Yesterday the rest of the grade went to a waterpark while Sophie and I biked around and began to care less about our sanity. At some point I realized I had seriously played hooky to spend all my money on books and pick up my new glasses. I would care but anyone that ditches to buy books and get grandma glasses is obviously 2 kool 2 kare.
Another reason not to care is that I got great books and I love my new glasses! One of the books I got:
FIND IT. Here are some of my favorite pictures from it (the book doesn't contain much text, though there are a few interesting quotes and an intro I have not yet read) and I think I really ought to find a scanner right about NOW...
I looked at the new Vogue UK too, and almost bought it for this one really awesome feature where they asked designers, photographers, etc. to talk about one photograph that really inspires them. It was so neat. If anyone has seen it online, feel free to pass it on. BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE FEELIN' FREE, MAN.
And! New glasses! They make everything I wear look much more hipster and/or granny but hhhwatevs, they feel way more like me than the old ones, which were too reminiscent of my 5th grade phase in which I was obsessed with monkeys, cheese, and naming inanimate objects...
The minidress and Yokoo hairbow will be up on CWAC like...soon? So much catching up to do, blerg T_T anyway I just tried to match up accesories that were the same colors as the hairbow. I might buy it myself because it's perfectly fluffy.
Ok,we have an HOUR of school tomorrow. THEN I'LL BE FREE, MAN.
And! New glasses! They make everything I wear look much more hipster and/or granny but hhhwatevs, they feel way more like me than the old ones, which were too reminiscent of my 5th grade phase in which I was obsessed with monkeys, cheese, and naming inanimate objects...
Ok,we have an HOUR of school tomorrow. THEN I'LL BE FREE, MAN.
That book is great but best of all is that you got the Tipi Hedren Barbie for a present:)
i also have that Tipi Hedren barbie-- much Klassier [w/ a capital K, natch] than the usual hooker varieties... and i love and adore those pictures (especially the last one because naked people exude awkward and awkward is super....)! i think i might track down that book to see what other gems it offers!
HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME? and why on earth do you get out 2 weeks earlier than me. 'tis not fair. that book looks amazing, i'll have to check it out, the 60's were probably one of the best decades ever
i'm in love with your glasses. like seriously.
andy warhol just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.
in this ( I was kind of a little bit trying to express how I have a semi-secret desire to live in the 60's but I kind of failed photoshop-wise. I leerrrve the 21st century, but, mann, I think I'm a hippie at heart.
I have an hour of school tomorrow, too! Then we shall begin planning trips to Mich/Val's and will both stop being SO BUSY and/or LAZY and finally hangout! Gawwwd.
How come people in the 60's look so much more....classy then people do now? I've always wondered, hrm. Your sense of style is AMAZING, your hairbow is beautiful. So jealous, you only have one hour? I have to drag through the whole day, gah! heh.
That's not Trivial Man it's Terrence Stamp!!
Andy Warhols shopping cart looks like theres a 1000 words just to descirbe what he dong when he gets home. Or maybe he was just hungry
spencer-Yeah, I think if I could live in any other time it would be the 60's. I would hate not having internet but the 60's would not be the 60's if they had the internet O_O
isabel-I wondered the same! Even in complete nude they looked classy. My friend and I talked about it here:
Jenna-Oh, I figured he was important. Still, I love Shrimpton so much. PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT JEAN MAY KINDLY GTFO.
dude, love the glasses!
holy crapping christ that book is amazing. do want.
I do agree regarding Jean, however LOOK AT TERRENCE IN THAT PHOTO! Call me nuts but for me he steals that shot.
The pic of the hippie hugging the turkey is so classic/epic.
nicenice I laughed at the man hugging turkey picture
Love the glasses!
Book looks fab and I'm liking Mia's venecian mask. And ta for mentioning bthe vogue UK thang, i'll take a look :D
Love the necklace.
What are the chances do you think of me having met Spencer's uncle? That was weird! Random net? not so much.
still in love with you. your glasses are dope. and the butterfly around your neck even better! tippi hedren as a barbie doll? yes please!
wow that book is awesome i'll check it i hope there's that book in indonesia :)
wow that book is awesome i'll check it i hope there's that book in indonesia :)
LOL. awesomeeeee post! :) lovin' it dearrr..
haha. u looked sooo hilarious. :)
mind checking my blog?
drop me something in the cbox if you don't mind.. :)
i linked you though. lol.
awww, your glasses are so cool! I never really got the trend of wearing non-prescriptions, but sometimes i do wish i wore glasses :)
after the 1920s, i think the sixties is my favourite period in history (can it count as history?!).
I always get it mixed up with 70s, though. I dont really know the difference.
I AM feeling it...radical, man.
I really love the glasses! They are a little bit granny and a little bit '60s and that's what makes them awesome.
Cool video from the 30' !!!
Nice glasses !
haha buying books and retrieving glasses is obviously more important than going to some silly waterpark.
p.s. love the minidress!
As you say , the 60's wouldn't have been the 60's with the Internet. I do often wonder what the 60's would have been like with the Internet though. One thing that really would have been different is fewer culturally defining moments; e.g the Beatles on Ed Sullivan would have still been a landmark, but by then everyone would have seen their European performances online, etc.
love jean shrimpton! so gorgeous she is!! i really like your mini-dress kind of reminds me of luella! so lovely
I hate the 60s because I'm jealous I wasn't there. It's the only sort of logic I can comprehend...
Oh yeah and of course, DAMN YOU LOOKIN FLY GURLLLL. How could I forget the requisite Tavi fangirl compliment?
this post makes me jealous of my mom and her time of adolescence.
oh man, if only.
once again you are sporting awesome attire. you look especially distinguished with glasses. well done.
Want that book. Your new specs are too cool for school.
That book looks so amazing - I have a similar one called HIPPIE and it is pretty sweet. The last picture looks so Pre-Raphaelite-esque and I love it.
LOL. I love your photos--they have such a nice feel! And yes, the glasses (I wear a similar pair from cutler + gross) make everything 100's of times more hipster(/grandma)!!
i often wonder why i'm not living amongst the artists, crackheads, and femme fatales of the nineteen sixties. it's a mystery i'll never solve, unfortunately.
& your outfit is fabulous.
omg, that book is awesome Ö
I want it
and I love your outfit!
The last picture is stunning.
I think I saw that book at Barney's!
I'm a big 60s fan myself - the music, the clothes, everything. Almost snatched that one up.
xoxo, SarahJayne @ Knockout Vintage Clothing
I have that book, i love it!
great photos. i love the one of serge and jane in matching jackets.
great look. and i want your haircut, do you love short hair x
Don't you look cute! I want that book.
just let me know when you are allowing people to adopt you.
OK iam so jalous ! Because you are wonderful , your outfits are great , very very very great !
and I love Andy warol !
salut !!
You're so cute! This outfit reminds me of s/s Marc Jacobs which is a v.v. Good thing.
This post reminds me of a backstreet boys annual my friend bought from a charity shop the other day. Gotta love abit of retro photography/styling photography. :)
Great necklace!!!
That book seems like a perfect way to blow birthday money, niiiice. Lovely photos. 4,5 and Worhol grocery shopping are the ones that stand out for me. So great
If you don't sell the sweater then you tooootally need to keep it. It fits you PERFECTLY!! Styled to perfection, loves it
I love your outfit and glasses. An amazing book too! And you are so lucky to be out of school.
Capote's black and white ball.. so dreamy
LOVE your new glasses!
I absolutely love your style of writing and your blog. I've given you an award on mine!
wow, andy w was more of a hunk than i could have imagined!
The picture of Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra is from Truman Capote's Black and White ball. The pictures from it are awesome! You'd love 'em! One of the designers wore a tuxedo with this amazing unicorn gold head-dress.
i just want to say that u r my idol. u r my fashion idol. i love ur aditude towards life. i get made fun of every day at my school for wat i wear. and i absolutely love how u dont give a crap and u r open and free with ur on unique and awesome style. keep the posts coming as well as the pics. thanks so much for being who u r!
- lucy
May I ask where you got your glasses? And if they are prescription? They look great, and I have every intention of illegally plagiarizing. Tiny, blind people of the world unite! Enjoy your blog as well (you know, as a requisite to not looking completely self-serving; but fo-realz. one of those 'long time readers, first time commenters' deal-ios... immensely enjoy le blog)
Oh god i really really love that book !!!
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