Today was the Creatures of the Wind presentation in NY!! I'm so bummed I couldn't go but Sheba (who is the queen of amazing haircuts *fluffs hair, hair bounces*) Twittered pictures from fittings and the presentation and I'm going totally nuts!!

SO SO GOOD. I wish I could be there! I am very into the button downs with the old-fashioned, little boy collar, buttoned to the top and fitted to the wrists, mixed with lots of chain metal and pink and fluffiness and heaven. The textures especially...and the headpieces..oh the headpieces!

These pictures and the Picture That Does Not Belong from above were taken this summer when Sheba, Billie, Fred and I (I love being vague and annoying and acting like you're supposed to know who those people are!) hung out and visited Chris and Shane's studio. The pieces are unbelievable in real life and Chris and Shane are awesome. And, for kicks, Billie's Comme wallet...

U HOE. Hyuk hyuk hyuk.
That same day we went to Penelope's where I got Happy Socks and my new favorite coat with a gift card...
lifetime collective coat from penelope's. aa dress sample (thanks aa!) childhood closet skirt. jennifer loiselle headband. slow and steady wins the race sunglasses. vintage boots, gift from rumi.
Sidenote: I have been wearing this headband nonstop and must finally try to articulate my love for it! I love a good chunky obnoxious headpiece and when Jennifer Loiselle offered me a piece from her Etsy shop I got all giddy and hugged my dog (who, in result, growled and scratched me.) Kind of obsessed? I chose blue tartan because I own lots of blue tartan and when I wear it all together I give people seizures when they stare at me long enough to say "wtf is that?"
We also went to a yard sale where I got this vintage Malandrino top. Carpet print (whaddup CdG aw09?) and Harold pants, yes! Turtlenecks are kind of REALLY uncomfortable but clothes over comfort, doiiiii. Impracticality FTW.

vintage malandrino sweater, yard sale. mom's old pants. vintage boots from rumi. vintage givenchy sunglasses, gift.
I wish I'd gotten a picture of how the pants fell over mah boots, it was sort of lovely. this amazing or is this amazing?
I have thrifted lots of plaid, light pink, tulle, and olive colored shiz so as to do a complete CdG AW09 outfit tribute.
In other news, I bought a harmonica necklace at Fred Flare during the Weardrobe Conference (recap...soon!!) and am now that asshole that walks around playing it in between sentences and words.
Grocery store cashier: Will that be all, sir? (everybody thinks I am a boy, even when I wear a dress)
Me: Why, *plays short tune* I believe it is! *plays short note*
Cashier: That'll be (random price) sir.
Me: *plays low flat note* But aren't the fruit roll ups on sale?
Cashier: Oh, you're right. My bad.
Me: That's me, Bargain Hunter! *long triumphant note*
That same day we went to Penelope's where I got Happy Socks and my new favorite coat with a gift card...

Sidenote: I have been wearing this headband nonstop and must finally try to articulate my love for it! I love a good chunky obnoxious headpiece and when Jennifer Loiselle offered me a piece from her Etsy shop I got all giddy and hugged my dog (who, in result, growled and scratched me.) Kind of obsessed? I chose blue tartan because I own lots of blue tartan and when I wear it all together I give people seizures when they stare at me long enough to say "wtf is that?"
We also went to a yard sale where I got this vintage Malandrino top. Carpet print (whaddup CdG aw09?) and Harold pants, yes! Turtlenecks are kind of REALLY uncomfortable but clothes over comfort, doiiiii. Impracticality FTW.

I wish I'd gotten a picture of how the pants fell over mah boots, it was sort of lovely. this amazing or is this amazing?
In other news, I bought a harmonica necklace at Fred Flare during the Weardrobe Conference (recap...soon!!) and am now that asshole that walks around playing it in between sentences and words.
Grocery store cashier: Will that be all, sir? (everybody thinks I am a boy, even when I wear a dress)
Me: Why, *plays short tune* I believe it is! *plays short note*
Cashier: That'll be (random price) sir.
Me: *plays low flat note* But aren't the fruit roll ups on sale?
Cashier: Oh, you're right. My bad.
Me: That's me, Bargain Hunter! *long triumphant note*
Ha, the last part was extremely amusing (in particular not that it wasn't all pretty funny). That headband is really great. Also, and I actually blogged about it recently, but those boots from Rumi? They are so sick.
I love this post, especially the- which picture doesn't belong? haha! I love that textured pink bow thingy, it is super fab. And the Rumi boots are something special, I love them because they look a bit vintage. I love a great bargain also.
I lost my freakin headband I made, it was bright in color, and very out there hahaa!
Great post- I especially love the head pieces.
Just want to say, I'm certain Harold's originated in Tulsa - yes Oklahoma - blah.
Forget about the fact that I've lived in Tulsa all of my 19 years.
I'm kinda an older yet less brilliant and less spunky version of you and am dying to mail you vintage masterpieces. Please tell me you have a P.O. box. Please.
Tavi, I love your look! you're so cute! :D
all you need to do now is dye your hair dark brown and wear a fur/corduroy coat. You're twins! sort of
Love the Harold...
Those goddamn little harmonicas... so cute, yet so annoying.
In other news, I'm rather keen on those sunglasses you're wearing in that pic with the giant coat. And the AA dress you sneakily snuck under said giant coat. If I wasn't poor I would buy it.
I just started following your blog after seeing you in a picture from The Clothes Horse's Weardrobe update, and can I just say that now I feel that i not only dressed inadequately as a thirteen year old, but am still dressing inadequately six years later? You're definitely a new inspiration!
Oh, but it did make me feel pretty cool that I also have a functional harmonica necklace I rediscovered this summer.
the second picture (pink dress!) is so awesome. i've been staring at it for many long minutes. also my birthday gift to myself was a harmonica, so i sympathise with you on that front.
you dress perfectly...everyone thinks I'm a boy too UGHHH
+1 for reffing Harold and Maude. You're adorable.
Thanks so much Tavi - by the way, congrats on Pop magazine - you looked AMAZING! xx Jennifer Loiselle
WHOA. Too much awesomeness for one post. Seriously. Especially your 2nd outfit. Those glasses!
hilarious post & awesome style. i'm new to your blog, but will be back for sure!
Such a cool pink bow top/cardigan. Self made right? So cool lady. Also love all those head pieces you are working on!
Oh my days! We did that with a recorder, a freind of mine was dressed as robin hood
*this really says something about how lame my friends are...
lovelovelove the headpiece/sunglasses/lifetime collective coat/boots.
And of course the headpieces. Do people give you funny looks on the street? I get weird looks for wearing a HAT in England.
Also I really like your writing style *hyuk hyuk hyuk*
greeting from asia, Tavi!
would u sign my blog, please.
mine is
Geo's Blog
I love that little bit at the end. Hilarious.
Also, people probably say it all the time, but you are adorable.
I've just started reading, so forgive me if, by saying so, I have chanced upon your top pet peeve of all times. Unless it is the phrase, "pet peeve" in which case, I may have used both your first and second top annoyances in my first comment to you.
Well I might as well say I didn't know about you until you came up on yahoo but as soon as I saw those pictures from Harold and Maude I knew you were the real deal cool.
I dressed up all kinds of ways when I was thirteen, and I used to top off a lot of outfits with my dad's wool herringbone pattern cap for some boyish good lookin'. You are just really cool.
Hopefully this kind of random comment doesn't weird you out :) keep putting together outfits for your own enjoyment!
Don't let it become a chore.
Tavi, exceelleent use of Harold and Maude! its the best movie out there.
<3 Emily White (from OPT)
Okay, I still keep coming back to read that bit at the end and laugh. I imagine you playing the harmonica....I also totally hear the notes/tunes.
I adore that you are using Harold and Maude!
Such fun~!
(came in via the MSN link)
Honestly, you are the cutest thirteen year old ever. I hope to meet you someday, you are truly an inspiring young lady.
- Brittany
Why, at 13, is your sense of humor so massively and successfully developed?! Ugh. Jealous. *something about fashion so I look like I belong*
U r sooooo BIG 4 sum1 so lil I died when I found ur blog u r fabulous and ur just gonna b even more amazing n the future what a a great blog luvs it;)
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