to be stuck inside a margiela boot with the superficial blues again (insert slashes where needed)

Today was a great day, the kind where your juice matches your skirt!taken by ella
Karoline printed a tee in a metallic copper and I love it (as evidenced by my awkward expression, obvz). This hairbow was cut off an old dress...skirt is my mom's sweater with lots of pins in it...vintage Docs from eBay. Yep.
Went to a consignment shop and got this haul for $8 (honestly not that much of a deal but I am used to thrift/mooching techniques). I do love me some shoes that both fit AND are attractive so no complaints there. Seriously, how many stores make epic shoes for 9 year old feet?
Also if your eyes sting easily I advise you do not picture the pants I got with the tank top I wore yesterday. Try not to run into me on the street the day I wear that combination, either.
obesity and speed tee and striped tank. leather skirt from jen. american apparel tights. yokoo scarf.
The print on this tee is BEYOND, GUYS. IT IS BEYOND.
Random notes.
This brown hat is vintage and reminds me of chocolate. I've had it for forever but haven't worn it for fear I would start seeing everything as chocolate if I did.
O i c u thar, plasteec skul. Seriously, easiest DIY EVER. I mean, unless you don't have a vacuum molding machine lying around. That's a bit rough. But if you do, just add metal fastener.
When I get tired of this veil I tie teeny ribbons in it.
I don't know why I've been chopping all these huge bows off nice dresses? Anyway, they make good necklaces as well as hair...enhancers? OH, accesories. Oopsydoops, recovering from the weekend.
Best 6.50 I've ever spent. Batman sunglasses bought locally...there wasn't a brand on the glasses but my wife Belle somehow has the same ones. We are on the same brainwaves, swearz.


Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT FINDS. love it all.

Anonymous said...

you are a peach, i love your shoes, allllllllll of em, yup.

Anonymous said...

you are a peach, i love your shoes, allllllllll of em, yup.

style-magnet said...

Love yo' style. Love yo' swag.

Kylie said...

The peach is to diiiie for! I love it!
And um, yeah, I kinda need that skull headband. Is that the skull you were melting in class? That's freakin awesome

Looks like a fun day, I tried going to salvation army today but apparently its closed on sundays?!! Whaa? I dunno


Anonymous said...

Amazing outfit Tavi! Just how I pictured that skirt would look paired up rad, and with O&S especially! Those striped trousers are going to be worked in sooo perfectly.

kerrin said...

love the green tee/stripe skirt combo!

lydia said...

awesome possum. i frequently change the title of stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again too! crazy. that O&S shirt is quite epic.

Emily said...

I am jealous of those Oxfords.

sd said...

the skirt is pretty awesome

WendyB said...

I love the outfit with the scarf.

ashley said...

um, hair ORNAMENTS?!
they are totally ornaments.

ren said...

The sweater made into skirt looks so good, as does everything else you're wearing, of course. Great shoes you've got, too. ;)

Mom Fashion World said...

you're so cute!
i love that sweater which you turned into skirt.

Joyce Kwok said...

the tee in that metallic shade is goooood. futuristic. & I thought you wore the shirt inside out when I saw the pic at first. seriously hahaha. :>

eluv said...

love the black and white shoes and those batman glasses!!

chloe said...

Wow Tavi you inspire me in so many ways it is obscene :) That is like a girl on Facehunter from Ukraine or something. Is the peach metallic spacegirl tee available for purchase? I would pay twice the price for it.

WizardFace said...

Holy effin' penguin poo, it's a giant necklace of woolen donuts! Must... steal... while... Tavi... sleeps... O____O

I've been reading your blog for a while, but I only got an account today and... I'm kinda a silent reader most of the time but like... woolen effin' donuts! Need I say more?

ctothek said...

read this and thought you might appreciate the story too. enjoy!

Anonymous said...

You're my inspiration, Tavi :)

Hazel said...

aah i love the sweater with pins in it worn as a skirt.

SAMANTHA said...

You are the smartest 12 year old ever. o__O

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Genius! A sweater turned into a skirt! How cool! That batman sunglasses are so awesome! Please post a picture wearing them! xxoxoxox

Unknown said...

to be stuck / inside a margiela / boot with the superficial / blues / again?

Annie said...

i love your sweater-into-skirt thing. so cool!

also, the thrifted shoes are AMAZING.

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

i love that shirt in peach. i think i prefer it to the black even.

and those AA tights are amazing. you really know hwo to wear them.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for so long now, and I started my own just a bit ago, not really fashion, just notes about myself.

I know a bunch of other neat people have told you how lovely and innovative you are, but I really do think you are far more creative than half of people on earth, and you probably supersede most alien life forms too..

Any who, i just though I'd drop a note!

Cat's Meow said...

Itis quite lovely when your juice matches your skirt.
Awesome skull DIY, by the way.

I've linked you!

Ashley said...

i less than three your oxfords.

Maré said...

I love your blog, Iys really interesting to read. SERIOUSLY

umm well I wanted to tell u Im 13 and I will start a blog... (soon)

I will give u the link

Mary said...

You're one of those people who gets cooler and cooler every single time I look at yoouu.
I love the big loopy chain thing... I want to do something weird with it, I don't know what though.

Isabel said...

Oh my gosh, those batman sunglasses are killer cool and I might actually kill for a pair of those black and white saddle shoes. Good thing your feet are smaller than mine!!

Maddie M. said...

onceeee upon a time, sprinkle was visiting her favorite EPIC blogs, and realized how much TAVI owned at LIFE. and then she realized that she and tavi NEEDED to be sisters. So, dearest Tavi, the moral to the story is, WILL YOU BE MY ADOPTED LITTLE SISTER? I will make you clothes and send them to you in the mail, and you can be as awesome as you already are, and we can just live our lives only as supercool relatives. And Betsey Johnson can be our mom. KTHXBYE.
PS-seriously, cupcake, you must consider. We'd rule the world. Ok. :)

Ana said...

The peach outfit is amazing. Enough said.

Eliza said...

you have such a great sense of style!!

Anonymous said...

I know at least one other person has asked, but is the metallic tee available to buy?

Katy said...

I love all the outfits posted here and those THRIFTED SHOES!!!

bobb said...

Another great title takeoff on a Dylan lyric:)

The Queen of Hearts said...

If you are legit 12 years old, I want to adopt you because you are too amazing. I hope my daughter is as clever as you are.

And if you aren't, you still fucking rock because you aren't going to age like the rest of us bitches. Love it.

Glowing Doll said...

Listening to Bob too (Ballad of a Thin Man)

I love the DIY skirt. Genius reuse of an old sweater.

Leah said...

oh tavi your steez/swag/style makes my day, everyday. sickness, all around.

Katrina said...

oh god, you look soooo good,
love your style!!

Anonymous said...

cute cute

Parapluie said...

Oh, I love those shoes! I've been looking for similar ones- with no luck however.
You're quite impressive if I may say so without sound, er, strange :)

Erin Cathleen said...

I would love to learn your thrift/mooching techniques so that I might use them, too. :) Great stuff!

Unknown said...

neeeed plasteeec skul

Pixienish said...
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Pixienish said...
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Pixienish said...

Aww Tavi i love your peach skirt! Very innovative, and very Comme hahaha ;)

fearless by design said...

bloody bril finds and i totally love the scarf u wear it well :)

Enfievre said...

yes to this outfit

t. said...

i love the peach-y outfit!

Anonymous said...

I applaud you and your style. :)

You remind me very closely of myself, and the wardrobe I DREAM of having.
Great blog, I will continue to adore it for a very long time, I am sure.

<3sLydia if you please!

Asa said...

coral looks so good on you.

Eliaz Beth said...

This hairbow was cut off an old dress...skirt is my mom's sweater with lots of pins in it...vintage Docs from eBay. Yep. Want a pair please

Eliaz Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eliaz Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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