Lynn Yaeger is the American dream, brothers and sisters. for real. Tavi, did you get to talk to her?!??!!?! slash try not to obsessively fangirl to her face as I would have done had I had the chance to converse with Ms. Baby Lynnie?!?!?!
Congrats on all the success that you've gotten with you ah-mazing blog! It just blows my mind how we're the same age and yet you're already paving a road for yourself in this world!
Haha, that sounded kinda weird
Oh well, pretty please check out my blog?? I just started it and you totally inspired me (:
Hi! i'm from spain! I'm read your life in the journals! And the journal says: the most famous and ugly girl of pasarls of NY. I dont know if in your country the journal say the same thing, but, i think that the journal only say this cos yours clothes are "bizarre" (and perfects for me)!!!! you're a beatiful girl! :)
haha there's something a little sad about customized jackets... the ways we strive for individuality in this crazy world!
I wish there was a big free pile of customized clothes somewhere. Because I'd scoop 'em all up.
By the way, the blonde gal's face in the first picture is stunning.
I can't believe I'm commenting twice, but...
Second picture. Dude on the right in the glasses.
Is that Vincent from PRunway?
Did you throw a shoe at the back of Lynne's head and tell her how kickass she is?
brandon-I did go up to her at Cushnie et Ochs and ask for a picture with her! But no, no shoe throwing.
Anna-Sorry, I don't know!
You talk to Lyn!?!?!? AGh! love lyn!
fantastic shots
loving it
check out my blog @
Love it!
Back the fuck up, is this LYNN YAEGER aka my hero?
Yes, I think it is.
ohdear. :3 i actually want one myself! i think customized things are kewl.
Nice pics!!
Lynn Yaeger is the American dream, brothers and sisters. for real. Tavi, did you get to talk to her?!??!!?! slash try not to obsessively fangirl to her face as I would have done had I had the chance to converse with Ms. Baby Lynnie?!?!?!
I want that jacket. I was called Baby Lynnie all through my childhood. Lynn x.
MRM, those are my initials!
im pretty sure they are from an instore event that Rugby had. i was there with my editor and she made one too. :)
Nice blogg.
hahah. hilarious.
Congrats on all the success that you've gotten with you ah-mazing blog! It just blows my mind how we're the same age and yet you're already paving a road for yourself in this world!
Haha, that sounded kinda weird
Oh well, pretty please check out my blog??
I just started it and you totally inspired me
Hi! i'm from spain! I'm read your life in the journals! And the journal says: the most famous and ugly girl of pasarls of NY.
I dont know if in your country the journal say the same thing, but, i think that the journal only say this cos yours clothes are "bizarre" (and perfects for me)!!!! you're a beatiful girl! :)
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