What a crazy weekend.
Saturday and Sunday I went to Spencer's Bar Mitzvah service and party, KIND OF AWESOME. Contrary to hope/myth he did not sprout a Ginsberg beard immediately after stepping off the Bima but WHATEVS I GUESS WE'LL ALL DEAL. Dancing-wise, I was like Paul Rudd in Clueless. Also, hiiii Sheba/Billy/Misa/Celia, hiiiii.
And his dad sang Forever Young at the service which was something so beyond anything I can put into words without my foot going in my mouth (I think I've used that phrase here before but only because it can be so easily applied in my case). Really amazing.
Oh, then I learned about a bunch of people from Black River Falls, Wisconsin that all went crazy and killed each other in the late 1800s from a family friend. So you know, that was nice. Wisconsin Death Trip FTW.
Oh right, fashion blog. I WORE A BLAZER WITH TIGHTS AND CUTOFFS AND A BALMAIN-INSPIRED SHIRT!!!! Actually, a lovely yellow Samantha Pleet dress and this dress on Sunday. But that's not important! What's important is that Spencer will probz post about it soon (and if not, he's now obligated because I said he would) but you should all go to his blog anyway. Go! Now! *throws Lanvin bone*
Today's outfit.. I theeeeeeenk inspiration is coming back? Knock on wood. This is one of my favorite outfits I've worn in a while, also the most seizure-inducing. The recent slow down in posts has been not just because of my incredibly busy and professional life of eating chocolate in science class while working on my science project of making Rodarte and Comme collages/talking to Karl about Bob balloons, but also because I'm just not that inspired. Why force it, eh?
Thrifted this shirt some time ago and am going to use the colorful fabric to make a skirt but so had to try it in its loony state first.
Tried to do with my skirt what Nozomi Ishiguro did with a dress from this picture from Belle's post on Nozomi but kindofafail. Will try it when I have more time. Everything he makes is perfect... as my wife (Belle, for the newbies) said, why the hell has he not gotten as much recognition as other designers from the CDG house?!?!? Oh, speaking offff, Spencer's friend Sheba told me about her friend's experience with Yohji and about how intimidating he is but I have a feeling I would be shot down with tulle rope and drapery if I told you guys of HIS WAYS~. I don't know why I gravitate towards all the anti-social designers. Pictures of Margiela have never been circulated like... ever, I don't think.
Oh hi school friend walking by hi awkward waving
Hm, so the Met thang happening tonight. What I do like is that it's technically red carpet but still awesome with all the dresses because it's actual fashion and not a bunch of hideous ZOMG STYLE ICON gowns. Stuff that TV Guide would call a "don't" is actually awesome and I'm not the only one that thinks so.
Blossom petals are littering our yard. Don't you even care about the environment, tree?!?! Littering does harm to not only our world, but animals too! Just look at my poor poor dog.
thrifted shoes, shirt, b/w skirt, and belt. childhood closet floral skirt. celeste stein tights via mytights.com. idk headband.
And his dad sang Forever Young at the service which was something so beyond anything I can put into words without my foot going in my mouth (I think I've used that phrase here before but only because it can be so easily applied in my case). Really amazing.
Oh, then I learned about a bunch of people from Black River Falls, Wisconsin that all went crazy and killed each other in the late 1800s from a family friend. So you know, that was nice. Wisconsin Death Trip FTW.
Oh right, fashion blog. I WORE A BLAZER WITH TIGHTS AND CUTOFFS AND A BALMAIN-INSPIRED SHIRT!!!! Actually, a lovely yellow Samantha Pleet dress and this dress on Sunday. But that's not important! What's important is that Spencer will probz post about it soon (and if not, he's now obligated because I said he would) but you should all go to his blog anyway. Go! Now! *throws Lanvin bone*
Thrifted this shirt some time ago and am going to use the colorful fabric to make a skirt but so had to try it in its loony state first.
Tried to do with my skirt what Nozomi Ishiguro did with a dress from this picture from Belle's post on Nozomi but kindofafail. Will try it when I have more time. Everything he makes is perfect... as my wife (Belle, for the newbies) said, why the hell has he not gotten as much recognition as other designers from the CDG house?!?!? Oh, speaking offff, Spencer's friend Sheba told me about her friend's experience with Yohji and about how intimidating he is but I have a feeling I would be shot down with tulle rope and drapery if I told you guys of HIS WAYS~. I don't know why I gravitate towards all the anti-social designers. Pictures of Margiela have never been circulated like... ever, I don't think.
Hm, so the Met thang happening tonight. What I do like is that it's technically red carpet but still awesome with all the dresses because it's actual fashion and not a bunch of hideous ZOMG STYLE ICON gowns. Stuff that TV Guide would call a "don't" is actually awesome and I'm not the only one that thinks so.
Blossom petals are littering our yard. Don't you even care about the environment, tree?!?! Littering does harm to not only our world, but animals too! Just look at my poor poor dog.

Those tights are too great for words. I was singing but I had to stop since they were that awesome. I really like the skirts you paired with them.
How is making a Rodarte Comme des garcon collage science? I cant wrap my head around it.
i am majorly jelaous of your science project. I made a power point of the inspiration for my sartorial choices for my band class though, but thats just so i can disprove their theory that i'm some super creative 15 year old boy.
Those tights are sooooo good, and so is that skirt, and that shirt. And all of it together. Blah sentence fragments
Those tights! They are genius. The whole outfit looks amazing!
Your tights kill me!!!!!
Your dog is extremely cute
Also, those shoes are awesome (as is your whole oufit) where did you get them?
I would rave more but my physics test requires studying :X
Yep your dog is very cute.
Wow Wisconsin Death Trip. I think that was the first pop culture book to focus on the bizarre side of 19th and early 20th century rural American life.
I love your tight!
tavi you are too cute, i love the tights and headband and well..all of it!
umm fanTASTIC top, tavi!!
LOVE this one.
No one can mix patterns like you do, honey.
aw , this is lovely !! I love the paint of your skirt !!!
Love this outfit! Total personality, you really have such great style Tavi! And LOL i walked by my mom watching tv and i heard someone referring to Sara Jessica Parker (sp?) as the cutting edge of fashion and i was like LOLZ WUT
Those stockings are just wonderful!
Italy is the best place I've seen to get stockings. So many stores! unfortunately when i saw them, I was out of money >:
you look amazing!
and i love the dog :P
-NEW Met Costume Institute Gala photos
Aweeeeee @ your pup
Your dog looks very clean and personable and pretty.
Insighful comment, I know.
This is the Tavi I recall. The tights are wild, per usual.
PS Your pupeh is a cutie!
Those tights are pretty much as amazing as you can get
keep it up xox
this outfit mskes me think of court jesters.
To me it looks like the clothes would like you to be juggling, handstanding, cartwheeling, or even doing the crab (crab pose shown here: http://www.dynamicflowyoga.com/images/crab.jpg)
Yep, yoga. That's how i roll.
AGREE! some fashion "don't" maybe something absolutely fabulous for me.
great blog darling!
exchange links?
Love this outfit! It's the most happily seizure-inducing right next to your optical one a while back :D
jus thought id leave my enormous ego behind for a moment and tell you how much i love you. and your creativity and passion and all that cool jazzy stuff. im with you on the fashion dont's... their idea of a "do" is being wrapped up in a seafoam green dress like a sardine looking like some sad soap star whose just shot her fiance slash sisters/mothers secret lover slash cousin twice removed.
love your coiffure btw, i remember rocking that style fifteen something years ago getting the same "hey son" from stupid rural (not even suburban) fools. keep blooming/blowing us away, girl! xo
Your tights are fantastic and your dog is to cute
ooh Taavz! soooo epic. i love it. colors colors colors are exactly what i need on a shitty day like today. maaybe ill take some inspiration from you.
and omg i want your dog!
Heeeyy Tavi.
*extends my hand*
The name's Trilby (it's not. That's my blog name). I have a relatively new, anonymous style blog.
I was wondering, could you critique some outfits I post?
Just leave comments if you can.
*throws eternal gratitude in yer face*
That outfit is keerazy awesome. Love it! And your dog is pretty cute, too. :)
hahaha: "right, fashion blog..".
and that outfit is so rad
ALL ABOUT the harlequin tights!
It's very Lacroix =)
wow this really is amazing,,, i would wear that anyday...
xx joe
do u have only 13 years!!?? you're amazing, your style is so lovely, and i'm sure you're coming famous!
kisses dear
u look amAzIng!
You look so sweet! I like the mix of colors and patterns!
hahaha, I love the outfit!!:) You're just adorable!:)
And youuu, I posted a post about you on my blog!:-) Take a look if you wanna. :-)
Ah - immense outfit!!! :-D So wanna see this rodate/comme science project ;-)
amazing duh of course yah
you know sometimes people stop themselves when mixing prints but you don't edit yourself and you look smokin' all the time.
very psychedelic.
you dress like an eye test, and i of course mean that in a good and admirational way.
jkerjgehaiuhthujhiayuwerpta89032tubvg n
oh sorry i was having a seizure
also, you have a dog?
This outfit is so ridiculous, I love it.
And Paul Rudd + dancing + Clueless = EPIC JOY. Thus clearly, you must be an awesome dancer.
Adorably awesome outfit!! I wish I had your sense of style when I was your age (ugh I hate using that phrase).
your tights are so cool! :)
oh waw those tights and are wonderful. And I think that this skirt with this belt looks perfect together
I love how fearless you are! I think wearing this much colour would make me look like a clown - how do you pull it off so well?! x
It's so colorfull !!!
time to stop being one of those blog lurkers who reads every day but never says hello.
Hello! My name is Lisa. I've got a blog, too: http://collegebeauty.onsugar.com
I was reading the nytimes.com, and saw this and it made me think of you: Mia Farrow + raising awareness about Darfur = Tavi.
lovely u~
u feel old when u r just 13> <
so i'm an old monster because i'm 19:-(
big fun of u:-)
like your new hair!
OMG Tavi, you're awesome! But at least tell me one thing that I've tried to figure out a while now: What in hell is Bar Mitzvah? I'm sure we don't have it in Sweden and I just don't understand!
(I'm sorry that I probably seem like a scary stalker to you, I'm Agnes and I'm from Sweden. Do you speak Norwegian?)
crazy! our dog is looking nearly the same, have a look at weareyouneak.wordpress.com
You are so sweet:)
cute dog! i luv ur posts! this outfit is unique, i like the prints and colours! keep up the good work! xoxo http://fashionforafashionista.blogspot.com/
Fabulous outfit, I love the shirt! Aw poor dog..petals make great accessories.
xx-LJ from SOS!
hah, you have FUCKINGGEPIC outfits.
mad jealous(:
wanna exchange links?
I may be slow on the uptake and yes OF COURSE you know already but there is a FANTASTIC article on you by Richard Gray in the new issue of 10 magazine.... yes this will be of little consequence to you....doh...
Oh Tavi. Your dog looks like a cloud. A beautiful canine cloud. X
Oh,this outfit is amazing!Very harlequin!
Are you going to school in these outfits?
hey!!!! It's celia. Amazing outfit!!
Also, why can't I think of such an awesome science project???
I made and tested natural paint for sci fair. Fun but boring, annoying, time consuming...I had to produce like 10 paintings in 2 weeks.
great photos! you have crazy style but it's awesome. :)
Girlfriend, you definitely understand mixed media. love it, please keep it up so i can buy your merch one day!
haha I love that book even though it's a bit depressing, reading over and over descriptions of people killing themselves and their families, etc, etc.
in other news i love your outfit, it's so colorful.
why are you so cute? can i please adopt you?
I think it's amazing that at 12 you have such a unique way of dressing- at that age it can be really easy to follow what your peers are doing and end up looking like shit (what I definitely was doing at 12)! lol
Also, your tzedakah project is a great idea. Way to go for including your passion into your bat mitzvah! Do I see a runway theme party in store?
I've been coveting these exact tights for about six months...they look even better on a person than on the internet (z optional). :) Pictures like these make me wish I had access to internet buying. Looks sweet! :)
hahah, your poor dog!
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