The last day before break was supposed to be a lot better than it was, but I'm just happy we're off for the next two weeks. Once I got home I rehabed in my camera, Arthur, holiday cookies, and Bob Dylan. Begone, catty middle school drama!
Anyways, for today's book character I dressed as Violet Baudelaire from Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events. To be honest, I have read less than half of the books you guys recommended. Uh, whoops. Told you I wasn't cultured. Though this is the last character outfit for this week, I'll definitely take book inspiration in later outfits. It was just a theme this time!
note the people in the background that came to the church where I took these and asked if i was lost...that suggests many meanings...
I started reading the series in third grade, and the day the thirteenth book came out I stayed up til 4 AM reading it. Now I wish I had savored it since it was the last one, but I could not put it down. I have never been a Harry Potter person *shields self* but have been insanely obsessed with Lemony Snicket for a long time.
The series is about three orphans-Sunny, Claus, and Violet Baudelaire. From The Bad Beginning to The End, Count Olaf, a distant relative, has tried to kidnap them to inherit their family fortune. Each book begins with a dedication to a Beatrice, and ends with a letter, a clue to the next book.
In the last book you find out who Beatrice is (though if you're a nerd like me you bought The Beatrice Letters prior to the last book's release and found out early) and I must say the last is my favorite. Reading the books out of order spoils everything though.
The author, Daniel Handler (Lemony Snicket is a fake name he gave out to a solicitor and decided to use it for his books) writes in a way that is mysterious yet sincere. The books are embellished with clever references to different languages, authors, movies, etc-among these being Ramona, and that is toooooootally okay with me.
The most endearing thing about the Series of Unfortunate Events is how cleverly the books all weave into each other. The first book references the last, and the early characters that at first seem like their only role in the book is humor pop up for important reasons towards the last book.
Violet is the oldest of the Baudelaire children. Though somewhat shy, she is very thoughtful, responsible, and brave. I chose to dress as Violet from the book-I didn't care for the movie, and her clothing in that would be too hard to recreate (Oscar nominee, holmes). Wise beyond her years, Violet always manages to get the three out of trouble. She has a ribbon with her at all times, and it has helped her escape the clutches of Count Olaf in many stances. EDIT: Whoops! It's not pink, my bad. I was looking at this picture.
Methinks this shall be my last post before my winter hiatus. I might post now and then out of boredom, but will continue to take outfit pictures to put in one big new year's post.
Hope everyone has a happy happy holiday. Eat lots of cookies!
Comme des Garcons x H&M jacket. childhood closet lace, tights, & ribbon. hand-me-down skirt. slow and steady wins the race shoes.

I started reading the series in third grade, and the day the thirteenth book came out I stayed up til 4 AM reading it. Now I wish I had savored it since it was the last one, but I could not put it down. I have never been a Harry Potter person *shields self* but have been insanely obsessed with Lemony Snicket for a long time.

Methinks this shall be my last post before my winter hiatus. I might post now and then out of boredom, but will continue to take outfit pictures to put in one big new year's post.
Hope everyone has a happy happy holiday. Eat lots of cookies!

Comme des Garcons x H&M jacket. childhood closet lace, tights, & ribbon. hand-me-down skirt. slow and steady wins the race shoes.
Yay! The one I suggested, although I'm sure I'm not the only one who did! If you ever do this again, how about channeling Wednesday Adams (Yes, I know it's not a book)? Can you tell I read Lula yet?
her ribbon was purple :O
I really like this. She's one of my favorite characters. Those books are so amazingly clever. I can't even count how many times I've read them. I am a Harry Potter person, though--you were born too late to get in on that craziness.
i was SO in love with this series in 4th grade. seriously.
loved loved loved it.
so funny. and ironic. and definitely creepy...
Your outfit is so freakin' adorable.
Makes me want to pick up that series again<3
That's good you don't forget her ribbon.
It could be amazing to see you dressed like Claudia (Anna Rice's character) or Carmilla (Le Fanu's character). Oh, or just like a random vampire.
Another thing that could be amazing is to see you wearing the same piece of clothing in different way.
I like the way you wear your clothes.
I used to have a slight obsession with this series. This reminded me and now I want to go read them all again.
P.S. If I recall, her hair ribbon was purple. But that's okay, I'm digging the pink :].
Love this! you're so creative.
the ribbon was pink. i was also obsessed. you look great!
I do love both Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket (though I don't think I ever did finish the series... perhaps I was born too late! haha) I really recommend his dark materials trilogy - the golden compass, the subtle knife, and the amber spyglass. And while the books are way better than the movie- on screen Lyra has some truly admirable outfits I bet you would love (I know I do!)
I meant to say- that I really recommend those if you're a Snicket fan.
that better be a good shield. i'm virtually throwing wands and broomsticks at you right now.
i haven't actually read lemony snicket...*raises own shield*
why are you looking so morbid in some of these photos?
i love the layers and the little bits of lace poking out...
have a good holiday.
Aw, the books in Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events were so fun to read :) The movie was not bad, either.
like the last pic. very festive.
Butbutbutbut . . . what are you wearing? Where's the garment-by-garment breakdown with references to the dressup box?
And how is that ribbon attached? I have super straight thick fine hair and I can barely keep anything in it ever. (I do tend to run around quite a lot.)
the last is so trippy i love it!
Hi dear Tavi!
I let a comment to say you that I've post a subject on my blog! Look over if you want.
I'm very glad to discovered your blog!
I discovered your blog a few days ago, and I really love it, it's so inspiring and refreshing.
You made me want to read all these books !
i love your outfit! I myself am a true Baudelaire series fan. I feel like mine and Violet's mind work in a somewhat same way. See, whenever I think, instead of tying a ribbon in my hair, fiddle with my many bracelets. Please keep posting and if you would be so kind, could you give me your email? thanks.
may i link your blog?
love those books! and of course your outfit!
ps. on the first picture the subtitle was funny!
I also added a link to your site at the bottom of my blog!
hey hey the 1 i suggested =)
Dude. I wouldn't go back to middle school again if you paid me. Not even if I was a journalist and it was my job. Good luck riddance to that drama. Enjoy your free two weeks!
PS - LOVE Violet. I devoured those books and then the visual interpretation for the movie was fantastic. Good choice. I also like that you chose a pink ribbon. The dichotomy there is fab.
Ahh, Series of Unfortunate Events! I read a few of those a while back but my parents got tired of buying them and the library never had the right ones.... Maybe I will have to revisit them. The outfit is quite fantastic as well, I can see how it matches her character.
And I second Freddie's recommendation of His Dark Materials... I love those so much.
I love this, I actually liked the movie. It was kind of mysterious.
Hey, love your blog! Its amazing! Thanks for giving us amazing posts!
Violet was so cool. I read every single one of those books, and periodically re-read them to catch the satire I missed when I was 10. Lovely outfit, as always, and I'm jealous that you're already on vacation.
no blog posts to keep me sane over the holidays!? whatever will I do without them? haha happy holidays.
no wayzz,tavi! i cant last the holidays without your posts!
i love that series too, great pics.
have an amazing christmas everyone.
isnt it funny how who reads them seems to get obsessed with the books? i started reading them when i was about 7 or 8 and i still cant get my head around some of it.
did you know he has written a couple of other books under his real name?? they are not quite as good but he is still a very good writer....i've never been into harry potter.,i think they are quite demonic. i'm not into that kind of thing.
you make my heart melt with your creative fashion.
My little brother is your age and loves the books as well. I've never read any though, maybe I will someday...
I love the outfit from last post. The plaid/skirt combo looks flawless, so good to see a lumberjack shirt being worn with something other than tight jeans and hipster scarves. Good heavens those outfits drive me crazy!
Have an INCREDIBLE break, way ahead of you on the cookie thing!
I love the ribbon & CDG/H&M jacket. I wish we had a H&M store here in New Zealand.. but we don't. And I don't have a credit card to buy online >_<
I love Lemony Snicket. I like it better than Harry potter too. I haven't finished the series but i am on number 11 and it just keeps getting better. Have a good break!
Just found out about your blog. I'm very impressed. Keep up the great work! :)
I;m not such a fan of the books, but I love this outfit!
i used to read the series of unfortunate events book in elementary school. i thought they were pretty good.
then, i felt as though i became too old for them and put the 4th one down.
but i must agree, the outfit is so violet. the ribbon makes everything.
very creative fashion aproach. and great choice of comme des garcones , hm jacket.
I think this is my favorite outfit of yours from the book charachter series. I love Lemony Snicket so much. I thought I was the only nerd who read all of the books obsessively. But I thought Violet's ribbon was black?
Very nice outfit, I like the jacket a lot too. I loved that series, but I'm so sad cause I gave them all away. D:
I love love LOOOOVE that series~
I thought when they were in the Village of Fowl Devotees, she said she hated pink? @ @;;
Either way it's cute on you ^^
i like your blog
Those books are absofrikinamazing. And I am proud to say that I am...let's just say NOT in fourth grade and i still read them on a regular basis...yeeahhh.
and by the by, I too wish that i had a long beard to stroke and/or one of those neato hoods with the beard from Howl's Moving Castle
thank the higher powers above for teen vogue & you - i think your outfit is orginal, I very much like it.
I love the book-themed outfits. I've been trying to do that too but lately I've only read Victorian novels, geesh. I need something more modern.
I love your outfits! do you mind if i link your blog? It would be lovely :D
wow, you really took a lot of inspiration from the books to create that look.
hate to be picky, but it definatley said in one of the books- where Olaf is trying to incriminate the children and produces a pink ribbon as proof that "Violet hates pink! She'd never wear anything like that!"
after all, didn't it say in the ten commandments somewhere that Thou Shalt Not Dismiss Any Details Concerning Series of Unfortunate Events?
non? ahhh c'est tragic! :'(
keep it up tavi, i think youre so inspirational and your blogs make me laugh :) x
i love those books though I never read the one with just the letters. Lemony, or Daniel, is a very compelling and somewhat gothic writer but i love his style. i love that jacket and i see you still have snow where you are, mine melted weeks ago. happy christmas!
a series of unfortunate events!!! i LOVE that series...although i do like harry potter as well...
did you ever read Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography?
its good, and explains some stuff from the books.
i am seriously in love with your blog, i love original blogs i wish i could do one but its not that comfortable for me to write regularly in English (im from Israel)...anywayz! i wish there would be more blogs like yours.
Happy Holidays!
Dayummm, you are rocking the dark and mysterious look. Happy Hanukkah!
P.S. I think you could do a MEAN Claudia from the Baby Sitter's Club outfit. Her style was nutzo!
Dayummm, you are rocking the dark and mysterious look. Happy Hanukkah!
P.S. I think you could do a MEAN Claudia from the Baby Sitter's Club outfit. Her style was nutzo!
you wear that jacket so well.
I thought she only wore the ribbon in her hair whenever she needed to think of what to invent or something like that. I havn't read those books in forever. I've read all of them and then I got half way through the last one and never have finished it since. Anyway, haha @ the church people. I thought of many things that could mean though, which you pointed out.
OMG your blog is sooooooooo cool! I love it! u r a really good photographer!(= Louise,13, Adelaide(australia)
OMG your blog is sooooooooo cool! I love it! u r a really good photographer!(= Louise,13, Adelaide(australia)
My favorite kids book series of all time. You do a great Violet Baudelaire impression. I'd love to see you do Esme Squalor.
hey tavi, just wondering- WHY you don't like HP (harry potter)???!?!?!?
too bad. i personally adore the series(suprise! it's only like THE best-selling book or whatever). one question: have you tried it? if you really don't like it i respect that though.looking forward to the new year's post!!!!
Ello, Tavi~
You're the awesomest blogger I ever read.
from a 12-yr-old fashion junkie whom no one gets :P
I just want to let you know that I think your blog is awesome :]
HP just isn't my thing? We all have opinions. I personally don't care for books with magic etc. Also my friends told me the end since they knew I wouldn't read it so I don't really want to read it anymore =X
OK srsly after reading this post on New York magazine
I have become firm in my belief your blog is the only fashion blog worth reading.
YA, so, Keep it up. I need to read *some* fashion blogs!!!!
I read like 5 of those books & then gave up, they were too repetitive. I adored the movie, though! Liam Aiken, who played Klaus, is one of my favourite actors.....
OH, OH, I LOVE LEMONY SNICKET WITH MY LIFE. I'd have to say my favorite would be The Penultimate Peril, I felt that The End didn't really reveal everything that I wanted to know (e.g. what and where the hell is the sugar bowl?) but I did love the ending. I love The Beatrice Letters! Every now and then I try to reread it 'cause it's such a pleasure to leaf through the pages. Did you punch out the letters? :) Anyway, I really like your Violet Baudelaire outfit! Her dress in the movie was so freakishly epic, but you really captured her just as well with this <3
once my moms friends queued up for hours and hours on the night the last harry potter book was relased to get one for me. but harry potters have never really been my thing either.
i decided not to tell him that though :)
Lemony Snicket! Unfortunately, I only own the first book and that was the only one I've read. :( This totally makes me want to go find the other 12 books though. And jesus christ, I had no idea there were 13! I need something to fill my Twilight void, haha.
u edit ur photos thru picnik. which features do you use---ESPECIALLY for the First pic,? i love them!
i love series of unfortunate events! one of my favourites besides HARRY POTTER!!! how dare you not read harry potter! lol jk :-)
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