WEIRD TO BE BACK HERE AGAIN. Gosh, it's been what, 4 days? TOUGH STUFF! Anyway, lots more LA recapping to do, but luckily it's the last week of school (fiuwaher874wehfsdkfsdhjkty348967twesidfvgsdhgjvkdshk
gtahrwetgjklywhswgijhateriutgh) so there's no homework etc. Something else that was taking up a lot of time in preparation finally took place-my Bat Mitzvah. It was a great experience and pretty amazing celebrating with all these people I only see on occasion and separately, all at the same place. I kind of miss the anticipation and anxiety though, honestly! Now I have to use my precious anticipation on school, which is unworthy of my pain.
I don't think I'll be posting many pictures from it since that might be giving out more information than I'd like, but this is what I wore, INCLUDING OUTFIT COMMENTARY!! *crickets*
The dress was bought 5 days before but finding it couldn't have been much easier-first store we went into, found within half an hour. It's from Loehmann's, which I'd never been to before/the name sounds like your neurotic Uncle Hershel's Bar Mitzvah suit store in the Bronx, but we figured whyyynot and I love the dress so much. My favorite part is that it looks like paper, but it did feel a leetle beet too flouncy-pretty so I added this Urban Outfitters necklace I'm borrowing from Weardrobe and my Obesity and Speed hair thing.
My new glasses weren't ready in time so these were taped/crooked but uh whatevs. I don't think I'll ever be 100% classy. Or 95. 50? Anyway.
The back! So pretty!
Reminds me of Flinstones.
Awesome, sad I can't keep it.
This is one part of my speech; the parts that actually deal with God and religion will stay off the net just because this..isn't that kind of blog? Yeah.
"..Take an article of clothing, for example. As I said earlier, the Nazirites wore just enough to keep them warm, believing that that was the wish of God. Over this past year I have become increasingly interested in clothing, and have developed a clearer understanding of the idea that clothing can be art. A girl in my gym class once asked me why designers put so much effort and money into putting out on runways clothes that no one would ever wear on the street, and for a second, I didn’t know how to answer. Really, there are two responses. Every designer is putting tons of hours and money into their designs, but some design on a more commercial level, and those are the labels we often do see on the street. The designers that interest me the most work just as hard, if not harder, to create clothing that is meaningful to them, to create art. There will always be designers that continue to focus on just the look of a collection, but I hope there always remains a group that pays more attention to their emotions or concepts. I finally answered the girl, and told her that designing can be like writing a poem, or painting a picture, or playing guitar. When people are passionate about these things, they feel as if they have to create. Rei Kawakubo, who many regard as the first conceptual designer and whose clothes can often inspire uncomfortable thoughts or feelings in people, is my favorite designer in the world. She doesn’t expect that many people will wear her tulle and lumps and masks for a day on the town, but clothing doesn’t have to sell, and it’s her way of expressing her inner values. Using fashion as self expression can go beyond wearing a shirt with a slogan, as clothing has the ability to evoke an entire feel, or atmosphere, or emotion, or world."
Look! An outfit! It's been a while, and I truthfully still feel pretty uninspired, for about the third month in a row. It's superficial but I think I'm just tired of lots of my clothes and feel like I've made every combination with them I could. I obvz haven't but I have discovered and rediscovered everything in my closet/the old dress up box and I'm just too damn ADD to feel pleased! Luckily I have gift money to go shopping but I'd feel guilty since it would be due to the fact that I'm too lazy to be creative and wear shirts like pants and weird things I used to do. I'M GETTING OLD, KIDS. I DID JUST CHANT THE TORAH, AFTER ALL.
Howeverrrr, the awesome people at Blood is the New Black sent over a few tshirts recently and I love love love them. No exagerrations! I feel more comfortable in them than I did in the beanbag chair in the corner of the room in second grade. Reading Junie B. Jones.
I don't think I'll be posting many pictures from it since that might be giving out more information than I'd like, but this is what I wore, INCLUDING OUTFIT COMMENTARY!! *crickets*
My new glasses weren't ready in time so these were taped/crooked but uh whatevs. I don't think I'll ever be 100% classy. Or 95. 50? Anyway.
This is one part of my speech; the parts that actually deal with God and religion will stay off the net just because this..isn't that kind of blog? Yeah.
"..Take an article of clothing, for example. As I said earlier, the Nazirites wore just enough to keep them warm, believing that that was the wish of God. Over this past year I have become increasingly interested in clothing, and have developed a clearer understanding of the idea that clothing can be art. A girl in my gym class once asked me why designers put so much effort and money into putting out on runways clothes that no one would ever wear on the street, and for a second, I didn’t know how to answer. Really, there are two responses. Every designer is putting tons of hours and money into their designs, but some design on a more commercial level, and those are the labels we often do see on the street. The designers that interest me the most work just as hard, if not harder, to create clothing that is meaningful to them, to create art. There will always be designers that continue to focus on just the look of a collection, but I hope there always remains a group that pays more attention to their emotions or concepts. I finally answered the girl, and told her that designing can be like writing a poem, or painting a picture, or playing guitar. When people are passionate about these things, they feel as if they have to create. Rei Kawakubo, who many regard as the first conceptual designer and whose clothes can often inspire uncomfortable thoughts or feelings in people, is my favorite designer in the world. She doesn’t expect that many people will wear her tulle and lumps and masks for a day on the town, but clothing doesn’t have to sell, and it’s her way of expressing her inner values. Using fashion as self expression can go beyond wearing a shirt with a slogan, as clothing has the ability to evoke an entire feel, or atmosphere, or emotion, or world."
Howeverrrr, the awesome people at Blood is the New Black sent over a few tshirts recently and I love love love them. No exagerrations! I feel more comfortable in them than I did in the beanbag chair in the corner of the room in second grade. Reading Junie B. Jones.
Remember Brendan Donnelly? OF COURSE YOU DO. This one was designed by him for BITNB and um, do I really need to say much about it other than I love it? I plan on wearing it for the 45 minutes of school we have on Friday. TEENAGE REBELLION AT ITS CLASSIEST. Anyway, angstangstangst. Just be glad I'm breaking the dress code with.. uh offensiveness and not spaghetti straps. Ew.
I love you, Brian Lichtenberg tee, oh yes I doooo. Karl is on the left bum cheek. And the back matches his shower!
...not that I would know what his bathroom looks like *shifts stalker eyes*
Doo doo doo doo, moving on..
This summer I have day camp, cottage time, reading all the books on my list, and dancing to S Club 7 while riding bikes and eating Ice Pops with Sophie. Also, wearing everything here:
What about you?
UH MAY ZING. Love your blog--take a peek here, I think you'll like:
congraaaaats on your bat mitzvah. you're a grown up now... kind of. maybe. your dress is so pretty! i'm glad you didn't wear, like, a stupid bat mitzvah dress from macy's. not that you would. but i'm still glad.
i'm jealous that you're almost done with school. eating ice pops and listening to s club 7 sounds like perfection.
Yeahhh, I'm so glad your Bat Mitzvah was a smashing success! That speech was wonderful to read and your dress is so beautiful! Clearly you don't need to look like Spock to win at life. (Though apparently I win at life because, one of my friends thinks I am a dead ringer for Spock...)
I think you have amazing brain..hehe..
ur sense of style is amazing..
love all the things that you wear..
good luck with everything..
I enjoy reading ur blog..
your bat mitvah outfit looked great and i love your Lichtenberg tee!
you're looking stunning
Love the datail on the dress and the cage skirt. I think I am just calling out for clothes with holes in them.
Amazing. Everything. amazing. Your outfits and your writing blow me away every single time. Excellent speech, btw!
Cool Speech! I sooooo love your outfit, the detailing in your dress is Boom-Pow! haha
Congrats :D
must own all of the blood is the new black shirts. now.
hope your bat mitzvah was amazing and i approve in a major way of the spock clothes.
check out my sad little blog if you have time and let me know what you think, i'm new!
I love your white dress!! And that amazing necklace!! And the cage skirt!
Congrats w/ your bat mitzvah!
Your blog is amazing!
mazel tov!
ur speech was much more eloquent that mine was when i was 12/13 lol, great job :D
ur blog is always so much fun to read :D it's so interesting, witty, and funny.
yeah, i wanted that necklace as well. the pattern on it reminded me of a birds eye view of a city or crops. or both. it'd add the perfect hard geometric touch to my need of structure outfits.
uh yes
so, great outfits tavi!
Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah. Nice dress and a really thoughtful speech - no doubt one of the very few Bat Mitzvah speeches to mention Rei Kawakubo:)
Your joke about Loehmann's is hilarious!
impeccable taste, i am jealouz
honest to blog:
big congrats on your bat mitzvah. that dress is lovely , i think i got my bat mitzvah dress at loehmann's too, it's totally a jewish mom's go-to spot for last minute fancy occasion outfits. the hair thing and necklance look really good together, like parisian good.
your summer sounds fantastic, s club 7 + ice pops 4ever.
Mazel Tov! I love you and your sweet/smart vulnerability. + everything I understand about fashion I have gotten solely from you.
Mazel tov!
Your dress is very nice, too (and you really lucked out on finding it in the first shop haha), reminds me of Fendi SS09
lol, dude we have the same BITNB SHIRT. now we can complete our assimilation into each other
cool beans
neato. I put you on my blogroll!
this girls is like the new tavi,it's so weird.
The white dress is so pretty especially pared with the necklace.
I really like the dress, and the t-shirt
I like the outfit with the anonymous agendt necklace. looks like something I would wear.
and what about my summer you ask? well, jazzfestival in montreux, city trips to hamburg and berlin, tons of ice cream and lots of felt-brooch-sewing... no, I won't bother you again with my akward "jewellery". ;)
It boggles my mind to read your bat mitzvah speech....why did I have to be so dumb and naive when I was 13?
Anywho, It's nice to see outfit posts again.
OMGZ CONGRATS yeahyeahyeah
as always you look totally classy!
I've awarded you THE HONEST SCRAP AWARD! You've probably already been awarded it like a zillion times but if not you have now! if you want to accept the award you have to do a few things like say 10 honest things about yourself
just copy what i did
Your speech is very well-written and I have to give you props for being so precoscious and well-spoken, but I have to point something out to you. Something that you may have already encountered and already pondered in your head, or something that may challenge what you have previously thought:
Rei Kawakubo once said, "Fashion is not art. The aims of fashion and art are different and there is no need to compare them."
"My approach is simple. It is nothing other than what I am thinking at the time I make each piece of clothing...The result is something that other people decide".
I am a big fan of your blog - great work!
by the way, if you find what I said to be something that stimulated a thought or two in your head, I'd really like to read your response either on your blog or maybe on a comment on mine :) I am really interested in what you have to say about fashion, as you do have very insightful things to say.
That last t-shirt-and-cage-skirt combo is INCREDIBLE.
I Want that Brian Lichtenberg T-shirt!!! I'm very tempted to come steal it, but that would make me a creepy stalker. (Not of you, of the clothes?) Now I'm just confuzzleing myself. Anyway, I love your blog!!!
Dayum, that Topshop skirt is lovely.
Ahhh and Margiela completely captures my opinion towards merchandise for charity. I mean really, the best way to help with one's money is to donate directly... but that shirt looks awesome too. >.<
I think i told you about my shop before? It has the same concept as CWAC, except it:
a) gives money to Plant a Billion Trees
b) I make all of the clothes/accessories myself
I'd love for you to take a look at it! Viceroy Rose Lovely post, by the way. ^.^
There just ain't no party like an S Club party! HEY! HO!
I can still do the dance from that video.
i like your knees, in as non-scary a way as possible.
I just wanted to say every time you make an entry it slightly boggles my mind. You know... just SLIGHTLY.
If a perfectly imaginary, aesthetically idealistic fashion utopian world existed I think that your speech may just be rightful enough for the President of such a universe.
don't stop movin' to the s club beat
Beautiful dress, looks stunning with the necklace! i love your tee and all ur outfits.. your speech was amazing! wise words... keep up the great work
Ty Ty
the 'paper' dress i adore. and the lettering stuff on the shirt is cleverererer :)
congrats on the bat mitzvah! i love your dress which you wore for your bat mitzvah... it kinda reminds me of my bat mitzvah dress too, it was white and had details like yours does.
I'm in love with the white dress.
btw your outftits are pretty amazing, like always.
I can see the clothes i sent you on your mass of CWAC stuff. SNAp i feel special.. hope they sell great ;)
Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. You made me remember mine (and the hideous dress I wore to it). Wish I had your style at your age. Hell, I wish I had your style now.
And totally go for the Spock look. That would be badass.
Um...."look like me and automatically win at life" pretty much made my day :)
Glad you had fun at your Bat Mitzvah, your speech sounds amazing!
your necklace is awesome, i love it!!!
I turned 17 today. You are not getting old, bro.
I agree that Spock makes you automatically win at life. Especially the Zach guy...mmm
MAZEL TOV! You speech sounds wonderful!
oh and Spock+S Club 7+clothes to play around with= all you need.
ah so glad you like BITNB my friend mitra owns that company!!!
congrats on your bat mitzvah.
glad you enjoyed your Bat Mitzvah. I love your dress it reminds of Chanel HC this season, but you still made it you(that sounds so cliche)I'm so jealous of the clothes you get.
i dig your take on teen angst/not spaghetti straps.
also i'd just like to throw it out there that i found that little cornify button in the side bar... havent stopped clicking it since. glitter and unicorns 4evz
You are amazing. be my little sister?
Seriously though, your speech was excellent. Way to make your case way better than I ever could.
Great speech! I love the BITNB shirts.
you are hilarious i LOVE this blog.
whoa! love the first outfit - amazing, very spring-ish as well!
sophie x
kay off topiccc.
I have read you blog for a rather long time and finally was like screw it, I 'll comment.
(just forgive my shitty spelling)
I just went on a vacation with my looony bird of a grandmere, and she actually picked something cool. it ws in some art mueseum a collection of clothes based on medival stuffs. anywho I took pictures (including a Yamamoto from last year. muhhaha I was three inches away)I was wondering if you would want some of the pictures. no I am not a cat rapist. just thought you might enjoy the 15 or so differnet medival things.
if so:
OMG what a nice/cool/awesome blog you got here how old are you? i got a blog my own im from denmark:
Oh my cuteness...can i adopt you? No i'm serious! Or, i don't know, keep you as a big plush to squeeze when i'm sad...
Ok let's stop it! The dress was great,it seems you're wearing origami (not that you wouldn't do it, i guess!).
I think that with that speech you caught the very essence of fashion: art.
When you say it's like playing a song or painting a picture you're just dividing real fashion from what most people think it is, it's not showing expensive clothes with a famous guy's name written on, but be able to catch your essence/feelings of the moment in a single outfit, which is not easy at all, but you do, i think, naturally.
I truly admire you!
congratulations on your bat mitzvah! those are always fun. (:
love the margiela-esque shirt! and spock, of courseeee...
Congrats, Tavi...
I love that last outfit your wearing..
i like your outfit with the Brian Lichtenberg tee ;]
Mazel tov! Your dress rocks and I love that Brian Lichtenberg tee!! It's awesome that you'll be continuing CWAC over the summer!
the dress and neclace from the first outfit is quite beautiful. your blog is lovely
SOLID GOLD, ALL OF IT. especially your bat mitzvah outfit.
not a huge fan of the fauxgiela tee, though.
b.donnz 4ever!
Congrats, you did it!
great style here tavi
Thank you for reminding the world what fashion is really meant for.
It ain't all about the Benjamins.
dammit tavs, why are so uh-mazing at fashion? me and buds are like 15 and not even WE have the confidence to pull of crazy patterned shirts in public without worrying about old nosed hags saying 'hippies!!!!! zomg!?!'
when you hit highschool: dont give a shit about what people say-do what you do best!
MAZEL TOV! Not only on your bat mitzvah, but on your first trip to Loehmann's! NOW, you are truly a woman. *snif* I'm a little teary, frankly, remembering my first trip to Loehmann's. Anyway, this is about you, not me. I'm a new reader, and likely a new fan. I adore your writing. Glad to "meet" you.
What is with the LOL comments?
Every time I read that line, I can't stop laughing.
I definitely luv u & your cool!!Brilliant!!!<3
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