i am a thing-finder, and when you're a thing-finder, you don't have a minute to spare

Today I was Pippi Longstocking for my week of book characters, something my mother was quite happy about because Astrid Lindgren was Swedish and to my mother that is technically Norway so basically since she's from Norway that makes her a groundbreaking author that wrote about some red-headed chick that never went to school and lived in a sick house with some random monkey and horse. Obvz.Pippi does not have nearly as much depth to her as Blanche does. Or at least, not any I'd try to go into now. Her signature look was twisted red braids and freckles, and she lived in a big house called Villa Villekulla with her monkey (Mr. Nelson) and horse (Alfonso). Sounds like my kinda BFFZ. Pippi Longstrompe was quirky and fun. She lived to go on adventures with her friends Tommy and Annika and liked being independent. She was rather curious and enjoyed giving people a taste of their own medicine when it was necessary. Pippi was quite rude and spiteful to mean adults that were unfair to her or her friends or questioned her carefree ways. Sound like someone you know? Hintidy. Hint. She was also very epicly cool and ridiculously ill. Still sound like someone you know? No? Um okay, moving on then...Physically I am not like Pippi at all. I don't have freckles or long, fiery red hair. I do not have the "strength of ten policemen" either, unless you are talking about Playmobile policemen, and even then I'm at the strength of about eight. Regardless, I tried to capture her most acknowledged outfit of a jumper, mis-matched stockings, and large manly shoes (O HAI Docs). The color combination I would use myself in any outfit.Every female in my family has been Pippi Longstocking for Halloween at least once, but I tried not to use any of the homemade costume we wore. I also tried not to wear my two-tone American Apparel tights because that would have been the easy way out, and instead stole Belle's idea of creating two-tones. I ended up wearing my mom's old top, my grandmother's old blazer, a dress I found in our childhood dress up box, my sister's old camo tights, H&M floral tights, and my Doc Martens.I also wore my bloomers for warmth because today our choir went caroling. We went to a retirement home and a resident raised his hand before we started and asked, "Why is that girl's underwear showing?" He was VERY concerned. Oopsy.

EDIT: Thanks for the information on how you found my blog, wonderful people. I'm no longer confused!

hand-me-down dress/blazer/top/tights. vintage bloomers and doc martens. H&M tights.


Anonymous said...

haha creative! loved it.

i found your blog through teenvogue's people to watch. well actually i found it through Snazzy. but that's a longer story.

FutureLint said...

ooh, Pippi love! being a Norwegian redhead she was my hero and go-to halloween costume as a child! good work on not getting too costumey with your look

Anonymous said...

well, almost everybody has you on their links! so i decided to check you out and i kinda love you now.

Anonymous said...

you're on americanapparel's daily update

Anonymous said...

i found your blog through your lookbook. being hyped a lot and having your blog linked will cause for a lot of readers. but i think that's a good thing; you're a very fun read.

kiran said...

hey tavi,

i think it might be from teen vogue- a girl who was recently profiled said she read your blog and it was hyper linked to style rookie

Jenna said...

I found you on this blog, yo:


she linked to you.

Thanks for the fun times!

Anonymous said...

I found you through lookbook as well; I just browse, but I saw yours, and may I say, I applaud!
...I sound ridiculously proper. Perhaps I should I have said 'yo'.

Amelia said...

Ah, Pippi. I love the mix-matched tights.

Anonymous said...

You look fantastic! I've been reading your blog for a while now but this is my first time commenting on a post. I originally heard of you when a friend of mine link me your blog.

If only I had as much style as you do at your age!

Anonymous said...

Not new ... been here for a few months actually. Just wanted to say I LOVE the story about the guy saying your underwear were showing. Reminds me of when I was a young girl and used to go Christmas Caroling at convalescent homes (my grandma worked there - made all the ladies look fabulous by doing their hair).

Seri said...

i found out abt your blog through my sister.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember exactly how I found out about your blog...I think someone linked to your blog. Anyways, I think you are a hilarious and talented writer with a really unique sense of style. It makes my day when you post!

I also like that you have a Norwegian background. My father was Danish, so I can relate to that.

One final thing about me...although I'm sure you aren't that interested...I am a librarian and I have a twin sister who is also a librarian.

faithstwin said...

"EDIT: Thanks for the information on how you found my blog, wonderful people. I'm no longer confused!"

Aww come on Tavi! I found you thru my Twin and am sooo happy I did- she was linked to ya thru another blogger or something like that. Like I said in an email to ya last month: I am happy I saw what she wrote and suggested Urban Outfitters for more clothes.

You crack me up...mainly because my Oldest is your age and is NOTHING like you yet is very obviously tied up with how she feels about herself. I only *wish* she could express her situation the way you do.

Tavi said...

Anne that's awesome! My dad is an English teacher and I would like to follow in his footsteps.

Kiki said...

Pippi is great!
ive dressed as her a few times...

i found you through gnarlitude :)

Anonymous said...

I love those Doc Martens.

HeyHuiyunn said...

Your Doc Martens are beautiful :]

Anonymous said...

Tavi, funny you should say that you want to follow in your father's footsteps as an English teacher, because I followed my mother into librarianship!

Anonymous said...

I just discover your blog…it’s “ frais” “léger”….different amazing

Anonymous said...

i love your tights!
the colors of your outfit = <3

Nadine said...

Incredible pattern-mixing. Your dress-up box seems AMAZING. Like Narnia or something. OK, that was a lame analogy; it's night time in New Zealand!

The title of your post is truly excellent, though I don't recognise it from anywhere,

Johanna said...


u do us all a favor when u do what u want :)))) that's why i love ur blog. no jokez, keep writing and keep ur dumbassmeter on. pls. por favor. si vous plait.

Anonymous said...

i found your blog via lookbook.nu, i was amazed by your style of the clothing and photography. i was assumed you are from scandinavia as well, in this gloomy winter, we need some more bright stuff.

Anonymous said...

being a scandinavian and the world's biggest fan of astrid lindgren, those pictures warm my little cold scando heart.

Anonymous said...

being a scandinavian and the world's biggest fan of astrid lindgren, those pictures warm my little cold scando heart.

Aubrey Fisch said...

hello ! i just found your blog from teenvogue, and your blog is wonderful ! you have tremendous style !

can't you be violet baudelaire :D ? or eloise ! or mary from the secret garden


Nellie Nonsense said...

I actually found you through a newspaper in Australia... I forget which. there was a special on up-and-coming blogs and yours was a feature!!

amy said...

i love pippi!
in 4th grade, i once dressed up as her with red hair, wire in the hair, and my dad's shoes. it was for "book character dress-up day" but i accidentally did it on the wrong day!

and i found your blog featured as a "style star" in the modcloth.com blog.

Anonymous said...

Tavii...time to get a haircut~~

jackhook said...

Hello. I found your blog about a month ago... through some other blog. I can't remember which. My interest in fashion has grown steadily since the summer. I plan on making my own art/fashion zine. Your blog is a fantastic source of inspiration.

erngrn said...

i found your blog through my best friend io who found your blog through anp magazine.

where are you from? i keep trying to figure out where has so much snow already!

Anonymous said...

i found your bog in german glamour. quit amazing in how much magazins you were in age of 12!!

laia. said...

mixed print legs are amazing!

Isabel said...

OMG, an old man was worried about your underwear! That is freaking hilarious! Ahhh, I heartz you Tavi - you tell the best stories. :)

Leah said...

i think i found your blog through Rumi's fashiontoast.

you're so hilar! i love what you/fashionpirates did with the tights and that button up/cardi/jacket/shirt thing is amazing. i want.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through some other blog, can't remeber which. I've always loved Pippi Langstrømpe! And do you know how to speak norwegian? :)

Lisa said...

Found your blog throught the HELLO BAULDOFF blog I think :)

Blake said...

I was just going to comment on your outfit as i usually do.. but something tells me it would be weird if i don't tell you where i found your blog.. i'll be like the black sheep of the pack... weeeeeeelll ... there was a link to your blog on fashionista in an article that was mildly boring about 6 year olds wearing miniskirts and designers doing kids lines and all that jazz.. yeeeaaaahhh... I just want to let you know that i love love love love love the blazer. so cool..


Emily said...

I'm pretty sure I adore just about any outift of yours that includes the floral Docs. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

PIPPI LANGSTRUMPF! oh thats so cool. i wanna be like her (mostly for i want to carry horses on my left arm and the BAD GUYS on the right).

Anonymous said...

hi tavi! i love pippi longstrompe and your blog. i read it every day!! (the blog not pippi). anyway your not alone in the age range- i'm only 11. i have a friend (my best friend actually) who went to denmark for a year so i've kinda gotten used to watching the original pippi episodes in swedish. but u and your blog are sooooooooooooo awesome.

p.s. i say 4 book character week u should dress as ELOISE.1 reason:my name IS ELOISE!! :)

fashionslacker said...

i found you through the legit fash bot.

Anonymous said...

tavi, how did you do the two-tone tights thing? with two different pairs?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi,

I found your blog through my twin sister Anne the librarian who commented above. I'm also a librarian, but living in Reykjavík studying Icelandic right now. I love your blog. I think your style is really funky and the photography is really interesting as well. Thank you for sharing it with us out here in the blogosphere. As I librarian I love your literary themes.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I dressed up as Pippi Longstocking for Halloween in the 3rd grade.


style-magnet said...

Yay Pippy!

suzette said...

i found your blog through igor and andre, when danny roberts did a couple drawings of you. how i found igor and andre i really really really can't remember.

oh, and im diggin the playmobile reference. they were pretty much my only friends as a child.

Anonymous said...

I used to have floral Docs when I was younger. Like when I was around 4-5, I think? Haha. Omg u make me miss it so much!

Anonymous said...

I used to love Pippi! Did a great job capturing her character, you make a great modern Pippi. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's adorable. I've never commented here before, but when you dress as Pippi, being swedish and all -- how could I not? I truly love Astrid Lindgren's characters, especially Madicken and the children of noisy village, clotheswise::


I love the hair bows, pinafores, girly dresses, wooly tights and dr.marten type boots. ^^

Anonymous said...

You would be a very cute Ragedy Anne, and your vintage bloomers woulf fit with it perfectly. Just a suggestion.

P.s. You're 'book outfit week' inspired me, and today I went to school as the chesire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love Pippi Långstrump! I'm Swedish actually and I think it's kinda weird that the horse is called Alfonso! In swedish he's called "Lilla Gubben" haha, totally different.

misscolleen1 said...

Actually found you through eatskeet.com as he gave you quite a nifty write up.


Keep doing what you're doing lady...it's quite lovely.


ghaisani said...

floral doc martens! lovely!

The Spicers said...

I'm right in the middle of the last Pippi Longstocking book now. My daughter is OBSESSED.
Great interpretation!

Anonymous said...

I found you through a mag - cool blog though! :)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog on Urban Outfitters website - they reviewed your blog on there blog ages ago.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous blog, love the colours in your pictures beautiful and wonderfully art directed - brought a smile to my face on christmas day! Keep up the good work, and ignore the cock-knockers. x

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i am interested in how you made your two tone tights where did the other leg go???

Janet Locane said...

Thanks for interesting story!

JeffThorsen777 said...

The Pippi Longstocking book was my favorite in childhood. I love reading as opposed to writing. And I’m glad that I came here 99 papers.com and learned about the service for students. I have found writers who can complete a writing assignment in any subject. This helped me a lot in my studies.