this sort of shoes ) but anyway you wear tbis dress very great ( Idon't know if it s english but I think you can understand !!)
So you look fabulous !
I`ve always liked wearing different colour sooks, thanks for remmenbering my childhood
yeah, RUSSH was good this month. I can't wait for next month now!!
Ha such a groovy outfit, it looks a fabric shop has exploded on you. love those shoes though and i'm thirteen! :)
Traveling is fantastic, hope you have a good time!
Linking your blog right away, cheers!
Potentially too folksy but the shoes give the look some balance. Nice.
Awesome outfit - the shoes definitely make a statement.
What's in/on your mouth in the first picture?? It looks like bees and scares me a little!
You appear in a Spanish teen magazine! :)
You rock :D
I'm a 17 years old guy from Spain ^^
This is a great outfit! I loveeee the socks with the shoes :)
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
The socks are perfect. You are such an inspiration there, Tavi!
By the way, I think your outfits really improved since the beginnings of your blog. Good for you !
i love the Pierre Hardy shoes! also love freaks and geeks, millie is hilarious!
well, i don't speak very good english(i'm spanish) but i
understand your blog:IT'S GREAT!!!
and, you know? yor blog is in spanish magazines, congratulations!!
bufff, i must to learn englihs quikcly!!!!
wow nice pattern mixing. and i belive your story about Yohji Yamamoto. Those shoes are the bomb digidy...
(i hate spelling, why can't we just have our own way of writing words!) anyway, love ya Tavi!
I spent over 2 hours in my music class trying to replicate this Freaks and Geeks moment. It was the most epic thing ever.
ps. Love those shoes, they remind me of a bizarre 90s band whoose name I can't quite rember, ahh welll!
We're chloe and maddie, almost 13. Your blog is really cool. We also love fashion and have our own blog, but we have a tendency to forget to actually write on it. Haha. I love your outfits!
amazing as usual
One of my favorite outfits of yours. Love the skirt!
oh yes! you have an amazing blog!
We just finished reading (mostly browsing through pictures) through your whole blog, and we must say, you are our hero!!! :)
We have a blog ourselves, not as *awesome* as yours, but yeah.
It's madeline-sophie.blogspot.com if you are interested! You have truly inspired us!!!!
-Madeline and Sophie
PS we love you!!!
i want those shoes.
funnily enough ive been told about freaks and geeks THREE separate times today, including you. random. i guess it really is all its cracked up to be?
- - on the zoomed-in photo of the (wonderful) shoe, i couldn't help but notice the scattered jumbled mixed foliage and its almost like the exposed grains and seeds on the top of a multigrain bagel
Anna | http://skiddish.blogspot.com
love the shoes and actually the whole outfit in general and lol about posting private joke blog titles i do that all the time too. Brilliant job as always
the shoes together with the socks really make a good couple...it's good that they don't quite fit you yet. so you can do the socks thing for a little while.
and: i sometimes hug the magazines, too. some pages of some magazines are just too good to be true. and it's always a pretty good moment when you turn a page and then: boom. an awesome page!
I honestly love your unique style. I tend to have a 50's style to me and I have to point out that your random socks just speak to me. They speak to me like a godess. Or David Bowie. Either one really.
I honestly love your unique style. I tend to have a 50's style to me and I have to point out that your random socks just speak to me. They speak to me like a godess. Or David Bowie. Either one really.
i would like to see more of that headpiece!
love the socks & shoes combo.
Wow...! :-) Really amazing blog this one!
wonderful shoes, tavi. they're even better because they are comfy!
Loving you unique style! ; )
Sorry but, I was wondering....do you have time to reed all you mails?. I`m guessin that you get like tons of e-mails daily.
Great combination!
this could quite possibly be one of my favourite of your outfits. ever. not-to-mention, one of my favourite freaks and geeks scenes. ever.
hey... may i ask... politely.... what on ur face in pic 1?
hey... may i ask... politely.... what on ur face in pic 1?
Cute Outfit! I want to start mix matching my socks... shale I start?.... Maybe? Yes?
Love it.
Uaggh~! I didn't know you even posted this until what...THREE days later?
I follow someone now who posts like 8 times a day...it kind of ruins the excitement of wanting to read their blog. :[ And THEN I miss other people's blogs because theirs get buried within the spammage.(I ...made that word up but whatever!)
I love your outfit and congrats on the shoes! I wish I was small like you...I want to be shorter, I think being small is cute. ;~;
Id say this would be one of my favourite outfits of yours...
Ve'y high up there!
Love the oufits.so cute..
and interesting ideas to make up yohji yamamoto.
I love the outfit:)
And your blog is great.
Wow, a 13 year old fashionista. Something I never expected. You look like you just got down from the runway in your photos. Amazing!
Fabulous Tavi!!!!!!!!you are the best!!!!great outfit , great words!!!!
diferent socks !!! raight !!!
Tavi, you are quite INCREDIBLE.
Hugs all the way from Honduras!
You're just pretty f*cking awesome
// Swedish fan!
Amazing outfit, I love it!
i love your shoes!
So fabbbbbbb! <3
An inspiring outfit.
really cool outfit! yeah, the shoes are great. really cool belt idea! Love your blog, tavi!
thank you for being totally awesome! :)
this is one of my favourite of your outfit posts. so sweet.
oh tavi!
oh millie!
oh all those new judd apatow movies with freaks and geeks all growed up!
(I mean, superbad WAS really funny guys)
P.S. have you seen Kim Kelly on Cougar Town? I'm serious.
oh tavi!
oh millie!
oh all those new judd apatow movies with freaks and geeks all growed up!
(I mean, superbad WAS really funny guys)
P.S. have you seen Kim Kelly on Cougar Town? I'm serious.
You look so put together...every detail is fabulous!
If you get a chance, come help contribute to an imaginary storyline of Karl's trip to Paris, as illustrated by aleXsandro Palombo. I think you'd have a lot to add and may be semi-amused....maybe.
This skirt is from Vietnam!!
MARVElous! I would say more but I would probably just humiliate myself...so that is all...
MARVElous! I would say more but I would probably just humiliate myself...so that is all...
I just discovered your blog and i think you're amazing.
xx from Paris, France.
That outfit is so amazing! I especially like thick socks with the strappy platform shoes combo.
I think it's cool how you've overcome adults' ideals of what someone your age should be able to accomplish and shoved it in their faces. It's really inspiring.
Anyway, just wanted to say I love your blog and I love your style. Keep up the good work.
You 're amazing !
I never really got the whole 'not mixing prints' thing. and the 'not mixing gold and silver'. and the 'don't wear tights/socks with open toed shoes' thing. so i guess what i'm trying to say is... i wish i was as cool as you when i was 13. good job. more prints. and i think green's a nice colour to put in your hair.
oh my gosh, i love that you shop at olvera street. i adore that place.
Cool Pics as usual!
Check out Yassai 7 Jewelry
Fashion-Forward Jewelry with Great Prices
Hope you love it Tavi!
i walked into GAP the other day and i saw a pair of the white Pierre Hardy for GAP. it was just the one pair so i thought yepp im buying. :)
OMG !!!!
you are... you are so...hmmm.... ugly ?! yeah.
this glasses ?! big no...
ahd this clothes... if you wear this you look like a... you look like a old, old women or slliy young girl...
You have a fun in wardrobe your grandmother ?!
i'm in awe of the outfit and i seriously COVET the skirt.
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