So looks like something called "Fashion Week" is going on right now. It is apparently when a bunch of people make clothing and put them on tall people that walk down a long strip of floor and look a little angry and then walk back. I figured I'd do some hard-hitting, intense, groundbreaking research on this "Fashion Week" and found some "collections" I liked.
These are all NY, but there were a few others I liked too (really just waiting for Paris though, OH REIIIIII...)

I found this collection a little too cohesive as a whole, the looks a wee bittle dimpkins too similar to each other but tons of pieces I would not mind owning. At all. Hintidy hint. The leather and fur is such a win (sorry Paul McCartney and Pamela Lips I mean Anderson), and OMGGG THOSE QUILTED GLOVES!! It's like a Chanel bag was like "Screw this hanging-off-people's-shoulders scene, I'M GONNA BECOME A GLOVE."

I love Matthew Williamson because he looks like some type of menacing cat (this is a good thing) and is fantastic with mixing prints and fabrics and textures and messing with your mind. Like, you think a bunch of tiny little diamond glass pieces are glued on those dresses, right?

THINK AGAIN. I don't know whether to say "Oh Matthew, you sly fox!" or feel utterly betrayed. BUT, since I am not a cold hearted person WHATSOEVER (did I tell you guys I'm going puppy hunting tomorrow? (Kid, I)) I will let it go. It looks cheaper when you realize it's just really smart fabric but I guess most things will look cheap when you realize they're not diamonds huh.

I've never gone totally bananas (COPYRIGHT RACHEL ZOE (she actually got that copyrighted) (I'm using a lot of parenthesis today)))))) over a DVF collection but those hats are just awesome and I am totally going to try and DIY one. Love how with every look each color from the hat is repeated in the clothing, with a few exceptions that are cool anyway. Awesome possum.

I don't believe I'd ever heard of Libertine before (shame on me), but the name sounded interesting enough so I clicked. I love the weird epic random people portraits and flowers and BOOK CASE PRINT. The only way you can beat that is if you could carry actual books in the dress.
....Actually...a possible DIY if I'm feeling really bored/like spending a lot of time trying to sew wood onto fabric and putting copies of Ramona on it only to see them fall and fabric tear. Not a feeling I get often but we'll see.

EPIC. Laura and Kate Mulleavy always do so so well with incorporating nature into their collections-like, is that a pond? A rock? A cave? Tell me! They do soft/hard contrasts so well too. The princess/punk thing was great, and now this is like Hi I'm a light fluffy knit bolero/OH WAIT I'm wearing thigh high totally badass leather boots too. They said it was Frankenstein-inspired, which only adds on to the list of greatly underused inspirations they use in their collections: Anime, Star Wars, watercolors, and Japanese horror films, to name a few. This is probably my favorite of all the NY collections, because it was cohesive without looking too much like a huge blur of clothes and all the pieces are things that could be easily matched with other stuff but also look great with their set outfit here.

Lately I've been tired of all the 80's redoux but Marc was so good. Those spat cookoo legging thangs are FANTASTIC and I especially love the print in black and white. Sunglasses are utterly amazing, I like how the black shade part that you look through is going downhill toward the nose a little at the top edge so it looks like you're frowning at the demode people surrounding. That blue cloak thing is so great with the black outlines and the black shoes made me literally die in the middle of social studies when I looked at them I mean researched Andrew Jackson's presidency. Seriously, they had to take me to the nurse, where I lied on the cot (Every nurse's solution to everything, even if you are barfing up a lung and your right eye is missing) just jerking slightly every so often and quietly squeaking "marrrrc." Also I would like to think Marc made the zipper skirt with the recession in mind because it will be easy for the tiny people like us to DIY.
I think with this one there are more individual pieces I'm crazy over than complete looks themselves, but still fantastic as a whole, he never lets us down (other than
this, which I decided was just a Photoshopped myth a long time ago for the sake of my sanity).

And then some individual looks I especially liked. Great mix of shades of gray in Doo.Ri's, not to mention those completely beautiful (hey look a sophisticated word) and DIYable tights. All the crazy going on on the top half of the Phillip Lim model's body makes me happy, the monochrome is nice and cut of the blazer thang=heartz. I am rehabing from Matthew's evil trick fabric in what I think are actual jewels (not cloth, at least) in the Ohne Titel dress. This Davidelfin shiz looks like a dress of stairs I might trip going up on. I should be afraid of the hazard but instead want to wear it. Fashion Week does these kinds of things to you.
all photos,
rodarte was like, life. They incorporated lace in them if you see some of the super close up shots, lace, leather, knitting, and weird metallic textured thing, all in one outfit=the reason for human existence. Anna sui was pretty exciting. I'm pretty sure marc did put that skirt in there, and same goes with alexander wang. Its like they know they have hundreds of fan girls eagerly awaiting to put the pics up so they can see what there next shredded tight/t-shirt project can be, woah long comment >.<
Anna Sui's collection was exciting and pretty much amazing. Rodarte, as always, captured my heart! And your right Marc has never let us down, and for some reason, I'm a big fan of those shoes, maybe because they're complete and utter hottness!
When checking out the Phi collection earlier today, I too found some pieces interesting but as a whole, the looks were a little too similar. I love those DVF looks, and the Rodarte collections is just amaaaazing. ;)
"even if you are barfing up a lung and your right eye is missing" -- I HATE it when that happens!
Those DVF hats look like carnation bouquets--or piles of Koosh balls. Either way, fantastic.
haha i just summed up all my favourites of the week and we are pretty different!! will have to check out that libertine collection, maybe the book print will influence me to actually study some time
rodarte was a sigh for me...i started knitting my own something just to feel a part of their kerrazy knit/leather/strappy/fringey/amazing collection...
in my head this comment makes sense.
i love the DVF hats. i think ill DIY one later :) and the MJ collection is AMAZING! like TRULY OUTRAGEOUSLY AWESOMENESSLY AMAZING!! i think i might just XP
i read the Rodarte collection was inspired by Edward Scissorhands, but never mind, it was just totaly AWESOME. I went crazy on Marc Jacobs, too, it was completely fabulous! All these colors, straight from the 80's!
Oh, and i love your blog too, it's just so original, i think i'm addicted to it (only after a few hours, wow ^^)!
tomorrow, i am attempting to sew a rodarte style dress
Nice review here Tavi. In my relatively new exposure to the fashion world I've found Rodarte to be my favorite. Intriguing, interesting and cool fashion by intriguing, interesting and cool designers.
i'm quite surprised you've never heard of libertine! they did a target line a while back...
niiice reviewssssss
This is the perfect nyfw-in-a-nutshell post. You are fashion's enfant terrible. I'd be proud to be your nana.
woooah . who is libertine? i have to pay more attention too.
i loved the DVF pom poms too!
Rodarte was pure goodness! I didnt really like DVF that much tho. never have.
Hi Tavi! I'm following your blog since months and I really admire your style. I just want to informe you that you are on (
good selection!
Yesterday I met Davidelfin, he´s so kind.
i <3 marc jacobs. its always something new.
Love the black dress ; the marc jacobs show the robarte ! love all your image !
Love the black dress ; the marc jacobs show the robarte ! love all your image !
I love this Post!! And I love this blog forever, your so clever everything you type makes me laugh out loud. Your site and many others inspired me to make my own blog:
hope you check it out
Libertine rocks ;)
Wowee! I haven't taken a peek at any of the shows yet. Aren't I bad? Oh well, maybe tommorrow. I'm really liking Libertine this season!
Yeah, I agree about the whole Libertine thing. The bookcase print made my eyes jizz a little. Rodarte, Doo Rii, Phi is reciprocated.
Tavi-clavi, i was looking through this march's vogue and nordstroms is had a bunch of designer collection things. i saw that junya watanabe of CDG had an add. are they dping anything for nordstroms?- Anne
Davidelfin is my fav..
Thanks for the runway update, well researched, lol!
I love the jewel-tastic action going on at Mathew Williamson. And I pretty much felt the same way when I saw the MJ shoes. Ahhh, I want heeled clogs too!
IK'm so thankful for these cohesive runway reports on other blogs as I get way to squirmy trying to click through all the collections, waaaay oo impatient sometimes!
Ahh thanks for alerting me to Libertine's lovely collection! It's what I would wear if I were an eccentric old women who lived in a house with turrets and a humongous library. Which is obviously my aspiration in life :D
wow marc jacobs is doing something crazy over there- i love it!
and dvf, i love this seasons collection.
I totally totally agree. Rodarte was my favorite collection too. Everything was beautifully and impeccably executed. It set the bar really high :) The attitude was siiiiiccckkkkkkk. The pieces were completely ravishing.
Jeremy Scott had a bookcase print dress last year....I wonder if Libertine knows that?
ah! Rodarte's leggings!
Haha I never knew a fashion week review could make me lol so much (while driving. But don't tell). But obvs, rodarte kicks ass, and I looooved matthew williamson as well!! Marc kills me everytime.
The Rodarte show was incredible!
ps. I have been reading your blog for a while,i think I found it linked from another blog but anyway your posts are really witty and insightful and I really enjoy the way you approach life and fashion.
i don't think i've ever met a marc jacobs collection that i didn't love. he's, like, a god.
sequins, geometric , black and ankle boots. What more do you need? I as usual am completly oblivious to what is going on in Fashion week.
Rodarte is magnificent. As per usual. I love the sisters' use of knits, textures and colors. Everything they do reminds me of a painting (as an artist I see art in just about everything). Love your blog. Hope you stop by for a visit on mine. I would like to do a link exchange with you as well. I really like your style of writing.
Hope to chat soon.
I like the new profile changes! :)
That was so entertaining - finally SOMEONE made Fashion Week a laugh! :)
entertainment central
I want the marc jacob leggings more then anythinggg. They are amazing.
Your blog is amazing! You are verry good. Do you want to do work in fashion?
I'm also trying to do a blog, but its harder than it looks like...
When I see thinks I like in magazines its hard to put it on your blog.
Here is my blog we never now =)
great fashion week pics!
i meant "picks" but now i realize "pics" works fine too lolol
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