love love love love

I got an email from LOVE in May and it has been SO hard to keep quiet about this! I'm glad I can finally talk about it!
I was first contacted to do an interview and take pictures of myself like I do for this here bloggyblog only with a box of lovely samples sent over by the magazine. Let me tell you something, it was so hard to say goodbye to the clothes when they had to be shipped back. Dare I break into Dreamgirls right about now? DARE I?
Anyway, saying goodbye to the clothes was as hard as I imagine it would be saying goodbye to a bunch of people you took a month-long trek through the Himalayas. But minus the goodbyes, it was lots of fun. Then I was contacted about interviewing Jordan Wolfson, a conceptual artist who is lots of fun to talk to and had lots to say (it's a shame I had to cut it down but hope he likes the article..)
And the photos I took...(getting this in the mail right before leaving for school supplies shopping was completely surreal..)
Pixie was really great to speak with and asked questions I've never even thought fun.
And the photos I took, including ones that ended up not being used in the magazine or on the website. (For LOVE only, do not use please..!)
This bike like..doesn't have tires? Or a chain? Or something? I DUNNO, it was super hard to move. Or I'm a weakling? Yeah that's probably it.
This exact Yokoo pompom will be up on CWAC soon..
I wanted to keep the dress!
Aghjshfewjtfabhwer Comme aw09 coat, I DIE. I MAY OR MAY NOT have pictures of me just hugging myself in the coat, so I will always have the memory of what it was like to be in Its Holy Prescense.
Blogging on a Friday night/worshipping a coat YEP I'M A WILD GAL.
Angie's skirt and Yokoo's chain! (Yokoo's will be in the CWAC shop..)
This last one wasn't even sent to them because I didn't like it...I still don't really like wtf I'm doing in this but I do like the clothes!

I started taking pictures of my favorite features in the issue but it ended up being practically every other page, so I'll just list my top 10 (I was going to do 5 but couldn't pick..) in no particular order:
-"Posh Sans Dosh," Julia is in it along with lots of other rad people, the styling is epic and all the awesome ladies in it look like tweedy little bowtie grandmas and I love it!
-"Pixie and Ashley," they're both just too rad.
-"Dorothea," once again, epic styling (what else can you expect from Katie Grand?) that makes me so excited for winter and, yknow, a Comme coat, so I have to love it..
-"Boxer Beat," I know NOTHING about boxing and this completely fascinated me.
-Article about the kids that work at Hollister. Kind of eerie, really interesting though.
-Taylor Swift feature. I think she's awesome and I love her!
-"Bloodline" shot by Mert & Marcus, just so rad.
-Billie Lourd interview with Marc Jacobs, she's cool and so is he!
-Cover girl Coco Sumner's feature, love her.
-"Thigh Society" and "Hot to Trotsky" I am counting as one because I am a cheater even though they're totally different...the styling, again! Just amazing.

I haven't read the articles on Disney or Hugh Hefner's sons yet but I'm looking forward to. Go buy the issue!
It's always nice to see a better version of yourself but with LOVE I felt like they kept it true to my style and who I am as well...thank you thank you thank you LOVE!!


Annie said...

these photos are AMAZING. seriously, mind blowingly fantastic. so happy for you!

Mary Dawn said...

i started to type "what a lucky girl", but they didn't ask you for the interview because you are lucky, they chose you because you are ace, pure and simple <3

Louise said...

Those are fantastic! I love the one where you're wearing the polka dot skirt.

Shayela H. said...

so much better than having a stylist frill up a celebrity. this is what magazines about fashion should be doing. and the one with the multicolored yokoo scarf is jawdropping. excited to read the interview, as i'm sure you did a wonderful job considering what i've read on here.

me ineptum said...

Tavi, Tavi!

Anonymous said...

Great! Can't wait to read it! I'm glad you're getting recognition beyond "oh she's YOUNG" and opportunities to showcase your baller style!

bobb said...

Wow - very cool indeed Tavi!

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Wow Tavi, that is So exciting!!! You are going to be a legend ;)

Maddie said...

That's so amazing Tavi. You have tons of talent :)

Eyeliah said...

Wow, I love the outfits you have created! Great job Tavi!

Miss Pam From T-Town said...

How do I get a copy of the magazine? I live in Tulsa

Anonymous said...

wow, the photos are amazing!! love love love the u.f.o dress!!

Shelley Noble said...

Love Love Love Love!

Killer fabulous photos and outfits! As is usual with you.

You are my favorite fashion artist.

Ashley Wilkins said...

LOVE is my favorite new magazine and I was ecstatic when I saw your name on the mock up cover. Fantastic job.

Jenna said...

and those photos look AMAZING!
By the way, you should totally become a model! :)

Check out my blog:

Miss Deyn said...

ahhh what a lucky duck:) I cant really picture you liking taylor swift!

Lauren Goddard said...

Ahhh Tay tay, seriously have such a huge girl crush on her! Congratulations a million times over.

x x x

Hello Sandwich said...

Yay! I am so happy you are in LOVE!
and haha I saw BLOG OFF all the time! nice to see it in print!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Hello Sandwich said...

Yay! I am so happy you are in LOVE!
and haha I saw BLOG OFF all the time! nice to see it in print!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich

Ayesha... said...

ahh wow bloody well done you! you deserve it your absolutly stunning, and i dont know what goes on inside your head but its sure precious,,, but you know this already i think ,so yeah:)

Anonymous said...

love all of the outfits!

kate cait sith said...

aaaagh pact with the devil i swear. you make everything look so painfully effortless. this is just something that can't be good for my ego.

Antonio Barros said...

Congratulations on the article!!!

You look lovely in all pics!

Lost/Found said...

Definitely not boring.

Fannah said...

ooooooooooh my god. all these pictures are so divine. these clothes are perfect and perfect on you!! (note: i never, never use double exclamation marks)

Malena said...

you rule

Anonymous said...

absolutely amazing photos!

Becky said...

I actually came on your blog after reading love - its a great interview with fantastic styling, well done little lady! xx

TobyOliverDean said...

It was really exciting seeing you in the magazine (does this make me lame? I think not!). I did a little review of the issue on my blog I pretty much think yours was the best, along with the boxers. hell ya! xxx

phantom; said...

Congratulations! You are too awesome.

Zaralya said...

I thought you were really great, and you have some kind of magic powers with fashion, I swear. I really want that VW polo shirt as well.. :D

Ava Darling said...

i don't know why you didn't like the last picture, i think it's really cute!! but all of them are, anyway... sadly, i don't think i could get love magazine here in germany... oh, well.

la mademoiselle

glittah said...

dude, you're also on the cover of POP! Two of them, I saw it on the street!

Post about them!!!


glittah said...

by the way, I scannned the grazia feature you're in, let me know if you want it.


Emily said...

you. are. officially. my. idol.
wow. congrats times a bazillion, girl!!

Christina said...

Jealous! Love the blog, love your writing!

:) said...

please please please someone look at it :D

Isabel said...

SO COMPLETELY FANTASTIC! iloveyouiloveyou.

keira antoia rose said...

Wow! Congratulations...
the pictures are perfect, as is every outfit.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Chloe Tweeny said...

This is amazing! Congrats! Love the clothes, the pics, the everything!

CTstyle said...

These are great.Love that atmospheric blue dress with the fur stole.Is the print ufo's?

amie_theblondefreek said...

omg you are amazing !
i love your writing and pictures :)

amie_theblondefreek said...

omg you are amazing !
i love your writing and pictures :)

Emma said...

hey there tavi, i read this issue of LOVE magazine and discovered you! i loved the photos of yourself and you looked great in the gorgeous clothes. i also love your blogg :)

Katy said...

I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it.

Fashion Doohickey said...

Oh tavi, I am so happy for you. ^^ congratulations! you totally deserve it! :D

Magenpie said...

soo cool you are soo lucky to have been spotted, how did it happen LUCK YOU!!!!

desertöse said...

congratulations, tavi. I'm gonna buy an issue before I fly to berlin tomorrow. yes, berlin. jealous? I can understand that. want to swap? ...

Jem said...

oh my goodness! congrats, love magazine is quite cool and its even cooler that your in it!

Wickeed_ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wickeed_ said...

Hey your just AHMAZING! I saw you in an English magazine Grazia. You have such great style I don't know how you can make such cool outfits. You're such a Style Icon. Keep Up The Good Work!!


Nabila said...

you are cute as a button! x

Zany Style said...



huong said...

you're awesome! keep up the good work! would love to read your article!

Phillipa Cross said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phillipa Cross said...

hey sweetie read your article in LOVE.I spent the entire time today in a shopping centre just sitting and reading it. You were so modest and so graceful and funny through the whole interviw. the photos were outstanding and beautiful my favourite one was the bike with that beautiful dior dress.i came home straight away to read your blog. You have inspired me so much thanks sweetie :D XXXXX

Tamahina said...

Wow, you really own at self takes. They don't even look like self takes they look proper. I especially like the photo second from the bottom, in the tree. And the one with the cool dress and rodarte cardi.

Sweet deal!

tealnomad.blogsp.. etc

Miss. Ore said...

im VERY jealous of you

April said...

Tavi, holy shit. You look FANTASTIC. Can I be you please?

WJ said...

Holy shit, there are some awesome pieces in the shoot. Would love to read the interview too!

lara vincent said...

you are a pied piper. play a recorder and dance in the street, they will follow.

- said...

Congratulations, Tavi.
I love your blog, you've come a long way.
You're a real inspiration to me!

Melissa said...

you're so cool, I wish I were more like you when I was 13, instead of that trend called an'emo' or whatever. it makes me angry even thinking about it.

keep it up!

Unknown said...

It is so great to see a young, talented, creative stunner like yourself getting such rightly deserved attention/accolades. This is why I love the internet!

trilby said...

That's so awesome for you, Tavi. Well done - seriously.

DelusionalHysteria said...

LOVE brought you to my attention and I am so grateful.
You're awesome <3 I love the Vivienne Westwood T-shirt dress!

Blah said...

Hey Tavi, I read about your blog in Grazia and I adore it. I've spent the last 2 hours reading, loving your photography and creativity.


nao said...

you're so rad! GO TAVI!!!

∂ʋмρℓιиɢ♥ said...

You should be like on tv or something xD
I was watching this programe called Gok's fashion fix and this man is getting paid thousands for dressing up this girls, but you could do so much better!
I love the second from last picture:)

In-tree-gue said...

This is amazing. And the pop covers? explanations please
I love that hat thing, and neon green + grey = love

Flora Márquez said...

BEAUTIFUL Clothes!!! And photos!!

Charlotte said...

Well done, the photos were amazing. You were also in Grazia magazine also, here in the UK.

(always)alanna said...

simply amazing.
those outfits blow my mind. you are a creative GENIUS

Kirsten said...

Just spent my sunday drinking tea and binging on the gargantuanly huge september issues, including 'Love' and 'Pop' Autumn Winter fashion feasts.


Unknown said...

Love the bike photos. Congrats! Will you be posting the interview..?

Christiana said...

amazing photos... very catsy styling but darling... try to live in your age... childhood is the best! smileeeee!!!!

Rose said...

Well Ms T,
so much for your fifteen minutes of fame....:

but thanks anyway for making being born worthwile ;o)

Ashley said...

Wow!!! YOu did such an amazing job of styling yourself in those clothes! I love the giant knitted chain-link necklace!

crickets said...

The jealousy rages through my veins as I look at your images, nothing short of AMAZING!!

Mary said...

Tavi, you have such a killer sense of style and confident attitude that I want to hug and then let shine from absolutely everywhere.... Congratulations. You're amazing.


You're swimming in that Comme coat. Too cute.

Eugenia Sanchez said...

These pictures are so amazing!!! They're wonderful! I mean, seriously, these outfits are divine. (did i seriously just say divine???- im such a nerd...) I wish they made accessible clothes like that in my size (i have a ridiculous height of 4 foot 9 at age 13)... :-O

Anyway, wonderful clothes, wonderful spread, wonderful model... :-D

(I'm so cliché and lame- i sound like a grandma pinching your cheeks...and for this, I apologize. Deeply.)

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

Must know: what make is the UFO dress?

brodie said...

this is so fantastic, tavi! i also saw you on the list of 99 most influential fashion bloggers, congratulations on that too. i wanna push a broken red bike through a bush looking all cute.

Becky said...

Wow, Tavi, I'm always laughing to hard with your blog that I never paid attention to what a natural beauty you are! You styled this very nicely; well done!

Cotton Socks said...

loved this post tavi!

Cassie & Phoebe said...

where did you get the knitted chain?
Who is it by... or where is it from?
I love it!

cuteboysmakemenervous said...

agh. so cute in the clothes.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...


Could you please post a link to the magazine itself?
I see a couple of magazines called Love.
I'll check if it's available here in Sweden or maybe order a copy.

wearmepretty said...

if i have a child! i want her to be exactly like you!

Johanne said...

Hey Tavi

I spent three hours on the plane back from paris last night, consumed in this issue. I LOVE LOVE; The pictures, and so much TEXT too. Nice feature on you, congrats!


woderful! we're loving it!

Anonymous said...

thats so cool!

Marie June said...

you are wonderful - all of your photos have that certain something.

Unknown said...

a ma zing

Anonymous said...

this is my favorite psot youve every done
gorgeous...each look is so different and stunning
thanks for sharing

check out my blog @

Anonymous said...

AMAZING, love love love it!

Side Street Style said...

Wow great collection of images....really fantastic....I love the one with the three hats.
I really enjoy your keep it up *forever*...:)


the christy said...

ah man, you're so experimental.
haha, you're a legend.
i saw you in grazia! it's true, your blog is amazing.
btw could you give me the link to your rap about rei kawakubo :) i can't find it lol.

wideyed said...

OMG TAVIIII! This is so cool.

quartzneptune said...

Thank you for sharing your youness and keep on leading into the future!!!

Tavi said...

You guys are the best and very very rad <3

cassie&phoebe- It's by Yokoo!

the christy- :)


phoebe-Topshop Unique, I'm completely obsessed with it..

Ariane Neuhaus said...

The last photo is the best! I like it, even if you don't know what you are doing in it. :)

ipopheart said...

those pictures are just utterly amazing! Such killer shoes (in 4th and 6th outfit pic)... Congrats- everything looks perfect!

Unknown said...

Hey Tavi :)

I've been a reader for around two years to this blog, and i think that it's so COOL that you are featured in LOVE, and GRAZIA. Lucky girl.... :D

Panda xx

Unknown said...

Hey Tavi :)

I've been a reader for around two years to this blog, and i think that it's so COOL that you are featured in LOVE, and GRAZIA. Lucky girl.... :D

Panda xx

Jillian Hobbs said...

that anon agent necklace just KILLS on you! fantastic boots too in that photo congrats on the magazine <3

Miss said...

Wow, It's my first time on this blog, and I really love it. You have an amazing and uniqe style. Something I really don't see every day! I just think you are awesome, and dare I say it, because you are probrably going to be mad, but... adorable! I just really like this blog! And of course these clothes you have on these photos!

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to get my copy of Love!!! You are in POP too!!! I JUST read it, and i see this girl and i'm like.. hold up!!!! It's tavi! lol. So awesome, you look great in the pink wig lol. you should dye your hair pink :P x

Winnie said...

This reminds me that I MUST stop by Borders and get hold of Pop and Love. You look great!

Anna said...

Congrats for everythings! The photos are lovely. Not sure if I'd be able to send all of those clothes back... What's wrong with just borrowing, for a while? ;p

Raymi Lauren said...

you must get michelle williams comparisons daily, minutely.

BethEades said...

Meh (Derbish word for: NOT fair/gutted/rubbish!)
In other words - this so isn't fair and I'm raaather jealous! I never get sent nice clothes by amazing magazines (haven't bought this copy of LOVE yet but now can't wait till I'm de-brokified!) Now can't wait for my next babysitting job!
Any chance you could read my blog at some point? I'd really appreciate a reader other than my friend Amy - especially one with such an incredible blog herself!



Tavi! you are getting so famous now! you inspire me everyday, thought i would finally comment. it's lovely to see your fantastic imagination come through in your blog.

WendyB said...

Congrats! Glad you changed your mind about doing interviews.

Tam said...

hey i'm english, got LOVE a few days ago and loved your interview with pixie and the photos too, hadn't heard of the blog before but it's really great, i'm seventeen and feel very inferior to you, i love your posts and style :]

Julio Cesar said...

The photos are nothing short of fantastic. Amazing, as usual. :)

Dylana Suarez said...

You are the cutest thing ever! Your style is so eclectic. Amazing in every look! Love your blog!

runwayriot said...

woah. i wish i were you. i would jump at the chance to do that. it would be my dream come true.

runwayriot said...

woah. i wish i were you. i would jump at the chance to do that. it would be my dream come true.

-Katya- said...

I bought this magazine before reading your blog and i saw you in it. Amazing I would love to do something like that , How do you do it?....

Jaeveberry said...

Congrats, darling! You are so so so ridiculously cute! :)

Abby said...

THAT COAT.........:)

georgeface said...

you are amazing. thats really all i can say.

runwayriot said...

hi tavi. you are my role model. please could you take some of your time to check out my blog? thank you.. x

Anonymous said...

I'm desperate to read the magazine.. but can I get it in England?
Magazines need to be more like this.. it's so much more real compared to a celebrity.
Thank you!

jessinwonderland said...

I went out and bought it as soon as I read this. Enough said.

∆P said...

hot damn, all of those outfits were insane <3

aimee said...

Tavi you are BRILLIANT. i want to be like you -- i am 20 years old and I wish for your style skills.

keep it up :)
i will be following from now on.

yui said...

i love that they trusted your creative instincts and let you take all the photos. it was the right decision and it makes me really happy!!i am so going to hunt down a copy somewhere...

Adrienne said...

You're an elf Tavi, a wonderous little elf.

Crystal Ball said...

Your poses are PERFECT for the outfits. Congratulations on getting your own little spread in the magazine.
You are something else!

Rhiannon said...

A belated congratulations . . .both Love and Pop in one month!!?? That's the most amazing thing ever, and you totally deserve it! :)

Emma Louise Layla said...

Aw, you are very cute indeed.

Davina said...

you have such unique style!! fashion is ageless and you definitely prove that statement! keep the passion for fashion alive!! :D

Laurie Luxe said...

love your blog tavi!

Tashya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tashya said...

Love your blog. Love your passion. You. Are. Awesome.

Dara said...

The photos are amazing! As well as the clothes!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You're awesome! Love your ideas:)
Szacun ;)

Kristen Masters said...

those photos are great! so are you :) you inspire me to dress up and wear hats x

Clementine Kruczynski said...

hi tavi! i'm from argentina and a read about you in an argentinian fashion magazine, so girl, as you must already know,you're famous all over the world!! and that's amazing because you're so cool and beautiful...and so fucking smart!!
i'm not much into fashion but i just love the way you write and you're pictures of course!!so preetty and stylish!
(sorry for my baad baad english)
big hugs from south america!!

Yumichika said...

pic where you're standing in front of blue wall (or something)in three caps remind me Gorillaz pics, you know, made by Jamie Hewlett- one of the band members. I'm a big fan of them so I really like it^^