GUYS, guys. Can we talk about Charles Anastase? NO, NO WE CANNOT, because I will go nuts if I don't finish NY reviews first.
So, uh, I'm in North Dakota right now? And kind of forgot about it? Coming back from NY was weird and I didn't want to travel AGAIN but we're in the middle of nowhere and it's very lovely and mind-clearing. We went to the Badlands yesterday and it was really beautiful. Still though, I'm excited to come home and not have to do anything but normal homework and stuff. I'm excited to clean my room, which is weird. But anyways, outfits from Fashion Week..

I wore this last Saturday? I think? Or five years ago? Or something? Really I just wanted to wear the skirt because it was a gift from the awesome Christian Siriano and his show was Saturday but taxis hate Laia and me and traffic is icky and we couldn't even go. Fail.
But from the skirt on it was pretty much just supposed to be old lady/Marc Jacobs-y? Sure, yeah sure. That sounds good when it's 6 AM. (when I started writing this yesterday)
Headpiece made out of a Baggu holder and old guitar strap
Miu Miu top, gift (<<<<<<333333)>

Button down, hand-me-down (every time I told people "hand-me-down" they seemed to be very amused)
Chrisitan Siriano skirt
We Love Colors tights (awesome Weardrobe conference sponsors..and I still have that to write about too)
Pearls n pearlz, gifts.
American Apparel pink mesh dress tied around waist
Thrifted belt
Shoes found in our basement (which is gross until I remember they are velvet and I love them.)
via the cobrasnake
These are the hand motions of PURE POETRY.

These are the hand motions of PURE POETRY.

via huffpost
This one is from Saturday night at the Alexander Wang & Katie Grand party. Alex is like this little imp that I want to put in a box and build a little house. If you think this is creepy you would be incorrect.
Dress is from Beacon's Closet, which was one of the stops at the Weardrobe conference. The selection was kind of like any other vintage store (minus a pair of teacup/Galliano-ish shoes I snatched up) but more expensive and angrier staff? I like what we all got though.
Lots and lots of random necklaces...
The purse was a gift from Hayden Harnett and it's my new favorite thing.
Vintage hat, gift.

via huffpost
Wow this is very quickly becoming a "look, more famous people" post, ack!
This was Sunday at Y-3 (WHICH WAS SO AMAZING AND I HAVE THE MOST AMAZING STORY FROM IT) with Geordan and Leigh from The Misshapes.
The shirt is from the shoot for Pop. In its prime it was covered with newspaper shreds, made the day after Michael Jackson died, but as Sunday wore on it slowly fell apart (like Michael, as Laia pointed out. HEY NOW, metaphors n fashun!) Also, when you wear shirts with glued-on newspaper in the future, keep in mind that taking a nap in it is not a good idea.
The skirt is from the Barney's Warehouse Sale I went to on the last day of the Weardrobe conference with my dad and Laia. It was a very scary day, especially since it was the last day of the sale, but I got out alive and with what I think was the only Comme des Garcons clothing they had left (there were Tao shoes, but they were too big for me and too triple-digited on the price tag.) It is like a sleeping bag and I looove the way it hangs.
Narsty thrifted desert boots.

via huffpo
Yeah team! Elizabeth and Laia and me at Patrick Ervell (which was really really good and will get a further, eventually.) Sunday night we all got pizza with Steve and the genius behind Should Be On the Nanny and ADF and Kat. Polio gave all of us nicknames, such as: Febreze van Noten, Duhlaia (Laia), Extravaganva Schouler, Brodarte, and Sugar Ray Kawakubo (guess whooooo.)

via wwd
This was from Monday for Zero + Maria Cornejo, Chris Benz, Thakoon, Patrick Ervell and Marc Jacobs. It is SO ANNOYING to merely mention these when there is so much I want to say about all of them.
Luella jacket that was 75% off and calling my name. Long time readers know I have tried to reenact its runway look too many times, it was kind of FATE.
Cheongsam, gift.
Rodarte tights, gift.
Epic teacup/Galliano shoes I was talking about from Beacon's closet. They deserve a better picture later.
Porcelain doll stuffed upside down in pocket, gift from when I was like 5. (The whole outfit was kind of REGAL, the doll made it sort of funny? I crack myself up, at least.)
Tuesday's outfit will go in another post, all this TYPING and BRAIN USING is making me tired. Tuesday night's involved an unfolded chinese carton on the head, though. Maybe I'll wear it to school one of these days in the hopes of decapitating...someone. Hyuk.
Alexander Wang! Omg, you're so lucky Tavi. You really deserve all the recognition, xo.
I think I love you.
Or maybe I just love that Luella jacket.
(I mean,it's a really nice jacket).
No, no, I love you too.
(but especially that jacket.You understand, I hope)
Marvelous outfits, m'dear! Glad you had an awesome time at fashion week and I am really lusting over those colourful tie-dye tights
amazing snazzy outfit)))
especially i like what you wear on your head)) very creative)
amazing outifts <3
1st headpiece is epic
Sounds amazing. Loving the headband.
That first outfit is amazing! So happy for you, Tavi.
hey you are like....
The Badlands are beautiful. It's cold and rainy in North Dakota today, after a week of 80's and sunshine.
looking great girl, brilliant tights in the last photo
you look duh-mazing, sugar rei.
febreeze van n.
so glad you had a great time here in ny!!! i wish i had been able to run into you, but then again, i'm sure you were so overwhelmed =) - great post and outfits!!!
Fantastic outfits! I love them all! So nice to finally meet you.
yours, Dishpann Demeulemeester
Is it just me or has your style like transformed mega time since I have last visited this blog (which was like yesterday heh) and plus OH HI THERE 100 MILLION AMAZING PICTURES FROM THE MEDIA CHRONOLOGIZING YOU.
Like I said before lucky girl + P.S. I don't know if you want to use them or w/e but I scanned your ~*19 page spread*~ from Pop. Here is the gallery:
oh you are a jammy wee girl
Love the tights in the first and last photos!
So jealous you got to do all this cool stuff!
well aren't you the luckiest girl in the world!! i'm happy you got that jacket. god knows the amazing adventures you two will have~
good outfit as always :)
i love your tights!they are the top!
The first outfit is just soo awesome! Love all the pops of colour :)
Goodle x
just like the second comment,
i think i am in love with you.
yes i know, i am the crazy stalker girl.
:D:D you look crakalakin *madagascar quote* tavi. really is the cherry on my cake.
you look beautiful girl! so damn beautiful
oh my god, jealous jealous. i cant believe you met the misshapes and got rodarte tights. thats like a dream come true. not to mention that you went to ny fashion week. im honestly drooling right now. but hey girl, you deserve it. keep up the high fashion.
Your gowns are loverly. Just fab. And don't think I don't notice that nose of Jeanne Becker. I'm from Toronto, she's practically my aunt. Hope you enjoyed her Toronto-chic-ferocity.
you look awesome! i love those rodarte tights ur wearing! u have such a unique style and pull it off very well :)
You are so amazingly lucky!
Wow! Plus, I love your whole outfit! Absolutely superb...
Ahh I'm glad you had a brilliant time! It looked like a blast!
I would kill for the first outfit.
And I mean this literally.
(Okay, maybe not that literally. I'm no murderer guys!)
Love your blog.. amazing
hey everybody check my blog,just started
read this article about you!
You're definitely awesome.
talking to jeanne beker..nice
nice strange outfits darling.good stuff ;)
Tavi you're such a legend. End of.
You look awesome, I love your tights! I can't imagine how much of a fantatsic experience fashion week must have been!
dude. you were on the yahoo homepage.
ps love the skirt/tights :)
I was excited to see your blog after reading the articles, but now seeing the "fashion" you're promoting I want to puke. Do really think these things you lust after actually look GOOD or you just desire them because of their exclusivity? You're obviously a bright person, even at 13. Look around you, the fashion world is composed of the most vapid and superficial of mankind.
Look for things that have timeless style, not the latest thing the most expensive and therefore important designer just puked out.
i really wish i'd been as cool as you when i was your age :)
the upside down doll is hilarious.
you're seriously the coolest kid in the world. period.
Oh my my u are so young and u are out there in the news,y'know how to play it well girl!
Does Lady Gaga know about cha,im sure she could be ur BFF!
Keep it up
Hugs from Jordan (the country,not my name!)
Those were some amazing outfits! keep up the good work. p.s. I am very jealous that you met Alexander Wang!
That first outfit... pure poetry. I love the headpiece! In fact I think the headgear is fast becoming your "it" piece... in my mind anyways. Welovecolors is great, hey?? I've got a bunch of their tights and I luuurve them... although I don't have those psycadelic ones you've got there but they are HEAVEN!!
Not much to say about all the celebpixxx... no words really. Just say that it's so great your getting to meet all these people and that you're grasping all these amazing opportunites in fashion. SRRRSSSLY, your brave and amazing and so talented... don't eva change homegurl!!<3
ps- I have that pic of you and Jeannie Becker on my comp. Freaky? No no no. I love Jeannie, she makes us Canadians feel like we know a thing or two about fashion
You look great in everything, you really know how to style yourself. I'm really amazed (because I'm small and nothing fits me it seems) that you get these clothes to work eventhough you are tiny! I love how you layer, I do lots of layering too. You picked up some great stuff there!
May I just say, you are the cutest!!! in every way! I just found you blog and have enjoyed so much looking through it, and will continue to look through your archives. I am a visual artist, and although I am much older than you, I connect with you like another imaginative creature on earth. You are such a smart, talented, curious, imaginative and lovely girl! I can't wait to read more posts on your blog! Cheers!!
wow! just wow!
you are so lucky!
-disney in space
-fashion & cartoons
-Marc J
Just found you on the Yahoo homepage and wanted to drop you a note. First, let me begin by saying I am the Mom of thirteen and seventeen year old girls and I can hardly wait to show them your blog. I am so impressed with your courage to follow your own path and to share your passion with the rest of the world in such an articulate and entertaining way. Bravo! I bet you have a couple of very proud parents. You are way a head of the game, and I wish you all the best!
I think that that's a cheongsam, not a kimono.
loveee your outfits.
i'm not even gonna lie, i'm jealous that you got to meet everyone who actually MATTERS...haha
and i loveee the upside down doll idea..very cool.
i like the first look!
and i read you article (the one where you got interviewed, and the one where you were the interviewer) in Love. i really liked it :]
Elena: yes, you are right.
And I love the first picture. Somehow it works on you even though I know that that much layering would not work on most people.
p.s. I'm also 13 and I love reading your blog because of your well-written observations and creative/daring fashion outfits. I just never really commented until now. :) I feel I should more.
has anyone ever told you that you look like anna wintour?? minus the stuffiness. and wrinkles. ok and a few inches.
Okay...I just stumbled upon your Blog and you ahmayzzzing!!!!! It's so rare to find originality out there in this world and you, my dear, are faboosh!
Anyhoo, enough gushing.
Stop by and check out my little bliggidy blog if you have a moment. It's not nearly as fierce as yours (okay, I'm a mommy blogger-gasp!)
You are so amaaaaaazing! I love the theatrical and kitschy way you put together your outfits! Looks like you had a lovely time at fashion week!
OMG youre on yahoo!
JEANNE!!! Love the Christian Siriano skirt and the homemade head piece.
As always, love you outfits.
The Badlands are really beautiful
HOLY CRAP TAVI. YOU'RE ON YAHOO FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxox
Amazing. Love the colors you are wearing the in first pic.
you are darling!<3
tavi you're a doll! seriously i just love you!! your posts are so inspiring!! so glad to have found you...i'm off to peruse the wonderful world of fashion@
Wow, I love your style.
I have a friend that is a teacher in Australia. She does everything in feathers. It is awesome to look at the designs.
It is good to be yourself.
oh my goodness. it doesn't feel great to be so frightfully jealous of a 13-year old, but here we are. more power to you, tave. you absolutely rocked my world today and i think you're awesome. i wish, at 26, that i could have at least half the fashion experiences you've had at 13. i live fashion, daily, but i've never gotten to kick it with my idols like Yamamoto and Wang.
keep it up!
That Luella jacket makes the outfit. Adore the whole look and I adore you too, Tavi! Keep up the good work, you really helped open my eyes to fashion!
OMFG!! amazing <3
You are so awesome Tavi! just saw this:
xo - Jo
Omg that would of been amazing!!! and I would die if i could afford that Luella jacket! I loved that collection! It looks ah-ma-zing on you! xx
Your such an insparation to me your style is alot like mine every vintage and colorful
75% of Luella jacket!! Jealous, so jealous.
You look like you had a good time, wish I could got to NYFW.
Hi there tavi, got here from yahoo. You have a great blog here, my daughter is inspired about you because she wants to be a fashion designer when she grow up.. Anyhow, I blog about you in my page.
Christian Siriano skirt and meeting Alexander Wang ?! Girl,you really so so lucky :)
I love all the outfits you wore and the tights <3
And I think the headband with the baggu holder and guitar strap is so creative.
I'm just speechless,you truly inspire me <3
love the headpiece and loads of pearls! reminds me i need to wear more of them! and love great photo!
You are amazing. I'm so glad I ran into your blog. I read about you on yahoo and just had to stop over and say hello. Was telling my friend about how awesome you are. fantastic. =)
I love your headpiece!
You are seriously my true fashion icon, tavi. Love you!
you are crazy. and awesome. and so on. love your writing :))
You're just soo damn cool! :)
雙眼皮 新彩整形
大陸新娘 高雄租車
中秋禮盒 肉毒桿菌
瑜珈教室 高雄旅遊
保健食品 乳酪蛋糕
台中住宿 墾丁旅遊
整形外科 首頁科技
電波拉皮 歐化廚具
外籍新娘 果凍矽膠
流行服飾 室內設計
汽車旅館 日光花園
法拍屋 隔熱紙
保健食品 乳酪蛋糕
流行服飾 室內設計
汽車旅館 日光花園
法拍屋 隔熱紙
台中住宿 墾丁旅遊
整形外科 首頁科技
電波拉皮 歐化廚具
外籍新娘 果凍矽膠
BADLANDS is awesome- hope you are having an amaaaazing time. bleh i just saw the word t**s*** bleh bleh bleh.
Holy crap, this is more epic than... I don't know... Gossip Girl? ehm...
I'm sorry, but you look bloody awful. You look like a bag lady who's gone nuts in the bargain bin. I've seen better-dressed turds disappear down my pan.
A bag strap? ON YOUR HEAD? Seriously, I like the wacky fashion but PURLEASE. It doesn't even look good.
You're 13, don't dress like a nutbag FFS. Have some self-respect and don't let these fashiontards lead you down a path of douchebaggery. And please, buy yourself a mirror!
Amazinggggggg. Seeing you everywhere now. Tavi's living the dream! :D
Just read about you on the dailymail (british site).
You seem to be everywhere right now and Grazia love you - two pics this week, one last week - it's so great for you - and you seem to be keeping your feet planeted - pat on the back!!!
I hope you are enjoying all this hugely.
Jeanne must have LOVED you! She's awesome, and appreciates really unique people. I was interviewed by her for a fashion competition I was in MANY years ago and she was awesome :)
Now you'll be famous in Canada too! I'll be watching out for you on FT
The 1st look is my favorite! You look like a crazy adorable fashion doll in ALL the looks though!
I must say, I was skeptical reading the NYT Style article about you, but I see now that you really do have a wealth of creativity and an inspired appreciation for fashion as art.
Just wanted to let you know that your blog inspired me to create a semi-style-related on of my own! Hope you'll check it out as I start to add content :)
Just saw the profile they did on you on the front page of Yahoo..amazing gurl.
that first outfit is one of the best things I've seen in a while. The headpiece is unbelievable! You really truly deserve all of these opportunities.
you're the best. love your blooooog. from argentina (:
absolutely wonderful!! and you have deserved every moment of it! you look great i hope you are enjoying everything!
<3 be safe!
Don't you ever go to school??
lucky duck! that luella jacket is too die for! ohh look you have a wikipedia. haha you should be so proud:)
Ur a genius w/ ur clothes!! I am so jelous!! Every1 luvs u!! they always give u presents!
Looks like a great time. Love those bright tights.
looks like you had an amazing time(:
and those tights. sooo rad.
if you ever get the chacne, my blog lovess new viewers(:haha
Oh Tavi all those outfits are pure imagination. I am so amazed that you wear so many things that are gifts- you are clearly well loved. How did you arrange all this Fashion Week escapading? Do you tihnk you'll study fashion at school or get a job in the industry soon? Do you get paid from adds from your blog? So many questions, I know you probably dont have time to reply but I would love love love to know; one day maybe :)
Hey Tavi! I love your blog! Just wanted to give you a heads up; that's not a Japanese kimono (which usually involve several more layers and belts), it's actually a Chinese cheongsam. :)
Hope you enjoy North Dakota!
congrats! read your story on yahoo :)
you are living the dream miss tavi! and well deserved at that. <3
You're going to go far my dear! Read about you in the UK Guardian. Love your look, love your style. Can't believe you're only 13. Live the dream ........
Wow looks like your having an amazing time! They did a feature on you in UK mag Grazia showing these outfits, the Rodarte tights & Luella jacket are perfection!
Wow, I've just found you and I must say I'm amazed :)) young, fresh, fashion savvy girl who is already a star :)) anyway, your outfits are great, really inspiring and that, my dear is art :)) I will read 'you' :))
Hi - today there was an article in an german bullevard online magazin - i clicked on it and i was realy suprised ;-)) - you are a bussy woman - i hope al this tings realy coming form yourself. - my opinion is - you ore how ever is doing this for you - is going to make a lot of money with this phantastic idea.
But let me tell you something - you have to ting about your eyeglases ;-)) ..bye..bye.. and good luck from germany
Great blog! Keep it going, baby! Thumbs up. x
I´m from Brazil and I just sent to you an e-mail.
I love your blog!
Mariza Matheus
You're really good! Congratulations from Brasil!
Best wishes.
should i say i read about you on O Globo, a brazilian newspaper.
I've just found you tonight, through the article in The Guardian here in the UK. Your style is just fabulous and I love, love , LOVE your gorgeous headwear. Throughout my life, I've generally been all about the shoes, but I might have to rethink my stance on hats now ;)
Can't wait to read more, hear more and see more gorgeous outfits.
oh, i love you!
blog is wicked.
i bought you a flickr pro acct, n u better use it lil lady!!
Oh I love your style Tavi!!
Truly inspiring!!
Can I buy you wit at any department store? :)
Read about you in MX magazine in Melbourne (Australia) and so visited your blog - wonderful, wonderful ...
Hey gurrrl,
I just wanted to let you know that I find you truly inspiring.
Your blog has made me want to be myself, challenge the norm, and follow my passions.
Thank you.
Hello. Its my first time on ur site. Its awsome. U r very popular in Poland.Im ur fan.
Looks like you had lots of fun! I like how you put a doll in the pocket of your jacket; good idea.
You are great! But don't grow up too fast ;-)
Your style is so unbeatably individual, love it! It always astounds me how young you are, truly a prodigy!
xx KT
Your style is so unbeatably individual, love it! It always astounds me how young you are, truly a prodigy!
xx KT
i want to gobble you up, delightfully strange and amazeballs tavi. i recently watched the following poodle work-out video, and for some strange reason, i think you might enjoy it too!
When I enter the fortress known as my closet, I often find myself saying, "Would Tavi wear this?". Most of the time I answer by myself with a "no". But I have hope.
tavi, u were great at the fashion shows... wawawaw, please, reply my e-mails... i need u answers for the story that will be running next month here in brazil... everybody here loves u... please...
keep posting about ny. love u looks!!!!
you are so awesome! i can't even...i don't even have words. great outfits - looks like you had an incredible time!
YAY TAVI!!! The fashion blogger hero! :)
Congratulations Tavi! I read an article about you in a free Sydney (Aus) newspaper. You've officially made it to international stardom!
Tavi! OH! I'm Brazilian and i loved your blog. You are so famous in Brazil, darling!
You appeared on TV and in newspapers, it is magnificent, no?
I just wanted to congratulate you, has a bright future in the fashion world ahead.
Your blog is beautiful! *-*
U have a great and unique mind, love that ur being yourself and that u have a fearless take on fashion.
One Love,
hello tiny, i must say,
that you're so great.
i am two years older, but you
are more better. your looks are
amazing and i reall love your blog.
but sorry, for my english.
i am from germany and i hope,
sometimes i have a 13years old friend,
who looks like you! :)
love the cool leggings!!
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
i just want to say i think your really cool and i like your style i love the video of you and you have in spired me to write a blog
amazing stuff
look at you all talking into a mic and shit hahah
I love the way you put your clothes together. That first outfit is fab. Shame you missed the show, but the skirt is amazing.
Ah that Luella jacket *drolls*. There are no words for how much I like that collection.
Florrie x
I can't believe this !! You were with so many cool people ! I'd love to be you ! So lucky :)
At such a young age you've got so much going for you. It's amazing to see your style and personality put into your outfits...luv it ♥ Just found your blog and i'm gonna read some more :) Have a wonderful week.
Impeccable as expected!
Ehy Tavi, gorgeous outfit!!!
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!Fantastic!!!!!Your outfit is amazing! :) and you are unique darling , I'm so glad than I found your blog, I love it!
omg Tavi, you're so lucky! I envy you :D and your outfit looks incredible!
you are a amazing girl! Luv <3
I have never looked at a blog before and certainly never commented on one but I think you and you're comments are fab!
Amazing look!!
Yo girl. Did you see the pics of you & Laia looking SUPER NYC?
xo from the apple
You look homeless. Like the person that wears everything so they don't have to carry it. It's all so wrong.
hey tavi! i've been stalking- err, following your blog for a while, but i think this is the first time i've commented. i think a lot of your outfits seem more "mature" now than before. (whatever *that* means...) anyway, what i'm trying to say is i think your style's going in a great direction!
You're amazing, girl!
I love your blog it is so cool and different. Very innovative and cohesive. I really like your style. Keep being weird! lol i love it.
check out my blog
hola Tavi :D
i´m following your blog since last week, and wondering for days what rookie means... it sounds very sweet in spanish. I checked it´s meaning today (finally). I thought it meant something like cookie, or soemthing else, but now I know: no way you are a rookie
Those We Love Colors tights are beyond amazing amazing... but not on the website... tear.
Those We Love Colors tights are beyond amazing amazing... but not on the website... tear.
like ur outfit. and the daily astronomy pics. :)
looking awesome :-D you look so pretty ^.^
i am in love with your outfits!
you are such an inspiration and your so young!
just check some old posts.
just notice got the luella pants match the jacket
love the weired prints from last seasons
so sad,feels so sad every time past the luella store...hope she come back
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