a lot of talking and run-on sentences

So, sorry for the recent blog hullaballoo. I kind of had an OMG moment, and no, not the kind from that weird deodorant commercial with A-Tiz. Anyways, I probably won't be making the mini blog soap-operaness any better by writing this, but it really needs to be said.

As of now, I am saying no to all press. I don't care if you're a blogger that just got started and has all but 2 readers or the big Mama Vogue herself (like that would ever happen, but sometimes you exaggerate to prove your point, yeah?). I'm not just saying interviews, but do not write about this blog at all. If I have already emailed you back and said I will, I'll follow that through and get back to your questions. And if I've already sent you pictures and done an interview and all that, you can release it because I don't want your time wasted and that would suck and I would feel like a guilty twit and I need to stay true to my word.

Allow me to explain why, yes?

Since I've started this blog, it has attracted far more readers than it probably deserves. It seems like the idea of a 12 Year-Old Girl Writing a Blog About Fashion makes good headlines or a good title, and at a time like this when our generation is the dumbest one yet, I guess it really shocks people. Whether that reaction be positive or negative-you either love that a 12 year old is blogging or you find it repulsive and fake-it still is somewhat of a surprise, and a big reaction is what I have learned quite a few journalists want.

Because of this, a lot of articles are knocking up Style Rookie to be something it's not. I'm not trying to blame anyone, but my situation is sort of being played up to something greater than it actually is. Some type of genius is created, someone far greater than I, and people come to my blog expecting to see a 12 year old fashion prodigy. The problem is, the person being created is someone way more advanced and stylish and smart than who I am. It is becoming harder and harder to live up to the role created for me, of me. I learned early on from blogging that you can't please everyone, but now I feel like I can't even make myself happy.

Sorry disclaimers, I'm not about to reveal my true identity as a 40 year old man or say that my mom actually writes and dresses me, but I'm just not this huge jesus child. I am definitely 12, just not as genius as I think most of you would prefer. I am not going to bother with the age thing anymore, as I've proved myself and defended myself too many times. It gets tiring, and I would rather be clipping my toenails and reading the Encyclopedia for letter U. No, G. Well, that's beside the point.

My parents are not tech whizzes or designers. My mom is an artist and Hebrew tutor and my dad is an English teacher, neither of which are very forward with technology but very supportive of my techy nerdness. I suck at Photoshop and HTML, I don't even know what xm, hd, or css are. I am not all that knowledgeable of the fashion world, I kind of try to stray away from trends, and am more familiar with the Salvation Army and my mom's friends unloading their old clothes on me than I am with designer boutiques or even Forever 21.

I am not saying I have been posting outfits I don't wear or stealing other people's ideas or using someone else's photos or writing in a way that isn't like me at all. I have tried my best to stay who I am on this blog, whether my readers like that person or not, and from what my friends that read my blog have said, I haven't compromised myself for it. I am the Tavi that is less than 4 and a half feet and is obsessed with Martin Margiela and likes lugging around a tripod and listening to Wilco and dying over the epicness of Wendy Bevan, just not what articles and journalists and the like play me up to be, mmkay?

I know having a lot of press is helpful if I want to become a designer or stylist when I'm older, but I'm more leaning towards being in a band and then becoming an elementary school teacher. Or a cat, so I can have 9 lives and be everything I want.

For my visual learning buddies:
More exposure=higher expectations=lots of stress=wondering if anything is good enough=sadface D:

I'm not trying to fish for compliments, and I don't want any of you to deny what I'm saying. In the end, to be perfectly blunt, I know myself better than my readers. That makes sense, right? This is my blog, and I'm very committed and devoted to it, but it does not define who I am. Hell, I'm still figuring out who that is *cue pretentious emo rock music* and probably the hardest way to go about that is to feel like you're being forced to reach expectations as high as a hippie.

I will still keep posting and vlogging and writing and taking pictures and being a nerd, that's why I'm here and I absolutely love it. All I'm asking is that you don't write about me. Not too hard, right? I hope not.
I have some fun posts lined up for the next few days, as in me being a crappy interviewer (I can still interview you guys, muahahahahaha) and COMME DES GARCONS and moldy mermaids.
Thanks you guys ♥
Trying hard not to feel like Carrie Bradshaw but it kind of isn't working because now I really feel in the mood for SATC*,

"I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain.

*thanks guys XD


M said...

my dream when i was a kid was either to be a child prodigy or a teenage delinquent, at the old age of 20 i am neither

but i applaud you for your honesty and not wanting to be part of the hype

because honestly, all hype dies

Anonymous said...

I live by that Kurt Cobain quote.

Kylie said...

Sounds fair enough, it's tough to just be yourself when people expect something of you.
I'm excited for these future fun posts you speak of, lemme have 'em!

ijustwanttodeletethis said...

The prodigy herself is usually the last to know of her greatness, but, either way, I do understand what you could be feeling. It's difficult enough to be deliberately different in middle school, not to mention the internet sort of being a catalyst for growing up. Don't let us all get to you, and I think you'll make a lovely teacher.

M. July said...

i totally get you tavi. fame sucks. this really sums it up:

"More exposure=higher expectations=lots of stress=wondering if anything is good enough=sadface"

and i think i'm gonna tape this to my computer:

"I know myself better than my readers."


laia. said...

right on dudez, right on.


x said...

hear, hear!

Alyssa Muck said...

very eloquently stated. i think people are playing up who you are because they don't understand the ability of a 12 year old. sure, there are some who cannot write or speak to save their lives, but there are a fair few that are some of the smartest and most intriguing people i've met. good luck and keep doing what you do.

p.s. being a teacher/musician sounds like a fantastic career; if i was more musically inclined i think that's what i'd pursue as well.

Zoe said...

Well spoken and I understand. I can't tell you how many different articles and interviews I have seen with your name in them.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

word, tav, word.

Anonymous said...

reading your blog is like an amusement park.it makes me happy.just like the archiecomics except that you have much more wit and have awesome style!!!

we love you for who you are tavi.

Anonymous said...


Kaleidoscope said...

I just somehow found your blog today during school, and I've spent almost all day going through your old posts. You have such a neat personality, and you're not afraid of what anyone thinks. Kudos to you, darling.

Anonymous said...

it's SATC!! not SITC!!! hahaha random... anyway, no matter how un-genius you think you are, i still find you wickedly creative, for any age! this is your blog and you do what you want ;) those who matter will always support! xoxo

Laurie Stark said...

I hear you, girl. Compliments are nice, but high expectations are a drag-ola.

Shaay said...

Well said. Perhaps some of the attention this blog generates is due to the quality of your writing and to your unique voice.

There are a lot of blogs out there; many are not as well written, maintained, or on target as yours is.

I think you've found a wonderful "middle path" for yourself - self expression without self promotion. Few people - of any age - figure out how to create the path that is right for them. Well done!

la mode est dans le ciel said...

day in, day out, you're a breath of fresh air. like that friend who makes you laugh when you need a pick me up.


Nadine said...

Good on ya, Tavi.

Skerry said...

41 yr old Mother of 2 kids, 15 yr old boy who really only cares if his clothes are clean, and an 11 yr old girl, who loves clothes, music, art, dance and the internet. I love reading your blog and looking at your pics, why? I think your smart, funny and express yourself well. I was an oddball kid who wore her dead Uncle's trench coats with Goodwill longjohns to church. My dear daughter hasn't let me dress her in years, sometimes we like the same stuff (I'm pretty cool) and others we are at opposite ends of the spectrum. My parents let me dress the way I wanted as long as it was not inappropriate (tube top to church, not so much. My Mother figured if I was a decent kid, respectful, did well enough in school, what I wore was the least of her worries. As a parent now, sometimes I need that reminder. You my dear Tavi are that reminder to me. Thank you. :)

J.Yo said...

its SATC, girlie! HAHAHHA. now they KNOW you're 12! *jk*

whats up with those people, honestly.
12 or whatever, we're here because we do what we like and we like what we do. in this case, fashion is our love, so whatever judgment they want to shout out, we all still love you, T!

keep being who you are!

suz said...

whatever you choose to do, i'll support you in it. your honesty is *always* refreshing. have a great weekend tavi :)

Emily said...

Dude, I'm glad that you stood up for yourself. Surreal Expectations make life rough.

I promise not to write about you (not that interviews are my bag anyway) but I don't promise not to link my friends to one of your blogs/vlogs that has just made coke come out of my nose.


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear !

Danny said...

Hey, I'm a new reader, but just for the record - your age never factored into my reading & following your blog or appreciating your style. thank you for blogging :)

Anonymous said...

Shit, that was an interesting post. Good though, I like to hear what your little 12 year old genius brain is thinking(that was a joke, honest).

Anonymous said...

Very eloquent. And it is sad that the media is this big machine just trying to sell more and more newspapers (or whatever it is they're trying to push onto people).

readyann said...

Tonight my friend and I walked around SF, after watching the MILK movie in the Castro. Talking about what it means to want more from the world, how being in the world is work, like susan sontag said, and how maybe when we are in the world, finding and curating information and doing anything and everything with it that that is the blog, in the meta sense. Then how the wanting comes before the telling and really its a look, how new looks conjure new wanting and how this all means the fashion blog really some witch work in the world. We spoke of how much the knowers that knew before the tellers told are really all these nameless girls. I logged on before bedtime because i figured you would tie some things in. Fierce that you demand to be self-determined and to say that you deserve to be able to know and to want and to do some telling about what you know and want without allowing yourself to be saddled wtih the demands of others. You will do it on your terms. You're not punching your ticket, Tavi, and I can say for sure that even without all of this saddling of supposed prodigy status that the smart girls of the world will always have their own selves to face and its hard enough to not end up feeling like some flotsam and jetsam even before the adultocracy silently weighs in on what year they expect(ed) your first book. We don't bunch are tickets. You are doing it good--all of it--and know we are grateful for your generosity in sharing it with us.

나다 said...

ur style is really nice
when i was a 12 year old my mom used to dress me up in fancy dresses or suits n that made me appreciate style n fashion tho i wasnt that interested in them i had other interests like cartoons n other lovely stuff tho im still into cartoons even tho im 20 :P

anyhow it's not that big deal i dont understand why ppl are making a big fuss about it :)

Anonymous said...

i've only been in your site like 2 days ago and i was sad because i couldn't enter your site this morning (in my country). good thing it's back now! and the entry, very well said. keep doing what you love to do :)

Ana said...

If what you're saying is you dont want to be a 12 year old phenomenem, I get that. Thats part of the reason why I respect you, because here you are and you have a huge opportunity to be a fame whore and you just want to be yourself. It may not seem like a big deal but most teenagers would attack that chance.

P.S The "wondering if anything is good enough=sadface" made me sad. Your style is good regardless of age or whatever.

P.P.S I've always wanted to be a teacher. When I was in 3rd grade I used to take out teaching guides from my library.

Outrageouschaos said...

The majority of considerably-older-then-12 year-old humans that I know have an impossibly hard time setting boundaries in a respectful way. Good for you for remaining true to yourself.

As someone who was once a smart-head year-old, what I got out of of this post was "Hey. Quit throwing your perceptions on me. I just wanna be me."

I think the world would be a better place if more people did that. Good on you, kid.

Anonymous said...

Happy to see the blog is back up. Smart decision on the no press thing.I started reading your blog because of the contreversy. I was skeptical up until I read your first post and then I was completley convinced that you are the one behind it. Keep writing cause you are ne talented girl!

my empty closet said...

I don't understand why people would doubt you. Obviously there are some people out there who underestimate a)non-adults and b) women. I'm glad you're standing your ground and not letting yourself be pushed around. I really enjoy reading your blog, and part of that is because you remind me of what it's like to be 12! I would hate to see you fall prey to the media and it's ability to take everything that's good and stomp on it. (ironic as i work in the media...) and finally I have to tip my hat to you, who wants to be known for who they really are and not what others want you to be. Keep it up!

style-magnet said...

I don't want sadfacetavi! So good for you for standing up for yourself. I still have trouble doing that haha.

♥ Sara

Anonymous said...

u r amazing

Belinda said...

I was freaking out yesterday when blogger said that I couldn't read your blog.


That was seriously my reaction.

Tavi said...

Dudes, thank you so much. You guys are seriously amazing, and I'm glad you see my point of view. Drinks for all! On me! Well, maybe I'll take hot chocolate instead. But whatevs.

Johanne M. Aa. Laache said...

I know, and I read your blog because you are you, and not someone you are not. I understand that it gets tiring, but you'll manage! Just keep up doing the things you do, and know that a whole lot of people stands beside you, ready to back you up!

Hazel said...


i totally understand all of this. i like you and this blog because it is unique. not because everyone talks about you like you're jesus. although, i mean, you could be...for all i know...does jesus like wendy bevan? anywayz.

all i can say is keep writing what you want to write. if suddenly you feel like "hey, i don't want to post pictures of myself, i want to write about chemistry!" then do it. this is YOUR BLOG. with YOUR THOUGHTS. do what YOU WANT and never ever think about other people's opinions.

have you ever been writing a blog, and thought "my readers will hate me for this" or "will my readers like this?" because i've done that and i've regretted it. because, you need to write about what you want and how you feel and never feel like there's this mold for each blog post.

i understand how press can be icky. but you're so humble about it all. and trust me, if anyone ever comes out and says bad stuff about this blog, you've got a pretty hefty fan base ready to burn down some buildings. you just say when.

hehe :)

Anonymous said...

I only recently started reading your blog, and admittedly I first checked it out because of your age. I was curious, because when I was 12, I had no sense of style. But, that's not enough to keep people reading. Your style is creative and fun, and definitely gives me ideas for my own wardrobe.

Realistically, I don't think regular readers want a 12-year-old prodigy/genius. They want someone they can relate to, and evidently you do that for a lot of people, regardless of age.

Anonymous said...

tavi is my hero

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was very well written and eloquently put, and I'm sure most people understand where you're coming from. Makes perfect sense to me, and yet I would never have had the maturity to reach that own conclusion/decision myself...

Anonymous said...

Tavi - thanks so much for your wonderful blog - I discovered it a couple weeks ago on a link from a news site - and I've been following it avidly ever since - I must admit that I've never really been into fashion, but I greatly admire your wit, intelligence, unique perspective, and sense of humor that make your blog such a pleasure to read. Just continue to be yourself - that's what everyone admires the most about you.

These qualities will lead you to be a success in whatever you do: music, teaching, or whatever. I'm really glad you are continuing with this blog.
It's great that th you are a fan of the Velvet Underground, Kinks, Beach Boys, etc. As a long time collector, when I walk into a thrift store, I think "wow records"
rather then clothes. Lots of great music to be found.

fashionslacker said...

i read your blog because you're witty and intelligent, not because you're some sort of 12 year old prodigy. way to (in a sense) stand up for yourself. do what you want, that's what life's about.

Isabel said...

I know exactly what you mean, and I apologize if I have ever contributed to this because of my constant raving about how great you are. No matter what you blog about, its always going to be entertaining to me. :)

Aysha's Rabbit Hole said...

Very well said!
I still think you have a great style and write amazingly, and can wait and see how you mature and become even more amazing.
keeep entertaining us!


Anonymous said...

hmm, i want to say that maybe i can relate but that sort of goes against the whole point of your post, huh?

still, i've grown up with *blah blah you're so talented and smart and you're going to go so far alexis* from every adult that meets me and it's like... yeah. whatever. probably not. i'm not that great. i was 12 two years ago, and i am still constantly exasparated every time i say something that is apparently "deep" or "smart" and everyone has a fit about it. i guess people don't understand that young people are not really that stupid. just inexperienced.

(also, i feel stupid for posting this because i always make bad assumptions and interpretations, so if this is not what you were thinking at all just slap me with your mind and ignore it.)

Anonymous said...

hmm, i want to say that maybe i can relate but that sort of goes against the whole point of your post, huh?

still, i've grown up with *blah blah you're so talented and smart and you're going to go so far alexis* from every adult that meets me and it's like... yeah. whatever. probably not. i'm not that great. i was 12 two years ago, and i am still constantly exasparated every time i say something that is apparently "deep" or "smart" and everyone has a fit about it. i guess people don't understand that young people are not really that stupid. just inexperienced.

(also, i feel stupid for posting this because i always make bad assumptions and interpretations, so if this is not what you were thinking at all just slap me with your mind and ignore it.)

Closet Shots said...

I COMPLETELY agree with you. I think press and fame with blogging is ruining the fun of it. It made me almost delete my blog and now I haven't written for almost 2 months. I'm trying to get back into it but the pressure from all this stuff spoiled the fun! Thank you for pointing that out to everyone :)

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you Tavster

Anonymous said...

Sing it, sister. You just be you, and don't let the bastards get you down.

(And, as an adult, I just want to say that sometimes adults make a fuss about kids they are impressed by because we don't want to world to be going [further] to hell while we're winding down our time in the nursing home, and young people like you give us hope that this won't happen. Totally not a burden for you to bear, just something that makes us excited and hopeful about the future in general!)

paparatti said...

I don't usually leave comments on blogs and I don't know if you need the support, but... yeh. What I think:

People really get stuck on stupid stuff on the internet. It sucks that you can't do this and not be obvious about your age, but it sucks more that people obsess over it or yell PHOTOSHOPPED/FAKE! as a reaction. PEOPLE NEED TO DEAL. It's their problem, not yours.

The fact that you can say "NO MORE" and yet not combine it with "I GIVE UP" is a great thing.

If I were you, I would have shut down comments & filtered my email. But! I am not internet popular.

And now I also feel bad about blogging about you in a slightly patronising way. Apologies for that.

Anonymous said...

You are very very brave and very very smart

Cate said...

I don't know if I ever commented on here before, but I usually come and look at your pictures and read your posts. And yeah, I know too much press can be scary. I can totally understand you. Damn, it's crazy how many readers you've got. I can understand why you don't want 'fame'. People have expectations - but those are THEIR expectations, and if they're 'disappointed' or anything is their problem, not yours. You never claimed anything, not as far as I know.
OK. I dunno if that made sense, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say. I really enjoy your writing, by the way.
And Kurt Cobain was 6 is my first love, my icon, my favourite singer and guitarist in the whole world.

Anonymous said...

Amen to THAT sistah!

You rock...I always wondered how you dealt with all of that "exposure". I'm glad you are being realistic and sticking to your guns.

speaking of which, I can't believe I overlooked your taste in music (save the Nirvana fandom) until now. Looks like we like a lot of the same tunes, right on!

Tanya/Tikay/Tati said...

you're wise beyond your years girl. you've already gotten enough exposure to be set set set for life as whatever you wanna be. now you just gotta be you.

Anonymous said...

yes, exposure leads to high expectations, especially when your young and have the best freakin' blog in the world. you just have to reemeber to be yourself.

p.s that kurt cobain quote - my favourite quote EVAARRR.

Katy said...

Well said!

Katy said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

You are not 12 years old and thats why you wont do interviews. Its pretty easy to see that and anyone who denies that is just plain STUPID

Anonymous said...


If attention is such an issue, why not make your blog private so that only invited readers can access it?

Anonymous said...

12 year olds should not be referencing SATC and throwing around words like 'twat'

Anonymous said...

Girl - you rock. I am so thankful I get to read and see your amazing creativity. It seriously brings me joy and awe. And thats you just being you Tavi.

'The problem is, the person being created is someone way more advanced and stylish and smart than who I am.'

Don't ever think you are not good enough or as amazing as everyone claims you are. YOU ARE!

Please keep doing exactly what you do and rock it out.

natashapilotmarket said...

tavi you are brilliant
nuff said

Laura. said...

I say ignore the critics?
It's quite obvious you are who you say you are your 12... it shows through your fashion. Its fun its without boundaries.

Don't get caught up on 'expectations'!

Unknown said...

understood, my friend. keep blogging, though! don't change your mind!

Lara said...

like over 66 people have said...
your blog is brilliant and the first one i look at everday. please dont ever stop blogging!
you are only twelve and a blog is for personal expression, not so you have to become some phenomomon...you have plenty of time to become whatever you want to be, so just have fun!!!!

~A said...

Tavi, I don't read your blog for fashion but rather to read your thoughts. You're more entertaining than 75% of bloggers out there...your age is just a novelty - how someone who's 12 could be more wittier, more intelligent, more coherent and more awesome than the majority of 20-30 year olds blows my mind (do not underestimate yourself, my friend). The pics are def an added bonus.

So bottom line, if the fashion bit does get too overwhelming for you right now, please keep up with just the blog!

Anonymous said...

I echo ~A's sentiments. I don't come to your blog to get fashion inspiration. Rather, I think you can blog about any topic and it'll be entertaining to read. Your dry humor rocks!

stay kind and true to yourself.

thelawofalex said...


I have never commented on a blog before but have read MANY and often. I come to style rookie every day to see what you have added. At first it was for the fashion (which was unique and as such, inspiring) but since then, just for the little interesting things you have to say...like some might read a daily newspaper column. Your brain seems to work the same as mine! So as usual with the blog world (and the world in general really) it is about humans connecting and nothing more. I think (can't quite remember) that the first reason I came to your blog was because of your name, Tavi. I thought someone with that name was bound to be interesting. The point of me telling you that was that I didn't even have a second thought about your age at any point - neither good nor bad, just didn't even feature in my opinions of the blog.

@ Yell Softly Breathe

p.s. loved the 18/10 post, with the mask, and all the outfits you put up before that date...those posts are what got me hooked!

p.p.s. you do sound very old sometimes though. the tone changes. meh.

Anonymous said...

you saying that your generation is the dumbest one yet is the dumbest shit i have ever heard.

Emily said...

Dear Tavi,

I came across your blog a few months ago when it was posted on notcouture.com. I clicked on it because I loved the photo that was posted as well. I read a few posts thinking, "this girl is hilarious" and only after I scrolled up to your profile info did I realize you were 12. You became that much cooler. Simply because you have a sense of confidence and comfort with yourself that I could never have dreamed of possessing when I was 12 years old. It's inspiring. I continue to read your posts every day not because of your age but because your posts are refreshing and fun to read.

Everything is a learning experience. The negative hype around your blog will pass, but you will have taken something away from it and grown from it.

Take care =)

Faryal said...


Hanna said...

You are so freaking awesome in so many ways. You are not a Jesuschild (iiiirony, given your judaism, no?), but I do think you are far beyond the ordinary and at least should give yourself the credit. But this is your blog, and you make the rules, don't let anyone make you feel like you owe the world your sartorial brilliance or something. And I think you definitely deserve props for not getting seduced by people throwing praise and shiny free things at you, because that's a damn easy thing for an adult to succumb to, much less someone in junior high.

Unknown said...

I do admit that initially I had a look at your blog because of your age. I think it was the flash backs to the awful purple fur reversable (it was silver on the inside) jacket that did it for me.

I still check it because I love your writing and your style. You're good at what you do and I think you deserve some praise for that, although nobody should ever really be praised for age alone. Congratulations, you're 3 months old!

To cut this long rambley comment short (it's 00:05 and I got up at 8) I wish I had a tavi in my life.

Oh god thats corny.

poison said...

i just wanted to say that even if you did turn out to be a 40-year-old dude, i still wouldn't stop reading this blog.
i came here and stayed because i love your original sense of style and your writing, not because of the "12-year-old girl genius of the blogosphere" hype.
keep going, 'cuz i'll keep reading no matter what. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi,
I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and really enjoy your posts. I was sad yesterday when I saw it was closed off, and then today I decided to check your site again. So glad you're back! You're terrific.

Emma said...

Tavi I read your blog and think you do a great job, ~I've never seen you as any sort of prodigy and I have never read any press about you. In fact, I don't see you as any different to the dozens of other blogs i read every day. I think your sentiment is noble but I would suggest that it is impossible to stop people from writing about you. Sure you can stop people from using your photos and refuse interviews but if I wanted to log into my blog right now and link to you and write a review of your blog I could and you wouldn't be able to stop me. Not that I'm going to I'm just saying that it's unlikely people will stop writing about you just because you ask. Keep up the good work.

Vera said...

i think kurt said it best

Anonymous said...

Kurt Cobain is my homeboy. Anyway, everything you wrote was ace. Honestly, it reminded me of the Paris Hilton interview in Nylon. How she is tricking everyone and she's not who people make her out to be. And here comes another honesty comment...I wish I had all my own thoughts and the wit that you have when I was 12. You really are a genius in ways that Bill Gates is not, but I understand what you are saying. And that actually was a little bit of an exageration, what I just said. Keep doing what you do because a 12year old inspiring an 18 year old is telling everyone something.

kiran said...

i haven't been reading your blog long, i found out about the blog through weardrobe and eventually googled you- and in all honestly, i come here for your words and thoughts even more so than the style and fashion aspect of it all. i get the impression that you enjoy the PROCESS of fashion and putting together outfits/styling your photos more so/as much as the final product- and too many of these people writing about you make it seem like they're going to be a mona lisa-esque end product for everyone to live by on your blog, prodigy style- but really, we're all just experimenting, and i love that you share that with us :)

Ashley said...

Hey Tavi, I think your blog is awesome, truly awesome. I am tweleve as well, and you inspired me to create a blog of my own. No worries though, I won't be a jerk and copy your every move. I'm an honest person. Plus, my blog is gonna be a weird school stories/stuff I write/fashion blog.
I hope your press and publicity problem diminishes too, 'cause it sucks to get something you don't want. Its like asking your grandma , who told you she would get you anything you wanted for your birthday, asking for an ipod,and getting a moldy fruitcake from her instead.

Anonymous said...

ok i will begin with - i refuse to read comments on my fav blogs.
and it is really beginning to piss me off that you all even have to read them.
because i am scared that it will change you or you all will stop blogging all together.
i have never even considered age as to why i love your blog (or fashionpirates, childhoodflames or fashiontoast). No blogs any where to date have changed my life or state of mind the way all of yours have.
i am in my 30s. and never until recently started believing i could be how i felt inside. but i see all of you doing it and the things you create and your happiness and i am set free!
I wrote once before of this (anon2) - that i only wished my girlfriend and i had the internets when we were young - how different my life may have gone. but i am planning my change! and all because of you girls.
if anything, about the age thing, is it is wonderful to see such happy, open minded, creative, path making instead of following girls.
if i ever have a daughter i would want her to be as free and strong as all of you! what a happy life she would create for herself.
thank you a million times over.
how can i say dont let those bad words or weird words change your thoughts when everything i suppose affects us some how.

Unknown said...

fuck you anonymous that thinks she doesn't post this blog, I have talked to her and she has done videos and seriously you are a gigantic dick if you still don't think she's real. go away.

weebsamy said...

Hello Tavi. I am a contributor to a publication you mentioned in your previous blog, yes, maybe that one. True success breeds more success, and therefore, more expectations. I am not talking about a speed-farting competition. You have got to take the compliments along with the high expectations. I hope you don't lay down a blanket rule to avoid any interviews or write-ups. You would be surprised by the faceless writers many fancy mags take on. You have created a considerable following, all who seem to be very supportive of your growth, and very motivated to be privy to your daily blogs. It is a fact that you are unfortunately too young to be the first to say "shit" on television, or "balls" or "assclown", but there are plenty of doors that have yet to be opened. I won't tell you that you are ahead of your time, I think you are just in time with yourself. Blame people for being interested, that's why you started a blog to begin with, right? Casually used Queen lyrics are always telling in ones repertoire, style. Run around, dress up, blog, be twelve, rap, and most importantly listen to Wilco, and, more importantly be you, or anyone. I don't know if you have seen Fried Green Tomatoes, but, Tuwannda! Respond back if you have any questions, best of luck. Match in the gas tank, boom boom.

emily said...

awesome quote.
<3 ya, tavi. your blog will always be good enough, and i know you're not a 40 year old man.
i can understand the no press thing, although many others may not. even me, the sorta-attention whore. you can only be an attention whore so much before it starts to just feel like you can't sleep at night, you know?
so good luck to the blog in the future and ... erm.. i'm trying to think of a cool way to say best of wishes but i can't. so BEST OF WISHES!! ;DDD

Diana Rikasari said...

i agree with everything u said. i love you Tavi...you're such a smart and talented girl <3

Frances Davison said...

you're fantastic

Carissa Duhamel said...

don't take blogging so seriously!

laura jane. said...

i just stumbled upon your blog & read loads of your posts &i think you are fabulous. i don't think anyone will mind if you're not as serious as other people think you should be. what matters is you have fun &it's refreshing to see someone not give a shit about what they're 'supposed' to be doing/writing &just doing what makes them happy.
i'm sure a million people have said this but i wish i'd been so smart when i was 12. christ :)

Lara said...

PS. have you seen the picture?:

seems Aya has your docs, too.

Fashion Doohickey said...

True.. :)

Anonymous said...

okee-dokee. toodle-ooh!

Anonymous said...

I love the Kurt Cobain quote.
So true.
As long as you keep being you people will respect, and like you for who you are.
I think you're flippin rad.

Shannon said...

Came here because you're 12 and stayed because you're awesome. The fact that you're awesome and 12 is just a bonus.

(mom to a teenage daughter)

Anonymous said...

You are 12. You aren't supposed to know who you are. Keep doing what your're doing. You are very cute and I will enjoy watching your style evolve.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that you're even loved in South Africa? Seriously Tavi, you're like a legend in the making, but don't go all Britney Spears on us and shave off all your hair because of the pressure to live up to OUR expectations. Your realness is the magnet that keeps us coming back for more, the minute you start faking it people would lose interest, so there's a paradox for you - I think you've found the balance, you don't need our advice - lots of sparkles!

Anonymous said...

i get what you're saying. i'm a fifteen year old photographer and it seems i'm overloaded with the same kind of offers, and people making me out to be so different to my peers and "so much older" blahblahblah so i get where you're coming from. NONETHELESS i think your style and photos are INCREDIBLE, and i say keep being yourself and dressing however the hell you want because people obviously love you for it : )

xx eleanor

Lopi said...

Just be you and keep it fun.

Anonymous said...

i really like your blog because your personality really shows and it really seems unfiltered.

It's completely understandable that you feel like you need to rise to meet built up expectations but honestly I do not think you should worry about it...

You and your blog are both fabulous- stay what you are.


Anonymous said...

high-five. I will always have a high-five for you. It's funny, when I first saw your blog, I was like 'dude, what? no way! she's me in a different life.' haha, you make me laugh girlie.

and Tavi, all I have to say even though I've already said other things is girl, whatever you say! You da woman!

Anonymous said...

Reading this post, the only thing that ever gave me the same feeling was the rrrriot girl media black out of the 90's (MJ, did you think of this, too?). Sometimes there is more power in silence. Or as Mr. Ayers was saying after Obama won, it wasn't that he wasn't commenting, he was commenting to his class every day or anyone that he happened to speak to, he just wasn't commenting to people shoving microphones in his face... Anyways, this is a very fantastic and empowered stance. Too much media? More power in silence.

Anonymous said...

Keep doing whatever it is you love doing. As a former 12 year old girl, yeah, people can be such pains. It doesn't get much better, so just look around you and see all the good. Thanks for adding to that good!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being awesome.

Anonymous said...

hey, just had a look through your blog.. and i must say that it's fantastic!! you're defenetly smarter than a 12 year old;) jeez, the photos really rock. huge future awaits:)

im 17 years old and i started doing music when i was 14, pretty early aswell, su f**k those who bring you down..

check us out here: http://myspace.com/thebreezebloxxx


Anonymous said...

yay! rock on.

Zita said...

Well said!
I totally want to be a cat too! Ha ha"

Bonnie said...

Well said.

I did write about you on my blog a little while back. Please let me know if you'd like me to delete that post.

Don't let us overwhelm you; keep going.


Faith said...

Shit, Tavi. I was one of the ones that said that I didn't understand how you could exist...I found you through another blogger friend who said essentially the same thing as me, and then I put up probably what seemed like really unflattering and mean comments, but it was really about me pounding myself over the head wondering why I couldn't have been as cool and endearing and as awesome as you are when I was 12.

I'm a self-loather. Hi. Nice to meet you.

I apologize. So sorry! You still inspire and amaze me though. Which was the point of the post I wrote linking to you. It was sarcasm, because I totally believe you are who you are. I just am in utter amazement of it, if that makes any sense.

Shelley Noble said...

You were merely impressive before, Tavi. Now you are epically inspiring. You are someone special, a genuine talent. There's just no getting around that fact.

I greatly admire that you are taking your own space and not falling for what most think of as the prize.

Feel free to create what you see fit. We'll all just stand here and watch with love.

Tavi said...

Thanks guys. And Faith, I really appreciate the comment-it means a lot.

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to people of all ages. You rawk!

Foxxy said...

honey, you are far more advanced than you give yourself credit to be.

dont underestimate your genius...yes i said it -genius.

i have never personally met a 7th grader with such an expansive vocabulary. your sarcasm and wit is far beyond your years. if u disbelieve that your some sort of prodigy at least give your self credit to your incredible intelligence and perception. no i am not hyping you up, sweet-thang. everyone is surprised for a reason, and i think you greatly undermine how phenomenal you are.

and who gives a flying fuck if u shop at the salvation army. thats where its at. your stye is sick and your badass. embrace it. ;)

-a new reader


geri hirsch said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tavi! i never saw this and posted about your blog a while back. sorry, ill take it down.


geri hirsch said...

ps - sorry i grabbed your pic also

Anonymous said...

Hello, I like your blog lots and this post made me like it lots lots more (but not in a holy moly it's the second coming kind of way). And gosh I didn't realise all the hype about you! I only read about you on white lightning...Try to ignore the weirdos because you are an incred writer and your photos are lovely too.

Also it's a little strange how people believe good creative things can only come from a certain age bracket (16 to 70 i think), because I've met lots of people who disprove this...hmmm. You just need eyes and a brain that's all.

Anonymous said...

Ha. Good for you. What you're saying is pretty much what we were saying at riot grrlz in the early 90s. ie, we're not cute, and there was no way to make the press talk about us with any respect or actual understanding, so we wished they wouldn't.

I really get annoyed at people who think that other people don't *THINK* because they happen to be 12. Can they really be so out of touch with who they used to be? How can they forget what used to be in their own heads? Or what used to come out of their own mouths? As if 10 year olds don't have intelligent conversations. Anyway that's always bugged me.

Then, if any adults bother to listen to a kid, and a kid bothers to talk where they can be heard, as you say it's like the mantle of being a big genius is put on them. Which is also ridiculous.

- Liz, who is also not cute

Anonymous said...

You are one of the privileged people who are able to color the world.
Keep up the good work! There are dozens of people wich are just not able to do that.

Baris said...

Keep taking photos and please keep creating! You will be a very talented fashinable woman and incredibily intelligent smart.. People are strange as we know. Who's not? Don't think too much to be healty and free person.

Baris said...

Keep taking photos and please keep creating! You will be a very talented fashinable woman and incredibily intelligent smart.. People are strange as we know. Who's not? Don't think too much to be healty and free person.

brodie said...

tavi i adore your blog and think you are fantastic. i've just written a tiny piece on my blog about discovering YOUR blog, but after reading this i might just delete that little baby. you're one of a kind, little lady! ps- as awesome as i think you are, i also like to think i was pretty cool when i was 12. it was only 7 years ago, after all...

Anonymous said...

ive been hearing lots about you. your even featured in a magazine here.just have fun :) people love your site :D im your age and im wanting so bad to be like you! keep on doing what you do girl! you rock!

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