From top: Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Y-3. Did I miss any other wedgey sandal flat palllllllls?
Real reviews coming after homework but basically: New York was way better than usual, London was worse than usual :( , Basso & Brooke was like Cushnie et Ochs with prints, and I love Sarah Mower for calling out House of Holland for being tacky and lazy.
Yes, I concur!
well i lovvve your style
Go girl you are younger than me and wonders every time you update your blog (sorry if you mind the term "minor") Actually, I admire you, you are so real and unique, hopefully one day be one of the greatest designers. .. Well, I hope also to me. I want to be fashion designer How many times have we heard that and are only in dreams? But I am convinced that it will, it felt yesterday when I heard a song on my player of Carla Bruni.
Anyway, I just wanted you to be aware of how wonderful you are to many girls (if not wise ...)
I admire you, I say again, and I envy you in a way, I wish I could travel well, New York London ... Well if you're cool.
Un Beso enorme!
A fan more ...
I was thinking the same thing. flats needs to be on the runway more often, models dont trip in flats. What did you think of Chris Kane?
i love the gold shoes they're gorgeous!!!
i absolutely am in love with them too
man, do i love me some calvin klein
you simply CANNOT go wrong with minimalism
i don't care if one calls it boring
i don't care if one calls it bland
it's always refreshing
great post,dear
Doesn't it seem like the 90's in general are "in"? i.e. PAVEMENT IS REUNITING. eh?
I love this style. Probably because I am too lazy for heels 97% of the time. The white and gold are my faveorites.
I have a little coverage of New Zealand fashion week on my blog if you are interested.
i simply adore your blog. i was looking at your older posts from like april-july. god you have style, and youre 13 dude. i love it. your blog is largely insprational, and your personal tidbits are hilarious.
and i love how you made your guitar hero strap into a hat piece.
I'll take the gold shoes, please! Adorable.
Hey, your writing style is just the best! You really have a way with words and (you must be sick of this) write sooo much older than your tender years!
my feet hurt from looking at the second photo.
hi rookie your style is adorable.
i found this blog (not mine) and its pretty neat and clear. have a look if you are interested
i think he just started blogging
Those shoes are uniquely nice, I really like the first pair, but over all that type of street feel, is great. Its appealing to the the norm, just transformed into a set style.
touche! i'm all for a pair of ridiculously high heels but if they come at the expense of models tripping on the catwalk - no thanks!
Love the gold/silver shoes. x
i'm on board for any sort of fashion that doesn't involve 6 inch stillettos.
though in the second picture that models foot looks like it's in pain.
woot woot for perfect sandals!! i love mid heels, heels that are short enough to wear casually, because i live in the country and we wear VERY casual clothes everyday i am always looking for subtle ways to be fashionable, and taller. go sandals!!
awesome!!!! i just think some of those models need a major pedicure..
OVER 1000 VIEWERS AT ONE TIME!! Tavi you internet beast!!! Can't say I am totally on board though, heels are forever in my heart.
Hannah Laurie Luke
Ooh, no. Me no likey these shoes. Six inchers way be on the way out but these don't do much for me either! Clunky and too awkward, but I know you can pull it off, if anyone!
I lvoe them!
they're uber cute and yummy looking
Oooh, I love. Not sure they're "me," per se...but I could consider reinventing myself for a few pairs of those.
Except the second one down...girlfriend needs a pedicure.
oh, calvin, how you speak to me. those CK wedges are amaaazing.
Yeah wedges do give signs of happiness to discomfort feets!
P/S:I agreed with SO. The models are in desperate need of pedicure.They seemed to hurt their feet even they are wearing wedges.
Umm those Calvin Klein's are giving me like a new reason to live.
Hey Tavi!
Are those bloody toenails in the second pic?? Those silver and black slip-ons must be a welcoming relief for the poor model...
BTW, you have been tagged. By me. ;) I love you style!
Rawk on, Tavi!
I am officially on board.[Team Marc Jacobs]
BTW-Loving your blog. You are quite frankly the most glamorous 13year old I know.
sweet jesus, i love wedges.
my ability to prance about in heels is minimal at best.
ah, wedges,
how you provide such cuteness/sexiness and height without making my spine crack.
oh my god, those poor feet!
The Blisters!, THE SCABS, the Bloody bloody toenails! Those poor models' little footsies! Fashion is a battlefield. Only the strong survive! OH but seriously... those are some great shoes. good post awesome tavi.
to the person who said you cant go wrong with minimalism : snuggie.
LOVE the Calvin Kleins. Not so much the Marc by Marc Jacobs..
TA-VEE-GEE... will you be my friend?!?
TA-VEE-GEE... stalker letters, i'll send!
you are amazeballs. but i think you know this already. just thought i'd reiterate :)
its funny how so few notice the nasty feet.
How lucky that you went to too many shows!those shoes are amazing!
poor girls terrible feets
The foot in the second pic is yelling for mercy and FLATS!
wow i am totally on board. interesting observation of london fashion week. one of the designers that stuck out for me was Nathan Jenden. his prints were very original. no surprise that he is creative dorector of print lover dian von furstenburg.
check out my blog at
hi Tavi,
it's amazing how talented you are! You can make something big oout of it. Everything you are doing is surrounded by beauty, is there beauty inside of you too? Are you happy, darling? I'm a biiiiiiig fashionlover myself and I'm 25 and when I wathced your videos I felt soo identified with you, I used to be the same way.
I'm from Spain, my name is Irene.
Lots of love, and hugs sweety.
yeep, I'm on love! there, I said it!...
has anyone ever told you you're a prodigy?
or like, a mozart, or beethoven of the fashion world?
i love how you're so open minded with your clothes, and you stand out so much with your individuality.
keep it up tavi! you're my inspiration!
your fan,
they're talking about you HERE in Italy.. this is a gossip blog:
and I'll post you a small article on Vanity Fair Italy of this week..
I am indeed on board.
ps. you are part of the reason I decided to make my own blog.
pps. its a bit like when I go skiing and there are all these little 5 year olds wizzing past me, and I'm just having trouble staying upright.
Wow, what's with the bleeding foot? It's not really hygienic!
But...nice post. :)
Brilliant shoes...but how skanky are the feet on the second picture? ewwww! x
Fantastic shoes ! Love your blog ! I am 13 , greetings from Belgium
hiyaaa,tavi.this is the first comment for you,but i watch this blog everyday.
do you like japan?watch my blog too.yea
yeahhhhh i'm on board!!
I like how Marc didn't go with heels..he always does it differently.
cool shoes, great style, however if you are going to show your feet to the world, get a pedicure, no excuse for groady feet!
Fabulous shoes!!!!!nice post! :)
Tavi you are a hot topic on MSN.com
apparently you're "too young" i wonder what it is about 'rookie' they missed?
Thank goodness for shoes I can actually walk in!
Makes me really want to buy a pair of Rocking Horse Shoes <3
Eh, me thinks it's more a regurgitation of Hussein Chalayan about two years ago. All the same, cool shoes :)
Hi i´m from argentina and i usually read your blog. it´s great, i love your bedroom photos, and the beautiful and vintage clothes you use to reinvent the looks.
i´m a drawer and painter ( sort of).
and sorry for my bad english :)
the first pair of calvin klein's look like Fit Flops
I want the gold ones. <3
I love these shoes! The chunkier the better eh? =)
I kept seeing a pair of shoes that were exactly like this at Winners (a discount store) this time last year. Now I regret not buying them!
I am sooo on board, not quite so sure about some of the feet, but am loving the shoes! :)
Well, Being a guy I'm still on board. If I was a girl I so would totally wear though :P
Love your style by theeee way ^_^
Just thought I would drop by and say how utterly stunning you look in the latest issue of POP. Love the Ashish pom pom jumper!
Nice shoes! I love your sense of style.
I feel bad for the model in the second photo. Her poor peetsies are cut UP. Probs from those scary Nina Ricci no-heel monster booties.
woah those feet look so hurt i bet thats from the catwalk show shoes
Yeah for tiny wedge flats. I'm
5'10", and biggy wedges make me look hot, sassy, and ginormous. Thanks for letting me know what to look for. I stumbled on here from the MSN focus on you. You're cool. I'm just a mom of four boys, who likes fashion, just can't focus on it right now. You are a fun little break in my wonderful world.
oh darling these shoes are cute but bring back the 90's? one of the worst fashion eras ever? i think that harajuku fashion is somethink you should think about posting.
not suuuper big on minimalism... at all (color is your friend) but the scabby foot shoes are pretty sweet plus i think its pretty artistic... perfection with the ugly and all.... reminds me of frilly dresses with leather jackets.
hey your blog is awesome
felt the need to comment because of the title haha thats a great song! white stripes? anybody? no? :-)
Great designs and they look really comfortable.
How do you know about the minimalism trend of the '90s? You were either not alive yet or wearing diapers.
I saw your article in MSN...Congrats! I will be checking out your site often.
I love the bloody foot. It shows how incredibly comfortable these must be.
I feel like we're going to be seeing a lot of 90's looks across the board. I just bought a yellow slop dress at a thrift store and I know I'm going to be loving that for spring.
EEEWWW gross foot (of the silver shoe) I don't know how anyone can possibly say being a model is an easy job, they have to wear this killer looking shoes that end up being actually killer for their poor little feet.on the other hand I wish people didn't photograph not nice looking feet.haha. cool shoes tho.
those are some nasty feet. that's the part i was supposed to see, right?
your loving sister
I really can't see what's so fancy about those shoes!
hmmm, am i right in thinking the title is a reference to the White Stripes?
and i love the '90s as well!
You stole the words right out of my mouth!
Totally inspired by Japanese Lolita "rocking-chair" shoes!
I want to wear some and just rock in them..if possible. >:3
Yes, those Gold Shoes are on point! I want them, and i need them in my life.
Dr. Scholls, but fancier?
Wait, why don't I have a boyfriend?
Is this why?
Second photo: Ow...
I know...that chick in the silver sandals looks like she's had a long fashion week! Somebody needs a pedicure and a hug....ouch!
I don't think these were the shoes that caused the blisters guys! And while there's no denying that heels add pizazz to any outfit, sometimes heels aren't suitable for oh let me think...uuh, going to the grocers?! I dig 'em. Modern hippy style, faar ouut duude. Tavi what size shoe are you?
The "New Girl in Town", Tavi America's Gossip Girl realms fashion avenue.
Wedges have always been a great wear.
Look at the picture with the bloody toes. I feel bad for models who have to stuff their toes into tiny shoes!
This is nice blog.
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برند کاوالا با هدف ارائه بانک اطلاعاتی جامع از شماره تلفنهای مشاغل، اصناف و گروههای مختلف، بستری مطمئن برای بازاریابی و ارتباطات تجاری فراهم کرده است. با استفاده از پایگاه داده گسترده و بهروز، کسبوکارها میتوانند به اطلاعات مورد نیاز خود دسترسی داشته و ارتباطات موثرتری با مشتریان و همکاران خود برقرار کنند.
در کاوالا، با ارائه دادههای دقیق و بهروز، امکان اجرای بازاریابی تلفنی و تبلیغات هدفمند را برای کسبوکارها فراهم کردهایم. اگر به دنبال دسترسی به شماره تلفنهای موثق برای گسترش شبکه فروش و تعاملات تجاری خود هستید، کاوالا انتخابی مطمئن برای شما خواهد بود.
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Many nursing students face difficulties when working on their dissertation due to complex medical terminologies and research methodologies. If you need structured guidance, Nursing Dissertation Help provides expert support to refine your research, ensure proper referencing, and develop a coherent argument. Professional assistance can make the difference between an average paper and an outstanding one. From topic selection to final proofreading, expert services cater to every step of the dissertation process. With the right help, you can submit a high-quality, well-structured dissertation that aligns with academic requirements and demonstrates your expertise in the nursing field.
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