on sports.

"Ouch, you hit me!"
"Oh sorry it was accidental! I'll let you hit me back?"
"What do I get out of that besides seeing you get hurt? No, I want a king size chocolate bar, pronto."

I do not take pleasure in seeing other people get hurt. Volleyball, however, is a sport in which one's team gains points from a member of the opposing team messing up and feeling stupid; failing. A lanky student who prefers changing the scoreboard cards in between sentences of his favorite book may slip up on a serve, feeling humiliated - "How could you do that?! It's easy! You just go like this!" yells the team's self-appointed big brother and slave master - and the opposing team cheers. "YES! Alright! One point for the [lame nickname picked up by a Frat Pack movie. The speaker is conflicted between his disappointment that no one got the great reference and his pleasure in the fact that he can now say, 'You mean you've NEVER seen _______? Dude!']"

Now, don't take this the wrong way. I admire those who can hit a volleyball or kick a soccer ball and be really committed to practicing stuff. I could never do any of these and am bitter that I am forced to try to every day. I am also bitter that a volleyball hit me smack dab in the face last week, causing my glasses to fall to the floor, causing me to go to the trouble to bend over to pick up my also bent spectacles. My crooked glasses served as a sad metaphor for what the nerd's place is in a room full of physically talented individuals.

I do like some sports. I am a fan of Speed Stacking, in which multiple cups are stacked and unstacked following a certain pattern within a certain period of time. I also like biking, because it is convenient when you see someone you don't really want to; when they later ask "Didn't you see me across the street?" you can enjoy the struggle to hide your pride as you reply, "That was you? I couldn't tell, I was about to get hit by a car!" making the accuser feel as though they had asked you to risk your life in order to speak to them. Dance is nice, then I remember that I much prefer watching videos of Thoroughly Modern Millie tap numbers on Youtube than I do to trying to actually get my foot up to there. I also like swimming, or rather, sitting in the shallow end of the pool and watching toddlers learn to swim (which isn't as creepy as that sounds) hoping that these younguns can have a better life in sports than that which I have created for myself.

I despise the expectations that somebody with a pair of cool Nikes can catch a frisbee without bruising thier nose or failing to catch it. (The excuse being "These shoes were a gift! I just like the velvet and the color purple! Ooh, The Color Purple. Now THAT is a great shower singalong show.")

Athletics, you are the bane of my existence. You embarrass me, you physically hurt me, you chew me up and spit me out and then sit on me and fart on my crushed, frail body. I want nothing to do with you.

However, this Alexander Wang jacket is really cute.
The material looks soft. Maybe if I take up football I can have my own.

Bottega Veneta took a neat take on tennis (or something?) wear for Spring, which I am a fan of.
Any sleeves I tie around my waist would be because I can't have any more clothes on my bedroom floor and not because I'm trying to be legitimately practical. Guffaw! However, Proenza Scouler made me want to take up skateboarding and surfing.
And I loved the soccer theme at Y-3, this net-resembling mesh dress especially.

Though it may lead more people to expect me to be more useful and fun in a game of catch than a visually impaired opposum, I guess I can't help but want a little sportswear in my closet right about now. But I shall not give in, Sports. I will continue to dislike you and steer clear of any of your fans, who seem to still not realize that just because they're wearing 20 pounds of facepaint doesn't mean we can't recognize them. And maybe I'll wear the Alexander Wang jacket that pays homage to your, Sports, empire every once in a while, but if you think I won't scream like (more of) a little girl when a group of passerbys with a football get mud on the precious coat, you are getting way ahead of yourself. Do you hear me, Sports? Do you-oh God, you're right. I'm pointing at you with a foam finger, aren't I.


Unknown said...

I hear ya! I used to fake doctor's notes every year so I didn't have to take part in school sports day. Sports day, those two words should never go together. I'm new to your blog just read about it in POP. I'm enjoying it so far,think I'll read the older posts. Chelle x

cari ann wayman said...

ahh, i had very similar volleyball experiences in high school. it got so bad they had to divide the class, between the really intense screaming terrifying people and the people with frail wrists who like to stand idly in the back hoping the ball doesn't come near them. i was in the last group. the best part of graduating was no more gym class. probably.

A said...

I had to do volleyball for six weeks every winter for four years. They say hitting the ball doesn't hurt, but I'm thin with thin, pale skin. Not only did it hurt, I'd go to my next class with pink marks up and down my arms. Plus, how much exercise are you getting when you're just standing there waiting for pain? I learned to serve, but man.

I hate volleyball.

A said...


Times I have used skills learned in English, math, science, and social studies in my life after high school = too many to count

Times I have used skills I have learned in volleyball = 0

AFitz said...

first the sewer rats, then athletics - i think you have a thing about farting. Not judging, just observing.

You make me laugh, for what it's worth.

Just Mimi said...

Yeah, volleyball is horrifying .

Earlier this school year, I got hit right smack in my face by a serve.
Today we started soccer .
Again, I got hit in the face .

Besides that fact that I despise sports,
I do love that tennis look though ,
even though the color is hardly in there, yellow this spring = a must! :)

Anonymous said...

At my school we play hockey, and people purposefully try and trip you up with the stick.
I knocked a girl out once with a particularly nasty whack of the ball aswell, eek!

Love the A Wang jacket.

Rabbit said...

i fail at sports...except taekwondo, which i've done since i was 5..my friend is the australian speed stacking champ! WOOOOOOO! i love the A Wang Jacket!

Soren Lorensen said...


giant foam finger

Lucy in the Sky said...

for Bottega Veneta...I believe Tomas Maier was in Florida when he saw a bunch of kids come out in their karate (or taekwondo?) uniforms. LOVE Bottega Veneta AND PROENZA SCHOULER THAT ONE IS MY FAVORITE FROM SPRING!!

Leah said...

Oh that A-WANG jacket is wonderful! I always think of America when I see those jackets.
Love your blog- I've finished reading the whole thing now best fun I've had in a while! <3

ZO said...

I wave my virtual fist in the scarred face of Sport! I really enjoy your intelligent humour.

Eira said...

I used to get these freaky-looking bruises from volleyball in PE class. It took me months to get the discoloration off. Re the ball smack in the face part? Happens to more people than you know.... ^_^ PE should be banned! haha!

Unknown said...

a winked eyes on u ;)

Anonymous said...

I wish I was as cool as you when I was 12!!
You. Are. Simply. The. Best.
I would like to be friends with you, but seriously, I think I'd just embarrass myself...

Selina said...

I hear you! I hated sports with a vengeance all the way through school, I was useless at it, nobody wanted me on their team and I'm too much of a loner for team sports. As far as I was concerned it was a total waste of my time. I still feel that way, so much so that other parents can't understand why I don't make my kids play a sport. Pah! Oh and volleyball is one of the worst - the pain from those damned balls hitting my hands and arms - ouchies!

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I just have to pop in and leave a comment. Aaand.. Here goes;

I really like your blog. Pretty random you'd think, but it's not. See, I'm not at all interested in fashion. At all. I pretty much just wear them, and by "them" I mean clothes that are so far off fashion that (insert random big-shot designer who's passed away) would roll over in his/her grave. Oh wait, I shouldn't say that, I have no frickin' idea what's fashion or not these days. Well, based on what the C-celebrities in Sweden are wearing, I'm way off. Of course that means girls who make ridiculous amounts of money off of their blogs and uses that money to buy fake hair in the wrong colour to match their bright pink plush pants and jackets.

Umm.. Drifted off subject a bit. My point being I can't stop going through your blog even though it's VERY fashion-y and so far off what I usually like reading that I get a little afraid of myself.

Last: This might be a bit blurry since I've been awake way too long. Trying to shift the hours a bit, going to bed at 5am was so much cooler when I was 15 - Now I'm so old I can hardly move around the apartment without my quality beauty-sleep. Okay, I'm 20, but still older.

Going to stop babble about totally random things now. Yup. If you actually made it through this whole comment: hooray and congratulations! Keep up the good work with your blog and have a nice day.

/Räven (which in Swedish means "The fox")

Emily said...

Tavi, you are HILARIOUS! If you're bad at sports, you should totally try running. It requires no hand-eye coordination and most teams will accept anyone who tries out!

Annie said...

everything you just said about sports is exactly, exactly how i feel about it. and i love the wang jacket!

Ross said...

I hear you. I think if someone is even remotely intresting, sports allude them. but then again,that might just mean that when the zombies atack, we'll be the first to go.

Anonymous said...

The best part about finishing school was getting shot off PE (instead of shot at all the time).

Volleyball was my nemesis. Any chance I got I was the lanky teen with the scoreboard. :-)

Mila said...

I LOVE the sporty designs!!! They're so fresh and easy to wear.


Rachelle said...

I still have a wave of hatred and embarassment run over me when I think back to gym class. The emotional scarring is deep. I wish there was something positive to say like "college is different!" but it really isn't. Not at a state school anyway.

Isabel said...

That was EXACTLY how I felt about gym class when I was your age. Hear, hear!

I even got a scar from the time when I fell playing volleyball in gym class and split my chin open. Not pretty. It remains my biggest scar to this day.

Ana said...

I graduated high school 7 years ago, and I still remember gym class. I'm 5'1 and about 100 pounds. Gym class was the WORST.

I do agree about the jacket though.

Pandorable said...

Hi Tavi!
Mwhah, I also hate sports, but am SO thankful that by some good luck I managed to get out of it for the whole of my two final school years :D I now sit in the library every week for the last two periods on a wednesday reading magazines and eating sweets. hahah.

Colleen said...

Hahahaha...great post. Gym was the bane of my existence for many years, and I HATE getting suckered into playing volleyball with a group of people. UGH. Volleyball is definitely the worst. But that doesn't mean you can't wear cute athletic-inspired clothes!

mustownmore said...

Ha, try going to school in England. It's all hockey in GYM KNICKERS in gale force winds.

On a happier / creepier note I had a dream about you last night. You had moved to London and were making chocolate sculptures of bears (like 2 ft tall) and selling your stuff in jumble sales - mostly ear muffs. You were very nice, and borrowed a pair of my shoes.

I may have to stop reading so many blogs at work. Sigh.

bobb said...

Now I'm thinking about the dodge ball game in the first episode of Freaks and Geeks:).

mistersquid said...

In grade school, team competitive sports are overemphasized (in the US) at the expense of self-competitive sports (cup stacking) and non-competitive performance.

This overemphasis is particularly unfortunate because so many young people are not yet comfortable with their bodies. Late bloomers, the uncoordinated, and the delicate all suffer great humiliation. I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing it, too, but you have a sense of humor about it all and this will carry you further and higher than raw athletic talent (for most values of humor and athleticism).

Also, about the Alexander Wang jacket, I think Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter may be relevant.

duckalicious said...

sports class? I wouldn't know, I was too busy enjoying my coffee... =)

Rosalind said...

This really made me laugh in recognition. Thankfully I don't have to do volleyball any more (PE options are great) but don't get me started on anything that involves teams! Lets just say I'm not a very team sport person. The one term we were doing volleyball, I ended up at the back of the court for nearly every game while thinking that I wasting time when I could be drawing or something. I can just about do badminton, as I'm not in much danger of hurting anyone with a ball and I'm quite good at it.
Just read sevendialsgirl's comment. I know all about hockey in freezing conditions too- I have never come closer to hypothermia than running around a pitch in what feels like -100 degrees in shorts and t-shirt. Bad times..
On the happier side though, that Alexander Wang jacket is pretty cool! But maybe thats just because I can imagine lazing around in it, not actually doing anyhting remotely sporty.
Really enjoyed reading this post.


Marta said...

You're so right about volley. I used to be the humiliated little girl in the field in my time... Hated sports class...Everyone laughed at me...Then I grew up and you learned about fashion and now I'm capable of creating the most wonderful looks. And those who used to laugh at you are not. That's my little revenge.

ania said...

I adore/look forward to your musings.

brandeye said...

don't worry, after school you'll ever, ever have to be forced to play a sport ever again.

FutureLint said...

I always hated sports (well, gym class really) until I was like 25... now I play baseball every week in the summer with my friends and I love it... I think because I'm not intimidated by my friends and there is no pressure and they don't expect me to hit home runs. I STILL loathe volleyball - I'm sorry but that sucker hurts to hit!

Pomeline said...

sorry, I'm one of those athletic kids, perhaps one day your people and mine can join forces? let me know.


Dream Sequins said...

Sheer trousers are gorgeous. The netting pieces at Y-3 were beautiful, too. The pop colors made me SO happy.

Cassie said...

Haha I liked that little tale, and how you just managed to slip fashion in there somewhere!


ally fabulous said...

Hi there!

I am Alicia frmo Single and Fabulous blog, and I wrote a pot about you and your fabulous style. If you want to read it, check this: http://single-fabulous.blogspot.com/2009/11/famous-bloggers-tavi-gevinson.html

It´s in spanish, and I would be very glad if you would want to answer some questions for an interview, I want my readers to know more about you.

Big kiss from Spain!


love the pics

jordan said...

hahaha! this is amazing!

Indiana Adams said...

Blerg! I hate sports, too, but I rocked the farts out of this weird tennis/ softball hybrid my friend made me play the other day. Of course I nearly broke my hip when I attempted to run in my new wedges. Le typical.

Adored Austin adores you!

Shino said...

I love the netting dress, its beyond!


Olivia Tripp said...

This whole post made me laugh so much!
Maan, speed stacking is so coool. I wish I could do it! ;)


Olivia Tripp said...

This whole post made me laugh so much!
Maan, speed stacking is so coool. I wish I could do it! ;)


Unknown said...

Why so freaking awesome, Tavi?

Anonymous said...

ha your funny. I feel the same way about the sportswear. I am no athletic cheerleader or track star. so I guess that makes me and you poser. haha.

Rebecca Faulkner said...

Oh, Tavi. This made me laugh. I am 27 and I was the same way in junior high. Despised being humiliated in physical education and would rather mock from the sidelines. I joined band in high school just so I wouldn't have to do PE. Maybe join a sport like track in high school so you won't have to worry about hand eye coordination?

ZEPETIT said...

Your blog is great!


Unknown said...

I hear yah!! I was always "last to be picked" to form the volley ball teams in high school but I didn't care because I always ended up just sitting at the bench... dreaming about my next outfit and how I was going to make it work...

You are an amazing girl with incredible talent and you have the whole world's attention!! who cares if you can't hit a ball?

Love, love, love your blog!!

lovelylina said...

im on swim team but that just mostly consists of me swimming listlessly around the pool pretending i can't hear my coach yelling at me "oh sorry, swimmers ear dontcha know?"

Maxens M. Finch said...

The Color Purple? Isn't that a book?

Renata said...

Same here. Except I don't get hit often, because I run away and flinch at the sight of the ball. Timid, short, uncoordinated nerd that I am I barely even try anymore. Only 3 more years of this state-required hell!

Francesca said...

This was an awesome post. So creative! AND OMG OMG OMG OMG I SAW YOU IN TEEN VOGUE DEC/JAN! YOU LOOKS AMAZING, (: (: (: i started screaming when I saw it and my little sister asked me what was going on. omg omg i love it ahhhhhh i'm so excited ! YOU ROCK TAVIII .

Venus said...

hahahhahhahah. i want to learn speed stacking, it sounds immensely enjoyable. the glasses story was sad :( and the by swimming you mean sitting in the shallow end and watching kids learn how to part was creepy in the best way possible. xx

Alexis said...

Try badmitton. It's the only sport I enjoyed.

Krystals_Hooked said...

haha...I used to do athletics but i hit puberty my co ordination flew out the window... sad stories.

http://hookedonthefword.blogspot.com .please check my new blog out.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain. My gym partner for badminton is ready to leave me because she didn't realize what I meant when I told her I'm EXTREMELY uncoordinated. She said that she "doesn't want to fail gym" (?)

Nikki said...

brilliantly written about the horrors of gym class. vollyball kills (the arms and the spirits of young anti-athletes). that's why i stick to running. i mean, it can't be THAT hard...

Jeni Le said...

Your blog posts are HILARIOUS! I'm looking forward to more. You write with a sense of humor that I enjoy. Though being in college, it is a bit intimidating.

fabiola talavera said...

loved the Proenza Scouler turqouise dress, its my favorite color. love your blog tavi, im almost the same age as you
im 14, but you have way more knowledge on fashion than I

visit my blog, i got a new post


indigo said...

me+volleyball/any other sports= epic fail. I think i've managed to serve the ball backwards. If i get a basketball within 6 ft radius of the basket i count it as a sucess. i love this post (especially the bit about you screaming if mud gets on your jacket) it's interesting to see your writing shift from sarcastic valleygirl to something more mature like this. (though i find both equally amusing.

WendyB said...

Today I was intrigued by a New York Times article about a female soccer player who pulled another one by her ponytail and is getting death threats in response. Sports are scary!

Anonymous said...

you so clevah.

I'm in swim at school which is both great and horrible. I have to immerse myself in everybody's mucus and the little kids' pee every day except Friday, but I also don't have to be sweaty.

HETTIE said...

the alexander wang football sweater is adorable\

i found one just like it at this vintage thrift shop downtown.. too bad it had 4917 stains on it. and felt like wires were rubbing up against me.

Peanut Leigh said...

i love that wang jacket!

{uninhibited fashion}

valentina said...


whichgoose said...

OK ... this may seem weird ... but whenever I read your blog, I imagine it as a movie and it would be uh-may-zing!!!!

Anyway, you featured my butterfly hair comb a while back and I wanted to say THANKS!! :D --Emily

Chloe Scheffe said...

The same thing happened to me in middle school. I was hit in the face (adorned with glasses and braces at the time) by a kickball, which came hurtling full-force from the foot of the most powerful kicker in my gym class. And the kid in front of me who COULD have intercepted it just DODGED. I will never ever ever forget the look on his face as he watched the ball come in contact with my face and knock me and my glasses to the floor.

Also, I was stupid enough in 8th grade to take up volleyball for the year. Let's just say that my wrists bled on the first day, and that that statement really isn't an exaggeration. Because it's not.

To this day, athletics are the bane of my existence.

columbiacomunidad said...

I actually loved volleyball in junior high! Probably because it was the only sport I had a chance at...

Anyway, I just wanted to say that you are quite talented for someone your age, and I am COMPLETELY jealous of your wardrobe!

gabriela kane said...

HAHAHA! A couple of weeks ago, I got hit in the head with a volleyball. I literally felt my brain rattle when the overhead serve of one of the strongest guys in my class smacked me in the face. But he came straight to me apologizing the whole time I was getting off the ground. And I LOVE that Alexander Wang jacket.


Hi, I'm Ely. said...

that bit of dialogue in the beginning reminded me of this one time my little 4 year old cousin saw my other cousin kissing her boyfriend. for some reason it made her mad, so she pinched her and when my cousin was like "ouch! that hurt" my little cousin said "shh. don't tell..."

HHAHAHA wth. such a creepy little girl.

anyway, i dont really know why i shared that.

interesting photos as always.


Anonymous said...

Tavi, this is why I adore you (:

i love the alexander wang jacket just as much as i hate pe

Anonymous said...

And it's annoying to be tall and having a seemingly athletic build and (hence creating a myth that im of any use at sports) and sucking at volleyball/basketball/"anything to do with balls" sports. Had people screaming at me during volleyball games. Hit myself with a basketball/football/badminton racket in gym class (don't ask me how, but I did).

But I did try skating and though im not the most coordinated of people, i got the hang of it after a while. The trick is to STAY on it ;P Try out longboarding, much easier to learn than trick boards. And it's so much fun.

Love the Proenze Schouler collection as well!

Boys In Stripes said...

Hahaha you're so brilliant. The last day of P.E. was the first day of my life. Hang in there, champ!

Sheik-Chan said...

..Oy. I always loathed P.E. Except...when they had us verse the punching bag. I popped a few veins in my hands but I still had some fun.

STILL. I feel your pain. The only pair of sneakers I have are these navy blue and pink NewBalance shoes I got... only because they were REALLY cute. I also...wanted to work on getting tone---but that didn't happen XD!!!

I'm sorry though about P.E. (e___e);

Sophia Munckton said...


illonablyton said...

OMGosh. I just started reading your Blog, and I love it!
I'm with you on the Sports thing. Hate it almost as much as I hate it when spinach starts talking to me.
Love the A-Wang jacket as well as the Bottega Veneta. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

I remember being hit by balls often. Glad it happened. I'm nerdproud.

Pigtails Rock! said...

Hey Tavi, New fan here Blogger from London. I wrote a post about the best fashion bloggers for one of the blogs I write for and you, of course my dear are featured opening the article. You can read it here: http://blog.modelmanagement.com/2009/11/19/a-small-step-for-man-a-giant-leap-for-fashion-–-the-rise-of-the-fashion-blogger/
It will soon be available in Spanish too. (As if you needed any more readers hey?) Lots of love from London, Keep it on!!! We love you!! xxoxo Nonita: http://www.smvblog.com/nonita/

Megan V said...

Hi there Tavi!
New to your blog! Discovered it through Teen Vogue!
Reading this brings back (bad) memories of gym classes past. Ugh! In 6th grade I was hit square in the face with a basketball in gym class. It was almost a recreation of the scene from the Brady Bunch when Marsha gets hit with a football in the nose. Terrible. I think someone passed me the ball but I was distracted by dancing around on all the lines of tape on the floor. What can I say - it was more entertaining than running after a big orange ball? Anything was.
Don't worry Tavi - the forced-sports years of your life will be over FOREVER once they're over! Just get through them by hiding in the back and dogding!

Rosa creativa said...

The black sheer pants... are awesome

Anonymous said...

I hated gym/PE in school as well. The only portion I liked was in high school, and it was a speed walking course. Other then tripping and falling, there are not many injuries you could get from that!

In regular gym I was always avoiding having to hit/throw/catch anything. I remember in middle school we were playing volleyball and I hit the ball back to the other side. It ended up hitting a snobby girl in the face and chipping her front teeth.

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Ugh . Sports .
Last week they made us play indoor hurling (Irish sport)
It's a lot like hockey, except you have to wear helmets .
I'm bad enough at sports as it is, not being able to SEE just makes it worse .
I tend to daze off, and when my team are finally finished losing (which is what usually happens when I'm on the poor suckers' teams) I am still on the court, just looking on until I snap out of Maryland .
Not good .

Lizzie said...

Oh Tavi how I love your wit and extremely potent view on athletics. It's like you peered into my little anti-sports brain cells and wrote down everything that you saw! You are basically everything I require in a best friend :]

Unknown said...

im not a massive fan of this collection anthing sporty just doesnt do it for me, its great fun to style up with some glam bits but its just so dull off the catwalk

Victoria said...

Volleyball is brutal. I feel for you. But on the other hand, I find your witty sense of humor much more valuable than athleticism.

Tavi said...

crocodilefan06-Hey we have speedwalking too! I love that one. And you get a detention for running!

nona-Thank you!

gorebahia-That is a good way to think about it..

pashupati-The Color Purple is also a musical

ross-I don't think that's fair, really. A person can enjoy sports but that doesn't mean they're boring. They just enjoy competition and that's fine.

ally-Thank you!!

futurelint-I enjoy some games when they're not with school!

Dana said...

Oh, volleyball was always the worst. I was THE ONLY ONE who couldn't serve the ball over the net. I feel ya.

Robyn said...

Oh I know what you mean! Volleyball and Soccer were always the bane of my existance all through gym class. I'd much rather have been bowling if I had to do a sport at all.
I'm so glad gym is over for me!


Sahairaaa! said...

Lol, I love You Your Hilarious

Brandy Shaloo said...

I love the Y-3 collection. A cool look for the world cup events that will take place next year...

Anonymous said...

I loooove the Alexander Wang jacket. I'm with you on the sports...I get so scared playing anything with direct competition.

NorwegianWood said...

For what it's worth, I've been hit in the face by the following sports paraphanelia:
- soccer ball
- volley ball
- baseball
- nerf ball
- football
- badminton racket
- gym mat

The badminton racket was definitely the worst, but I also accidentally HIT a person in the face with a racket once (by accident) so perhaps that negates the whole thing.

Being in Canada, I can also vouch for the fact that getting hit in the face with any of the above mentioned balls is about 10x worse if they are frozen. We had a gym teacher who thought it was a good idea to play soccer outside in -30celsius and 4 ft. of snow. What the hell. Gym teachers are sadists.

firefly said...

P.E. was my worst subject last tri. However, most of my physical educations injuries were inflicted by people not playing sports. Like the time someone pushed the metal gate into my face, causing me to catch it with my arm and subsequently bruise it. Or, a recent injury was the bars testing, where I popped the calluses on my right palm, causing it to bleed and sting in math. At least I got full credit.(:

Your blog is funny and interesting, but you should give yourself more credit!

Eunice said...

The absolute best post you've written so far. :)

R. said...

The trick is to find four or five people just like you and put all these wonderful nerdy/geeky/fatty/skinny/frail people together in a team. Done that, two options remain: either no one wants to play against you (which is great) either everybody wants to play against you (which is not so great, but the game ends in about two minutes). In the remaining time, you could discuss anything more interesting than PE, like fashion ;). The great thing about that is to ignore a stupid group of jocks being with a witty funny and smart group. It used to work with me.

Just read all your blog, and I even dig fashion. You are a very smart kid, and probably will become a wonderful grown up.

Congrats from Brazil(and sorry about the lame english).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sonia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sonia said...

You should try doing "orienteering and fitness" in the poring rain, being blown away by the wind whilst freezing to death in those ickle shorts we are forced to wear
At least u havve one year less of it than me- im 12 and ur 13 ja??
PE in engand is tortureeee girl :(

BTW... the botega venetta show was supposed to be inspired by karate- hence da couloured belts and white clobber


the chic average said...

Tavi, your blog is simply amazing!

Everyone, here is my blog: www.thechicaverage.blogspot.com

hope you'll like my blog!

arp journal officiel said...

i love A-wang...i tried to get the grey heather socks from the s/s 2010 show at barneys in SF, but they don't have them yet & not sure if they're going to...that would be a miss if they don't.

i wanted them for a shoot, not for myself as i'm a boy : )

ps. i love your blog tavi...very charming & funny!

blahblahgirl said...

I enjoy sports to some degree. It's fun bouncing the ball and making it go in the hoop-de-thing. The fun disapears though once competition is added. Which is why, like you i enjoy dance and such.

Andie said...

Ah Tavi! I simply adore you and can relate to you so well, I hate p.e/sports/anything that involves a ball. However, I do have a lovely 'designed myself' pair of Nikes and they are no help to me whatsoever - I still suck at p.e!
I'm new to the blogging shindig so if anyone has nothing else useful to do then take a look at my posts:) if not, then I will continue to type to myself!

Natasha said...

This is a gem, Tavi! We would have been friends in middle school...I turn 30 next month...but I remember like it was yeaterday!

Unknown said...

Finally, the truth comes out! Haha I found this, printed it out, and showed it to my friend. She suggested that we post it on the door of out gym at school, like Luther's 95 theses.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, ME TOO!! I can't stand sports, especially football and baseball, ugh.
I play Volleyball, but that's just because I have to have some kind of athletic activity lol
I would much rather sit around contemplating how I can convince my mom that spending $40 on a Marc Jacobs beach towel is a good idea.

LilyRebecca said...

well i must say i am not a fan of sports but ur right that jacket is super cute......