she only thinks "the notebook" is inappropz because she is older than dino sue and when she was young kids weren't even allowed to know what pee is

I think if I could go back to any time it would be the 60's. It wasn't THAT long ago but my favorite time for clothing and music and basically all around culture (there are other things from that time I could surely do without but that's the case with every era). Today I tried to magically take myself did not work. But whatevs.
GINSBERG MAN///(lol hi eden lol omg) (no you were not supposed to understand that unless you are eden) (in which case i will be highly insulted if you don't get it) (but you will) (hi again)Uh anyway, this lovely dress from Christine at Future Lint came yesterday and is just perfect. Kinda Pucci, kinda Matt Dubzilliam, and some of the patterns remind me of Joni Mitchell drawings. You are INSANE not to be enlarging this picture right now. It is beautiful.I figured that wearing it with floral docs and this floral shirt that is older than your mom and sunglasses that it would magically be spring. My powers that failed at transporting myself 45 years back were now effective because it was wonderful today.
So pretty much all I write about on this blog is Rei and the weather. And more Rei.
Walking to school in these sunglasses made everything look nicer. When I took them off it was all corporate and blue and cold and school-feeling.*thinks she is leaning against the wall of the Gaslight*

vintage dress/belt/dr. martens (ebay)/givenchy sunglasses (gift.) childhood closet shirt. h&m tights.


Iris said...

mmm i love the 3rd and 4th photos!

WendyB said...

Nice mix of prints.

corrie said...

Going all out with the prints was defffffinitely the right choice.

And if you have nice Spring-like weather in Chicago now, does that mean it'll move East in a day or two? Please send it our way, this evil snow must melt.

Anonymous said...

you're an ickle anna wintour in the first picture.

olga d said...

outfit delicious. pictures fabulicious. (?)

sd said...

trippy prints
very nice

alex said...

i'm obsessed with the sixties, i always feel like i was born in the wrong decade :(
lovely outfit ~

Diane said...

These photos are fabulous! I am jealous of all your prints.

chalortte said...

I love youre inspiration !you look so good ! ( love your dresse )

Centine and Kaylene from Fashion Dialogue said...

When I was about 13 (21 now) I was obsessed with 60s culture. I'd always sit in my room and paint psychedelic designs on t-shirts whilst listening to bands like strawberry alarm clock and the small faces. A couple of years later, it was of much shock to my naive self to find out that they were all on L.S.D. From then on I felt like a fraud with my tripped out designs.

Just a little tid-bit for you.


kerrin said...

ah LOVE it! cheers to 60's...i'd go too if i could.

the StReeT chanteuse said...

This is so folk in the best way.

Like you could be performing a moody song about heartbreak at any moment and I wouldnt be surprised.

mix of colours is very smart. oh and givenchy shades?!... I figured I should address it.

What Not & I said...

floral on floral on floral. amazing.

i don't think you need to be on acid to draw tripped out designs...nor feel like a fraud if you do...

Anonymous said...

How very Mia Farrow you look there, darling.

Kirstin said...

Wow, I love the print and indeed the enlargement was magnificient! The first photo is particularly cool! xx

writmusfash said...

the print is really beautiful and i love how you match a bright color with the darker one, like a modern boho!

marijane said...

the last caption is awesome

Toby said...

Hi Tavi,
I’m just dropping you a line to let you know that we’re huge fans of your blog and have featured it in the latest issue of electric!, the online magazine for Virgin Media customers in the UK. You can find it here:

Best wishes,

Toby Bourne
web editor

Jane said...

So cute as always

Check me out at


Iara. said...

That dress is wonderful,and I L-O-V-E your shoes!

Mom Fashion World said...

you're always look so cute plus your cute poses!

FutureLint said...

Yay! I'm glad it fits! You look pretty awesome in it! Enjoy!

Eliza said...

i love the prints!

bobb said...

Yep, sixties culture was so great in many ways; art, clothing, literature and particularly music. I would include the early 60's here, a period that sometimes gets neglected. I think it's a toss up between the 60's and the 20's with the 1950's a close third. The 20's marked the birth or expansion of the recording of jazz, blues, country etc. with the advent of electrical recording. A decade with great art , clothing and literature as well.

eluv said...

hey tavi, i love this set of pictures!! xoxo, mccall

laia. said...

ooh so rad. those prints are awesome.

Cassiopeia said...

love the outfit. the prints are fantastic - especially together :-D very kwl. xxxc

Isabel said...

That dress really is 60s! You are such a lucky/amazing girl. <3

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

This dress is gorgeous, and I love you docs with it.

Corynne Adjani. said...

I love your glasses!!

xoxo said...

lets make a travel-time machine and go back to the 60's together!
i love everything about it toooo!!!

BS (H)

check out my blog:

style-magnet said...

Rahhhh I love all the floral!

Sootjeelina said...

wow! realy lovley! can i copy it and post on my blog? would you answer on my blog? xxx Sootjeelina

Aysha's Rabbit Hole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aysha's Rabbit Hole said...

lovely mix of prints!!!
I saw this the other day.. maybe u will like it too
just to keep the pucci theme flowing

RuthlessChic said...

lol...yeah i've said that before about other era's
(40s, 70s)
but then i realize that i wouldnt have the right to vote and stuff like that, soooo i kinda gave up on those ideas.
nice shades ;-)

keira antoia rose said...

Beautiful dress. Really liking the whole floral theme...including your dr. martens. Hallelujia Spring.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Hazel said...

the print is quite shnazzy.
you have the best blog titles, seriouzly

Katy said...

It is, indeed, beautiful as is this outfit! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Good print/colour mix up...

Anonymous said...

Good print/colour mix up...

Anonymous said...

ooooh 60's mama

monika said...

I thrifted a pucci dress that is quite similar to yours!

sorry for the bad quality but I just wanted to show how much yours looks like the real thing at least the colours!

ren said...

Your writing entertains me so, and I love your unique sense of style. :)

Kat said...

oh my god why are you so cool and smart and why do you have such an awesome haircut?
i don't know, but dude, i added you to my blogroll because of it.
seriously. 12? and you're this cool? when you're older, you'll be some serious compatish for my fashion career..

Chloe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I. Love. The sixties.

Terry said...

These patterns/colors work so well together. Bravo.

Kat said...

ohkay i read like the entire rest of your blog and now I kinda feel like a dick for posting that earlier comment. Since I now feel like all the other people in the world D:
But I must say that you are extremely cool no matter how old you are.

Anonymous said...

I love those Docs... they make every outfit wickedly awesomesauce!
And just for the record, Kerouac is way cooler. :D

Charlott said...

I think u r simply fantastic, such good taste, and u seem to be a big fan of Dylan! Just had to say that I adore u!

Love from sweden /Charlott (haha my bad english skills makes me seem like a geeky crazy fan haha)

Charlott said...

I think u r simply fantastic, such good taste, and u seem to be a big fan of Dylan! Just had to say that I adore u!

Love from sweden /Charlott (haha my bad english skills makes me seem like a geeky crazy fan haha)

Charlott said...

I think u r simply fantastic, such good taste, and u seem to be a big fan of Dylan! Just had to say that I adore u!

Love from sweden /Charlott (haha my bad english skills makes me seem like a geeky crazy fan haha)

Goodmorning-Vintage said...

HOLY, what a beautiful dress, what lovely Doc Martens.

chalortte said...

This image is on the french glamour
Congrats !

Anonymous said...

in the words of austin powers 'groovy baby'-god i sound lame (sighs)